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gurU nwnk dyv XUnIvristI, AMimRqsr

jnrl SwKw
(stYt Aqy Pu`tkl sYkSn)

XUnIvristI nwl sbMDq smUh

AYjukySn kwljW dy ipRMsIpl swihbwn [

ivSw:- XUnIvristI nwl sbMiDq AYjUkySn kwljW leI ividAk swl 2016-2017 dw dwKlw qwrIKW
dw SifaUl [

sRImwn jI/mYfm,

Awp jI nUM sUicq kIqw jWdw hY ik XUnIvristI vloN AYjukySn kwljW leI ividAk swl
2016-2017 dw dwKlw qwrIKW dw SifaUl hyT ilKy Anuswr pRvwn kIqw hY :
Scheduled dates of Admission for B.ED

1. Normal Dates of Admission As per the Notification of Punjab Govt.

Scheduled dates of Admission for M.ED

1. Normal Dates of Admission July 6, 2016 to July 20, 2016

2. With the late fee of Rs. 100/- July 21, 2016 to July 27, 2016
(With the approval of the Principal)

3. With the late fee of Rs. 200/- July 28, 2016 to Aug. 3, 2016
(With the approval of DAA)

4. With the late fee of Rs. 1000/- Aug. 04, 2016 to Aug. 10, 2016
(With the approval of Vice Chancellor)

Scheduled dates of Admission For PGDCA (Teacher Education)

1. Normal Dates of Admission July 6, 2016 to July 20, 2016

2. With the late fee of Rs. 100/- July 21, 2016 to July 27, 2016
(With the approval of the Principal)

3. With the late fee of Rs. 200/- July 28, 2016 to Aug. 3, 2016
(With the approval of DAA)

4. With the late fee of Rs. 1000/- Aug. 04, 2016 to Aug. 10, 2016
(With the approval of Vice Chancellor)

M.ED Aqy PGDCA (Teacher Education) klws leI im`qI 03.08.2016 q`k dwKl hoey
ividAwrQIAW dw vyrvw Awpxy kwlj dy Email AYfrYs rWhI rijstRySn SwKw ivc im`qI 06.08.2016
q`k hyT ilKy E-mail AYfrYs qy hr hwlq iv`c ByijAw jwvy :
rijstRySn SwKw: &
100/- rupey lyt PIs XUnIvristI kYSIAr pws jmW krvwaux auprMq sbMDq kwlj irkwrf
Awpxy kol r`Kxgy [ 200/- rupey Aqy 1000/- rupey lyt PIs XUnIvristI kYSIAr pws
prqo jI
jmHW krvw ky lyt dwKl kIqy ividAwrQIAW dI sUcI XUnIvristI vYb swiet qy aupl`bD inrDwirq
v`Kry-v`Kry poRPwrimAW qy iqMn prqW iv`c Brky pMdrW idnW dy AMdr-AMdr rijstRySn SwKw nUM Byjxgy,
qW jo ienHW lyt dwKl kIqy ividAwrQIAW dy kysW dI fIn, Akwdimk mwmly Aqy mwnXog aup-kulpqI
jI pwsoN pRvwngI pRwpq kIqI jw sky[ ies ipCoN Byjy gey kysW qy koeI kwrvweI nhIN kIqI jwvygI Aqy
dwKlw kYNsl kr id`qw jwvygw[

not:-sbMDq kwlj isrP XUnIvristI inXmW Anuswr Xog ividAwrQIAW nUM hI dwKl krn
Aqy jykr koeI kwlj iksy qrHW nwl AXog ividAwrQI nUM dwKl krdy hn qW ies dI izMmyvwrI
sbMDq kwlj dI hovygI [ jykr iksy ividAwrQI dw dwKlw XUnIvristI vloN r`d hox kwrn iksy qrHW
dy kort kys dw swhmxw krnW pYNdw hY qW ies dI BrpweI sbMDq kwlj qoN kIqI jwvygI Aqy
XUnIvristI vloN sbMDq kwlj nUM jurmwnw vI kIqw jwvygw[

ivsvwS pwqr,

vwsqy rijstrwr

ip`T AMkx nM: 7105-19 /stYt Aqy Pu`tkl sYkSn /j imqI 5-4-2016

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