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2016 JC2 PRELIM Paper 1 Solution

1 [In this question, sketches of the given graphs are not drawn to scale]
The graphs of y f x and y 2 f x are given below.

y f x y2 f x
On separate diagrams, draw sketches of the graphs of

(a) y 2 f 2 x , [2]
(b) y f x , [3]
stating the equations of any asymptotes and the coordinates of any points of
intersection with the axes.

[Think: what was the step before getting y = | f(x) | and one step before getting y2 = f(x)?]

1(a) [Think: Is it necessary to find y = f(x) before getting Most students could get it right.
this? Can you work using y2 = f(x) instead?] Common error is not stating the equation
of the V.A.
y2 = f(x) A minority of students did part (b) first,
i.e. get the original y = f(x) before doing
part (a). They are unable to use y2 = f(x)
A minority of students got the x-intercept
y2 = f(- x) and V.A. wrong by multiplying by factor
-5 -3 of 2 instead of dividing by 2.

Graph of y f 2 x

x = - 3/2
[Note: 2x means scale factor is ]

(b) Graph of y f x Most could get this right.

y Common error is not stating the equations
of V.A. and H.A.

A minority let the left shape intersect the

y-axis below y = -2.
5 x
0 A minority were confused and drew a lot
of overlapping curves with no proper
y=-2 labelling.

x=1 x=3

2 The vectors a and b are given by a 4i 6 pj 8k and b 2i 3 j 4 pk , where p 0 .

It is given that a 2 b .
(i) Find p. [2]
(ii) Give a geometrical interpretation of b a . [1]
(iii) Using the value of p found in part (i), find the exact value of b a . [2]

2(i) a 2b Majority of the candidates could

answer this part of the question well.
16 36 p 2 64 2 4 9 16 p 2
80 36 p 2 4 13 16 p 2 Common mistakes include:
1. Taking a and b as position vectors
28 p 2 28 of A and of B respectively
p 1 or p 1 Reject p 0 2. Did not include p 1 when solving

p 1 p2 1
3. Did not give a reason when rejecting
p 1
2(ii) 1 Most of the candidates could answer
b a is the length of projection of a on b this part of the question.
Common mistake includes:
[Note: which is the unit vector]
1. Writing it as projection of b on a

2. Length of projection of OA on OB
3. Distance between a and b
4. Line of projection of a on b

2(iii) 2 4 Most of the candidates could answer

this part of the question.
3 6
4 8
1 42 Common mistake includes:
b a
b 2
29 1. Forget about the modulus and gave
22 3 42
as the answer
2. Applying dot product incorrectly
2 4 8
e.g. 3 6 18 1412
4 8 32

3 The cubic equation x3 ax 2 bx c 0, where a, b and c are constants, has roots 3 + i and 2.
(i) One JC2 student remarked that the third root is 3 i. State a necessary assumption
the student made in order that the remark is true. [1]
(ii) Given that the assumption in part (i) holds, find the values of a, b and c. [4]

3(i) The assumption is that a, b and c are all real. Most students get this correct except a
few who omitted that c is real.
3(ii) Since a, b and c are all real, it implies all coefficients Most students are able to use the
of the polynomial are real, so complex roots come in conjugate pairs of root and the given
conjugate pairs. real root to find a, b and c.
Hence third root is 3 i.
3 2
Let x ax bx c (x (3 i))(x (3 i))(x 2) Though most solved for these
unknowns by comparing coefficients,
= (x 6x 10)(x 2) there are students who formulated 3
equations and solved using GC.
= x3 8x2 4x20
Common error is algebraic slips in
By comparing coefficients, working.
we have a = 8, b = 22 and c = 20.

4 A closed container is made up of a cylinder of base radius r cm and height h cm, and a
hemispherical top with the same radius r.

It is inscribed within a fixed right circular cone of base radius 5 cm and height 12 cm, as
shown in the diagram below.

