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July 2010

Volume 5 #7
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022

Antichrist and His Kingdom

Part 1: The Beast
In a recent article, well-known author, tween the dragon and the angels of have arisen; from this we know that it
conference speaker, and former pastor God, the outcome of which he de- is the last hour (1 Jn 2:18). This men-
Tim LaHaye disclosed that the ques- scribes in these terms: “And the great tion of the antichrist indicates a single
tion he is now most frequently asked dragon was thrown down, the serpent individual, whose title indicates that
by believers in his conferences is of old who is called the devil and Sa- he will stand both against the Lord
whether or not the current President of tan, . . .” (v. 9). In verse 10 he is also Jesus Christ, and will act in the place
the United States could be the Anti- described as “the accuser of the breth- of the Lord Jesus (the Greek preposi-
christ. His reply to them is that he ren,” another attribute of Satan in tion anti carries both possible mean-
cannot be, because he is the wrong Scripture (see Zechariah 3:1, for exam- ings). Thus, he is both the supreme
nationality; Antichrist will be a Ro- ple, as well as Job 2-3, among other opponent and supreme imitator of the
man. Although there is ample reason places). Son of God during the final cataclys-
to question LaHaye’s assumption, it is The seven head/ten horn imagery mic judgments which will usher in the
indeed true that there has been a con- also appears in the following chapter. kingdom of God, governed by the Mes-
siderable spike in interest among John is standing “on the seashore” on siah.
evangelical believers as to the identity the Isle of Patmos: “And I saw a beast The apostle Paul also writes of this
of the Antichrist in the last few years. coming up out of the sea, having ten man in his second letter to the Thessa-
That interest merits additional de- horns and seven heads, and on his lonians: “Let no one in any way de-
tailed study of the biblical data on this horns were ten diadems [royal crowns] ceive you, for it [the Day of the Lord]
important subject. In this article, and and on his heads were blasphemous will not come unless the apostasy [‘the
those to follow, we will pursue just [i. e., slanderous] names. . . . And the falling away’] comes first, and the man
such a study. dragon gave him his power and his of lawlessness [an alternate reading
We begin with the Book of the throne and great authority. . . . And the renders ‘man of sin’] is revealed, the
Revelation. We are first introduced to whole earth was amazed and followed son of destruction, who opposes and
the Antichrist through the power that after the beast; and they worshiped the exalts himself above every so-called
stands behind him. In chapter 12, dragon because he gave his authority god or object of worship, so that he
John writes of the appearance of a sign to the beast; and they worshiped the takes his seat in the temple of God,
in heaven, a sun-clothed woman who beast, . . .” (13:1-4). Thus, we are sym- displaying himself as being God” (2
wears a crown with twelve stars and bolically introduced to a man who Thess 2:3-4). Thus for Paul, it is this
gives birth to a child. The woman, of emerges from “the sea,” prophetically man’s defiance of law that stands out
course, represents Israel, the crown representing the Gentile nations of the most prominently, a defiance that co-
the twelve tribes, and the child, the world, and who is given unprecedented incides with a massive departure from
Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ (vv. 1- authority to rule over the entire world the biblical Christian Faith.
2). Then John turns immediately to by Satan himself. These New Testament references
another being: “And another sign ap- Although this ruler is introduced constrain us to return to the Old Tes-
peared in heaven: and behold, a great as “the beast” by John in Revelation, tament prophetic literature, most con-
red dragon having seven heads and ten this is not the first mention of this end- spicuously the Book of Daniel. In
horns, and on his head were seven time tyrant in the New Testament. Daniel 7, we find the same “ten horns”
diadems” (v. 3). This dragon (Greek John himself would write in his first appearing in conjunction with the rise
