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Akirr Miurn I

Nqomi Hnrok lllcGloin rfifroE=F

with CDs
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Copyright @ 2008 by Akira Miwa and Naomi Hanaoka McGloin

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stoed in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

First edition: Jne 1994

Revised edition: July 2008
5th printing: September 2009

Recordings: Kazusa Amagai, Takaomi Ashizawa, Takeshi Maruyama and Kiyoko Nagaki
Illustrations: Seiji Okada and Shizuo Okuda
Layout and Cover art: Hiroshi Ueda+Z'ebra
Tlpesetting: Soju Co., Ltd.

Published by The Japan Times, Ltd.

5-4, Shibaura 4-chome, Minato-ku, Too 108-0023, Japan
Tel: O3-3453-2013
http://bookclub jp/
http://ij jpl

ISBN978-4-7890-1307 -9

Printed in Japan
A*. 7994+l-HH[ i-ul FAn Integrated Approac]t to Intermediate Japanese ( F
#h.1.#)J Wilffib" gffi. t 4 Tavvvx+c1#ffiL{r.=m L-<u
4 y t*- 4 . 7, y * "alfr.b{t ( !./ +#kryffit+Etr+,4 t:b /J !. , +1,4

r.t+w+sffi: / *r l /. 4 r. . ffirt+t_ ta \ ft,fr_ 4 t--c. EAffi?++

,,tt"t-6.{!.// ( r-C"/;: L, #.4 *lF:L (,H:{!'6o
#f+l*ffiH[ffu/ 7c0)E.( . ( i]d'rf !.6. * :40)ricb.
* l- : +El+FEA#. EXlLfL:*&)"* Lr,. =/c" ffir E7)#E
ft, #l-frt: tt tr4?:8,6 {L l-, k,WHIt E, HgV,,},t ( /J !."
4.1- Edx-'rs6. r,.#ffiE:*frL. flH[LUtfrffiT 6 r i:L/.
t-,t-, &Nffi,xfiFa.: { L. /J L. L. HffiEl&Ee{Ft' : Ea&+H
ffiW . i L 1 Jffi1) *r u. ir z { . /J !.o
944t:#'.il-Iffi I fiE. =ffi u 4 vrt*6ELt,trJ7 4 1 7 il,lt-.>rftffi,Ur

:l:. l#l . EffiM)Nlffia+nl =ffiagqgt-Il>:ts.2/. -<u

4 veffi ,9t \ t.,->lo 4 l,tJ- =.irCulture Notes. )E,Hffi. Hm b ffiH.
ffi?. 4 t-"C< u 4 vr#. x, - l''
NiffiH?EE L{ !. t" E&-*Ifffi{.
1. w u 4 ytrtt&ilffx. .EY L. =m 4 {tt: H ?ET Lt- iYtt L ->t"
i o)ftIW.HffF:H L( t. 9 t,{ v 4 trffiffitrHF+ryE 1,. lAiI 1,,
: ./ /J st*d#: t.->to * . fi;lffxl:g Lf - JhiEt+tFU#{lg.

tffih 1+ . r.- r + 1. /' c /:. $FwI &w.t : *. ts : ffi ffi HL : * r,. t.

EI Aflttl : Fll L /; 7 t' / 4 7 t, / l r. / -t :. cD t&ffi F t*rttr ttr .c tc
.0)Effib/$.f #JFLl't"6 " 40)l!,, .WNf.-c1( /;.:{1. es\
ftHfr, C, 4, - a #t+t:ffi Lr. W< 'ffififf ? !./!.t.,' J., thLF Lf''/ r,."

u 4 vTffi#. ( z' v yyfYffiffi)
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ffi.#-'*+T tEFaf lvlt\4lra/zl. . eE

ffiry ",,v71.7>T tisisal tiHEal . 101

ffi,,,vlvl{f hffit l#r*El 141

br Ei
ffi'",ffi fr f#ifuaziH)l .... 177

ffi""f.47flU-OF tira=l [r5r] . 1s7

ffi*,ffiJZt;tcl riaeal 217

,!r tttu
ffi"o f EFfffi t*Htfi*al 23s

ffi*'EOtft t#Hasrar 2ss

#t* n, _ *l J HY. |*M X t. 3 Xl* 100 +..o)#Al+ 1+ #& z,

1ffiv *tv0)WWHV,-ffiHt:'cII rl4-.<t- L U{ !' 6 " 4 7 a v v vx+tt' I .

-43-7 (240ffit) v#&iI#L r. i I :/ . t za vv vt+HJH*d'ru'
-- =4 EA#riEBF r -Al{'. #NE-++IJ :lr. -#:
z)E!F'tl L. u./c r,.-$$ (30E) 'e15Rt, x ) EftT-r o -- --4 :1 -X
E5ffiF t-'t.r.t#t*. #t*#
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4:..= { t ?r u. ,Hbfr,,

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1. f+##i. /J ': < +o)##ffit:)E < 6 t i I:="c l l. ts:- x*#fr,

tt.- /<L+W,/Wflt.#c,?tr1. trlr#fltt:T !' ) t:%l:"
ffi ffi^+rJt, ElH,)tt T{a - #Lr,'1-' r ?ffib^i'r{ll
-# {{4 : HT
ffi #,&-r " {# :. ffi s R E.ffi.+. . f++.t: H3 idr- H t
ffi8f,;=gt7ti.t:-.:l"(fr,*o-+Z . tE'c"l !'. )Ht t>tt'rtfE L.
ffi-c" tJ- ffi7#o)*#2, ffig#.#L 4l-'(ffirL##z'3t.ft+t:ffi L ( Ll:"
J. ffi15#t. f-{#iL ( ,Llo #ffi|t> l4 vB ---l.J t'i ('..
ffiIiF:VF,4 v r' c,'-:'r,.{ t''" ffiaqrJi:*[Coo1r EA] ltr * b JT 'a)

4. R: lffiffi,4 v I t t'iE1ffiU (IF'I" ffffiff4 v l'l. -#

ffiffi?t:l-> /ffiH V Tu)ffiP+ftflA t'. #?ffiHT W0)
+WJ,t Lt" t.t- :HL{1. t#* (tEffi):#fi[U'c{F
ruTlffiltQ0+. ilet+g++.+v i -#T t:, 4 i,r 4 >u v l k't?tt-
.r'. : : :,L'cf-/;!.o
5. X#t - l' XiffiB3t t. X*ffit- ffiEffX t lf-r L{frL'f Tl'} i :. 7
+z t iEUi:=#l ty - 2 1 v 2 t:r&ffiL" Xi*ffiH: . l|lr J. i tx]fk#E- ffiJ
t'. f : t- i.i:/)lI:. j ) l:1 ! i'4 i''l-L'l "m{'/:.
v -2lv 2 ffi^W^HF"I . #l( H,+)
ffiHT fu)t#v - l. ?lIXl.

7. Fffiffit*, -f -rr Fffi L ( ffiLL. cD:JlxffiL{. /*z I'i:ffiff..
# . lffii lHffi b ffiHl /.-tr-/r < lffia+nl JItffi u-c b "
B. ffiltl)HB+T 4 | =9.1j -c - z ffiffiffi.-c1#.L L-c'np.t:-)L->#M+.ffi.k3.
a0)+14l'?v-lt'v p-1."1: f. "
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a#+=o)le5L >>>>>
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rfr: t: " 7cEffit=,.->_ *0)#,i:if,,,r-.
a. FF,'':ffi Lffiz)+rJ ?. * /-#ffi.t:. ffiffiaW {=#}/.
b. ( ffi L t-aci. xlffiHU.9*lFX{> t:.
c. FF:. Ef, mb Fffi?d'u/"

2. ffi- t:, . Wt+EI. tET/r*ffi. Z LT *t/r E#=aE#,6. L Elffi L.

4 rr:no)#R:g L/"
a. #f". r :z ='/ -/ a- #i ,/#bfL. r t)
a y ;,,4 ,Bird't ffie, GH^-f
?^l-l" 4t-t, 4#ffiHLf Tr,. i :. ffffiH,f,4 v l. L{.
&#ffi t, 4 ) 4 | U I*ffiFfrH&. >s l-T "
b. # f*r T lit: (fiUS. #r#tFtbturbl,rt. 7:),
) /" *rcffiz/ 4 tvt_ l2.-"7.1#J i.. l'"ffilt{ffi2 3H
lEt'( .
c. v-rlv2:rEffiL/lXl*ffiHl l*. F'l yr.'ffiffifrT b#:--
212663F,' L. ffiffi'lz l>l>ts ( /"
d. authentic r Effi?f r,. : ffi"c. R1. 5-# (ffitr-#-ffi#*) o)-ffia+nE
ti+ffiM (-y + 4 - #iEf,Sr ) ?ffi L/.
e. #:. lEffiJ &fcommunicative/ffi-ttl, 4T y -? PJ;v-
z"v-, t:!. b. ++sffit:r - =f -y = yffittr:rtn-e i : Lt"



3. ffi= t-- wt*. tr .+*.c fl-E^+o E r;f.If 6rgffi,*,b . v HL

L. 4 rc t:n#,:i"s1 -"
a. 4I3#3h, *,' 12Rr. E#H EIA("+Vffit L. ffi:kz
#f' r. t,ft E alf . x.fhFE w.-> "T

b. #: 9#t' culture Notes t tr' l "

c. lffi1 r" r. FFIJ L r. Ar,.ffic EAyIL (E#L -. H{Hz E) ffitt
t: L /"
d. &#o>W*> t t':, :- Lb3'*FH'ctItc"

a+Hl-21,c >>>>>

'?ffiH. t-I" +fr#..ffil: *. #lF#^T . L

lkffi'T z L
EW T sEl?- 7cP btrffi!:Elr" &#L'>-c - ffiF
r. . {t. *1bt-- ffirg++ffiY:-f Lu')lEW. L, 7c
T:ftErHffi?^L/ b. THffitX.^{L'C L*rl b-rWEl:ftE" fr,tr:- fr,
'FE f( t. +#h#t++: tl. 4 F\tts < He' {L " *T- ft.+.o)l:H{fi
wr.+Ex/:L],*r,r.?t . / L -ffil$+:*dr.{t. ( { . 5f ^
T^ f L4Z{L" 7c 6 4 Efil+ttt- -.+t:-'cl:}kffir}frtb r)g)E
/', + t,'(:L/: t'iLfrtt- * bffi/'o L/:'Gf'4 1. +
ffi.H: H L f J,. -tr L *qXW ffi- L U'C. - Wt :lir dnr./J !' J i : L /. * r.
#1':-Cl 6 I i i:F* . ft#.:ftffi:lfu, L4 - t' {L f . -#
?,. l( H,LH+) lffii'll't.r.l+l i:tll" .o)#t+t*- 7, y
hX+E#++.I-+r-^W., D F:. -4r= aHZ(t. g+
t*tttJj,00+Et" b i r,. ) i:fr.->1\-" 4l-"C., =4 r-1. Z0)lt.t:,
EtI + =*n + =+700 - 800 f t'H { 6 l-'+ L u' i frE fr c { !' "

a )#r+=EL75 >>>>>

1. Culture Notes
Culture Notes*. &#t-xa :Y/'c-(ffi*'l* ( " 4frt:)t'{. #
fHF U"cWffi. I t v ? I t'"

ffi l* cD (.H.i -, I x r f* r a. }hffifrlt#sst. (". ff ffirE


o) ttlffiL t. ,Ki2 it . [rE ] l: t,.f'. ffi t' ( t . l:

= LH, ;- 6
.- *P]:fr-4 itL: @ll'. ##ffi'li4 v Lrtrutt,'ff
h') H,- i d),- r,./' i. 4i- ) r,. it= " , i .- fH+: i iri't
/ )z,- r. i f" ->'c.- #0)LVJL*-lt)#-r,'ry-Iit
r,." Ft#+-# J ( f,t,.t. #b / t,.FR b - .-variation ft=#T-r

Hffi#.tfr..'(fH L{ :
" 2, ^t!. ffi?ilEEt. F: l'>-c
ffiffi#,T " ffiffi L t- 1 2 -, i v 2 o)HF I: - 6
4. Bffi
Hffi*:*. -H#: b '/rt i-b(, - 7 2+v | L Abr. ffiffi
talt=i*affi:- 4 .tt:H{ ( ffi#ffiH3}{* ( } t..
5. {+V t
l ( H,26+l i. 2 - ? i.v ? a+i - -r ( fiFH3l} " lffie)d'L-'
1.r,.?l *. 4Affib. ffi J i I-ri'uJ'l !'o ( +. ffi+. #F
ttffiEl7 7 v/t -l"kffi:z-cffi*lr. ffiffiftlt..6. ffiFfi-#
TFEb _ i*?rz|T0)tru.o /:ru1 t {"t. ,fEil.r+Trbffiu)ID
la /1?#il^{. * bffir)/.o w+12 l.Fffi*. l+rql/'->
-c r,. . i .ffi^F"Iffi: j-^ 1b. fiJf. lx+o)ft,+_ 7.r x too Lt-)x,4-. cotrt:1ffifr1 g.!.iE-r" . )t. i7ffilF6

t. u'c z i ffirfi.. 6 - YEJ=lj.ffir'rlr i "
6. +ffi'
: A{. t. '!F^?^T ,=:-c'. .0) < L'+4:H {
r,. !. i
" lll+ (:)J t r. i +l t * 1.J Hr,-{. ltr" I i l: /4r^,J : trl
j r'-fl L i 6ffiHT t !.r,. ,8 i
7. Ilu - t
Xttt - l'it. t:lFr'dut{u'a" IF,FIJ L{. 4ts#1fr.#*/tiffi
r)+rJffiW,:H{ ( 6XitEH H } 6" * /. 2, r. F:
! b +Hl), ,,W 6 b ) . fififfiHlfr}.- F\XI*-EE >f b Z-t (' 6 r.
: g / s. 4' / u. ,H b d'r, 6 E tt - 2 7 7 "c ffi H Ftr : Hffi o ( L. / /;' / u..

X, - l. EEl+. ffil:69'tt/1. il. E\fr2 -, ).y ?tr=[*ttffigl s

6d'{!.6" xlffiHIt- r 7f rt,-L/}{Effi&li
IL. ffiffi L "c-# L. H ' "
B. gffi
:Effi: l*- t#EtE#-fr{ ( -- 4 {L+#H D B : 7 0) Ht,
!. \,.
X-e t,- L/l{fffiV,l^fj'"C.. ,t'l-T-c11i J i t= L !.o u -tvz'v 4
dtIy-z"v -2 t Et:tt, *'HFfiffiB Zi-c .o)frt",itR
" (FX. Effif.. FJLI7.,vr4 l. i::1,.{.-r} /. , 2 7 x.'ffL.r,. U'c.t
. ffiE Lff."
9. HM b ffiH
:d"r. ffiffi L{CDH.'. Fffi? t'f i6 < ,,rtt, -b'f
tl r,.o r.l:!.Oxfrzt". ,*>t :rffiF&* b .llr,.1{r. O
x : H l-"C++.,F,*;/n,futffi. :c u. {HF"I f[,ltl it. Z 7 zt l)
i-EcD ?H.{ } ,.. 4{t*lffit:r. L. +tEf o). Lt:6. ffiffi
oar- / ( /-t"c.t-*i'c" ++.=ffiL"c, ,, mlF.FrJLU'c.zbi/a'l:
10. iBffi
: trrt. ilffifpffi:Hfz ( . /ffif"XL{r/r) 60)('.. 2 ,
i- b t T 6 #fr t++.0> Hl : * Z t - ffit-ffi t ,2'F r / r'
" t t
11. b"dF
L',"f/F- ffi?#,HlffiffiH t. ffiIE !." :i'u?il
ffiffiEl:^tt . ) .. ( EgF/a't. bfflFf,:
\,rt.*. 5 ffi{T : { { } t,."
IA +i'Lr ' t--l ....."......'.........>= 1

B {--fucfr5r"


Meeting Someone in Japan

hen you meet someone in Japan for the first time, you bow as you say either ft UtD
t U( or ) &Zt (, or both. You also exchang" #|J (cards) if you have them. tn
Japan, everyone other than children, students or full-time housewives is expected to carry
them. Sometimes even university students choose to carry them for prestige.
How low you should bow depends on who you are as well as whom you meet. ln general,
women tend to bow lower than men, and if you meet a person whose status is higher than
yours on the Japanese social scale, you should bow lower than the other person, e.g., your
teacher, a friend's parent, etc.

lntroducing Oneself or Others

elf-introductions occur quite frequently in Japan. At a reception for new students, for
J example, you may be asked to introduce yourself in Japanese. State your name, the
name of your home institution, your majo and end it all with i&t-,( and a bow.
When you introduce two people to each other, the rule of thumb is to introduce the
person of lower status to the person of higher status. lt would be nice to also add a
comment or two about each person, as lkeda does in 2 of this lesson.

How to Address Someone

lTt he most common way to address an adult is "last name plus fu," but don't overuse
I vl To address people who have titles such .r #H (section chief), $bH {aepartment
chief), iiH f.o*puny president), etc., use the titles instead of fu. To address teachers,
always use#E. Above all, avoid usingt*lc. lt could be quite insulting. The use of first
names is limited in Japan: they are used within a family, by higher-status members ad-
dressing lower-status members (e.9., parents addressing children, or older siblings talking
to younger siblings), or they are sometimes used among close friends.

F + v

1.- 2.-t 3.- 4.- t 5.=

6."2 7.w a.Wc^ Lo.nt
11.^ 12.^) 13. -b 14.L) ts. /\
16. /\t' rjt,2 ]e. + 20.H
2r.f 22.8 23. Fl iE
24.H J, Ii
zs.Fl B
26.'k i E 27.< i E 28.frJ B 2s.#.J i H 30.*J i E
3r. ugE 32.^H 33.t t.' 34. Jr !' 35. !.
36. !- 37. +..- 38. !. 39. !. +0.'[t L t,.
4L.+ 42.2 < zL 43. ^. + 44. t- j-T 45./t'L
46.ffi 47.-+ 48. ffiH 4e.Jl
sr. BA^ 52.EIAffi 53.tffi 54. JR.fl s5.H
s6.k s7.+ 58.1 5e. *1 rt 60.
61..*& , 62.ffif* 63.t+ 64.fu,ifr 6s.ft+.
66.IIJE 67."HlJ
68. 6e.+I 70. t
7r.XaF, 72.fifi, .H 74.8+ 75.T'r <

76.*, 77.*+ 78.^ 79. EIA BO.R

Br. E, 82. ffi oc1

OJ. EI \ 84.ffiT 85. Ff, (

86.,8 i 87. x sB. /\trL 6 Bs.ffi s}.N6

9r.) e2.l* e3.lE ) e4.* ) es.H i
e6.lF s7.t+2 98.'f+2 ee.H i 100.ffu

101. {EI 102.

(ffiah,TcttR0)^_ yt D f "

*l 'l *,,,,,

l.!. 2.ULc .]. t- 4. ,1c 5.,

6.7>'ta 7. i. ,,/ l. B. t't. 9.: 10. [.cc
n. < 12.lsc) .f,,,/ l-t, 14.,/.t 15.

l6.F ca 17.p),/< IB.2 19. Dl9 i,z Lv 20. + (

2L. , 22. *, , 23. L, 24.t:t,j i ' 25.tlc J i '

26..1 i ' 27.T\-J t d' 28.(rd' 29.* ,1 i d' 30. l i tr
31. Lsz 32. ( sr 33. ft t. 34.r,.!. 35.6 t.
36.1- u- 37. l*S ,' 38. l.!. 39. sT L- 40.t,4 l L L.
41. L- * 42.2 < z) . 4[f,. -.sq / : 44. L.T o)l.I 45.T l-
46.T 47.\-tc *l, 48.Ut,, 49. a--, 50.bu

51. : * ,D , 52. : i,. 53. L- l' 54.Lii

56.16 A,r 57. 58. 59.t, )A, 60. l* l*

61. *az). 62.i.i 63.1r-l ( 64.., l 65. ,1 t-
66.s*/i 67.r, *, - 68.(6* 69. .1. L + 70. ta.da

7r.1,8 72.11,* 73. * u': 74. * ..' L 75. t' (

76.<6 77 . , t.,- tJ ' 78. lc - 6 79. :ti,LJ ( 80. {-r

BT.A 82. J tf 83. . ( 84. */JT Bs.(

86.f i 87. t, t. 6 BB. t.f6 89.16 g0.l- 6

91. t. i e2. sTte 93.). ) e4.b ) 95.1t )

96.. <6 97.l)2 eB. *, 99.T, , ) 100. tr{,e

W.ll:,/I, , I02. l"

>>>>rffi 1l

e H&E:+F5 ct+ . 2 f!:_2 _+ i, u V. fii. E ^/ (- 7 .r -

^- -
E -.rutfi U I 7:

*rutv b ). Elljft1"u. t -> t- s l,. * T."

E lI: ^+L("s.
i-Z- tlJ-eT.
4+utv * t P )v "s-rt - + L * T.
E il-: ^-r- ,1T." [ ) k1, < " 7c--

*r uv tl- ( +Fr'l-*.T" ft+.- u.?.6 1#.-{r.6 -:1,+,'a-T'.

E : +E+i.6r"T"
*r uv 4 0)#t: BA. r,. -> l- + oI ,ttt."
E tl: ZL- 7ci'eT"
*r utv fr.. EIA* . {"f."
E il-I: RH("T" --, - ,1 EnTt:/ bl' * T..
*ruv !.!.. *L'fT. g+Ltu. .,H:{!.*1"
E tl.: BAffi+4t. T."
*rutv ,!.- Bffi*&ffitfrLl f". . . - + 2, A tt:x{L'cr./

* L/;"
E I1 : .4 ) T." 4-.4 I 7.=Wft(" Td.
*I utv l*[._ 4)1T"
E I: __Q, 7 z.tJffiffi;?su,T j " r'{,S ot ( t' !..
*rutv ,r.. 7),sb *T"
*l 1*,,,,,

' t#)iEr5T. :E' -, . )=vj7lh\^+W+lffifl<."

t& Er [ffilr. :-t,t,tt, E: .17vE" IZVvE- :t,e,
)t H' : : *+W,F=-LYkHt9.l-'c t.6/i[ffi* vTr] ,"
mffi im"c"f . * i !. t- < "

s D* L-c. | - 11 v(.T" +lJ7)=++'eT"

iE El 1, v vH- Er=zrffi/a' . [ffi ,6 =sffiffi/./j"
T]E ffi {'-b+Dr b *.,"
. E-b*Ljl.o
Itil ffi i-. $'tEt.L*T. L.6- 1r vrl,ti L{EA#ffi}
10 A,1Tlt."
l' -+&gYU'c * L/ L. BAffiFW'al. ,
IJN ffi t+'('Td"
h . * * {"1.
!. !.
fiffi BAt-q6l#"> /: . W+LlH*. 6 {"1..
ET t u.: ,'ct,./,f 11.
/ilffi 4 {Lt Bi:4ffi#._4 )_!-4=I htT..
. 4 ) r,1T" Effi 6l-W.-{ ->lt-, EA 1 / ( .t ,

l}l t ->ll-.
t& El . 1r, v*. Ex.l?--tu.{ fi=;ftr,.
t l t i l .'C.ltrl'l'"

ib EI r! rnr r z L No([. 6 .r{1. i a L "

t 4 i1 /Ju.l /.

ov ltJ ,r t r- . C- I - v y. E ^ft <fl1ffief l : lc E ^, U ,tt "

-7.{ - BA^+",l b {"T."
i Er: - L"
-174- -/4-T" E)4--!U<"
i Er: iE f"T. t^ i - t 1,( . -7 4 -l"t+-CT..
-7 - ft,H+XLr: l{-p1 _r"f . mH /4,* ?
i Er: 31- 3-, :b Har:gJe)tt- ,-aT l . -lrElffinkw.t
I BA^/ L ._t A,'cT "
-\i - Ba* t-f."
i Er: HFt"T. * dr./ : { H#Fr.{,{"f } "
f { HF^1< ,1T i."
^i - L ;'
i Er: Lo- *aft$-("T."
d7 - z L - i'c# 3 - +ffi.L
i _1. !:.t+ pl_!_:_t-_T_.
i Er: 4 i 1 -r . " 8-.!4__f _l_I-..
ls -\i - ir:-46W+U* L/. HFl* 7cW-Wl"t* b * Lll . (

fi,: b * L/.
i E: flru'6F:. -i ,-c):..6 ot-+ l..*,." ffiHffiTt

E i 4" .&friJt-m*.ffiEr.{$a *T.6.

-\i - i >bn: j '"u.*T"

*l 'l *""'

, e/\tr-+^E(^)
i ;' u+rt)
+E+AZqffirFlE&ffir. +E+hEqffir I ffiJ:r.l;. BA. t+W.
ffiffi,2),::- HA r ) , rta>l':t?+ffi r. ) 0)t.lEDH
u *: . Friends of InternationaT Students t. i l,v-/S y -0)v-fi
7 , u. i rt :Xt < {L'(, !.1o 7zr- f;,?. * f". .v-h 7 ,0)
x.I:tfr"C 6 i-i_-----/c"_l__" tv-h ,1. +l 7 7 - 7 l' j - r"ry,r"
r. / u. i tI {L " { . --f +-t^ (". i I l. l *[rt':__-(__r._.

\.\ I
pi-i. ffi'rT. ( HRfrZ'-tIo I i trt- tv-h z,rH('7us- l.
2 q\ 1r(
rL:il"r{!.:'c. ({vl" *rv77ht< :1. ( lu.'/rf- }.s/ ( (. ffi.
.rCr tly i
F r. ( - + C r. ffi : rY/ k F,2 l / ffi El : I 'r T_:____t;__/__.
hc'L 2
Hfr. v-)t 7 ,fl)r.Xrs-7 -:Bd'(..r( =/;o l..IT
{-:':r- rZ ) Sl, I . i----
fu-E,Efisff L.l{ t. 1,") 7 + t * T. +F=FH"e- Stt*Bffit'
" t^ ) - i. t- < ) / . { {> {u.dar,./rHAffi{". ^s7^s: H#}ii'r".

c'= ( t) t,-cL*:/. *sEl 6#2 7 zcet;ffit,ftfr{t.t(-. lF.=.

I'-tIr 7c i I" ) t)x,tt, 7c 0) ) * /; i _..!=.!;_.v.(_. ffi
(\ t.' ,1"1r$ 9
6 r: ( *a!. Ic" 4 {L' r. ++f t#-Cffi L /. taEr, - xffit:'tr.{ff L"c
t._l____. 4 Lr "Iltavethree beautiful daughters." L oI -A': ( b t-l.
EA* if:Lr,.ffir.41 T,'C.- 9#t" {/Jr,. ,H). EA#
+eh\o ti-----"---
9ffi 1*. Xi* l (" /J < a - L_fr.6 f t. i ._.1,__!t_" 7 t y :u- <J.a_t

12 f3 14

L rli ,r' L(.*frFt.L*3.literal
ffilt introduction means'I request.'l
tu. .-t;
IilJT for the frrst time 7 W,L to teach
r v/['. b have just done- I -tsHur. b
slnce - years ago
l! ,,r'i,<
otL+ * lt w+t to study abroad
z tll tfami namel ertl,
(,but ...)
17 =H lfamiiy name]
3 Excuse me L qr( l'
^TLtt ls ffiffi homework
a [honorifrc form of
-fL.E-L +-{'-Tl ,1,-

\" r,. there is,/are a lot

! -
"5 FT lhumble form of i ] s,r*ra to do one's best; to try
' tr lnard
7 . L ( *t. L*1 fmorepolite
way of saying E i 4'- l4

t{'r( tl+. r( l
1 N+W+. graduate student 5+ffi
r'[r i: -
ruEl tfami namel +f
u,E you [It is generally used
t r.. by male speakers toward
E friend
someone equal or lower
ut L)
2 l.J[ffi lfamily amef in status.l
il< vg1 r,
i [It is the most neutral ffi4 hobby
form for male speakers.l , 1-r;'jj$12 good (at -)
- [a form attacltedto a
rrame in addressing
I+EI t
one ofthese days
t E
someone. It is used once
Ioward someone equal
- DZ.

or lower in status.l
{.r (r',
3 f+w graduate school $l.L*T Please.
fr,+ electrical engineering L' "e by the way
..-. +f; i-.......
i(*)$&:l g
*'f* /t

to maior (in (I am) not good yet.

-) t3
ri a
*.r9. lfemale given namel t4 4* interest
v' tc\
t5 F* actually; in fact 76 J to play
Drirt( .R, ,
++ junior high school 20 xlb
ffi next door; next to frffi
l e< It, 5,
xffi. family H (r) bountiful;plenty
/.l L [male given name]

t Trffi airplane to be born hn/at -)
{t lu.i.l
(- : ) EE to sit (inlon -) ttt
f.t+ I woman
ffir,J togrowup (in-) [u.i.]
? tt -i il l:r c'C.\, Ithasbeen

a to talk to
2 'J to go home [>>>E;z- e]
F: * t-
3 mEl lfamily name] 15
-vh one night
5 )' [female given name] tL l* 6 to stay (over night) [u.i.l
+- rutfc
6ftH last month k r, very (much)

graduate (from -) 'rt to like -; tobe fond

@;,,t.ito (of
z (-t:) a work
W to 1o1 -); to be a[.r
employed (at -) 77 Ht: while; during the time
v '' when
-pri ' F

7E - week(s) \ !1it-,
ffiH parents lkt., b o+Jt parentsJ
fF vacation L-:- 4
t ffi place
W.a to take ot' u
. l 18 AfriJ (name) card; business
I ,ffi () to be returning home catd
[>>>*itu -t's] tt, t,ci
ffi# telephone number

atr* att L
o ilJ lfamily name] 2 El Narita (International
av Airport)
/' lmale given r'a'n'ef - a-l
r:t * FT town; city
E= diary 's
(-t:) ( to arrive (at -)
t ;.
vstitr tj 't"
+ ffiffir ten plus a few hours
tz l.tffit to move to a new place
of residence
n'tl a it takes [with respect to
time or moneyJ [u.l.J - E : to decide to -
t't, ^, [>>>gi./- F9]
ET-} Effi International Date Line - rul ru

14 +W tonight
IEI l-) same 't:,
(.r-t;,_ - fr^ acquainlance
4# airport
V6 when V [>>>]
tWLa to welcome; to meet; to 51

15 t" young

W,;i, rt H+ man;male

stay (over
i.ia,,.12 polite
{ 6 to have - -- ns7
night) [u.r.] .s7 fluent
u t L-i'n
- i] t: /J = / it has been decided/ t / selintroduction
arcanged that - 17 '! il-a to be surprised
[>>>*;t.u - le] :rl,1
,. f-,

+ oneself + last year

u 5'r.

7r-^1.i.- firstname ft: way (of doing something)

(-?"'t') EFs to call - by ...
4F'h older
rs 4', t, and then; after that
't: t somehow; no matter t' vri #'lu

how hard one may try ++ middle-aged

-l: ('!. hardto -; difficult to - W,#,ffi,-.,lg;*r:tw,,,q,i,, ,,

[>>*,*/-t-.8] zr f,l. beautiful
ut tT.
ffi#nZ jet lag t
ffi daughter
HEA to sleep
! ( { ,-/ . can't possibly -
7 - ' lL apartmethunting [>>ftl-tr1]
cf {tri
rr ilEa . to take someone to 22, X - gammar i
sl ,Lt it:
rf( nearby; in the -fr way of thinking
neighborhod [>>>*,*z- rz]

- a-f
n < to walk to differ; to be different
le TI
i4 () appropriate; suitabie -6 Lt' it seems that -;
-a evidently [>>>g;.2- t' t]
flcIT 6 to find - lu.t.l
n rt'v1 < -Y J v, culture shock
* I 1 *,,,,,


{ ,-m
-aTi \- \E

(' aot z.tlt . ftlL . Ff s. *affi.

o.#. 6 7. HU a.B# g.4 to.:1ffi
tt.&\- tz.frYW ts.7 9 v r.ftfY rs.S4
ro.#Hl tt.E *> rsr+) i .tg.. zo. ffi
zt.*,trt zz.rFY zs.XlV z+.*'W zs:l 6
zo.W.6 zt..*. {L^ zg.ff# so.i* 6
gr. -i, ,: ]', gz. Hl zz.t z+.* s.tffi.j
so. B sz.lEl ea. FJ sq. ( o.lEI l)
+t.Hl} z.lf[. +s. ( +.trffiEl +s.HlE
+.*ff +z.f|fr 4.
t L t,. q. Xl so.4 Lfr

CHto'' 2.ffiffi .1&Bl +.8 s. l[ffi

Ln r Eli& Lr,,
.ffi 2.ffiffi s.@ffi s.W t0.&ffi,
n.;# r.ftfiffi tq.l rs 4#)
Yr' /
(to.t rz. -EHl re.{rF[H rs.H# 20.)
\- rr{'L 5rr tz
zt.-W zz.#, zs.&frrJ ,n.## zs.E
-,'l r"t'rl[-- tJ lv
zo.'4, zz.fffif zg.*ffi so.rt- 61
L*4 '.AdH{48#R 't t1' 5v(
r. [F gz. ffi ss. HE6 M.IL b5ffi
t4't\ l.'
tE cft&T gg. 1. eq. l E *at,.
' +r.ffi
rz. Bl

This radical comes from and is used for characters representing human
conditions, activities, etc.

t{ l t_{Ft ft rd
| o' V (plain past) Wlrrl ='have just done something; have just finished
doing something'
lffil >.t >>>t#tr:tcn'o] [a*r >.6>>>4#t lrmao]
a) /tSl:l\e tI{lt, rr li. . +^ffir" L i "
(Since she hasjust entered college, she is probably 18.)

b) /\/ |ffirI) . . /J7)r)'z lf t.T.-l-.

(I have just eaten, so I am full.)

c) FIA^?|:tf'tlo) t. Elaffi*r. r ( tb * L/"

(When I was a newcomer to Japan,I had trouble understanding Japanese.)

2rr, O) lffit >t.ts>>>o2=zt*l

Both o) and 4 0) canbe used with the meaning 'that -' when an item you are referring to
is not in sight. is used when both the speaker and the hearer are (oi are assumed to be)
:*iftupeiro'or',ihitt- - - tinl"fth, y trp o_$e'fr9"g,3f.s.4Il4iar,,
,:"Wmun.j'.'l. 4, 2,.sttta 'usea.,ln,tllis,:passage, theuse oi,t tt inAicat"q,f-a,ttop,A,ft:
!L and * r u are familiar with the class.

a) A f4 * i lH r.- i t'f .
(The town I was born in is calied Tkayama.)

B ?OtrJ* .,/ffiJ"T."
(What kind of town is that?)
I l.1
b)A i. *+BAffi2 iziJ!.r) 4 )v ,1:t.* Ll.
(Yesterday, I met Lyle-san, who was in our Japanese class last year.)

B bb- troL. " 7 Lf t. * T."

(oh, how is he [: that personl doing?)

J oot V(plain) &51l le;z>>>>Rffiffi2&rra2rcl

s a ch3r-rge ,which has akei Jg,9,.i..wrill place.
fusr as -{je.iirtr

/; * i,r!:,is,ins-9,$,... ',,',1 ,:. .'',,t,'.,':.t,..t'r-':..',l. ,i:;..l,l.tir

' ,n9,'r,*ittt
ti a
a ) B^ffic, . Bft:@ffi#2 J E t) * I,t"
(I came to have an interest in Japan after I went to Japan.)
't'l U l.L:,
b) W+ffi\frLlr lft. BAffitrH# 6 ea Ef/r t, *tu"
(Unless you study kanji, you won't become able to read Japanese newspapers.)

*l 1 *,,,,,

c) .0)c67, yr^ La i?^6ea|.;ftt1*.t,t"

(These days,{mericans also eat sashimi and tofu land this is a changeJ.)

{rrr, -t,6 l:l,z > t. z s >>> z ?L v eal

: :r .. : ::':.1r' ..: :.'...
This is a sentence-final particle of exclamation. It rS gegrall us"'u',s11e, one':s feIin,
;,.:e-mhicall,y oi on's wish rntivly. "

a) Wofttt>"
(I don't know what to do!)

b) -r7 Y rtnTr->1,.r!-/J.
(I wish I could go to Africa once!)

This.'epres.sr9,ha,s.'a,flavor.'of'l,mo.aologlte: i e,, saying something.without an addres

- ..,.

c) LJ b Tt"
(Long time no see!)

d) fl ( Sc//"
(You did WELL!)

$ ',' V(plain) [ff : >z.e >>> Ra xt znuctl


preqeh som .l,-,trit:. : i rr. r':., :: , ):. , ...::l l:,- :lil.r:..',:1.:rili ,i :
: :. :. -: :. ), :;: .: :., :):,:.:a. ! .:.::r t:il::a _ rJ'r.r: .::ii,ti : :. 1,

a) t, x ) l'r. qi*zl zr,("T- t'? L J : : f'T."

(I am aboat to eat right now, so why don't you join me?)

b) 4t, i 'tt 6z0)- -eH#vL*T.

(I am about to go out, so I will call you later.)

c) z{ttt,6,\ zt.
(I am about to eat.)

d) Z l". 6 SlJ .llT

- L.( !' * ri," e-eKCl lngrwcitt
(I have just eaten, so I am not hungry.)

e) lur Zl". . i ,)l-'c t ( l'- 1..

(I am lin the midst ofl eating right now, so please wait a little.)

^ zTT ^/c ZTt /s?rr zTT

$ "' V(plain) Ztl=lclr='be expected/supposed to;

it is a rule/custom that -'
lff: > t. 3 >>> 1fr:. -
t tra a zrrt]

V(plain) ZJ=tclc='it has been decided/arranged that -'

l#aryz > . z >>>i<t 5 tc a tc]


a) H"e9ffi #, i f: / : ( l,r * T"

(I am to teach English in Japan.)

b) U rft4..: l=re ( rr *f "

(I am supposed to meet my teacher tomorrow.)
L :'
c) Blf 'e ft# I E I=t U * 1,, t"
( [It has been an anged that] i will be working at a J apanese company. )
d) x+ffir z Iit t :f L /"
( ltt has come about thatl I will get marned next year.)
e) E#0tX.t:_L7)6ffii- ( cb( T-t.(r:f r"
(When you enter a Japanese house, you are supposed to take offyour shoes.)
f) ffiE-e tt Bffir*T E / : ( r !f r.
(You are supposed to speak Japanese in the classroom.)
*l 1*,,,,,

1,,, N (or Sentence+O) ltla"(?"l l#.l > >>> Et*ttJo<</']

this exiession rQues ttr you are in !t is, appropritej,, theiefore,, to,
say a)-B in a Japanese restaurant.

a) A 6-r u?*lc : b * T..

(Have you had sushi before?)
B !- !. .-- t6t l-ItfllbT T'T "
(No, this is the first time.)

::..t --..

cannot be said" however,,when y ar diq sing.I.ansse,food'in.a..sroqr '
:1.,.::: -:. : : .,.1,,. t,:, .,:,,i,,:',:,:,-.'lr
:::case, you,shold,say b-).8. - -r'r:.:1 : - :1.::. a: r'.:1.:t ::.:., .:....
:- ,r:,

b)A *t l,?-rt l b * T'"

(Have you ever1nad sushibefore?)

B !.!-_ )*lv"
(No, I haven't.)

8'* v(stem) E<t,r l#a*vt > t e >>> I l-.1l t*Frftc < ur]

r-:rv(.'t.' ei'.*+,'=i@t: ,...1,ry"*s ttrat.qgme-$i1g ir gigott.t'*gir-',' ..i.', ;i

a) 7-+ti_ * L-Ct,tl: < t t.
(Steaks are difficult to eat w'ith chopsticks.)
trfr' ', V

b) ffiLu.F. E+E(t,t"
(Difflcult ka4ji are hard to write.)
_i r.:i : :j:)

' [V{stem)t-f l.] means that somethih i easy to V. :r:: ::;- .i. t

',: t
....i ], ' .. . . '.: .

c ) ffu. r#l*_ 56pf tr-CT.
(Nice handwriting is easy to read.)

$ "" V (plain) Jt='decide to do -'

eornpared wit : : 6, this pattern

'iy6lysfl.r,, , ,

a) *trB^lr < l--l'*' I't"

(I have decided to go to Japan next year.)

b) E CD r< l: l'*1.,f"
(I have decidedto listen to cD's every day.)
>>>>>ffi^ I

10 *'Sr/c. Sz='when sr, 5r' la > t,t a *n r*,u nzo >>uzr,rrra]

...'I4e4:t6",clause,islfollowed,by,a sentence,,'(JSlin,,the.Siite-nse, it means lwhel.',The .

t or stare you did
-*t ",tr,.'.rr
l, 'l
a) i ElH^lip t- 184.:r* L/"
(Yesterday, when I went to the library, I saw my teacher.)
, <
b) E#Xffi,.-)x^+tlHct. lvtade in Japanl t,\( t>cl,
(I bought a present for my Japanese fam, and I found that it was made in Japan [, and I was

This should be distinguished from the case of V l followed by the present tense form, as
in E^frc t;
'. . i.
Effil#r , ) lJr 6'e L Ttris is thc cas of s-called "condi-
.ti ?u.s o{'lt;,and it manp',if tor gq.f-,qil. ,,oi,'
,','.'.,..,,,.' r

11 *' T * - Il='can't possibly' lffia >zz t >>> ezt.r*ur]

'. . : :'..'rir:a lr.':rr:.:r:.1. .t::r:..:1.:;::r.r:t.::..-i,r:.!r.:ii1.:r:r:1:r1:.:r:r:r.::i,..:.-:rr:t

This phrase expresss a very strong verb is usually in otential

a) / ( ,>.>(. (t,^tt*. lv"

(There is so much that I can't possibly eat it all.)
b) Ht'* ET b.r ,,H - * /v"
(I can't possibly buy a house in Tbkyo.)

12,*V (stem) T ='*^rof - ing' lry> t.zz>>>zzl

lV(stem of * i--form) +] expresses 'the way of doing somttring.'

'' V ltt: Ut"
a) ?l- -to) : ffir'r/ ( 1,, 6o)- ffiLt."
(Kanji are difficultbecause leven] one kanji [often] has a number ofreadings.)

b) *t L #bXZW.Z( ( t..
(Please teacTrme how to hold chopsticks.)

13 *r ^, Lf ='it seems that; evidently' l#atw > t. z z >>> 5 t,t]

;.t: !,.,e4presses oners,couj-ectures, .qan,b,,attahle f.,o-usr(e6:1 .$,[1,),;.s-t9rnS

of r*-adjectives (e.g.,L1'. Lt.),piafonns of t.-adjectives (i..g.,ftu, Lr..) *apfui"
forms of verb s (e.g., n < q L r.'). It tends to be used when one's conjecture is based on what
one has heard.

'l **-'

a) B^t. #r,-ta tff* L[r.

(It seems that the Japanese people iike hot baths.)

b) Rr. +rJ{ffit (
2 ,'
(. {ar: ( t. Lr"
(It seems that Tbkyo is a difficult place to live in because eve4rthing is expensive.)

c) 7 t r r-c-.|,l. +.trtft+.7 r -z i.-(.&J L\.

(Evidently, students call teachers by their first names in America.)

14*,V<WA<ON='the first N after v-ing'

l#atry > . z z >>> rru ?re)t oh w7 i, - t a,v t)

a) T) y nrt'<Wbrrtv|\-va v /l'a/.
(It was my first culture shock after arriving in America.)
b) +&l * c T l dT o 2 :-'v 2 t'. ft4S * ' +4 : *a rl',' z / "
(1 met many teachers and students at the first picnic of the semester.)

G) B^lia <aJu)<. *B'fiHffi/ttffiL * Ll.

(When I went to Japan, I spent a whole day speaking only in Japanese, for the fist time in my life.)

d) lt$:e < flJb< - E:t. * L/c.

(When I entered coliege, I met a Japanese for the first time. li.e.,Ihad never met a Japanese until I
entered college.J)


a) "'ffif >>>>>ltl

1: f.. , L+ t.*T7). is an hon-

*tvv: bo) ), r ?L \ r :tflt,1, orific form of 'T. This is dif-
ferent from t. c L s t.* 1.,
E.tlJ I . E'ilJ-c"Tz2" (i.. 4 ) {"1 . ) which is an honoric form of t.
*+uv: *r p )v..s-h-H U*,1" * T'.

tLt: ^-r-rLt"T.. Ze L<" 2:Native Japanese speakers often

**utv: e6u ( *Furt,*1. end a sentence with -t (but
... ). This suggests that some-
thing more might follow and
hence gives a softer tone to the
conversation, thus making it more
polite than a sentence without
b) 'o'UJa"T^ffiT >>>>>[ff2]

t) 4
Br+ ZT.3, I ,)r ElAffi : @4 3 ffi: / t*. 3: L is used to change the
topic of a conversation.
l. Eu n. ++F E,7 = ) rffi {", ( F, 4: t is used to bring up an impor-
tant point or information.
{ L. /; "11"
Er+ bb. zft(. s Eaffi futLlr. E i I : 5 : Try to use connectives such as
if" and t-'6 to get more in-
/ - l ,tl tJ"
formation from a conversation
l. i- L, Z ) t tvTt " &(.'d L {. *+H& paner and in general to have a
smooth conversation.
g+ L* L/:"

Brtr ) ) - ftl, s l. r E AffirT 4rr ,-e n"

| "' #d?i:
U: L: ir'l' 2l ;
e 2 1 70)/\I:fi^L/J !'o l ft,Hjrrttt.. Z L Fr,,tt,tl. i t o

a) hHIJ

b) ++

*l 1*,,,,,

c) E^Tt-tl: tb.. /Jt'' ( ,. !'t- E i Ulc) l

hz i
d) rt
e) ffift
f ) f?b#
lrt ,t( J:
tl ;') 7+L*f" Y#:+f"T"
Ea^-t* fTt.c/: r)r b *,r. * 16 ,t

{ !. *'l-o k* Eaffi{. T. ffi*l*1=z.#r'T. )4"


+-w+ L / r,. Ea

l.L ( *mt.L*T.

a) *7 t:.->-c- *ur,.: i L.(n+:Hfrafs:I i ':roI.ffi/J !'o
b) ffit.l: :- L ), lo))vr 0.ffi4 (toreport) L/J r,'"

J "' trt-lV7'V(
,{ 7 : t b / !." -* EAffi+. i -^l Bffift. X#'s- ,t

-t'j{r. * L/" ##r J. i t#?LlJ !'. #4:?/^t.

u ,: Lrir"'
H#!ft Lrt,, ft,+^: t'\'f,/Jt,'"

) L:6 4t:
a) ,{71: t ->'c., 4.*. (tIFfr- 'tlffit:'c t '(H !'o
b) Ht,./; a L2 7

$ r" dVv-,
L e)r.
e a:bo)IJ,-{ &flJ*f v7"tvtt" :-Afr\ ( d'lz\i. ,rt"LJ i'.
.(7 i: t.>'C., R.HI- /J t.o

a) )',&ffil'fEl-c'1."
L ;
**t3gli b) :)'.itt ",/JffH{'L r i ."
& ,k-13
c ) .^+!t : b *'."
t/ h tiLc,

d) z )u,#{4{.'T..
r 108-0023 R3)trH 4-r 5# 4+
TEL: (03)4567-8910 FAX: (03\4567-7777
E-mail F (Lrrtj) *'\il (r..:Lt{\'LP)
**ls ( r ,{ r ,) *l (.:4 r )
,rrrrffi" i

^+ e) H+ , ,lt# L !. * T.,
x+st3*tf+ f ) H+ ,o)Wt{r.6Eft- ::
# E+ q. -7
4Y,T D * T."
g) H+ "X,tt : : b, *.-ltr..
Vtf#ft T251-0000ltt6;6'& t-2
h) E+ "X.o)#t.fEI{'-T..
TeL (0466)77-8899 Fax (0466)77-7777
+, -'2260000,i*rrtq6ffitrR3-zi
Tel,/Fax (045)045-0450 X+sl3 (.(,i) &*q
( r D o)
r*#T L') (U/:()

$,,, fF*
e /fr.-f ffX. /J !.o F t+ (" r,..

e 7 r, h !. * T" cD Ef,r. t- g.i.nff-u lrfLt'o. H,

{ t'd-tlx-'x ?^illJ l'"

X a) :^it+ffi{"T.
K b) E|#ZH-W.L{r.*T,
E c) EIA^:/:rb*T"
K d) &t. E:BYL*L/.
X e) ;tY:: AzJ,e>. EA:Effiffi. i :/ b * L/.
@ f ) +XL/ EIA^lr( l"Lr i,
g g) RIR
( 1,
(name ofa Japanese film director) U4ff
r. ,r
( ,F,* L/c.
K h) E+#tulLl; i t *i,"

u j ) B4t L ( zr. E:{r.*T"


M ) ,. * 1"

BA#tH- 6{L LE:

1 (+=ttt D ttttu" fl Srdrr+# : (b. lLr
urft r'alet3-D5. ffitu<az< rt\.)

I / r.
: r*- Ba. tx-'. b H++tJtTs. l<7 / , rt LX"'ft
:/;ffiffi" T 7 - Lu- i 4 7 J y rt N,J- T*a,{..
T * *a1 .i, . a x nr iffi Jr / / v v r k ffi cTt -; Ic -a "
L '
4 0)Httt- /\,8X(*- 1u'J',t'B{" L/" tF' 6+tl (" u'u'(.
f 7-,7,1- l': * L/" 1r-,: lEi 4'-r6xb /u'.1

*>{t'c- rtrT**-r * L/. l#fbc-c- +fF /vv

T 7- A,tt l=h=-r/".8117r'l Ff,* L/. tll
Tl* s.dr r.{ !.(. {4./; r. ffi.-I.'tllit . l*u'-
FR,fu'-CTl LL 6 0)ttX+.LI i ,Br t "C. "No, thank you." t
* L/. 6t''- f 7 -, i-Ef,t'{ < {Lr) tE:l'
-C--T. L.trt- l7 - "tt. lt-T-) :l;f {''. T ('LIJT
t ,0)i- ?u- 6\', tf,*De)* L/. xfA: f. Hh'fulfr
t &-ffiFC t'#L{.. illTmf 7- '7',s- l'3H* L"
. *.*rt'/:* *{"Ll" tl-tTtt 40)E- 7 t, rt'ettl, I ) -)
l,t -) /l'. u') LFoftT"

1r Dr


K a) r i - L. i^J,- rljTi#{.'.
G b) ilJTs hTrsT 7 - ,:r../:f#fti. TEA'ffic{
lo)11, i"
G c) lTZ /
rt:u'/ t*,'FcU.,;"

K d) tllTlx. T 1- '0)*.-c. F{..l-r * L/c"

K e) f 1-,i. l=tz-7tt'/'zJ'r{"f'l :Effi* L"
tr f ) f r-rl,t. =lt=-1frL{ ( dz* Ll'

L? t' ltr

. tttxel. :,::.""""""""""""""""">;E 1

O l,,3ib ! """"""""".'.:'.

ate" ..............."...-,..'
,1.: '"' " "' "" """"""">ffiAlV
.tTLUtr. .....................


ever assume that Japanese greetings and their English "equivalents" correspond
exactly to each other. For example, although jltf dttl means "Good morn-
ing!," the two expressions are different in that lt5 dt\tl is not normally used in the
late morning. lA) dttl also has an informal equivalent JltAf , which can be used
when you are talking to children or close friends, but never to u i (= higher status)
person. Another good example would be A())5. A(f )f4 indeed means "Good-byl"
but it is never used to people one is living with; also it is a rather informal expression and is
thereforeincompatiblewith keigo(=politespeech).WhenpartingwithaEl-tperson,itis
safe and less juvenile-sounding, to sayt?LUtf. The best strategy for Japanese greetings
would be to observe how native speakers use them amongst themselves and emulate
Another thing students of Japanese should bear in mind is the fact that once a relation-
ship has been established between two people in Japan, such as teacher-student, it does
not break down. ln America, you might call your professor "Professor so-and-so" in the be-
ginning, but as the relationship grows closer, you might start using his/her first name.
That is notthe case in Japan, however. Yourteache even afteryou graduate, remainsft,
i.e., a Elt person, and your speech must continue to reflect that. ln other words, you
cannot all of a sudden switch from lAf dttlto lt&f !

Addressing your friends

n school, classmates may call each other by last name *dfu l<fu,last name by itself,
I first name *5t lu lt lv I ( fu, first name by itself, etc. Oftentimes, moreover, they call
each other by various nicknames or by shortened versons of their names such as f ) (for
*l in -3.




*vtrJL . E#ryltxEEl#)=Eftt"
*rutu: *J i ""t.*T"
= E: ** i "r.*T"
* r I !r!rttxfr,-6"Tfl.
--- El : 4){-rf;'"

E EUE o)+'.. + tz y/ (Ztfc=Eftl-).

*tutv r,: "

= El : -\-r- ,. 4 I z,4,- lll o"c ) trt*6. Lr..{"T1"

*Iutv " , L{("T..
= H: f/,. i l--E:"cr.{"L i. 41u- iffi* l,:*J
o'Ci Lt' r .r,T"
*ru D + . FJ'( Zr.. l..-e t- t ) '"

= El : f4 b:-t..{"ffflTfl'r,. r.l.'L } i.

l L+ ( j :l ) u. iffi'c..
** uv

= El: frR L{F,}) :- ) t. ) j :. t" -t HeT"{*D"kT"t

*tptv /r,b
* L/.
--- El : D+*"
*+utv ft+LL*.


e +E/ \E+l- tr UE+tl[p (. # v u JttH)[Ee H t E . lJ E 6^V+t D


r9 bi t i"
*tutv GE4 i rF{.) t, & i.
w ,: HE i Ld.
*ruv i ,- 9 i ^-ffi+* ("frr u'cfc. >.

w b: : F ( d'tl$_t_l-!-t-?-l-;-.

*rutv B

A#ffiFEst; ( '> '> l t - .?&!;.L (

_/4ll4#&b6!__1..1__" {.
9 t7: (-#eF,-C) >o- /t. + < 11t'/.t. ffiX:E{vt' + i "
10 *rutv flr ) .
19 \: ir. fl-. H,I?
*tutv -- l"'a"
w b: IF.

*rutv FZ

15 19 bi 7c i " L. {> -t'^-+'-K b

*rutv l''-'v--[bl o-c?
9 r1 /:(t'i " rTC(Wol"
*< utv i--> ! u.S/ "
19 \: D +- ,u.f'. >fttr:Tt ( *t"
*<vtv ) .,- D+. *,1111t.

>>>>> L?Ei*

e . ) = y,
h. E+fr0)E-HtJt.+ r, 7/ tzct) " -[Jtt l-. \r+lE+{v- E6g+ t,

ey !
B . ,/^ !

5. C} Lb !

B i, :.
t. A t-'>*I0)"
B frEu.tS.b"
t 4 ) zJ'" e ylrtR.6; 1. t ,t :f,[ o"CI l '- !:?_*a::
10 t/ ( -C"
:',. l--)v7 r^ vzl. z ( t_ , -)vl[tzl.cI,1"
!.[.]- L.L.}" {.'. :,:lA"t"
B /uzC-=l[.iff"
I' bb- 2uzC-lJt*Eo{" t7.,3- l. l:{1"5"
15 [ A ) ," u.:.t:ft/ . 2

t /^ il" T-^4t#=-C?
HI ) ," L- L. 6x 723-345-2433"
t lxr -, 4 o)Ett 555-347-4167"
[ D . EffLt"

20 l. ^ i lu" D+. */.


:,:2:f i4nJili:}'i1.i1jwlsgffi
|.! ?:;.1:1 |.. :.|: ;:' :: :.: :. : ;: ;| :::.'1. :: j.. :..j : ::. : :|.!:|

EIA^7 ) rt Lr- ( f,.i'r'cWHP-'t :. "FIow are yov?" tt EAffi

: .. u. j lrtb " 6 t, ,Effi: ["j-..1 . [*-.{-,(.

T.1 / " r. i #l b :- f"-.1 t*&ilffiTm: i t:-t ) I
L. ltam'T.) * L f 6 ( b cc l: _'__/_4__!:_" ,., E1
: [.r;a.j.1 L. li,("1.j L) L- ]FHt-r!ll__" EIA*
?_ ^
7cl\,bb t:'F:F.#T f es-r ) o l!.l..*ax-xrdal . fr.'e T
del .- 7c
.*o\zcJ*n j r...
')Ex-x,l;4 "--r;A::?F
oo*ave anice day !" -t u.:@irmt"t4
i .. f,.tr1. E6. ElAffi
tt:t7c {u!;Yl,_a#sz r.. 1b " EIJ/"L ffi: *,- f+rElt'{-. i?," l{..
*. ftTLL*Tl- E'ef lD. *ll ^ zi/a'IT)o "IIl.ave anice
day!" ?Haffi:-mRl,'(.F.-rerfr.*'. L!.o 7 / y r^*. 4 )\- i#,wr<
Lrrffik 6. F*. BA#:trt>="ciffi:/Ju.r.r=i#/ ( A,b0)
Lr( '

I"ffilLf'. +i l:t,4 i*t'Lll |rt4a) lu.l;*Tl. H1A.