(i) By using similar triangles, show that h 12 r.
Determine the exact range of possible values of length r. [3]

(ii) Find the total volume V of the closed container in terms of r.

By differentiation, find the exact value of r that produces the maximum container
volume V, as r varies.
[Volume of a sphere with radius R is R 3 .]
3 [4]

4(i) Using the diagram provided, Most of the students identified the
incorrect pair of triangles, as shown


This is not
the radius r

Some students left it blank but
continued to do (ii).

Identify that ABC is similar to ADE .


Since AC 52 122 13 , BC 5 , DE r ,
AE r
135 r AE 135 r
h AB AE 12 135 r

Since r and h are lengths, Most of the students left out this part.
r 0 and h 0 (i.e. 12 135 r 0, r 13
). Some simply stated 0 r 5 .
Some left out the lower bound, 0 and
0r 60 which is unacceptable as the
13 state r 13
negative values would be considered.
4(ii) Volume of inscribed container, A handful of the students included the
V cylinder base + half a sphere 1
cone formula r 2 h , however, the
r 2h 12 4 r3
3 3
volume of the inscribed container does
r 2 12 13
5 3
r 2 r3 not contain the cone.

12 r 2 15
29 r 3
Some students forgot to halve the
volume of the sphere, giving
V r 2 h 43 r 3 instead.
Differentiating this, Most students were able to differentiate
24 r 29 r2 . their expressions in terms of V. It is
dr 5
easier to expand the expression of V in
Consider dV
0. terms of r instead of using product rule.

i.e. 24 r 29
r2 0 Since the question requires the exact
29 value of r, some students failed to read
r (24 r) 0 [Note: cannot cancel out r]
5 the question carefully and left the final
r 0(rejected as r 0) or r 120
. answer in decimals which is not
(Check that these stationary points are within acceptable.

the admissible range 0 r 60

). Most of the students assumed that they
could cancel r from the equation or
ignore the fact that r 0 is a possible
solution but should state that it is
[Note: It is expected that test for max/min must A handful of the students did not show
always be carried out, unless question specifically that V is a maximum by the first or
says no need to test for max/min] second derivative test.
First derivative test
24 r 29
r 120 r 120 120
r 29 29 r 29

e.g. r 119
29 e.g. r 121
dV 119 0 121
dr 0 0
145 145
Maximum volume at r 29
For students who prove that V is a
maximum by second derivative test,
Second derivative test
they should explicitly show the value of
24 r 29
r2 d 2V ( 24 or 75.3) before concluding
d 2V dr
24 2 29
r that it is negative or <0. This step was
dr 2

24 2 29 missing in their answers which was

24 58

24 0 (maximum volume)

Graphical method
Upon finding the stationary points,
inspect the graph of V against r, where 0 r 13

Note that the maximum is attained at the stationary

point where r 120

5 A sequence u1 , u2 , u3 , satisfies the recurrence relation u n u n 1 , for n 2 .
( n 1) 2
(a) Given that u1 2 , use the method of mathematical induction to prove that
2n [4]
un , for n 1 .
( n 1)!
(b) Given that u1 a , where a is any constant. Write down u2 , u3 and u4 in terms of a.
Hence or otherwise, find un in terms of a. [3]

5(i) Let Pn be the statement that u n 2n for n , Most of the students were able to get
( n 1)! this part right. The induction was rather
n1. straightforward to most of them.

When n1, LHS= u1 2 (given) A minority group of students did not

define the Pn clearly. Common mistakes
RHS 2 2 = LHS, made for this part were stating
(0)! 2n
Pn instead of u n 2 n and
( n 1)! ( n 1)!
P1 is true.
n instead of n .
Assume that Pk is true for some k, where k
More serious mistake made by students
2k were to use the summation approach to
,k1 i.e. uk
(k 1)! show the Pk1 s case. For instance,
2(k 1)
To prove Pk1 is also true ,i.e., u k 1
2( k 1) uk 1 uk .
k! k 1!
k 1 n
LHS = uk 1 uk [Use u n u n 1 ]
(k)2 ( n 1) 2

k 1 2k

(k ) 2 ( k 1)!
2(k 1)

k (k 1)!
2(k 1)

Since P1 is true, and Pk is true implies Pk 1 is true ,

by Mathematical Induction, Pn is true for all n .