drakōn) is mentioned only in Revela- epistle, “Children, it is the last hour, of antichrist in the “fourth kingdom,”
tion, and refers to Satan, for John pro- and just as you heard that antichrist is usually understood as the revived Ro-
ceeds to describe war in heaven be- coming, even now many antichrists man Empire: “As for the ten horns,
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
out of this kingdom ten kings will And he will destroy to an extraor- of kings during the Intertestamental
arise; and another will arise after dinary degree Period. This revelation climaxes with
them, and he will be different from the And prosper and perform his will; the description of the Syrian king, An-
previous ones and will subdue three He will destroy mighty men and tiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 B. C.),
kings. And he will speak out against the holy people. who turned out to be an especially
And through his shrewdness
the Most High and wear down the cruel opponent of the Jewish people,
He will cause deceit to succeed by
saints of the Highest One, and he will his influence; and whose personality and reign fore-
intend to make alterations in times And he will magnify himself in his shadow that of the Antichrist.
and in law; and they will be given into heart, The angel then transitions subtly
his hand for a time, times, and half a And he will destroy [or corrupt] into a description of this end time
time” (Dan 7:24-25). Thus we learn many while they are at ease ruler, describing him as a king who
that this king, who ascends to power [‘secure’]. “will do as he pleases,” exalting and
from a location belonging to the for- He will even oppose the Prince of magnifying himself “above every god,”
mer Roman Empire, will wreak severe princes,
speaking “monstrous things against
persecution upon the nation of Israel But he will be broken without hu-
man agency (Dan 8:23-25). the God of gods; and he will prosper
and upon the Jewish people. This is until the indignation is finished” (Dan
one major way in which he will oppose This prophetic portrait of Anti-
11:36). He is further identified as a
Christ—by inflicting the most severe christ reveals a man obsessed with
man who “will show no regard for the
hostility upon God’s covenant people himself and inebriated with his power,
gods of his fathers or for the desire of
that they have ever experienced at the which is derived from another source,
women, nor will he show regard for
hands of any tyrant throughout world and through deceit and power of per-
any other god; for he will magnify
history. By negating their laws and sonal magnetism, destroying the
himself above them all. But instead he
customs, he will prove himself to be world’s powerful men and particularly
will honor a god of fortresses, a god
the supreme “man of lawlessness.” persecuting the Jewish people. His
whom his fathers did not know” (vv.
supreme objective, however, is to op-
Late in his life, Daniel received 37-38). Thus, he will be an apostate
pose the “Prince of princes,” the Lord
another revelatory vision from God, from his own religious heritage, appar-
Jesus Christ, yet his destruction will
which is subsequently explained to ently with no desire for women (there-
come suddenly and at the hands of
him by the angel Gabriel at the explicit fore likely a homosexual), and commit-
God himself (Rev 19:20). This vision,
direction of God himself (Dan 8:1, 15- ted only to military power.
Daniel is told, is true and “pertains to
16). With regard to this end-time ty- But from where will this world dic-
many days in the future” (v. 26).
rant, Gabriel waxes poetic as recorded tator come? The way in which the An-
in the Hebrew text: Daniel receives a final word con-
tichrist emerges and the profile of His
cerning this coming world-dominating
And in the latter period of their kingdom will be the subject of the re-
monster in an extensive revelation of
rule, maining parts of this study.
When the transgressors have run future events in chapters 10-11. In
their course, chapter 11, he is provided with a pro-
A king will arise phetic catalog of the coming rulers of — Pastor Ron Glass
Insolent and skilled in intrigue. Egypt (the “kings of the south”) and
His power will be mighty, but not Syria (the “kings of the north”),
by his own power, chronicling in advance the succession