. .ffJl" EI^1h\x fr6 ffi: i l'{to -c * Tl. 4lt"t:Nl,'Cxffi.a)

) lTt.< 6ol'!'l- Kn'\fr:(,'\ilft'* ) ,7cWXffii l*a

,ffib/u.l / t,i>,.r jffi:t/J!.o Ela*_ hni::t:*/
*i L. iftBi,i j t t.rf a Ltes-o *ffit". "Thankyouforthe
other day." . "Itwasgoodto seeyouthe other day." / " Ltt' 1,/J
!.- EA; lftB i l t i riF* tt.1,/J.,l!./rr.'o
.r,rf"Lzt ------------ xr:'
-ft!:=r'" {. lft* bXE!:T'>I t' ?#. b E^ffifr:u'l
1 " l:t-lrJ.btl m. t-*u-q-rc - Ett+ffift,rr /ffi. z trl'
'i r. ) ffi:fnJ L't l J u..l*:{!.{. 4fLH,-6l)lrt, X+th##

r:,'L-L{O 't6')r-
e-l- fi ,t o1. f r:r"

iL at! t' ) t'tYaf t: fl', 1 tt * f


,,,,, r2=* |

There are three different types of predicate endings-tT. * j--forms, l-forms and t 6 -
forms. So, the idea that Tanaka is a Japanese can be expressed as HF /Lt EA^f., B1+
/t t BA^/a' or EIF ,li H^-e . The styles which use f.T.* T-endings, l-
endings, and f > -endings are called f T. * T{, l{6, and {" {, respectively. While -c''
b 6l# is mainly used in writing, both 'C1. * T{f and {6 are used both in speaking and
writing. In speaking, ('.T' * T{ is used in formal situations such as any formal meetings or
in addressing strangers, acquaintances or people to whom you feel respect is due. {6, on the
other hand, is generally used in informal situations, such as when you are talking with your
close friends or family members. 6 can also be used toward someone for whom you feel
respect is not due (e.9., children, one's subordinate, etc.) In writing, l{ is normally used in
newspapers, novels, scholarly articles and essays. Letters and memos are usually written in (.'
T' * T6. b {16 is very formal, so it is generally used for formal writings such as public
documents and scholarly articles.

,,a.:f ..$',f ff ,(plite;form) ;--6 (plain forr), {.,6 ffi ' (exnosiqy,form)
EIAAT.l E^^/.' n#/\'e b
Ea^{$H}a I *nia B^{E'}n... BA,,\(.t*ru'
ffif1-T fdK/i: / .{"dl.l> ->t

rffi{f$} b *,(.1/ +t+{3H} r"ot {*t'l*/.2l

!.(.- it./ i fLt-:cb6
d,r,.{3'}b*, tur.r..
{3'} nr.. zt.'et/Ju.
r--e 1 l' u'
*<b*r, ( /t' ( /u.
-*T 'ra -ra
^ * +rT fr-r/ . ft-i,/ -
-l* Lt -/ 'l
-* ,f L/ ft.iz., a p-rf.,

Traditionally, the Japanese language is known for having a distinctive difference between men's
speech and women's speech. This distinction, which is mainly observed in casual conversation
style, is seen in uses of pronouns (e.g, boku vs. watashi), some nouns (e.g., meshi vs. gohan,

hara vs. onaka) and particularly in sentence endings. For example, sentence-final particles
such as zo and ze afe typically masculine while a sentence-final particle wa is genenlly
considered to be feminine. Uses of these masculine and feminine senstence-final forms have
been undergoing changes, and thus, it is best to classify them into four types, as below.

Strongly masculine: 4--(ft < -)

' ( ( ')
.t.? (f ( .t'?)
- / - fr ? (ftt,tt . . ?)

imperative (plain form) (trt J. ' )

Moderately masculine: (plain form) ( . ffil'l )

r i.,/f,.,/ /l d G>LTj. B /ii i)

Moderatelyfeminine: (plainform) (ft ( \-t'\)

Strongly feminine: h,/b J,/b*r,/b I de (ffi < b,/-ELt*r/- b6b t,7)

[Noun,//-adjectiveJ t (BAr. u'/)
'1, t> (Tt ( l'| )

Uses of both strongly masculine and strongly feminine sentence-flnal particles have been on
the decline. In fact, younger men and women hardly ever use these strongly masculine and
strongly feminine endings anymore. Women these days generally use moderately masculine
endings in casual conversations, and thus there is not much gender difference in the use of
sentence endings. Older women, however, do still use strongly feminine sentence endings.
Furthermore, in comics and anime, these strongly feminine and masculine endings are used to
create certain character identity, and hence it is good to be able to recognize gender character-
istics of these particles.
,,,,,6r2=* |

1 "o V/46r1='without V-ing; instead of V-ing' [tr1 >2. l-: >>>trrurc]

. V lr t-", gne f the negatiu" a-9rms of a verb, is .oftn fllowed by another velb: *d

Lr( t, ltu
a) Ertr. {EI frt,rFr 6tft+Lt"
(7n Japan, it is bad manners to begin amea\ without saying anything.)

b) ffi L/,rYt,..)R6l,J ( /J!-.

(It's not good to come to school without having done one's homework.)
L r))'L
c ) ElH^lrt'ts,L\Tx.1fu,ifrt t. 64 .
(There are students who study atlnorne instead of going to the library.)

,, V',/J 1,. {: often c-arries ,a conno-tation,.that one didn,lt do Whatone- w4s,expted, fo .do. $o, fo ,

b), one is expected to do homework before coming to school bw helshe did nol

f ,r, Vltlr)fi='You should - Uit.,lt would be good if you did -)'

l#.z > t. z >>>EnHurrtc]

ihislexpression,rsusually used to suggest the opo.sof.wh, h,oeiip slgqg or

a) -r F( ftlt'trl,rc)[;.
(You should go to bed earlier.)
b) tllr.t, /Ju. t|ft.t:I[tlt'trt\):"
(You should ask your teacher about things that you don't understand. lSaid to someone who is
hesitant about asking the teacher some questions.l )

J 'ot t*LlZ='moreover; besides' lemz >.a]

a) Ht*. )t"-t-. Znt;Wlffir.T-_ .a ( !.{.1.

(tUkyo has a huge population, and, moreover, prices arehiglr' Therefore, Tbkyo is a difficult place to

b) A: +H*fir a i tia"
(You don't look well today.)

B :i
,- Et (
(. zirE#t
a Lb6 ,"
(Yes, I have aheadache, and I also have a slight fever.)

A: D+. + 1,ffi-tcffi,"
(In that case, you should go home ear and rest.)


,..,O!heqgonjunctions,which,areoflen,usedinclde Z,fuf" 1the.r.f,or;'1u,,,kLt* iand;,and..thn;,

and also,' 4 t lt, b 'after that.' 4 L'C. is the most general conjunction meaning 'and.' 4 Llr,
emphasizes that an event follows another event in time, and 4 fL emphasizes "causal"
relation between two sentences.

c) ? t*Hr-t,,rft* Lrr" It+:'\ XX- _,nft-ct. +rc

(I went shopping yesterday. After that I went to apar!y at a friend's house and came home about ten
at night.)

In c), both 4 Llt, , and 4 l- arcfine. Howev er, 4 lt't emphasizes the fact that it was
after the shopping that the speaker went to the party. In some cases, therefore, 4 tr, and
4 l,'C. arenot interchangeable.

d) i . EAf{E^Tt-rI" Z l,T ( 4lt t',) -f L ?-r.

(Yesterday I went to a Japanese restaurant and ate sushi.) [* mark means that it is ungrammatical.]

e) lAffin*.1" ZVT (41') /\ffiffi->lc"

(My friend came to my home about six, and left about eight.)

4 tL'C'presents a reason or cause.

|9 +r(
f ) gKb * LTc" ? fr?'. ftffirEi/c '-et"
(It was snowing. The flight was delayed because of that.)

4rrrllrl8,lDr^,/Cf ='not easily' l*i2>.8>>>/rfr/r,Ktaaczl

/f'.i:, when used with a negative, means that somethiniis noeasily'$ne.,r,orftat,ittakes

,tvu td ;*
a) ?rr,h'Ha-nl( (- W-t.C L'*T.
(Ifs terrible because it takes a long time for me to memorzekanji.)

b) =- E, -ffi.,(". /J?)'/c?)'*:f {f t(" L/.

(I had coffee, and so I couldn't fall asleep easily ITtad a hard time falling asleepJ.)

! >>t QUeStiOn WOrd +-tt/r [:>.g>>>ur2r*t]aaa<<l

U9 qu.estion into the plain fonn. The copula ld'is optional::B, tt!(.e-..,tha'qq{gf
partidle . at the end of the clause.

,,,,, r2=*l

a ) urP Elli < n'in'q * h"

(I don't know when I will be going to Japan.)

b) +x L ltt'FtT ' * JlzJ' r) * lv"

(I don't know yet what I will be doing after graduation.)

c ) =4n#r+.ft () ?:'* /Jrt') *,/"

(I don't know yet who will be teaching third year Japanese.)

d) z . 7 vlr- u- * rzt J * /1,"

(I can't tell yet which good.)

Also note that a yes-no question can be embedded in another sentence by putting the
,,,p9{ate.intotheplainfqqn,and,byadding,r,",i,.,,1 ,,::', 1.r:-,,:, ,r.i ,

(I don't know whether I will be going to Japan next year or not.)

I' l Tr'
f) +.#,W,*H L r,-l' a ,tT, ) * 1L"
(I don't know whether the next test will be difficult or not.)
t'r' lt 6 .ll
g) = C-ft?f )
-t l ltt 'H,n-( t,r : {f {,"
(I don't remember whether I paid the copying charge or not.)

h) B^?t' rr'e) * /v"

(I don't know if he is Japanese or not.)

$ rot [Z]^,/t,r='only; no more than' lnatw > t. t >>> ui5,E;.Eur]

L'always occurs with a negative. The implied meaning is that the amounlitem mentioned
is not,enugh or, less,than eXpected.

a) fi. .".ry Lltr. . uE^ll * ri,.

(Because I only have five doilars, I can't go to the movie.)

b) * o) ) Wr. ffif vn #tn,ct.6. B*,HE!..

(I only slept for five hours last night. So, I am sleepy today.)
c ) * , U'l,*,ttr+&trst",0)*. a.
(Ifs too badthat there are so many children who read only comic books.)


| >r> C*,U ='in other words; that is; namely; in short' laryz>.l

a) A : : ;' -- =+tt. -C- -^'effi&4aTi. (number) t'4 i-et i"

(I hear that because of the Baby Boom there will be more high school students for the next two,
three years.)

B: ?f u/t+:^ tffiL!. t !.7 f*fc.

(In other words, it is more difficult to get into coilege, right?)

l--r*2z65gf u'/d. ?:f;rJ.


b) *-r*v=^*El/i-2/l *rb6z)- '^.'v

ffic-c t. EIA("* #=t0)*(" l'H u'U't /J t,'l'.

(In the old days, there was a time when a dollar was worth 360 yen, but now it is worth about 105
yen. In other words, nowadays, with dollars in Japan you can buy only one third of what you used
to be able to.)

8 "" SentenCe+t?T='That is to say; lt follows that; That means ...'


a) A A :. 7 /4,11BA:*S {,tt,'l,(.'T i.
(Miss Smith has lived in Japan for as long as ten years.)

B -
/i. 6 Elffir-s r.< 7 rt>ll TT tt"
(Thafs why she speaks fluent Japanese, right?)

b)A > o) )'*9*'.- fr . t /J l-rumtl'' b L f u' * T"

(He studies all the time without even going out.)

B j(-e6tt<'ltr"
(No wonder he is good.)
c) A * i v nT]..l ,Ts- L t" w i tLfu.ct"l- X= ffi:frr,tT.
!'lttHt Ll"
(We went to Chicago yesterday. Tlaffic was so heavy on the way that, although we left home at
three, we didn t get there until around seven.)

(That means it took you as much as four hours, doesn't it?)



>>>>> L?l I

$ t't NE:T='depending on' [ary)r>r.7>>*tr&:<] l


a) [-r# 4EXF,r&cT !-!- Zf'J t-"


(What greeting you use may vary depending on the weather of the day.)

b) cT -t!'* T.
(Opinions vary from person to person.)
^E +r.+ V h
c ) =-zffii. ilffiffir:*c(l** b *.
(A course grade depends on the exam grades.)

10 *t ruf&/c=,correspond to -, lffiaa>.e>>>?fit*rel

a) Bffi l,:rl . Fffi oorrello" t;.

(Japanese "konnichiwa" corresponds to English "he11o.")

b) - i.^.vll- ,fEfFlEH/: U *ttt'"

(How many yen is a dollar?)

f f *' ^, ()) N='N, like -; N such as -'

lffiau > . t s >>> rE B l ex bEJl

41" t)

a) I t {,.] )J tMfiJr7 v-tt - 9ffi: llr. T i "

(I don't think English has a convenient phrase l1ke "daomo.")
rlv l: l
b) &ffi+r. BAz\: ffi/Jr'J af#,rt>6' - ffiLr,-"
(Characters for names are difficultbecause there are readings such as those that even Japanese can't


a) "o EL,Affi >>>>>[tr2]

1: This expression is used to sug-

pb: HEila'r, gest to the addressee that helshe

* <v tv : i A'- lp i ---+* f'! U"C.T:.r' " should have done something.

@b: : F< 'rlt'tttrol; 1o

*+vtv: , l)r)eI't:41 Ilr, ?tt.tzz 2:- 1,, ? {LI= is used to give an

UfHffiffi/ ( '>'>1." additional reason.

r9 b: 7c {L,tj;r ->ltt"

1 ,r" E!-lVJVl
^.7 . -l BA#+4.. i -^l E#ft+J: t b /J l,'o +IJ.++0)
: r
- b

M-e , Y*Lls. ( b :fr=rt (fr 1:tobumpinto) L.-c'T" ft

. ir,- HffiaH, i /=/.. ft4.1:f, \,o 4l-'(ttHtat:?!.(
zc {LtrtKbot 6- ++.2 Po)x,tft: b. t+.V P':> lY.,t:tcL-

t *lEl Dtr?ffi L/r L'"

f ,,, EI-IVJV<
e ":7:r b. -tEAffi+- i-^E/\ts.t:t b /J !'o Q t-a- L
1 LlEltiff?. ( tll:EAffi (informalJapanese) t.L/Jt'.

3,'* trL.-rVJVl
e ,{7:r\!.. tt*7g.c"j-. */\tfiax-,l/J it'c- i-^r).i L
{,H/a \-o 4l-'c., 71."r4 Ur,.. [-,.t.l:) tfr.o'c._ ( /'l/
ttrt' t?=g I

e "{7: tb, T-t 4 i:rt.'C.0)f 4 7y/ =yt,t,,.. fi ir^EffiZt L
l. L.o

a) T-^ 4 t#c{1... fSr(!./.fro

b) i L{ffi.o 1 t- lt,- I#o{!./JL..o
c) ,-r4rffi.. 6!..o
d) E i U{ff To)tt,- r,.t.o),o
e) T-, 4 {fr.i 1. ffi/t.- J,.0). L:ffi.i :," i*'.
) 7 { t -,4 t ,4. :ff itr." (ffi!: *!. L ..rzq?'t:&.

!,,, fFI
'ma: r l. {l++
e (' t,. lFxE* /J !.o **a 4) l- .->l: /" l
It" t""
rir lfr Hl arJ
frtrE;ffir>i:-ift!ffi=-z- -)"'Tt * L/o : z--a-r*. i:{,-c,./ a
a B v 7x+t ( nrf-tr 4*. L t:. tyti lEl D j i r" L/. t+ f
*. ai.tir: ro!./)t-'. cc ( b L* L/" -EF@E. )s Lt.t-
tFfrF,I b - vz | 7 viu,t-u-PVl^l/ b -6'{. { }.c/f"

*t p/v' ^-r-.
t' * rt
*r v ^ A:ctlJft:r,.* L/. cD zEf,r. r- j.xn;
E L tt'rr-'o. F." { r.trL-'x ?ful u."

0 a) *t p tvlt1ffi0)ffi#^f-r < L.\tt"

b) * t rr,,yt*.
E:IJJt+. IEI Cii^ft < ,1 t- i "
X c) Etl-t-4 )'1.
a 2
@ d) tED+/.d)1. */r.6 Lr.("-f.
K e) i * r,. , it-z.-cf U!..--fo


lt) w
za-a-2 f. t'- Hlfrat-t.'tI=--
:l{-r+7 *. E.L
e-7^-ff-:fitt't u'I J-tv :t" f7, y *'t'F,l
: /1. i" +litrt=z-3-r+^*.. = z-a-rt't0)- i-
, ..
a -2 0) a L r 6!'e j ( no|-L.6o f= t--a-V "'ft: t'. EH
tffiuu 6F,r l'J ) L7"1v(FoI"
+T, It - u,Ici.EE+ ( . - ? v,' v I v l]L{t'l.
*f p v 2 7 -7 -'+v l -- , 4 ^'7r -7 - rYy' 7'71- l" C,'v
tEF,'C. { 6cl" 4{t',. 2001 +9H 11 Btrl-C.+''fZ-vi'^'l'
r,,- 1.".+vl -lE:f !.tDtr'-Bfutu'( . fz,&'U7 )lffikF'I.
fr-#F=7'ft, 'L v | 7 )v't*-r, zF'fffi:t. lbb,

7):.'J Lo'C.- y 74^ ( 'L l il Dl. 4l-r lRc*-
z L = l-.F,, {t t!.. : * / t,..l ffi oI:"

Z squirrel :
/"h L t,. sad
tatl. E'
#;-f a to show someone S to show joY
.J. cute
c1.\- to be standing t-

+rv ,

aln '#,tu:c. ff UUnHO. r:Curnldx ^nHu.

M a) f*. i:= z-3-2 :*/. Ltb"

u b) +)^, I*- .13- = -21.*.{tl"
E c) +l. Hifraffit:*'T7 t=) -)v#.2ll i

D d) f. +v | 7 )v't-/lrt.-&,t:),.o1"
K e) R: { '/ x s/; ( ,1,' "




. ,5-?ffi_Ll_lfo:
. iElrlftf?ttfcl
r i'#itt er ( r r tef If r{ r q. " "" """"""'>#2
:.::"""" """" " " """""""'># 3
. 5:(E(
URE No a

Asking Favors

(e.9., Would
T ust as you would try to speak very politely when you ask a favor inpolite English
when asking a
J yo, ... please?, Would you mind ...?, etc.), one should be extra
favor in Japanese. Japanese speakers often deliberately start out hesitantly by saying *:
tiffiti5 fu7c| ....'- (tit.,l have a small request but ...) instead of a more direct 5*:
Negative forms such as ttfcllJtttfuD and U\lclilJtdUC U t f 75\ also occur frequently. ln
more informal speech (e.g., when asking a favor of a family membeL a friend, etc.), one
would say -fV\?, <'ItdU\?, etc., instead. Another formula one should remember is
&1.<mtl l,t?-, used as you part with the addressee, of whom you have just asked
a favor. lt literally means "l ask for your good favor," and is a standard ending to a request-
making situation. (Remember this same expression was also used in Lesson 1 at the end of
a self-introduction.)

Going to Japan for a Year's StudY


T;.t or American students who have taken only one or two years of Japanese, it is virtually
I impossible to attend lectures for native speakers and expect to understand the
content. Much as one might wish to experience authentic college life in Japan, that would
most likely be beyond one's reach. lt would be more reasonable, therefore, to attend a
university that has an international division geared to foreign students. Toward the end of
the year there, when one's proficiency in the language has improved considerably, one can
perhaps receive permission to visit classes for Japanese students a few times to "get the
general idea" about Japanese college courses.



trrtt Ero)El# I

*vn lL . E#=frft#ffinEa.ll("
*r uP -ffift+., L-> sD+*L*T"
= El: t .. fna"-..

4Iutv t #-effiffi u. t /" < k,=:,{11 L * r l,t{"T .

= El: 4 )fTt'" L = Li#o.( ( / l,.o I {L-eTtJ" Bx a-tftcL/&.
*Iutv T a*,-ri.{,-C" L "
= El: D +. > t- l# -> "C. < ,,{Lt-,__!_._-da"
*tutv fiu-_ lr. b * L" . 4{tlt'tr.l*, i-?tFF!.trtb.4,f1t .
= E: frj("L i"
10 *rutv
= E: zL"
*+utv BAffiilffi B :- li.ilmr-: t> >o{......o
-B :ilffi=:{"-f ."
*+utv - Z - 4 i t ,T B#ilffi 4 ffi Ft : t__g I :I-; Iq !l /r r,.
" !

l:1,-+ 2{:o '

* . 4 1 u- ) . Lt t,tlfr>b *i ,tr. ffiB u. 7 . ls Elz_Kffi
El"C'-f d"

*rutv l*[.- 7c 111"

= Bt: D +. 4 E+0-W: : ^*( ( /" r,..
*rutv i,t.. -ffia"Tfi"
= El: !. !.1."T.o
*ruv i-. r.D* i-eT" D. zjrffiEl--ffi: i.!.*T. t b
l i '"!.* Lt"
= Et : [. .. o

.l #o,,,,

e h'/ ) v . E #0)E ftf.ffinffiffi,tfF atE <

l. ft+.- +. -. =J t-t-'Al- t )1t."
!.!.{"T1. {ql"T."
l. b0) ). Fl*,. X+H+ L / u''eF#: F Ll t ',t'-f . ffitr
?t.f [./;t /J !.{" L I i .o

EilI z-. ..!.("f jo

l. tffiffi{,t#E{" 1"
IIJ bb- 4 ilT," br.ri,ry?
t 7 f" v z.("-d-..

EilJ _2"
E.ilJ tl'b * L/. ffitl b u':1"1'"
l. b0) ). -l o'Cf1- i. i tt'"
lffie)/l b

L.? * (.. :fuS! [\z)), ( !' ] : {'.T J.

l. >o- Jltt b * tl. xEEEl(.'T"
Eil] D . E_l; U t,"c t6
* T.
l. 'f 7)*.l" !l- ( $FFt'L*f.
E II t, !. o

ttt t E^g+l

H#i. -. #Eefth\: C ( 6 0)4t cTt'\

' l'./ "
l. >o !

s _ [ D +. L ,'>[fr- ?
l. - l"e:c r r ." /a'" -a.t-'c ( l r,. ?
BI l.-U.Jo
l' brtL)"

I e+"8)b tD. FF<Ho)[Ee.

*r uP 19b"
w b: ,fEf"

*r uP +E fg#fF
t^. i ,8:(.
w b: *ffi ?
*r uP ) "" 4 {Lt:B rt' L"
w b2 4)"It,D)?
*t utv i ,.----." gir,. l . -:fF{' L.!. ?
t9 b: /J :.
t0 *r vtv +E+'&.- =Wft+' 6 B#ffiffit> t c( { ( fl t,' ?
lrp \: [.[.} " -mft+ffiot tt:bo)"
4rutv .,,t) A. rt-tv1)523"
19 b: /
=ffir D + r. trr .. .
*+utv =ffi*t, s. ) ^ft+.* 7 4 77 7 -lh'6- l'u. D * ) Jl.
r9 b: D+. l> '-c-C < tJ"
*+utv br:Li"
.13 #>>>>>

h' i fL f II t , / -(' 7c I
f " q i: {L+ / + rl fu, t,' Irl
+ , W E + Sio: W !r +. I t , o)
b /
tFJ rr

j Utt / /
-) r1 !r r 7 't 4 :
!. a
t I ( {.P*i 1l
l+ :ffiffi. !rf T
{LVJ, i D = I X ) ->./
tT L.
r'c ffi
' <NiD/is
+ E : 'c. D * l1 !r rt
{L i EffiS +, lTlo)
! rE {L +. {L * b ./, Ffr
!ro X fi {L -C 2 , z) t
L. + i o) ! Tt ( f " rt ^
w : -: -) H : o) < /
+,W !r,"8 o) u .. +^
+ t.t
r +l- ffis
( E
b l;
UTt r-'U
-c /' L.
L\ FtlW i: A
. +
F !t
) 7 L f : B
r\ {L F t o) ./ -' {L ) W
'cU! 6 l- f y o) +a)^
b +.'^9rt B+'c6U t
+. Fl ffi {- u E o) ^' t +
u * ffi/ +L\"to)7 ^ lJ!r t
1t @ f rl+.. +tW., /'
t F + ft 'l'41 I l\ )o t, + l y ,K-t7ffi
, 7) ffi i & . fi )

i L\ H fi l + {
z) , D I
"c"o) F o
lg J+^{L{LHW.ti
* {" -C: ("
/ fu, + {4 lfrTa ^X + {L B
* 7+. f:t
/ 7 * +o)
.i '+ - 7c
"+^ H-'A
o ,+ E
lut 4
bi U
t.t :
'tX a)
t t' 'h B llr. l, .-C"B +#
^ z) - 7T A, t , 7 ^ b 'C
16 l. d'L{" )v r\o B i- R -)
ijs i)r tr 7
7 *' t, :
/i8 7
B t
!\ r
' a t+ 6 rB

' e B t {L ,li a # i L t
-c r,.l /
rr ,) -i f I + i frgl 0) H
- + ^ , lffi
'; : I (i E y +_ , '. F H bi {L t ii lt
,'_ r X,h A (" : (:)W.t,-
_ f;s + ti
H 6 I [\ +. {"1 / h\
,1 H " ^/ 7 a + !r H /J"
^ rr /: " e f{o'rl r
EIJ$'{,t a)
:' l H + +
! ++ + . I L u tl + o) L\ t r.i !\ +
: H ' 4 E- 'fL+. r EX o U ^{"
_{* aF, -f )l'* I ffi --#,
T +, # # : # /:"
,-1,. S {" : ,ti' f" +f !r l #
7 4 + ,i6
{L 'f tr = i ft I t ii i: t 'C.
,^t t: 1 " 6 !r , !\ ffi t r. i t,
-i'H ; {" o o [r )v W (" B {L lE !r


HIJ #""'

,tttt E^.g#l

2sVt"6 canV 32 ffil: particularly
[r, upri( urui
3t 9. wish;hope {l F t
, a,f
housing conditions
[*'i L 6
g# one who wishes to do - Ht' bad
l:ft. /\l
32 # person l:l
.l #>>>,>


j"t -tz6') 2 .; --
., l.*F{.r z.Fu,{L s.1t*. a.*.IT 6 ffisF LL{,r
.r.,' !' ( 6L
o.rIJ# z.$. e.flE q.I!. to.H!.
,r.(tr) rr #uH r.-# r. fU ffi:ft^i
t/s- rJr
16. ? t7.T) tg.DlN zo."Ev a
--6flt"( 'u +ri
zt.X# zz.ffi zs.l&b a ,n.h' zs.,Z'T L
zo.# zz.E za.ffi zs.# ro.ffit:]

du'dL'i it ( e kL
.t.ffiE z.Hl*ffiffi ryffiffi)t 4.
# s.fl#E
,.h*h,, e.T
to. 6
L"* : 0'L tf u,, fitf'
n. FW w^w
tr 1e '-: i
r+.ffiHffJ ts.W.
t_*.. S4
i. S rz.E ra.#E rq.H zo.ifi#F
L f: Lt' tV
zt.tIffi ,r.F=H 22.ffift z+.H.ffi zs.ffit 6
: Lr. N'? \ l( t.\ r.tut t"t\
.{tt t"
zt.EtJl{ za.Elffi#tr 29. 0.ffiffi
utJrr \ri {r\
't Lr,
sr.DIl zz.ffi#, es.l91 zs.#
C L( c' :'

This radical stands for water and is basically used for characters repre-
senting water-related conditions, activities, etc.

trl [,j fl rd

>>r>r ErOEl# I

f ott VtCl? l*#1>t.z>>>nrEl

hqu*conversation,Vt,.-e ( .isoftencontractedtoV/t,'-e. ,,',"',, .

a) Urffioc < ,E,nrfde.
(Please don't forget to bring [it] tomorrow, OK?)

f ,,, V (causative) Tltlll /r? l xltt

l#l > t. t q >>>EtJtt(trtctittrdtr- tr r]

"iti,it'a,r;Cldlorcg'.e.!,rravor of your retting *,. ,1,: .,,v.;jplite

a ) i B =#r#lf rf (
r/ tt /c rru. t, tt," )
(Would you please let me take the exam one day ear?)
b) ft+.ffiX.ff* f r/: tf /J trr U * tt, "
( lspeaking to a professor] Would you mind letting me read your paper?)

c) ft.. ffi#{t * {f ( tt/ /c tt /J t,r ?. l, lt' "

(Sensei, would you please iet me be absent from class?)

d) # ft., ffi#frlvT' tr tt /J tr (. l, lt'"

(Sensei, would you be absent from class?)

Sentence c) is the correct request.

ntusrry'ap,prgiiat. . :, .'. :

e) ft. tffif* En'T tt/lt/Jtr( l, )lt'.

(Sensei, would you 1et me say it in English?)

f) ,b4. tffit"Ec( tt/ctt/ctr(" l. )h,"

(Sensei, would you say it in Engiish?)

.l ,""

; by the end of

a) 9Etrr t -p L( ( t..
(Please e-mail sometime today.)
b) X. - 9 + {:fi, r ll lf' /J !'.
( [I] have to pay the rent by t]re end of this month.)

4rr, -t{-l*='The more/less -, th more/less -' lffiuv > . t t >>> ttnHrE]



HAffi. ffi#t
nl;{tuffi * 6 l' ( t L.BL- *
6lf f.
(I think that the more you study Japanese the more interesting you will find it.)

b) ++.trtt| n$g;tril . *'f 6 ) ffi L t -"

(The more students there are lwho applyJ, the more difficult it is to be selected.)

c) !.!.vz l-TvTttn\ibf t'.

(Better restaurants ate more expensive.)

d) #,It lt'"tlvt 6nlt, f E !'!."

(Simpler explanations are better.)

e) Bffil*- ffiru/cttftrt'L /Jtrlf +tr. / ( / b *'f .

(The less you study Japanese, the less you will begin to understand it.)

Lr tfr
5 "o Nl;JrA,/t)lft fi='other than -; besides -' lffia > .t s >>>ffial ='l.Y*]
Ittc ttu i Ll tr rtt
a ) #ffiUl t*. +t:tflE u- u' Hi
l> trtb
(at ttre beginning of the semester, there are so many things to buy besides textbooks.)
t, ' ,r( Li Lit( ,
b) trt+r\r+o+# b * T"
(There are otlter scholarships than that from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

_ t
$ "' lV-El,t*ltl?f*tt,t='it doest. not necessarily mean that...'
lffia s >>> tt EuH{tlr52ultttr] > t

a ) 'x,T v ' B;6^lt ll'Effi.h.f : r 6 tr l" btt?'f *t) *

(It is not necessarily the case that one's Japanese improves once one goes to Japan.)

,,,,, E^E#l

b) 'll, l- lr,.L.ur ar.ltlclf t,.

(It is not necessarily the case that expensive things are good.)

c) t t , El^rra ,d,s-tW (/) r i t,ttrtttru * ..

(It is not necessarily the case that a77 Japanese like natto.)

l r> NI{'}U='nothing but -' l#vt > t.zs >>>E+tDl


:., '[,X.l$lb l expless"s the,idea that there are so muctr'X thatr'ei:a ii nill x
a) 1 w = z- 7llt.f/ =z-Zlt'rt'J1*- t.. t'at. "
(TV news is nothing but bad news, and it's terrible.)

b) B^fjo ll,lJo) a i- * l, L !. I l'7t'U i: /"

(When I went to Japan, in the beginning I had nothing but interesting experiences.)

..In),thereisofcou,r,e ei'f!, onif,,,g.b ei.i!'s.m,uc.$

there were nothing but bad news. l:_-fui1r""-saiif
.:,, 1,;itt : isoe used in combinarion wiriri:t:i!id1f1..+ii.:':',],i.. ..'', ,:-,i' .1, '.,:''"

c) v ' F,'c tlfii tl !' 6 f,frc * r.1,.

(If you watch TV all the time, you can't study.)

$ rt t^( ='as - as possible' lat>t.zal

a) #l)rl--e . /Jc< Hffifficlrl-!.t..Lr r.

(It \4i11 be better if you speak Japanese as much as possible even outside of the classroom.)
b) ffiEx. /r ^ ( h.B :t ( /" r." Lf
(If possible, please hand in homework the next day.)

9 -' (plain)
^( ='shoutd; ought to'>
lffiatvl . ze >>> iF- Lzi- 1 r
t. 3 3 >>>n xe *rur]

i ''T:is,,is,afrrn,$e1ssical.,uxi1iery.,t'.' *Utrft'@ws.thepla preent tg4e

form of verbs and caries the meaning 'one should do i.'When the verb is T, both T-r
and T a * are used. Th negive form of ,s is . tl t i. rathr tnan * A r,. -r f- f
t,,t ,L
a ) B ##H ;-#,.tc t, -; rc r, .
# fuir ) d t"
(Ifone wants to read Japanese newspapers, one should study kanji.)
L. tt
b) i.^E(opinion) :< t/".
(One should listen to the opinions of others.)
c ) ffit,.E f <
(" t /J !'.
(One should not listen to the opinions ofbad friends.)



a) ,,, frfrL=ffi(1) >>>>>[ffi1]

1:When you have something to

+*. f,+., b * c +JFttr ll,acttt
t. ask your superior, you begin the
conversation with expressions
ft+. t*t.. {4f'L l" L ITI" such as -r f"-EFL'l 6 rt
++. tr. .r*XEmt# zrlv<"tt 'eTLl ort"xoLtl't'
("L i..
++. 4 Et,-ffiwt:ft. / ( ( /J / ( / -c"c l, *. 2: You introduce the topic by *l
) lo -o) L,,ct1 or *lt,-
ft+. IE] DffiF:f-T.. .!a
++. Z -" TA*l,. e ^0)B :Ett (tr 3 : You ask permission by V (caus-
ative) tt./ /dt tJ t-'c l. s I lt,,
Litur?'L & 1t,3" (
V (causative) t' lc t t * 'ti ,'
ft. * - 41\-1: L/ftfrb b *.Lde" or V (causative) f u- lc li' t,'
,'cf r.

b) '* ftltt;F(2) >>>>>[Bz]

Y4-: l+. b e c 2 I't,rT L & a ' "


ftE.: ,. t. T j- . 'FJ-C' l, i
Ltir< " ;
o ), r*F+ t:F l'' , ?' T t$ 2.
Y4.: ,L'/,U
f i
Xitagr- ( r/ titr ttrr L &, h'4"
4:You ask your superior to do
something for you by I't-t ti
ftE.: !. !.{"T i. i
[l tJ t. t. L S lt,. No causative
form is used here.

c) "'iEffi >>>>>[ffi+]

*'tVlv: re b. f. E FHm i ,8:r"

wb I * i l-Io)"
*<vtv: 'c ffirr ( {"
r9b: ,.Dt iJ? b4
**v.v: i A,...... " r,tlt . -?*JFr 1'rr ? 5
5: In informal conversation, a re-
quest can be introduced bY ex-
@b: :" 'to) L2 pressions such as #t'tt ,-?
t' z I (
*'rvlv: +E ffiffi' ft*'ffifr'i:ffi '{ } -
*rr. L"c({, )r.t,. ? or
#Al3I' tr;bA ,/"ll .
ft/lr ? 6
19b: i.{,_ !.!.Jo 6:An informal request can be
*tvtv: :'e) made by -f( /t. ?, -f t
'tda" r l. ?, etc.

1 ,> El-rv7"v1
A ,{7r: r b _ -lBa#ft. i-^Ea:g+L/ r,.y+.t: t b t r.. #
trT. ct;\t. 4. ? BA#-i!. /J r,.o

a) l D e) #"
b) You are applying to the Rotary Club for a scholarshp.
c) You ask that the professor write a letter of recommendation for you.
d) The deadline is January 15.
e) You brought a stamp and you have also written the address on a sheet of paper.
f ) fi$ir#.
4 lLtrtKb o l t - ++. = f )tttfi.: /J b . ft,+. +c /tt#it /J : {.
, -ffiH L /J !..

e ,{7: b. -^i. BA:BYT . Ltrr..c/#. i-^. Eaffift4:
t b / r.. Y4.t!., a L BAffif ,./J !.o
a) t D e) R"
b) You are going to the University of Tbkyo on a Monbukagakusho Scholarship.
c) You ask that the professor write a Ietter of introduction to Prof. Yoshioka of the
University of Tbkyo, afuiend of his/hers.
d) w'', #.
4 {LrtKf'' -> t e'. + 3 -> f )r,Itlt.: /J b, ft,+k +,c Tc ),, /J a {.
, -ffiH L /r r,'"

3,,, trt-rVJvl
e ,{7: r_ -^trE.#ffitfrLf !. 7 / y L++., i-^Ea^+:t
b /J .o _^*lElDEXV7)2I7:Hf !.*_l-" 7 y r^ll. #:u./ffi_
ri ,' L '
ffif+ (textbook) t.,,{T: i:fr? (to notice). Wt:p.. t, EIA^):
H -c -t ( / ffi
r,. / r,. 'a *.
" l / E (informal Japanese) . ffi L " z

.l #>>>>,

l'rftKb->l- 7 ) y rtL++.{c zlu\E^+l:/ b. E#L++- { =/

)\trt7 ) y rtY: t'>1., t -Effi L /J !'.

Q,,,, iV-rZ -77

e = )t/. y-7"lFor- W+t-lt.Ysft+-ffi# ffi. e* lut ?HF

trL6tr.-lJ !.o p-/cr=)lF]| /J !.o E{Ff / , 12)'.1

t' r,=ry (to present) L A !'o '

=<ffi jj t"q) L?
e Baffirt+-m'at:x* L T, !t-tt'* t. '" ft+- +
T,l.,1,U tr

* L i" J +:( i. 1 lElD:L/Jl'o

O ++.rJft,+.t:,fEl.m,f.'r.*T. CD 3Hr.f . ELt. t:Oc TlJ !'.

a) : +41.
( dlv .li ' Jtt<Li
) xtrf++ FY: Fl-.-f l' ,Ho { [' * T"
(,/ ) u-iy-r7
,/ ffiffi{
b) +4.r. ftl: ( ) fiH^)tr ?r.{ t.t!.-CT.
(()-+r EA^1 / t' cl !'* 1o
c) :+4*. ( )-++
(,/ ) )1,H+EE
d) ffie>blll' tt
( ) fE:+E l rru r.u" I

e) ftt./ -
( )+ sHT(" l- i.
(,/ ) %,+.


l^>), W
6, 'r( L)
I a -t*- xff++'ilffiI,,s "- Elal:-4w+ :- Lttrri.-t
/" EYrltr* : tffi, ttffi kp.ti i-ffijJt? *ar.- urttr#^:. T
Cfft:Tto|"*7ca ?f,( . l.:/Tda. tr{" iJ
: /;. 4 'I1, ft+.ttg+:, !.'c 7 "u 4 z t'- t'- l-"c
dzls. 4 0>4t: l,'y rt IlrJ&,lT:fS:I!-: ti ) 1.!.'Cj-
( ^eN'
l u. j Z 1.", 4 lt>->T" I i L({"T.. flffii v / -Lfr.
t,.*Tf l )=-t) L- tr+.K,o'C- l4)Df /Jt.',11 i."
E'c"*,.)r#14 vtt---,,{-tv 1.."7 4<- /Ju.E/i.
6. #ktft,oI?'e - tr/1;t' El "T t) LLf"
9 -)*BA^Ttol- Elllft+.Z l."rs4 xIEt-"ol: lrtT,)lT
fu',o. 7 t y h'c*.,bfr | 4 vct# | 4 vc. /'1 r" Z <-
.-(-zt- tv;-c !.-C [. 'b - 7c {Lkt\,HTfruf t. u." l-h'l- HAf"*.
+f Fltvl4 vz t" r 4 < -f-{.-,,r- tvtrt..{!.( . t+
l4 : t.' { !' /J t' l'. + t #ffi: / -C". I - v 1{" t,'

Tb t-Au'. y' = -y''1. u. vhlt#o{{.:/ ,8,:.

4{Ld.b"ct*,/ ( . EF{"tt. +kffii : , ffit < 0)*ir1r".

*uha[< /Jr,.o Elt"t*. {trJr' ffiM,,{"r.{- , v-+ l"
7 /J ff1=l:. t^ i t_-c. | 4 v%llt,-c. ( {vrl,'. . t
= - 9 tt: ttt 4r ,8-#t': /
.13 #,,,,,

-t,-l [tE
fJr great joy ' f. without fail
hti 5'r. '
l'.l l: :trr t,.{- tffiffi,4v rnecltanization
.F. *tr*

x,i to laugh; to smile {.r

to advance
af, u u
ffi)- to wash grfr
, F,
Lt" correct ,8-# mystery

2t trt: t
: (t
o ;REffi,tuE. iE U ltflldo. F rl'l.ld x ^nfdu.

ffi a ) v'= -rt- {s6gE'ilffi:,sx I,-c. ,, Elttft+l:ffit?*FFr.

L /"

Q U I rllft4.*. ElAt.'t,. v rt 1{'c-c. . /J r,. f (inconvenient) /

-n J to

0.) ft*. EA7t#: l '7 4 I - { ,{-,, s- tvb /J r. 4 y:r.- L

E J l-
-^ tto

E d) y'
-y't, EA:t.t.
= lJJft+. o r- L, f l' l ,8,: /"

K e) y'
= -9tt. EA*E 4 v*arHl r,-flr r. a L',H
'>1.1'- 6 o


hen you are doing a homestay, ask questions whenever you don't understand
something, e.g., how to use the toilet, the bath, the washing machine, etc. Japanese
people love electric appliances, many of which are quite different from, and frequently
more complicated than, their American counterparts. The bath water might scald you
unless you know how to regulate its temperature. Modern toilets, so-called "wash-lets,"
might completely puzzle you.
Also, never assume it is all right to do something without asking permission. Eating
things in the refrigerato4 bringing a friend home, coming home late, etc., might all upset
the family's plans. The safest thing would be to ask permission. More will be said on this
topic in Lesson 1 1.

Talking About One's Family

doesn't do it here, when Americans

1 n 1, Jason talks about his family. Although Jason
I talt about their family members, they often about them, as the woman
mentioned in ffia*r) in Lesson 1 did, saying, "l have three beautiful daughters." Japanese
don't do this because they consider their family members as extensions of themselves, r.e.,
just as it is in bad taste to brag about themselves, it would be in poor taste to brag about
their family members.

Writing E-mails and Letters

hen you are writing e-mails and letters, first write about the recenVcurrent weatheL
inquire about the addressee's health, and touch upon your own health. Then pro-
ceed to the main body of the text. lf you are making a request, explain the nature of the
request here. lf the purpose of the e-mail or letter is merely to talk about your current
activities, describe them here. Lastly, in the concluding portion, write Clt. iZ & L < H
U\Utl if it is an e-mail/letter of request. O,therwise, just write so-and-so f-& tJ<, )U
7lac, etc. Remember that, in Japan, even in a business-type letter, such as a letter of
request, one should take time first to talk about the weathe health, etc., and should not
rush into the business at hand. lf it is a formal e-mail or lette you begin your e-mail or
ItLltL\ lJLr <
letter by F (a formal salutation) and you close it by ffiF. lf you are writing to a friend,
howeveL you normally leave out allthese formal salutations.

>>>>>'F- l:771

ev /u'?^E#*9 11 v !, jF- ,77 1 ftltu# t CUl.

*a , : )-4Yv- ffi.EHffi-c'C?
-4Yv z-- b *T"
* , : L o Ett 6r{!.1.?
9-4/Y --.ffi.b
-:-" (4HWfi, HL,-t) b * Tl "
*& , : d'tl*1 ,?
t4)Y . -c"T"
-4/Y )\+ffi.-{ t,. * i-"
: 4 i " ltrJftH"
924/Y 7trF"el"
S'&., : 7 t y h*-a"......*"
t4)Y . . 61X ( /-IT .T ,8 t,. * T.
t5 J , : 4 {11- t , fr lrl?r,tt$ L f t -c t- + 6 0) ?
9-4)Y *f#+("T"
t , : .', Z o 7, y z, I: ti.f1[*.ft#tnsa\,- 0) ?

9-'l/Y - i-" E!l_t!::.U < _ _g.


&.1,: 7c
" 4 {L'f- : d'ttril , ffi A,tJ" n.t, X 4,t
!'-4 Y v Z i-- nttlJ b -?t.l". . , X++#{*l "
*a& , : ffi , ?
-4Yv ffirJ b =:Tr. ffi.W+4r".
*aE , : * A't:l)6 *t"
lz4/Y 7c )'CllJ."
: L o'C .d2 !'L.o

ev lu h L&#frl-+v. fr- /J,77 1 ft1 tv UCL "
*1 , 7-Tv;*dr./l:.
7-v 4.*li,: z-3-21oI,-f tl . f^H,Lt r.*+.,"
idl l', i L{.
z-+lv =:ffi:, 4 zr v v v tt-tlo^l, : TA""fT
Jdl.1 bbTc i" +l.A,r.Etr. <1 y vtr.:tu!_f_{_.
7-+)v ZL. zsvvv,Itl'"
*1 l, ,r\nX (' t...
7.-4lv I__-._'__220 + f t. ,Hu. * T.
d , 1220+) alFI" 22n. L ?

7-1v b- -f r)*,. F* L/. 22n"

*r1 , D +. b "*. b x t.FJD /J L.d"
= !y'c-El:t r.,fT.
7-v -r" . .t z y
tdl , ,"-. * u'?
15 7-qv \tv t-*-'Cf"
*J , bb, ltv .-*-.. -vtH&t" -------------
S1., . -"14 y vl ,/trJ.
7-+v tIrTto"C. 4 73vvvft#r L. 4{vt:'l'llT.. f;[s !.*To
jdl , d'u. lFfr?
7-+Y . lff ( ,>-ct_ t...Ef(,.T .k" {tr-trT/"L". .t*-e
l { tr1r.'cf S L!. ,8t. *i-"
$1 , -^ ) ," -F.11 c'c. .u' /J o

7-+)v l,.:. .4,1t,. et -c l- p -c"C. ( " u."

>>>>> F- L7- .(

a7-+l>. iF- /\77 1 ft 0) A) tu l +EI * . if',- i.77 4 ft#..ltERr)r 5 5 * : u t.

7-tv rr ,. ! r : ,ERi* E\-+'ntt:lr l r.,f"T t . ffiffi b (
L. [.("T.o
*r& , !. !.-C-l- j o

z-qv 4 {L.6......o
S rt, {4"
z-+)v 7 r x+-e. HHt#w.-(r.6^:. *0)i{Effi,
I ,1T" [.?. r r. ,:Edz{ / t. ,-cf t ". [. ,.'c- L ] ) ..
r& , !. [.{"1}. {4{ L. i "
to X-clv - / -'c"Cu, ) ,f,'1. BAKl:-pl>Tr-cl: /Jt.'r,-C-t
* L/.
t , Dt. >l,I9.:*{ 6:/ )" :Tf l;l=z i

,B={u.i? al7r.6" ^Lb

z-+lv AY: !. !.{*1.o
ts Jd , 6 t, .4," Affi:X( 6 ->I c, E i
z-+lv r I - *^ffi * fft$/':'C. ={ L.l. . t, r } [. * rl.{,..
$ , t..r.("T J" D . ^H+#t"
ffi#-t-;--_-{-1. 2.
z-+T'v brtrt ):"u.*T"

t O ! - 4 v v. V )r U h ^VeE#i^. T 5 =f=Eftl-X- lb. 6"

t+E *.t:z b * Lt;. RH**FF. <1. W4H-___i___;_u.El b

*i-. 4t'tt, rfit#f*b'cIittlu-{- l- in'Z


- H :"c L* u.* L/" Elffir,.ffiffi? L{r. 0). wr;ffiu.{.T.

4t, , l 'i *T." Yffi* * A,tr-7#.L{u' -l-+ ['*T.o
ft j -r,.: Efftffi_:-/.4&f __l__" Z t, t fr i:. ft{. EA^
r . 6. BAISX: :lo- { !- 4 - zrffir"--cta L. / o)trt, )\1g.rf.o 1 t,
*T" 6t',+lJ)L. lttvl< -v a y I /,->Tc_!l__!-L_l g_iir- )
* b t,.y = y I *tl_l__r_'{"- L_l"
t, t lt+-cY$t' :a,ffiffitr?++:l.. -a- f{ : t' t't:*al

*aTf -vffi,,:fTrlt-6:t': ( b L* Lt.

,$x l. 7 r I t) -0))"1Lt,t1.[./t. a5:Ef.:-c[.*f. *
,if+4r-h+{". --E*at'Ut''W.- r}- ( * T" -" - EIA*E*6: u'
u._4__?_-'(:_lda. u..,-{ t- :- 6 & L , *.b b *'}/4,.

h+r"x. BAffi. HA. BAffi. {l>#t t^ kw-o{ u. * 1. HAffi

i. *ff,:il#z ffit-t-+-nt ( ,ffi,"eu, *1. +17 | B b'e' -' ffiU
r.lE+&t.,.tH* L;.
7 tvt 4 l. -rEF-=ffiF (' r.f : { !- * T. =^lut-',-tB-ffiF:Eff
w.L7tv.,s4l'{"Tr- -E=+FJ 6 *-l-" rt7v" r b1'-t
7 y
r.!.f'T. '-- 7tv.,s4 l. ?-_l_ L- ffitfrffif,E br(.e>. :i}}l-h
i+/JL.: :L j i t,Brlo.*T"
t. r " , E^#ffiffi U/ lfu/ 6 /J t,. {"- . tL-cX7LL * T"
Hft t*
4 t, , * J.l'u. K ( z ,8 t. * 1. ^ ) 7'-t6trt:ta,'c t ( l,'. i,t:
I -4 / v . I vz"Y v

>>>>> j-L771

f permission *r rL (someone else's)
. older brother
'fi- ^7 4 ft :g+4, -^77 4 r[i
l-Lt- 6. ffi , (someone else's)
L +'L lu younger sister
4H picture; photograph

[. t,.
n (one's own) older
Wfr wallet
' brother
one's height t:-
t tL 23 (- : ) Fl t' 6 to resemble (-)
7'yF. American history
.J. cute; lovely
n'ru t- r,
16 +t lawyer
18 f[f;-/.
not particularly
[>>>Eil- F.1]
ttlt, -
b |.u' TATE

{;e, t
: fft-/ . not at all m+

o -lt'X I wonder lgenerally 21 ltr lake
used by male speakersl .,p.
& winter
[>>>*,- .2] l
t- v1i spring

? ,rl ffi state capital ,,
v'/u ti
population f fall

g ^t]
l-lu1, if I remember correctly
,, T'lr-' L,-r,- wonderful; terrific
[>>>*;tz- t.] 24 , al1of you
tr f 6 to make a mistke
: [r ' 16r'
t3 -El: (t l') second (largest)
t+'x./ Really?; Gee!;You're
rc frft(t) famous [>>>*./-t'4]

t *o6 to request; to ask for rz (-11 6 to decide (on -);to
have/take (-)
EF train station
.f [>>>*il- l''s]
l8l' far :V/L have just done
z ffi4 bicycle something
t/o L i

ffib to borrow t f.Yt: rea11y; truly

ro f:i L- * ti, it's all right; one doesn't
7 {Ef* by chance
10 l ,1 things like [: r ]
12 9 dinner llit., evening
Ll,: b for the first time in a
long time

3^ end u u-Zo) S: . before I knew it.
ht ' [>>>g;t,/- l-.8]
E ttn' pieasantly warm [with
reference to weather] a lic (time) passes
tD -
*o-1, L

H. summer E interesting
NJ i : like N [>>>gitz-e] ffiffi experience
atc- t'
l- hot lwith reference to t" fast; quick
weatherl r,1. !
? ++ffi this semester
' even [>>>g;tz- z]
zti . i s /i.J fairly well; to alarge
4 #f# fa1l colors (ofleaves) extent; pretty much
51 r[''z
s fi. long l life
.J T 6 to neglect to write for a (-:) t'ti to be accustomed (to -)
long time; not to [>>>E;/- t"9]
correspond for some st(t
s'.\fr') to be useful
rr [J"f. terrible;awfu1
a ' since I saw you last;
since that time ya-y2 shock
>>>>> iF- L7- 1

11 ,- tJ I \ {.#f ' to get by without - ing; -1"t

to come off without -
18 tLw. Buddhism
v'ruru ?- t:
[>>>gitz- lz] 19 trHF newspaper articTe
(t L' l.c t) n v
12 ffiffiEE, tr
cell phone + Chinese c]naractet
L+ Itr tratn

-ft - each [>>>g;z-l:]
14 (-t:)*6 to ride (in/on -)
t't" l
per occasion
#1,': intently; eager ', lar -er;by far
lIc to type (messages)
-TSa to do something too
tf '
15 Wst' to be saved; (something) much; too -
helps [u.i.l [>>>*;,2- l-.1]
t tli
76 f[

cooking; cuisine Eb to be sufficient

'. t. zo (- ;; fr, ) t) to pey attention to;
ffi body;health
r[.ui to take care
t7 l+ (body) weight r?
zz (- J. 1, ( *ffi ( / t. say
.h6 to change lu.i.) he1lo (to -) for me.



r.5 2.7 ) ,) rt. g. EU : a.tfr., , s.ffi

.fr' z.lDj e. ,I[l q. ro. HI
tt.H rz.lffi r.4 ^El

to.,F 17. r81- lffiF

ra. tg.ffi b
zt.9. zz.hL'b zs.A5 *
24. zs.H-
zo.Eu, 27. l.' zs. Ift !. zs.Yffi 0.41
tt.tV.rfc sz. trF rs.*6 s+.1+ zs..h a
z.llW, 2.ffiffiS gs.# s.-El +0.W

r.EI z.M ^ FI
Jtl s.l-t'
o.f\ z.'Illffi s. f;flS s.E , ro. *u) 6
rr.{Ef* t2.lF" [' re. 'IF r. ffi t,. rs.ffiffi
ro.l{r t2.ffiffi re.Hl,': tg.tlc zo.#lfl
zt.WJ zz.lE zs..b zq.E,L

This radical comes from and is generally used for characters represent-
ing kinds of trees. wood products, etc.

[eJ [t fffit fd

>>>>> F-/7- 1

| "' ili t^,rl) ='not particularly' l#t > t t e >>> tJI u <o *uri,]

a) ftE. 2 17 V v- E b *,1e. i .1,r,.c1tt,"

(Mr. Brown, you don't look very well today. Is something wrong?)

l7' v: !-t-. ^?
(No, there is nothing particulariy wrong.)

b) ,ry4 : BAffi/i7t.. :. #Lu.?

(How is your Japanese class? oifficult?)

(Not particularly.)

In speech, the phrase which follows ErJl: is often omitted, as in b) above.

f ,rr.-l l#2 > ta >>><l < Y>z(vtclxtttrr]

vlu i
a) n*, c 6 t.lj"
(What is the population, I wonder.)
t{, ltt
b) B[firEr:,ff;g-6 I h't"
(I wonder what will be served for dinner today.)

r,,,+-li:tj,jsjftn.,us.djjn .8,'sfilcti.nrsr,th.:f11.W.E.xample.
c ) ? 1,t y v1 .4,rff21. f EE c( !.t ,1T
(I have been wondering what kind of town Madison is.)

J ttt tlltt='fi I remember correctly; if I am not mistaken'

l*#z > t.s >>> l tyr)r220f <a urr:eBuraa]


a ) EIA^Ept_ rc f.,_ffi,=+n , r,.T. L ) "

(If I am not mistaken, the population of Japan is about 120,000,000.)

b) 7 t, rt.-^E &r,ilia- t
l,tt't t) 7 tv=7/,H,r.*T.
(If I am correct, the most populous stte in the U.S. is California.)

{rrrxffiY?Hl+*is famous for Y' lalz>z.ta>>>e-neef

. Ycan be,a oun or a noun pfuase (i. e., a sen1ery'.-i. o.'/., t)': 1;, i,

a) i v * -*'-f*. - vt'Ett"
(Milwaukee is famous for its beer.)
-c e,

b) Hff . r. *d+.' /trJT"

(Kyoto is famous for its old temples.)
c) H^f*. I (f<T*T.
(The Japanese people are famous for working hard.)