5(ii) 2 2 2 Finding the required terms was well

u2 u a 2a a
2 1 done.
(1) 1 1!
3 3 3 3
u3 2 u2 2 2a a a
(2) (2) (2) 2!
4 4 3 4 4
u4 2 u3 2 a a a
(3) (3) (2) (3 2) 3!

5(iii) Hence approach Quite a number of student lost one mark

n if they couldnt see the pattern of the
un a by observation from part (ii) term.
(n 1)!

Otherwise approach
un un1
(n 1)2
n n 1
(n 1) (n 2)2

n n 1 n 2
(n 1) (n 2)2 (n 3)2

n n 1 n 2 3 2
2 2 2
2 2 u1
(n 1) (n 2) (n 3) (2) (1)
n 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1a
(n 1) (n 2) (n 3) (2) (1)
(n 1)!

6 (i) Given that 1 2 r A( r 1) Br , find the constants A and B. [1]

1 2r
(ii) Use the method of differences to find
r 1 3r
. [3]

2 2r
(iii) Hence find the value of r 1 3r
. [4]


6(i) 1 2r A(r 1) Br This part was well done.

( A B)r A
A 1, B 3

6(ii) n
1 2r Majority of the students were aware that

r 1 3r this part was to be solved by using the
results obtained from part (i).

r 1 3r
r 1 3r However, some students could not see the
r 1 r terms for cancellations after showing all
r r 1 [Note: do not split into 3 terms] the terms. A few students left their answer
r 1 3 3
in terms of r.
[Do not simplify the terms.
Find a pattern to cancel.] Some attempted to solve using
n n n
1 2r 1 2r
r r r and later on
r 1 3 r 1 3 r 1 3
realized that they couldnt cancel the
terms and hence stopped there.

2 1
1 0
3 3
2 2
2 1
3 3

n n 1
n 1 n2
3 3
n 1 n
n n1
3 3
n 1
n 1

2 2r 1 2r 1 Most students were able to link them back

r 1 3r

r 1 3r to part (ii).

1 2r 1 However, when they were evaluating
r r A G.P. sum
r 1 3 3 1

1 2r 1
to infinity 3
r 1
r , many of them stated the value

r r
r 1 3 r 1 3 1 n, without
as 0 since 0 as
1 3r
n 1 realizing that the summation was a sum to
lim n 1 3 infinity of a GP.
3 1 1
3 Some attempted to use replacement of
1 variable to do this part, without realizing
2 that the replacement was incorrect.
Students needed to pay attention to their
mathematical presentation when they
were dealing with infinity. Quite a
number of students did not know the
proper presentation.

7 (i) Given that y 1 ln(1 x) , find the exact range of values of x for y to be well
(ii) dy 1 y2
Show that 2 y e . [2]
(iii) Hence, find the Maclaurins series for 1 ln(1 x) , up to and including the term
in x 2 . [3]
(iv) Verify that the same result is obtained using the standard series expansions given in
the List of Formulae (MF15). [3]


7(i) [Note: Understand the question first! Otherwise waste Generally not well done. Most students
time doing unnecessary calculations.] claimed that x 0 or x 1 without
showing the proper reasoning.
For y 1 ln(1 x ) to be well-defined,
Since we cannot ln a negative number or 0, Some students were very close in getting
So, 1 x 0 x 1 ------ (1) x e1 1 but they missed out the
Also, we cannot square root a negative number, equality and gave instead.
So, 1 ln(1 x) 0
Very few were able to visualize that they
ln(1 x ) 1
need to consider two ranges and take the
1 x e 1 intersection between the ranges.
x e 1 1 -------------- (2)
Combining both ranges from (1) and (2) Some students misunderstood the
x e 1 question for range of validity.