Missionaries of the Month – Joe and Denise Holman

Joe and De- that continues to grow at an alarming In fact, President Morales is a critic of
nise Holman rate of 70% annually in recent years. Washington and has summed up his
have chosen a Their Socialist leader, Evo Morales, a attitude several times in public: “Long
very danger- former grower of coca (among other live the coca leaf, death to the Yan-
ous part of the things), became the first member of kees.”
world to min- the indigenous majority to be elected Surprisingly, Christianity is the
ister in as mis- president of Bolivia. In 2009, voters major religion of Bolivia but there ex-
sionaries—Cochabamba, Bolivia. Bo- overwhelmingly approved a new con- ists a great need for strengthening the
livia is landlocked, it is the most iso- stitution drafted largely by President Christian churches with sound Biblical
lated country in South America, and Morales’s supporters despite strong— doctrine and godly leadership. For Joe
one of the continent’s poorest nations. and at times violent—opposition. and Denise Holman, this becomes
Bolivia is one of the world’s largest President Morales has forged their challenge and goal to strengthen
producers of coca (the raw material for strong links with Venezuela’s presi- the church and to mentor and train
cocaine), making it a leader in the ex- dent, Hugo Chavez, weakening Bo- leaders to love God more. The
porting of cocaine with an industry livia’s relationship with Washington. Holmans are the “Hands of the Mis-
continued on page 3
continued from page 2
sion” and, as the largest supporter of ing another visit to the WRBC— bit of organization and lots of plan-
the Holmans, the WRBC becomes the hopefully with the whole family. For ning. Think about it! Can you even
“Heart of the Mission.” The ultimate now, this is where our prayers begin wonder how many pieces of luggage
dream of Joe and Denise Holman re- for them. Pray for their safety in trav- must accompany the family to each
mains to radically impact the country eling as well as for their health. It will stop?
of Bolivia, and then the entire conti- be a time Back in Bolivia, there are a num-
nent of South America. of raising ber of prayer requests: the orphanages,
What a privilege it was to have Joe support street missions (including the many
Holman visit with the WRBC on June and shar- beggars), camp missions, and prison
13, 2010, one of Joe’s first visits after ing with mission. Most of all, pray that the
returning to the states. The Holmans others the doors will remain open to missionaries
returned to the states on June 3rd with needs that to be able to continue their work there
a visit to their home church, Blue they have in Bolivia. The door of opportunity for
Ridge Bible Church, on June 6th. Be- in Bolivia. missionaries is slowly closing as a re-
cause their home assignment will be Pray for the needs of the family. sult of visas not being renewed.
for a whole year, they will be schedul- Traveling with a large family takes a — Joan Tyska
Getting Acquainted with Douglas P. Heuzey
Back in his high school days, Douglas get fresh warm bread and chunks of school and was in the scouting pro-
Heuzey was known for possessing an dark chocolate for what the French gram for a year.
enormous capacity for having fun and called “goutee” (chocolate crammed Upon high school graduation,
causing mischief. His mischievous inside the bread and eaten) for an af- Doug attended the Wittenburg Univer-
days may be over, but he still carries ternoon snack. His appearance as a sity in Springfield, Ohio, earning a BA
that twinkle in his eye with an enor- punk American kid amused the store- in Psychology in 1973. After obtaining
mous capacity for having fun. To keeper and other patrons but that was his degree, he began migrating west
know Doug is to be enlightened by his not the half of the memory. It was the along with a friend. They held high
wonderful sense of humor. ride back home on his bike smelling hopes of eventually making their way
His parents, Pierre and June the aroma of fresh bread that encour- to Australia, chosen because Australia
Heuzey, met during WWII in Egypt aged him to linger by the road side and was an English-speaking country.
while his father was smuggling allied nibble for awhile, fully irritating his First he needed to generate
POWs to safe territory as a member of brother who had to wait for a taste of money, and these money-generating
the French Merchant Marine and his the “goutee.” endeavors included: one day as a door-
mother was a WAC (Women’s Air Then, as a nine-year-old, he to-door encyclopedia salesman; one
Corps) nurse assigned to Egypt. After learned one of the hardest lessons of day in a turkey processing factory
the war, his father became a mechani- life, the death of his best friend to leu- (which ended with an INS raid causing
cal engineer and his mother continued kemia. The memory somewhat hard- 90% of the workers to flee in order to
on as a nurse. ened Doug and took on an impersonal avoid deportation); six months as a
Not surprisingly, Doug’s life began aspect in Doug’s life until a tragedy in forklift driver for Coors Container
with a bit of humor in Leopoldville, 1993 (explained later in this article). Company in Golden, CO; and five
Belgian Congo, back on May 2, 1951. Doug attended Glen Rock High years as a production foreman and
He was born in Leopoldville while his School in Glen Rock, New Jersey, warehouse manager for an oil com-
father was on a two-year job assign- where he hung out with people pany in Richmond, CA.
ment there in the Congo. His mother, smarter than himself, hoping some- While his friend did make it to
blessed with a great sense of humor, thing would rub off. Many of his high Australia, Doug did not. Instead, Doug