$ tto NEf6='to decide on N; to have/take N'

l#=>.tz >>>llt &).. !.I7 >>>F*tct L*]

a) fi. 1l;L:fr.
(I will have sukiyaki.)

b) ? zv It, +.o)wqt;L:f; l, *. ) "

(Let's make it fthe picnicJ this Saturday.)

$ ttr - &t,='it seems that it looks like -' l#atpt>>>>6t-tt&83-{al

NE='like; as if it were' lffia#>t.z >>>H*5rrl

,':r^- ,1 expresses onels conjectures,Itis attac,!,no.uns;,,/I-djectives, plain forrns of '-

adjectivesandverbs. , . , :

E#r -' E#Lo e i

-- L3-'/ e,5

>>>>> if\- L7=.1

a) A : r.r,lElf.- LI j ..
(What's this white thing?)

B: - I (.b*,r. JLi)J)ZcTtri-"
(Well, I don't know for sure, but it looks like tofu.)

b) EIA^li t .4;4' t & TT

(Japanese people seem to like white cars.)

c) ftElt@E+{f Lt.i (.fo !.? tf4t:!. -, Lr.'*T.

(Our teacher seems to be busy every day. [HelShe] is always in lhis/her] office.)
d) o)c a s/cJ (.r. il: 2tr>cLit t,rL J. it:b * L/"
(It seems I've lost some weight. I am able to weat clothes which were too tight before.)

e) ilffil# ].ltr'> / i "

f) ilffii* .lt -> / L ut.
(It seems that the exam was dlfficult.)

g) El+ ,t.- kilJ^fT"

(Mr. Tbnaka looks like a woman.)

h) Bl+ ltt- k Ll,t^f'-T.

(Ms. Tbnaka is very feminine.)

' .tretottowing arasrmilar examffes.

.' . . ,,
) H-o*/rEl'T.
(Ifs a summer-like day li.e.,It's hot like summer although it is not summerl .)

) H-t,u\El(*T.
(It's a very summery day.)

: :5inr*t" N i l:, which is an adveibial fom, e.xprelses th ide at'siirii/some.

, .thi-ng acts/is like someon/.sommi4*e.- :::


k) +HXto)t:. HOi i Et.-C'T.

(Although it's the end of October, it's hot like a summer day.)

t) x r4,. HA^) & ) |,:EI#-L'+'T"

(vtr. Smith speaks Japanese lfe a native speaker.)

m) ffi *,t. .< v + vo & EjF g a.

(Babies walk like penguins.)

n) frffirffil,z a t"
(This test looks difficult.)

o) frffiffi L l'J "

(It seems that this test is difficult.)

p) 7:.7,rffifr2411"
(I hear that Smith-san is sick.)

q) 7--7-,tffifrLt\f*T.
(It seems that Smith-san is sick.)

-reisadefi nit.sourc-e.,f.,infpmitionlif$i

>'> .='even' lnaw > t.s >>> EIo)& t*urEtza o *E]


mostno.rmallv,follgws a norn (or a s-.njence+.,-,. 9' g on the most unusuar,,or
least expected Case.

a) Eilffi -#/l'*t l.t L i.
(There probably are very few people who cant even write their own names.)

b) Hl*ffiffiilt- +4llfL ( f . 6ffiHl Lbb *.'.

(Students are so busy before final exams that they don't even have time to sleep.)

>>>>> i- L7i1

c) *H.J i :r,-H b *T.

(Some days, it's even as hot as summer.)

d) EH-J.E ( r. [Er!.1t i-b b *f.

(Ifs so hot in the summer in Japan that there ate eve times you can't sleep.)

$ ttt (,1?OlE#='before one knows i before one realizes'

l#a#l > . s >>> t?)t ltlr= tr ]

a) $#lrr?o* l;r ( to-c. L * r.*T"

(Money is gone before you know it.)

b) tllrr?o*E7t'ffi \t-;1r,-* L/.

(It had gotten dark outside before I real:edil.)

$ trt -lZt8,t6='be used to; be accustomed to' lffiavt>t-e>>>Eo+ir-nctutcl

Ttrigptuaie.f.o.l|o.wd?:1r'g di...' .-nr-'S.41l- d;,,,

a) BA4itinT * L"
(I have become used to the Japanese way of life.)
Itr' ;
b) BA^-c" ffiffi ? ) t . A L'^+'+'+.u' !' *
l=tlt( T.
(Even among the Japanese, there are many people who are not used to using honorifics.)

a) lt.JBA4IE/J nT *.1't"
(I have gotten accustomed to the Japanese way of lfe quite a bit.)

b) Bffirt-ff 6 J. ) I=f cT * L "

(I have come to be able to speak Japanese a lot better.)

c) ftIt"iLili- E , E ,&.e(r < (" Lr i.

(Our life style will continue to change rapidly.)


11 *, -tl?l*/J!l='1does not mean that ...i it does not foilow that ...'
lffial >l.l O >>>y

-*rf f l/- negates what ohe would generally conclude from statements or

a) * b yeffi?mL*ri,r. iffisc /t. r.ItTItJ * 11,"

( [I] don't speak English much, but that does not mean that [I] can't speak it.)

b) 7 t y 1) ( ,futL/Jttrrd'r't*rLs. fdt'. b L'c.t.6btt?.tt

) * /"
('A.merican college students have to study a lot, but that does not mean that they do nothing but

In a) above, if someone does not speak nnglish, we general conclude that he/stre does not
know English; this conclusion is negated.

V, !n .:,:(nealive

a) ElH: e / t''. HT2/J trrifr ,t *, t t"

(Because the book was in the lhrary,I did not have to buy 1t li.e.,I got by without having to buy it.J )

b) t;4, fff )Rlf. * tl:/Jrrr.;a *

b L /.
(The bus came right away, and so I did not have to wait too long.)

c) EE cF. tE rr r; !- !. f*T d.
(It will be nice if we don't have to cook every day, don't you think?)

13 *t ^,fp='each; at a time' l#aw > t. z t >>> E-r4+:l

'c is used after a number (usualty, number + coutter) or limited q"*tity (e.g., L) and
.-- - -.-J -

tlYti 6 ,
a) ) ttts;7)ffi+.E t: l(.'- ff!.., i Lv2 0).,t, s4.Tc 1"* Lt.
(Yesterday was my friend's bitthday, so I gave (him/her) red roses and pink roses, six each.)
qi.dl-tl ll
b) flE-e9J+ L#frffi,f'zHr. * L /.

(I bought five each of stamps and postcards at the post office.)

\tu U

c ) f68+fr-tTcH,Z. l: L{L-*1"
(As a rule, I memorize five kanji every day.)

d) f Hffi* Ll2 Lf
r: z / ,Bu- :f * 1.
(I think my Japanese is improving littie by little.)

>>>>> iF-L771

e) -)v*&.cBp( l u'"
(Please take one sheet each.)

14*" V/Ad (stem) d='tos -; do something too much'

LffiM > t.zs >>>v,bt\l t.tuutae]

,;i$ix6, 4,e,;i;'.:r,:,,',-ll:., .,,i:,,i:::ffi,,i. .:r- i:ir,li,: ;i :#,f.,8'*,.-,

a) ^T . *r/Jt( r b *f l.
(If you eat too much, you will get a stomachache.)

b) .t z3 yvvu!.t'EFt.l. tHt":rl.
(Wisconsin is a great place, but winter it too long.)

15 *r -IIJL='more than -' l#uv>t.zz >>>cnu-Et*]

a 7 t t) LW++.t.
) (American BAt'E: =ffiFt)t LffiW.Z/ .;' ..
students should not teach English more than three hours a week in Japan.)

b) -+tr:+fiH{l:tl,m6 LNr ,E|t,. * Tr.

(I think it will be hard to carry mote than fifteen credits a semester.)


a) "'d+I#,b6 >>>>>[ff]

I : Generally you provide the rea-

son for asking permission with
z-+v | +7 r #sEIA:i:X{Lrlv an expression such as ''l

TTli ' 1. -E: : ^Elt( ( ' rr(' '.

l, i lt'2" 2: When you want to ask permis-

sion, use expressions such as -
t8l : \!{'Tl. t
t-U'.X( ct r.r.-6.-j- 'or -/cr..,"c| j-
_ ,r-t.t.'el, )lt.
a "" 7'LJ b :Tt': L ) Bp(
ur 6lilt,b4" 3: Suggestions can be made by
z-+lv: l r.. U *H (right away) S:# L
formal style, and V/ 6
i or
-+t Y lc , ? in informal style.
L 4X 9 o

4: This expression - E: f t'/

L a I' car be used to give
a reason for your suggestion.

1 ,r, El-llsJVl
e X7J. 'ffi.EHkf#-c"c. / !.o,.s 7 - t. t . -^l BA"c,l1 - 7 7 4 l-'c. t -
w++^ , -^l'h- 77 4 fr*1 ,,/t6& ,t:t. * T" H++.1!, E
E ?8, / s 6 ffiffi. ffiH L / r,. (J : I : t} *1'(.' i-. I ill :gJ L r,. * I ).

,- 714 ft6'L ,,/& A,tt, ( /"tl BAffi?&!./J t. (ffi|: l{4 t r,. j

Affi-t,1 ("lt/ ( {. lffiru. iffi] i).
tr- HY. I,Tc)r,:la'y ,,/16& ,: b. *r1 l',/*6 , U
/sg+it /J : t. ' -ffi L /J r,..
>>>> 7F- l77 -(

e,{7 : r->f., fEf (partner) )v tFl:r,'-C#L't' /J !' (. : t: : t'-
l:l) |gir'
(" !.., H&'r E)"

J>,, jv-27 h-177

e =Lltv-/t-t r.o fr -^Ar Z'Mffi:. fr- 77 4fl& ,
t:t- t- t=a44 { r,.I,->t er- E l"lHr Ll r,. t-.4L'c., v-/

lHY-'>lF\ t !'o f-'1 { !'!'{..T'l f-{ '* !'*'t},'.J f-l!' 'T

. ['!.{'l- x i ,) --f^c (once each) ffit./ t.. HFs(" /: 6l ,70)L
ft' t:## (to present) L /J !'o

{",, rD-J2-?
e H-cfr -^714 L/ t b)r.-)yf't/"tv-7't:^{L'C, 40)/\t:'Jr-
7 4 I:-t,'{' ztr"' H r t' (fiJ : I 't*ffi1" Ll'l SX i 1.' L/'l)"

$,,, ? rv_Jz_?
e BA^ff=/ [ 0)b++^*LT'clv-/t:)vl-c, EnTorW7) tvlr'

$,,, <ffiE
e BA- t^ E/...o) (if you don't have one, use animagnary one) :. ++ ('
b t. o) -D"t,, - y # z !.o (First, write about the season, then about your
recent activities, and end with an apptopiate conciuding remark.)

e ) -4 | v -L714ft* lt-#L{i.*T. CD ?Ef,r.-c. ELr,. { :

o-c t /J !."

( ) 12+' t'\"fr#t L{t'*T.

a) )-4/v*,l ( ) z+ <'6 !.i. t,fr*'t'-|"
( ) 2+ r,.i: v-72 -)vt:xb * L/:"

( > 'F"*fu 6 ii:

b) l-4fv+rE,t. ( ) 9-4/vffi.6 u-7)-tvl,:
( ) 9- 4 y vtr:X \ t->1.,b
b * L/.

( ) {FJ: $J}t*t.1.
c) )t4/vttt.- ( ) 6 tN++#L* L/:.
( ) f-#:t:t-c rr'T.

>>>>> jl\- L771

tJ v/Tl
-\t4 -*. BA-e.-L714 Lffi. 7t) yl)[fi,fit:r,{L*(,.. T
u.s,,ffiF7)rf:2 I. r. grur'fuAslu.{.--tl . ;.t) yr*
s ( ,iu.'c b. 40)*.t*<
" L.L_ 4z '/ y,sEBTFF;
/'lT. ElaF-r6 ffi: *Bl/J 1frtsr /J ..o lll t_ ! ( z') v
rs * * #Et:),.-t ( L * \, _ ffiffi.l i:l fru"

-i)tI;,rtl. | 4 wz t) y l=I" | 4 v l'7 otfl-'e

h'zt) y,1sf,!.l.-._ F-7kbtIxb, | 4 vryo;t#Elz l/ yzf :,

.ttrtS /Jt,.o 1- 4 vzl:.yft,t'- | 4 vzt) y)sksl". ffiT:

f,r..c*a!.:Hllzl yus:. i*E. " Harn:r-cr.{.
r. rfL u./Jr,.llEl,,\l: :f iilu. ,Atr
l!:s-Ju.l'b l*u./ b {"
/H'[Ht-. bE- .s7 - l. 4 v0)A') y1?tu./;* *. y Cv)"v-J
),,='c.!.-r . rti- 7 4H'# l*. zc {LH-(r.ffi Lt. ^li 4 -j
: H,lrJzH{H: /J {L *.{t'. ffi:. =EF { .. -c'c l, * : /.

.'a t^,
F front hallway ffill special
o< T.

-,8 a pair of footwear ffi{,r :wb

ti , v'E )t
T hallway; corridor t!: automatically * 1 {:
+r western-style room IEQ) complicated
r:'t a v,,
E mat for a Japanese-sgrle BH custom
lT6 to caution; to remind

2d ir'
: (ttftld x ^Tlfr tl.

O ;RYIE#,tuE. iE U Itllldo. F l.


a) El,,\*. x#'ez t) v 3l ( : :r,^ L!.o


b) EAl*. NnTr ( ffi. 7t) v,{?lt'1fr'l . i



) #Ef" . Z , y.,s ,.f r,. / ild-ut*-'r,r f) / ro l.


c I

tr d) l. 4 vo)7 t) y tr L, t.'0)7 / yr{lli. i

tr e) l- 4 vz') yrs t./* *i.E:^0)- BAz\: lt. L !'.

o - + :_ 1fl -u-) l !-) & F: 9-i" """"" ";;.:= :
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "' > ffi 1

-.....:. .'.i|aa:t, : .

.',,:..:. :,,.rl:lij'.
,. 1f::f!rf']ir.:ji1:.11..::l;:]i;r'',:: :

Vlst\1Zifi,b$it| .
v .
URE No c


t American colleges and universities, each student is assigned to an academic advisor.

This might not necessarily be the case in Japan. Some institutions that have an
lnternational Division (known as EH or E#Elil) may have an advisor system as you
see in 1 in this lesson, but that is rather rare. Even at such universities, a ryuugakusei is
expected to choose his/her own courses and then go to see the advisor just for formal
approval. lf a student has serious problems regarding course work as in 2 in this lesson,
he/she should discuss them with the teacher concerned. For other types of problems, one
can go to the ++ffi as you will see in later lessons, e.9., 3, Lesson 8.

Extra-curricular Activities

apanese colleges/unversities have all kinds of clubs for extra-curricular activities. Some
are sports clubs, 7-7, etc., whose members play against teams from
other colleges/universities. These varsity players engage in their sports throughout the year.
Baseball players, for example, practice all year round. Their practice sessions are often
Spartan, and those who miss them for no apparent reason are likely to be severely
criticized. The language used within these sports clubs is often very restrictive in that
koohai (younger members) must use keigo toward senpai (older members). Students who
hate this regimentation yet love a particular sport often belong to a less restrictive group
usually referred to ur ii, i.e., a group of people sharing the same interest. There are
fJ' li f liDLr
also all kinds of non-sports clubs ranging from E55 (English Speaking Society) to trffiHlEtr
(kabuki club). There are many students who seem to spend more hours on extra-curricular
activities than on course work. This situation, which most Americans find hard to
understand, is possible, of course, because Japanese professors are generally far from

rrrrt t+E

e7- ,, E#ftt#r?(1i =7, E+F|J#{0)F#F1E1.

A-c)v *i, ."r.*T"
s#l : tJ i:"r.*j-.
z-cfv L o flr.r,.,l""
s#l : {41" L r.
z-+lv frl^, ffi I, r,,ffiy1tr4,("T t '.

s.ffiF-: l l,'o

z-+lv > I,I y tY -! a y : l" L J I .o

.ffiF-: t y r-v 1-/ a y *Elr,ffi'6-c"_ *[E* .LEWJ 208 -c"T J.

z-iv T e *. ,. fi_,_"_ * g 4,1__I__" r$ " t 208 r.j. h"

#ffi*: 4 i1T"
z-+lv 7 {Llr' ,
- i -*:HH L{ l,.L."T.o
#ffi: !. l,.("T j o

x-+lv 7 l-",s4 +I'-ftH:tr. Ltu. ,'e t . { u. ) ftE-e L I ..

t.ffiF-: bb_ z l."us4 +T'_ft#.&ffi_ bur t) ty7_! =
# d't* -f 'r. 4 {L*,ci#-c f ( l 1."
9.ffiF-: -2. lv 4 7./ y | 1z l. tr ,) ty7-y =
y0)T C 'C-, !Ffrtifl
D 2OB t"T.
z-clv tl.b *Ll. ibbtrt)
""u. * L /;.
F.ffiH: L. [. o

-l s #>>>>,

t A7-2. E#o)lffiftiffifr4r1("
z-cv +-- L = rfH#L/u.: s 'cTt. J t-u-'At- t i'"
ffi ffi: iL L- t^ i 7c--" {trJ{" t i lt'"
: u,-zvT'6 ,8,i A,1" )-:T r 7 \tr:&cftt.
l{.. t,E, i ,{"j-"
ffi. ffi: i.4,. 'c'. 1-+v,1. ?* 6 )-Bt !.:l; : 61trt, lv
4 z v lTzlffi,ffi.ffi( z'-tl L. xi + 'LUr .'..
,x'trrx-'/'r. D * ) Jl' ,8 u. * T . 9-z-?_:__(__EA^Xt.{,t'" 6. '}',
1,ffi1,\,, / 7 Ktt:I r v y, U'C. &fr\',[. Eu. * f t de.
z-+fv 4 )t{r. {'- - ,. fffi: T( ffiFs'':{o ti'

6.: r"- o) : ., fuifr,L { u' 6 _!l !; _l,'_'l_J _L'_,{" T o :

- B A#lS
Ef . +tr^:/ -t r E i / 6 .'H-("f"
tsffi 4 i T." 4 {LItN(.Td. l.'{,. r_ 2 :__L_=1. i *:T u"r.
v/, A. Lf -r:* r1. ,8u.*1J. i :,t'-t
z-9'v 7c i'ettr. Ds. t--.F f 6 t'ffif ? Htr"t. * rfHAL *T.

*,lttu. J. . i brt ) "u.* Ll.

20 ffi, ffi: !.!-o

O !-1Y 7. *f U t\E 18#,+ E A#l'c 5 + 1, v t \x e= U c Ul "

+4.^@) ffi$o-,t b *,."

!'-4 Y v l ,IJ ,) ffi- I i u. ) F{"1."
Y. Wffi.(. tffi"c" expedition o-Co ./J"

+48(4) i .4,. . att expedition D + / ( {. exploration ,H 7 l "

#a: bb. 4i'" t (f;[:16tJ" ('-4vvt':) ExplorationClub{"T}.
924)Y bb, i {"T." 'c . ,tffi.'( ,'c-l-.. ^

#4Le: ftB ..
r'IYv l{r'D, iI o'C?
#4e: )r,l.,-e../J!'F: . EIA:ttF/ ( ,>' . t'frr{> u./J
r.F &u- bT, 4 {Lt. t, - ffiWt.t:Tt. T b "
t4/Y l1(:l :{u'io)?
#4La: . #9+.-
d Etffi cltrJ'( i
Y4s: LLL- caveo
15 -4/Y '.-. H 4 )lt>"
Ylhe: ) '" E++,. E=^)'.'c1," tv L ) = y x*'-l': ./Jo
9-4/v ) A,- D+f#6xizl,t"
#e: 4)l-I6? Z-L- &ffit*Z
24/Y l-4YY"
#lLa: D. ) -4 / v - >Uf+'rAfrW
. .,F t{,c l :l!' rElEE
ffi^+^o)ffit b 7r' , , 7 w
...4 / v ) ,_ Dr. 4 i l-*.T" Dr. 40)
H$: * /.

Y4s: D+. */;. >l,l"

.l s #>>,>>

f\frl.= H'c. lA ,{L L\,

. t' zr L ' a 7 0) f / -) - 7
. 1. t+ ^ ) L t+Lrr"cb
, I I : o !\
b L\ / +oyr +. + /\
t l {"H!r*1. ;,
+ E l g 4 .Lw i'i F '1 A 1\ '
('ffif+fu,+;t,iiEI /
i E
Z f '! til'5-c
Tr T'^
,* :
t br
jq4i ;
'ut . ,1

h - t+ f" : * ,, L L = *

--E lr,iT i( i ki ilBr.rTV

2 ryR + P i 'ry"
L\ y r l 6^ ;l l.
H, ! <
ft A |Aie. ,
? i & q
L , * r- c
;{ f,B b.'$
*' -# ffi + 6
x t ffi :
L\',8 +M '*+.U rLro)o)

,^:dfi /"LbWwL
ffik tInr#ro)
)t *-trt ffitL r
o L. (A I _ ffi l" ( l l- / [r b fr rr, H
ffikv;ffi rrrr-i E -.U<+.

-l 5 #>>>>>

l::it :i:11.r;:.-jj:;::i,-..:t

-x [' f

ffii member of a club 14 kk Well [used when looking

' ltng for a right expressionl
Htffi inviting someone to join
(a club) 17 a) , Oh, rea11y.; Really?
Bi r' tfr' s
-+ in the middle of doing
21 EWE
L: p.i tr.
Japanese style pub

22 ffixE new student

-tr club ,tryl..'
u'*- ffiE welcome part5r
t0 F' island
trL Hey! [a way of getting
someone's attention]

prepare students for

l'-l: in order to [>>>*il- l''s] college enance exams
i: pri ,t ( L tLt
_ erltnarrce examination s ,,i 7! f to pass (an exam)
\,. L a
L rT, t'
-Lii . Ij.tu) t . very hard
g (ilffi1:) #t' a to fail (an exam)
{$x in the future lu.i.l
first-rate 70 XrY XorY
Lti Lr ( -i t, L
ffi ffiT6 to get a job le.g., at a tE^ unemployed samurai; a
firml high school graa.ate
.1c t i who is spending ayear
flr club activities lin the studying for a college
sens e o f 'ex tt acurricr;l at errlrance examination
activities'l ^Fvf

11 the following year
+. student; pupil ^.+
lrt. r
r trl fFra tendency
(-)t 6 to increase [u.1.] [.*
E recent
tEa" of course -l'

,rL ' ffi': certainly

t6T' lwritten form of '] ' t t['+o
r,.{..l [>>>*il- t'7]
13 t() imporLant
u pr(
after-school school; 14 ffi survey; investigation
cra:rn.rrring school
-l:1 6 according to -
ffiffi. school designed to [>>>*/- t'B]

20 ffi< to like [u..] mark; score; grade;
b'i point
27 [fl eason vsr) i
L '
,, t'i +lv decrease in the number
! 4( important
of children due to 1ow -ffi,- - first
birth rate [>>>g;z- s] ial,na

ft( . 33 4a every year

')t,u- few; 1ow in number TI
34 ,r1-, Y percent
24 */ also a' i)
socialization; friendship;
35 f.r,.
25 ffiu. strong association
Lf concerning to decrease [u.1.]

# (r) easy; comfoftable; age; period

leading an easy life
:ti '
2s ffi lecture
,,,,, t#. I

| "t (-ll)2l< ='to notice -' l#l > t. t t >>> ,$2ttttuE Ltc]

Ue.used ei1!r-e1w th a noun or aphrae (se1tece .,O o.'f -:L,).,

i-ifii",+.presiig zrn

a ) Flr,. i:,r? * * lvT, L t"

(I wasn't awate of my mistake.)

b) ffi!,_{tI: t:,r)t.?tt1)t,. ffi#r)f* o(./:tc.

(It was after the class started that I noticed that I had forgotten my homework.)

),r, {f pt( lez > t.s >>>tf :lrr( Er*t nrfnol

t.+*,'(,,i"at ,ttrat has been done. with,a gret deel, somne!'a''..].:..
i -somethirrg

a ) c lt, ( lF -t 1, ( f / fi-lt 3 -r r I. t
(It's impolite not to eat food which someone has taken^+L"
^tt the trouble of preparing for you.)

b) clt'( a/#l'u/J!' J i : L* L i.
(Please try not to forget kanji, which you have spent considerable time and energy to learn.)

J ,,, V (plain) tt6f*trr/t,r l#,z > .t s >>>ruHU(LatttcauuS.r*ur/ttr]

[v'',(!a;.r.$.gj;,,af. :l],!,: 11.,lj:l lJ..means'th4t:qr.te ca4to:,do'eertainrigq,,f

,: :,sciaiaUmtirallSitutional rasons,

a) 7, y rts-7 -rcEffi?ffibtf l:f trZlu"

(\tre can't very well speak Japanese at an ordinary American parby.)

b ), o) 3 - 7 ffiffi 6 b o) 1. B Affi l'' b ffi1fr,L ( u' b Ll l; l l, t *, , "

(Since I have to study for other courses also, I can t spend all my time studying Japanese.)

c ) lLttt ft,+.o)^/a'. , - br l :Tr tt l; lttt

* lv.
(Since this is my teacher's book, I can'tvery well lend it to you.)

:S.mqfhe:.negatii.eorm is used with ir l:

l*!,.r/e,urr.rq,m,41i1g is,affir-mative -'i.e,,,tt
',. :eanttelry,Ao'.-;t,, ,nothav.aiy,o Choi""::"r ::,'r '.: :


.l 5 #>>,>>

d) L / afiffit > tt -
6 +vnfuffi L /J r r tt t: tf u r *. lu
(Since I have an exam tomorrow, I cannot help but study tonight.)

e) { r
L ( /J rrtil:
fr,r *, tv"
(Even though I am busy, I don't have any other choice but to sleep.)

{r> Z,cT='but; and yet' l**z>t.tsf

This phrase is used to quality the preceding statement. It is often followed by -r lt l: lt .. .

/J t., -fi tt ltJ t., etc.

a) 7 t y ift++.trJ ( T r- Z )lt':=cTfu1frtj'" b L1\- blt/Jr,-.

(American students study a lot, but that does not mean that they spend all their time studying.)

b) A: F=Ft**r'da"
(Dormitory food is bad!)

B : i ,- -e . z r)'z(,s/Jr.t; {, .rl. l.
(Yes, but we still have to eat, so ...)

$ "' V(plain) l)JZ='an order to' l#aM > . t >>> *#tr fcrD tc]

lV(plain, presen l u) t:] indicates a purpose for one's ction.

a) act,stZ7 tv4 | 1 + &t,Q it"

(I hear that these days there are marry students who work part-time so that they have money for

b) * t rr /vt- ilm Ezg.T i

$ t(=ft+.ffinEn'ft ct"
(Carol went to her teacher's office in order to ask him,/her to change an exam date.)

c ) P{f e)EB)EgJ l-t t. * T.

(I am exercising every day in order to lose weight.)

'lVhen l is followed by , the phrase modite a following noun.

d) HAH&41. tYl:J\ tbofuffi l-t llx'r /J u'.

(Japanese high school students have to do la lot ofl studying which is lnecessaryJ for entering

e) **. Fffi?ffi^ tt "1.

(A dictionary is a thing yolr use to look up meanings of words.)

rtrtt t+E

$ ttt -?t lffiafil > t. z >>> E#tKtr : u ]

[ViAdj ( ( -form) + {, ] means 'even when -' or 'even if - .' With the sense of 'even whe/
:.,,,'i .,the.main',senteue:is,".ouUyo,,tnJ@pal!' o ana,t.jectives can take the forrn-
..'l:51;;:,a:6,5.t:$(g., L'tr*.;r,,r.,,,,$ b;; t,11,q ar.g,uqq4lly to' '
..;.:c-,,,,'Lf,!.f.,,,#S3*.)..... t-...... ....rtriaria".'i,-a*.,r:l:

a) BA^ffi ( i: BAXIV\:';t,.cfutfi,L f sd t rl'- B^ip < $ v1r -! ay /

ttJ!.("L i.
(Ifyou study Japanese culture before you go to Japan, you won't have culture shock even when you
go there.)

y 1.,$-zvl. grE?(t,4itt"
b) 7)yrtv7
(I hear that they play football even when it snows.)

c ) BAF*fli. / ( ,^f zt 6 /J t. ? i .
(I hear that with Japanese food, even if one eats a lot, one does not gain weight.)
d) HH "-7) . t. Erffirf* * T"
(Because they have Tbkyo Dome, they can play baseball even on rainy days.)

7 "'vT

a) 7 t y rf':+fH#f,1fi, L( t. ->lc1- t., )v1 ! -! av2 { Etf T.

f BAll:t* L/.
(Since I had studied Japanese for two years in America, I did not have much culture shock and got
used to life in Japan quickly.)

b) r Erud 6 Llfr,t:6l- , i "

(If you study without sieeping, you will get sick.)

$ trr NE='according to -' latvt > t. t s >>> aaffi etr * a tl

,,::.Thisiexpression i:usd.1o. indat- 1s.o'urc.f,j-nfffiU-:a-tS ghmytilcid y an

expression such as tv(plain) 4 ) ll indicating hearsay.

I rri
a) Xft# (weatherforecast) Ei6 - +Hf+K6 4 )f"
(According to the weather forecast, it will rain this afternoon.)


b) +HffifI=&,6. i r 7 t )v=rctrH (earthquake) '>l4 it"

(,{ccording to today's newspaper, there was an earthquake in California yesterday.)

9 ttt ^,{E l#ary>t.zz>>>9+1zf

this suffix utt""n"r mainly to kanji compounds and expresses the idea of *t: /j a or -l:T .

r1, J ltrJ
a ) Hl BAf r. Ji,'Li+{Yl-
(Since the wa4 Japan has become quite westernized.)
irr ,r Ll i+?
b) [*E{L {t ItJtffitt&t-"
(There are rrray novels which have been made into movies.)

1O -" Causative-passve: Hft='be made to buy' ( ,ib{'ttc

l#atry > t. z e >>> tc b ]

form duplicates . (e.g,, ff rlrL6 is not

a ) l r.( r,-*Yl:* zt*2#Y.vh' n "

(In general, we ate made to write at least one papet a semester.)

b) u'Flf;F/: ttll/-c $ !'t/i".

(Nobody likes to be kept waiting for a long time.)

a) ,* ftJzZ hf/ff l*,b,/Vl:tflz
vr t' >>>>>[*#z]

1 : When you want to consult with

++. ,+.. b . ffi#u tttz h , tvT'T ht
your teacher, you can begin your
conversation with this expres-
+J L!.f'1, !. )." sion. If you are consulting with
ft+. !.!.{.f" your friend, you can say c
ffi# L/ l. 7)r lltl ,
++. bi, L0)r 7 7 ri 'c LffiLT" 0), t, t -> LFf, t.f r. r.ffi,l
T 0) v.t)v o), 7 7 folr,. ,. r E,a lv 6 ,tl t, etc.

TT hr2, 2: Here, you are offering your opin-

ion in a non-assertive manner.
ft+. 4 ilT'" f". 7'v 4 7 J v I I 7 | ffi.ffi. . in this expression makes it
indirect, with the sense that 'I
think it might be bener ro . . .'
'tfrur,Bur *TLI te
++. z7-. 7ct,4. i. 3-7 'lL ( f "
3 : When you give advice, you can
use expressions such as -'l
ft+" 4 i fTzJ," D- t -EFffi*Et E t.t. ,8.*T, -I t '- i (ff
.) or-l ,. ,. Hr., * f.

<'l lt'3 "

+. *,.. Ds. TciU*.T" 4: When you want to offer a differ-

ent opinion than what is sug-
gested, you preface your remark
with ,f t), 4fL4 iltj
E , 4 ILIiJ, 6 tl - -C l , etc.

1 ,', E-rVJVl
e,{7:r b. -g+. i-^*E+0)x+0)gffiHt:r., /J ,.o H#*.t-t
: /. E z ? EA#t.'=iru. t'"

.l s #,,,,,

a) Have just arcivedin Japan today.

b) Would like to see the academic advisor tomorrow, if possible.

+ffiF-trrt. -cltt. &. ? Effi{.u. A r,..

c) The faculty members are not there this week.

d) You cannot see your advisor until you have taken the Japanese language placement
test next Monday.

? {Lrltft&b of ', ++. t: /u\t$ffiF-t: , - +ffiR P -> t^B+4: /

-21- U t-FffiHL/J!.o

f ,,, trl-rVJyl
e,<7:r b_ -t*g+. i-^rE#o)ftHt:l b /J !.o E++.4. L

? Effif"1. /J !.o

a) Studied Japanese at an American college for two years.

b) This is a second-year Japaneselangtage class and is too easy.
c) Would like to switch to a class one level higher.

lF* :l: . W+HZPcll*ft4.: / b. tHt:/llH#Et:t->1. i


J',, E-lVJVl
e 's7 tl= b r !.o -ff L r'.8#(.. t+{.'fi|.t- 2 .tvI-\ b / t. ,Bz (
r,.*T (xX-yf# 'r,. \.4t-)tv0)it', . m4 it?Etl
!.)o i -^l- 4 +T- 2 tvffi; (older member) : /J b *-1, B+4.ti. fr
t:7c 0)+T- 2 )vtt:ti.{Ef, . '7.- / .. ?lF * T"
lF*:/ . H++.f :/:,,\sft:t b. ft#f :/sB#:c'c., i


Q,,,,7V->7 -172t
e EA^fTc{. 7) t) lt tX t:2t,.LAnBUttrld'utx'z 6t ->l t. .t : L
I i '"
-cc 6 !.!.-c'L d\.^l-7'(F-c1T 4 7 3HL-r.. y Z llF
b /Jr,.o yz l{"/6. ,7 ;.o)l :It"-'##L/J!.o

5 -'fFT
A rrl7))\+t:rr,.tHET lFX l... F *tr^E++ (. 6 t."

e E+ftfr+. t .41vr*++.f (onein chargeof foreignstudents) /'L#L

{ t. * T. cD HL.{. i L t.*3^d'ra r,.o

a) -4rvttt, F7l7r r- !': ( t'* T,

t- l2
b) El ,xffitt.- g,,t ffi+ilc.
c) H ,o)Htt, BA[{.T"
d) HE l"et, ffiEru * T"

e) ) - 4 f Y i. mE- {L tI {L E* t) 4fr'b*i,.

.l s #,>,,, (+#l tutu. fl SldtH5r : ztr.
fcu\Ht\lte?-D 5. ffi/vA< < ftl.

lFtf t,ll
'Jrx l. 7 r
) -4 y ysEla:r.r8.0)8. :. y -s& A,t- wl.
) Lel:\, !'
ffi ,X^- . : :i{ r,. -r ( ,1" ffi .,,\*Zq+ffi f t,'

lfE-c". 7./ y tt:f1Jff.{,tu.l:l tr b. iffizlt+/". {ffi.,

rtffi("- -4 y vBAffirfff u. I *a" L/ffi: T.->Io ) -4 /
vs{ffi ,##','ur l>'attffi-b.+r"de.1 , L- l
ffi * L -> L \,, p rffi t- l " th'A'h - /^ 7 7 4 ftX'x,R -: 1 " t - t
-4 / vlt&14,:. IElI,,\: [/J /'1o+/-] *a
b,r" 7c., -4 / vl*- Ba^ffi !. ( f, ( j ) t:l,/;. a5:
l/l li,El-tt:f,fU'clfr.blnulju.t{"r (. rTffi"c" * b{
b{tt1. t r,. i a L. ,fui};o{l. L.L. I -4 y vts l>r
l klfr.*>/Ju.("Fu.ffst" 6 J ) :/ 6 t:*- -+16 ( ..:{ L *

e;Ro$ffi,tue. jE U |tn HO. F5 p Ettftlt x ^ftl+ Ur"

n a) {ffi,t*_I+.b6"
-4 / vI*, ), )l("{ffi ,c'>lr. trtb L!'o
7 6

n b) I t4 y vtt: l>tTF;ffiIt-b'+{.'Tdel t, . 'fffi ,l

u )
(was glad).

n d) )BA^r [t:.1 Lt. )H{F.i : l}./r,."

n e) -4 f vt. -("* ltr) ffi.b11:f6sa'- 6.


. &!4^&.
. = h = - o)t t < ti9rr.l
= -:.-::.::!/:1];.]'.''

: :. ..a:::,a.a:.:::::l:a.:i4

o of*.

.1,...,,..,......,..........,....>Ff; 3


D eople in Japan love to eat out. Basically, there are three types of food: Japanese,
I Chinese, and Western. ln big cities like Tokyo, howevel there are all kinds of ethnic
restaurants, such as Thai, Korean, and lndian. ln Japan, there are probably more specialized
restaurants than in the United States. For example, sushi restaurants serve only sushi,
tempura restaurants only tempura, eel restaurants only eel, etc. Although there are lots of
restaurants that serve all these items, such restaurants are usually not considered first-rate.
This is perhaps due to the faith in specialized professionalism that is shared by most Japa-
nese, r.e., they believe that no one can surpass the quality of food prepared by specialists,
e.g., sushi made by chefs who have prepared nothing but sushi alltheir lives.

At inexpensive restaurants such as noodle shops, whenever it gets crowded,rYou will be

asked to share the table with strangers. The waitress will say something like, fEffiiffitl t t
d (Please let another party sit with you), and there is nothing you can do but nod in

Besides eating out, Japanese often have food delivered, too. ln America, very few places
other than pizzerias and Chinese restaurants deliver food to homes, but in Japan, in
addition to those, sushi restaurants and noodle restaurants regularly offer delivery service,
and you don't even have to tip the delivery person!

>>>>> v7tsate

e Eo)+ll-<tl < yt 2 . tr / t'- y. IBHo)ffi tO * VltB"';fi ( "

H ffi : : : t. -+DJ,t'. Po'C.t- *al/ ,c-T p_l_"

11.r-y *aL.Ll.-c.L.ilt"
H ffi: L o t.l '. tau. Lt.____l_+_*l. L.\ Lt.{"1.
Ez-Y (./ = t_ - k F,tns 6 ) ft. J, r | ! r t 0) lr; b ,1 T h"
ffi: LL. v-l'lD+/ ( r- i E^,rrb L. + *Td.
rl,2-y l# J c:clnJ:c'.
ffi: :E-h:{4.c-ct', l#1J. XJ{ r:{ ..*' l-X,.f,.]
.cr.i L. L,rtyr:{r.frtj'lhyA,) lr.i ,'e-r" l'i
,} b. +l)frtg6lri.:f[.:/J b *T].
retf-Y 4 i-l.. D{a . Ej,$/J.TL.(!. zJ,>. + EU ) ./J"
ffi: f s/J.T!.( , t, m+#: L J i ,8:{ ,.c-r "
r,rl-y l#f+l o'c. ?
H ffi: FW:X 6T f . *T. a a. *!. Lt..:{t.. i#.C"T}.
t5 rr.r-y 7c ilT'" {"1XlX.t : I,li6 * *T.
E: fFJ: [. * T."
t ffi: fl,Hf$ffiu.L*f.
Ir,2-Y fl'*X ,.
: lt.. Hf X,-"-da"
: ffiT LX t",. +"f#t L * L l.
Hffi,/U, -Y: bblrtLi"
ffi: : tr#,f{"T .k " ffiL u. i 0)*7+ vt _ l u. ) O)ttt[t ,tt "
El2l-Y / 6 t t" ,tF34.{.f . 6. r)#,(". tFtrr { t,. I btTic l'" ffi
t.Tr. D s b. +.-{A* f "

, e :'#0) ftE- uErEtt :r= < " 9#tt+{t0)*,1, {ffi l*^+lt)E{s.
!. 6 : Ll,.*. t-ffic." : t'nE ) 4'"
E# (WtIl /-6) o Z i rL,* Td"

+r+ :2, ltr. L r,. bil,'c ..6 T.. r.:*{ ,t' ,11 k"
s ffi ffi 4 iTtr." *n, *l,"C L/.
+# tLl"-e L_ rt g v _1"^ r{tt ( _C,t * /r,.l"f il.
trffi 4 i 1 I tJ" f J l' ffi='C R' ; 6 ' fF " de"

J#lt:(( "
E T8.
tr tl** b .T..
10 l # l^tr*ffi.-'c"
+]+ f* t l---ttaffiu' L * T.
E -:. L t' l,*c11+1"
f UhJv9-
+# f *#/a' ll:_!:.!_:_l:
_Ir ^ . r+
t5 trt,Jn.A L_t b * T."
ffi.ffi -tv r,.11. aTI' . Bt J-lt,6ffiX.f e) *T"

o-+tj'' da("""
ffiffi taL. L.: /{t-Tda"
+# 4 ifTtr. Dr. 47c^b * Lr )'" frL-ffi',t9.Xtb1.

ftffi fl,:fbt{ ( l;" r..

+++ !.!. . L.: ft.t:*;l:{ ../a'( t. , b t : *t. * ,1t.6, +
B ifs.

ffiffi 7ciT." D+. ctr4):r b*1.


o I t 1 y !. ^)ttlJfi-t+)7r D utcu\.
-4 y v : */JrrTu./ /J "
-: 4)ItJ" F^:(l;"
-4/v: <y2tx)."
- : !'L'Jo
e rlr^"
: !.:Ltn.*" ffi:/Jt..*T..
9-4yv: .-L- Cy <y, L,1 l. M+4
: !.. v-<v2 L l. M+T4
'li/ ^L7yf
14/v: =ha-7^*t,0) ( /:"r,."
fl : r.. Fr.'880 Fl: / b * T.
-: 1ffif b{c <y 2.;-rt"-L74 7=-B-S +14
, ff : { {c =y 2,r-'-L74 Zr-v.- S+t41'T*J"
^" gT0 FIu.t
15 t"*T"
14 Yv E-"2l"f tv i."l*z r, otLL J.-c L) o"cf,r.{T '. tl,L
-t&) {J"
-: : .
9-4 Yv 7 / rt</l'Tv l'""c":(6 . El,: 6 l*E/+ll
L_ 4 {t"t:HA ?, l" I tv r^: L./J.. i b tJ"

-: fiJ. ( bwv 2-rt"-L7r,?

-4 Yv i r"
-: 7c iItJ" i.:. LelZ 4 v:(!. ) 0)$b J."
-4 Yv NE+,J.CL, BA:A LAL+ i ,TTJ"
--: i.t. f . 4 iu- i: . EA/a'tl0)a D+/J,. t E,it>"

( L\ {L fr {L 4 H A , lH 7 l
I ly M [r.C 1H o {L I L )V B
L , o \ )v : l,J '(" S / : I A
!r 7" {L H ffi + : ff I t v
#. * e ffi ^r U ffiis+ y {L < 7' ^
U- ,2,

- v {L I I {:i 7" f 7
/ L H./
ffi *t 7 : * t: Y 1r^ 1
E rE l. r;" i / v 7 {L ffi ' Y
7 * rur * 0) 7"- ^'lH
+ " a) v {L / {L H v L\ v b k
, T l. t.\ S'[H riL fr o | ffi.
W, t_ )l^+ tr ffi + [r I { ' +1
{" v E4 i r/r i r,
I 4'E +^+rr j v l{ 4 b z'c
{" 7 ) | f ( : 6 $ffi
v *-
7" 'c.. E l +F+("
.{ iL
7c {i'el I t E
ry [ii''1ll
:i . "
r D h
v =-t I
t ' l l. 4 (" E
n *
L\ {.' .
t, Y {L ,fr i v }." ffi ffi e' D
/ 1v 7l- +T
: H l. 6 ffi 1v t( 7 t: +rJ +, 6
L\ 7" iy u : itH : : ,
' * / I /J lft : {.. 7" {L I I E I y
1vbtL c (
* *i b {L Y Y ("/
' Y -cI o)
7"c) m HXlf /
7" / Ft "C. , " , ,1r -)

) l !\ 7 'c 7 +
i8 l' /
l. -c'i
1, l,'{
E v Z v *i Ht
f 6 f /: ("'/v
t HE.i B ^v "c. (
L\ 0)+f
A :i7
{" 7 !\ L
fnr / +rJ I ,\ I l. .. j
c v I o) ii

-c'i fffi
7 :7 v * .i
iti tHr*/f
/i t,!\ - fffii-
L.i ,i10; 7 t b E , +
r"i ,liL t {''t,{
t:i tyuL\1)l v
ii*n 7 rt {L L : +
.i er//+f7"by
L\("'C -7if
t Li
{.rieB o) [r ll
f.r l-t H i: " ii.
" i ^ ( {Hn .i
t' g-i l, lu like fried pork cutlet or
116 to order (something) fried shrimp, etc.l
I B/,
9lBj- 6 to quote a E cooked rice
IEI ffi colleague; co-worker s L',rty pork cutlet
t''h u
ffi lfamily namef u q actual thing
da lfemale given namel 16

clerk; shop-employee
rr t
t$E noodle shop 22 #, patent
at+. *Fl-.
shop; store
)=z' menu 'FI
6t I see.
E. [type of noodle] .
.9 chicken llit.,birdl
lname of dish;bowl of tf to lay (egg); to givebirth
rice topped with things to lu.t.l

Lr sushi rice covered with

, t,

lunch l:E.El small slices of fishl

r.? r.
+# tu
tfami namef t5
[honorific form of ,r
; p.i 1.
l1+ft in one's fifties /ffiril
zffi [polite form of ,] 16 +- a to refrain from -ing [u.f.]
:.L trt
a Mlt,trJ : t,.1i- 6 s*.f lcontraction ofS(*;
f *11
t to be crowded *1.
6 'vr- counter
19 *a [humble formof 'n
'1 l:-
t['ryi u
? T
I,E to make sush by hand ffi* bill; invoice
a *a (green) tea
to treat (someone) to
10ffi (sushi serving o (something [usual
medium quaTity/price food or drinkl )
tl t2'61 [a kind of sush; a box of z CLQ)tt:t,6 to be treated by someone


r.lx 2.w s. *r, 4. ..E s.H+

6.*w 7.Jtr o
o. / q.H ,. IO.E
L+# 12.ffi 13. s# 14.ffi --

16. FE 6 17. H,lH LB.Mfr le. D 6 20.l

21. iHT zz.WdIL 6 .ffiffi 24.ffiff+ 25.ffifrh,

26. lflE zl.tilrF- 28. /\E 29JH{L 30. tL^

1. I 2.lEtffi 3.ffi 4.#6 o) s.yF

6. 7.ffi B. l e.El- Llrt 6 ro.+
r1.ffi* 12.- .ub 14.W. 15.ffiJ
16.w b 17.Effi+ IB.ffiW le.EJ zo.frlr|tT
2r. 22.ffiilF . 24.=+H 2s.ffi
26.+w 27.

This radical comes from the left half of lT and is often used for characters
representing kinds of roads or types of walking.


rt,tu i :.
ffiffi (t[r*bl" rot'n)

) *a->l,+ + L-hI FT ir.*T

$aa L+t-*T F L-hr'* T HL*f
ft< t.:L+6 (H-LX.*7 't 7.\) 8a
f *-r-
l.oL+t.*f {Eti.1Eh-*T +b *T
*a t.?L+ ) .2>. x*i"
!.6:L{"t.*T fr. * T b *,-r
*aE:r b *T
r. !.6pLs +o .J r.*T
t-ol,{'!.*T l0 *T
4.C. t.lf t./ +
/Jt.*T t,-l L*T t,. L*T

':a AU_E r,-/ ( t'/l ( ^*T * t,.//i' * I t.// * T
AU-Ltr:7a r./ ('( ffi,r)*.f
L-hrb *-l- r.//' *T r.t * f
ffi.aYr b *f
t*h tt
F,a HI:/J #E F,*r
:Ht: b *T trF,L*T
ffi( iEf, l: / 6 IJ ) H *T
tdFf,t:b*i- fflr. * T
bffi L*T
*) fd,. : / * El : '.6 r,. * T
tf r,.l:r b *T * El : .. b * -l-
,a i6i+rlLte. *T
*61*^.;r b *-
c1,\' Dr FD-ht'( t'6 EDtu- filrf L-*T
FD("7 FU.hl"f *a t - D(*d b *T
Nta- N-f t. ol,+ Nt'"t'* T Nf.T
(N is usually N-C"t.cLt.*T
a name.)

btT tdt': 6 LI'6 1.'* I

r b *
+ t': f Ll'*f
? * 6t.:/J6 r,. t l ( t.*1
*r-:rb*'1 *T
< L6 (r6 ( I'r*T
( /dr.*i-

'I 10
>>>>> vTntr.l

#ffi# (respect form) is used when you are talking about an action or state of someone to
whom you have to show respect. So, when you talk about the action of your teacher, for
example, you use tffi.

ffiffi (humble form) is used when you are talking about your own or your family member's
action. There are two types of ffi#ffi-l and fI. Type I is used when you (or your family
member's) action directly involves the other to whom you want to show respect (e.g., visiting
a superior's house or helping your superior with his/trer luggage, etc.) By humbling your own
action, you are in effect showing respect to your superior. Type II, which is called iH#
(courteous form) is generally used when you want to talk about your own action or state in a
humble manner just to be polite to the addressee. TEffi is used when your action does not
direct involve your superior, but most likely the person you are talking to is your superior or
someone to whom you want to be very polite. So, if you are going to your superior's house
(or officeJ,, you use i . If you ue reporting to your superior that you went somewhere, then
you use * (see illustrations in (1)). Similarly, if you are asking your superior to let you
look at his/her or" HHf . If you are telling you superior that you went to see a
91gF, Voo
movie, you say 4E?8,* Ll (see illustrations in (2)).



One can use Tffi

(polite form) instead of Tffi (courteous form), but use of f !ffi is
much more polite. So, if your superior asks you whether you play tennis or not, you can either
say 7=7 t.l L*T or =z t*1. Tffi is very polite, and you probably won't be
using it in your daily conversations, unless a situation calls for very polite language (such as
in job interviews, in business situations, etc.).

ff there are no special respect forms, use [*aV(stem) l: r b * T] . If there are no special hum-
ble forms, use [*a V (stem) g /u,lc L * T] .

r:J:.:,:li.:i::itii; :I.' :;:'. :,,:..: i

:..,,r:.jlr ,..:.,:il,l: :Ir
r:li,::r,:,.i1':1. :i:il:;.trl:l.:i:.;:. :,::tj:t,i

9 tffL:/ Iffi\-T6 ffL*T
*rffL:/J b *T #ffL L*T
,ffilr,tl6 ffi#t6r,IJtt,6 ffit6T ffi?.l*T
,#f6'tt:/ b *T trt6lI1,*1
lFa ilF b --t i6(rT lF, *.1
ta(btb *.7 L*.1
sdfFb r-/L*1

>>>>> vn=r.l

1 ttt -cT l# "t > t. z >>> )etut : (]

(I hear winter in Tbkyo is not too cold, lis that dght?] )

b) BA^fr l t,- #Vffi,- 7 tv,,s 4 l' / 6 / ( 'L 6 p (Ff, * L /"

(I heard that there are lots of part-time jobs teaching English once you get to Japan.)

/r,, -lt(-rf) l*#l

> t. >>>
> . t t
ut/Lr.ttu ut5 Lt]
>>> rfl 5n Bn 5ntil]

I.-adjective : t-1*r,'-07
Veib : 'a '\*'f
l t' ,t
a) lfiU r- i H*Ett*Er,. tt!-f. a f -.
(The movie cal7ed"Rn" ls interesting, but ifs a little too long.)

b) EAirudT z l L * 175f. b (*Tr.t- tl'

h tl, ^+ilwtfutfrtt,tr.
0).8" (opinion) {F l:.t:fr-o{L'/Ju'l i '6.T.
(Japanese high school students do stttdy a lot, but since all they do is study for entrance examina-
tions, it does not seem to contribute to forming their own opinions.)

c ) l1'( f*r./r. ft.'->lT i ,8. i . db'r l,.o

(I didwrlte a composition, but I am sure there were lots of mistakes, and I feel embarrassed.)

J "o N?t,ll?T,/N|'"Ii?TT='N will do; N wilt suffice'

> t. s >>> ttttttte3-D ]
l#z t

a) *l*- -{mTtttrT'1, )lt'"

(would one dictionary do?)
b) i;#Tll cZ aTT "
( lGreen] tea wouidbe fine.)

Qrrr, ^" Uffi/lr='1 is not necessarily the case that -';

'it does not mean that -' lF3 > t.zo >>> Eo)t- mF SeUr]

(Ifs not necessarily the case that all Japanese high school students do nothing but study.)

b) HffiMffi L -C t,. 6++.t a, BA,.. ( rf E /J r.

(It's not necessarily the case that students who are studying Japanese will ail be going to Japan.)

1',.,,1!iexpi$iq.q.istgft enusedrwith.;anadv.e4b-'d_'.f.:L.t,, :;; :. : l'l::i.ii.t.

'. :.:.i- ::: : -,1 ::i:.:.

c ) r.. {> lJt,Z.l l, $ Z,t I

r,. L l*F / t,\.
(Expensive things are not necessarily good.)

5 -' -tJi,/-rc),/-(E =,5.tore -,/atter n/when n,

lffiaM > t. s >>> g t y -wD ffit !. 7 >>>Hi:'uatc]

a) BA^l (ffit=&frtlvfF-> t ( ri.r.f..L l.

(It is a good idea to have your cards made before you go to Japan.)

b) ilffirff& ct> (('),s- 't -lr*,1- ) "

(Let's have apar!5- ater the exam is over.)

c) BA^ll< E+(E)zsZ;ti- rr. b * T.

(You need a passport when you go to Japan.)

d) : rix. BA^tcH(i:)Hr- * L/"

(I bought this dictionary when I went to Japan li.e., while I was in Japanl .)

e) +*. BA^ll< E+ft;)Hr.* L/"

(I bought this dictionary when I went to Japan [before or on the way to JapanJ.)

f) *l*. BA^le /:E+ (E)H,. * T.

(s for a dictionary, I will buy it when I get to Japan lafLet I get to JapanJ.)
>>>>> vTntr.l

6 -t lE*COunter ='m1y ' lffiat>t.s >>>f,JE]

a ) EA^lllif lft-> l i. b * .
(I have been to Japan many times.)
te) , llL
b) +#F+4Efirff'b*"
(There are many Chinese restaurants.)
cf. 'lE[t{ 'dozens of volumes (lit.,tens of volumes)'

-* counter { *
negative 'not even one'
tf1,t( u L
c) ffiil?T6^li. +fir+ffiffiu l'6 4 ic"
(I hear people who translate have dozens ofdictionaries.)

d) H#nTt-z r, t. -E b *rT.
(I have notbeen to Japarl, even once.)

a) 1vz"-|fr^.,{-tv t EUe,2zJr-i*ut-tv l.l;Ueah'L,'L/J ( f !.!..

(One does not have to worr5r whether to Teave a l5o/o tip or a 20o/o tip.)

b) i6T Lf; L J i 'XJi ) Et, e a fr,L #. /c.

(I had trouble making up my mind whether to have sushi or tempura.)

$',',-OzcJ*t(,tt l, * lI
o@!*t[rlltr I ='l think it might be the case that-,

lffiar>t.zz, zef
'"'@!tflt't7)t )

lz'"il1.' l c rrca hcra lrc

(I wonder if ifs all right [I think it's all right] not to leave a tip when service is bad.)

b) ff; (reservation) 3 1 rf:/J t' , - il t.).1lJ t\li ) ,"

(I fear we won't be able to get in unless we make a reservation in advance.)


c) 7.' y rtLt +.E;F^tl ( ,f'Tr. fitv ffrH ar.r,.f"LJ )z)..

(I'm going to Japan. Which do you think would be better, to stay at hotels or at
Japanese inns?)

B^ | ffiffifr ffi t./ U r / rr(. L ) tt'

(I think Japanese inns would be more fun.)

d) 1v/il;i>/Jr. t_e-zffi( r oT l*/Jt,r7r, ,,EtL!..

( [He] is worried service might becomebad tf [he] does not leave tips.)
e) 8. H4ffit. U-EI,Lt"cf t,c)T|*tt\lr ,8'!.*T"
(I think the number offoreigners who can speak Japanese has increased recently.)

$ ttt t[='rather' lffiaw > n s >>> LururEz]

a) b. 7 ) y rr-6nffiffifrlt7 ) y Ll)frtr, t; t, Wffi

!.^ ?i ( N->L t.6f.-llt-li i ro
(I wonder if it might be the case that Americans who study Japanese in America, rather than the
Japanese youth, are better able to use honorifics.)

b) E.r'*+.l b t;l,a'#u tl ( l.f: t- Rct( ( /a' r-.