7(ii) y 1 ln 1 x Generally well done. There are various

ways of showing the results by the
y2 1 ln 1 x ------ (1) students.
Differentiate implicitly with respect to x,
dy 1 However, in terms of presentation, some
dx 1 x students prove in this way:
dy 1
LHS 2 y
From (1), ln 1 x y 2 1 dx 1 x
1 y 2
1 x ey
1 RHS e
11 ln 1 x
dy 1 2

So, 2 y y2 1 e1 y (shown) e
ln 1 x

dx e

1 x
dy 2
2 y e1 y (shown)
Where in fact, they should prove from the
LHS = . = RHS in one direction and
not equating to an expression in the
middle to show that they are equal.
7(iii) dy 1 y2 Some students missed the d y term while
Using (ii) 2 y =e dx
dx 1 y 2
Differentiate implicitly with respect to x, differentiating e in terms of x, affecting
d2 y dy
2 d their coefficient of x 2 term.
2y 2
2 e1 y 1 y2
dx dx dx 2
d 2 y dy
2 2 A handful thought that when
d y dy 1 y2 dy dx 2 dx
2y 2
2 e (2 y)
dx dx dx they are NOT.

Most of the students are able to find the

When x0,
values for y and d y when x0 correctly.
y 1 ln1 1 , dx
dy 1
, A handful made algebraic mistakes when
dx 2
finding the Maclaurins series.

d2 y 3 A few of the students missed out the

dx 2
4 = ___+ or , penalizing on
presentation marks.

1 A handful did not show the understanding
y 1 x 4 x 2 ...
2 2! of what to do when asked to find
1 3 Maclaurins series and answer this part
1 x x2 ... using (iv).
2 8
7(iv) x2 Some students are not able to do this part.
From MF15, ln 1 x x ... They did not show the understanding to
1 substitute the standard series
y 1 ln 1 x 2 ln 1 x x
... into the expression of
1 2
x2 2 y.
1 x ... For those who manage to reach this part,
some could not expand the expression
1 1 using binomial series expansion, treating

2 2
1 x2 x2 2
1 x ... x ... ... the term x x as an x.
2 2 2! 2 2
[Using binomial expansion] They make major algebraic errors such as
a b a b which is obviously not
1 1 1 x 2 x2
1 x x 2 x x ... true during the simplification process.
2 4 8 2 2
1 1 1 Similar to (iii), a few of the students
1 x x 2 x 2 ... missed out the
2 4 8
= ___+ or , penalizing on
1 3
1 x x 2 ... presentation marks.
2 8
This expression matches (iii) hence verified. Some students prove using the result in
(iii) and showed that it matches the result
in MF15 which is incorrect as they are not
answering the question.

A general feedback: since the question

(iv) implies that the results for (iii) and
(iv) would be the same, candidates should
make sure that they are verified i.e. if
their results differs in (iii) and (iv), it
indicated that they should check back and
rectify their mistakes.

8 Do not use a calculator in answering this question.

(i) It is given that complex numbers z1 and z2 are the roots of the equation z 2 6 z 36 0
such that arg(z1) > arg(z2). Find exact expressions of z1 and z2 in the form re i , where
r 0 and . [4]
(ii) Find the complex number in exact polar form. [3]
(iii) Find the smallest positive integer n such that z2 n is a positive real number. [2]


8(i) z 2 6z 36 0
6 36 4(1)(36)
z 3 3 3i


arg z =

i i
3 3
Thus, z1 6e and z2 6e

[Note: Can use GC to help find/check answer and

carry on]

8(ii) Method 1
z14 | z |4 64
= 1 = = 63 = 216
iz2 |i| |z2 | (1)(6)
arg = 4 arg z1 arg i arg z2

