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Kertas 1 - Pemahaman
Tahun 6
1 4 jam



Nama : . Kelas :

Kertas 1 - Pemahaman

Satu jam lima belas minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian : Bahagian A dan

Bahagian B.
2. Jawab semua soalan.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam Bahagian A diikuti oleh tiga pilihan
jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan
sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan objektif
yang disediakan.
4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah
dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baharu.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 10 halaman bercetak

PPT2017 [Sila lihat sebelah


[20 marks]

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Elephants ______________ very big long trunks which they ______________ for
feeding, drinking and working.

A. has, uses
B. have, use
C. have, used
D. has, uses

2. Mr Li, ______________ owns a few houses, is one of the richest men in this

A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose

3. I have not seen Mary _______________ she left school last year.

A. yet
B. so
C. but
D. since

4. Do hurry up! Your friends ______________ for you outside.

A. is waiting
B. am waiting
C. are waiting
D. were waiting

5. The boy escaped by lowering ______________ with a rope from the window of
the room.

A. myself
B. himself
C. herself
D. yourself

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Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. As Simon knew that ______________, he decided to practice hard for his piano
examination every day rather than making empty promises to his parents.

A. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

B. actions speak louder than words
C. a bad workman blames his tools
D. birds for a feather flock together

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Have you jaywalked before? Jaywalking is to cross a street carelessly (7)

_____________ at a dangerous place. People jaywalk for various reasons including (8)

______________. They are not willing to observe lengthy wait times at signals.

However, it (9) ______________ against the law. It can result in serious injury or death

at times.

7. A. but
B. yet
C. or
D. so

8. A. convenience
B. knowledge
C. relaxation
D. satisfaction

9. A. am
B. is
C. was
D. are

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. Lynette handled the item that are easily broken with care.

A. solid
B. hard

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C. durable
D. fragile

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Dont you feel tired, asked my mother.

B. Dont you feel tired? asked my mother.
C. Dont you feel tired? asked my mother.
D. Dont you feel tired? asked my mother

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Malaysians simply love to eat. It is important to (12) _________________ the correct

balance of food every day. We can enjoy our favourite dishes as long as we (13)

__________________ healthy meals. We should also exercise regularly and get enough

(14) _________________. Paying more attention to our food and lifestyle can benefit

our health (15) _________________ overall wellbeing in the long run.

12. A. eat 14. A. rest

B. eats B. beauty
C. ate C. honesty
D. eating D. success

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13. A. had 15. A. but

B. eats B. and
C. ate C. because
D. eating D. although
Questions 16 to 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

16. Why was the daily gathering held?

A. to worship the king

B. to bow to the king
C. to honour the king
D. to address the king

17. What excuse did the mousedeer give for being late?

A. he was stopped by a tiger who claimed to be the king

B. he was stopped by another lion who claimed to be the king
C. he was stopped by a monster who claimed to be the king
D. he was stopped by a mousedeer who claimed to be the king

18. What did the lion actually see in the pool?

A. a monster
B. his image
C. another lion
D. a mousedeer

19. Why did the lion jump into the pool?

A. he wanted to drink

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B. he wanted to fight the monster

C. he wanted to kill himself
D. he wanted to bathe

20. How would you describe the lion?

A. intelligent
B. foolish
C. brave
D. wise

[30 marks]

Question 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.



[2 marks]

(b) Answer:



[2 marks]

(c) Answer:




PPT2017 [Sila lihat sebelah


[2 marks]
Read the story below and answer the
questions that follow.

Question 22

Tick () the correct answer.

(a) The goose laid.

- an egg in its nest. ( )

- a golden egg in its nest. ( )
- many eggs a day in its nest. ( ) [1

(b) How did the farmer and his wife become rich?

- by killing the goose. ( )

- by selling the goose. ( )
- by selling the eggs the goose laid. ( ) [1

Write your answer in the spaces provided.

(c) How would you describe the farmer and his wife?

[2 marks]

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(d) Do you think the farmer and his wife do the right thing by killing the goose?
Why do you say so?


[2 marks]
(e) What lesson do you learn from this story?


[2 marks]
Study the information below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23

Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Celine, who is in Year 2, will probably.

- join badminton. ( )
- join aerobics. ( )
- join swimming. ( ) [1 mark]

(b) If Khairul wants to join badminton, he must .

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- not pay any fees. ( )

- be free on Monday. ( )
- be one of the first 50 pupils to sign up. ( )
[1 mark]

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

[2 marks]
You must pay RM5.00 per month you will get a free T-shirt.
Swimming lessons will be if you want to play badminton.
If you join aerobics, can join the swimming class.
Write your answers in 30
spaces provided. on Saturday at 9.00 a.m.

(d) What does the health club aim to do? Explain.


[2 marks]

(e) Aerobics is the only course where a fee is not imposed. What could be the
reason for this?


[2 marks]

Study the notice and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Alexandra : Hi Ruhil!

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Ruhil : Hi Alexandra! I was looking for you since morning.

Alexandra : Whats up?
Ruhil : Did you see the notice on the singing competition?
Alexandra : Oh! Yes, I did. Shall we go?
Ruhil : I think you should take part, Alexandra. You are such nightingale.
Alexandra : You are just being kind.
Ruhil : Furthermore, it is for a good cause. Many of our friends will
definitely go
if you
take part. That means more donations for the needy of our
school. Come on.
Alexandra : It will be certainly nice to help people. I think I will go for it.
Question 24 and 25

Tick () the correct answer.

24. (a) If you wish to buy tickets for the competition.

- you must see Nithya Menon. ( )

- you must go to the school hall. ( )
- you must go to the school office. ( ) [1

(b) The Charity Drive in Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Jaya will last for.

- one day. ( )
- three days. ( )
- ten days. ( ) [1 mark]

25. (a) You are such a nightingale.

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What do you understand by the sentence above?


[2 marks]

(b) What is the main reason for organizing this singing competition?


[2 marks]

(c) You are unable to attend this singing competition but you wish to be
part of this noble cause. How can you contribute?


[2 marks]

End of question

Section A

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B

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Section B

21. (a) Why do you look worried?

(b) Have you gone on a cruise before?
(c) Mum, is dinner ready?

22. (a) a golden egg in its nest.

(b) by selling the eggs the goose laid.
(c) I think the farmer and his wife were born foolish and greedy.
(d) I think it was a foolish thing to do. They let greed to blind them.
(e) We must always be happy with what we have. In wanting for more, we
might lose
whatever that we already have.

23. (a) join swimming

(b) be free on Monday
You must pay RM5.00 per month you will get a free T-shirt.
Swimming lessons will be if you want to play badminton.
If you join aerobics, can join the swimming class.
(d) The Health Club aims to encourage pupils to keep fit and healthy by
part 30
in aerobics,
pupils swimming and badminton.
on Saturday at 9.00 a.m.

(e) Aerobics lessons will be conducted in the school hall unlike badminton
and swimming. The school probably needs to pay the Asics Badminton
Court and D99 Swimming Pool for using their facilities.

24. (a) you must go to the school office

(b) ten days

25. (a) It means she is a good singer with a melodious voice.

(b) The singing competition was organized to collect donations to help the
needy in the school.
(c) I can probably make other donations in the form of cash or things
which might be useful for the needy like clothes, books or food.

PPT2017 [Sila lihat sebelah

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