made up a story of how they found school friends gave him a wide per- decided to obtain a business degree
Doug with a family of monkeys and spective on life for he says he mixed in seeing that his psychology degree was
decided to adopt him. Who knew that with the “hoods, geeks, jocks, and the (in a business sense) worthless.
this little humorous story would stick heads”—a little bit of everything. Are Doug’s trip west was filled with experi-
with him the rest of his life? we beginning to see his enormous ca- ences that led him to seek a new life-
Doug has one sibling, an older pacity for having fun and reasons for style and area of employment. You
brother, Peter Heuzey. his youthful mischief? might say his trip west was an eye
His young childhood left him with Doug was ace as a competitive opener, allowing Doug to appreciate
a contrast of memories both good and swimmer, swimming from the age of 7. how people react to one another under
bad. When he was seven, visiting his He continued into his college years often extreme working conditions that
grandparents in France, he used to be and became a four-year letterman. He included physical confrontations,
entrusted to go to the town bakery to also played baseball and tennis in high gangs, layoffs, and firings.
continued on page 4
continued from page 3
To sum it up, Doug’s days in Cali- death. Doug strongly believed that Glass. A study of Hebrews in Sunday
fornia were very languishing which led God was in control and called Suzanne School, a study of Luke in the worship
him to get involved with things not home, leaving Doug to face trials and service, and a
necessarily healthy or productive. He to grow spiritually. study of 1st and
cried out to God in desperation, “Lord, The most difficult part was telling 2nd Samuel at
I believe you do live. I have proven to the children; but there again, with the the evening ser-
myself that I cannot handle things on support of his church family and aware vice cinched the
my own. I turn my life over to you. of God’s strength within him, Doug deal to switch
Do with me what you will!” A great stayed strong in his faith and contin- full time to the
sense of relief came over him along ued to grow spiritually. WRBC.
with a sense of purpose that would Doug continued to attend the New Now he is active at the WRBC
change his life forever. A new direc- Village Congregational Church and teaching adult Sunday School, serving
tion began to come together. He de- began lead- as the Financial Secretary, at times
cided to get that business degree. ing a Bible leading the devotions at Senior Saints,
Doug further reasoned that the study for and supporting his wife who serves as
best place to obtain a business degree singles that chair person of the deaconess commit-
is where business is central. Conse- met in one tee. You might want to consider him
quently, he decided to relocate back of the sin- an honorary deaconess.
east to NY and enrolled at the C.W. gle’s homes. Doug is currently employed as the
Post School of Professional Accoun- This single was a lady by the name of Controller for Alcott HR Group LLC, a
tancy in Greenvale, earning a MS in Bonnie who would later become his Professional Employers Organization
Accounting in 1981. wife. Doug had known Bonnie but it located in Farmingdale, NY, and his
While in graduate school and at- took him a while to get up the nerve to expertise as a C.P.A. has enabled him
tending Sovereign Grace Baptist ask her out on a moonlight dinner to counsel individuals within the
Church in Huntington Station, Doug cruise around Manhattan with tickets church on money matters.
grew in his faith and was baptized. that were given to him from work. The Doug considers himself a jack of
There he met his first wife, Suzanne, rest is history—they married 10 many trades, master of none. He is a
and in time married her and had three months later (May 2, 1998) combining Civil War enthusiast, tri-athletic
children: Michael, Laura, and Stephen. two families into the “Brady Bunch” enthusiast (swimming, bicycling, and
The family later moved to Islandia with Doug’s three children—Michael, running), and loves to read mysteries
and became involved in the New Vil- Laura, and Stephen—and Bonnie’s and westerns. To relax, he likes to lis-
lage Congregational Church. There three children—Rick, Jennifer, and ten to the 60’s-era music on his iPod
Doug was a part of the discipleship Sandra. (when he is not listening to one of Pas-
program, taught Sunday School, and In 2002, Doug and Bonnie were tor’s prior sermon series, most of them
served at various times as a missions looking for a church with an evening on his iPod), work crossword and Su-
committee member, financial secre- service and were informed of the doku puzzles, go to the beach, or just
tary, deacon, and elder. WRBC by Bonnie’s cousin, former sit and relax on his deck.
But in October of 1993 his wife was member Fred Schwamb. At that time, He is one of the cornerstones of
killed in what Doug calls a car incident they were not looking to change the church, giving of himself in all
(not accident). It was a tragedy but a churches but they found the teaching things according to his God-given tal-
tragedy that was given up to the Lord of the WRBC outstanding, the fellow- ents. Hanging out with Doug Heuzey
knowing that God was working in his ship sweet, and for Doug, well, as we is not only lots of fun but an encour-
life. By the Lord’s providence, Doug’s said before while high school, Doug agement to grow in the Word of God.
mother had relocated from Arizona to likes hanging out with those smarter
live with them in an apartment set up than himself hoping it would rub off
— Joan Tyska
for her just 3 weeks before his wife’s and in this case that would be Pastor