(A summer cold is even harder to get rid of than a winter cold, so take care.)

c) ffix,. H#frtrtffi1 b t't L!-" Llljr,-"

(As far as conversation goes, actually Japanese may be easier than English.)

O -t fl.E='more/less - than expected; contrary to one's expectation'

lffia* > t.zs >>> tttrfit 5n<rar]

a) +,#,WlrflE+ L.a /c"

(The exam this time was easier than I expected.)

b) EnTr < ffifttffii/l*anr ,2tco

(The air ticket to Japan was cheaper than I expected.)

>>>>> vTntr.l

a) *'ZIfiEl" >>>>>[#r.ez]

ltr : f4: z' !. * 1.o

ft$.t: L:f f r.
trLI*7, Y ,+JFt,r When you place an order at a
restaurant, you say -dt. L *
ft4.2 : fll1Ji i E'4,: L * T. 9.
IF : rt y t* , XJi , ,1-l *J" 4 L1trle)
t61+t' ( /" t."
(+'/)f*i? 'c1't) 2: When you offer to treat the other

ft+.t: +E|ttl\o)rJ Tr. . fEA( < person, you can say f/:flrb
( t., f*r
"C b "f T, etc.
Lr2" However, it is better not to use
the word 6 c ,/ t c b to your
tE*.2: !.!.- !.?{ft4.1:*al':f !./( t.i superior.
t>Il I: l* t. * i,. ' - +E lfy''s.
3: This expression is used to accept
t.t: 4 i 1T," t; p, ? ) t=/U *t 3" an offer.

1 "" E-JlrJVl
e =1: : /J b . -^rg+4. -^r/E t:/. b /J !.o EA'cg+4'rsv 2 1."
tqi $ ,

I v ^11. ^+Z Lffi.e+rJ L SllxL * T" lxf +rJr!, *.y t . sNr



..:4/l ffi.r)+rJ
1- d^- "- --V-

vl<v2 1v2
74v..74Y/t- vy)z-Z


f ,,,iiitv-Jz-,
a) -f UnTr-c /ffiffiffi: r,. -cffi Lr,'/J' !'" ft-cI a L 0) / r,.Yt. ft-cT
L 6 #.t:!r !r H\L /J !.o
b) : ;'7./ y h1TL3- aLt& ( r b * L/:s. 4{Ltt/J'.&ffLr,./
t - o I - l, (opinion) , rth.t, 7 7 )vrt, t:##.L /J !."

3 ,r,4V2-,
e ,{Z : r b. -lffi,/a b Hr. T \ LI= --;.tr:?1. {. I,c-C. J {fr.of igi
(to report) L. i *^ Z nZ/J .o
I trt
IfiIl] A t Xft,#ffir,. ,f l tJ ^

I 4E l*+'&., 6 i. r,.Xft : r = 1 ->'C * Ll"

B : )b- I .o /" El ,.UT a v L/t',8:{t',{"Tl.
7 6,
{LtrtKbol WEZ L/ci :. /,,\l#1 : / : {. i

e -s7:t b. ( l/#fr.o'C - t3 lElL: ) zff? L/J r..

tfil A: i .s/ t, C-C'F,/ ,/ f '"


B: ilv"
A : o) i 3 I t v ffiilri i ;),,-ct ,Ii c1 "
B : --c I u'f //"

5',, **.
e ttr* v 7 | 7 vt:r!.(- =H+(. 6 r,.ffXE*/J !.o

>>>>> v7n=r.l

e fDl\tT t-F.t:# . -c .. * -f o cD 3Hr. (- ,^Xtff L l d"rt-'o. F6:

-c l'i'tl'x al'l /J !'o

tr a) TUo)&ffi, l^.t,Ll f.T"

tr b) :- f(l\o)i*. * T"
ft+ . r,.

tr c ) .0)f.0)*t*- i: T u-t LziiL/:

b *'t-.
n d) aRL0) i {"i. at6Tl-tfr,:.E:-: 1, 1"
n e) ffirEl^ffil-ti"

.16#>>>>> (+#tft ttu. fl 5rr+# : z. liur
fcLffi ffi t6t6l3'eD . ffi tutAt< < lt. )

I li Y?J
7 y rt ,!+ffi1fr|.{ L. .fDf^. El^. &dat ;.
&rr-IEW. f tv-7 - t" v7 | 1v^y.:rgfi.
'C!.:/. -lXt{*r 6 L- ltr:v L+T7l:T ( ,H{l"
7c{Lk.'::r1#->(!.6 i :- 'Hrt 4 v=-H(/" [f
u. , ( l',del L orA-.ffi / . T C t /J :r : f L' - /J : f -

^ra f )-c t-*:/" +. L$6 ( r,x*':>(^ts. +t C

rt-Ro( L* ->l" .+trt 17, Y h^*. tr^/Jt. L, ffib k
.t-^{t'< 6:"C*ntro'C'Lfr"1h'. ftt'64it-li kJ Li
. lBaD ,,4A,:LlJr,.jl zI" .f lrtrrDf.
trr{"6,f}l -r-C . l4 'r L/ ( /u'.i ' [t,'



e;Rg#,tue. iEt ]tllldo. H:cttftls x .nt4u"

l a ) a+|l. f t t. -> l, t:7 ) t) '\XI"

n b) a-1Ei*. usy 6+Tr r' -lz,-tIo
tr c) AEr. Afs+}- b+(. -:*u)t"
n d) A+t, t 4 Y a -7b*. b*''>Io
n e) EA-(.'t. * b t'"{-rv lffi.*>/Jt' L'o
tr f ) A+t l'"S-,r v l {> 6 : l.

oz g. c
##nL, #O
. (Efr*o) #rErl]<eg!19.
arh'f8Tl=t&tui)r" ..'..."..'...'.> 1

. )=> l''tut'_i_f __1.


' "' ""::'::':::'::;'::":"""""">#3

r-__:ffi_99_i'_r_!" ................>ffi 1
.'-7.. =tuE"

.{1 :

How to Decline an lnvitation

T apanese people are known for being indirect and vague about declining invitations.
J Wh"n they cannot accept an invitation, they, as a rule, do not say LUU, because they
feel that it would be too curt. They prefer expressions such as Z1)EIi5,2""", meaning
"That day is a bit. . . ." Since the word lor inconvenentis often left out, one is expected to
guess what is implied. Guessing, howevel is not as difficult as it might sound, fo1 after all,
Xlt5* not only a standard expression, but is always accompanied by a reluctant
tone of voice as well as a facial and bodily expression of regret.

Respect for the Aged


there is a brief mention of a special occasion called #, celebration held on

n = 1,
1 "
I someone's 70th birthday. ln addition to "ffi, other birthdays singled out for special
celebration are: 60th, 77th, 80th, 88th, 90th and 99th. Currently, Japan enjoys the top
longevity rate in the world; one therefore often hears about these birthdays being
celebrated in Japan.


kihabara (sometimes shortened to Akiba) is located less than 5 minutes by train from
Tokyo Station. lt is well-known for its hundreds of electronic shops, and you can get
good deals on anything from a TV, camera, compute to electronic parts and software. In
recent years, moreover, it has become famous worldwide as a mecca of pop culture,
including games, manga and anime. Akihabara has also become strongly associated with
the so-called otaku culture. Otaku refers to people who have obsessive nterest in one
particular thing, notably manga and anime.ln Akihabara, you can see new types of cafs
which cater to Otaku, such as ll NR, where waitresses dressed in western-style maid
uniforms serve food. There are also v>fiW#., where customers can read manga and watch
DVD's, etc., but this does not seem to be limited only to Akihabara anymore.


, e E6#rJ tfftfr r)T,, 70)#lc5 Sffifilc: <U\.

d\fa(f) xEffi1fr,. I.." 7 J.y L' < 4 7 vy#,F,:Tr (.4,{"Tt
-,f'lT *'tl,.. tffitr+.++ft+{> u. : L 4 ) {.lJ.
24/v 1Xf/;r,. - r. ( {"T."
drf t./ er4,:H( b *A,t" l. b 1,500Hf u.,8r,.*T
l "
vl ) 7c {LD s :-ffi -( ( t,."
zJr liv l., i'CT..
C)v LL, ,t"" t&ffi. * 1-tr:)to'C t y 1< -F-t-
Jr ,'-. -l-:[.{"Tde. 1 -. v ,t ?
z-+lv fl : ......"
dr ff : Fx r,.f"T."
z-qfv L'!'. f o)Efr'tj'- ,z l7 r l, -sd,t '- t+
ffi,*afr,t-tb 'e "
Jr ff : b b. ffi i+n\-'ct *J" 4 {LD + ltfr t1.'cde.
z-iv LL- ffi,'e l tl "- * / l..:.taffir,. L * T.
Jr ffi: D+. *td'a.


,T.74 \ a0) z -rt -, ..!.L *1d" t^ -rt --cT."
ilJ EI: **- f/'(F "
-> I,4,f T
,fV4l Lo- r("? Ta't.{"Tfii.
J EI: [.f L.S- tL/: t u.{"TJ.
#y4 b (F a :ffiF..: {' t, ) tt"

ilr E: r.+. flffiHo{ {.

t}cfr1afr'Crldl{"t "

rFy4l ". Z. lt* A, : u. t. (" T d. 1X {> : .t, / 7 - rt -'&U !' /J o
fIJ H: /r'a(Ffrrt) r T: t,. L. t,.!' {" *TJ.
,l.^74 b 4 ) r,ftt." *Fffi* : ("+:^*t, ,112J."
ilJ EI: f u. : t> :)c#lFt: ='c H. i " T "
'lr7 l. frt#Ft"1..
ilr E: LZ- +t./\: t:l- r',TH&IIIilL ". f
fit#tr*7 =) *tr
I5 *lg-f--e_l__. t,fr L t-'c^nb {L-c u'* 1. da.
fy4 | 4 )tlv-C-rtt 4{L"1FHJffiFF5I{>; ( .1 '11*r"
ilJ E: L-" t'- BffiB . -ffit:- *'{,'.
!.t -t
zlr.Y4l *t.. l't r-ffil-C ( u..
ilJ EI: f/k#tr* f" i F -c'c11 < 't. b * T..
,fY4 b tr.- i:-FLTt-t / : rtbll * T. HH,FR.6 f#Rc ,Fl{"
rlj El : 7cT " HttrRJhfF,R7:* Ln7)R(. f t " f/, 4 o)HFffit:
+ 0)- -ffi: JR fit#tr,ERf+'btfru. r.-f .o
7l^741 h'", * L/. /: L.. NF=!R7)KHElt' ('t'>of LE i ,{..T "
25 Et: LL- l-/. b : ( t.{"1}de. ZL-' D- F*ftfLEl:L* Lt r'.
,fY4 b r.- D +. -ffi: trR&fLnlilI : t. __-?__!_;__lr_* T.
ilJ EI: i,-" D - 7c i l-( ( " u'.
zl.^74l D. XL^tt:L{t'*T.

>>>>> V2t)r-!=!

Ot1t 7 . .^^tlJfi-t-mEtrf1 "

-: nEW,- ER-li i E=( ,1rT . --ffi:fr:/3.2
.4/Y {4n4.
-: Rll:ffi->t ?
9-,llv F*Effi Z

-: ) '. 7c ).
ql ?)'rf L+
-4/v RiF4Ez . lLl LrJ" lMfr,J ..' -. =#7 / rt {"F,/: l .
Li$ l"
4 ,/,Dp ( {. : r.lj,? lffiFTl ' ll,&o)l#l t 4,."
t4YY f,*f,t .1 /J t.. /J "
-: 4 ,r 6 !tt''> l;. EEIEW- * y t v t-h^ffii tr . , _F,

,:fta i !."
.41Y {4ffi.
-: /\ffir. 6 /dl . ) -rt y ". 6. ftSi? t*+-F$#:'Er 6 .
LlJ !."
.4fY El= / "
-: " i L{" s/ t,0)?
9-4/Y 4 i Ds ( {-
ffiFr/Jr,.,. ""(A*ffiFEl: HA-#ilffi
r ; . . ry E frfr]!fufi L ) ,8,c { / ,/' J.

-: 4 ,/6+frfu4frL tt-? '={. :-C#fr /J

t,.r.. li- l. ., +hlffi&{"r.+*a) ,8,:-c.lui"

z4Yv 7c ), D . L+EfrfuifrT l"

-: t L ffi I r ,1 ) -> r : 6 /J U. .{, l'. . * ffi : _ / t.

-4/v ) ,- l;. fi(. 4{L, .c"i"

-: tYvffio'C.?
z'IlY ) A,- ffit:"Tr -t l " 6 .
-: D, -{:ffi#t:tt) vffio16.c"*i" .'t ( lrfr."LE,)
l . - r. D r i d"
It4)v: -hffi#:* t) t vl$0166" D . * /.
-: Ds"

f+ E : ".
: ER. + H ffi ^
+ T EE
ffiX : f .
(" r F r lR
A 2 !r ry fu EI * t,
"o / t ffi {.'t tul
+, ,.-" ( t -C.
'r; U r x isf
I /J *: E
: ("Y !r t !\ t bi (*
/# ".
;* & HT
';Y, W &h'
T +^ / Eu
? Ffi : 7
:i8 (' lI
l. L Lt v t' I
?.{i {" '>i. c !r
lr : f{"0)i) ^
+ ftis l.
7 y xFH4r
o) i f
tF o
1. +
tfl/^lvo) i: H l tLi.l
lMEl.Fmn<t. Effiffi fi Zr- r1 R
(5H: (EZ)}rfttgE)
y rl-, B l.F )

#+ t 6rt
-h&#Wffi, Av
( -c" " lie ft
:/bt #.

* X
'c )EEv
I 0) r
t !r .c" (-' tr 2
ffi o+r * F"c
r\: v /

; ) I r: -^
. !. )v')J0) ^

"c" ) b B F"^
b,T- R* A
t\tffi l# tee, +El=tl)
)J tr ) H -)
^ft v 'c fdit
+ zs i'' l
r :
Hb11 i o

'H{L.i F-9'
e) Y


)v H I ' {la; " y fi

7 Ji, L y ./,) h {Li I- : /:'^ tt) A
0 # ,' v ffit T Lr . )
-) 'i. = E y rt -Ci :, a i : t rt -#^
'c i ft + +:. /i
'1" T " o) r"
. L ./
^ I' H B t *
^ ^ni
l;ifff ''/v Ffi
' *..-+TY'c.t:e'4 -, * by
^+ e, *n
4',i : il' ,T T +n
ul6o7 J f,...B: !i . ^i:), e)tr^ m'*r
i k A 'f 1- {L tr'
B T,) 4 t 2 ._ fi + !r o) !r
.c" T l: i i W " ry j {L ffi t L\ . !r
i- I 7" o yY lisI
: * fr t'C
L E * t
tr t !r t- i
!r-ryvbtlrlo)/w7. ^
Lr *
-o) 7c ' lr & " o) *,li
i 7 ) < t/\
+ -\ I {e, t E t /\ t H y

. tlr+ /r
ffif C 4+ t: "m
t !r + )v 0) ry "

wl t)a-!aY
recreation 5 ffi seat
? l't" U
#i to invite (someone to do 7
something with the
9 ,c gladly; with pleasure

: [*+u
lfamily name)
'a team
',Jr fA
ft"i dyl*- pitcher
* baseball
t,' n T':1r..
L Greatl
il game l'

J7:--v1 Dragons [name of a

- years old

baseball teaml 15 saflr,- celebration

vTvy Giants lname of a n ffift(r) rcgrettable
baseball teaml

'' t > t5' u

#F section chief ,-
tt El
the past; the old days
*'1. t, r
EI sound ,ffi
electronic store district

)'- - manufacturer; maker - tr,t

L 1.1, as-
t1' t*
6 tLl ttl
/J !. not too good; not great 20 tlt+ffi lname of a train linel
-g, , tt
I tr parts
rt['o iu<+
ffiaa]l^'c. to assemble; to put ,, HiFFJLffi lname of a train linel
together '[' <

lr t' FE rapidftan orbus

s &l-lr- to want Lti t:

s ercand; things to do
11 +l:x{L6 to obtain t
-- it-r,
Japan Railways
t* I rg
1' f,k#lR [place name] *t t)
ffiirrl to arcange to meet
--- L cA f61 _; fs _ ct( B

,|, L
ffin exit
ls rL->A t undeniably; no doubt;
r,J ( :. afew
by any account llit., no
matter what others may + *ffLE central ticket gate
savl [>>>*,/-t.t]

**, vtua-y=yl

f 'lro 1
-J.)l:-l to try to -; to make an za (-zgryflttal-(t. * T to be looking
effort to - [>>>t,/- t.3] forward (to -)

.r ..
? H4E movle - l ' lcontraction of -{ * l
t tl,, tl
2 EE tomorrow rt.(
4 RIR lfamily name]
li= ( I, also [: ]


-/J/fl. haveto-
movie director
En l-rt t uo E1,lt,, f'r: [Eo lcontraction of - Il lt,
, frL- Wfr,#. ffi F5- ^l# f-' r.l
r, rr rt *i
[movie names:E4Ei] ,r 13 - h repo rt; paper
ttr E l. <7+
affi samurai 'fffiw. staying up all night
N/J,' :N/J )olfllr rarely
10 tt)tv [name of a movie 26 *'. for sure; surely
theaterl t't
al lS to stand in line [u.1.]
)-yl uncut

5' tlu
t .,(t) thriving 76 E+ player selected for a
r: I
team [usually athleticJ
2 /.';Rtb popular ttt -

t it b fairly
#a to gather lu.t.l
tl, t
rtu . n fnJffi-15 no matter how many
g V(stem)r) tobeginV-ing times - [>>>*;Ez- o]
[>>>El- t'4] ttt'
tz 4 l

and others
18 w,) to flght; to compete
+ TT 6 to lose (a game) lu.i.)
tl to visit a far-away place ttr E

to compete in sports IRf'J lfamily namel

tup i tt,.'u' tJ'-
-- o +fr the thirties ls w.tr16 to pitch
{,, rt
i+ first half zo starting with -;
t -frul.
+.i including-
z'uwr* professional baseball
[>>>E*z- z]
ttti r, L
t5 #IT to visit ,lv- balter

3 ru _r- .t-.
) L Lfu
w.L several people 33 EF+EI lname of abaseball t- ru
---ffi stdiuml
strike-out +-piui
21 f;' * instantly
34 Wt
baseball stadium

e'-o- hero
#*. a to gather [u.i.J

*'{r'r ( not much later; soon

l.'-ll v . tournament
[.^L't ir].T i 35 t (big) tournament
,3 Pacific War a--
{ ? iL.
1,'i , " almost
wwt 6
.a- -
to televise
t/u 3' II6 to cheer for

24 W,ffit to die inbattle

L{-v r i
,-- I league
38 ffiEt to participate in (an
event); to compete in
'v | 7 t. ti- central League tu'l
(t) honorable
.,s'Y7 4 y2. r-Z- Pacifr,cLeagae ri
40 VRX ^l'
West [i., Europe and
, 1
za ffi- both - Americal
2s fr+ in recent years -0)i,1, besides -
r5' I
so l; ro to rise [u.1.] 42 H*6 1
to increase lu.i.l
.+ <
,t,vu t>c
31 ffiW to play anactivepaftin 43 ffi,,Ra) to gain interest
rti, (
33 El the entire nation 45 6f!(r) traditional [>>>*;tz- 'g]
d" ot*o f.t, i
R prefecture 46 A{H the professional sumo
r i*u
ffuj region fr+ sumo wrestler
W championship -llpf by
ri :f
,* lt ,
Hyogo Prefecture iv v Mongolia
frH one's home

>>>>> ViUa-!=!

r.drff 3. t?flt.' +.# -

. E
- f;f ll
o. EPHE 7.frHr:,fr.'C, B.ft L t. g.#t:]\{La ro. l...
11. 12.Ifl=F 13. Htr r. F4 tl#L ,
16.&E 17. EA B tB. lq.l 20.ffi.,(t)
2T.M 22.4 l . F zq.R a zs.Wi
26.ATT 22.^+lF za.W# zg.W,ffi 0. df$
L.I- 32. R ss. ftW . EftzK ss. H,'
36.6ffFT 37. df se. H

r.-ffi ) z.WF* s.-ffi +.,1 s.l:*ffi

o.w,,<#lH s. frf q. ilr$f ro.lFHJh
11.'R rz.ffltr rs. Rll r+.ffi v
16.'ffi rz.S re.fqt' rq. =ffi zo.lffi
2r.ffi,, zz.@W zz.Wrf z+.!frffi. zs.frrr
26.& zz.JrffiW zeil+.

This radical comes from E and is used for characters representing times of
day, degrees of lightness, etc.

l-E+l lEEl fFfl rd


I tot lctEa?t='undeniably; no doubt by any account' l+#z>t.tsf lxa>t.tsl

r. r ( r ( ltt
EEffi+-e >t l. litr Ec ( RrRH/" ) .
a )
('Ihe most famous movie director in Japan by any account must be Akira Kurosawa.)
!.a (

b) Brffiffi^El: /l/lr. fi[ cT $r t y rt iltIlr ) "

(No doubt it was thanks to America that Japan become an economic power.)

/r", -lclt,Zt,cl| lffi2 > t. z t >>> - 2Ec Ic c ll ? f

,nl,.;r,ll, A:ii::lj,:i,:
,ifi.n' .: .L' lJ;.i.e',Ii ffifi, "'Lit:r..l
.,j'l ,r,,,, r,... .,iEi;';::, i,lr,
'fto,,|.c,a-.,trI, ,::,,',-,4i *.,.a..,,t
lr.,.,..r.',t .;.:i l *,fi:,jj, j|j, -:,:, le:trj '.

a) *+H-E'ctctt't"
(I seem to remember that it was also hot last summer. Am I right?)

b) ffiffiflrFifl ctclt" (*Ef: l is acceptable.)

(I seem to remember that the exam is next week. Am I right?)

c) '
ffiffii:' y y v 7 v F' q L t c tr'l " *
(Is there a service station in front of the hospital? I don't recall [seeing it].)

d) ilffi*t,tP T I'tclt "

(I don't remember when the exam is- \Mould you tel1 me?)
>>>>> lt2t)l-!=!

a) HA#ltHffiffit e)t=1,,< ( li r.."

(Please try to study Japanese every day.)

b) +r1. 7 tvs4 l. C l=l,T j T. r'*

(I make a point of earning my spending moneyby working part time.)

Qr,,, V (stem) ff A) =.Oegn v-ns, l#pt > t.g >>>lrnrcl

a) f r B # rn v'H u> t r
-+if. "
(It was ayeat ago that I started studying Japanese.)

b) : y
^7can't -t.
ffi,rr#b e) t,lL*.""
(You stop reading a mystery novel once you start reading [itJ.)

: I
[V(stem) Wb
] indicates 'finish V-ing.'
,'.: .:;:..;

. i +m=m,-;;
(i final
?i.v,*,wii,,i ,r."
finished apaper at 3 a.m.)

$ ''' 51 V (stem), S, l#aw>.n >>>la1 !-17 >>>lFD r.34>>>#tD l.j5>>>&Hn]

(They formed aleam by gathering good players andplayedgames with the American team.)
i L it
b) & I t -F+Etr:* fJ. :EH F -)- t y | T "
(A number of teams gather together at Koshien for a two-week tournament.)

$ "' Question word * -? f#a#t > t. t s >>> friJH: <b]

r:-Qstion.w@s:<I ;;aZ;i.t:f.u:1.;t N: ./;.ie;fAj i-forms tollowett by r

indicate 'no matter whaflwhen/wholwhere/how often,' etc.

a) tilJl*. l,t?E( *i?,,.'T.
(Mt. Fuji is beautiful no matter when we look at it.)

b) fif t( lt 6 / .[7) i ,+ * L r'f"3-"
(I envy people who never get fat no matter what they eat.)

c ) Hry*- I 2,16, ? ' l,f.. L- * T"

(fOkyo is crowded with people no matter where you go.)


| ,r, -W6+starting with -; including -' l#at>no>>>^-7',1,-zl

'...,.',. ,tliou "mt,;s'io,,tlt

a) T ) y r("1, 7 v l r-tv'ffif,- .,z I v I - 7 4 7+'v I- t ^z;r:-y Uffi

(In America, sports such as basketball andice hockey, not to mention football, are popular.)
( i2 6 LriL titr t,t
b) #{iNnjiu. tffiF5j ffid, l-h^ffi1
lLt z ^_ &<&ffi7)ffi-e b"
(Akira Kurosawa is the director of many famous movies such as Seuen Samurai and Ran, not to
mention Rashomon.)

$ rtt NE ?T='or -; fo -' l#ary>>>>f!1.2zl

a) ElAz\r tcTl: f... tf-E^ricTIt.t:F'-6 &t't ).

(There are probably lots of things which seem normal to a Japanese but strange to a foreigner.)

b) & I 7 t y x++.\tc7. ffir-4/ : 6 Lt'.

(It seems that grades are most important for many American college students.)

$ t"r ,r,f,!='-{ype; -ic; -ical' lffiaVt>t.s>>>1ffilrd]

a) Htr *6rlpt'. i L. *i.Hr ^r)"

(A typical Japanese souvenir might be a kimono or a fan.)

b) lTt ( 4-) ,)' l ( 'l L t L. F!i:H . i- "

(It sounds masculine if you say iku zo or iku ze.)
( .tt ,lrr ,' (

c ) RA*tFf |;m(.. 6.
(Kurosawa is a world-famous movie director.)

d) E-el*. Eil(. { -i.zvS- #ifrt.Jlz.t6 ) l-t

t'- 6
(In recent years, every country is making an atlempt to use energy efficient leconomically.l )

a) "'7,/7,n >>>>>[ffi2]

rlH : ry 4 |ftE., _*.8Bll*ftLt.f.'j- 1 : When you want to invite some-

one to do something, you use
to expressions such as -*,.,
zf V,l !. . EIJ t.
L. -rill . - lu t T.
(formally), and V tt. ? (infor-
Bt: D . j B ^.tlf;r -2 L r ,r *,l.''1" mally).

*,/ 4 . bs ,r,'*T. t-u,,tT 2:This expression is used to ac-

to cept an invitation to someone's
,.,Jr, home. t ( means "without
Bl: L -, Xfr t) -l,+.t: *dt. L /: t,. lvl T hesitation" and taD+*T lir-
erally means "to intrude on some-
->"c t. 6 rt-cf I " one's time." When you accept
4 ilTtt " D+. r<{5uP*rf (
*v'l l- an invitation to some event, you
can say s r. c*ffi $'C ( fj
rr:fT2. t. (formally), '(I ( (infor-
(, F LEffiz*.-c., ) mally), etc.

,fV4 | l,.tt. * l,at\= L(t,rtf 3"

3:This expression is used to close
an invitation sequence, saying
illE: D+. */" that you are looking forward to

Z t)
b) ,,, #/ffi >>>>>[fft]

wa: ffi B 0)tfr,- ,s - I -s > l"r t . lr

ll'tvt ?
*+utv reHJ cEao 4:t * -> implies that you can't
@ai /f-11-I*lr?5 comply with an invitation.

*rvtv i.D+/t.r" 5:Oftentimes, it is polite to ask

wa: ffitf;rlt Lt,t ? 5 this type of question, which
would make it easier for the ad-
*+utv i,- t' J:d, dressee to refuse your invitation.

rga: D , ftl r,.da"

6:When you can't accept an in-
*+vtv i 1", cltr" ltclt,<#.( (tttt)E" vitation, make sure you give
thanks for the invitation and ask
E*/Eurt to be considered for another op-


1 ,r, l-lbJvl
- t,- - -,,\B+. i *^ E##feE-tt-t., /J L'o B#l*. il
r b

7,3- l. r',{- I --l :c- ft+.i?$ tr" invite) L * T. '*H {u, uoo
like)" i/)f-1 -.t- fl*/J!.o g+*trffi.) L" ft-
tJ.+g+VWfr b * T (to decline) . /'l-rl /J i..?tf :#,H l-ru trLl't. t * .t"

f ,,, n-lVJVl
e ,{7:/J b.-^ilH++^ i-^lEA'hz l'7 7:.1) -*j A,t:/. b /Jt'"
* /,". +WX'R-cz z l-vzl1v"-Tr(t.. H++.#t.*T" g++

J,', trt-wJVl
e 47 t:z b. -tg+. i -^i 4 &EA^+: BA^+ ' l'"
4t. H++-Htlo)ffit:e,rlf L / t,. f.-. tll)X.'r:fl$ L * i-" EY*
HLX.t:fr->T /!.r'Ht*T" i. Hffi*t""= ( lll
#ff L / r.. (ftl- ER. , E^L++.X.* {" ffiHi&W ff b . Y/;
4 {t tfr.-t 1f,ffir 6 J i t:L-c ( !.o)

e,{ 7 i: z b . -*t+. 4 Et,-/ b ,'" t++.. ,}
i -^lt
:*l: 'c. Ar'WtHh^ t,o show himlher around) L l t' ,H: { t,' * T.
7).lT / r,. :- :R.1, #.. /J t.o 1 i . ,L.t. /J 1..

$ "' dV2-,
a) 47t:t,{L. t2,f,-)sff.- t L{ffi7)r. !r'tlt bF'c'C. ['.. t
+. ilt,/t . /-r ( / ( ,HFl--c.Z?Ff, - ,r'e 2,r##L/J'o
EE,/WE:, !. { *dEr.l:HF L. f,1. c:'.12 7I:##L r' \'" n0)
H#*Hffi{F.'c({!'" '
>>>>> ltit)-!=2

r*[.,p r{if t,
E actor,/actress t\,+rJ contemporary drarna
u *r.t
= S cartoon flit., anima(tion)J W,W period drama
.* t,t - comedy ,'.lz e'-Jy r^ happy end(ing)
a -
rtr tj.-

'h 7 -[4
horror film du plot of a fitm
-t7 -7
S F science fiction

6'o fF*
e lft^L v r--/ a y) t. i{"- =E+ffX?/J.o

e I -,) -g*K.t,,ffitr,t|{!.*T. CD AHr.'(- !.o

ffif to make a lot of noise

6 ) L

a) Ht&? (family name) ttfi t. !. * T..

b) _ r) _# .l/ffi. Fllt:/frH* Lt," E ) t_,C.tlt b * T..

c) -') -. E+?'fEl:ffi.*L/..

d) ,1-1 -l'fElffirftSb'c'Ui i.o

e) Eft*)-') -7ts-lrfa-7l rtb{" LJ i." t ) l-'C./zJ' b *."




,lrrJ i

w I

jL -*. 7 lrN+x+ffi-c.#tfrH-W.L(u. trt, ++xElA
y y
:g+ L -C r,. a " H#Iil*RH Kt+'C. H&t Y #ffi. :^d'rr
bor" -r" t 10^(', 7, y rtP4 4,) z;X?ffi
t'ffi,-c'. 4{vt:--tt-'c14 z)t v ! ay" -ffiIstUl*F#.6Fr
!.r. 1 z)ty!=vlJBA#r{". s r-. EffiHffil (
I/H,L lfrr-' , ('CX:I"
: ffi *. o'C - n E't.t:- t" : #4 s Y &ffi.+81+l--CRb
a i: / o " ffi..f"*,. #Eft,n:-l#:ffi., r-r/; b l-: ,
ffitg.t:.!. #ffi< zc i ("_ --. y -t:tt+lJffiWb" FfrtiS
u. I 1 E:lF* ->To r-: I -'t" nX:defu,v.r,.{ {
t ->I. :rf i t E LF"crF ( H.t'c.ft-c /{'. r-J b + (
ffi.1}ffi,81:56 fi.6 . ftl: l" /\80)#E: l- fr,. I - 1 v
!. ( .rl.n.fu. s L ,I < ,ffi'tl{[.]:o - / -Jffi,trJ..{"
_: s_ J. :- / r,. t-,fllt't,.oI" L. L. &l-#Wt:
a 7). . r i E,: (. ffiFit: t. frh''At:frffitY ffi.
tYLH,{vI" if-i t)-o'c.t-HL- Lc ': ( b
Ll irffi L(. ffi:f4.=ol" TLfrffijL'/-:. [jL
y-. T*ru.. : ifr,,--'-c) :/. ?l-r. ,' I-
->( r.t- ffiFiffi:- Y wt?.-rl"
ffi.^F-|,.->l- r y
-t,/Ji'tgJ7r. d',t.- i L{

>>>>> lt)t)I-!=!

,j. , /. tt. -> /. H El X+-cffi: , ffi f, r,. { a L. ffi * n0) }.

i t:S i' "
Itr[(" 1. ffFi:. -HI lt : :]F* : { r. 6 ,r"
-c t 't , t ". Y ft:l d't + : / I .l

riu r1.
ffi.. professor {Et'- low Lt.J

a grovp of students that J ,T a smal1 cushion for
meets regularly with a l:ffi:E
sitting on
designated professor to jzJrt/!l/"1
study specific topics L'
tr( to 1ay flat (to sit on)
il afc)e; essay; thesis tot (

to invite
4 the back t:^ b U. 6 )
tE'r#-T a r,.Ffl
aE *1. ,I
:t i to get lost
/4 \ / l
[:r). trr
,(, f

atr-1. E rL appear; arrive [:r1

F'frT A to show (someone) the < 7a)
way to aplace 2!
t tA
gr< to move [u.1.]
ffl atatami room [: l u.
l gB the next day l:4.H)
E u Ji oi n
11 E
./\Er eight-mat room ll2'x72'f lT6 to caution

e R9l;E#,-,, e. ff u uI 0) l- o. F :( tr 0) l- x ? It rd u t.

tr a) I -t L, 1Tt r,:a.-"
b) I -tti: >ffi.e.rH :/,
n c) Y&wt++,.0),s-1 -:flsLt:"
tr d) :. I -r,./::. */a-i.r{,*t./J.r/o
tr e ) ::t I -ttJ._ ft+,r 1 L :_ t:-c( !./o



Jobs for Students


n the U.5., even elementary school and junior high school children sometimes work to
I earn pocket money by babysitting, delivering newspapers, mowing grass for others, etc.
High school students with part-time jobs are not at all rare. ln Japan, on the other hand,
youngsters through high school are usually discouraged by their parents and teachers from
working part-time since they must study hard in and out of school to survive "examination
hell." They are expected to devote their full energy to studying to get into the "right"
school or college. They simply do not have time for part-time jobs.
Once in college, however, things change dramatically. Since course work is not even half
as rigorous in Japan as in the U.5., many college students acquire part-time jobs. The best
kind of job is tutoring students from elementary school to high school to prepare them for
entrance exams. They also work as sales clerks, sports instructors, interpreters/translators,
or anything else as long as it brings in money.
ln the U.S., one often hears about students working their way through college. That is
not usually the case in Japan. Parents are supposed to take care of their children through
college, and they do. Japanese college students, therefore, work part-time to earn extra
money for enjoyment. They may buy small used cars, motor scooters, sporting goods, or go
on trips abroad.

Job lnterviews

hen looking for a part-time job, an American student in Japan may be expected to
speak in Japanese, depending on the type of work he/she wants. When interviewed
in Japanese, either face-to-face or over the phone, you must speak very politely, using il#.
There have been cases of Americans selected over their competitors only because their ff#
was better. Therefore, learn to use expressions such as tTLCdl)t and, above all, never refer
to the interviewer as 6ff !

>>>>> 7JLl{.f l.# U

EJ. t
=, t .75r. E+t^7,l,/ tI f-t zcEE=Eg "
*ItL : ?14 y v#:+ffi{-.
C )v: L L. ir/ ( Ull y t FL* -l.r). ,ffiffifr7)tts: (. I
: fiJ!.1 u.'1,{"T"
5 9{t^ : 4 {L:AIi - lfr ftir b * Tr. ,t'4 t61+t, ( /" r,."
EE L L. ftb b * Lt. ffiEBltT;.
C)v b/ ( LffiEX+H++17 v l. FL*T" ffiEt+ffir.lrft+r,b-
7c t, 'e#:*#WfrWL( u' 6 o t- + LF=l{". tfifru' L * L

/q o

lOEEI bb. 4{LIt t" i

" .t, t'c-wL{u. t, +ff, ) 7w.
:t{LfiH-CTr. ffiffi* b *1'.
C)v 7 r rt_ Ela" ,Hffiffi+:+-I v.t 7#.L/__(___!_lf_I_.
Et '
4 ) 1." 4 {Llt *rEl t: {# L!' : . k rffi|-'|,t' ,8't.' *
1l... --E ,-1. ttl-'Cu.t'l*T".
lsC)v l1.- l,.-'ffrJt.* L )." frt^I*. -B\+;twl>]te'. t.{*b *Tr.
aEl 4 {L'atJ'- :(. B ZgffiJlrfrff-fro
C)v tl,.. trIo)1" ^ffi
4lL'aI*- tU ( *Fr.u.lL*3-.
El D +- 4 o)Wt:"
C)v ft+LL*f.

r e EH7-+lr, oU v lLt!ii1 1..0) Ucui"

z-qlv ,[eJ/ v 4 | U/; t,..,] . . . /7tzt 4 l. f rlU, ?

JL+: 4 ) tr" f_-e-ll-rFr**.-6t-f :ffib+r.,D/rr,. ?

z-+lv f*ffiffi/u.,1'l ""

s lLf: ifl" t-rd'rl_$_- "r,. D ) . ,fElr, y 7v / {. Lr,.. "

z-lv l a DA"v y 7Y ) -c'C. ?

I L+: -il'7)ktfr.#. L " lffi)v.v y 7v z . ;ffi+ t-tbl' /'l

{"- trI o i- ) l.'t.'*r _11t .

z-+v Hffi.o-, ,/"
to "(Lf : t .. + .. OL .- ilE T. ,,"
z-g'v 'C . 4 ,ttft." t S'>'C F,2tl o)"
L7: = i^t lo
z-+f v l= l o-C ?
jL+: N-c'c )vt:frTs. fr#t. tJ-'7)' :f,u.( .1 t> ? 4 tL.
t5 . x 7 r i I -: E,r"*a ( u.u-,D/../" Xffi.Fn->-c
^#ffi,"- #ffifu\frp b tu.sf u. t:"t" ffLE
T,.tt:H. I l{.{ btl"
z-+lv W#ffi.-,: . f4. b ?
L+: 4 ) tJ" ffifl 7 v.s 4 | T A,.b 6 ,D + / r."/Jo x+t+Effi
ffiF,r z>I > ? 4 fu1t,6. + f vT,.T 6^ u.6_4/___l__._t .
z-cv +tv?
JL7: 1"- 7rY!aY+ftvo l-l

z-+lv "C". 4lLItL o ......"
t= I



>>>>>Vlbl\.( -#l'l

Q !t1t vlr\. #lEt#e. +frffi L u cu.

-4 lv lx. t+t/r'U19 / ( /:('c. 7tv,'t4 ll-l:L',H:{['
A,'ATtrt- {ql.!.{"L !. )," ###frEl/J b,"C'Ttl [*- *

b l-I ( /J t..-c.
w++tfr fi.f+ffi b * T."
s.4 f v tt ( "j ->l.l41t-&)'"
ffi++l flJt.ttl,.0>^j bl#:"C" " {tJ'. 3v-- -:+Lu'.
#'ffiR l-I L '"""o
l-4YY ffiHt . f+{"++ffiffia4t# t' }. o Lf : ( * L"
10 W++1 4{t . . t : t?#H{"ffiR,s4 lWL(u-*T}" ffiffi
Ekffi.L{ t'* zJ'>. # L'C. .1 6 i 1"1'.
-4YY D . F7r.ttl a*.T"

-4Yv * 0) i?#iH:ff L t -I.1r". e)r L l.
t5 H++ffi Iu)ol ?

9z,l Y v ? i.^E-c + ." I 'r 4 i tT "

w+4[ft f:e L/ia. (" . B Ht'-7 .tv,,t 4 l' r: t' * T .
-4 YY *t"ttt$("..
w++ffi 1r{- l.'C- + v l2 v-Ztt-c-C < {L6LWL{u. ,'Ar. yt-
4 /v ,/ 6ic0t b t',Hr,.*-l- " -E-n+H{". f^Hrr4 )
{" .
t4)v L-c- 7c{Lttl l[. ! -'l'*mt. L*T.
w++f EEIB. t&ffaf. ' - t' ) .'>f11 tt"

Z Xf, -?+
/< 4 :
" Eh' 7
t" 1'
fr^ j tv7 l.
+ r t t /'tt
: Inr , 0)
Ettf14 =
A'# 1o)
ffii, 'e
k+I.m ,
lIr" ri
F- i
-) '{ 3
H, IIJ " ),

t 1." o) I
b r
o 2 ^

trh\t1,81, (,
Frli tr - t .u - t = ) t & 2<tlFf Et< 5 frt. .L

T tb l: < t t:t lV .=.H# (memoria l)
E tH
(5tEH : Fil tr- t t) - t.))
: t
:ri-) F-')
.t" ffi
/ f *
tttttTrlrltir F#u I

-cttu -? /-# #-c7y ffi:)(v H

r # : f: : k' {L 0) )
l; j [. t,, b {L ,8, 4 : ? i 7 I
' m !r B " / !r Y lD/' !r, Y t )v
/\ffitf )v 4 2 A L- - 74 t,'L I .
Uq 7" i." l t+ !r )v
/\ ?y xi)r$B ^fl EXAo) v L i t"--) ^ t7
+ iw H:'=
7 t i S t -? + : TH !r r- = 4 ;-L
- 0) z +'c. < '1..'{"ffT ft-c
^HE4',;+ t^y.',:,.
?- 7 0) 'i
7' fl l,: B - f 7 B 4,c_,1r
Y F o v' -C )v 7 ' t , H 7 !'
i-ffif ^g y * ^
"rE't, &5 C
U "I{. h" zcZ &-
jn'Z 2 L i D j i i t '-o
* +F
t {L
# t,t &
F *if,' r 4
1, r
^. )
t: =i t :
6 y / J
: B
, : l- u X f c ^, , /\ " 7
4 " 4 / !r o v t E- t
i: fr Y
!r t m 7 ^EXTcEU " 418 7 rt
I r /: v i 4 : +
o) =t


5t l.tL ri
wt to look for 6E|ll lfamily name]
ira trp*
z Llt receptionist ? ffiill lfamily name]
l( l' so5 J:+r'
-+ffi school [:Y&;often 10 + junior and senior high
used for names of school students
schoolsl rt.u i
ii L f,f target; object of
3 &.w teacher l:re) ,, ,'r-y 4 T volunteer
l, U o) t-
s lfr# person who handles a r: *a El : r 6 to meet lhumble form
patttc;lslat business
of )l lu.i.l
matt [ is generally (tl, -
a humble expression #Lt' detailed
for ,,\] L'r J
I5 ut*.
to replace someone
17 Ii'c. i t fine; good
a a little; short (time)
lformal for L]
l, ry'l: lu
6ft a person in cftarge

z ->w,b
4 quick and simple ,, i connection(s)
vttu r.
s L+Xa to chatter t:trTl 16 #, relative(s)

,1., lxE
fffi)x.w v z private lesson trT. surely
['f trt+
, ffi+l

6 to keep company with; 7e mil translation

to be a companion to u[. u r
u,i ffirffi bulletin board
to +ffi housewife
,o f, fashion model
OL female office worker(s)
llit., offrceTady)
>>>>>Vlbll.( t-#.1'

'i , t ( +ol.

lperson who deals with 10 /4 l. :/,v'l I

matters pertaining to
foreign studentsl F-T to lose no time in -ing
job opening [i., mouth]
16 i to hire
rr v
5ffiffi special talent; ski11
19 +l'v4f -z SantaClaus
s magazine
'-t- b (/) perfect flt

ffi editing

tr f,.,
5 * Lfu
o#lll lfami narneT e 7vlL Dutch (person)
177yF'.<2 r*f.ryr* ^

Ranald McDonald r:'i; (

[' <
to enter a country [:El
tEE continent ^EX :^: l
z 7t'- FortGeorge 10 #-l to allow
t - r:r\, attt '
7av l.7Yt*^ scot 11 lffi . ( warmly
s vf 7Y Americanlndian - Q ) t,F,tT to feel as if -
4 iH ft a person who goes adrift +';tr before long; soon
on the ocean .v'
I (- ) l*,'T 6 to be determined to
s (-:)ffiiz ( to drift ashore -; to resolve to -
,t,8 i r: [t*t'n
6 ffigJ-f to be moved; to be 13 Elatlffi Japanese waters; offthe
impressed coast ofJapan
e- ttu t Br.+
?Mft ancestor(s) ffifif;tr whaling vessel
"etlu. +-luu, lu
Effi legend flEl crew member
*tt ts- t*ti t i
s,Bt.Hi- to recall t4 frt# method
t[' ' ['
-i:f- toward- #t. fortunately; luckily
a!t { c;,\,
d'r longing; yearning frffi direction; area Tr'
ru( to hold [u.f.] [written rs (--.) fiJ, i to head toward _ lu.i.l
t t gi
- tr_, 711=ZE [name of a shipl
e ffiEX national isolation
tF. l f t(
JhiE lthe biggest island in 30g the next (day / year / etc.)
the north of Japan : E l:4.l
-&tx u.61 {Lttu
5' '
31 Fffi warship
(-:)tEj-( to approach (-) [u.i.] *r( l
+-tu i bET to send back
flE captain of a ship t u
t (t -+. throughout (one's) life
EEru Tand o['
33 niece
18 (-:) LW'f to land (on -) ttri L

tf,-( ffifr-r to die from an illness

20 # the Shogunate t:lftt'msll
rut| 6- tn
H( to be surprised 36 XZWJ [ma1e given name]
eriLpi frr(
)1' 'Ifl [the name of one of the 4.
nHf- language study
four major islands of tlr, r'
xx genius
'['; (
r5fu 37 mEl to open up the country
2r il6 lname of a cityl
t (to foreigners) t:El?ffi
>f i v lfi Dutch ship
( . l
: u' ,
EXfl. overseas; abroad IIFi Edo Bay
Itt t I'
(-:) lft-f to decide[:-t:i* -{.'y - Commodore Perry
. ;;r
RA to return [u.i.]
22 '&. lthird-person pronoun l-:]ri+(
for amalel *frrJ treaty
E,{L6 to appear lu.i.) x.w negotiation
b'c t!.

ffiM-r a
to be shipwrecked
lftl: splendidly
l .
:ti( 'tfrc to be useful; to be
25 8il interpreter
helpful l:'t.t:-v'>l
^ l
26 (r) inconvenient
to learn; to study
""t TJlrl{r h#t I

LW z.#Efr s.lfr .ff s.ffiE

6.ffiffi z.ffi s.,fE^ g.Eb ro.ffi&
r1..+E tz.ffit r. r+. =#f ts.tL 6
rs.l* 19.#[.
to.lR,,' tz. lfffi z0.lpJ/Jr )
zt. Jhffir zz.*ff. zz.'ffi. zq.WlL zs.R
20.ffi. zz.Y ze. ET zs.ffim, so.Xf,

r.ff4 z.# L t,. g.l q.ffiffi s.ffi-rR

0.ffifrffi. z.#, e.ffi g.) ro.#il1
rr. tEE tz.ffi,# rs.ffit ( tq.+flft rs.'[
ro.ffi ( rz.ffiEX rB.l.. !. rs.fl zo.WIfu
zt.Hffi zz.ffi ( zs.Effi z+.WW. zs.H-ff
zo.tE zz. FEX ze.y zs.R so.*fr!

This radical stands for a rice plant and is generally used for characters
representing kinds of plant, states of, or uses fo the rice plant, etc.

t_fJ tfxj [ril fd


t "' Xf*Y< r?T='Y is about the only X.' l#t > t. t z >>> .< Surrttrt]

This expression is used when Y is about the only case where X holds true. X and Y are both

a) El^r) "(t ('. 6Off. 7t+ffi< rr Ltrlcrl.

(College years might be the only time when the Japanese can relax.)
U-T Eh
b) rF.Rffi21.:r, _ t6 < \rr"
(,{bout the only time Tbkyo becomes quiet is around Llre Bon festival.)

c) #.Ltfr&wt. fr7 v7 47 r"fA:E^ffiw.i-l( r?"T.

(about the only teaching experience [I have] is teaching Japanese to children as a volunteer.)

/r* f pHfJ ='as expected; also; agan' [#2 >r.3]

t.z,lf , is aconversatioalform,of Si,., erb,ry,liich,indicp!s,thfwatisbing.

said is what is expected from our general or specific knowledge.

a) I a y . T i1 ltW*.T ->T"'t.0) ffi It, \lf U&yXl:t, ol"

(John Kennedy was a politician. His brothers also became politicians.)

b) +rffit..6 f . 1up tf U HLa :ffiH7)r.. b * j-"

(Kani arc interesting, but las might be expected] they take a long time to learn.)

J ott --f{='lf onlyVou -' l#z > . s >>> FF L rr *nnHl

This expression states a sufficient condition for attaining a desired result.

,, .r:V.(1-.,rfeijln)''-,1uls:'l.' .:,(:,,T'..ffih .,Z,t1thlf'.'.-,,.:'.,,

'fr'P.fficles' z:t'' ,'',*, ,,are.droed.,.hn is attached;
i',1i!::',i':i' |: ffitrIS;,I*'is'acc itio f'o'ry,
a ) )g: 7-T n|{ffifr,: lJ b *-} ,"
(You won't get sick if only you exercise.)

b) E *"rftrr' b * .
(tf you only sleep, you will getbetter.)

c) 2 i 7.:H( ) - | L c'c. ,r,rtrft'. r.D I ifT.

(If you only attend classes andtake notes, you will do fine.)

tttrt 7rLlr{ F#U I

d) + fr i
?rrtrft'#Eflrffie) 6 r,. btI {..t b * ,L"
(It's not the case that knowing kanji guarantees that you are able to read newspapers.)
e) EH*11{. Lirl.
(The only thing I need to be happy is free time.)

.:r t.:l::;.. -: :. t: .: ::;.:.::4.: r:r:,1r.i: .;..:

., ',In g.orpq,capes, there- is a chqice between,-_N.- Vjttr,O.V .,l.u-,1.aS.,.,,-i $ fol.lorying

f) (Tbnfr^'. ib*1.
g) <T b ffi,r Ttrff. b *f.
(If only you would take your medicine, you would get better.)

{rrr, ^,f*l l#z s >>> tf : i zt8t1, f

> t. Lur)r E

..:.1x ,hictr:antiu6aa'ioi.'i.l.qt.i .n"', conjecrure with some i

,cita,inty. .It',follows IN], [/-adjectie+,rr'],;anOttain foJms gf

, -vgrbq ana,,
l , ai ut, ' , ,,'

a) B*EEE.6 , Hm&aorrf r"T"

(Ifs Sunday today, and so banks are supposed to be closed.)

b) Bt:{l,t'!./'6 Bffi-h+/rff f .T.

(His Japanese should be good since he lived in Japan.)
c ) Fr b*u- l*f f'1.
(If it's a used one, it should be cheap.)

d) 2'<4 vffiFflct.z\l: o1- 4, y 7tjffiL ( rr.f*f (.T.

(For people who know Spanish, Itlian is not supposed to be dfficuit.)

e) BAffi=+:/r?.1. BffiffHe) 6 *dt'T.

(Students w1no are in Third Year Japanese shouldbe able to read newspapers in Japanese.)

$ rrr -l*TLrt l#2 > t. z o >>>


a) *.6ftt"
(Ifs iike a dream.)


b) ,/Jt. l, VHb ftf . l.4/c[r.

(I feel stupid being forced into buying an expensive thing like this.)

c) r .fl=F / . ;1 . t /da.
(It seems difficult to find aob.)
d) X+ffi4FT 7ttrrJ-"
(It looks like lhel is going to get married next year.)

$ trr N tr?='as -' lffia#t > . t s >>> t,(]

a) ###EnLf El,-frr <7 t yr^1. W",tWzr!'J i/.

(It seems that the number of Americans who go to Japan as English teachers is increasing every
tfl 3 r<1,+
b) 1= 7+-ll. ffi+l'T b DIiE("^tt'> LlJ!'"
(Chomsky is perhaps more famous for his political activities than as a linguist.)

| ," N/ (lI) ='because (of); due to' lffivl > n a >>> ERitu rrur,zu)]

-l(t:) follows [N], lt-adjective*t1, and plain forms of ,- e[.$, :,4"F d,.1,],,+-
adjectives. It indicates the reason or cuse for the following clause. -l ::is.
.:.:i,, r.i :. :..: .,...-r:i.:i:.-:....::;. ,.: r ,

t' tr:r:11:: 1'::

:'.i::r', i::tr::r ::.:itt:,::.;:,1
pression, and hence is used in writing or in formal iitotioos.
tdtr t9
a) Xft7 i 4 l*-t Y+ tv ttl"
(The flight was cancelled because of heavy snow)
b) #?ttFttdt- Hi :ffiFfl7):f: fi o
(fan3i take a long time to learn because of their complexity.)

c ) #ffi'e 6 )Bilt. /J r,. &)- #rcftEl: D ( t. /.

(Because there was no interpreter who could handle English, the Shogunate was greatTy
inconvenienced. )
rtr. (aI

(Because of the deteriorating economic conditions, many people havebeen laid off.)

e) E#ffifufr-f (E). E^fra /c.

(He went to Japan in order to study Japanese.)

f) E#ffifu,ffiU rl e) (E) - BA^a l"

(He went to Japan because he studied Japanese.)
rt TrLlrr F#u I

a) "'Vwt hOTE;fff >>>>>[#1]

I : In general, the party that an-

ffi^: At I 1" swers the phone speaks first by

)v ; t t, t.^#srt
r.< uffi**#og+r ?72
saying L L. Some people,
however, skip L L andiden-
tify themselves by saying, for
l. rf, .xT2" ffiffi7 tvtt 4 | Z Tb example, H+'C. Business es-
* t fltr[tZ"f r3" tablishments normally identify
themselves immediately, with-
{L: bb. 4{Lu. 'i " ffiff-7)frW.t b *-l-.. outsayingtLL.
)v : li.. ng YEffiFffiFk,r'L f : / [ 2 : The caller must first identify
b *T" himself/herself by saying - F
L * -t-. If you forget to identify
ffio)L: 4 )-AzJ,o ?ffL{'.l- -EtaEl:.. t-C!# yourself, the person answering
L !' L *6ffi1- Ur r' t E!'* T- pH would ask ffi
(polite for tr)'c L I .. The
+'{-W c a ^r. 6 L.r r,./ lit * 1.. latest trend seems to be to leave
out the latter half of this sen-
-)v ; i!.. /1. D I i -c. 1" f''t-
-F+:1Elr. * T. tence, leaving only trlL l as
XU ( *Ft.t,./L*1" intact.

3: Once the caller idenfies him-

b) '- Eg?8f;fr(messase) ffiti self/herself, he/she normally asks

for the person he/she wishes to
talk to, e.g., ffirlrJhr.. - l- +
r.. * T .. In the above conversa-
tv i t t ' t. l.E
l' ) lt'a" tion, the caller instead states the
ilrBl llr,., 4 )f-T7Jt" reason for the call by saying -o)
,tut -e I ,lEl.-lc r..t,Tr
)v i 60 ). *+ 7 2 l- fr L :r rf2. or ? l, r1-#1.-C r,. 6 c L
+ L->ltf. btffiI.i L
* 7''"rbz L+rf;f 71,3" * Ll.
tljEl bo) i. t r e H. 'c.i b * T.
4: If the party that picks up a phone
tv:. . 4iT," lEIffiat6')\ ' Lt i., does not identify himself/her-
self, then, you can ask by saying
ilrBl& )1,wc : F6 ,8r. * T l .
(polite for 8) L i
)v i 4 ) -r'" 4 lLf. T.*li lvr+6'l|' L . if you are calling someone's

t 2ft e,- .L 6 ^.*'ffi ( / l i +Jl home.

(to give a message) < l, r * 5. you want to leave a mes-

tf /r, ' 5 : When
sage, you can use formal expres-
TIJEI ti''b * L/:. E--c*r * T. sions such as -l ) *6 ( ti
t. */1,. and - L ld6 ( f
)v i !.U ( Jd-F,.L*T. {'t. t' or informal expressions
IIJH& : A, ( / t'" ^TLL*-1" such as--c'C.G,Lt ( ftt. ?
ard,--t1.- f *t.f .