= 4( ) ( )
3 2 3
z 5 5
So, 1 = 216 cos i sin
iz2 6 6

Method 2
i 3

i 2 3

i( )
63 e 6

5 5
63 cos i sin
6 6
8(iii) n
i i
z2 6 e 3 z2 n 6 n e 3

Since z2 is real and positive,
it lies on the positive real axis,
so arg z2 = 0, 2, 4, 6,
n3 2k for some integer k.
n 6 k
n... , 12, 6, 0, 6, 12, ...
So smallest positive integer for n is 6.

x 1
9 (i) By using the substitution u x 1 , find
dx . [5]
x 1
x 1
(ii) The region R is bounded by the curve y and the lines x = 8 and y = 1.
x 1
B 2
(a) the exact area of R , simplifying your answer in the form A 2 ln
B 2 [5]
where A and B are integers to be determined,
(b) the volume of the solid generated when R is rotated 2 radians about the x-axis,
giving your answer correct to 2 decimal places. [3]


9(i) Since u x 1 Common mistakes include:

Differentiating w.r.t. x x 1

1 x 1
dx 2 x 1 u du
u 2
1 2 dx
2u Wrong long division:
2u2 4
2 2
u 2 u 2
Wrong partial fraction:

x 1 2u 2
Let 2
x 1 dx u 2
x 1 dx A B
du =
x 1 du u 2 u 2
u du 1 dx Not including absolute values
2 . 2u du [Note: 2u ] after logarithmic rule:
u 2 dx 2u du
2 u2 u2 - 2 + 2 2 2 (1 2 )du
= 2 (1 2 ) du [Note: 2 = 2 =1+ 2 ] u 2
u 2 u - 2 u - 2 u -2
u 2
2 u 2 = 2u + 2 ln
= 2u + ln c u 2
2 u 2
x 1 2
= 2 x 1 2 ln c
x 1 2

9(ii) A substantial number of students

(a) y=1 could not get the correct integral,
probably due to locating the
wrong region.
x=3 For those who could locate
correctly but made mistakes, they
are mainly algebraic/basic in
x=1 x=8 nature, e.g.:
Area of R 1. 2 2 4
8 x 1 2. ln A ln B
5(1) dx
3 x 1 ln A ln B
Out of the rest who had no
x 1 2 algebraic slips, they were unable
= 5 2 x 1 2 ln [Using (i)] to get full credit as they stopped at
x 1 2 3
4 2
3 2 2 2 3 2 ln , without
5 {2 2 ln 4 2
2 ln }
3 2 2 2 noticing that they are require to
3 2 2 2 leave their answers in the form
3 2 ln . B 2
3 2 2 2
A 2 ln
B 2

4 2
3 2 ln
4 2
3 2 ln (proved)
4 2

9(ii) Vol. generated Generally well done. Those who

(b) 8 x 1 did not get full credit either used
(12 ).5 dx
x 1
2 the wrong formula, got the
region wrong, or were unaware
9.52830 that they could evaluate the
9.53 units3 volume with a GC.

10 The plane p passes through the points A, B and C with coordinates 0, 1,1 , 2, 1, 4 and
2, 1,0 respectively.
(i) Show that a cartesian equation of the plane p is 2x y 2z = 3. [3]

2 1
The line l has equation r 1 0 , .

4 2

(ii) Find the acute angle between l and p. [2]

The point Q has position vector 5i j 2k .

(iii) Show that Q lies on the line l. [1]
(iv) It is given that a variable point R lies on the plane p and is at a distance of 45 from
the point Q. Find the foot of perpendicular from the point Q to the plane p and hence
describe geometrically the locus of R. [6]
(v) Find a vector equation of the line which is a reflection of the line l in plane p. [3]

10(i) 2 0 2 Most of the candidates were able to

derive the Cartesian equation of plane p
AB 1 1 2
competently, with occasional
4 1 3
presentation errors in selecting simpler
2 0 2 normal vectors for plane p.