Are the Amish Our Brothers in Christ?

After moving here from Pennsylvania we never suspected people would come time, since the Amish claim to be
over four years ago, Tom and I were from out here to visit down there. But Christians their “plain and simple”
struck by the fascination Long Island- the draw is obvious; watching the ways push us
ers have with the Amish (AH-mish). Amish go about their business gives out of our
As interesting as we’ve always found both residents and tourists alike a comfort zones
Lancaster County to be, it is an integral glimpse of what our ancestors’ experi- and make us
part of what makes Pennsylvania what ence must have been. It’s like gazing consider if
it is and it seemed so tucked away that clearly into the past. And at the same maybe we are
continued on page 5
continued from page 4
a little too materialistic and worldly. “English.” They flatly disregard Jesus’ and that he had received the gift of
But the truth is, while any tourist command to “Go therefore and make eternal salvation through Jesus
disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew Christ. It was this belief that
information you read will label them
branded him a heretic among the
“Christians,” the Amish are in fact 28:19). They speak their own language
Amish. He was condemned and
members of a legalistic cult in the and only use English for business pur- shunned for what they considered
same vein as the Pharisaical Judaism poses. They even conduct their church false teaching.
of Jesus’ day. What most people don’t services exclusively in “high German.” The good news is that many of the
realize is the Amish reject a gospel of Most importantly, the Amish do ex-Amish who were shunned for this
grace while foolishly embracing a false not believe in salvation through Christ reason have gone on to start ministries
gospel of works. Their strict way of life alone. Rather, they believe that it is focused on bringing the Gospel to the
is a result of a vain attempt to earn prideful (read: sinful) to have any as- Amish! They realize that they truly
their way to heaven. Let’s take a closer surance of salvation! They are taught have been set free from the bondage of
look at this group and consider how that they must obey all the community the Law, as Romans 8:1-4 so vividly
instead of treating them as a tourist rules and hope for the best. Those describes:
attraction we ought to look at them as Amish who study the Bible on their Therefore there is now no condem-
a mission field. own and come to the realization that nation for those who are in Christ
So how do the beliefs of the Amish they are saved by grace through faith Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life
contrast with our own? To start, the and not as a result of works (Eph 2:8- in Christ Jesus has set you free from
Amish take James 1:27 (“Pure and un- 9) are shunned. They are cut off from the law of sin and of death. For
all family and friends in the commu- what the Law could not do, weak as
defiled religion in the sight of our God it was through the flesh, God did:
and Father is this…to keep oneself un- nity in hopes they will abandon their sending His own Son in the likeness
stained by the world.”) to be their new beliefs. The blog “Amish Amer- of sinful flesh and as an offering for
overall guiding piece of Scripture. ica” ( tells of sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,
They are so terrified of becoming like an encounter with one such ex- so that the requirement of the Law
the “English” (non-Amish) that they Amishman in a July 29, 2007 post: might be fulfilled in us, who do not
walk according to the flesh but ac-
eagerly follow severe restrictions insti- This week while selling books in cording to the Spirit.
tuted by their bishops. These restric- Lancaster County, I met ‘Abe’ and
‘Anna Ruth’, an excommunicated As you can see, the Amish are peo-
tions include everything from how to
Amish couple, kicked out for pro- ple who desperately need freedom
dress, to what furnishings they are al-
moting the idea of assurance of sal- from the bondage of the Law. I could
lowed to have in their homes, to how vation. go into detail about all the ways they
much education they may receive, to While they still attended their local are conditioned to be kept within the
what machines they may use to work church services, lived and dressed
cultic system they grow up in, but the
their fields. Every detail of their lives ‘Amish’, they had lost full member-
ship and were presumably under the most important thing to keep in mind
is controlled by the bishop of their dis-
Bann. is that just like us they cannot seek
Amish believe that all we can do is God in their own power. The next time
A bishop is not a learned man of do our best to live lives of faith and you vacation to Lancaster County (or
God by any means, and yet he is re- hope to be accepted into heaven. any other Amish community) please
sponsible for special occasion services Abe, a 20-something dairy farmer, remember to pray for God to regener-
(weddings, funerals, communion, bap- shared the doubts and terrors he
struggled with during his early life ate them and draw them to Himself.
tisms) and excommunications, also
before coming to the conclusion that Share the Gospel with them if you are
known as shunnings. He is chosen by
acceptance of Christ’s supreme sac- given the opportunity. These fascinat-
drawing lots (!) and he himself has not rifice alone was enough to affirm his ing people truly are a mission field.