1 ,,, El-)b7Vl
- ,{7i: b / t.. -lB: aHYE.t_ H#.2 7 y.,s 4 | L t.f".
!' !. t##+ffi.Effi# tr.ti'Cr,. * 1" i -^t'< y y###nriift'.
a +ffi. ) Efr,EWv" !. * T" - - /\ffi?ffiH L / r,.. ffi
ffiI.t..ffi (detail) l.

f ,,,n-rVJVl
e '<7 t='{1. -^tB+4.. t) i -^&E: b r t." B++.:rtJ t?{F
l:#lt,ttJ'C.- ##vy Tvtt:t r.{ffUiffiffiHL/J r,.o 4.:- L ffi
L')r. EH. ffiF. EFfr, +ahLt#E.u.,ffilll"

a) When should theybegin?

b) How many times a week should they meet?
c) Where should they rneet?
d) From what time to wlnattime?
e) How much should the tuitionbe?

J "' E-rVJVl
e,{z:t D t r." ff 3 , r.4 y vttt._ l9?ffEf,:ffi t--c ,rl ={r.*
TTJt- 'ffi.ttrFffif,:ffi" llffiffi,- *^r, t4 f y- i-^#
Ff,Tf ^: t, ->'c. - ffiH L /J !."

e Br"tffi? r EA^t. +ffi?ffi It {Lx'-r / ( / a . il. L rc ( (to
actshy) t,t"ffi4 i L u *i,. i Lt 6. ffi s-(" {" l, . ) ""
4lv-7"lF->f - 7417 ?HLr,.. y 7l7vZ"l./JL.o , l.l-c-/.
,, 7 lurL r-frL /J !.o

5'o 4v2-?
O ^e7: /J b. h'+Xf"f"-*#l-.->/ (* /; *-r,.t/'o r:) T )v)t 4 l. ::
t. {. ffi Lt. /J !.o

--' 7rLlrr F#u I

6,,, fFJt
e lJ L/: b67 tvt4 l. :?!.(. frtl^L7 tv,s4 l' J t,')ffit'-tr^?f 6 u'
(Fx# /J r,.o

e T ./, t o)W++., -,) - Wi$nt#tmLru- * -t-" cD aHr.r. ffLr.

l>t:O't llJ ,."

( ) ffit_.fn /J r.."
a) ffitt-<f vvffi#W ( ) z e(ffi->'c.\'-o
( ) t:11'> l : tb 6 "

( ) > Ur- , v###Wtr:ft -'L 6 : b /-.

b) 9- I -t ( ) < 1 , v###Wt:->l : tltb 6.
( ) ' v vffi#Wf M$RL / trb "

( ) \ffi-ri"
c) )-t)-ftvlYY*#+Wt ( ) )E=ffiFffiL t ) "
( ) -EF:Xffiffr- I i,
( ) ++ Hffitffi.- 6 z L t:T. c
d) 9- l/ -li ( ) ++ Lffi+. *ffiffiL t i "
( ) +++ &:ffir11ffi.-d'tl't't,' {rd'ul"

( ) -ffiFr:=aE 6 iri"
e) - 1/ - ( ) -B:=fH6iTi"
( ) -ffiF:='H )i"


ti 7

-si 4 -Flai:#l-r ': ( b t-I a -? i,. E#)y17 y l-0,,
lfu/-.l. BA^fi ( ffi- 'hx l. 7 r \ t) -t:ll.tat"?f+r(!. oTfr
flr [r ,Hu.- t ,tt:ll, , 4. * ,: *2. y l."r v _ ?l^*lt,
:7 J t) h^+0)T !r)kHo{ *1 4,L?Hr*,n
(' ( t . *r ,.b *., l tLl- Q i tffi Ur..->l" 4 .,,y t"ry
ti- ffifrW7 - | 7 .-7 (.': r#(F b o),s v t- trJ.t z iHu-PVl
-clt, . -7
-i: , b U{ L * o" (.. f "t#o{ !.
,syl"ilJ][llv t"4z-'.b/a' r.) I :ftcu./;o ,v."rlf/J (.
17, {-,,v l- ty y / z1i v F-WJtr,'b TI" 4t, | 4 vz
,) y r* *'C Cr-;v - fi tvl"y ),.->f11 y l-tr{"-
^i -i l.
4 vt)y e: ta.t- ( AW..-C l, *. -cl"

r ._
L a1- t'J<
Ii v r*frrfu Uit.,brand-oriented, +fF b Ttandmade l:-c(F.
i.e.,Ilkingfor /l
narr'ebrand goodsl
:-i *tg' s'r J to be disappointed
ffiww hometown
-l ': whenever -

O *9fr,,e. iE U t ) lr O. F5 : Ctt b 0) l- x ? Itf Ur"

n ) a -ri 4 -*. BY6i:,r7 | 7 z t/ - t,-/vy b .c"

n b) 'h 7 7 :. t) -t hti.- ,"( {t,rzJ.-tIo

n ) c *?'E "tt- blffVl\t, B:r,. a. tH,l:vVJl ->I"

n d) *t,1. 11v F-pVlt -6 *f 6 L!."

n e) ,-h l. 7 r . t) -1) I- 4 vt:4>l1v l'-F?J;"

rff / t'

. tr-lvl{fr8-Et4SK
o UP. fd<.' .'1r "";r
n.REHcE.fc! ilirr,.;,..'........."..'..........'.....> 3

i +t\,3tuT;i'ft
. rnlFE?-+
. ib?i)l'

Humble Expressions

hen one gives a gift in Japan, one uses an expression that minimizes its importance:
)t.T&V\V)C175 (lit., it'sjust something insignificant). The spirit of humbleness has
always been valued in japan. lt is the same spirit that makes Japanese speakers say {EI'd
ttttfu75 (/it, there's nothing worthwhile) when they serve a meal to guests, or LUZ,
lvCDtl\',/lvCtcrdtl (Cl) (lit., it's far from the truth) when they are complimented,
for example, on a member of their family. 2l'a!\+r)el, howeve is a fairly formal ex-
pression. So, when you give a gift to your homestay family, a less formal expression such as
t t,fcbo) U t ldLfu Cd wil I suff ice.


hen one receives a gift in Japan, one is not supposed to open it right away. wanting
to open a gift immediately has traditionally been interpreted as a sign of beng
materialistic. Don't be surprised, therefore, if someone you give a gift to in Japan does not
open it in your presence. Likewise, if you receive a gift, thank the giver profusely, but do
not look too eager to know what s insde. Like so many things in Japan, howeve this
custom, too, is perhaps in the process of changing. some young people nowadays may ask
you to open what they give you at once.
Another difference in gift-giving between the U.5. and Japan is that when one receives a
gift in Japan, one often starts worrying about what gift to give back. For example, if one
receives an Aiur 0.e., gift for special occasions) from a neighbon one must give back a gift
(r.e., an AffiUl of equal or near-equal value. When you are in a student-teacher situation
where you are the teache however, you do not have to worry about this. ln other words,
if you receive a year-end gift from a student you have been tutoring, you are not expected
to give anything back.
Since an average middle-class Japanese family is accustomed to receiving so many gifts,
they are not easily surprised these days. lt may be difficult to give them the kind of present
they might find extraordinary. The best kind of gift for a H# to take to Japan for his/her
host family, therefore, would be something that would be hard to obtain in Japan. Take
with you, for example, T-shirts from your college if there are teenagers in the family. Picture
books with beautiful color photos of your city or state might be another good choice.

,,,,, *o* I

e E Atr\tr td g)E+ylADT. tro)E 5 fr c T fJ V )/ 1.. t U <1.

t : b- :t- tLtDf /u'.,"T- 7, t)rt,r6^Pt'(.'T"
fi_4 t () * . 4 A,t,fr.b/ ( ( j .'tl1)tt:. T a* .4,"
fi.:4 t (1) _"i? b 7"
,Fz . () ,o)tt:, )<I=/;f L* i.
ffi42: (
t : b- !.[. -" b) - ].:r Ftjl&1 ( ' t..
,lr '(&) Tcir? D+. /(.
t .^: ::{!.t1,16 t [.tu.rl,'cf 1.

e fiz I-.7 z U - o) d) tu ?4, t5 lJ lt " Fl

z . (J) ,^ft+TvrY?
t : z . ^+{"^ r b T / r v /. ,1-l .
,+x .(1)

t (&) bb. .b !. l,. D s /J !.o

t : 7 ) y r1. /u.{t'-4{L4"{Lf+tt--7r-)vh 7-t>ol- 40)
,^+l v1!. \'.b6,1T L"
,r h (1) >z)
-; ) llto

t : ffif,#72 -tvz1 7 -tiffir,T- frTv y : l-'C..1'1Tt "

z t () -- i- ffifr t. da" a gJ+rJt|lrt"

t : b- ?{Lti,(+<7=v t 11" t?-c"L.Hi-r.)l.. 4{Lt
. .f:/ .,8: {"
,$x t (&) . {.:. 7vH,7 i y rt++rJ} ( { 6btr"
,rx (1) 7rt)lrtl-({l,.l,.dao
t : ,(.- u. t- l I !. . -> / -("f


O !t1:/ vlr\+frffio)^ffucu"
9-4Yv B * , HF A"T I,T T*
ffiffit: t.. {41. t- . ) ."
-4lY H#0)Effiiffiffi:ryr-'/"vl A,'aT ;- i L / u. t.. .-
-tIf,brllr.rl ( {El:{t,.6 ,cT"
w#\ffi: {4r). /J u. A,acT'"
l.,lYv :. (. Hf'ffiffiF:ffll"/: f/.0)1- l\t{u..' r,.
.. . . /J U. A,tt
WY#.ffi: 4,T: lc 6. f,'H]r ('cl"t. D ){" t" 7-)f#:
-4/Y z z _ 1 - l- . T. r.,1, (.- 1. 4 {L 1 r. ( . /r
H#Hffi: {4tj-."
-4)v lil&-c I u' i '- nary blue -Cl "
EYHI: . fr"r"Tde. D. 4{Lku.lx*1.1.{"T}"
t5 r.4lY bb, j.:t. F b42ltt i l- i ." Ela{"J- wHBsr,a .
Ef?t#ol L. ( :{Ef,r.t,{"Ts. r. ( f$:{[.:l L.t.
H#*{fr: I v / y v "J,Y. c, - =nH f 6 u.f" t,' L- ,8,u. *T .
-4Yv tllr', * L/. D. 4 i t-*.1" t bbt)tL i :"r,.* L.
H#ffi: U-t.o ..r{.6iA"

,,,,,u0* I

O 9r U-, E/\fr =U<Ut.

w fi: H^11->:b?
9-l/- *.TTt->/: /Ju',. +t': l7)'r,:*r
{11.6. tF-tr:Tt-c"C.A6: b t .
tE 4: ,lXd. 78*:lT:{ l,.
-t) - - i ," " j /-: "
w f : .:/J. fLF("Hr{ I,, btl}" t,' y -i:l- :F-

tffiilffii-f u.,( ' olzl, ' - 4 la4Lt'I"

-t)- 4)" lti{!.['?
w fi: [.!.]o
I -t) - . .dnut.t-/
W*: Rrhal . 4 ,ttZt- ffr.i z
zt)' lfr.t x" za)rBaffi tr,-t (/;"6. .{ffi.b'c 6 i }"
w fi: 4)- J.:/o
t5 9-.t)- tbbtL)"


/ , 7 = ,, ,,
i 6 v Iie)
E / H 0) Jy i: o I t"
v v vti
H y H7
o : : +, [r rt bb
'h I vy
7 t t,
1" t" a l. +
I( lF\ F 6 (" '*
4 k( 4 4
B " H b : fH
l. v v
H'hA '[l 1{1 11+rJ +
l.r 7 f" )o * LI / I I *T 1, k :ir
U / ,
1'7 F B k b FfJ{ : r / v l,
b a{4 1,0)
rW:ry:at'E"AETvX :b;i
) r l*' +I 3
l, , v
t A in^ '['41 | "i-
{L i L ": :iroi: t"
/ I ' ^L v I , ri pRi I t b

t' S, fBf. l--U
r=f b
[\ t : !r : h [\ ^,i
i: i
!r+/lH{"ib!= |t.
t o) l , . T , : i H
'W | " , lT
lX+ !r
b't !r I =("t'
vt) tIJ
&) +^ f b v [r
1fr,8 -c "E{+u
* H H b A -t
0)siu:|,zq"*6487c Ett L\{"
s[]r - * {Lk H i lE yk
\ra ) b1u 1H{"1(
fnr 4 t' =''C. Lr / b I 7"

I lVr t 1 vl-0)1 =
aV- t-Dr (5HEH: +EffiHtl)

rrtttHDM I

15 10 5 1

ffi 4 f+ FtJ ffi H fH 7t - : L\ gtiE

: ,._. :+tWL ; -^ tr o)
r/'c t')+ '^
' F Inr - !. l^tr X ffi. b : L
ffi.+rJ o) o) +
/4 J, Fm ^ + E:. +rJ L ,1 s .

R ffi i l: o) I l {-L' +
l t iH 6.,r lir
? s d'r 4 : ,tH ) I : ^E o) {" 4
,: ) +tJ
-,tI t:ffit 0) tx.b

7<, + tl E b r/ ffiE:.
o) " b
q /{44/
+H".^v:{"H "E{" z)r " ? t* ffi,
"ffi 4H{r.+ r'!
+ (" Z
fu, ++ l r" {L b') 4 : Lr ^

-C ( o

.4 - !r l. { U ' e ffi
+rJ +rJ ( H ("
o)7 4 e) 7 * o) -
-k_ W ,r b t o) t ) tr ffi F E
-) : L " +t)J o) i J ffi, iui tr 'l T
+ t t ii +rJ : F W )
1 Tt. /" 1 ffi ' f :i- t, [i ?,
'l / &
Inr " f t t F 2 +rJ o

" )o ffi & + A * 9u 4

b, #, t *fr A . * o) 1(. .\ 4
t" yR.{LIaL*t+n4 ffi,{L
7 lf t ( o) !r o) / i
.? H + , {L *fr 7)r i: *, ^ ffi
'H 7 / / b t i: +
rf 7tffiW. tl''H
t" ^ Tt r
LR :*l'a
+- - t : {L { 2 #, ' T
*zyffi:+t"i: ffik'4:
/ b * {L L-- t"
{L v 7X ffi * b
r v 0) ffi 1 tl t' +n k ^tt

", V -f * E'1
++ ^,,i [.4 i'
) : +n r r : F= m [. ry$
,t) 4
v .C. * 1 E tg
7 1 i- ) )E +
FH K U 7)
b :ier ' {L6
? I *d 'C.'C. t : fi & :
+rJ F,: H
7 L + t"

t ( L \y !\
itr rt t {L * ti n 1 "
H u
Li l' :
r ) /: T Hh ffi 6 4 +rJ
r ' f ) k l :'
-ti : t " U /" 1" W. IJ iF " i t ^
1l ffi, *,8 ?'ffi.W.FtJ r" u o)
- 7
i v
) i , v )Lw S
o)t'e - b
B -L" i /", t9
l-.. \
!r i* o 4 :
A v t t r.i7. f+ !r i v ffi ^
. , o) i15 *'
: ;
l kl. b 4: u -c *.
e' r tfr' tr



ol I' o) t-'
AbW gift; present 17 fr red
t t' tt, t.
fr,ffi.i to worry about WrW anirnal

*is*, s to go out of one's way to t9 ?7

. mascot
do something
[>>>;t/- t'1]
21 a to wear
to open [u.f.l
23 s to be pleased; to re.joice
-f, I
z rr ( without hesitation Ul.,
ts color

r.L u 4iLL u
t.r I
4 ffiMWE wedding reception n- i b flr l- to have no choice
but to - [>>>*rl- t.2]
', *t - / . not at all -1,
14ffi navyblue
- lcounter for suitsl

5' L pri *:
IW tfami namel EX weekend
r .g t
.ti "C.-

at least once t6+L gft. of appreciation

[>>>*;.i - t'4] '&t
12 a tea cup (for green tea)
-/J+ lcontraction of -tI] {t

fond of - [: -lf-] g / l 24 HR(r)
.tr-- )
exftavagant; luxurious
1 #Kl season 25 #F groom
aTuL i't , s
6ffi!: traditionally ffih bde
tt, i tf ru uJit.
2 *+fi mid-year gift tH'r#t 6 to invite
3+* end of tl'rcyear 28 *'-.* - increasinglyl:-ll
tr a'J
4 tffi,H end-othe-year gift 29 Ell . : clearly
ttt< v vt/,,'lu
fff: /J 6 to be indebted to mffi vicious circle
someone iu.l.l ['*r;
tro I 30 ffiw influence
6 #Lto to eqjoy
tl ,'zlrv Christian
to deliver [u.f.] 9'n
i t #, church
f8tr New Year
' LrJ*
34 /C'l just; only [>>>*t,/-t'e]
to *+: New Year's gift of cash _t

ulr+* 3s xw 6 to exchange
HM relative(s) l:HHl
-tr* I 36 1a'= i- I chocolate
13 ffi*J to visit ['o
37 ,L lover; sweetheart
14 R+h fruit

r ,tt -t:FE not limited to
rc IT,VI loca1 product [>>>E,/-t-1oJ
'7uit11) clt v
rc ffi,ItffiTt sightseeing trip -hd one's superior l:lt
.xt! e, "f' b t1)Ll
zo frffi: weird; eery
22 n&.
40 2 .'i E exactly
cash ', -
tT t- 42 t6El, reciprocal gift
B WTI) to help each other 'f

rl E r' 4s *, 6 to decide[af.]
*,0) original

1. El z.ffiWJ s.f +.& 5.7J5

- .?
t.E a e.s q.ffiF
6.grW ro.
rr.xfl rz.E* r.F ttffi
r. ts.ffiIT 6
ro.EE tz. taS: .ffi*r ts.tffi zo.f,ffi
zr.#BF 22.ffiffi zs.tE# z+.8 6lt' zs.
zo. t'El

t.A b *2J z.i s.WffiH .#H s.ffitF

.4 z.#Kfr e.ffi g.ffi,ffi, to.RW
tt.WJ t2.ffi,ft rs.lR r.Hffiffi ts.ffi#

this radical comes from and is generally used for characters repre-
senting god-related objects and activities.

l+Ll l+tl f?fijld

,,,,, uo* I

1 ttt fd:='to go out of one's way to do something'

l#t > . >>> dtzd D r ]
a) " "H. lt4l7). . Effi("ff
(It's not easy to take the time to go, so I will talk on the phone.)

b) Y4.: clFX. Ltl.t.f LI i""

(Do you think I should rewrite this composition?)

ftE.: ^b"r ( ( r,-u-,Ds!.f."

(I don't think you have to take the trouble to rewrite it.)

(ttdd vs. tf :r()

ir "ir " denotes doine something in a way that takes more tim and effort than o"""r.ury, o,
purposely doing something that is not necessary. So, in general, there are at least two
alternatives and you choose the one which takes more time, effort, etc. 't: , ( , on the other
hand, is used to indicate that one has spent time, made an effort, or ,

obtain something, or to reach a certain state. It is often used with expressions such as :
and 14' '.

c) c/t,< BAffi?BoI0):. b/Jr,- T ff L* i.

(You learn Japanese with a great deal of effort, but ifyou don't use it, you forget it very quickly.)

d) t2 "t? 'X ( (
L. t.f"T J.
(You don't have to take the trouble of coming.)

f ,r,X,Ultfrl$ftlr='1s have no choice but to -'

lffi2 > . t t >>> uflfzL< e D %urr)']

T,hi,sprossion, means that X,,is.notr what one normally wants :to, :do'bq1 ne hag :no, choce-,..
r' . . ::,r .:i.:rit.:.:r ,,r. -.:.:.,, t, . r,: . ., :. rll,jl
r: 1..:.riri.J,,r:.r:,1'.,' .:jitrll:: a:: :i': .,ri
but to do it. :'

a) t t.ffi1. 7 tv., 4 t 31 J, t)lt'r)rru'"

(When one does not have any money, one does not have any choice but to work part-time.)

b) IFr t'. 6 _ !.'C.ft < e ) llfi ttt"

(Since I don'thave a car,lTtave no alternative but to go on foot.)

J rrr Vn,/ n l#: t. t >>>.'. eean*at'] > t

.' .,rVd. / {L fonri,which is,homophonousto'lhe siv,ffi'-y-,b;. ffi#t ''

(honorific forrn), as in the following examples.


a) ft+^. &lt'ltt? i trt, t.: 'HH[ .7(" L & ) ..

(Professor, I hear you have written a book. When is it scheduled to be published?)

b) ft+t7 t y rt
^)F tLti.6lt- + T.r-J.Laf
I'l ,'e l, 1tt"
( lfalking to a professor] When you came to .{merica, things were very different from what they are
now, weren't they?)

Qr>r> "< (-f*) ='at least' l#3 > . z >>> tt)<-El#a 5 te)r]

a) + / ( ,r../u.. FF:'r!.T'- bT#+f*ffiAf" J i l:

/J b 1."
(I want to learn lots of kanji, but I don't have much time. I would like to be able to read and write at
least Kyoiku Kanji, though.)

b) b< -.If B^ffa r r>I L. ,B i sr", 6 i "

(There people
must be lots of who would like to visit Japarr at least once.)

c) EWT -HFd <' trl* E#ffifutfrL-c {, !./ t. .

(I would like lthem] to spend at least one hour every night studying Japanese.)
L 6
d) :{ff I)fttr (' ' Lf t, 6 !.1 !- ,s, i f&u,l i "
(There must be many wives who want their husbands to wash dishes, at least.)

S t"t -fl='so that -' lffiaryt > t. a >>># uo a * ; tr]

tX , t: Yl means [Y so that X]. In this constructiol, X often contains a poterntial verb,

negative form or stative verb, which normally canlt be controlled by one's will.

a) r>,t.t*l,b 6 & a E1 a a v - | 'l.

(I gave lthem] chocolate so that they can all enjoy it.)

b) tr/Jt* llt.t*a!.t ( / u..

(Please write it down so that you won't forget.)

c) B^litf6ali*#. lf t.*f.
(I am saving money so that I can go to Japan.)

d) +++dsr: ,h,j E Lr,.Hrt.( b *-f.

(Children's books are written in an easy language so that they'll be easy to understand.)

*uo* I

e) ffiL!.HF z e.|;W#. Ltt.* T"
(I am saving money so that I can buy a new car.)

f ) ffiLt,#H ttlzw#. l-( !- * 1.

(I am saving money in order to buy a new car.)

i.No,tlc-..thatine)', th9.verblis,4po-t9nti-.yrb, whil in f), the ve!s' a9ti9-n,v ,..'

$ tt *JZ,/ 1E-='seems -; appears -' lffi*t > t. z o >>> rFEtcEz az ;-e af

-,,,/jiadjectives'and ,t,::adjetivs both:aearin;ad ial:foim as follows.

a) t., fr-"IZE,Z6"
( [Hel always seems to be in good heaith.)

b) BA^rr+J b<E6"
(Japanese look younger than their age.)

7','z l#afil > t.zz >>>...ex;t arz]

r, 4 emphasizes the preceding noun or phrase.

a) Bffir+rb , Zz. ffi!.f.T.

(Japanese is interesting preciselybecause it has kanji.)

b) )FS ? BA^ l' Ha { !'* T.

(I do wnt to go to Japan next year lfor surel .)

:.r , . :

,.,:,The:s.eems: to:he;some.r3son.why.,,orie has 1o emphasiz-e ap-arti.cBlag:,tl.o.ri..r$rlpase. ,

Sentence a), for example, would be used when someone has said that kanji is troublesome or
that he wishes there were no kanji. The speakei then rejects that idea by emphasizing the
,"u.on clause. i4 generally replaces particles lJ/k,/lr,/lt, but is attached to other
particles, as in,r 4, L i ?, etc.

$ >>o XplY='tt's true that X, but Y; Although I said X, Y'

l#aM > z >>> t u z< z : <b]

i:,, ffcf r'followslplain forms, but a copula /i is generally:omitted. In ttris expresqion, Y is

grven to qualfy X.

J s,,,,,

a) , y 7?7cT . EIAI:.? y zlr vl|b * b r,.*r,"

(although I said Christmas, there are very few Christians in Japan.)

b) *u- EcT g. ltrrHa , u b b *, ,"

(Although I said it's cold, the lakes never fueeze.)

$,r,7-f=Just; only' la$>t.zl

a) /t'r.Flffim aLlrr,Lf r.lJr,-J IYtxEb *T.

(A student who is oniy concerned about getting good grades is problematic.)

b) ti.ft#/ L( t- 0)t. c* rL- ,8,!.* T.

(I think it's boring to be doing just housework.)

c ) /c'ffirffri6 J i r LrtIttElffi{hD b *r,"

(Internationalization is not just to become able to speak English.)

f O -" N (Of NP) EF/(rt='s1 limited to -' l#av>:z>>>ff,,ucmael

a) E#ffifutfrLf r,- +r. Bffi4t=Wt) *, ."

(Students who study Japanese are ot iimited to Japanese majors.)

b) &t.- / e tEz))Jlrl BA^EF tuT Lr/rro

(These days, professional sumo players are no| confined to Japanese.)

This expression can also be used in the affirmative, as in d.
c ) *+Wt:fttl 6 ttx++XL /cEE "
n< t\6
(Only those who have graduated from college/universitr can go to a graduate school.)

f 1 *' ltlu (* particle) Tt='ny -' l#vt>t >>> eruart;tt]

. , G- 9terally,,p4r-ti1es- and ?. are.'de-leted.wh.they,rare,.fqjl,wqd ,t:'.tr,':\i{il :tlirarti- ]

cles such as L ,/' t,/ t:,etc., remain.

a) ElvtHtlUT' t !.!.tT"
(Any present will do.)

b) Elvr),.tt' ?'t,r- ^? ) L )ttl,u,"

(It's nice to receive a cardno matler who it is from.)

c ) Etvt), rg:,{L^tr- i$/i.

(A person wtio canbe friends with anyone is lucky.)

d) t -tffi:c. {e)x-'ffiri"
(Any place is a home once you live there. [:There is no place like home.] )

a) "o #umdt >>>>>[t.:]

Elu b ). fr. *.J,t u,r /crr/?.rtt 1, 1 : When you give a present, it is

customary to say futl.lto
R#o)t6atr t'f.'f " D + t..1,'e l , v.t *. tt
tJ r. o)T It E, lLl!.,
Br b- t . t4*."" L'fl ', etc.
Elu z )rt\ t"r 6#7 z, r /c rr / *L?" r 2"
2: W1len you want to state a reason
HE 4 ,tfi, ffr.*> t ( 'c. I . -z I t , for a gift, you can say, for ex-
Eu t - - - lvffi /' it {" j- " 6 "
ample, -f t. t "t. l *T111,
-f :/c*lL"fTor ,.a{
toff|: t: .c r,. * 1o).

e ,s7: t->f., s* r' 6 '>'c.-&) {Ll-.rr: bFht=-tt.'cffLr..- EL
r7" v y /: /: .. /-tl' i {Lt-. oi,ffiB L /J !."

tfiul lf#*. *4'2 y 7<;'tr:ti--)v7 vv ".afiia 6 -cts.

'Yr ^t; -i{Lt-,c
(knitting) T+-C'. fi ffi,: ,->Itt:- [X0)

" '&f-t*ffia+rJ
rGmA, ({tI1"1-l" $lLTit. * bt.*:{'. {L./Jz).->lcurt .
t't'&k-. { rr ){Lt ( 'c. {" 4{Lxgt: L{!.*T.l

e,:Z: b. --^g+. i-^,+ 7 | 7 r I t) -0)).':/J b /J !.o a) HY
+.H{r[tJ- ( /" l t BAffi : T 6 "

a) EAi:r,./ l., &++.rJt, H'n. tffi-t( / z" v v | HL{HT",t

7|7r i. t) -0)*1 , (* {LffiIJ !. i L l,!. o){.'. E++.Ii
h) : ?c 7( {L
r --r_ 7c/wy lt:)1.{!. t,-#,81.
b) 2 y 7-"'.0)8. , 7 | 7 r . t) -'H (ffi) s7"vv | < {L"
c)'h l. 7 r . t) -l)ffi <W> '#4.,,:- /vc' v I k )tf"


3,,"iii.7tv-J7- j
tlcilvl, biZ, Li

t4 ffiffi:rr.{..r,. HFLlJ !.o (l> l-Q )\.- i++.7Jsr./Jl}i". it

r-ffifia 6.
It,.:6 * L /.1 l/irffifF Ur ,"e1 .)
b) EnTr-> / L 0)b ++. F,.:zJr2,,v-/(Fb , 4 44l:- BAt" ,ffi
t: E A,T/ v'v | l> 6 .>I.H7"1L /J t."

e 1 -c'ffi l--cI/v v t ,Hr.H:?r.{. I i {LUt .r+h) r. iffif.'ffx?
.o F * H?" 0 Ftlz !. <-ffiA,ctr.69 ( r,.")

e BArlrf - l. .-HL.w t_ { r. * T. cD ?Hr. -(_ n1)xrJrlEL lrLd'o. F:

I t.r-'x ?^t 1."
[.u r,t.
taffi chopsticks lf merchandise
zri ) o.
Aff :F b VJ 1c6 I
''* ( trt ct4
ffiw Kamakura-style carving @{,f to wrap

n ) a : ^17 ./ y 7"'/v v l ffi. { !. / u. ,8:11.6"

il b)) 7 ) y i:!.). 7./ y rt/\. Li1./r,. L. EA^.{> Ld'lJr,.,

n c 4 hl|*,o))v, t-u-"
n ) d
*J : t\,
*6#l9.ItE+Ef" .
tr e ) ^l. +,# ti.i:E H: lcI i "
IE ill
o 7-+Tr. v / u h*+tJJffil+fi8=< "
E.tIt H ft+^

Fu'FIt-r.6 i :. \,-)0)*:.-E tr:/,->{ L* r.* L. ft
+t*l6lF,(*[. : L+ t,. * -f.o 7ct, rt,. tt. : T- l, i. BA* 4 ,/

t -y tv-0,{tl1t.,i,t.t.T. f 1. . 1., ..t..-L -, -'C.-

ffiu-/ v ? z?l*,u.{l,.*T"
"c. 80) y l= -- . lnr EffiffiffiHt-Wfru/ -c"T"
Z o)il't OL -C". frl^H#l^t"c'3'r. t+ffi. ,$- 4 z v v l'" ffifl
t I'f " B^{.' - ./J b i. . Eu.ffiF} b r#Ffifrfrttt ( /of
t-4 i.r"Td" L o CI'c < tl,l*. ffiwH:+f+flll{.'.
: *fEf# {t ,.-> l; : {" Lt. El-c"x,. XffiP#ffi,z . A5:lf L.H{fi
/ L.=t:ffSu. t ffit.{H * L/;. 4{L7r'b. *6#++-r{l.../Jl
d'usu. l /J u. u. ): . fl,: ttt+IJ'c.l#w'e L/. *t. xE E#)',F.
)F"ffiWffiF:ryx-fr,{ r,. ,11t. fsd. b ( {wo'c. !- {"-
i Lt u.r,.t' )'L,E,.'{..*T" 4{L' . -N: < b I-IIJ'- Wffi
F6{b - -C'Jft 6ffi :. f ., tr zJ; Z> ,r / v v | 6 -r L -C L /.
Kn'R-'CftJ'C -I. 4 i *Xllr-fk]',"t(t,'* Lt" S olf,b T ) Y rt

{"tt. {t. ffiffi L ttrrx-' 6 /J u. 'a- +Ht, : fr{"ftlLL * T. i

.tf'/ '* :/ /J[.] ?. tt$:/J o-C ( t...
z-+fv - 1-+.>

.tr- .,1 -, a-.

-Et,'ffi49 arranged marriage *rm plate

{,a,F. a I
ffi4$ Tove marriage .L complimentary close
. -
used by women
, ceremony
Fffi relationship

a) 7-+)'y.t-+{".!.-L -, -I b. Er,. / v? 7 ttti./ b Lf t.

t-f zJ,"

b) 7-+): v. rf Ba^ffi,\8tffiHryt-n* L/;s. 4 ffit-, B^ffil*

wffiHt:./ trtb-t- I j." E ) l,ltr. b *f ..

c) z-+lv ffiF=t:ff* L/."

d) 4 {Ltt /J't}'11."

e) EIA1 t. a C 7,ffiF -.66 . *t, c,frt_a)f !."

f ,lr

. .: rijt:i:;r:

'.':: '' ::r:,::iijl(i'

::.,.::' ;
: ai:.i::a::t


1 'L,.
I ltq-
. :t!
'lt''trt ,,-..,
' I' : I "t i,1 rl,rf r-r1rf q"rlr
':'jil rr r-.t

Shinkansen (trf,ffi)

tTt h" Shinkansen, or the Bullet Train, started as one line in the 60's, but has since
I expanded to a few lines running the length of Honshu, Japan's main sland, as well as
part of Kyushu. lt is not inexpensive, yet it is a fast, safe, and comfortable way to travel.
Trains are on time 99% of the time, and even if you miss one, you don't have to wait very
long for the next one.

Rokan (ffifr)

here are enough hotels throughout Japan, but if you really want to relax, go to a ffiE,
a Japanese-style inn. lt is expensive, but if you wish to experience part of traditional
Japan, splurge one night and stay at an above-average fftE in a hot-spring town. Soak
yourself in the hot tub, eat the food they serve, and get good night's sleep on a futon.
Hopefully you will feel all refreshed the next morning.


T apan is a populous country and everyone loves to travel, which means wherever you go,
J it is usually crowded. ln the spring and in the fall, many schools have so-called iVffii+,
teacher-led trips for elementary through high school students. Although it is impossible to
avoid these crowds completely, you should at least try to find out from travel agencies
when the peak times for school excursions are so that you can enjoy at least some sem-
blance of privacy and quietude.

>>>>>tft fr

' EJR ffiA,D)Htr.

C)v ffi#ffiqlf+sHr. / u..,-f l "
ffiF >4 :-ffl,Lt:F Lf'ft b * T. . [,r ( t'"
C)v ffi*tj** b *T7)'"
ffi1 lDfltrt--br*TJ"
C)v 4i11'" t"

C)v : dnt(.-t. L.T-T.o

ffi1 r.r-TT" D+. tlJlf,lFb *.-l'r- * )Lr+L ( /t'"
ffiF t,1.. rf+/r L * L. 12 H 20 E&# 15 ffi t (. b 476 E_

RHs 17 ffi 13 . x 6 F 20 0) D 1 "

C)v ffiffi#*. t- 6 /J .- ,{"1..
RE ffiftffi#t*. {+# -ffi: ->t .'* To .L 6 l*#(.'T"
C)v 4 ifTzJ," EfUTdao L'( f'-T..
ffi1 ffif+ Fl. E 6,090 H. ffit' 10,580
4,490 Fl: b * 1.
tsC)v (-HL L+HtL-&rH Lf ) D + trr{""
ffiE -nL+FltF.b L*T.
......t'fsl} L * l-T" 420 Hta'; b "-l-.
C)v t .
-l 'lo#>>>>>

ev, U z5 t 5*x,-^tF U < t lc 7-. iE;l.ffiffi E ffil b6 l; U. JTB effiffi ) ?fflE 6"
It 1 [.:L{"t,.*.t"
W B . ---{t'f4E^f-r t. ,1"T. z).#.{. * b H( z r.fRH

t t'T l- !' i lt'"

s +I i *afi,l L* 1-c". ,).4 i61+t, ( r,."
&1 t, i J 4 ir"r,.* L/" f&lE KH"c. :ff-
ft81 * bfr,.ffrD+ b *,i).6. ffi.f"..u.taffif"T. HJK&){> t
f[-("T i fi].
ft.8 Z L- 6 t, A,ffi'e ..u. * 1"
u | 4 v*FE:{r.{..*1."
&E *!.. zl .
ts 7- D. 4#t: Lf ( /"1,."
?1 E {.'r. +/8ft{'J x{L-C &*.T 'e _ #F: taffi L :lrffi ffir,. L
{Frr7 r, rt-r"
h'7r. b * L"

frtl"[.f.("l- t j,"
+rE trI o 3- i'CT" ,4 r61+t, ( u..

+rF *"f#ll} L * Lo [.t.taSflffil r.(*r b * L r r". T#! *W,b L *

2s 7- "i "

a t , ffi t+) g +8, il,- JtlrHilJ)E t- < . -ffi I r ,R lctl rtft r# lc 5 ff t, ( ur .
zjr ff : .A,tW.{vl{.L).
d\ ff : . ffi"C"ti'r" ,.^ffi4 )r.,, -ffiF b *Td. f/.*
L = tIl,E::'c < 6tI - r),/ j L*-f..
C )v: trJkF,Wl-L'("f"
d\ ffi: 4{Ltt.- 9.'tc7>,{"L ) ,H:{[./ A,IitJ
c )v : D.,fx tJtEi:^b *f. : b ,'aT".
zjr ffi : T"C" k " fr Lktb . 6. F /J t.'(.. da"
10 9t4 f v : b{L -" -ffi D / L'.,{"T."
dr ff : I v/y v ,ttt- [.? ft#..tro.b " : t u'Rffi/. t, yE
L*tL b6 ,T j" zjr t'RffiD*al,trs-: L./Ju'l "- 4 {L
-c" E^ 4^l*. ) ffiF: x 0) !" :-.0)ttr8*t !." -

{FJ^ -l#-)',{v*TJ.
15 l-4 ,v L; +. t 1 v IE L-f#t-L i 'to
drffi^^. ft#o{r':( ( /' u."
C)v [tp.j|J .'CIilfT'" ln
\f i 6. : : : >aFlt: 'cTJ.

C)v bb- I fru{'T."

d\f B,Eo"a, fu: - LfS !. !.{.T o

C)v * l..o

d\f b- 4{L,r- llv l.,.4,*. EIA

t,8It+lJ'C.-e l, i ?

dr f^ $JFI.E++kffi,b/J r.{" ( t.r.
-4 ,v t#.-* 1. - u. D * i :;*("T J"


"zq#b H
t,!r *, : w.
o)". lt,#
I 7C : /'I't E
T..C A
Ji"H(l -{L
&it't E, t{'-
7) b FEI' lL -c *i5H
6 ffiuffi *i
ffi * b :i4
t"tX rr "VJ + 6i
( -r*\ l\lf
rlr& ->R
tF ' .
ffi *
'deffi, l1 ' {4


gJ g : lf, b {" lrl )E {" I T : -) H
+,J f*
. 7)r't-t . I R X I r Z
l" -c
/;( tI m )
- b {., 1
(" r ti ( L\

/;2'c r\ f i-H
i ^JJ

, ?-
L\ 6 S o)
,t T"o -'
- r
5 ffi. =.'
)V' l# 7 F / t Tt :
11 7
H s
+ z H i
A ffi [r t2 . 7c t: 13'c 7
Tr 7 :1-u; U j '* I ) ^

l- t
)r, ry
E '
: H /- '
{{/ trtt
, tl t7 I
Lr'T {L /r) f tll (.'{L fr,,{
+f + , : 'C ,,r e E !r fl -1. y
4y!r^2rcFT/Yiv -
-o)h * 6
rl,FB {" .. % !. t' n- r')vi:
f '+iB " m. H
Tt t*Frt E!\r7-'{
7 / # l- A {* )1' .t ffi F \ o t'- /y 7
/ !r tl 7 F : k

-^ # 7 :'-ft t- L trJ X
i H f . t)
r r )t) Ex E / lL L {
b,r, o)ffi. trJ L (" , ^
L ilt R -c"
-) / rt /n't
+ittr I 7r'+ * {. 7

v ,f,' W A i,4 ffi b / f

'C < b !il

ffi J/tblt i/'r{ Jb YT

_ i/\!ry-c.-.
+'6 l, i 3 E ifr 't *' H F & iA4
( z J

't-C +. # A; , * 4 t' . ffi; 7^W

:' H iE +rJ ; . # . A / F',1
( -c - Hffi-r RN'{EXffi,
* ;; EX #. ptr t r
H f+
FrT :',ffi t^3^rr!bF,

L A L R {" . t \ o : , r)
u Er. * * ttt +*R T. o{L i
'c a ' . / !\ /J' i:'r H ( o i:T'
' i . 1. t. 0) J J,' *
H + ( !. t' i b '7c ^n , o * ig2
H tttt5 6 r" * H fr {L H t
t'ii -f L ) \ o rH, l, l H '{
6 L\
ffi f: tizi 7)t iE l : t t )h !r
)J il " U - F # 7 iE 1
i [8, : A + : *tr L\ o) o) -
oro2s-ro o) t,


lt+ ( i, Lt
AKIT 6 to make a reservation - number - car
t l u k+*-lr
Jre ticket 11 ffiftffi# reserved-seat ticket
'. pri lt /,
(ticket) window 12 wa# special express fare
u',J"+ ln ticket
, tr+f# bullet train
3 ,ffRE raikoad station ### passenger ticket

employee 14 fl# fee; fare
i-,, "

1, desk EH (passenger) fare

{,t, t,"*.,1,i-L.
F r4
t: <
request; application
-NHfrL 10,000 yen bill
u i a-f -
ffi* (train) schedule ffit' to keep (something) for
tJ + tt? (someone)
E# leaving Nagoya

.b'b lname of a bullet trainl

17 I) b change; balance of
ii *--i r]<
money returned to the
.X.,R arriving Tbkyo purchaser
Wffi seat

]g'ct' ) l- ,"
business trip K Inn
' rtt;
r: tL (
ffi lplace name] :{ with two meals
ri t '
'.a s-[
l# ffi. to rest Uit.,to rest one's ffi
bodyl trt
v-tlt--- b view
J TB Japan Tlavel Bureau l, tl--
ut tf
fr Japanese-style room
: -ifi <

one night's stay;

,r-.X bath
overnight stay
ffi. (r) quiet l4v bathroom; toilet
#il'a to check; to look up
16 lt address; place of
# [place namef 19
< *
place where one can be

gti ti
1yfrtl, late afternoon, usually tl n#,
u ri.
just before dinner time ,gt'

{av" <
16 Y& informal cotton kimono
Effi private house providing r l,
18 4 kimono
lodging and meals to I
tourists 20 - to change (one's)
ct' - clothes
, [.{16 to become tired


5 $1,8
bath ftffirtl, I

vEt ffit-t- comfoftable; pleasant; to
(-)F,W to see the sights (of -)
-t: r
feel good
9H men's section of a -tr

2s ffii to wash
o'lut @

* women's section of a
to b{L z [uttered when
something unexpected

:'u t{. u-tr

o El domestic t:EItr] tf* Mother Nature lli.,
mighty naturel
I tl/ pass -;-
t trt L+ y* to remain lu.i.l
3 ffift+r travel agency -i{ti
very big city; metropolis
x agrctslture
t:/t u'rrl *, 6
to receive
i 1
7 E]] valid + cow
*5'er i.J
(-)ffir + during the period (when FF horse
-) + sheep
ttct I
8ffi rallway
i" silo

s)b north i:'

17 c to stand; to be built [u.i.]
tt. L
ffi south 18 tr, scenery
+tLYrti aru
fr,a to run
19 ft{e people native to the
t2 7vy,1 7 frontier Iand
.l 10#>>>>>
I ''"
tg747 Ainu 37 lfr vigor; liveliness; vitality;
tt? energy
f'J village J
rtu" 3, ffiZf. constantly
,o 6fI lmain island of Japanl '
,l,tt < (-) lb-f to change

ffiJhl: from north to south a tl ( t

largest t:-t i.l ffi ZT !(r) attractive
*oL . nffi city; capital
f\FE. lplace namef .-f
tr* (-:) [86 (-) would have to be
21 tfR lplace namel
-1. , the best choice [:-r*
ffitr lplace nmel i.l i. [>>>g;v- ]
r( r't 'r: u +5'r'1.+,t
EXffi!: internationally ffi=nnf.'Bk wwr
+-t' , t rt
22 n world WE damage
Lfili ttt
23 m # commerce *r+ Buddhist temple
ril.( u],u+
ffi. education ffiff
- t-
shinto shrine
l{. u r,
t' art 35 EJ{t Tt- can't see them all
t1 t
t-:f an t:#l 36 E
lplace rLame)
" l-'
za f,f,r center /&;fL
. tr-1,
big statue of Buddha
-F'- i

Bt u' ugly 37 ElEl [smallest of the four

-lul c main islandsl
zs lEl,I crowded La
*6f, castle
26 ffiYJ to criticize - tr-,

27 iv!z7Y-
F[ffilJ Mt. Aso
t( 6 u
glcv t &H Mt. Sakurajima
28 ffiffi otdet l r
WW characteristics
'XlJl volcano
vs'itu r. &ffi, various parts of the
2e + tJ- one tenth [>>>*i.2- r ] country
30 T')t y n 6t b America,for instance lot;ui ln
lR hot spring
ts# CTllnC t9; i b leisurely
31 &. at night
t t-
. b walking alone

,,,,,* ol

1.7#! 2.qJtr+ 3.ffiH +.ff!, s.E

6.-# 7.!ffi B.# e.xlfl ro.

11. H5 12.-l 13.ffil- 6 tq./r'4 rs. fll L7.Em TB.T,{L tg.F,W zo.WJ

21.ffi) 22.w,. zs.Fffi zq.ffi zs. ffi, 27.trn za.ffi zg.t 0. 32.ffiilh s.rS M.rt ss.ffi

36. ffi 37.19. se. # 1' ss. qo.ffi-^fW
41. + 42.Tfr+T +s.&tfu

r.ffFffrfl z.W*\# s.& +.ffiftffi s.lE

'ffilt' 2.ffiffi s.ffi" (/) 9.ffi ro. UE

u.Effift rz. F,E tt.T,#. tq.Y& ts.ffi L

L6.E'l rz. lf* re.X 19. + zo.R
zt./.''FE. zz.ffil zt.ffiF z. ElffiF! zs.#'
zo. Hf,!- zz.lH 29.ffiffi s0.ffiffi
tt.[F,# zz.ffifiYJ sz.WE s.. es. ffi
so.&,8 z.lR

This radical comes from # and is often used for characters representing
kinds, conditions, products, etc., of thread.

tft tf;t t_#J rd

.l to#>>.>.

"* ii ffraction) l#afii > t. z s >>> #)o-Er^Eli]

.,11 i -Etv
lffi (fraption) is expressed,in Japanese b l,(ndbi) nmer)l.,Notie'
nse; a-ile.nominator comes b.efore a numer4qg er;llir:.A :,1:'$};,

Zru SentenCe +l l#afii>t.o>>>d:(rr*u+'4a<l

F li , srl mans 's2 to the etent sr, or 'itiss tllt st.' S, is'ge.nryifplain'.f-,9, s,'

a) 4 y F-a;h u,-l, ta*7l" 6 t. (spicy/hot) Ltrtb 6"

(Sometimes, Indian currr is so hot that it brings tears to your eyes.)

b) tt /J tr l t6 t,f:f!r : f r., {. T"

(I am so fuil that I can't move.)

(Tokyo has an amazingly large number of people.)

construction can be paraphrased,to,[Sr,(f fo{.lq):.S1.l T]. as in d).

- ,This
d) 4 v lt rz-. ( (- t7.firglf 1.'T.

J "' lE[iJf='more than anrthing' l#a*z > t. t t >>> lql& t.,Er)t : r]

a) - l[J U 'lFffiLt-t"Ti"
(Right now, IwarLt a car more than anything.)
t, t: i
b) l[ fJ &gFr*#(.'T"
(Health is the most important thing in the world.)

Qr,,, fit)YEfi| lffiafii > t.ts >>>.n*tEl

Y in this construction can be either a noun or a verb in plain present tense form. This con-
struction means 'As for X, Y is the best thing to do; As for X, there is nothing befter than Y'
a) 1. B : ht t, - vffii:ffi,.
(Orinking cold beer is the best thing to do on a hot day.)


b) t .fl3da/ ll'x-'. HtrrF' J

(tf you want to visit an old city, Kyoto is the best place.)

ttrrrfft fi

$ ott ^,f f lffiuvt > . E >>> o)t to)+#+lt...]

.c, l:Lv+
a ) Hfl: *) * * #++ffi+Ltrt&,t -"
(There are marry old temples and shrines in Kyoto.)
L 2b
b) BAEli/tr:f f ft.,.. *at - L l'.
(Japanese rice wine tastes good even co1d.)
r. ,' r
c) #.lrlltt**86 . F,ff? ( .
(If you go to sleep with the window open, you will catch cold.)

d) E i zo*,*r' Lf ( li r.."
(Please come as you are.)

e) )vt 6 * *E /J t. t_ ( /J !..

(Ifs not good not to return the money one has borrowed fom other people.)

.l to#>>>>,

a) ,,, r#J >>>>>[ffi2]


ffift+r H . 7 ^ryrT.
It: t
b i - ff&:fr /; L.r. ffiffirffi,
.FUr L,tL,v(.Tr1. : .#-.t" * 1 : When you are making a reserva-
tion, use expressions such as -
b ( t.rfrt /J r. {.' L J I ." d)?l ? * r. L t r.. ,1T or

ffift+ r,." :fl*,!.:'r'. l. i zJ," -1.#J L/cr-rl,fT7)r.

-+E , t"ifr{.Ts.
ffift+r ^
*a=nffi,t L * T@f\ J61+t, ( r,."
ffift++ *af$/ri L* L/. ) ' ) :
:'r,. * L /c" mmhK KEr". :{
f". *-^ffi-*U^+Elt'j-r.
- . D+. !?L{ 6*T..
ffift+r It,r,.. 'c'i+rf#!^{L"c * * T1'"

e H*(p.192)Ea, wHf,^ !."

b) HH.6F*-r". l.
/J :' f
bl {'r. ( .. b *T..
c) &En tB,H*{.'. r,. ( .,b *T.. -Hu.1. !. ( 6-51." -t.


L"'l"+L U ; (

e ffiW#&Wr^lj*(p.193) Hr - /r !'o
a) R.6lE,H*f,r( :-
l r'
4"A 107'lEU(.''" 4{Lt} /c*-c'T.'
b) HH. ffi^FF.*aTrl:. 4'-4173 . 40st"*. ' rffiFr
,, b * T."
c) o) - a 113 t. Xi. t, *.{L* T ."
d) 3H20Et:r. ^lJ( EHt-F',- a ti: I">l,
&E.lilW:Hfrl'r. !.t L I ) ." a rT,l# (train) *{EI r,' iYIH:cTTJ'"
e) #l:f,r/:r,.lt. o)7'a, (I. b. :*+f. Eltlt:*.ote' !'!'("LJ
) zJ'o

J ',' g-w7,"V{
(2 IEI DWe^U#.1fr.t,'* T") ^{7 : /J . -^tiE^ffi11+7 r' rt L, t-
A*FH JTB T+F: / b [.O 7 / , rt Lttt JTBltEt:_ R.o)z L EA#(.'
!. l'"

a) HelShe cannot use the timetabie because helshe cannot rcadkarrl|

b) HelShe wants to go to Kyoto on a Nozomi tomorrow. HelShe must be in Kyoto by
11 a.m.

c ) HelShe wants to know whalfiain the clerk would recommend.


$ 'o' fF*
e l#L. ->IffiTr) r,. jE(". ('6 t. lFX# !'.

.l toR>>>>>

rF .)

: It
{ {n fiE'
+ lf

e x =t

{# 3
{+ -.u,r
= aaa

SF qs-
f= ri
l #
ffi *Ft( EF.E
.{ EE.E 3FE ssR 3e$
lnJ { tg Eqq cR EER cFs
lR {
{ E

qER Eg.R e3_R aas cce scE s9e
g_E ES ER sR 8ER aaR ETE gE
ug 9-'6
fr aalt gB gcR c3R ;SR a-q.R_ ETE E T.SE
( 96h
= = 8

( {{rE
:l f
e F
.c+- ' u
{rl} I m
-)f,IC +
t. l!{'
f #

tt>rt fft .l
(HtE- ffi*fF+#F (TD)
265 ftI 10ti il7 lllt
fE Irli I E q iI
-lt g l
s lu Itnl B
l .1 n 2n b' tl
& t H Li
t0 t03
E la
tt tt lnq t ft
) 3T

9E ln1 t.1t
rrl I0t tf

d t1 s6t
---l . , B.
f, rl r2
nEFXt ttl ?6{ 80( 81( 81: lt 82i 83t ,t 85 91(
Bs*a @l (D @ @ @ 2! D E
nt ,
8fl3 EX
v1 81
' r
820 I
82f 83
83( , 8fr
a 85(
93/ iF , 8201 v ill 832
g,l _L_ 836 84 v 85( 85r l/ 9t( 9r1 E 9IJ 91 92t v 93' v 94 l/
85', 1, v V qt 9fl
v IJ v I v
,v 95 t. v _L 00r

= #-

-- _u_ _u_ _L_

v v v
b'l'll v 1 94

7t 91 7ffi 01 7U
8,1' 700

90 , ..1 xl ,v 700
* * 700
v n .00
05r * 02r *
vsl v s4 v v v 3 v ,01 vt. 04 v
" 911
92 C 0 _L_) v g5
v v , 5
v .02 t, 06 v
921 rh 9t V v 9 v v V V .w V V 06r v
I|" 91 v v v v v v ; l/ .O/t v V 11, v
#" tr 93r v v
.0 V , v v ,0 v l/ 15: v
-2, v,
l/ v .tl
" 10
v v
,06 V
, v L , ,15
v 16:

lMt f00l nk, 958 00t 03 700 03 051 a zLt 10t
.-t @
@ lr'i'

E &
104 i 957 1000 010 01t 03 03 10( 11(
'T vl. l/ ::l v V ti v v td t0a v l/ v v
, ,t6l V V v
l. t, t. t.
!! L
tB L
.2ti V
tltl F
v , V v v ztl v v v
,'; ,
Hfi Ull 111 IT4 w 12i '133 13f 14i
114 I 2n 111 tlt 1t6 121 l3r l3t I 14r
itR ,\v r3
il T.
051 111
'e .u6llf 3t 't2t 132
?. b

i#F " 10 ill 124 .129ltr5i 14:/ u5 20!

;- h" "
,uolr2 v
I ."
rlr lt
v It V v V v v

H t5 zzl
tl! " v
v v
EE. v v , ,v
R" v v v
, *" v V
V lt

tta z0
| !"
*lrE " 253 V v l{}r
v v V v v
#fTF. v v , V v
312 33(

z PI (D ?l II lt 7l ?t
LIE tlE 1E ZB IE uE llE
|5E t31 BI
.n BI ?1
.t 5I zAE u. .2 58
0a t2l 1f E' H
.E t2E HL
t3 ilI,
t0 t2
.rfl I tn ?t E
ffi x 'l rf r
ry . E 7-
.7 HL
L0l I
fi EJ
E 6 13. B J

E E l14 E 3

.21 I

?r E
L I z1 t0
ts t
l tE
I 9



.l t o#>>>>>

e 7 J y 1)x+'eFl#ffiLf t.+, R:r!.f Effitr+.i:f,!.-c1.

* T, CD ? Ef, L. -C . n7)ysE L l irlo. Fu { r. d'?.t' x ?.1,/ r."

n a) 8. =z-?Er{ (
fft-c'*. ./ dnr,/Jt."

n b) ffiEo)t.l*. #C f'-143[E^f'5:{
(western food) ?s,o

T ) c {4{. tr
trfHt"t. { < {L"
n d) F':fr( . lR.:^. L.r/Jr,.o

u e) ftl*- iffi'r"A* btrll'z.s!.t' ,Epf r,.o


W 'tL J?')rtr
)r. u Lti+. ' , c-
trsoa-ts7z) |j.,#4 u.
i . BA,,\r 6=ft:c * T.. #EBtf- E
EWE?EI-HT. ffifl {" ffi* {16 i. i r&rtJ#'l'
Ei c
ls- 7c {L Llffi-, \- t- lfrffi{ f L/;" : : {.'1,. 4 {L4-'{L\fu#
ffifl-l*. 4E ( * r { u' . Lsee''>Ic" b 8. d'r{ {.
E( * ffiL|,- L* =fc1L_tb" 40)/.t*. ffi-r|?f+:"Cr./.,->
l{". t, t tr"r /t,fEt. ,: l{trJH+f'Tr.l f,t't" *"#E
r.,*- 1r,.,)Et. E:/(.. l t+:ffi(""t'*fl LLl"
T L. Efl*. l*t'5.u. D/.:o /t'. if:ffi ) ,"
* rj-+-ffi. t blJ ltrr*'r. tt'l L->'c., x.r z'>l t t.' l o

#t;l(+ k+xL (. zqExi'll++ #ffiw.-rI t : {"

b " b E 2 7 z("#lr. #f*: ffi( tHffi ? BAffi:=aR t-'cffi
L{r.. 6 L- +rft./:ft+.. 4 A.'tFfi#f+:Hlu'*},1 lfl'
S: H"cu.*'r,1 t, ,1ffi"HL/" 1 L, Wtttl4 'rfi#
/'/" fl'rol i :ll-r $ t'.1 LLl t' i.

rc i+f c
:i il\Etf Japanese equivalent
Effi anecdote

e LYffi,lvzc. ;R)HF l-Z t.

a) Efl*. *af6t.r,r t t+-Ht'a"l'*Tl :/ffi. /tl'*a::

T1L . i zJ."