AC 1 1 2
0 1 1

2 2 8 2

AB AC 2 2 4 4 1
3 1 8 2

Choose normal vector n p for plane p = 1 .

2 0 2

p : r 1 1 1 3
2 1 2

A cartesian equation of the plane p is 2 x y 2z

10(ii) [Note: angle between line and plane, must adjust Only about half of the cohort of
by 900 if use dot product cosine because the candidates managed to secure the full
angle obtained is angle between line and normal credit for determining the required
to the plane.] angle between line l and plane p.

Amongst candidates who have obtained

only partial credit, more than half had
mistaken the angle between the normal
vector n p and ml for the acute angle

between plane p and line l.

A handful of candidates committed

errors in evaluating the dot-product /
Let the acute angle between l and p be . mis-read vector component value from
the question.
The angle, , between the normal vector n p (for

plane p) and the direction vector ml (for line l), A small handful who got no credit
despite having attempted the part did so
2 1
1 0 due to incorrect choice of vector (e.g.

AB or BC ) in the dot-product
2 2 6 calculation.
cos1 cos 1 26.565
2 1 3 5
1 0

2 2

90 26.565 63.4 to 1d.p. or 1.11 rad

Alternative :
Let the acute angle between l and p be .
2 1
1 0

2 2
2 1 3 5

1 0
2 2

sin 1 63.4 to 1d.p. or 1.11 rad (3 s.f.)
3 5

10(iii) Assume Q lies on the line l. Majority of the candidates (>90%) were
5 2 1 5 2 3 able to demonstrate that the specified
point Q lies on the given line l.
1 0
1 1
2 4 2 2 4 2
Since 3 is consistent throughout, Q lies on the
line l.

Alternative 1:

5 2 3

Since OQ 1 1 0
2 4 6

2 1
1 3 0
4 2

Q lies on the line l.

Alternative 2:
x2 z4
l: , y 1
1 2
Q (5, 1, 2) , i.e. x = 5, y = -1, z = 4.

x2 52 z 4 2 4
3, 3.
1 1 2 2
Hence, Q lies on the line l.

10(iv) [Note: understand the problem. Just need to find Less than half of the candidates
foot of perpendicular from a point Q to the plane. successfully determined the position
All other information not useful, so ignore.] vector/coordinates of the foot-of-
perpendicular from the given point Q to
Q the given Amongst unsuccessful
candidates, about two-fifths of the were
either stuck with dealing with point R,
not useful for determining the foot-of-
F perpendicular or incorrectly focused on
line l, irrelevant for this part of the
problem. plane p.
Let F be the foot of perpendicular from the point
Q to the plane p.
5 2

lQF : r 1 1 ,
2 2

Since F lies on lQF ,

Approx. one-fourth missed out
5 2
formulating the equation of the line
OF 1 1 , for some . perpendicular to the plane p passing
2 2 through the given point Q, or omitted

the use of the planes given equation.

Since F also lies on plane p, OF 1 3 .


5 2 2
A handful committed errors through
1 1 1 3 mis-reading values / wrongly copying
2 2 2
values / making algebraic slips.
2 5 2 1 2 2 2 3
Amongst candidates successful in
15 9 3 2 finding the foot-of-perpendicular, many
left their answer as a position vector in
5 2 1 column form, and few reported their
answer for the point in coordinates/row
OF 1 2 1 1
2 2 2 form).

Alternative :

QF (QA n ) n , where n is a normal vector of p

5 2 2
1 1
2 1 1
3 3 2 3 2


2 1

5 2 1

OF OQ QF 1 2 1 1
2 2 2

The foot of perpendicular from the point Q to the

plane p is 1,1, 2 .
[Note: final answer in coordinate form]

Second part


Less than half of the candidates (who

attempted (iv) gave a response for
1 5 4 describing the locus. Many were
incorrect in pointing out the geometrical
QF 1 1 2
shape of the locus, choosing phrases
2 2 4
like R is a point / R is a
2 projection of , revealing a lack of
QF 4 22 42 6
understanding of the word locus.