received beyond an 8th grade education place in the afterlife.
as mandated by district rules. The For more information on the Amish,
Abe’s staunch conviction impressed
bishop is the highest authority in any me. He was a very thoughtful fellow visit
district and it is he who makes the and challenged me on my beliefs, beliefs.html or read Extraordinary
rules. There are also preachers, and something uncommon among non- Groups by William W. Zellner. For
evangelizing ’standard’ Amish. more information on Christian minis-
they are responsible for both preach-
ing and assisting the bishop. Deacons A similar encounter is recorded on tries focused on reaching the Amish
help preachers and bishops and func- a blog called “A Time to Think” with the Gospel, please visit:
tion as mediators. This is the extent of ( in a post Light of Hope Ministries
the Amish clergy, and yet there is no from April 27th of this year: (
church building; services are held bi- He told me that he was no longer Plain New Life Ministries
weekly at congregants’ homes. part of the Amish church because he (
had been shunned for believing in
The Amish are forbidden from the assurance of his salvation. He Mission to Amish People
having much communication with explained how he came to believe (
other districts and especially with the that he had been forgiven by God — Laura Kelleher
June in Review
eon after the main service to honor the
graduating seniors of the WRBC. Dur-
ing the breakfast hour, Joe Holman
reported to WRBC on Bolivia and his
involvement in mentoring Christian
leaders. His presentation was followed
by a question and answer session over
a cup of coffee or tea.
Summer time is a great time for visit-
The 11:00 service began with the
ing old and dear friends and that is
acknowledgement of our graduating After the service on the Lord’s Day
just what Milica Stevanovic did with
seniors: Kate- of June 13th, everyone gathered in the
her two adult children, Ksenija and
lyn Glass and Fellowship Hall for a Fiesta, with
Pavle. Memories were stirred as the
Sariah Perez. south of the border entrees (a favorite
three returned to the WRBC for a time
In addition, cuisine of Katie Glass). Specially cre-
of fellowshipping and worshipping and
Katelyn Glass ated in honor of the graduates, Mau-
to be reminded of the spiritual nour-
was honored reen Glass designed edible chocolate
ishment being provided at the WRBC.
with the WRBC English Memorial favors that resembled miniature
In reviewing the calendar of events Fund Award, an award given to a high graduation caps. A work of art, time
for June, one must be reminded that school senior who has distinguished spent in making these delicate morsels
these events do not happen without a himself or herself for excellence in but deliciously devoured in a minute’s
strong bond of workers behind the Christian character, achievement, and time.
scenes. Sunday, June 13th was not an service.
exception as it began at 9:30 am with a Father’s Day, June 20th, began a
Also at the 11:00 service, Rev. Joe new adult Sunday school series on
full schedule until mid-afternoon. The
Holman, missionary to Cochabamba, God’s Universe taught by Dr. Vic
success of the day was fully a praise to
Bolivia, preached on Overcoming Ob- Bellard. Dr. Bellard has devoted years
God for granting the WRBC such will-
stacles to Faith, with reference to of study to science and the Bible and
ing workers.
Mark 5. Since Joe is our Missionary of feels the origin of the universe is a big
So, may we interrupt this review to the Month for July, a full article within topic with important implications for
say thank you first to all the deacon- this issue of The Beacon will define his our world view and practical Christian
esses: Bonnie Heuzey (chair person), ministry in Bolivia with an update on lives. Most assuredly, it is a message
Sarah Chapman, Judy Ehmann, Jackie his family (which was not able to come that would be hard to come by of this
Hallstrom, Marcelle Ritzmann, and with Joe for this visit). Joe left with a quality and you need to come and hear
Vicki Valentine. Secondly, thank you promise to it Sunday mornings at 9:45.
to those of you assisting the deacon- return with
esses such as Maureen Glass, Mina his wife,
Piraino, and Kaitlyn, Kristen, and Kara — Joan Tyska
Denise, and
Hallstrom. And thirdly, praise God for his children
giving the WRBC husbands of these during his
workers willing to year’s stay
support the in the
women by pitch- United
ing in to help. States.
(One example
Also on June 13th, with Shannon
was caught in a
Piraino home from college, the WRBC
photo: Pastor
again was fortunate to have the Piraino
Glass scrambling
sisters back together to perform. What
and cooking the
a wonderful journey the WRBC has
eggs served at the
had watching these three young Portrait of the Glass family, gathered to-
breakfast buffet.)
women—Shannon, Sarah, and Linea gether for Katie’s high school graduation.
With that said, this group of work- Piraino—mature to the perfection of From left: daughter Julie (Glass) Brown,
ers prepared not only breakfast to wel- their skills. May God bless them as
daughter Katie Glass, grandson Ethan
come Joe Holman, our missionary Brown, Pastor and Maureen Glass,
their journey continues to God’s in- daughter-in-law Nanette Glass, son Chris
from Bolivia, but also a “Fiesta” lunch- tended greatness. Glass, and granddaughter Lily Glass.
Absent from the portrait is son Geoff Glass
and his family.