& , 2)

*f, a,
t,fu <

. -?--UKElz-r-.Q-. ,':,:.
- """"' """"""""""""'># 1
::i::,i.: . .

o+tft bi,Rrdr\_q!414l_1?_.u_\:1_t_!_ti_?_2..............>tr2
tli::l '

,) :( _(_ ? i{P_lF,;*
_4 _
. . ,. "::::

a HDrlt_3_1-. ...:.'......:,,i11..'::..:.;,...,:rt::'.............'..........".....'...'># 3
6lJ : :j:l:-::
. ttlt-E)uteTa.

PIf6 ::,i..::::t'.)



s we learned in ffia*r) fg+,lffi1, Lesson 3, there is nothing better than doing a

homestay in Japan to understand what a Japanese family is like, to see how "ordinary
Japanese" live, and to improve your speaking skills. On the whole, they will treat you well:
they may put you in the best room they have, cook better (or different) food than normal
just because you are there, try to take you to places they themselves may not normally go
to (e.9., a sumo tournament), and they are likely to shower you with gifts. Even then you
might feel uncomfortable: your room will be smaller, you might have to eat food that
looks completely unfamiliar and unappetzing, go out with the family when you don't feel
like it, etc. You might even resent the fact that the host mother doesn't give you enough
freedom or privacy. As Mami says in 3 of the current lesson, howeve it is very likely
that she means well, and the unpleasantness you experience is most probably a mere
misunderstanding, just as much on your part as on hers. lf you come to a point where you
simply cannot get along with your host family, discuss it with +EIft, who could make
arrangements for another family or another type of housing for you.

Making Apologies

mericans and Japanese don't necessarily apologize in the same situations. Americans,
for example, always say, "Excuse me" when they bump against someone. ln Japan,
however, don't expect to hear lArtlv, ft+Ltrt [,fi, etc., on crowded trains, platforms, and
sidewalks although you are pushed and shoved allthe time. Japanese don't usually apologize
in such cases, unless they feel they really hurt you, e.9., by stepping on your foot by mistake.
On the other hand, salesclerks and service personnel in Japan would apologize much
more readily and profusely than their American counterparts, at even the smallest hint of
inconvenience they may have caused you.
Also, Americans don't apologize when they fear some legal or financial disadvantage
that might arise. For example, in a traffic accident of which you yourself were the cause,
you are not supposed to apologize in the U.S., because apologizing in such a case might be
interpreted as an admission of guilt. ln Japan, on the other hand, the person who was
responsible for the accident must apologize at once, to show how sincere he/she is. ln fact,
the presence or the lack of sincerity could very well be a big factor when settling the issue.

>>>>> fiZ l-7r=U-Offfi I

O !-1r) Y h\71i7 1" U -Eltu E t,Ct "


-4YY *r*J ):'"u.*T"

t i i
Jd&.L :
" I9 I , .: l a"
=-4/v LZ- +=ffi#'(" L"
*a , : , t'C.'oI"
I \fr=-{>_-4u_l:_1{1. 4#ltrv 7 | 7 vt#Llu. i t't:E ,
.ffiFst: + 'tl """o
t& , : -l" <fr,cF.ffct#={[.6 0)tr:- ,\ft.{ { ( tir | 2f:
L+, L. F_;__4t__!__l,tt" 4{t't:, &E( *1"',[:{:/Jt'. AE
: ''FC : / o I - -li-? L_a _HRf r t..
r,lYV i 1a*.},. #t-i.iffiffL j i t,H:{I,11l. :-_u'#
*a , : t1 ,1o"C.. !. ( t.+-m* {'- t/: -C. ,{z}n - >lT l> 4
15 ffu* t": *j[, { * {d.
z4Yv * !.o
: 4{L.6- W:'Ei:/: -C a d'ulu'F$. ,Z'tr1-'Ct' } j t"u'.
,llv 1.. fi\f. b * L/. z{ttt,6-s,?2!I t-l"

.l t t F>>>>,

e 7-+l vh\ ++ffi^#ucu.

w++ffi 1-+ v , 'Jrx l. 7 r :.'/ -l*.z1t,t1.4,{'- l-Itt"
z-iv -Z- 7 ) "e1.
w++ffi i * ( r.:{*T."
z-+lv H{fit'T." L-- tr'l' *{". FtJ-{trJF"Iffi b *},.
w++ffi 4 {t/ !. !. {"T t ......" : F. zJrI t f , *d ., ffi{" i#l- I,
I ,11 ! "
z-iv 4 i 1T,"
w++ffi 4) t- t, . 7 - + v , ffiH. 6 +#frX/J !. rl'' i zJ. o'c.
o'C. 6,c l- r,. * Ll j.
z-c)v -o ?

w++ffi i. 7-+ v,ts*.,6= nHt: { / l-- 7 r, rt&,"

r*E +fiffX..l*- i r,. ibtr) - l4r*ff:r-c'c.*a
*fJ ,1c( { 4 t r /'t . t'.*a-> t-r r{ *
A-i:v i L{......o
W+4ffi 7 ) Y r1. t+iBL/,,\F L-'{L'Ct',t'- ffitZ h+
fr,b"ir" ( rA,<!'I i /Ju',t-To"C#,Wl-I,11l . f
/.1 < ih\lJ. b : / 6 /J t. Ii (" L/.
z-cv Elb * L/" , L/ 6t'u'{"Li i'o
W++ffi1 4 )13./rr" t:f b. 7 ) L*n{.
r r* '-4. *lL
S#F 3r,. ( tT J- ? _t;.EA! I L_/__s t . u. , D !. ('- t- t. i . "
z-qlv S:fr4)T.Lti'.
ffi++ffi 4i11.)tt"
z-cv D . 7c ) U * . 8. Fr8: ) -tv L * T.

w++ffi 4 i t--c. ( /!.. zJrJIl.n r tatt:r6 LHu.*1J"

>>>>> ihz F?"=U-ffimI

e7- vlr\:H.=t cr\"

H ff: * r"
7-+)Y *r* i.
f,: {/ . /J !. />r t', *t"
7-tv E\t:ffi-x=-tt [. i b ) D/J [.'4,/'t . ' ,i z | 7 r y -*
.:. j ( tb{L {> ,. "
Hf : t* ,t<H ?
z-+lv : F. tfrUtHAcE-/ '("H.l +'>I t. ) t'n'R-t.C. .
lAE*/.fffi.l " I T,'cU.f -cIl,"
to F ft: i LEfo{IEID. 4 ,r: t ?
z-+lv 4{L.,. : F$& , fr.}ffi. 7 4 7' -:-C. z
r6- j , l..i; . l,-c L /r,.tTlJ o1*,a ' r{Lt, f :/ L"
f : E*- * b rr/J!.. o
z-+lv 4{t,:, ilfr,cF. (". r.T:,.(*jif,ffi,11- fu. j-:.t
t5 / u.-c"frl /4,1 ) "
F ft: 4iIi'r" 4fL6BA*b,*. bF/J!."6d"

e ZneFUCUlc I - 1 i/ !
, tr lt {"
-4Yv ffirfzlTr y-S.t . trIcJ ){J.*L.."
E S: 4)?
t4/v Kr 7c )fL. i.fSr(t./t,. !l tA,'C) 1,, &!6t
L-E(ra. ir.L.
H fi: L t )Er. o'c - ffiJi;-*'{FJffi :' ?
-4/v +-ffilfrf--ffi$[r.
1-cf v - -t ? tl^t l",, F+ffi l:'ffi-l: :. E[. : "chfLL f : o

Hft: {"de" * A,It,- A,0)z ,,81,'6- m) "D/

(,. ? El^* ,{. 7>.,r 4 ) ,H i l .

-4/v +{E L / r. l /J t.., { ./J.

Z_+)y : 4) r. Lfu/u.a"

.l tt #>>>>>


I ,
r)v,8,:L T

4EE )
* n
rU 4 ;.

-) !r :

-,.1 Lb H*
H*9 ,8, . A {L
+: /'c ft
*v, o \

'c : T
l t

ffi a-
i'i* 1 I

# HZ ?
'#.' ,h
t: Y

I L 27
t ffi' l I

if\- L7': 1 o)BUt (5F : il.rt+Ew> t


>>>>> fiZ l-rr=U-Ofdffi I

7r. 'ffi- , tJ -C. i ffi. ' n '&- {4 /: t {" )v F
k ("' , L -#. * k " )v !.
kr 'i( -C ffi ffi #';p $ + g { ffi
ffi , i !r ('r Xffi I
\#,b rf: fi 'L;6ffi.A
* o -' A o :'i b T. -
'-o {#9#;E;A'
g : # " l M F" )
: .:fr*r-tJIi/i
:- i:

{1 qJn Fq. l- ) EA
f 'C U !r: /r 2 " ffi
't 'x
!r Ii.11T

ji't ti t r. {i'i; i ,;
)t ./ o a) y f$ _ b ri " 1 4\4
:i H U !.i o t a
454 v= .' 1't
L ') ffi
L h
rtL # ffi o I*
urm !r T
) +. fHi,#G
EIUt Ekf- t+ r
Tfr t At #ffi
('T#"jAl;-u E :ffi

/ #, b r * )t:.Hrt
: fr.v
+. xE+k +:
( l lv fr ffi i)
" FE T Y *'C. / \'t /( 5
G ( : I' H E )'t+ =S
'; ft M,,' tr ffi l L
3 ffi. Lr. ",f < b 4
"'lH 1- T qr

* : 1I- {L,E'
'; t U t1'tb fH
4 *
U Io ^" t*,i
" {" i I: /
'l .h, I( =# r L k #,:

"h frr: b
Hf. / b'-o (.
fE Y - - - 'U L\ 4 : l l
# -o : g i
.::,; :r
j's'+''i i H E 1rc*\ H,)
tr1.: 4 Li i:ki":
ti fi iI
[: zc'2
,? t :,h, H E-U ' -ti E
3fr ffi -'oE 5 5 t,E
jL3 ) ; gr:i i:'c
Hi1"-o' u1

" z : 7r " .
l ffi l ' ) t, )

: l- lt, :R r t',f; '

-c',2 I - El L * l- {L {" t
1"a7 ,* + f|' L o \ft H

IE leg; foot 18 S'il. * L,'r,- to be fussy; to be overly
"t_ critical
17 side 7 *.,
E mouth
27 fr,[Ft to endure; to put up
Et to butt in

o ltlv Jil1 a "1.i to kid each other
(' g V(past) l
rT to live used to (do something)
*tt [>>>9t-/]
t/ [fami narne] *ti

i ffi younger brother

tt lfemale given name] - .,
f Yt' Hffi,b gesture
7 !' short -1 ,,
+.( +ffib (hand) gesture
2ff' approxirnately ,(_
? I'
1 t- fE difference
:"7 to spend (time) 't"
4 (t) various
r..;( thing which one has just
learned [>>>*;]
14a to gain; to learn +r"*r<t*
'z ffi ffi tlu '
Fl: actively
it ,)t*
4xw smile (on one's face) (-:) llnt 6 lpafticpate (in -;
r: t'
iD) t to suit; (something) t;.T .
h6 to inquire l:HHi 6l
becomes (a person) F
ls 7tYffi, Americanway
Ell 6 t' cheerful cttl
tz Hl: always [:t.r]
+b L r,. kind; sweet
lwritten expressionJ
5 ftiF.
to be concerned about l
Ea (something) returns

ffi state; way (a person lu.i.l

r'c L I
does something)
Itt.t ?
t8 m: to understnd; to be
YT A to express figuratively conyinced

-( t./ such that; to the extent Lk u. the end l:#Ki? b l

+th -c. )-
t}tat - [>>>g;Z- Fg]
ft#fic to make amoYebefore
+EF the middle part omitted the other person does it
10>v (in anticipation of his/
'&k she
her move)
, a -f
r. h.,t, '
wft to melt into; become a 20 RXlh different culture
.lt t

6t tr ll/n
Eil sphere ffFE: without limit
lr' t. ll'. '

D)'c personally Llit.,with ffi+ result

one's own bodyl
Vi 4At+ miso soup
-t L
for reasons of
f- ( -/. not at all
Ht:*6 to be too much (to *,


at the end [:{ l:]

rtr +t <

(-)fr: irht 7aundry

,ttr (something)
bothers someone; tl't, gradually
(something) makes r( b clrr' L.l,
someone uneasy Bffiffi spirit of independence
itt -
ei t'
l 16 to caution; to warn; to
(" to fade; to decrease
advise fEsr.' to regret
l: Ftl L lt,
w advice 34 H true [:*]
,' t rlt
'fEI r ( many times [:lEI] ffitl obstacle
(tf'* ' la! a5?
tl EL r. critical 37 F ?ffiT to weep; to shed tears
lrt rlt
HC behind someone's back ft tt'| a-l . by no means; never
o ,

--o - in whispers; secret ffifr(r) wasteful
z rr
tat< . r
#83? to speak ill of E4 days
(someone) Ji l+<
'&.w the latter part omitted
lla to be lenient 'tru 4
one's thoughts/
)EWT to be unsuccessful; to impressions
faiT l|"vq
t t!.i XR collection ofessays
28 use L:fE). l ^[.+u']+a
t' r+
40 +ffi,ft+ first year o Heisei
29 fr?( to catch a cold [1eBe]
>>>>> iliz l-?r=u-ordffi I

I.E,. z.Wtrt s.EH +. *fr s.ffi

6.B z.Hl g.,E s.W ro. ffit,.
n.lD/\ i Lz.H 1,, ts.'&k t+.ffi rs. fH
16.* tz.* 6 ra. rffi rs. ffi : zo.f c
21.^ zz.W zz.4L z. !. zs.kW
26.tFH zt.ffiR ze. .41+ zg. \ s0.ffiffi
31.8 tz.E ss.#ftf zq.Yffi,7tr

L.'ffr z.W 3.* +.Et s. fr'l

o.HtrT z. &:'T e.' g.Kffi ro. fr )
TT.Y rz. Fffi rs.Wl) t+.Hffi,\ rs.ffiffi!
16.TJil tz.4{t re.ffil rq.EX{LEil zo. H
zr.ffiFE 22.ffiffi zr. (" z+. ffiS {r zs.ffr,1
zo.ffiEft zz.'hw za.fgXF

This radical comes from the shape of a house and is used for characters
representing kinds, parts, conditions, etc., of houses.

tl tEt ft rd

.l t t #>>>>>

1 "' - $Lff-lrr ,/ ttOTllI ='because -' l#l > . z >>> rd: l H: tcrutrt' a]
ltr >.0 >>> e<gJtrnn t;n o]

a) ft+. : i L I lv-et ." f

(What happened? You are late!)

Y4. : T 6*.-r," )
H. tI J, L t-I L a t:X.. tffit7). tt -> l ,oTl '
(I am sorrSr. It's because my parents called me just when I was about to Teave the house.)

b) ++.(*): i Lt" =1J' ffic/J.

(What happened? I've been waiting for half an hour!)

++.@): ',. e)," c*r; . (road) ( .1,-ct.tltvtitt,"

(Sorry! I came by car but the traffic was incredibly heavy lso I couldn't help being lateJ.)

f ,r, -f,J= L#t > .2 >>>trt cura:ttr]

a) #fr-o ) 6l=ffiTt I /f . ..
(One should travel while still a student.)

b) #lt,t ) blifufr L'C. J " i

(I wiil get my study done while it is still quiet.)

c) t,t bl=fi Llt. a- LL'ct6 ( t r,.1."

(You should do what you want to do while you are still young.)

d) Bl: tt r:. -ir=ff b r.- ,8,r. * 1.

I amin Japan.)
(I would like to climb Mt. Fuji while

e) t(t"r) Effil. -c'c,t- *:.

(Time flewby while we were talking.)

eded..i'a.:l,a-tiyq:v,,erb,'f.9,r,m;f.ex,,,r-. es the,, g1 ,,
something hapens.'

f ) * bE( rlt,t)b|;'1fr->/l.!.f"L l"

(You should go home before it gets too late.)

g) : Lz)''(t'ftabl=ffi L*T.
(I will do my homeworkbefore my mother scolds me.)
>>>>> itiz zz=u-rm I

3 ttt Xfi,Et$='n weighs on one's mind; to be concerned about -'

lffi 't > . t o >>>fl ctaa ua]

::r..In,,this'construction,,X'san,b'either,u{r-9r'a,p9n1ene.o-r1r ne!|,,2-dl:b. t-4,$ry,bi+.Q,,,;:,

a ) Fr',E r) *t "
(I am worried about my grade [s.)

b),$ - 7 4 ++.Xffi,. +m-i t *tt !-)tfi,Erc l *I "

(I am botheredby the fact that my host studenfs family has not even written a single letter to me.)

{r'>> VTf) lffi t > t.t t >>> u(lEnaul*l

This phrase can be used with either a negative or affirmative predicate- In a negative sentence,
.",itm .:eanl..f (i'-rnme.i.trow.n. a ffies,' In an afrmatile lt,nce';t..1i ,tne.-s@

a) a l,< $tt), t'll.,b4:Ff,t'( ( / t'"

(When you don't understand no matter how hard you try, please ask your teacher.)

b) i 4It- aV<bL*r,.
(I can't tell a lie no matter what.)

c ) l'( t'-B^nT'>f ./ !'.

(I would iike to go to Japan once, no matter what.)

ott ? l='inadvertently; involuntarily' l# t > t. t z >>> ?tr1,vu r :z]

a) o'C. fr.lJr,.: ?tttlt:H6 :
l 6.
(Sometimes, we accidental say things we should not say')

b) ffi l,-c, .(- Prffif3f L * u l.

(I was talking and lost track of time.)

$ o" Nl,?It='to pay attention to -; to be carefulI of -'>>>.n' a?lttr] > e

lffi I

a) E##Tffi. 7? t v l' E-..?tt( ( /i r'"

(When you speak Japanese, please watch for pitch patterns.)

b) A: D+. ur#Wz
(So, you arc Teav ng tomorrow?)

B: ) ,"

A: Ds. -fl2llTtJ"
(well, take care!)


ft is used in many'idiomatic expressions in Japanese. The following are some of the expres-
sions containing .

*. -ll,1?( ='to realize; to notice' (cf. Lesson 5)

c)^^ -t;fit'2:f tf .t-6'.L/.
(I didn't notice the poster on the bulletin board.)

d ) *#. w L L T l; ft t'2 I / , *n,l o 1 lt, t> -ci L /

(It was after I got home that I realized that I had lost my money.)

x V(plain) + E='to bring oneself to do V; to feel like V-ing'

e ) ffi B W*fuffii 6*nt--r t) *, l"
(I don't feel like studying on Friday nights.)

f ) ?,l:/rftrf. mtt.*T.
(You can do anything if you put your mind to it.)

| >,> V (plain) E*tmLrl,/,/ffi+to ask / reil / ask lsomeone]

to do [somethingl'
l#z > t. z z >>> uctr ) t dtffi t t,r'rl lffiarry > !. 1 6 >>> nnaa * : tr]

. -, i :, in this, cgnstructon,: indicate!, that jt, i-s an indirec1

-q.99tg, .9[ a coryqand or a requqsf, [V,,,;:
".(p, prqsent)'J't : i J is equivalent ro.,a- n-.w taiitqupi" .u-c;,tV,i',itt,l.'

a) ft4t:fffi{?t. ( !. / ( J l;*Eur L /.
(I asked my teacher to wdte a lette of recommendation.)

b) *r A, : y = ,,t y y * t.
- +ffi,\
Tt. t,t. {: fx "
(My host mother advised me not to go to school wearing shorts.)

c) +-ffi * -c : lc 1 < 6 J. ) t;ttl,t"tc"

(I was told to come home by 11 p.m.)

$ rtt V(VOlitiOnal) lt=,when I was about to V, lfr2>.tz>>><rLr51

a) 1,{- l'^l1I a1,/. rffif /c"
(When I was about to leave for the department store, it began to rain.)

b) ffi'e'.F?Ef,l.r- Z ) t t,-
lfrr l"
(When I heard his voice and tried to talk, tears came to my eyes.)
>>>>> fiz zo=u-re I

$ rto (X?.)Y< t,lf='X, to the extent Y' l#uw>.a>>>...But<aurtl

:::',;i'.,r,.,'like t*I:,'idicates rhe degree * "itt*u,tirffi'*irt:,is:n; '

, , 'r, (or x f). Ycan be a t-djectivc,(.g,, r$li.'( ur("T); an'1. ,S,f;ul"i rfrt' ( a i

a) T t y t:f
-c Ll.A,c,.6 (". iffiBAffi
b < l,+/r tr("f .
(He has lived in America so long that his English is almost better than his Japanese.)

b) r,4 i s/ ( 'To(. ff^ft/Jtr< tf'L.

(There was so much food that we almost could not eat it ali.)
c) EL&|Jffir>r ( l',:f. BA:*Ltr< \('T.
(There are so many ways of reading Japanese names that they are even difficult for Japanese.)

,, Th.,( t . phrase.can precede, the. situ;tion'it,.isi scriin,ii;i, .i'Y ( "f

'; 1 : 1
me1!rng, however,' is the sam-e, as lX a-. fi -(, $ ' l'1.; ",' . :',,,,'
- -

d) . ffi,Z)+,I*EFffi ( 6 < trH L t.-6T"

(This reading passage is so difficult that lto the extent that] I almost get aheadache.)

e) i8,/ur< rr(,r. ( K: 6.
(There are times when it rains so hard that you can hardiy see anything in ftont of you.)

f 0 *' V (plain past) Ol='used to v'

lffiary > . s >>> E e L tE or t. t 9 >>> z tlor. z tc]
.::i:r..r..':..: :.: ;r-::: .. j'ii ::,:...'.,:- : .. ,.'...;t,, :

lV(plain, past) ] is used to express something one used to do in the past, to reminisce

a) ffi: i- I ( # LII ,h'l,tt't"

(I used to fight with my brother a lot when I was a child.)

b) ;l(#ft*- J ( rrl ( ruf, Ut{ti"

(I used to play hard and study hard in my college days.)

11*' V(stem)/c( lffiafi > . t t >>> grt<oE6Ei]

..,,A,suffix lt atahs to aht4rted.nmt ofverr (stemof,*'. :,f,oqq):,agd,mgaqs.hat

a ) ffi, tT ',s Y ,*a!' L !..
(Bread fresh from the oven is delicious.)

b) hI) t< 0)/<Y +t:F") t( ( a- t..

(Please watch out for wet paint.)

.l tt #,>>>>

a) ,,, yfr,=

(El't t.r'ffi ? L r .. 6 I : When you are bothered by some-

one's behavior and want to com-
ilrH : b i - Ta*,r.^:)
$a 6 e c .rJr{,t'1'" plain about ig you can use expres-
sions such as l> i L-(t.l
#,1,(rtt* /rh"" l*-t|.1,i., c -'( ( *lu
f : b- tA**.lv" ,r.7)t* ( z'c"Cl- *:{. ", { z -.C ( lul r- ?, etc.
zn'.cW*12" 2:You can apologize by saying f
illEl: i.t- ( *E\. L*1" 4 *, ," c Iu, fr" ) ,, *, T
or T.*'t,. ('-L*T, etc.

b) "'P-TE >>>>>[ffir]

!r.: 1z Y l' ,. * rir-a.

l) v t : -T r,. EH* Lffi=#rq e, t \ -c,
t l,'t l, *. -t I $ oT T fi,
3 : - o)'Cf . (-
" is used to give an excuse for your

ft.: El , * l-ltt" n' ff< /J /JrrJ i


f-U<<Lrta4. 4: When you want to ask the other

Iiv| : *t,r. zn -fl,?l-l *t 2" person to be caref,rl the next time

or not to make the same mistake
again, you can say I lr,. 1,-
J. i i:l,t ( t-ia, 47). tfi
2tl'c,h, D +.l-f ia,
1 ,,,E|-lbJV'l
- ,{z:r b_ *tB+. i-^t,tr4 l. 7 r }. t)
-*a& A,^r. t a !.o B
6, (

I:*JU'* To 8#l*. ]-ffi? tt,tI t,->To),_ r')E ( ->lZ)tTk#,

WI-t r,." .ffirKb: r r,, (roles) ^Wt-'c - t
'Hl-ffiH L /J !.o

f ,,,jV-rZ h,-l7r
e E#ffi0)ft,+.t e,, EAffiS:ff L a E*/.,xai f.L I ) tr."
lF-c_ 74 7 frLr.. 4{L' | 7 v Z"t_A_ .fhtr' 7t:##.L
I * / d-l "1 T . )

J "' E-wJVI
e L 2 y 7 b 7 v 7" Lt r,. \,- rXJl.-c-c. _ ft+.L++.*#Z L t t..
++- t -r 4*. ," -EF f 6 r,.i:l,ff? r,.{. 4 tt.6ffiEfsHr,.
{. 1.6.
ft. 4 i 11'" : a.t.zJ. 'F,'c il{ ( / r,."
++, t r._ ft?r l * "

e ,{7: t->'C.. llB^frct :Jr-a77 4 L/r,.. " i .tr:-tr.(_ fH+
L/ ( f {. L/ ( / ( {. t L-tl-Ir,.._ Eit-At-
/ ( / r,. . z - ffiH L /J tfLll't. l * .1,.

5 *'fF)t
e L 4(.'ffiL:/: ..>A- lft*+ -^77 4 t-Tu-,/ L/ ( r1..1 r,. iffi
-'+ f 6 FX. r,.o
"c". t,. /J

.l t t #>>>>>

e z-+ly0)^7 | 7 r i. t) -0)*1 *r ,rffiL(r,.*T. CD ?Hr.t_ *.

NE L tfLO. F-] { t.ffLr^' x ?^fr !..

t like that l:
',t > )l -*a.t1"(" thanks to -
!.' rJ
J==31 to smile t'ffiT to begin to talk [:t.l ]
t ,
t-c, Ys'i s]u
$lllllftt. washing dishes +t enough

n a) :Jrl,:1. z-+lv-T: * bfr:Trt!.6 L!.o

n b) :-it,ffir
z-i'Y1,. L't{:=:t L{!'.
tr )c t*. ( t ,0)+E\1,Lt-"
n d) Z-+lvtrt7s- l.i:ftrrr,.o-C.\,- L!." 6
tr e)*aE,t. j.
rj7)+ffiT: <XE ) Ll."

lvtU)r^ J=,cT
BA:E&YL{t. 7./,) rt )y.t:- IBAti{"1.J tFfl ( . l#Lr,.
'c"T.l L_ rffE/. L. L- lr,.f / i,/u''l,(.'T.. {4{.' ffi L{
( /r'l , . l,rr\tLffi\-'c.<{L. -6u.f /J *. 9pg
uF,,{L. Lr7c i /a'" FH*. .C7 / t) rt t* De). fl-El\u.s
,& ( r.o-C. lu. -- Jrz I uF,e'fu a ti ^kL , / ( /:llfr.'.

HHJ:l,flr*. *t'u.s,)u 9rr-H,{L L!.o

4: t't/ . ff 6 /J t'. - "May I taikto you in English?" Ef,.
il. LI 4 ) . fS:. ,Ff,sxt"Ff ,s z1#-c ( !. 6 ffi . . {Ltrt&
u't u'io 41)E^^r)ltffiffiHt-lu-a; ) t' i a L t.. *^
'A Z# L / t,. ffif A ,1 t . ffi :. a {Lk b {L L - lFIf . u. {" / -F,f*
f 6 l,.i" $t,6,, 4A,/: .6- EA^)r{" aL6ba)
/a'. rfur'(u.6 j ] rf,f*tr; u. i 7./ y lt ),,*t ( /Jr."
E#'r -c* 7 ) t) h )x,t: L -c"c u.t/J: *. El^^./.El
#OL{ ( {tr[. !. i a LI7c i . fiJx-'. /r 'C". {t.u./!. ,H:
( BA#(.*F - 4 lHr, # l-r' ,tr kRu-tffi.t,E1( : r
et\-o :frr.0): LJ ( :({. Hffi-c"L'c <{LEA/\r,a'
,L / I i ("bt- * * . Ba#'C Lk ) Lr t-ELfrnss
7c {17J" t.
BAffi(" Zr. < {Ltt . ffi H^^fb /r r. k ) r, .
Bffit-i-t/"L6 a | $ee-4 )l" fitr-'. l=-v-y -:--L -y-r-
_y-f -7) u. ) i rffUfr fut b-f . Lr."

- {,'
Jo v E'a to stare .,X bus stop

l'i fu f -/3 . almost rrever


.l 1 1 F>>,>>

o E Al t r v / 1) JJ L&#lr : etr4 . w2 tJ 7 l-v v J v\.




uluei )tf

. -,!5ffi-!SHef&; """""""""> 1

. -r1 < 5 rrm' ajgJ__$ll

.Maffiar{ffi _u-)fr E-r_"

tt.. D

Medical and Dental Care

n America, when you want to see a doctor or a dentist, you first call for on appoint-
I ment. ln Japan, too, it is getting to be that way, but there are still some doctors who do
not accept appointments. You just have to go to their office and wat for your turn. Pre-
scriptions are also becoming fairly common, but if you go to a neighborhood docto he/she
might still prefer dispensing drugs himself/herself.
Health insurance is virtually universal in Japan, and it covers dental care, as well. EY,
too, should carry health insurance. lf you are covered by your parents' policy in the States,
however, that might cover only emergency cases in Japan. The wisest thing to do would be
to buy health insurance in Japan. Most of the time, premiums will be reasonable.
Before World War II, Japanese medical science was greatly influenced by Germany, but
since the end of the wal American medicine has become more and more influential. As a
result, you might not find much difference between medical practices in Japan and the U.S.
There are, however, small differences here and there, one being that, in Japan, one's
temperature is taken not in the mouth, but under the arm.
The Japanese, as a rule, do not take care of their teeth as well as Americans do. Preven-
tive dentistry is not as common, and orthodontics is not as advanced. As a result, you find
few youngsters wearing braces, and uneven front teeth are not unusual.
Doctors and dentists, like teachers, are always addressed ftfr. Don't make the error of
addressing them X fu !

Food for Sick People

hile chicken soup is probably the most common food for people with colds in the
U.5., in Japan sick people, especially those with digestive ailments, eat okayu (hot
rice porridge) with umeboshi(very sour and salty pickled plums). Okayu is easy to digest,
and umeboshi is believed to have all sorts of healing powers.

>>>>> fil-tJ 2 rc 5

e Z-, . tJl.Jfifrt#+ lrE+ < fd "

z-+lv : trH"
Jr ff : ti L* L/". H&Hu..C".
z-f v I u9 i,{_ ( l:i4 :_z_!._-g!'?-.-.,,:-nr# H ( r':I "e.
zJr ff : ?lLt|u.l* ,tJ" L o Lfl^ffin?Y 7 r-'ct'fu'/ ir"
z-+fv: ^*,.

o=+t'., #r)Tffi : <. ftfiiffi4El-: c ( '

zJr ff : " i l,t*J ( b * Ll."

z-iv : [tt,.l 6. u' ( / b * Ll; l . * t/J'ffiu"4,-c"T.

dr ffi: 4 )." D. ttr A'tt:-'C. 6:lu't.'TD+/J.''L 6"
$u,'C-h\ f t. ffifT l . t *'l-."
z-lv f^ttaHu'*1.
dr ff : (ftr?r,.tlEL/s6) : f-l-. ffi7r'Tct ( . 6. Tt.3_;__6__&/+
rx='t t "C tJ"
-!l-. D +,
z-c)v tr.. ft. i br i :'"t'* Lt.
zJr ff : L - !. o +E *+.a>ffi# :Ix a *
t t e) "c. + ( xn'!ft -> r ffi 'c ( /
L. do

7--t)v *!.. 4 i124)

zJr ff : D +. *af,S:.
7-v ft+LL*r.

Q !-1Y v, E.tfi<"
E ft: i L* L/..
l-4lv b0) ). EF (' !.i. e'FJ z ( {As/' tt cl.ta"i-s. -. = Fli
.t- +* [ffi ( /.c'C"
s E ft: 4 ) 1."
9-4/v +rJf.l)Lrffi/mu. l-1" 4{tt:- u9),{#!rHr. K:,{ L* Ll.
E ft: r. l * ,tJ" &.1* z
.4fY b *. , b,
*. ," 4 {ut:,
E ft: D. L o "H'c.a*.1- i. t
( ErSFfitl-c < t" u.. .
10 f: f b u..i,fit.'cTd'e" .l{'T #kH L * Tr'r. -Fft
A,1a"c ( u."
.4YY - El-*E{'f ."
E fi: !'F. -E=81. '-.t:EftH L ( /- t,..
9-4Yv /n\J,, * L.
tr s: 4 {Llr. . - B l:1nq.. j su. Ua ( t."
-4lY [ ) r.j ->'ClaJ1cT""
E ft: ## "T i .
-4YY #* i L/ u.!.{" L !. ) '"
E ft: 7c )-r:1^tr" t i-frl'. fFJk

^t > !.!.,("T. * -. =
Fl 1.ffi ' zJ't'-4VJl t tt: l- { *d ..'t
6 E i -c'T." ElA,,\ e, iaz.g__('_6_-u-_:1 A,l t , t.@-lt :
l-4/v l,.?.. t6t."?H ( L/ffi. ,$x l. 7 r i, -* ,zt(F-t ( ( frr*
t-T" 7 / y rt D+- .tt'?Or.l;J ( 7+ y 7-/ffi.a*.Tl .
E fi: 4 {L !. l,.{"T }.
9-4lv f+I|ffi"/-u. r. {" L } ) .o

E S: 7c )11tr" * . ffi 6F^o ( bffr_:_rul,_IC;- tI __b 8gi!

rd" (". -. =B(.'T ('l6 Eu-*T.5
9-4)v 4 iT'" D+. "i ) bl I :'"u'* Lt"
E E: *at$: "

--' *U,-r*r r. U I

e HCf9 -4Y2. t ):E UcU"

*/L: f )l,Io)"
-4)v B *{d.ffir, ( {"
*t., b tr&' -t- Cffitr A'tr:Tto / *. ) r'!' o i t' ffiW ., :
ffi. l "C 7) . | " (*'.L. E l,:#T .)
td., . H(":'"u. * T.
. * l,'o

& , Ft*. i "c+-^7 4 L{,- 7 )' /\E++. A,1:6

rffi ( r b *.l- "
{t': t l..o

f,*t'Ts. +n-r u.t bt| : fi,!'./J .'{" L ! i '"

ff: 7c i 1l tJ" . B t!+tLfl,i- 1/': /, ,r)r.

-^*e' {vt
( b * Ll. 6_ =H*/ 64r,.{.. * Tl .
ls .1 (9-4yvt:) =H+Ds"i.
.4/v /r.D if'T"
't, D. --H*:filt.*Tt"- I 1, ( *FEt' L*f.

ff: i6ffitJ?
* , : I v/y v LF L*T"
20 *, ff: I v ly v A,T*J" 4 {Lcttt- -ffi: E^ ) 4--"
td , : ("*. Lttt *" (ffitlJ6")
-4)v i bb- ) ..r,.* Ll"
: r,.[.o .c" ] lt.oitt. t, i *u.-C(. E[6ft+., -L+f'f r(
6. t..? [.n('. ! "
/ .r
2s 9-4)v 4 i f-f '"
l& 4, : I- 4yv ttt - I't , Ll)Et'l,'u\da"


dffi(")e -'c^t-
i F ;Y q F, t Y
r,ffi - {"
A ri __. ,
- W l
t' /=
-c M' tr ,.: _: i^, H # t
!' /i +
r. "h ii J F trr ) +'tu ^ h/-" u t' .t ffi:
? A *' r k
f5 iii
L? H H ? I- i
; ifrrF ri ftffi
!- ,':' i
H5 ( , r'l R D .iE;l
t kE
' :Z-oTfy-*t'ai,
r"it9t I

dat, str,T+3 *
fr r
6H, "z,if ,; i:\iF=;S
rn ft -- /
L f:4 L - r: H(
E !r
* +i Lr I L o) tr ,{ :
"C L,Z' a- ;/: t:i

t:. \ ul
f,? +g1'H 4 'g i:"
r,gV 6+r
i t 'L


9 i'

l-{L? +i I i
ffi;H f r; k' F i..rFt'
t ;i * ,' 4 ( * x
1 :-c r,-..'+?, 1tf y
rZ ?ful
kAi;';?,gl L i.'=
''oi"i:,1^,! da

?zibtrZ' 'lT" HL
!. E;i,
tA" U i) tr ,!'
t#,! L
S : / 6,1 I -C"

^ a h aH t '- 2 1
:l L\ + : r ,r
#F r t

# r* #'' ( I . t ,Ei6x*
=L:,*/tJlUr,? :
. 9#ffiF{, r*c ii,!o
b 9F--:- T t e' JiH +
t- ffi rr: tiF

65ci something affects one
ffi t the condition of a negativeJ [>>> J'l- F 2]
disease or illness
Y7T- sofa
# L6 -.x.1,
to complain of ll'

t ,tl feeling
10 rL( to throw up
3 ffi complexion
E# doctor; physician

f26 to examine (a patient)

a 6'l 3-/- not much; not enough
[>>>*t*,/- l-'1] 14 ruEt map
T..u' u
l' because lused when 20 *a=F: T. ']r.:e care!

tra, 1 i
3,fEI( somehow 13 nRH-l to take (medicine)
b.u' to feel tired; to feel
langvld rs i'r. gargling
o oit throat zr
ffi., soft
6ffi,aLl to swallow 22 t'lt hot rice porridge
ttr u. -aI
frr to feel a chill za (-;[Lll/Jt.
u? <
nothing canbe better
? .ffi appetite
(than -) [>>>Eiz- s]
STffi diarrltea ttu'
2s l6 to getbetter; to recover
rc# medicine from illness [i.]

-Tl L'2 lu
6 to get up D*m suddenly
-tr f
' c
l,a) -cffi grimace E'- lpolite verb meaning X6l
rt' ltrlu' +
ffi tooth patient
r- L ' -f

6 E[6ffit Ozaki Dental Clinic u +.( to become Yacant




Japanese has arich system of sound symbolism. Roughly, they can be subdivided into two
categories: ffiffi (phonomimes, onomatopoeia) and ffiffiffi (phenomimes, psychomimes).
ffiffi represents words that imitate acfual sounds. English has some of those, too, such as
sounds that animals make. Compare the following:

b,b, Sound dogs make: bowwow ts,.l, Sound of a gunshot: bong

:s-t Sound cats make: meow l*-/ if / Water dripping.' drip, drip

- Sound cows make: moo L't- 'e H eavy obj ect falling : thud

ffiw I! /v,/T lv I{lIlt tUL,ttc

ffiffiffi are words that express states, feelings, mannersof actions, etc., impressionistically.
English has some ffiRfl"-like words, too, such as roly-poly and shilly-shal/y. In this lesson's ffi
a+n lFfl:#l,wehavequiteafewffiffi,ffi, suchas b b, L < L (, f,fl",4tr4,and

There are three important differences between Engtsh and Japanese here. First, in English, if
one speaks with too many #Effi or ffiffi,ffi, one may run the risk of sounding childish. In Japa-
nese, there is no fear of this unless one uses onomatopoeia specifrcally used in baby-talk, e.g.,
b ,b , for t. Second, English is actually filled with verbs and adjectives that originated as
ffiffi or ffiffffi but are no longer regarded as such, e.g., slam, whack, flash, slick, smooth,
plump, glisten, etc. In Japanese, on the other hand, many ffi# and ffitrffi are used adverbially,
often with the addition of , as in the following examples:

bb()ttr to have a piercing pain

L( L( ()ffitr something (usually, stomach or teeth) hurts in a dull, persistent way

,ttr,( )HFT6 to ask questions in rapid succession, i.e., in machine gun fashion
tQt4 ( )trT to talk in a subdued tone

6b<b()trr to talk noncommitta/evasively

>>>>> fift|-fd ? f 5

t 1, * ) ()tFt r< r< ()ffiri

Third (and this is related to the second point above), there are very often cases where, in English,
complete different verbs are used for related actions while, in Japanese, one and the same verb
will do with the addition of different ffitr or ffi#, as in the following examples:
tl rtl rX,) to guffaw <'r <'rx, to giggle

t:*-> LK) to grin ::t,, to smile

tl6Ll t)
ffi <T <T'

:f : t r-2t-22


I tt' 6(l-tLl='not much; not enough' l#l > t. >>> < t-rdD a tctrrD]

This expression is always followed by a negative form of a predicate.

a ) < t=fut&L tvi:Xfr' b i 816.

(Ifs not good to complain without studying much.)

b) ffifrffif. ( l^r/ut.
(When yo are sick, you can hardly eat anything.)

/rr, ^,{t[r/t-'perhaps because -' l# I > . >>> < t-trra/ettrrrtr]

i, -. l.':r witlout .i.SrVe1 a reason or a cause,i-::,i.i '..,,

a) yst /Ju. ttft+.o)Ltl i tt "
(Is it because of the teacher that students don't do well?)
l l:'
b) lFr,,ftL1)rr:T 0)J ( /J!."
(It's not good to blame others for your own mistakes.)

c ) 4 {Lltfr,tlJ.
(It's just your imagination.)

d) ilffisffi.r/tf t,r. ftfr,sl."

( [He] looks dispirited, perhaps because he did badly on the exam.)

e) ffi*ilffirEL.tlrr_ ifr.t&u,"
(There ate marry absences, perhaps because the final exam is near.)

>>>>> filtl4 p lc 5

( tuErr]
J >o' V<Lf{,r='1ry V-ing' l#'l > t. I >>>l:

This,is a polite,form oJV tAaJ.t1,,Snce,1li,,lir,s,a,f.o.1m' ,b-qo.rneo4highei,

status to give a command to someone lower in status, - r r,. camot be used by a,si4tus.J ,i:z\t:,.9,*iE, 1i!-:;...]q ti,.::iilf.,,,9 !*:r{rt:=o,f},,:V,.4ra'
,/ 1., and is used, for example, by mthers in talking to children.

a) rlLI lTlvtt. : #:/ b *T"

(Go and rest for a while. I'm sure you wili feel better.)

{,,, N <tl l#,z > t. z z >>> r)ro < 5tl.l]

N'(',6 1., in this case, indicates that,N is th ininimum fevel, degree, et Gg.; eqs st,,lightest,
etc.) f t. isoftenreplacedby ( i-.
a) f/J.t!-F- 7-7" (ur: L/t.t'f.. L I ).
(When you have a stomachache, you should limit your diet to something light iike soup.)

b) -St'= r# f ttt /J t,. 6l b * T.

(You should be able to write at least the kanji you Tearned in the first year.)

5 rrt -liff ltZJ*lllt='olhing can be better than -'

l#z > t.zs >>>tt{trtrui aeao *u,r,]

',r,nii einte is mostftequntry,$wittr the plarn, present t"4ttfUfiof;lti$;

a) ffiftF* Eru l,ftz .l*r.

(When you ate sick, sleeping is the best thing to do.)

b) BA#rffi{ !, i r: b ttt'->l . B^ff < Eruufz t rrr ,8i t.

* 17 t
(" + , Lfu1frl,t, tft-> /1r.. !. ,E !. * T.
(If you want to become proficient in Japanese, the best thing is to go to Japan, but I think you should
first study proper [i.., the basics] in 'A.merica.)

$ ttr E E='as one wishes' l#aryt > n a >>> B t f rEi*r)Hr]

a) fts*/f./:, , ) ea lil. 6 r l. "

(Work general does not get done as quickly as one wishes.)
b) A : ffiX* if.1." l.a-ct.*T."
(How is the thesis coming along? Is it progressing well?)

B: .tJ7).F. .|fg1/ ( (Elc(1.*T.

(I am really troubled because I can't write it to my satisfaction.)

| ,r, ,vl{-'lstend to -; to be apt to *; to be prone to -'

l#M > . z o >>> /tu) 5 urlrtS tr]

a) BAffi,,Lffir( ffia# f f.' /Ju. Lt- i t. t{-El^Ert)tf bt.

(It is not unusual that a foreigner who can speak Japanese a little can't read or write it at all.)

b) 7 ./ r, '.* * b rb t: L/ -;-- -o
(It is better not to be too modest in .A.merica.)

a) o," ffitrlfrir >>>>>[#t]

184. : 7 -+ v A,, ^ ) U* L/o r)f# 1 : When you notice that someone is

not feeling well, you cansay W
Ttz'?-1" mr-'cTr, fir/J i
z-i'v : T{x,,"cTr" erc.
,9 i ^ ( t:.e /l.:. !fi7)t'ffitr{,
Tr" zr# v*t2" 2 : Some of the useful expressions
for descbing symptoms are:
ft\.: ffii ? -?,r4i.//, (, , *r .,

z-+lv:ml/J!.i'T" , El, etc.)

-rff6 (#, , ( L4, lt
ftE. : Dr . Bl*+ \ XE'l->(f,t. ,etc.) ,i

l.-Td" -t(fr,ftfi,*r.,
z-qlv: ftL.. 4it-*.. -:fCFffi) L(r(
!., ffrr t.,
ffitb 6,167)rl6
ft.: t*EFl: 3. fifz)sfft'
3 : To someone who is sick, you nor-
mally say lt$:.
--tffi1.14?r'c5 |

| "' E-wJVI
e ,{ 7 : r b - -g+. i -^ A*X: / b /J !.o g+t*.l'?
t.t- E: HffinffiH L-C !. * T" *H#Lfr,-c ( r,.,

tt *-
E head '
trl f f
# medicine u.S/J'ti r)sfl 6 to have abad cough
{l;J thermometer

f ,,,g-IVJVl
e ,{7:z b- -tB+. i-^t*- 714 *d& ,tr:/ b / t." g+4.
E f :' /J !.t. *d ,s#E^: * 1" */J'/ < a+t+
nilrtr/J!. !. ) : L #HAL * 1" {> I !.o
rltb i ut r).
Tffit 6 to have diarrhea
i Et ,lrtT 6 to feel like vomiting

J "' A-w7"V1
e ,{7t: b- -rHaffi{.' 7 t, h^++.. i-^r 4tv-a./ 4 lE
A,,\#: t\t!.. z ,, ^rE 6 ( r. BA^,,,mL{!.*T. ffi
i [.-rt'? f' l*/J.:-ffir,.J 'r.. r,.r.1. ffili ( /'l/{''L/J t..

e'<7 ,=h\, lL- Htl+ffi1) a ffi=wt? !. {# Lr. /J ,.o

e t1)ffi. :ffirWt:-tr.{. -'+ f 6 r,. {Fy-E* /J !.o


e BA^x++.Xk_Ls# L r !. * To cD ?f,L. r. L t t?tr.O. F

-( t'*?,ll'x ?.d'l l,'. ^o)y-ttr

rLr .l
Effi to break one's leg C J- C :e - [the sound of the howling
.'bt. di t: I feel sorry for you. [:<
I sympathize. (r) ironic
'L i
ffiF-T A to break down

n a) a-^1. il:4r/; f/'o

$'r' ti

tr b) HY.t*, i' r,,\{.. . lEl

n ) zEV4l*-
c-^*. -ffit:7+-t,-ft-> /c: rb"

n d) z +-L{1. :-.ift-r.
n e)'.zJttft-c Elt- Kt,. Ea/;.
n f ) , 7 | It., zc0)E- -E+ trzJ,->c" (.: tobe fixed)

>>>>> frlrt4: /t 5

127fi w
t. U lri. '
EEI (ra0s-tstz) a , 7 ./ t) dr#,xi 7 1 . ).-y
iFlA^*l" ZrlJJt -f y z l. 1[g1t--C
(l,afcadioHearn) r,.

!.t- th.r,:4grtffi._ I ) - /.->ro HHt+{.x+ (:4 +.'-') 7.x.


+) #.Ll r. b 6. ^* El^r^E:ffi (.. E/ .ftI+. ffi5


L/ll'. b l"/J ( . E::r,.(; < ,o)ZF.r.l" 7 t y rt

ffik^: { r. )x.ttrt-n;_ '.&i* B("t{" 6&"e^1,,-y
b" E
.L/:,.- v d- RfTffi.L{ r./ffi: . lfrlvL{ Fla^: / b _ i

, y - I ( .-tIl. BX+t:Jf r,./;flElr\t*. a/J EA^

J b1: Ht'ff r16b. /\-v{:IEIDt':/" Lalrr-'.l
t+t. HA^:/J LAt:R( ot L*:/. - t;-vtQffi, lbb.
FIA: / , tr-'l ,cll Lo /;. i "tr*fjzl. /J !.o

-l I
+f,.'cr' u q
t a tl
to love l^ # standard of living
* 1'
ll?t tobecome anataralized {Et. low [*1.]
citizen pri t i
fi t salary

O ;R9#,tue. iE U tl 0) lI O, F : C tt b 0) l- x 2 trd U. f

n ) )\-
)\- v tt, #ffi.i- Id;: Ef^.fa,
a "

n ) ur-Y1,.
b 4 BAu\: Y ,* /"

n ) 0). El^{. t t 7, "cl ff >{ta\,-6"

c y (

n d) ur-71.
- 7c { .:t.

tr e) EA:cr.{-m L,Er/7)r2/o

o F. v /uh)fh\

1', '11
URE No o

Errors and Laughter

ust as Japanese people make many errors when they speak English, non-Japanese
J naturally make lots of mistakes when they speak Japanese. Making errors and learning
from them is part of the learning process and should not be avoided. Japanese people
might laugh more than Americans would when they hear mistakes, but you should learn to
accept that because their laughter is well-meaning and good-natured.
Loanwords (or ft'lFH

r oday's Japanese vocabulary consists of three categories of words: wago (l1"+o, i.e.,
I Jupun"re words), kango (#, i.e., words that originated in Chinese or made-in-Japan
pseudo-Chinese words), and gairaigo (tl*F", i.e., words that have been borrowed from
languages other than Chinese). Most gairaigo come from English, and their number is
increasing rapidly. ln this lesson alone, we have seen several English-based loans: F4lt, <>
! =), Z/ (- l'., I t r-, etc. Loanwords are troublesome for English speakers because they
very often change their shapes. For example, many words are cut short. A good example
would be l'.1v l'. (from toilet) shortened to l-.1. Loanwords frequently change their
meanings, too, as you have seen in the case of <2!
=7. Loanwords undergo significant
changes in pronunciation also. When you pronounce them, the best thing would be to
forget they were originally English. Pronounce them just like any other Japanese word. You
will then not only sound more authentic, but will be understood much better.

Japanese Attitude Toward Foreigners Speaking Japanese

efore World WarII, the only Caucasians who spoke Japanese were missionaries, and
even they were not all that good. Japanese people therefore developed a mistaken
notion that their language was simply too difficult for gaijn. Even today, when foreigners
who can speak Japanese are no longer oddities, many Japanese still hang on to this same
old myth. When a foreigner, especially a Caucasian, suddenly speaks to them in Japanese,
they sometimes just freeze, i.e., answer with a blank stare, unable to say anything. This
might be particularly true if you go shopping at a store where you are not a familiar figure,
or if you stop a stranger to ask directions. Don't be discouraged, however. At the university
where you are a&#., you will definitely receive better responses!


,,,,, E##ffi1

1e7-+Jt. tJtJt;Ucul"
7-+lv Etac { td.t-l : trtb b * Lt.
dr ff : ,/l (.-T..
7-+)v w: Efr/\E.r\t' ,f:Tt. 4 L i ^ -- = Bffl:f:
"f "
di ffi:
7.-v 4o)i :u.f T C* ,t,-ffi1"
4\ ffi: 4{11?
A-+lv *. t. t- ffiL( t. ) ttt:- . 4 tr,-f / ( / oI'e - l*a
ffru.,^-f t r.. ,"a t ) o1 ->I ,1T "
d\ ff : | | 4 v) lt+iftt..l o"c. ifrt'crnr/'.o
7-v "C. Q )oIcb- t '7rt l4 i" Dr. HE4'rt'f] * L*
i ) o"C ) l1T !"
di ffi: L? )t')btI'Ut"
ts 7-qv f*{WoLf :{- ll4 vT" t y' v^f-r/t,..TTj
:. (
o"C_Hffi.ft.: _ {c . f/v\htol 6 , Z-C. "
dr ff : ..,L?
7-+lv $ h!h- fl' l*+^-li/u',1f J o'c.o/ H:rt'l-
[. ,{''T"
20 dr ff : . Fryfi:#)Et:{u.
iH&t++r '>"
z-qlv 4 ) t "1T "/". -ft^ I *a
+iftr,. j #rH. = A,t _

J& , * lt"-r*j /"

,B:t 'I4 i1"

di tfr,: bb, 4)f'tIo /t:-,:o

.l t #>>>>>

r otlFo)1 :t2 . r]t\-y. Effi)ffiloartrucL"

Etzl-Y :F. 7-/ y rtE)&../-tv { =I,ctrl *"

trt-Y flrr B4a" j : if' #Z , l- L ( r,. L E,-t t.. l r,. t A"tT .
s ffi ffi: ^.i. Lliti L(("Ll i"
rr;l- Y !'
)lFfrkH"c. mansion t:{,r!. /J . T:"[. e, U t-'c.t- (-E
!. /J !. L4 ZI t L l,. ,{"T"
H ffi: ## mansion . HA# l< yy = y) L 4 lvt:, ,"ATtt "
10 r,r-y i- . t.:,u. * T" tffi mansion { !. j *. ,llUi- x-.r. t) v f-
rEFElt,{. u. t ) /. .1r ( t ( rimx-e , Es zo
30 btrtE{.'Tda"
ffi: D+. E-zy! a y t*. L":r.*Tde.
Irt-Y : f. 4 :- {"*. L/ : cl,'C'1
ls ffi: i LllvtT."
Irzl-Y zc,)Er^N/.: r,1_ ,ER. x*.c 2 y_:*, rrvtT"
tr,l-Y lABCl,s- l. +i 7 .,1- l' * ("rHr- L * Tl : f rEffiS E otc A,

1l t . :t'{F+ b !. i Lt . )Effi+r.
ll A,I" 7 1-
D+ ( (-"vy = YD+b, *t,..1 o'ColA,"C- KoL !.*
t / t:"to

tn Frr

{l-l- I f-'r-l

t-T-l D
rT-I tr b

,",, E#6ffi1

Q !-1Y v. fi3-=Ucut"
*: ) - 4 y v, a 0) c B#T.r.,+ tt:/.-:Itt"
!'-4 / v e)f{>/Jr,.l""
-: 4 A,t a L-c'C t ,4 , L a 6 - Trt - 4 / vItJ"
-4Yv t ) n)/"
*: 7 y,{. B#ffi\frffilffi. {4sffil,t.oI?
9-4/v '
nrte-1!fu_.. u.J'tWl,'cIt,>" lfXl lfl " , r ./
,1. -2f ,h'7r"t,"-" Flf j (.6/Ju..4,/td.

-: B 4,,\ : ffi L r. , D / L. " /J

" : *#,EEl(" /J u. I "
l-4)v -c" El^^il,EEr" / u. t{". { i tI+/" i ?

-: *,b4il""
9-4fv [#! fu:4 trff{".
#,n* r I rnr ffi'tJ - ,+: trt( tf'

u. ,/'.

-: Ai l?
15 9.4/Y . lD} i /fru.fsbbT -6,{"El://.
*: "jr.1aL"
-4)v flJ*'. EAffi/ lfl'i+4("j-l .. l*+4r;'.1 .- l*ttl+
/'j .- .!.bIi? 9ffi2. I'mastudent. la'tr"
iff{r :.
-: / 6 ii h"
9-4/v f . {4-c o'c 6, -*ff E.l r|ffifr#: t /r.

-: trffi*s/,/" .0):f,YLt44., b,4 i / ,E i .

lr.lYv tflt:ft*.;Tffi:x. lu.6: Lrl..*T.1 L. li6ffit',:/J b * L/
"j .b/J!. . ftTL: ra!fuTbtr" 6. ,'EL : j"
2s -i 'c"de" 9ffi;-: aFl-u. j" d )t:. abook. books. the
book. the books !fuT- l, l.r t,frtb A,I7r.6- 7,1,.- {>
i /\+ rffi+ o-c -. F: { l' b t' 6'lla'} "
l-4/v D_ HH/:. Z{ttt,,t",-t t#-C#t I,"
-: se)( ( J !
.l t #,.,.,

'&.J f 'c.,#, : -t
i ffi i a #. ffii; U T,
!r rr a
; T
b r'tL
, L
!r v '= o
7 frL : ffi, -('L l* f+ i) |'t tt, L

H; ('bh il'

./ :'i " ,Htl" ''.(,
'i, -i!Ei t; i'+ 1.

i A. F ? T ff ) r\ '_ 2 !r 5 : tL -{. ffi.