RF 45 36 3
The locus of R is a circle that lies in plane p with
centre 1,1, 2 and radius 3. Key details such as the centre of the
circle and the radius were often left out /
10(v) l Less than two-thirds of candidates
Q attempted this part. Among those who
attempted, less than 20% correctly
determined a vector equation for the
B reflected line.
Significant numbers (appx. 20% of
those attempted) were stuck in finding a
Q direction vector for the reflected line.
About a fifth of candidates who
Let Q be the image of Q in plane p.

OF 12 (OQ OQ) [F is mid-point of QQ] attempted simply incorrectly adopted
the direction vector for the original line
OQ 2OF OQ l as a direction vector for the reflected
1 5 3 line, and a few incorrectly multiplied -1
2 1 1 3 to the direction vector to achieve
2 2 6 reflection.

Quite a number of candidates (appx.
Equivalent Methods 20% of those attempted) applied the

OQ OF QF mid-point theorem incorrectly when
finding the image of Q in p, with some
mistaking the point of intersection btw.
OQ 2QF the l and p for the mid-point btw. Q and
its image Q .

Since B is both on the line, l, and on the plane, p, Significant numbers were affected by

B is the point of intersection of line, I, and plane, the incorrect value of OF found in part
p. (iv), but those who had correct methods
Then direction vector of reflected line, I,is BQ were credited for relevant methods.

3 2 5

3 1 4
6 4 2


5 2 4 5

1 1 2 2 4
2 4 4


Hence, a vector equation of the line, I, which is a


reflection of the line l in plane p is

2 5

r 1 4 , [Using OB]
4 2

3 5
or r 3 4 , [Using OQ]

6 2

11 2x k
The function f is defined by f : x , x , x 2, where k is a positive constant.
(i) Sketch the graph of y f x , stating the equations of any asymptotes and the
coordinates of any points where the curve crosses the x and y axes. [3]
(ii) Describe fully a sequence of transformations which would transform the curve y
onto y f x . [4]
(iii) Find f 1 in a similar form and write down the range of f 1 . [3]
(iv) Hence or otherwise, find f .
Find the value of f 2017 , leaving your answer in terms of k.
2 [4]

The function g is defined by g : x a x 3, x , x 3, where a is a real


(v) Given that fg exists, write down an inequality for a and explain why gf does not
exist. [3]

2x k
k 4
x2 x2
Vertical Asymptote: x 2
Horizontal Asymptote: y 2
x-intercept: x
y-intercept: y

2x k
k 4
x2 x2
f x
f x 2
k 4
k 4 f x 2

2 k 4 f x 2 2
k 4
A: Translation in the positive x direction by 2 units
B: Scaling parallel to the x direction (// to y-axis) by a
factor of k 4
C: Translate in the positive y direction by 2 units
2x k
Let y
11(iii) x2
y x 2 2 x k
yx 2y 2x k
yx 2x 2y k
x y 2 2 y k
2y k
2y k
f 1 y
2x k
f 1 x

Df 1 R f Df , 2 2,
2x k
f :x , x , x 2,
R f 1 Df R f , 2 2,

f x f 1 x
f 2 ff x f f 1 x x
Df 2 Df ,2 2,

Since ff(x) = x
So f2017(x) = f(x)
1 1
f 201 7 f
2 2
2 k

1 k


2 2k

11(iv) 2x k
f x
Df ,2 2,
Rf ,2 2,

g x a x 3
Dg 3,
Rg a,
Since fg x exists, Rg Df

Rg a,
Df ,2 2,
a 2 [question: if maximum range for a, does it
include 2 or just a > 2 ?]

For gf x to exist, R f Dg

Rf ,2 2,
Dg 3,
Since R f Dg , gf x does not exist.


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