July Bible Quiz Questions June Bible Quiz Answers
1) Who informed the virgin Mary that she would conceive and 1) Mary, the wife of Clopas (John 19:25).
bear a Son?
2) Dorcas (Tabitha) (Acts 9:40-41).
2) Who responded “Here am I. Send me!” after the Lord asked,
3) Jebus; inhabited by Jebusites (1 Chronicles 11:4).
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”
4) Rahab (Joshua 2:1-6).
3) Which of Jesus’s disciples was from Cana of Galilee?
5) Rahab (Matthew 1:5-6).
4) Where did Jesus perform His first miracle?
Bonus: Boaz (Ruth 4:9-10).
5) Where was Jesus when He healed a nobleman’s son who was
at the point of death?
Bonus: Which branch of systematic theology is devoted to the
doctrines of salvation?
The Birthday Corner
― Felix Acerra July 5th – Mina Piraino
July 13th – Warren Teufel
Submit the answers and Bible reference to: July 19th – Kara Hallstrom
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in the July 22nd – Dennis Tyska
next newsletter! July 31st – Maureen Glass
July 31st – Susan Hart

The Anniversary Corner

July 6th – Josh & Julie (Glass) Brown
July 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3

4 9:45 AM Sunday 5 6 7:00 PM 7 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 8 9 10

School–“God’s Universe” Board of – Joan Tyska (727-5998)
(Dr. Vic Bellard) Deacons 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
11:00 AM Morning Meeting and Exposition of Psalms
Worship Service
Independence Day

11 9:45 AM 12 13 14 8:00 AM 15 16 17
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM All Musical
Service – “Hymn Sing” “High Power” VBS Soccer Camp, 5:30-8:00 PM

18 9:45 AM 19 20 21 8:00 AM 22 23 24
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service, and Exposition of Psalms
followed by Coffee Hour

25 9:45 AM 26 27 28 8:00 AM 29 30 31
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
9:45 AM Baptismal Class 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
11:00 AM Morning and Exposition of Psalms
Worship Service

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church Our Purpose

1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things through participation in home and
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ foreign missions.
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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