*')t-l** I H'
ffiffi # Y 1rt f":'+';t''
r/=H+^'i,ji ;*';i 4i iiH # ru
iE#[Ki3t i fr,.\ +2.X
# A K b z'
* fo i'/r +/ #^'
' :"'t
t-: H ' + g: A t
ffi l ,* { t 'Z ' .: ^ t fi
? t*i q i*
7 , 'i ffij.
*ffii '.#I.HiryL+?;+ i,., 1
ffi BrjB U o rt> H -{. rc o - , ffi.
ffi2 /:ffirfLt+. t_.'+
!\ I A * I U
!. +. i F
4 7c o) fr / 2
H FF b A i H #. , ti,,
t't 'tfr U 7 -t \
* rlj {L * I
2 : /
l t [r Ll ,) +
o) l.',rt h
b flH, t B {.

v {4 Hl

r\ r:. t' i a.
fr4 t # " -\
T *t. :t. )
+. i. L /
S /
F,t {& I t 7c

ftk o) " *) o

Ii *o)ut
^ E
,",,, E**ffiffi1

.l t #>>>>>

tf,'lt 't ,
6ffi personal experience g *a$iJhr,. bathroom Llit., place to
J wash one's handsl
)E*- past
t u t;tJ reason; explanation
'a to state ot ur i rl1.
*"'J U funny -4ffi6
x-ui v
hard [as in "work har']
,t o;
#y+ lname of a templel
F lname of a prefectureJ alcta,
m pronunciation

'- f consderably; real7y; to a t)yl^ Hollywood

great extent r[.o i
11 EF. actorlactress
[>>>*]t-l- t'21 nl..
(' (-)*i this side (of
'tl- living;1ife style
(,-;)S. / - it mustbe (-) x, to laugh

[>>>git-z- ]

|" L.
4 l',zc ,t to be modest; to humble 21 lpl'C. lr whatever eise might be
oneself said; after all
t( .
'1sY-'4 '/ Y thafs worthy of &(t) complex
you, Jason; thafs truly rtt. .

like the great student ffiffi honorific language

that you are, Jason [if., respect languagel
r:5t t
l>>>x;,t--q7 22 (-r) + (/J) not good/skilled
l:trL (at
EJJ particle(s) -)
rfttr' 23 ,F practice
Ef, opposite
T to correct [uf.]

v't si
o F^'tv t'. +-'Y Donald Keene 72 l selstudy
r[' u* ttv
r fr: formally F,merSJ l:ffit't^ /
Chinese language F,/: r.l
'tr t5 , ! u

: (-t:) *
to decide (to -) [u..]
14 tr#f+
F _l-
Chinese food
L-i v
5ffi in those days [: 4 4l 16 4 o)tA in those days
-cf t['u <

3 ma. extremely [written

17 fixed-price htnclt/ dinner
expressionl at'U. $'f,. at most [>>>*;/-t'9]
. tr.,
most of 18 (-:) 'bc ( to come by (a meal)
4ffiL woman t:A{S. kLl 19 (-t:)trD to agfee to; to accept
? t['-
s [H(r) free [time] \di
trlE Taiwan
6 t-'l: ) truiy l:Ft:l E EI: around (someone)
l','b l-l
carefree; slow-moving L.iLi fina; at last

one sentence

.{. t

broken le. g., J apanese)

z T*(r) not good; unskilled 24 ElJff summer cottage
;t( {ri, *ta-
RdE blackboard 25 tE< to invite
8+t 1a
to copy [u.t.J 26 +l+'a to loaf on the job; to idle
ft' away one's time
L/ significant; great
r[t '
t),+ tx
improvement; progress
2? m*.-l
to encourage

#' to notice; to recognue ffia to urge (someone) to do

although - [>>>*8,/- 1-6] it
28 ffiJa) usual; that which was
-fr-e on one ttand or on the mentioned before
other hand (depending artut:tJJf LU ti
on the context) EB ffi anti-Japanese sentiment
rtt f
[>>>g,E/- t 7] zs ||[f']: I . embarrassing
-f- [Chinese lamily name] but; although t:-l?, 'l
ti ut -
ro Hffift Tng dynasty [618-907] [>>>*t-l- l-. 10]

poem;poetry Sr first of all

- rfa
12 bE one day (r) average; ordinary; like
I, l,, ^ normal people
EXH I1brary t( rti
30 m desire
.l 'l=#,,,,.
t tL i
3t 7 y rt
r. L"-i: (

ftW United States of 47 &

,t' a little l:,1,)
America t'i l,,
48 ffiffi view of moralitr
).- A )t v 1',1 North Carolina J.-
;lt- l much; considerably
33 ffi: akeady l: {, ,l l:xl
rYsli-lu tt tli
RffifEI orchard (-)7- "/u
to contradict (-)
ffia to snap 49 'lEffi {, many times more -
l ' 'l'
34 (-)ffi#- to point (to -) 50 #ffi difficu to understand
. r b al|of a sudden 6 itself
+l'27yr cherry EET 6 to master; to overcome
h utruu.l'
36 ,t a to commemorate 5?
-Ffmft' hard [:-tr]
ur5V.i bt* i
40 Jr ?& elementary school r#w. lfamily name]
ri 'rL
f+ textbook rlr
J[\ [male given name]
4t i b well [used when making together with; in
a modest or hesitant company with
statementl ; ;
Bd again
- L'C* for; considering ;t(+uri
Etffi-hl with respect to
[>>>g;tz- ll]
t'f a
+ content
l-ct on the contrary
42 Q'{Lt: t i{, even so [>>>*;.2-tz]
- a.l
[>>>E;z- r+]
? )7
;. r
age -tT'l
t i
as far as - is concerned
(- ) ftt a to be different (from -) ff mountain cottage
t:, I [written t:.ElJ#l
expressionl n.L
-+. owner
44 Hffi-ffi6
l: [ ; l< r
Japanese reader -
t( t.t
l other
4s -ffi,^ reader; reading book
5z b'* , ; to give up
as long s - rIr
-[E b as far as -; fr,wt a

to drop out
[>>>gitz- l] b

vsli v,\'
IH motaT education
ss ffit to understand
.l t #.,,..

1 ,r, Ntc ,/ N z /c l#t >. le >>>,rc5]

a) i LEct- yEll'. b i !"

(My mother complains ali the time land I feel frustratedl .)

b) o))yctb- a "r,: i ."

(He said this. lCan you believe it?J )

2 rr, .l a ff ='considerabty; really; to a great extent'

l#,z > t. >>> : t#eE 5 u...]

J ,l " is a cttoquiat form of * ", which ..-'...,,.:r:.r..-::r,:',,,-.,.'.

indicts that something is of a degree con-

a) E 7 r yr^t. N+E+.I*iff i?) 6 ,Hz(t'6 1 i /.
(Most,{mericans seem to think that university professors have a great deal of free time.)

b) trllj pffE *1't' 6 Ll-.

(It seems that the dormitory food is really bad.)

3 t* ^,1!t rtC[l='it must be -' l#,z > .t >>>eLI5 L uctt-Ettt]

lPt_og..r,vn9....1.,1,s.ta msof
a ) , 2^ r,X.t :I." u- ,T lt, t - t.'> tf #r 4 l' 1. lr 6 l;l r /J to
(Since he lives in a big house like that, he must be real well-off')

b) b4 a*r+ffi? Lr'0)ttt BA^Etr/JLro

(The person who is bowing over there must be a Japanese.)
'L < l:lv
c ) ffiEl: L't BAffitt Lt"l;r/JLt.
(Japanese mustbe easy for Koreans to learn.)

d) ,Ft / t .ffi i[;SUtt t"

(It must be inconvenient to live without electricity.)
,,,,, Ef6sl

Qrrr, Tr(fE) ='ndeed; as may be expected' lfri > u >>> 3-rv I v >reaf

a) BA t: *ff {l,t u. /c i l > c t - f r El4#sI#/""

(Since he has lived in Japan for ten years, he speaks excellent Japanese indeed.)
b) r6B+ft8ll z f
. Trl:f ' L t.?li.
(He is an excellent calligrapher, as may be expected of someone who teaches calligraphy.)

5 "' Ntslvl,lNtcrl? le#z > l.z >>> Jtr !. 1 2. 26 >>> #letvh\ !. 22 >>> O)tO)
*+*.flv< 2.24 >>> *l||rrlu< !-26 >>>the books Etu<]

Both /,. and lA,1 can follow a noun, wittr the meaqing of :things (or people) like-.'
Only t "', however, can follow a sentence. ,'C, is a contraction of many forms such as
tj '- / 'I. tj t. i o)lt. orthelike.
li:lirlr::: lii: 1 li li:l:..:i ':. ,.: .::. :':::, :r::l:::: , l:.. .. --

a ) l;-ilr (t hfii ffi t. t ,Ba l. 7 ) t

(I thought things like particles were difficult.)

b) tfl'll rfr)Bi't,1"( (=tEEtraA)- zf b.tltoI.

(I didn't understand at ail things like how wtashiwa anduatashi ga differ.)
c ) Wffi.b/J !. ft?L: f t, i>{vrz). 6.,'L lvt (:t ) = t.
(Since I was told that it would be impolite if I don't :use keigo,I was worried.)

$ >tt -*0)0)='although -' lffivt > t.s >>>fle)5nra/to)l

a ) 1lffiftfr=+L / OO. +# l-ffifffi,tp * l(" /J t."

(Although I studied Japanese for three years, I still can't read newspapers without a dictionary.)
rr.l i .,!d)r. , t ,/!
b) Bfll+lW.b ),,fi.r$oo, fifflzftrfffitt.L * Lr,t.ct" Ii
(Although Japan adopted western culture, it would not change its traditional values.)
.l t #>>>>>

| ,r, -fr( (f*) ='on one hand; on the other hand' lry>.gf

:aii.i,i t"i'nsefi;4,n*.l;.r: *:Jii'Hu*.i.i,j "r
often omitted.

a ) < q'uffT z.c !. 6 . -'t'. 4r ff x . : r r

r.' !. 6 4l*ido t,4/J r,.o
(The number of working women is increasing every year, but, on the other hand, woman who hold
important posts are quite few in number.)

b) H)KHffi. -V' rf Er v.t)v0)9lL*ftrffi1,/i. f'?. ttRffitrt rF

ffi r ->'c.\. o
(es for U.S.-Japan relations, while, on one hand, cultural exchange in the private domain is quite
popular, on the other 1nand, trade friction is a big probiem.)

8'* FFlD&fi='almost every day' lffiarv>!.91

It means that it appears like every day, although it is not actually every day. .8:'ch:ib
replaced by E, Fl, +, El, FF|, etc.

a) *_v ,*. rfi#n+?-rr e it"

(I hear Mr. Keene ate Chinese food almost every day.)

b) 86ffi' I Erdo&a t:ffiffir6 6"

(In Japanese class, we have homework for almost every class period.)

9 *r.[r{tt='at most' lffiaNl > >>> tittElr-tl-]

It indicates a maximum limit, which is still a small amount.

u r, ) ix (* ti- -ffiHl : tt ttt r-. :5 / t'r' !./'.

", ^(In aTarge class, on a good day, you will be called on at most once or twice.)

b) Et)-i y
-3vt.- lfraIfial Ll,aL- tft,rtrEf. Elf Lr ,.
(Japanese white-collar workers, when they take vacations, take at most four, five days.)

1O * -l,lf b='although -' lffiaw > n s >>> El' L r*bt 5 ]

a) Br. d\ r.El/Jf ffitEil/"

(Although Japan is a small island country, it is an economic superpower.)

,,,,, E#ftffii

b) t r . El r,fEl * r .
(I am sorr5r but I can't visit you today.)

c) B : { , -e r. /J r El ffi ,)- ffi } /J r,. l* ,# f"

(Ifs curious that a person who's been living in Japan can't speak a word of Japanese.)
t', 1 i tt) t.
d) lJ'e, /J./Jr*ffi CD ?Ef,t.( !./ . /,ril,,Jltt, J i : rJ ? t /.
(Although I didn't understand, I listened and listened to the CD, and then I strted to comprehend

f *" N LH ='or considering' lffiuW > . t >>>,1 \+ll-++ e uzm]

a) H *. BA^ t?*tffir)r-h+f T"

(Maeda-san speaks good English for a Japanese.)

b) HHI*. tfltF t,<tr#tr!./..

(fokyo has few crimes for a big cify.)

12 *' Z*t'J[r?t ='even so' la>t.tzl

a ) F-I*Wlffitlffi r,. ,H
( (
t- / . Z tt t= L t, H r. : tHt. l.
(I had expected that prices in Tokyo would be high, but even so, I was surprised how expensive
everything was.)

b) T t yrHi. #Hffigtr*eir. ( I r. ,8, i , ztrt=a,(t, i,,ffiffi

ri I' t.t t, ) tt,"
(I think it's great that American high school students can spend. lots of time on extra-curricular
activities, etc., but even so, wouldn't it be better if they made students study a little more?)
c ) EAt+*. &l:ffi ffi7)o) ,d b (-- ffira' lf u.
" z nEU t,. tr
,-c..$. bt-itl: .frlt./ i.
(Japanese colieges are said to provide time for students to relax before they go orlt into the real
worid. Even so, I don't think they should just goof around.)

3 -" ^,FU ='as far as -; as long as -, lffiat > t.ts >>>lo)fll

It is used to set limits within which the fo[wing statement trolS true. tt generAty follows
plain forms of verbs and r,.-adjectves. Nouns are in J -form (t.r., {+.X.cA a m I l,

id'..rardjeti., either in t. a rorrn,a!,.jr.,,rl .'(i.

a)'c w.q o) tT )$ b 1"

(I intend to do whatever I can.)

b) ffifinr t.FU. +&Hf* / .;r. ..

(As long as you are not sick, you should notbe absent from school.)

13 F>>>>>

c ) A | ,h+.- 'lEI.1' l'9fi1*41 / u'(" l- ) '"

(Sensei, do you know of any good English-Japanese dictionary?)

B i Qt f"{a" flffic'(.t- 6FrJ t'*. BArcofl'' b (". 7, Y Lt:

ffit,-\f !-lt u.,f.'f l . tr b rifllf*Fi t. ) ; b * T.6-
.z'C.b.f if'f'"
(We11, as far as I know, all the dictionaries are for Japanese people and there is no good one for
Americans. However, there is one called Fngana English-/apanese Dicttonary, so you might
want to try it.)

14*" II-CT--'on the contrary' l#afl>.ss>>>zfilrrr5,.a(EFEt<ltD:lt*;rl

.;l* ...aid, poti (otconseeuenceii1l.0,nh tL*,...-..h.'$1..i .'"',-,,:

a) fit.-L -r-VffiUfc, fr"e(//J ( /cl.
dirtier than before.)
(I washed a white sweatr, and now it looks

b) ')'!'
ffiffi,ffi.u,frffifJ - 7t'ZcTillt' / ( / 7 a Llrb"
(When you read instructions for a machine, sometimes you get more confused.)

c ) ilffiHfi t:fu,ffiLT " L -

h' -cT 6 c* 'ffiSl' l :
6 r 6.
(If you study too much the night before an exarrr, sometimes you end up making silly mistakes.)
"," E#ffi1

a)'-lf *,Uffif >>>>>[t]

1 : When you start telling a story, it

A-+lv: #tfrat: { '1,,/ZtttrctIvTT is customary to preface your sto-
ry by saying cf-G6. 't,/
[t 1" ffii.) ' rs c /,'c ll '

drf: ^.i. ,t {"-l-."

or a similar expression. When
tit o) you had abad experience, use ;
v I F-W0>Ft:l t:Tt o{. *r' ,: fdl 't- El : > -:lc ,t (ll
^-ql E), ftEJrEl : * Ll,
#/' d't" or the like. In Japanese, having a
dr{ : Zt\T'?2 terrible experience is conceived
as "meeting a terrible eye."
7-+v: * .t, : [*a+ifti. ^.fJ lt- ,{"-1l
J :(Ezt3- * A"t l4i" tJ+, 2 : When you are listening to a story
it is good to give aizuchi, words
HE.,t,frr* t- . i )-t'C. i A,f-f i." that the listener gives to indicate
that he/she is listening and to
rJrff : -? vt) l, *. 2. encowage the story teller to go
on with a story. Common aizuchi
includes 4lLt?, ? iTtr,,
r,., , / 6 li , etc.

3 : In nanating a story, try to use

sentence connectives (4 l., 4
lL, , e t t, erc.) and adverbial
clauses which indicate the se-
quential nature of occurrence of
two events (-l , - , etc.).

1 ," EI-IVJV'(
r, t/,1
e # t (p.237) fr, (to recreate) t-t r..o -i 7 tt:/. b.
-^l -+l'y- i -
b t r.. #t ( IEI Df /J ( { I t.1. /a'r. / r. fflEl D : T 6
. ffi#$ir 6, iHJ (roles) FWt--t -

13 #>>>>'

f ,,,iliOtv-J7-,
e E6^'ltolc 0))Lt, 1<t=u.l - 4)x.(f)3F,'- V-c. ijl,Z"rr-l
lF b. ElAt' ^ A,rEAffiFt'- l-l .. Ef, L.o f,. T# - l{f ,, 7
),,fcYt:##.L/J !."

3 *' dV'1-2
e XrrfuHg# (B(.'{F 6.t+ffir i /r#) . AEtffir'rlEI t r' t- t i tt,"

"<7 1 z - ffiJo) J. i tffiffiH L /J r,."

a) r-7aY
b) i'v , v z v f"
c) :r?-Yr)vYvl
d) f-rr-3-^
tfit 1l lzrs- J

Y e : 17 x- l. j c {'ffi'c' x"{4t" l- !. i '"

.^g : apartment 0) a L D + / ,.{' L J I .o

++.A: bb_ 4 i-tt,"

lhtl2l I ,t -17 v l' l
e : I t - I z v ^l : {9ffir'
Y. i'{FJf" I, i. I ""
Ye : . tltb *.,trZ"
Y*^l: D+. ft+.Ef,t,.f &.*.1,)"

e,{7 - t->f , J} L l,fEI.*. L rffiffit:o r,.fffi L.r. lJ !'" {E* (partner)
ffi H, : -C. i6 t. (. f-c, i 7 )',f tt l:ft6L /J r,.

5 *' 4tT-J|-,
e 4y-7"t:rlttL. Ela# : -ffiLr,..?ffiL.r./J t.o ffiLu.,fi?
,.-c *; t,l. - 4., 7 7 )yfL t:#*.L t,.o

t rtt E#ftffi I

S "' fF*,
: o-CEF*o) 'a -ffiL (. : r-ffifrt..Z-. 4{tt-?r.{
IEAffi fl r. iEf.:+f t-IxFx. /J t,'.

lfiflj#J r. i r.fFl-c. t_ i zJ'" co #,a?f,r.{. r,."

e, t ('

fi,#R electrical appliance

a) f[rutffi L u- i o) {trJ(.'."

b) 17y-r-J iu.iffi'c.."

c) EA# I I v-f -) t tffi trainer i. I u'* T'"

d) 17y-+T4 1l i. ffir",fElirl,Ji."

e) Electric outlet o) a L - EAffi{4L' *i-..

f) fE#rffi. 7 ./ y rt )',t:tt'b tf t.f.T." ^ i L -c{" 1."

-l t #>>>>>

tH# w
) = - v *. FHtb7 / y )t tt:W'c.t- " EAffiBil
/J r."cEl^*/;r". R:r,.rT C E#ffiifr-r a : L. Y&
nTr ( [Ht/!.f.. lffi/\#.ffi.r.ry a: t : L. H^^lffi: HAffift
+-tr4 L( 6-cl" 7c jl,tll u. i ftE.t*- 7./ t) rt L#.-/;; /
l..- BAF"+&{"S f u.+El^fHffir 17 )yr : ElAffiW.;-
u. f,l,./" lE]ffir)#'cjl,tlJra+fft'c <{L'c- ffixtE - zk.#.
W:, = -v A ,'a-ffiF:. 7c l-'C+*Xt-lt-EIfH ltr* c .
-EIH o)ffi#tt { H.: l;. ftrllftffi.-frrltL+1- ) = -v A
.t ifg#wh b *r:. lE^#Hr,.'cTl u. )ffi.H/x
t ) Jr..t /. ffi#rf&b:-. y' = - yf. "t. Ftfr, ,*fr L r.+Hl
lLfrUr, l i l u./n;t,ftE.:T . fttL ,c ffir.t j
tffi L l;. lElffi. 6fg#l+Fl f,r. r r. / {"- 7 L {itffir. "

Itt.- 9 = - v 1 lvlt/tr. e, t, , = I " L . L- 'fo- t t-cT,/J'c.11,

->Io EA{"ft4:fq#f++Li ffil: *,. *a# 4 0)IJr /#fffi:
d'r{iq /Jld'r'r-lr.l. LFlffit#.--c ( {tI0)b. , =-y A
"r/(ffi El * {" i: 51ffi &E : { *' r. / - 6 t, , a L'c' b 6

t: u.t.iup tt+ftk#-. l
IEL#.+9 individual instruction:
private lesson t:*^ envelope

A ;RYE#,tu e. jE U U I t, ) l- O. Fdl :( t t ) lE x 2 It fd U l.

n ) )= - v1
a i\,|t, r, h'er)'t-E#ffi,$frl-I"
= 7

n b) - A,TI:*. vEA^{!.6o
) twft.Yi:*. J LlftrJes. t, l,"
c 7 y rt

n ) fgx*)E-fb
d .
n e) y'=-v1lr+FlU.+Lr;'t,->t-': ( bL

t lJtu 0)

V ,i..'
"rr* .., ,.:#,'.
\ ",, .::tr.',
v:., ' .

1;lr;'1:'.::' :'l:l':: '

' . .',,,--:ll'..:'i,t,,:id:1;!j

r Flt Jtl ta < ttrS 5:,',,,

Ef f fcsrffi #Ul7v<ut-ti_914_t_l&E-__):__.'...'...>#1
.T lu7,ltTlufil,','l,,,".-,:;::.,
E rt E fi rr pn rrGU*ffi ua
+,!\t t)?o,.o.r'.,d"i=d.f$;,e_. >ffi3
& < L < t r < Se fc, +A*t*l:t# "" " "'..'.. , ... ... "
. ffi lg^cz r^rdu
e 6 qtvo
l* .,l:i,.,'.,:,::';.;:,
:...::::iifii.lli,:,.: irijrliS.|.



:,j -l'1\
II i-,' rl
, . i i_ : "Ir
II ir.t r i-rf tl

Man's World

Ithough Japan is changing from a man's society to one that is kinder to women, the
transformation is quite slow. Women are enterng all phases of Japanese life, but still
many positions are closed to them. Female office workers, because they are not given
important jobs, have more free time than their male counterparts. They save money and
often spend it on traveling. Housewives have to spend much less time on household chores
than before thanks to modern conveniences. As Susan's host mother explains in E 1, they
have more freedom to engage in other activities. Men, on the other hand, especially if they
are corporate workers, have to spend too much time working in the office. They come
home late and exhausted and thus have very little time or energy left for their families. As
a result, mother-child relatonships tend to become excessively dependent while husband-
wife relationships suffer.
l a
the lmperial Household has held in its possession the
ince Japan's mythological times,
J so-called "Three Jingi," i.e., the Three Sacred Treasures: a mirror, a sword, and a
crescent-shaped jewel. A set of three to make up a meaningful whole has always fascinated
the Japanese. ln the 1960's, the new "three treasures" were a refrigerato a TV and a
washing machine. ln the 70's, "3C" (notice its singular form because of the lack of plurals in
Japanese grammar) represented a cal a color TV, and a cooler (r.e., air-conditioner). "H"
ntroduced in 2 is a term coined in the 80's and refers to three qualities young women
wanted to see in choosing husbands.

>>>>> E60)l!

e 7-+Jy, ffi Fdr*Di5. fiZ 1..7 z U-)Eltuff UcU"

7'-+rv B t ,y.t:'l-r - !. t' -t l- + /J u.,".',-da.
$& r{, 7c1t.o L.?l>4i{"Lt"
7-qv L-- 4 i-AtII t^, t^ ) U{*r "Y,tA.,:cT."
jdE /t, YF=c-c ?

7-qfv i
L'(.yJb / u.f,lE Lr L. : L+ lv '"
*& , ft{ L l. r, A.,'c. H'c : /J u. l "
7-+lv L=? t"i L{f'1..
j& , trl ,-:_l__*1 .,-_rr F t,, Lt-Iifrl'lr ,1', "

7-+lv (" . r. "T " 6 ,8 t,. * T. E#I+.*- ftSW*> -tA l>X-'l , r

t-, .,r Lffi.^:fi < A,tl- i? E#f-WlL,,/*a / L
( -C. fiffil..6, HI.sffiSr a Lt--C .4,Ds/r.
$& , >tTt!7 i t . H^D s. lE.lH*
./ y /\I'6, 4 ,/:
A,Lffi.rlt:',{-r ( tt#i Lr0: !" 4ltt:B^D+. *_-{t/+ l-!;-l
#UftJ" f:{. Frg L I =z Uf b - rt )v r -
vn -tfu,1frUf b U'C- trI -c J- )#U,1.6. ffiLl../J .,-CF"cI
/J!. L.

z-fv 7 /, rtDp. #Lttr.r *r-ffifTtl de"

*,& /t f. *1 .Ts B WE =XMe { :
{ ( trLl"rtt'. Z fr,-C.-u. t. ,B: 'C. t "
7t t) lr tti7 , t) ,t:, EIA BA=l:
ffufr,. u.r4, D t /J !.. L 6.
z-cfv 4 )fTtt'" L,:t. b *,t "

r ffi|@rb\ Z; Ucu"
Et+ ra-ffi't. IIJA 'tafrY-Ett > >cl?

ffi [.,.o

Er+ r ( *a!. L Z i rlfltffiDFs: 1 0) " :sff oI ,1 o-C. "

rffiffi -- i -. :'^l ?
E+ i ," A ',,\)[ffi;#/,1o-c" i tr *f L /J ... .
i t** LL'o
ffi !. L.("Td .
Er+ ii, :. . F E L.-ffi,,/a't . rEt,. l+4Et{f;',ftt:k',W.
ffi --i-. 4 ) ,1T."
Ertr -i*- A{ffitrfH+ I 3 Hl ="c.b{vt .1l da"
ffi I 3 Hl ->t - HF.. qX^. YsHr,. fr'YE (.1 d.

El tr 4 )" 1{. *. ,lt:r} <r. L+t$: u'c. x+TwrJtg.

t5 * trtt .1t-"
Hffi 4 i1 h. + otrf,bXref\tll:D+/rt.' E b *'l- jd.
Er+ Hffi ,6 4 i t'- i Lk+ ( F,->l r. "
Hffi . {.'. : frt-'. ) ffi("T. """o

...., E I

e 7-+J 7/l, OL *FHH+Ft,cur.

7-+):v #Bt.n. T-C" t^,/: 3f :{r. ,'a."
# E: 4 )'eT tr. : I -' x)J L .= (F ft$-e tr"
7-v BAD+. OL rr < r) {L -t{Ef,r.t l _ ag("T'.
fr: l*: !. LEi l . f/,Tr"*u./;r.ffiLu- OLIF:f '?r
z-clv i t { {"T." EW]i4'l+.t:t6# x{L'C btl 6 | r ful r.-.(_g!_;_.
l:r^d,r{ 6i tA,'c!."

# Er: 4 {Ltt Z ) Itl ^

z-cfv #E ,+ft:_i4,[4ffiF ,r,. * T..
# Er : r.L._ k)r.t *tr,.{u.ffi4F Lf.u] 2! q:i_l.. Tfs*
, '-ftqffi /.-l-"Eb /J u. ,{"T }
z-iv -ffiffi: ( ?

# Er: = Y" - b .. 1-, xlJ L tr". Hffil|g"

z-+v E)vf * ?
# Er : H )yt . -mN+ fra Lt& < 'c _ +,lJ. ffr\ffir"Td.
z-clv (t.')o)l,t?
# ffr: .. 41t- i4rft$t"T"
z-clv D +. 4{4rt$zftkflt:6 }.( /J r..{"-f ."

# E: . c *. ffr\.ffi kI+ ,/'1,,j ( { l,. {. -fiqm. 6 ffo\ffi :

&a: l" 6 iEr=({r.*1. 4{tt:_ *a( a,/a',
t i: { !. itia>o'c. _ rtto)ltt'{ Er,' i trt:t'ffiffi, x{L a
: / t,l- !.f"10 L'i)'. E+l i:u-robc-c. ( r,. lU

, .8,u. * t ""

z-c)v: 4{L'e- #H A,EH|. lt#ffitT,'CTt."

# fff : ffl*. f/,l$f(t:ffiT6aLtr.->{r.6.. i L !.)ttlto_
'lM.f,f" L a / ,T ! "


F /"Ta)
HJ ffi, T / ! +
\ L I

' k
L^ :
t'W L
; +X.
+ o F k+ F

ll , X '['41
t: :cX ft
k c-: 34 t
F #-.
: t^ IT
i'- u ^
H tlryv
Ylt r o)
'c 4 *ffi 'r 7v

u w.
2 t {" l.

t- ( { MJ *
I -
K5 HJfr
{'4+ x


i -t-,2 D ' I 5 -t-t^
TS#El- #.eD{ \ \' &
*! 'FJUt&
't(.cl-, 'El
25 3 =Lr
f ,r*fr25
+ 2 5 tCrislt '44em ' f
E EE *' '.r_ +
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ifEc %W.!#
E1,,, t
<'u\ 'lt#
#SS ffii- t
tJJ? t^
g22rJ ft# 3o)
Lr). <' b;b-S.n.
',O) f,Ct_ tx
19 T+7 14 1\ ffi)J
"81 ?6ffi t> ,ns

'>>>> E0)t

o) ffiffi. 0 60 2 ) ), z
F &W'/:.;# {
i: W X'Z H

F'i EU..ung S + "'ry * ?:,.:ij,::i.:::t|Q

ffiJ ft [r -c
11 i1:.::rr,,"rr.


14 x ifr )r vV

TT,',# + 7r# H
E6H ffi , iilii:..:1 ;.r
1q "ftfhry iiry, lF
i;;::;;ii';:;:, ; ;,,

't' ;r
lu*t fr'c 15'i.H:ft
F, 1 h1friffi
g# illiii,,.,i(.

, ,ruf
L & ;#^,uffi-ffii

' { r * s ,iil'",,'',

25 !\ !r * o I l % etr ')
# e6 c
i 35 25 L r'o/or
1! t t sl
ffi 39zs
+ fr ,2 bH ..9
^ + .iJo) tiiiiriF
ifiiiii'* :

- {r:
,-,. ,s,
:c c
48rI? Eimr)Jc rr.s on
. -*..'St)-. {
xffi w

t I L /- lr , f,D t % .
tt6%VJ 6 .n:( Cfro'\ lt
'. f:::''

4t, iiiiliir,i.
eF5 HV #;i?'l^ iiiiil:,,l,,
,rl:: .
::'i:'i.. '

0) t 'FE. 5'^:lt'-'9-;. 1iii;rtr,'

4 10r :ffi El 9-nY.
ffi "*E
11 = #%rEo)=o),^.^4 ,.^
fr ffi iBvdffiEHE; @
# 2 0 63lE 0 *{ "Cr-EltrrtEEif

fi KL

ffi ffi
^ lJ #EZgE#tr 't:tt29t''

tta' ^tgfiv Dt0


*vYz) ffi *t 4l
rrty, I, ffiF
t+-i f."
" .0) )v
l- /
rr n l t t) 'c.
f ( A 4
Y 4.f |: o) IEIk1ffi
Inr /^
v lur T b l+
ifr'm / I 1

= )v
: L i-
f5(-' u+-c
l- !rT{.r/f:
9. T , / ^r
i {" o
*l ,,
ti ) 1, ^ L\ Tt!r*'c *
k tb1) {" i)r^b.Ttt
'{"rg "+ T
:.+{t 6.-f

< "

1+k"a)tI (" ^ /:ryl

t=i.u : :rl:Bb

k ffi

,. 1" I'
r& fr
rk * A 1k i:
! ( t
* )
ft. ^
/ {L
; / 1 r 'cba) \
t b 4 0)^*


{LHtl ftr XIX * Lr

r * 1 r Lr {L ^A
A,bft*+.*.+ ft i: + ^\

"bftFrr0)b{..f*L4-ll ' t -/B'

# H + t ffi
jftL : H+
(" f - ) t: B rr : {L +
tr / :
rtL is
, i6b @J A U J, 6 i
-(" * 6 / +t T "c e) i ,B i
T :iH Lr b !rf- " l.r -i
' *i : : *t- t L. 2 i, k * : * j(
.i t ld & ) F" i* l- / ) To /J
ri . : ffi o D ) r lF . !r') :
iH U U : : U t- H l: 2
'1. I t-+ ffib k (

"a) tt
'f t
J+k r
D bB
- "c * r'H
i E, l A. . t * o o lE -c
H ^-c.-r " ffD
f t-' ffi
{.' 7c t.

' +{"Tffi +U.C. E:



i ' * / tT E [(
kf" til ^ c,
b (" h L\ n ^b . :
tT,E'i k ffi'ftt*Fx,HrHl' r
l,.i a "ft * u T L'c. i,
ffi*lTk+T'cffir=') U " ( a b "
f:' i 1.':
{" B ^
I'c. f {L ,
' i:i k 7c !r b- / {" l
b 4 i r. X t l. o)
)J rr --f ( TiH
ffi (" | !- '= '-ffif ffitj
7 ri 4 d .
r #k - L.t LrLu 'c.ffi* S2
16 I /1
iE : Y {L ^
: B . "c r
r. {L
/;{.'* i:'f {" rt A"c"X. ( /
' t * ^ I
!\ 0) -f / L\
4 f: b : I k " b
+ {i8^ t F n a + u
-c" (t !r (" {" : Inr : 1 /
4 {Li ft 6 t * * " 't("
30 25 20

F, opinion Ef da5rtime
^[, s
o *fr() unperturbed; caTm )t'ra * -+-v, - akind of adult
school [it., culture
ro 1.''l- unfair; cruel
tt *'L / l,-t. quiet; submissive tr -
a ffLu' lonely
n ffifit L -l to have one's own ,f-

way; to do what one

*f husband and wife
2t '
pleases ft to keep (someone)
rs within the domain of - tr ,,
..* 22 7./ y fr,
American st5r1e
# wife
N b l: in N's own way
[>>>g;tz- t'z]

+tll' L'u, i
1ft# one's senior (in job, HF, height
school, etc.) Lq)l:ry2
l: F' ry^ income
H+ lfamily name] {<

level of education
DK lfamale given namel Ju
14 x# housework
, tll lfamily name] ot
g{.{' to desire; to wish
L i ,
t6frY lunchbox
lrrc + .* '
ffi fate;karma
4 F'*tF thick omelet (in
Japanese style)
7 ) e'S* Lu' to be envious
t0 616 to be popular (with)
r TH*E ideal
tL i
J tt 3 high's
rrtrr Etf,fcl

(,tt t r'1, tflL

#H lfamily nme] 12 *ffim (
clerical position
t/ :
7 lfamale given namel ,o L making copies; xeroxing
/gl J
r:qri, j (

x)J input ,6 # m rcgr7ar position

u%u' * 5'<
ffi document 7s planning
l+ 51.
4 *6# < 7) serving tea 22 ffiffi, rrracf,tine
t: e'tutltu t v,
5 JIE #: taking turns 25 HH self
( ''rl-:
- although; in spite of
[>>>*;./- F3]
ffiri 6
to continue
2Z 'IT.r to agonize

r*t; E irtD
o ffi( to work Ht ratio; percentage
*t uB'
r[ increase 3- to indicate
tt u+ bc
I WM marriedperson t:ffi{ -F - rate
Lf r. ^l uj'i j i

crytit-t, ,r{t1,+ _t tf to rise; to increase

I I ^fi :7Inl'ffi, a?,v+
D!)D' RM# unmarriedperson [:6
ffi to do two things F L t r,. r u.,,\l
concurrently -a-

't',' ? 9.: to suppori

#ffi problem s+1
l: conversely
zl< r
, frtw)J labor; work force
{,d" t
s )'.lJs Z canbe observed
ffi+w comparcdwith the
ro ,!:f L
previous year in contrast; as opposed

continuously tt' '

'i+t,) !)vi
11 [Tl to decline lu.l.l
tr*.xffi' Ministry of Health, t{,2, ,
2 Wh :?Hr-r+ffir)rH ( /r
Labor andWelfare
* to put together (in a rl(
report); to summarize
n u
) 1,
current situation 35-39ffiE :35ffi.39ffi*('-^
l D
wltite paper
75 xT6 to strt a business

+.ti l.
16 ft generation zt -lJ : l/a to manage to -
t,t" t o[.<
t) r - + lr
ffiffi continuation
ut" ,. r[.cr
t7 *ffi: actually # to close one's business
l r'tB r, .,
18 lt looking after one's aged r#Jdfi a 1itt1e over 10 percent
parent(s); care -f

v sri t lu
+tf to give - las a reason, as
*W.Q) flexible an example, etc.]

tueti -l ilt

.E. <

triple afflictions 12
-ffi *
some womerl

fl\Bl [family name] 13 Jt'/ husband and wife both

{t' o working [:*f'/)r
ffi [ma1e given name]
r rr' {{l.rr.6: l
+ society; world 14
fE one's partner
_ F ,l
- : together with - 6t

[>>>*;t,z- s]
15 *,b # b carein one's home
t' i
industry; business
(-"'l:) *'.l}'a to enhust (some-
5 b" * L,'u- spectacular; amazing thing) to (someone)
[>>>*;tz- t'o]
o L-C toward
-:i.!- tru? i
*.HT to change oneself [:
76 ## holding two jobs at the

same time l:*ttt#
a- ?lEffi:f 6. Ll
<t6 I
T6D 6 to adapt te #L t) suffering
s T,L to end; to finish [u.r.] /JU.
a -dal/ 6 have to [:- lril
to give a birth / 6 / u.l
1g ' ot t:
ta to raise [u.r.] 19 ffi burden
o'. L

husband 20 (- ) '' A,1 side by side (with -)

f :- -ffit:1
' u $a to rnanage all by oneself Ltl

r'g; ud
g#4 J.
wife who devotes
2t ffia holding a lower position
\ -)
, _

herself to housework rt hardship; suffering

exclusively [:ffi/'ll (-:)mf 6
to endure
Lf r. ^l t''iv't?
u (--IT 6
to adapt (to
zz ll: superhumanly
22 ll'rl'T 6 to cover up; to make up sa f ,1-v?Z DINKs ldouble income
for no kidsl
(-t:) *ilzu. cornparable (to -); 3e :

equal (to -) llit., not to - '
lose to -l Fffi family register
Qttutl t- o ?r.
l to respect ft.T 6 to reject
ftD( t:q5r
)J effort 7t to have one's name
+ entered into the family
(-:) Hffi't a to agree (with -) register l:ffillL-C.- F
'i Etu
2e ^Jb being like a superman t-462VL. Ll
ti r,'
[:,,\'!r{ffi ] 40 lEll* living together in a de
o facto relationship [:ffilF
-/ CJl: every time - Lr.r' l
[>>>*tl- F7]
)J strength -m a groltp of people doing
the same thing
i . ) r
to fr,gltt
trt Mfr-T tobreak:up
:z (-;6'b 6 to adapt (to -) ?-L
tf H to be to one's
rll i to carry (something) on disadvantage
one's back u'
t l
way of life; life style
unfair ty /,
,fE^ individual
33 'e) 1,/ not acceptable [-- t./'] v -g-i
34 t-f'T to remove; to get rid of
.S. ( t,. ) to say this and that;
36 -fv to throw (something) to meddle in (other's
away; to discard affairs)
* tt*
, >'t'a to combine 48 ffi:t+t to expect; to count on
sa ,'t$6 so-called

t.* z.Ef .*f +.4f8 s.HE

O.IF z.Y. s.'Effi s.*4 to.)*h
rr.#ffi rz.llF# ts.Ei M.-tfi rs.E
to.ffilT tz.ffi ( ra.Ir[ tg.ffiM# zo.
zt.frWh 22.HrJ'+ffi zs.Lfl z+.*M zs.fET
zo.F, zz.I, za. zs.#W,t: so. =!

er. it F 33. /c s+.++l'/ ss.
to.#h ztJt se.r\F eq. 0.
+t.,* E +2.ffi!

r.ffiS 2.ffi L t,. z.5E# q.fr4 s.trffiF

o. H{r 2.ffi s.'ffi s.ffiffi, ro.'l{r
IL.-llt{, rz. F r.Bffi M.EEfrlffi' rs.
ro.HJ tz.frT rs.4 tg.Y.L zo.:
zt.Efrl\ zz.-E zs.# zq.ll#. zs.*W
z.Mffi, zz.ffi# za.If zq.trfi so.fHffi
3r.ffi* gz.ffi ss.Tffi. M.t L ss.
eo.Hffi sz., ss.F-ffi sq.lElffi +0.Wfrft.

r This radical comes from the image of a house with a hanging roof and
was originally used for characters representing kinds, conditions, etc., of
roofs and buildings.
tl tEl fHt rd
>>>>> E)g1!

I t>> NEftN ^.ltft='N has its own -' l#t >.g>>>ttutt*atr'gEr:raaul

a) #I=I*#,OEirrr .
(Parents have their own lives [to live].)

b) f. {^ f: f:F l* O# -trr b 6 ,1 , * . fH tr,. S ,Ft" ;

(Children have their own ways of thinking, so we should first listen to them.)

2"u Nrf*Nr/Ul;V='lu., does things in its own way'

NrlNt/JONz='lur has its owlr N2' lffr > rs>>>=t*Eaotr]

a) A: t) it"x->Lfulfrl-T'?
(Why don't you study more?)

B : trtt {r. ff//J U |ltt lv|{,cT t\6r { b {*t ".

(I am doing mybest in my own way.)

b) vrrJfiEtr*vtufit|0)Jr) b. EEf*E/c10)& ,. 6

|. - / t..
(Both America and Japan have their respective good points, so we can't say one is better than the

J ot' ^,<{ff; l'F: > . z >>> .r.n<f t c cl''r*ur < tc]

. ', :,,lik,:,'gxreses-the i4q 'of,ja|thou-gh'.l.Ho.rv.gve.r," (,!: exp-rclse-s the spea$.,s,.,,

,,,':fi.ti'of,displeasure, isigui iic-ntiii.irsj-i-i,i.lii* [N l, [r*-adjective+.,r:ff,i.t

;;,;:",,.'t,,':'::',:.-,,. i+;rr.. ,{r,;,i,-+'-''.;t-tr1:t' :n-
a) lH < rf Etf-ftrl lr.l. El.
(It's troublesome when a child does not want to play outside.)

b) TSr< l:1 f S b /s6^t..

(A person who is poor at doing something but loves doing it is a big pain.)

c) *r /Jr'( r,:-t-ftt'. bH i^l*Elb *T.

(It's too bad that *tere are people who have absolutely no money but keep buying expensive things.)

d) N->'c t.6 < I=ffi.L( ( lJt..

( [He] does not tell me although [he] knows about it.)


Qrrr, ^, ??r ,/ fJrrl$T=,for such and such a reason'

f#3 > t. t t >>> tb : (LEe]

,;.,, ,t'
i, isa,eflwra o or' t',1),,Td this ptrase
{o11"*r " 9_q"j",,,,
r,,, ,,'*

a )' r - 7 fuifrtrtfltL t. L ut IErfi Tffiffi l- 1 rsr'+ r. * .

(There are students who don't do homework saying that they are too busy studying for other

b ) B -c" t ffiF -f t ) IE ?
7a fll*tr'l & \.
".11 for the reason of mariage.)
(Many Japanese women quit companies

c) BArA{&ffiiffLt+ 6cTtt) tE?'4/JftS*r}f /J1.o)rgffi

l "-C1"
(In Japanese companies, it is normal for women not to be given important positions for the losten-
siblel reason that they will soon quit to get marcied.)

$ ror ){,EY lawz>1.7 >>>Htrtr*(E:<rr(l

.. ir' :
' : ': '

' canbe,a,nounloiaverb(plainfo{m), X L ::'hirvjirienr4i:,,r,.j,,'':'.,,',,"':,,1,. ,

(1) N ::ttogetherwith; along with'

A) HtrIE T EBAU'trJacb "

(Kyoto, together with Nara, is an old Japanese city.)

(2) N L t:7V
lplain, present) & :
,ffis'tiidicte-s':,thatr:lAqjX:dpp.e s,.grdoe.Y',It"often'indictes that vo changes'p_ro.ed-,


b) +Wi)r',er.. rrt=iu r: r&bt-u-"

(It seems that as one grows older, one begins to worry more about triviai things.)

c ) *rffift trYl\t 7a
(Langtage changes with time.)

$ "' XYlltr='to leave/entrust X to Y' lnawz > .1 s >>>ffitr*t'tae]

a) ffiiH : lf. ffiffir *zt'tf ( { t-!. ,8 i.

(I think we canhave machines do simple tasks.)

b) jrJt f. h,t,v\fr- .o
(It's better not to leave imporiant things to others.)

c) *#ffiu,$' y l. : :f , ffiftrr*
t ) tt,"
(I wonder if the day will come when [we] leave all the housework to robots.)
''''' EI

l r> X/e:V
la*z>1.30>>> ,srat.lcrt f

.ii j.i,i1*s'tntiti.lpr ,t 'io r'r'v- fiar.nali-'1e$,4,a.'*.,,

also happens.'

a ) /EIEI Dff?E' 6 * t'S"

(I dont like to be told the same story every time I see lhiml .)

b) v -V,/Ot; r?- v r )v&\,trJ i," b T6.

(Every time I watch TV, I am disgusted by how many commercials there are.)

c ) B;6tffer:11< L|t; 7c tfu)*as tlHi "

(Japanese peopie by souvenirs whenever and wherever they go on a trip.)

$ "' V?< tttSEEtriFT='l wish someone would do something; I hope

someone does something.'
lavz > !. 3 o >>> ttttht: < ( frlc 5 Etrtr]

a) ffift:r+HLtrt*.ttcT (ttt ,8t,I:f f"

(I wish men would change with the times.)

b) { c X$r)nlg {f( (tttBt,r:f l"

(I hope fthe company] lets me do more important work.)

c ) i tr+tt. ffi.'4,("-'.1)!'6 'lTlrt- { cfrif;l.T (ttt Etrf f.

(My child is just having a good time. I wish he,/she would study more.)

a) "o .8 ^

1.Bl : 7 -+|'z t. H^0)k/.rJfH4.* d"r6 . I : When you want to express your

opinions, you can use expres-
&e 6 -c{t. j ' i:r!.{ i,Hr,. sions such as _ f ,8r,.
* 1'" * T, - : l l'c * l} l',,
-(1,) D r !.: ,8,1. * T
z -l v : f *. ftr * d'l 6 . f{ +* p ) or -(.1,) D + / r...6 L r i z)..
Obviously, when you use -l
rr E,r; sH<. * lt 1" 'should,' you are expressing your
irt/Jtltt tffiry - * u \ t t ? u' opinion in a very assertive man-
ner. Framing your opinion in a
E) lvT [t 1" rhetorical question, as in -,
: ljt.:H..*T or -.t D
rjrEl a 11,. Z n< a h, r |,ttt,rtt 2. BA + t"e l, ) t, makes it less
r{*effi v 77 *. b r!.. 6. assertive.

traf bfr$ti,amf +t"/r b* 2: When you want to disagree with

L r- / U t / r\?. L *. j
someone, it is best to first ac-
lt,h i 1

" knowledge his/her opinion and

z-+lv: 4).C.-Lti.. then state your opinion, as in )
,,4Lt? )tt,6 Lr.l ,
4 TLT ?' fT I, E, 4 {LT,rtU
t. ,Br. * T. -e
, etc.

1 r"r [f -JlrJV'
/< ,{7:z . -z\i*^.iE (R.>aXri. i-^t. 7c{L)E( *{..fsotr,./#
t:/ b /J !.o *. /Jt-'E ( / ->ln'1fr,HAl,Ttt iL*'r. t * r,"

e = 1: 4t r" )v - 7' lF -c'( - J t El -r" . * 1,, HI+.,/ //(ttts { .. #
L.r./J!.o fr{_H,r) z l7 vzlt-'c.*6r,.t. f{" r 7 7)yILt=ry,p
/J t,."

3'* a-wJvl I

,{7:r b. -,,\loL. i-^lE#F:/ b ." olti. *aa I 4Lr (

/ !.{.-. 4 : ?;RE:r,. * 1" 4?-t+:ir/ ild'rt,.t *t'," 4 {L
=#Tzt, i .. FFF: .6 /\fr"

Qr,,, 4tj lV-7"2 -t

- rj )" v - 7" lF -c 1, *. - -c 0) Hf t : -c t,. # L. t. /J !. o

a) :tElf" *. A{* nl1giiHl (roles) !. * T."

b) L+ -e t, lPHlrJ'..boI L,Bt. * T..

4 {L e {L0) tv - 7" t t - : 3 t. { $ !. {.'&'t I I z )t t' :#*. t L /J !. o

5'o .r {-
e -.Iv-z't,-tln fu- *.Lffibk,w.t'f{ ( i !..!..:?!.{
1 ^l- | U /J t.o -t ( l-\, D + / r,.,{.-T.1 l-A,D + /J !.'C'L j .J
i- ,8t. * T l l r E ffi.2f#l- /J t.o

O t>lElf"it. {*f:Hf ftSVT ffi. Etl (discrimination) r 6 ,8,t.
* f ." tt Q i,Bt. * T.. ffiUc-C, th"e , I 70))yIVt:#*, L !.o

7 ,,, fpjt
e [A{* fr+J r,. i ffir. :E?. =.E++ f 6 r,. o)(FX_# /J !.o


e +rI ,ffi r. i B^F , (wife) # L r !. * T. CD ?Hr. a, L

l*'O. F: f t.i'rJ'x ?^d'rlJ r.. ^.y-t

n ) )ffi ,1. :' L*lt:YT a'c 6.

a b {..

n b) ffi4l:^1. & L( .* b1. t,E,:-6 \.

,lrt+ o

n ) ffi'l.^l*. i:BYL/; : Trsb"


n ) ,ffi 'o)H+tt, -+fr 4 I


il f ) )ffi ,tt- ++.ffi1:*pgyt-"


tr g nli
) ffi ,fwr . 4fF tt:7 ) t) tt < r I "
il h) ffi A,c^tr, Ht*a7, , rt,-flr ( Lr,.,
n ) m.L r^ I>##ftE-t i "
tr j ) )ffi , .^r. ffi b HI+.i "
(zffiar+nEltg#i)r D tttr. 75' 5lU
+=ffi z \ 5 ard r \. )

fl W
) -4 y vtElfi:ffi.t E /'.2. ljrx l. 7 r . t) -X):t-
/*. HffiEl +tWwcIo" 'lr- 77 4 XJ:. *ffii.
:. &+rs: ++4u.-c. Fr"wL7)xffi.Tb" .x
ffif+ , U <. lfr Iffil,u-X.rlt,f !. o /J./J.+ lvt5
r. HAF-{EL./J (. #i+Fcbo )- 4 y vt70)x.
:( . *s1,"i;F,< <{L'C- l: ;//trll
t.. ltRl*::jl .- ll4v*:l Lffi.-{(f. *l[E
EIA>t(". l. 4 t, *i#=t L h\. o I
9ffit:- y'- 4 y v * 1.4 vnTrott i ,H:{. l4 vi*("
Tt ( L. t"ZrL* -:(t.. t_ tl)ffi:Eb. -. ,
{#.,:{1. b t, < - "2* L * :t *
*.1Tro:- .1" L a 7r- *
*/i-. ft(- */Ls ( Eh'ffiact#c'C't>, i-Tt-t.
/:'. */'L*:l[.o g-4 yyElo-Cl-*:/. 4W- tE,
r lrE'Tll ffssL/. ^.lr( . r))xffi_r,.::
'c) -4 / v1#o(../o | 4 v ::{r.t=la'6i,"

O ;RAYA#,tu e. -FiE U U ,E, {2 n E 1 O ,2 It rd U r "

[") ) -4 y vl*/Ef,r.{!./JzJ"->Il. ,hz l. 7 r . t) -o)X.:^It_

'C 2l:
+affrt. ,-m:{l,{" t - T i "
I u) ,ElJ:#a{1./Jl... T:r:J (. r'7lt.i-*6 < o),{L
n c ) El.(". | 4 v t"7*. l..l { l,f. ( :
:/:(!. 60)T"

tr d) i:: /z\r f" 7 ffi|, 1. t6r,./;. ffi (wind) t.' L * -ct L *. -c

/ "


*rtE#o)t=7eJE ,lr<L\t,lr<.
...urauraffiHi t0)el7)" ......>tr 1

. El{tuerc.
nv ru'd516F,,
<L\ ,.
. lttt J,, _-;t
l ffi l .

. i
URE No o


Kawaii (r}trtr)'Cute'

n ffi in Lesson 2, Sachiko used the word kawaiito describe a squirrel. The word kawaii
I was originally used to describe only babies, small animals, and dolls, but in recent years,
it has come to symbolize Japanese pop culture. Hello Kitty and Pokemon are no doubt the
most famous examples of this "cuteness" culture, but cute elements are found not only in
character goods but also in fashion, personal appearance, mannerisms, etc. You even see
these cute characters on the body of commercial airliners and many government offices
have cute mascots, so they are not just limited to children's goods. A young female office
worker might characterize her male superior's mannerism as "kawaii ." Once a seal
wandered into a river in Tokyo and became very popular because it was "kawaii." The word
"kawaii" has indeed become a handy word to express one's positive feeling.

Group Society

n Japanese society, the group you belong to is very important. So, when you meet
I someone for the first time, the first question you are asked might be which company
you work for or which university you are attending, rather than what type of work you do.
Within the group, maintaining group harmony is considered to be very important.
Conciliatory and cooperative attitudes are more valued than strong individualism. 50,
confrontation in public is avoided as much as possible. Japanese value unanimity in any
decision-making process, and so, consensus building is sought before any important
decision is made.

trffiE (job hunting)

ffit that is talked about inlA*,)2specifically refers to somewhat systematized

,J!/b activities that college students go through in the process of looking for employment
after graduation. These are for jobs in well-established companies with good prospects and
higher job security, and usually, students start tfrHt) in their junior year. Once you missed
this chance, it used to be rather difficult to get a good job. Howevel these days, it seems
that there are more options available for people who seek jobs after graduation or for
people who want to change jobs.


tTh\fcE. y
>>>>> l-.?)SFlttE I

? e Ei# , tv - j r l-.7EHH[)'J\tlJft+l- #7 1 v 9 : - rF Ui^{i,

17v\ L L- zJrtl-tft-c'-[. 6 o t-+1. * T.o
dr 11 : t,u.. zJra"a"
lrvr b / ( U - ft,8trF###tfrl\ftHn' m^t. t"u. r /" 7 v t {"T"
dr - : b- l7 v l' ,.C"T.. : ,: t.
*HAffi' i tv-2U{,.* L(. f/,*Ba,
^1/vl -2
#l+ l. c v 2 : E r * t- T " Iihr Z Fffi :'c t,'c ffilJ : { r.
LoI. l..!. r6#*df, ,8,:-Ct'-{"T.
d\ il.t : b- 4 iu, i: E,:l#iJ L*TJ"
to iYb b b r i u. *" Eh. * T" "("*- -E*r. Lt u. rc'r?f - ft
*,. ..?rFs L !--f ..
d\ l :


lTvb r\ Ilcii
ffiffiT. -C"
,. xErtw? - +t-ffi :ft ffi*,Et:f{u- * T
I5 (". t1, ( mt.u./L*T.
dr l : *L.O D . X8"

)vl xfiLU *1"

Jat2 t-'l-rol#fr

.l t s#>>>,>

e E#o)*ft'ti;v v '( -' = =-

lr I ! ? , = - U c U . = =-lt El-#!++{tu

^ b0) ). 7 - r,* 10+fBA:{.4,'C.'l' Ll,"("1;. EIA:{,

{"t.'-c. d'r7 t y rt L) T L,Bbfu/,ffir b *-f..
7c ) 1 tJ" : trrL -c L 77 v I 4 /W7r. Ll'zu'.,fTs- 7 t

y rt LtitkA' D t . HA,,\l* Jl)u- ( r'6 ltv-7"'D

"1 kJ"

^ l)v-/,tJ=1.- j r,. t Lzt:fr,{L'C.r,.6 ,,8,1.*f..

ffll f. * . ,,\:ff 1,W"b f 1'. ) it: 4 0)^r\tl\
-C r,. 7r, L !. i : L t:rnLfr.) " tsh'-4 trLFl^^Jr 'ffir tffib->
'C.t-; fi,8, A,1T l " fl'l*ffiP!: Ls^l't/Ju-14 z"t'l
r. BA(.lfL+-l/ ( { , lr v -- i,E':l 61'l- ) J

o'C.of < {L"e . ff li ') LZll't.'t,'irt("T}d" 4{L

:.':^trrS. TCE' - zofr" ffiffi'!
:*.^tu:f#'t ( -C
tsc&t(F bfT':/l'.da. 4ntiL
f fir#"c'L.
HA rE,''I&; ''> I b tJ 1 T tJ"
it"T" (". 4lv-2"F,, t., : ( /t'm * L"
f/'-Ei : l"CTr)f'c1:- 6tJ-lt
FlA:lT: /ffiTt^

trr". ly-/ | v f )uftr- Hh'tJlJ !. L. F,?br

u.. _(__t_1_i_!_.lJt,'o Htl,Hb*. b7 t. 4{LttJ} ( /!' !'l
* L;. 4{L'A777lv-!aY* b * Lda.
FlBlx=,n: b

^ lfratt* i Ilv ) u. ) : -c"l, t ) ."

