Siennnas Foot

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We are learning to define the meaning of global footprint
and look at ways we can reduce our global footprint.
1. Calculate your global footprint on:

2. Record your results:

If everyone lived like me, we would need 2.3 planet earths.

Ecological footprint breakdown: Percentage of your footprint:

Food 52%

Shelter 9%

Mobility 4%

Goods 12%

Services 24%

3. Investigate the explore scenarios link to understanding how a small lifestyle change, can
dramatically decrease your global footprint.

4. a) List and explain 6 changes that you or your family could make to reduce your global footprint.
b) Choose and highlight one that you will aim to achieve over the next week.

1. Turn off the lights in a room when no ones in there.

2. Walk to school, instead of driving

3. Turn of things at the power point

4. Have quicker showers

5. Buy food from a market


5. Write a definition of the term Global Footprint, in your own words.

Our global footprint is a measure of human impact on the Earths ecosystem.

Please answer the following questions about how you felt about
the lesson.

1. Do you think you successfully reached the learning intention of the lesson? Why/Why
I think I reached the learning intention of this activity because I completed everything
and know what a global footprint means

2. How did you feel about your global footprint?

I felt very shocked to see the result of my global footprint. I never realised how much I
use, and that 52% of my global footprint is based on food. The thing that surprised me
the most is that if everyone lived like me, wed need 2.3 planet Earths to provide
enough resource. Also, it takes 4 global hectares of Earth's area to support my

3. Did you work to the best of your ability throughout the lesson? What is one way you
could improve? Yes, because I tried my best and put a lot of effort into answering


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