7 )tr" E#^tfft-kb* btr* /Ju' H,) "1-" 7 ) y rt
Eu-: Jl,F,->'c - *tffiL 6tro{u. ( ,('Tt "" BA^r
4 )\-) a Llr|t':l.t'-rtf"*/Ju',(.f . 'C. -l---e-_?-l
.r_ . 4 i \- i r.r a _4 i_lxll. _1.


,>>>> hrHlE, V l.'t5EtE I

*#ffi*a uz-v\6 rJ \Et D ;Fr)T7 v . ./ U 7l1 t I =- U < ut. v rlt, t#l.l<


d\ El l. t$.Ex{"Eavyrt"*7=_/ *f :f r.*Tt_ u.i"

l,E,t,'* T."
s )t)7 Tu. Er.*i-. 7 / X(r.,1,{"Tt .
y rt . BA-u,A,/

El. f|t:4 ) \- i Hfft ( o'c.f 6 L!. H,. *T" /l

&fiIt '+ ' i + ( - 4 I t'- I rt )vf r -li'El1 )u6,t> 't
.( !. i . f* r ( ) {Ll, !.t"T"

drH BA:. +7 -t'+A,L"rf,f +v L..!'L's/ (

,b ,{"t . 4 )u-) fltr("^-,tb b *Td"
)r7 i-2" 40)a L:c- L o LfrJ#..t':ffio'c.\'-6: '1-i.l" f,
T / y rtf+t:ofW.!.-iy/ I ( ,->f1
-I,f.da. (". lalLTr'bt.t.l ____!rlr t>fuf-CTt ". l4
v rtt : f : 1.#o)l .rA,nr, lu't. EIA(.'t. 4 v 2zJr
( /-tfr'C.. ffi Lr,.Hi ,fdt l -c'C.Lf ,.t A,cT"
drE b, /i"
)r7 7 ) I L. F ( lfr.La,*'vt. 4 v kx{Lffiz'rL } i ^s vo)fr
E: 'C t. i R D ': / ,("f l . HAfj {u.ffir ->I >#T-C#frU
t-l)H.i.>-C. r. i{r.A" +7r.hrr7): bLfr.o{. f, Ibffi Lr,.
0) H)
" 4 i u, ) r,. ff"ffi^ ,. /J: {Er. * L /. BA'e *. lffi#
ffi) . l*fruffi1 .. lffiJ r,L'c'Cu')--l-:'(fif(". Tf
#1Lr. :fte,, 1t"s- I 7 -("f_ T.t y r(.-. [.!. {: H-t
(. ( lE D 6 k.i Lffi b ttrJeqz\._tI ,l tA"

dr El e )-eT". fffiffiffi ^r,

Lr,. tT fftrt (frt,T l _ r,.
_ )r Lts: L/sL.L.. Ld'r*,de.

.l t s #,>,..

T./ , nx#W::/tS. ,0)v- 2 7 7.t - l'ff+t:. EIA-c"Hil

/.-tr;#fr.ElL 84 4: Lt. 4 & < t!- HHl7 v / ffiffii:
0fr.n +)0)lcl. . * < j b *. [ #r. :.4,2JF[t:fr.) '-)
XAfr. 6+tJEtr L /s t. i*"r 4 {t, t' Htt : Lr t' : lT " (+w&)
4 ,r# r -t: [cool.] tb . {r,.1 , t[E1.. F* [/ v = t,. !.J l#/'l
lL+d{u-) ) /J tl4 T1) u'I r. {'
kl-I L t:fgs That's cool r,' lf- lt.'t.' D ,1 fd L. He is cool t
1. lu-u.f[] l#b?r'rU Lta" I'.-we arecoolL)iee'- tt
{FbL/l t'j"
frWJ'cffi+cfq ( lThat's cooll :/ffi. ,iFt-tt^t:7, v lk
qli L(u. lEwv-_/./4 l.. ltr: Tryh),,-rt'-ffiJii:
/o'c/;ia ! I . sl ,"c.u./;.
i: " ( . : lcooll u. ifft=arJ_ ffi#t_gffiSffr:T a. ? *, 7c {L

t. lcoolt> j r. 7 r y rt)v-Lo"C d'?.fHlfi:Fr{tr{##.c" . L

1,-ct,i " 7c{LtiElAs lh v 4 4 ) l. iY,,ffi BHff+-c"t
:ffiffit:qfr.): t- E^&fuflf-x/:?t:*aL'( lnv 4 j r:ftr{Hl
i;-A a{Ltttz' "
4 7, y rt^ H . > --c - EAX{tr* lcooll 6 L r.'o F*1\5 E{+4.
-inFf' nl v J l r" ) v,f,- rye)
lH^JCfLElFil Fl:. =
er{L-cu-" ##b6r"l, A . <yv 4 . 2001 +. 9tz{v - /+lt.t -
A)7 tu -/ v Z""efrEV, aO)v,lr"- l. SU./;.

ffiE lJapan's Gross National Cooll Tb-'.tt lb\l)fi v=l - ='

* b X: +Z XIVWWl. GNP -iEl. 4 80),s v - L L{--d,fi d't ^
-c.'*!.l #,. BAffi o.zr'WtE L/-t'ct- ffim.
:-tttfr. 10+Dl,-hi:tl#l et 7' )- 4 lv 7 | tsv -) t' i
#1fr.-cr#r./E;EFf't.: b" 7./ y hrF+(" =fi ' =-) f 9-v
kfr,r- f 4 +;.--_ vft6- ,. | v l'"n4H?F,6ffi. 'rT.e'mfl1;yv1

>>>>> 7h\nfFl6.Y l")5ElcE* I

ffi o "C t'- l':!-+-i4-!l-"

l+tre+-fr, lffilffi:*{" <WX-

XIAL r. ii{A*_ )r++-c.
'T. -c * " 7 r, rttt|zc:- L HU-C\,- L. F4:bIb. 41))JHk
wFlt:fFL{ l"
-c"*. EA*i." 7=./,$t+v - lv.* -tr+,n:WX,/.5m
H. E^. Brufffi#t"-iEfF-e {*f frr. BA^X+T-
4 f -It,trtn4 :#,f;[EZI"{u.6fr,|rW]n. FlA,,\*Hi#o)B)J L(ffi
ffi Lt t'- I i ,"
BA*. ffiL. Y,,+- rLXIV+:ffib x{L
L k ( . l+ L{ " -c"
{>. EA^BA'+.b, 'tt {> F: .
tlE^r{L- H-IUL/ ( { {" /Ju. Dru.6 {> rW& < b6" 4W)tt:-
{r d+(
6ffz EA^ E H'e i, /J r. ' i ..
(asahi.comlv 4 / v USAJ2003 + 4H n E)

v=t - r+zfitgt
.l 'l s #.,..,

7 : L tL
-C , i1 e) / l, {L
^4 v B {L b 2 U ' !\ 4 f: !r'C. i
("f ffi, r l, ) y 4
^ iffi+rJt *d '
tfr 'crr*wfrt,
' E ^"c * h ;#'c. sf:+
t* tL b l*' io r ffi ; i: * z)r - ,

E FJ 1L f: L.o {"\ =3 ti < ) fL [ro

t: t l.. : !\ tI {L
E ,{t # F * / L.
0) t : +J
t ti {, b , '' H :i '^
;trrf : t"
/., fr
i' ,._ k , !r

7 " ffi {L /] 4 t 5:ro!

t / t.. lur4- + !r
l. fr. B/ T bi o) # :'do,?i i / 4 l" i
7 *-) A ( T ri
rt H {" H E uoi f* : ,8, .?.rJ: J
v I- !\ 1-# i'^_'d L o
-C {L g -C {gJ
I t r.i ^ ! h Lt (,!.
t, !r {* ^# ffi k
{" 'c } nl * b rr B: )
E 'c # ++trJtr 6 o) i^,:!-!^6
: i )
A L_.
7) t ffi .T V, i /..
M= b : : + r * a ti' ,"
w E't ,. t r :
i 2 D
F+ z 7)
" B ,-' g 4 ? ^ E. )
# ! l; ^o!-
rr ii 2 +'eH HH i: li t Hi w
l IEI v ( " : r
F r F. _.
i F i E6
) *
t #1:i'tir S' ]9
k D7{L i:, ff }rr "
ft1. lffi4 ) , :!: 2 D'a, Eltr

LDB:1I.b: r
* i * ' * T r
/tr{":LrJ- -..rE.* ffi
-) !r * / #, I E , I
I\L)fr!^Ey4 gT lF-)
F o)' L'c. Tg
r* i:4 2 * r L t,
" L\ ffit+, ,
t. FuTi4
'+ c^', [fii
( 7.
b !' : [r ;itzf !r t
U6Et1,.*t !rE
Ti / U B l'{ r.i Inr A ("
EI D ^isi / +E - t"
. F" lt L\ ffi "
'* :'(. ffii r z
: i -
,i 4l i ')
(, " 4 * i I U t)
tBofr,^i_ L/\ft4
Y D^ J,
i r:r:FJ :+ rffi*

>>,>> +lh,'H,lcE. Y l=rSElcE* I

t : r:: 4 sr'ffi.ffiJ
T LI H - J A L i I: F
ffi H
gJ A
ffi i u. i t S ' * !\ - 7)l
: oL/vb-c e)
Ttrt4 6
r * R # 'C L / j ( f/. L!\ b = B
( H o) , tr A
b o) :ie-# H .
o .i lli igE- * H /: B H {"' - :
ri i : -r" a " ^: a : 1
B * ful T, B { o) ffi } !\ ) !r
A Lb bt ii '!i l -
/l i o : ^4 < i * Hr *" "'I ffi/
A r'l {L
F : t'i t'io : ; tL if ffi t'L * E a)
ffi 'o {LE : * ffi.
gJb ' *BttrArr\ ^ffir
[s / :rre
*t ] : & * A ffi.* 6 trL4-
r'ffiJ : {L b.+ ( E i, o*,

'c o) ffi n- : , +.
2 'l* + ( F-c" ( : fL
t {")iu
L '
,& /:;, i) L'c. t" < r-^ {L
HT4 l^#
t- JEEXtr
ffi. ::o) EX HW +:
, iHf <EE HS
l,' *,') : " .

rr < k H (" * Ma
,' l"
b ,^ F{4 'c. ts
l ^ ik B " * ,- ^i 2 'C
, L E ^

4 i: T t, S ) : ; L\ f+ L\
ff 9 * h. tr L W. rxr / *,
^T'{ r'h'a'c.E ll, try L\F

F" & i R;
f& lr + ftJ Z
2 {L E
'-o #
+ 'r.
, 5 Lr Inr { H tr,
\ o : -r /-c 4 +.'f
tr U I +- ('
l ; : tT e, Kru 8 t r 'r;
4 t:
l^ H * I
En r: * :
frJ L'c i: r
!' o) : E b &
rr f b fr. { ^ I -'u')
H, ,b {L f tr _:f'k A, },
o / * b L w !r, i {L u '-)
* l
, z
,8Inr tr E / c, I'( /! *
t /
L, U : - {L {L
"C F H 'f fU : / A
*, "1
7c : (" {. ' -E )F ' T : ^
.l 'l s#,,,..

a J1

r rJr11 tfami namel r fiffti'. be convenient
g Tfr fi1A to cooperate

r!' trf
?^ lfami namel 22 7 ) 7 | v-! a frustration
I tr
a (-),D to value -; to give *. to accumulate [u.i.]
'et 11. I 1
importance to - B frffi,It i Tlt' stand out from the
* t<lr
g frE b consideration (for -) crowd and you just
*u.Q invite trouble for
rc (-tr#.b to learn
rtt q
75 'l 'trJ 6 to approach (someone) t; t' 2
I 24 Ni- opposition; confrontation
rz Er\Ut- L- to be comfortabie '-

-, ffi to like; to prefer

18 ffi aspect r:i
-T a
u +5I. u
25 *fr
to compromise
19 +t^ a working, full-fledged
26 a.t iflhavetochoose
rnerl:ft:,et of society
one over the other
2t 1\, i l or ratlter [>>>*il-l-.1] [>>>*r./- l-.2]

JIE lfamily namef 7e g 6 to get bored
x. + lfemale given namel 20 ffi#ffi new product on the
r'd6 to be popular lu.i.l Lr+-oi
'r. 21 ffiH.Fn new product
6 ffirf- abroad tf,',+
'.u p, trf() sensitive; susceptible
7 w.'ffi technology t
u'tu; ! zz ftC'c ( to jump at
fri- ffia - left an impression on ,tr
(me) [u.i.] B Hb around (someone)
r{' u.
U AIL#L to change 2s f\+I:T to take agoodcare of-

>>>>> f]hrF.E. v l.'D,5EtE* I

O H lfamily namef rz Si 6 (:) excessively;
di . indiscriminately
r+ lfemale given nameJ til:i
r: (-;g T 6 to appear (on TV,
r - lplural forml etc.) [u.i.]
:i( ' 4)oi
,ffiH words and phrases t4 4 trLtqffi|: in its own way
*, ' t r uq.i,
u.FlL expression fffi{F standard ofvalue
- F-
flt':t :lEH \' 15 *: really;truly
r:Buil try\*i 1, ,
E ffi everyday conversation tB +R/-#
.t -
[name of a journal]
u'luf , ( L
ffi: frequently; often ffi' special issue
. a _ -
utL Dat\tu ,

3 +# dictionary rs El=fr theory of nation

. ft building
./F,: in this way la r
4 xm

ffiB-r a to stride; to swagger
to judge *oE
HW.T 6 WA to put away (to include)
'< l: gradualTy lu.t.l
ctlr' lu+
s fft,- r :18.r," 20 E
Et' wide 22 IR original title
rti *6
just as
Flx in aword; in short -Eb
F(r) stylish; chic B x.* the general public
t[.a {--td-
, T to suggest; to propose (a GNP gross national product
plan) ' ti.i
(-)lffi justlike-t:lEDli
afr\ achap; agvy t:l [>>>**/- F.s]
t. a to have a dispute ,iy - power
it" t,
[quarrell with ffiNt a to acknowledge
, I+.b 1 6 to make it up with; to '
24 #,< to explain [u.f.]
reconcile x.r, s
r[: ll
rc latffit( tJw fie1d
without much thought ti t:- (
{"t IAEI super power
,rftl: desperately u k*
*F* - TEffi-T A to point out
r (-;...?) IIJ{.0 to hammer ... .{+
into -'s head 25 tffi analysis
26 gm theory
.l t s #>>>>>

Ltut' t i+Lv t i
zo ffi-t' extension 33 k tt+. to praise; to make much
-, of Lu.t.l
zz $.:-1/J u- not merely; not tt,t,< r'
simply [>>>gtt/-t'6] architect
r{.t r'
j' 't
medium r'+"
,=l gt u
r- fashion designer

*,+ receiver 34 #,fr level of name recognition

J tr'
ffia liking; taste l:tl to raise lu.r.l
, E ', rttt, .
ftr{ffi one's sense of value E. current
.Il ulrti
w( deeply rn condition; circumstance
'-lr :t(tD (
.r'T to exert (influence) EI nation's power
lu.t.l :7o u

u 5'< ffiffiT 6 to recognize

30 HH,T to realize lu.t.l prtLpi
36 w. w.T to absorb
-:bl b :_r [;
rro(t tffi]- 6 to imitate
Hl ffi !: strategically ^rtu'
o)a -
zIt a to transform
3/ {F'r to cultivate; to develop t tr- I
(one's skill, etc.) [2..] W.b x{16 to adopt lu.t.l
: [+ -f,'
33 BAry Japanese made; made :z {$ffi(r) to be good at
in Japan * tr
'el, u *t
38 HlDf,l to imitate
+## electronic instrument' r r <

3e ffitF to be indifferent

o i b rules !1.
* t'u. nolsy

-l"' l fullof - [>>>gitl-].71 B, a to spread olut lu.i.l

,4 f
Thailand 6 IEFJ complete opposite
)t)v2Yv.7l7T*yb. I *a to observe; to keep
rt B + t) lname of the authorl (ru1es)
u,tlur, i t{'

1 impression strictly
t0 ffilr.,:
Lp. L
capitzl ?3 E=# objection;
Bangkok counterargument
*h'l r.
a |$. dirty -6;ff!/ ' there is no room for -
[>>>liz- e]

>>>>> Jllh\HlcEA. Y l..l)t5EfE I

uri L tti
73 ffiffi common sense 2s +fi blanket
[' ''-
5 (r) proper; reasonable;just
l#l,f to put - on
14 (-: ) .'f ir-Z r.. to be no matdn 30 b'* {L6 to be dumb-founded
for; can't win nt r tuir '
[>>>*;.t - t"s]
31 ffigJH,Z to feel impressed

(-:) {'tl a concerning

37 ffi discontent
LpriLr('2i :g -j- l- :-: ( t. [>>>*8,/]
16 ffi ffi lf job hunting a-l

r-+'. for some reason

44 t',VJ 6 to declare; to say
v'ruz u +
ffi+ :##urcf'b ^ qs
-lJ ii, 6'r ,.. not to be pafr;rt7ar
ui < a

t7 ffi l:: ( :Ffrffif about; not to be picky

r5r [>>>*;t,z- t t]
t8 E l: somewhat long Lt
[. < 46 ffi,w perspective
19 ffi(r) cruel;heartless tnt:, < F
(-. ) |lfua to be out of +Iffi?TT to make a judgment
vv> EI possibility (t) excellent; talented u'ir-
uEr. ffia to tie (someone) up
/\t person oftalent r[.ur
{< ut- ffiTF!: psychologically
ffitr-t to believe firmly
;t u* #,+{ room; space
zr ffiffi(r) funny;comical 't. i
dt'tx ffif&-r a to liberate
22 f heating '[.'
rut.rr i R pleasant feeling
h air conditioning (sensation)
B IHT to turn off lu.t.) 'tt
ffia - )
z I'*. l: occasionally )t rfr almost
25 d+ a little {. ti
f fl materials; ingredients

26 t)'t. D beforehand; in advance !i

v ,vs
ffi cooking
,, +- 6 to observe (the rules) 56
ttf tr- l. -
Hll,*r.. chilly 57 ffi consciousness;
za fiil ( to work effectively awareness
: :c (-:) r' to get used to -
U', b Ll tobe chi11y/cool 6t tJ6r.f6 to get frustrated

2e (one's) lap
.l t s #o>,,.

t.tffih 2.ffi z.#.t> .ffiffi s.ffi

.f 6 z.- s.ffiffr g.fri- to.)',{tffiL6
tt.#ffi rz.Hffi rs.ftNz ( r+.4 rs.*3l (

ro. : rz.#Jffi rs. E1. .',ryEc zo.Ht

zr.ffff zz.t\ a zs.## zq.lRffi zs.#E b

zo.efi zz.H za.#K zg.M eo.ff

sr.ffiffi sz.N{L a ss. sa.WE zs.hE
so.HT gz. E L ,. se.ffi sq.EIE +0.ffifi.
+t.-# qz.MFI az.#E

r.ffiffi z. f,8 b s. E,'ff +.frffi, s.ffi{r

.*Iffi z.t a e. g.Wffi ro.El b

rr.r,,.ElL tz.ffiWt: rs.Xflm (t)

tq.Y# rs.FF
to.X tz.lFb ra.tlp rq.4 zo. ffiff
zr.ffi ( 22.ffiffi zz.Jlffi z.ffiFfi.h zs.lffi
z.W ( zz.B.lfT za.fFlx-'T zs.ffiW o.ttlE
r. &lE 22.ffiffi gs.{0,{ ga. Ft,. ss.f6
s0.ffiffi: zz.#ffi se.hffi sg.@fr qo. )\M
r.Fffi z.Hll,t,. g.fU ( 44.+-48 as.ffil
a.M,W az.ffi qe.Rl

This radical is based on the image of grass and is generally used for
characters representing kinds, conditions etc., of grass.

tt t_l t_ru rd


>>>>,h\EE. Y l=i5t5EfcE I

l# > . z t >>> <ur D'.url

a ) * i 4 lF -z / - ( Lr 5 *(F # -z / /" l / ,/ ".

(Yesterday, Imadeapie,orratherl helpedmake apie, and. ..)

b)A D + fqfffi:ffi -:l ,1 -t f ,
* .S ol ?
you went to Aso, and did you do horseback riding?)

B *: ? tr zt'-,8: b z l /"1"
(It iasnt rea horseback riding - it was more like just touching a horse.)
c) A i: J#'c" BAffiRc f L. /+4.t. / t L i .
(At that time, there were brothers who took Japanese, weren't there.)

B n#T r\ 7tr. /c:'-6Tl "

(More preciseiy, they were twins rather than brothers.)

f ,,, E, c$/lt E E =,rather (than) ; if anything' le#z>zzal

' 'h'- tweerl.the'two alternatives,',,, .,

a) '&/dl*Ecbh,E) E&#,t:il;) (!'6"

(She looks more like her mother lthan her father].)

b) BA^fr , c bh', ) Nfr-ffi * /J !'"

(The Japanese people, if anything, do not like confrontation.)

c ) fA*. Bffi*. t, cbh') ffifr+.

(If I have to choose one over the other, I am better at speaking Japanese (than reading it).)

J tto ^,*/ClT='to have a feeling that to have the impression that;

it seems to me that' l#,2 > t. zz >>> r Ji f.f t Lt3-]

a) BA,r'LEL/i )tRtL:f f.
(I feel my Japanese has improved a little.)

b) BAl* HJJ lv. (

l- tv I -/
' D 6 J /J -"t$ l' * " i I
(It seems to me that the Japanese people value a group that they belong to.)

.l t s #>>>>>

{,,, *,1() ='to (say) something like -' l*#l > t. t z >>> lnDrrJ 'l

a) +Effi+t.f !- 7t'H * t/cr. 5t. L i ."

(I heard something like the number of students in Japanese Tangaage classes is increasing, but is it

b) f : 7)ri? t lrj 'l ( bd't,* L /c.

(They often said something like, "This is cute.")

5 ''' N () |f,fi='similarly; just like' l#uryn > . zs >>> e ru e E{l

la*tz > z. oo >>> H r El
a) 7 z, l BA IAT*- 7 )
Y rt f" 6.
(Anime is popular in America just like in Japan.)
'L <

b) ffiElffi: EA#H+*- fffi .

(The Korean Tangtage has honorifics just like Japanese.)

l$ t>> !E-?t*/!t='o1 merely/simply -' l#atvl't > t. z t >>> lv z ?:ta r t*aur]

a ) Ell+EtF-livffiffi,L t. T' tttL\"

(Japan is not merely imitating foreign cultures.)

b) & ( Ltt.- g'=r6+.ffif /p) I,1ffi.f r- 6 o)T,Itl/,Lrt i "

(Many people are probably not working merely to make money.)

7 ,r, N/tf='full of -' laryz >t.( - l! >>> lt I t' 5 tto)]


a) 7 t y r"c"lffi4^t110)9-.,{ vlt!.f !. ++.H'tr} .

(In America, we sometimes see students weartng jeans full of holes.)

b) F u. r v fFx T tffir. . 6 .
(It is time-consuming to correct compositions full of mistakes.)

8 *'rufftffJ[l=' is no room for -' lmaryz > !.13 >>>F:ffia*eaurl

ii I
a) *tfro)*lrtt"
(There is no room for compromise.)


tf 5.ElfcE. y l'.r)tSElcE

>>>>> I

b) fH+rff?Hr.( ( rljt.^ti . -#ffio)tr$/Jr,r.

(When the other party does not listen to what [I] have to say, there is no room for discussion.)

$ "' Nt! (l*) tl/(rt='to be no match for -; can't win -'

larytz > !.1 4 >>> o)=^ct*i5,aar*ur]

a ) EA,t:fr5/Jffi : #Ef*rt'lc t)/Jr,r.

(Even the most legitimate reason can't prevail over this word.)

b) **r.- ( 6 ,1..2 1l>/p l;l* tt"

(An amateur, no matter how hard he/sbe tries, is no match for a professionai.)

f O *' V (stem) Cr='difficult to v' lavz >z.-ls >>>="Rt J5ur]

a) l1. . 5sf;de t"tli "

(When one has a sore throat, it mustbe difficult to eat.)

b) to)XW.Ilf,,\: Li tr.
(I find it difficult to talk about my own failures.)

11 *' NE/i ,/t/,r='1tot) to be particular abou (not) to be

picky' lma*tz>.4s>>>-20);rt-tDrdr]

a) 7 r+ v l. : ztrJ.:?t,r6 . Bffi#Tt*L!-. LlJt..

(tf you pay too much attention to accent, it might be dfficult to speak Japanese.)

b) ffit--z t /c tt ft rt. < XtrtHL 6 "

(Ifyou are not picky about the location, you can buy a house inexpensively.)

12u NE*Jl?='a in' Lamz > . s 6 >>> t 1 taurct*]

a) fircrcr*tt,(4tf g Yt fL : /ic /.
a r-
(In the Meiji period, it was very unusual for awornan to study abroad.)

b) ffi-F,* t) v v 2 tt+ | / r titst'rH r"

(The first Olrmpic Games were held in Greece.)

.l 'l s #.,,.,

a) ttt lrt,2-l
1 : You can start interviewing some-
ffi+: FFE*+I fr L :f; 11. +Et* I I one by fust introducing yourself.

. F,/ FlJ rr 7-vt. BAl 2: First, let the interviewee know

.8:r,.f B r D{ L. -c I,+ what the topic of your project is
and then ask if it is all right to
.- L ts, E , vtrr+JH:I L rr,Etr question him/her on this subject.

*f2 r'. eU < *rffirr L:f f3" 3:Conclude your introductory re-
Et;- Y aQi.U<J6ffit.L*T" markby saying I L ( t. L
x 9.
ffi# llz-Y.1,l ,F+EA:{,f.. L. c
L + .t-cTs. Bf"G{l,r trt-ffi|- 4 : It's important that you preprre a
number of questions ahead of
.-tf a lffif f U t )lta" time. Your questions can be
*** framed in such expressions as

l,lEf L i . and

w+ D + . #l=c\( ft a tr# x-Tf i *"'4LT..
tno 5 : When you did not understand
**t what the interviewee said or
when you need more explana-
ffi# T e*.,. -frEtr L *T5. tion, you can say, for example,
i-*dL. L*.1, l) i,tl.
*** #t ( ffLrr.t;t*+,.
w+ E Htr,ft Ltr z L\ t r 6 2 E t, t) or - t,. i d)ll ' i t. i ; 'C
f '.
h5 '-'tr:f l.,t" **.ffitf,ElJ t)*1.,t6"
6: You can end your interview by
thanking him/her. ftfffit-- t
b * L l means that you learned
a lot from the interview.


>>>>, t bt Hl E . Y l.'') 51 E I

t >'> E-rvJVl
e -s7 : b. -,,\i4 v, c- -1^. -^ 4 v 2 C- - {L )": b !..
4 v c,,- ^l*. #t'4 v ) c:--k/"L)',t:4 v / c---fa. T,

f,,, jV-27 h-7,i

e E:,.'r,. BA: 4 v, c:- - /r):. )x.'ty-7"ff->-C.,
e^ A,iHF l,tt, t' -lJ !.o 4 l-1. "C Z I z 0) )uI t, t:#tL !.o

J>,, 12rv,z-
e *ffi: EAz\: 4 v I c-z - l,'C. 7>*. l- !. i" 2 -a i/cHF?ft,. /J r,.o

e Erfto /: 0)b .L ?F,,i: L{. Jr v-llF b /J !.o 4 0)/\t:- _ B^
i ,H ->T:lt' i "- E A,r,f; ) ,H: /.H /J !.o 4 {L4 {L v-
7" ttt Z 2 i 7 -#*L /J !..

$orr 4V.1-,
e ath 0;, .:'r,-L.t,Hi o)tt)t*T'o el,Lr,fElf L j., E
A^.i?!.!. tHi LbtI80))u.b!.!. t,Bt *. lEDr"t, izJ,"
-sz1:.ffiL.r./J !.o 7c1.r 7 7t##|,_ ,, 'cL.r,./J !.o

$"' jv-rT h-177

e BA. e'>ljfc:),,->{{r. . EA,/ {" ." >/IEl. BAr:
|9 Lq,
ffiH (to expori) L{ !' t, 1. {FJ{' t- t i tJ'" t) 7 | (F'>A, ?r^1##.L/Jr..
.l t s #>>>>>

l rrrfFl
a) 4 vi C:--+l-tLr)l.>t -tv* l'"
b) +jW,4 vr' c-- UrI*, 4o)4 vy' - --*. L...(FXt:t,/. u.o

e Elf"r"ffil ftr^rnng) k Lr!. 7./yhLTvl-vvs, -fAfi(nffu

"c !. * 1" CD ? H r.'C . L l trr -'O. F: { L. frf' x ?nr,/ r,. "
81ffi1.1 a selservice sqyle z" .^ avocado
sushi restaurant
kE *'c a t1'
IE fat
vTi i r" tuna salad
TL rolled sushi

n a) Effi.uT L. (t*a.Lr,.Lr,."
n b) 7./) h llv7 | i v0), ltL A,Ea^6 L!."

n ) rr^t. TL{4:1.1. t,Hz-c,. J i"

c 7

n d) 7,rt "?:/TLtl. H+' L:i,/J,."

tr e) E#
l_0)t =:--tt. . .h-c{!./Jr,.o


(fralwtt#t7)t D utu" 7) 5r '>>>>> rhr 5 F,lc E 6. Y 1.., 5 E E I

+#W Zrd75r ffi atrd t . )

f/r-t w
-" 4rti7 J .bW++.. +++HH&i,-\#EHF.. E

Affif BA0)r-7W-> {t,. . RH{",$z | 7 r y - Hlt

r* L ( . 7.,*- . :{l,(.r. 6. 7 - l. :ftAr. . t.?(" ffi r

ffi:rs-14 -lrt'e * 0)1". u{-7 -*T/v 4 rIt_ } ( r{-7 -

l" x ( f t.* Lr.,{- 14 _ :ci,/J ( (. + Ut,EtlrJ .ry.4,1..
1., b^lt b ur#T/a'l. ffis/,'s-7 -'f b6" 4,lffi:r.

Wl:l.,t. BA^x++. l t'l . !.:{4s: l: L(l,." le pJ

*. Eil/r. T / y rt ltLff:H*:r lu r'l r,. ) =v / i
-^l.o(!.6 " '{.tt. ? 4 r o)H+L{r,. N+0)k+i+ffi#{.-. E
HA^ b l: b Etl)ffi,Ri'e , Tt y rtL?4, :.b
T ( . ffr.FTL.o
ffir. < 4 2BAffir#W, ffi*e. zr, t y ltw+
+^ltrtl..W,1,s-1 't -kT0)"c, e lr: Xt 6rlo ? 4 rr 1
7,t - l. / l*. * fiHA#rTf /{... e p t9#f"EAH:?1.{!.
6t. H71,- p r'/.tf /#'a 7 {Lt: { .. T" Y.Tc lX(
.6=+h' (.!. l-I:-. ffifrftr.l" ftE_:{. zy!a
ymr.t" L.L. ?4 rt.40)iL_ ba :hxCft" #ffi
z lt v y' a Ylt,ffit,.-c t. r. rr li L , [^{;4 i?/ ( / o-c. t- *..>T
. ffiBxHffi:r-'c. ?4rtv r'-?Ffl( _ L11tiHft
.l t s-#.,.,.

+.frkfl,t I ^ i 4--) Lol"tr. {* ) L U /J u." ffi- ft+.L

T J, LItl #Lr, t-_r,-t{ L * :tu. B l1 l / tl', : ffi. : /.. "C. l.
*.cIo>I i ."

o ;^gla#,tu e. -lFiE u u ,8 T1. 6 t o? tt u r.

n ) a tr t '-vffi61*'t.,lEI{>. 't ( .t l-* : l ) "

n b) rlll. ffiEft.a-l-Cmr.,Hu :/ s 1- 4T.t-.->
lI i "
! c ) u p r. iElft LB#+.rcLt.,tHffit.ffiL{!. t, !.+: tcT
Iur EA-c1. . ,/ffi:. Hff.rn+st.fLl'. 7c 0)lffi,flffi < o)-#
t.t. i'r. +ll b *., ,H?i>tu-0)I ) "

(/lt, Good fortune

&#X*.) - | E ?l+nF:i-. -# fl* L.-t*L L.2-6
)-l&EvmL" 9- L.5-7

(tc4"u 1.2-10
-T L.4-14

> 1.1-2 T'> L.4-13

nrc 1.6-i 0 vr L.12-2

]*,/vly!c lvrlrr 1.1 3-9

.-L L.4-15 lc.( L.5-2

rro)* Cr 1.4-B e)r (-) 1.9-4

--(B) L.13-7 ?i,.o L.5-4

t>lc t.11-2 4tt'lz 1.2-3

,8. c L.12-6ZILEU<4> L.13-12

-w leLl,
1.5-9 L.4-3

tt--> L.13-14 cl
(,.FLl) t.6-7 L.7-2
-.-zl. -t->J,toIT
( *) [E r*v - 1.11-11
(lc) FE rev' 1.9-i 0
-/'c L.14-7

1.13-i3 td> (=) (because) L.8-7

(lc Pg5 t.10-4 tc>c (purpose) 1.5-5

L.1-12 tc> (when) 0

-fr1*'tcl 1.1 -1

s L.12-7 t>,/ .>t> 1.1 3-1

.t* L.4-2 r L.15-7

,.9. L {,
- t, i *r tf B ta t, 4ilC-f trsv 1.1 5-6

(la) .rr 1.1 5-9

-tr: 1.3-3

(lct'-2 1.5-i ?r 1.1 1 -5

()filcr*a 1.1 1 -3
L 1.6-1

Qc)'tT L 11-6
-o(v ,/uri Bt L.14-4
('tflc t.14-3 -tl,A L.2-7

4 6r (xtiy( vT) 1.8-1

-Cv 1.1 5-1 0

5r (X(. y( u/) 1.1 1 -9 (.r,rT/I-> jlT 1.6-3

("t,' t.12-4 (o)(Lz). 1.1 5-1

7.2 L.9-7 < r // t fs ,r f L X ) ,

r, L.3-2

(rc) tb ,/ . > teut 1.1 5-1 1

-9 L.7-9

cT6 1.1 -9 L\@ 1.4-10

Cfe.><\t,/te.>tc 1.1 -6 l1tttc ,g.v.if f 1.1 4-B

r (- L.6-2 It) 1.5-6

(<) rv' L.12-3 (Questionword +)($ 1.7-6

. L.4-7 z( 1.9-8

-f 1.8-3 'i L( L.11-4

Tzls(c) L.13-4 ()Ftffi 1.1 5-5

. ( ) L.1s-4 i9-
-.b 1.1 -5 rf-f " L.3-4
l-tc 1.1 1 -8 hW, Gtaction) 1.1 0-1

v< 1.8-6 .\ 1.3-9

L<t 1.1 3-1 1 Fll (-v.) L.4-1
->t>l,. j . L.15-2 r' 1.1 0-2
({-tt, 1.1 -1 1 @Ho)Xa r- 1.1 3-8
c L.14-5 r.t16 (xytc) L.14-6
',f*-t{ 1.9-1 1 1.1 0-s
t4a) 1.1-4 (Ic,/ <) F,
/er L.2-1 ht\t
l*t,t(( Lr) 1.3-1 tlVZ 1.6-9
laLtl L.4-12 / 1.1 1-10
/a7rtafr-/a!r L.2-4 $0) 1.1 3-6
/zls 1.1 3-1 0 4: /,1T ' ,z 4> 0)T / > 1.11-1
{EfD 1.1 0-3 &aSD 1.8-2
(NN) bAE,/O) t.14-2 &t(xavr) L.4-4
l,\( 1.3-8 i /
Qc)t*t L.4-9 () rdN L.2-11
'lI + counter { 1.6-6 &i tefr, 1.1 5-3

-tfufit/tfu( 1.1 3-5 (N)3(like) L.4-6

'l'c( L.7-1 lc (so that) 1.9-5
lc*tv( L.15-12 L.11-7

-ll ( l, 1.1 -8 xit l L.7-3

lcL/ l/r L 12-5 icre 1.1 -3
T.T ()/ev 1.1 5-8
f!i$tr /3r 1.1 3-3 cf" L.13-2
3->, L,7-B j {ff fs/4r L.9-2
(N) tct (N) - L.14-1 Lt,. 1.1 -1 3

sd.? L L.2-9 tL,/ trtL 1.9-3

cx L.s-8 b iC-teut L.12-1

.ft /a ,r f l- X i ',2 b j r,/ l, 1.6-8 (r)ffrlar L.2-5
f|Jrvr)c 1.2-2 bTT L.2-B
f.0 (N) L.3-7 ltt/t L.4-11
ifr (Vplain past) 1.1 -1 lllc ttvz).fu 1.5-3
(t)rv> 1.7-1 *rS*2S 1.9- 1

(-tt)Ute><cT L.1-7 Causative-passive 1.5-1 0

?<)lv><N L.1-14 Sr V(stem), Sz L.7-5

-rfrv> L.7-4 Tbnse (-ffi c,/ -b () Z-F Qc) )

Ri.T. +rJ .':l' L.15-n27
+Rlr". h,
r.4+t+)Jfr# D. 1.1-R39
2.#L\',?sfltR Ir n C,,. za 1.4-W9
i:?r.{. # t : L. Rl lffiit,t't,'t' 4f1tr .l.. . ': ' (B L.7- R 12
?l.wr l# < HL6+l- l'-JItl'EE+J- 4a)
L W+r 4 rL?'- tL+' | 0)&E *1
T frr+ f'lt,'''( 1.1-w14
^ (rl .tr
+ 7\ 1.8-W30

@t--' lv '85
ur '1 -2 l*c.a '86

-') t, .-) '82 =E &'f:. 1.1-W10

-! t? ' f ,'( t.2-R21 ITJ ilrE P:f . '866

rllff l'4 I 1.1 3- R 28

@*--' f ##+ -/t :'. . L L.4-R4

)L J1" w ),/( 'E-17 + + 'Es7

)l"t ZZA.. ,8.18

?+ "i.1. 1.5- R 9

+ n ft,/ Lb '813 4ifrf .i.t 1.5- R 11

-r + U i,ti '819 * k tr lvfi, 'E-56

r+ffi 'Ur:'l' 1.7- R 5 f-I+ UJ.t. t.1-w24

t: '83 d', zjr t' rr. r. '834
,S.'? '.4 d' .llf L 1.7-W 1

bo) L bo) -tJ. '850 d.Y& 1. t.) - l. i j L.13-W27

^ EAA l,:' l,i" U ' 'E-51 't\io)J:'t(L. '842

i^ i 'l=l Ls-R23 t'+ t-; .1 1.1-W18

#^ 1,6, L.12- n 17 4ULt6 . t_.6.t6 1.6- F 9

x6 Itv\. 6 '887 I t l.Lt( L. -W21

^ A{L tr. L6 '888 + + . '821

E19)'s L 3-W21 t t t' {ir. t,. '833

/\ ^+ n6 !1s + tr. ( '863

-{-z: tLt . <
/\-t p', '1F.16 /\z A, 1.2-W 1 3

)J Jr+ T).L L.7-R28 + +.tE .li.d' '30

W)Jtr,J a.t)e<.r 1.1 0- R 32 Ll, 'lt 1.9-W 19

h b' L.14-W37 n E * /' 't822

+ +76 tt'i6 1.1 1 -W23

T t,. j'T \,-f o) . Lt 'tEM @*--'
T'' .16 1.2-W6 1 dloffif 1.|'o''T 1.1-R37

TFT w., L.12-R4 dt lr/v't ) 1.6- R 1

T+ 1.1 3-W 1 3 FI H Zlv '823

^1." ,R ,kt)E 7)..1i.l '26
{T f 71 L.14-W25

h 7.t-: t) L|.Lb L.4-W22 lv xlv Jlu'l L.1-W23

fi frE^ Lt i.t'r 1.1-F 1 lt /Ut.rl..Ii L.7-W27
+ + )1, 1.10-W29 + ^+l+
^tF ^t. lz)t '.43
n EIiB tf?. i .d' 'E2s ++ ro's( 1.1-W22
[sFt L 'ztr? '831 7 X.1[ T/L' '871
EH * t. .? '73 H HiH E. i .1) 'rF24
7t ]Ex. tfl' '872 E4^ l='It lv' tJ A' 'Es1
+,f+ r..tlL .rJf h. h, 1.11-W34 +E ) 1.1-R25
F IF z. 1.8-W31 E'flAEffi Lf 'i' n,. L j., 1.1-R28
F : i.{ 1.1 0- F 23 E r= t-?' L.1-W36
F .ri 1.1 4- R 38 &Hi T i .u2. *. - 1.2-W38
*At. *; ' r r' t,' L.i-R40 EEE I'f L.7-W 17
+ +'& L.1-R26 E trf, l,1 '/; t,' 1.13-W5
I fr '89 }L Lt,l6 <'-6 1.6-W30
fr-'t 1"r2.2 '810 i+!r L,. de,. {.} L.14-W22
,rl ^+ .I.rt. 1.14-W38 T T.lE . -, 1.8-W26
-t A. tr: '841
a .F'W Si' ' 1.9-W20
+ /'' 1.1-W19 fr * . 1.14-W3
++ .L +
1.1-W9 ,^i *sp 1.14-W33
+E x) 1.1-R2s J
bb s8
+ffi tt L.12-W 12 f, *r..l 'tr59
4-6 k-'..e) L.6-W22 t^ tL# .itc. r l 1.4-W36
* L-6 .6 1.14-R 19 ft frt '849
+ _t+ Di.T 1.1-W18 t D .,Sr,{, 1.1-W41
+H+ t"? L.z-W29 ii' tt. ,6 L2-W7
iES:F ) ,.1,. L L.6-R 17 T x(L ,S/r,'. L. i -w23
T+ ^/ 1.1 3-W 1 3 l**bX '*b'$tb'< 1.2-W39
B {x^ .w:.t,wi 1.14-W6 H HIJJ ht'' ll 6 1.6- R 20
W. 6 5.e) L.15-W22 fr ttfr L . lt't:
D ,, I, tz-t- '845 frt J .I 1.2-W 41
,+4V L.l,.tl, 1.5- R 29 + + t". L.15-R44
/u' T('ru. 1.5-W23 <.li.ejr '8.28

n n# U).t" 1.10-R 13 ^
fr. ^riE
Ft, .B '8102
,' ffi,': *l'> ' I' lv' tr: 1.4- R 18 EL t. DA, 1.2-W31
E,'f 1.15-R3 ? 7B J,. I,w i L.s-w 1 0
,lt zIliE ft.i. 'E2l I
6< '811
+ ,-t+ l.*. 1.6-W 1 1 l;'t t= "t '1F.12

YJ ffigl b L...1) 1.3- R 7

tu+ c'A 1.3-W6 @*-*'
f\tn tt, 1.5-W20 ) D).ff ur. t. 1.3-W 1 9
* +4 t'rei'ts L.7-W 14 frE Loz.D"ri L.7-R25

r fi# '. L I 1.1- R 5 frH l.Oc'L,L 1.7-W38

Ef ftrJ j.r)' 1.4- R 1

E aL_LrJt6 b.t_.b.t6 1.6- R 9

n ,t ? L.z-W14 F +f 8a-1 1.1-W4

D}'N tr . tJJLr 1.3-W 19 tr . *) 1.9-W14

t+fL Jtt. {16 1.15-W32 + &. o) . t. 1.14-W31

t' *'t,' L.11-W24 l,.t:'t 1.9-W 16

: t+E t. L./i* 1.9-W 1 7 IT. tfrr. L 1.13-W11

* *+ I s, '*t, 1.1-W46 Lt,. /:. Lt- 1.15-W37

E i**bX@ *'*b'1,'< 1.2-W39 ! ft+ i,. rr 'E6s

n lE l', *t' l;tt' L.A-W4 +,*. tL a .*.16 L.1-W27

n trE 1.4-W6 -+ t.:.L 1.5-W16

gH $ lv'lr, " 1.5- R 3 4 Ur. . ./ 1.14-W41

t' ,S'. t. 'E3s E EilT r\L.* 1.1-W2

&E rr. '. t 1.10-83 ru 4 0X, 40).1 L.t-w22

ril ffi,TJJ r.. 1.1 2-W 1 5 fT tI-t 4.. 1.4- R 19

ttrEu' * tr-'.Ll r. . 1.1 5-W 1 8 {t ffift ti. tr L.2-W20

ru BF I
-.* 1.15-R18 ftb r) tr.b b L.2-W27

E E r',. 'i t.1-R24 l

tb\' b ' 1.13-R 13

+ L)^ t)i'L''{-c 1.3-W5 BI ilrE f, . +: '866

t fLn z).t,-.P. f ! L.7-R12 J-. t 1.1-W10

,87 tx P
E PS e, 11,,/ I' ,x, 1.15-R 16

W2 c'2 '88 R 4 t0 1.4-W 13

{ fr+ L.:. 1.1-W29 # #{ ,,iru . {, 1.6- R 4

FJ d Di.L 1.9-W26 t r. L.i. '36

. .L 1.3- R 29 ^ l<'Drl 1.8-W 1 3

f fldr' .L 1.10-W23 + -ffi+ 1.2-W11

J ^ffi r.. u. r-'.t 1.8- R 6 N Is# l,. "r- 1.10-F31

\9 vb.-r L.14-R 17 ., ,Z'1.L ./J.1t 1.3-W25

x xlL L?. ffrr. 1.1-W3 'F tl?. J i L.6-W27

xw L='ft' 1.11-W25 ft H{I458ffi

5 4 lr+'l'' 1.4-W1 ,ff.r,. ?. ..r. 1.5-W30

E-'r a2 - 1.1 3-W 1 5 frlt l'I..tri6 1.6- R 20

(r) .(r) 1.3-W11 M r. .,s' L.4-R2

f Lr. 1.8- R 3 f tl^i . I 1.3-W15

L 1.13-W34 + t+l+ t l. .,\tr. l t.7-w27

rf r)4W j.e'V6 1.11-W2B ilt , >t'b 1.6- R 13
trt fr T. '.89 + ft#t r'{, . .-. L L.4-R4

fli .f t.2-w21 & r$ ff t !.60

$ , 16.rr6." ''61 rh t&.t& ).I,wi 1.15-R31
JT .RF_Rtr 1r.. r.,. L i lt(
. 1.7-R10 It Itf/ '.x-'6 1.14-W34
JTE l? .7)'t.. t 1.8-W21 *l tr 9' 'E-46

Jt r.,. Fi< 1.10-W32 Ftr . 1.15-R5

+ E4^ t,,',/.'D' 'Es1 za.', 1.3- R 12
w4 ..' 1.9- R 5 ft ^&
ffil lr.'. Za 1.9- R 12
x ffi*il& .:f?.L.Ill 1.3- R 2 tt {rtu 1r.. L.5-R24
fz L.4-W24 l-fu. i ti..i L,B-W2O
* xt# r'Ll'L+ L.l4-W24 lf irF . 1.8-W31
E R Lry ( 1.1 0-W 1 7 4 L)7 Lhr.../ 1.1-W50
fr 7 t.Dw, L.13-R24 ffi L t. . 6r,..-l,. i 1.3-R 18
H HH* 1ffi# .". * L. .il. 1.2-wB ,
< tr. ( 'E7s
E9 <.f 1.3-W 1B ftffi .. 1.1-R13
E , .T2 1.5-W21 ') tJ/J.) 1.3-W i 7
H # J.:. L.z-W40 ,^
f E t". rr 1.3- R 13
l l.8't F(.:.f.. 1.4-W31 ff .r,. ,. ..r. 1.5-W30
l U c'lf 1.8- R 31 ft8 r:.LIoi.:'( 1.13-R 17
t* (.u? 1.11-W6 fAffi 4).i.Lr( 1.14-R8
+t xL U). nLr 1.1-W3 F ET ,3.//'ll 1.1 3- R 26
E E l'.t' 'tr 1.1 2-W 1 8
@*--' m N 1," V L.7-W29
* Ru- '.39 f + '," U 1.4-W38
&, rd* 'f 1.10-R 14 + T < 1.10-W41
,p fr1#. l,\lv'l- t i 1.1 5-W9 x+ 2..LU 1.5-Wi9
t 5r.. /c/.t,. 1.1 5- R 34 ^ ->R)<4k r.. t:. u. lr,..rl,
6 47 rt\. Lt '869 II E r , L.1s-W14
) ''94 1.1-F39
ffi .L+( 1.2-R2 tf L . rl'1, 1.10-B 17
EI -EI [': . Ut 1.4-W39 fr Efr d-,. . L 1.13-W11
r.EtL r..r..*t2. L 1.15-R 1 1
+ + *$.6 1.1 5- F 35
& &Tfu ?t'< . 1.10-W43 ,)ll ft't l.w). L L.4-R7
E ..( 1.14-W15 tu ur 1.9-W4
frT TIL c( 1.10-W4 F. l,l'l'Z 1.1 0- R 20
l, X.1r, 1i1". '871 FH /t) . I 1.1-W37
xr, .tt 1.12-W6 Fffi tttr. 1.3- R 20
[ AJI,KI,. lf / . "{r . t,. L.15-R42 E r. h. tl,r 1.8-W5
:l E J L. 1.2-W19 r, trE tf /, 'l t' '865
ffi fF{,c f r. '892 L.z-W 17
fFfl w5.. L 1-B 18 ,AfrI
rtrp tt,t ' J- 1.3-W22


a. I :t=/'( 1.11-W29 I &fLn u\. .,. (. L.7- R 12

+ Fr,. f
f .r,. '837 .{,c < .{-t 1.6- R 23

F) c'41 1.8-W11 g# .i"i . L+ 1.3- F 35

+ Ft+ ,.za L.7-W28 # ffi& (. 1.8-W 10

+ ?at' *rtJ . t. 1.1-Wi 1 * *a t''6 1.4- R 10

tsJJ / 'J, L.z-W26 H( r'i..wz.Ll 1.6-R11

+ e+4 Dryi'l('D'D: 1.3-R36 ,t ffin tj,'Zw)'L'c 1.3-R1

u ttuffi, .r. L.7-R21 ffiE l:.( 1.1-R35

i i&E rrtt. 1.1-F3 E t,' '' r' L.1-W42

{+ ft., t,'. t+. b 1.15-R 17 ) r.., 1.5- R 25

fE7 6 2tc'L6 L.4-R24 l1v :6iA,.<lv 1.1-W13

ELT "Tlu L.6-R27

Zrr'+) 1.1-W17

FI Et( ff .( L.12-R2 M M ttrr. I i 1.11-F11

g E (. 1.1-R36
#'t ttrr. D |9, 1.1 0- R 25

YT .f 6 1.2-W28 il[ - t;h'. L 1.1-R30

l-J tD +J/J. l-) L.1-W40 ffiw, li . [f L . r t. 1.5- R 1 5

t 't--t L.2-n7 * t*bX '*b'1,'( 1.2-W39

ffi tr l-w'l=lv 1.8-W4 iF,' Itc't-/,' 1.8-W i 6

Eta :f; . {'6 1.15-W6 n F.a lr. 6 '.81

+ -rF
t.L . ttlv '47 HWJ ll lv'Jl't 1.1 0-W 1 9

+. *r..L 'r874 t ur. i 'Ee1

x EX :8 . t.z-w24 R .r" 1.2- B 1

tr o+( ^' '20 flJJ=o D r .tf,{, L.11-W22

t { u t,' tr? tJr. L t. 'rF40 tx !ft ,. zi 1.1-W15

H :*tr.r '873 ErcF.ffi l"Ct' n" zt'il 1.1-R28

& ffiHIJ t. *. - !867 F, EF <.( 1.1 3- R 25

&frI &)rr. L 1.1-R23 E W z*.. 6 L.z-W25

f9.t. 1.4-W11 th Lffi .i 1.5- R 7

+ 1)? u 1.10-R 19 Ft ft rr.t i L.15-W42

ffi ffiH t))'t-1" L.1-R22 r lFa 2<.6 '896

fi ti a'hr. i 1.5-W3

@*-*' t{^ ft^ tzt1. 1.1-W28

{ +,f l:. lv' v\ L.3-R24 M lu6 1,. L.A-W7

EI W-x" ,. t. L.12-R 14 HIDJ *.la 1.1 5- F 33

w EE UI.L+ 1.12-W3 }E J. r.(.u L.14-W26

16 ffi tr. -' L.7-R24 +T tt .t-. Lf '869

'l 'lEI ts,// lv '8101 ffin D,.tir 1.10-W42

fr &E ' *. i\'

h't 1.11-R5 $ <* '68

t* F;X hrb\. 4 < 1.7-R1i ffi D "(. A" Ir i' 1.4-W 18

fr fr ti .1, 1.1 5- R 39 w xpF f$d . t 1.10-R21
ll &t-e l'{.f 100 fl flr+J U'Jtl. 1.1 0- B 28
t+# Ui.l: ( .D.D i 1.3-R36 za
lf .. -r r. L. i4-W39
t l< l u.f 1.1-W1 flf+t 1). t, 1.1 0- R 28
&+r r..LJ 1.13-W24 FJ EI{t 6 rJ.rr.L 1.2- R 19

w Eht 6 fT'Il6 1.3-W20 EIIf+ ^ic. . L.3-R27

WJ U . l'''t, L.11-W22 EIJ : A?. : 1.4-W3
F ffiffi L2.Ue 1.1 0- R 29 E )t9 lJ'. t 1.8-W28
R ffiE .s 1.6- R 25 yh E!fr tr. Jra 1.11-R4
* *trl Ur .S ( 1.8- R 30 W ffit'f :f/.l 1.11-R2s
{t ffitt 1r. . li,. 1: * 1.3- R 3
/\{ ! hl .fL 1.3-W2
H HH'lv 1.7-W38 lv 1.t:z'> 1.4-W31
Hffib a..b 1.1 1- R 14 #, #6 &' ' L.i 1-W21
,IF {+f ). *"' 1.1 5- R 28 #!e J. 1.1 5- R 37
EN f&E .r L.12-W 4 ) XA <.6 '876
Et Z.L.", 1.13-R 10 x+ b\ . tJlD '817
+-t z'
F ,j
1.2-W 1 0 tp F 1.6- R 5

tr 7Jr trf 1.9-W5 'J fIJH ).t) 1.3-W 1 2

tn ffia *s. 1.13-R 19 flj( .( 1.1 5- R 43

r .6 l&1,. L.10-W26 . r. 1.1 0- R 34
E L2
,J.: t) l'b L.4-R23 l ffi trtr. ; ( 1.1 5- R 38
,E 61, 1.11-W8 F R.a t' L.B- F 29
f tf 1.10-W31 ffi Dl*1 f rl.*T L. i 3-W21

* *f#, .) 1.15-R6 Ei E[E -.6 1.10-R 12

6 6 /ctr' D l9 l L.4-R22 fr frffi)1 6a.Ei.b< L.14-wz1
6 h'6 t L.4-W34

f,t f L( /tr' L( 1.2-W36 @t*-'

IF R. < .t) 1.7- R 13 EI 't 7ti"t 1.1- R 20

HR l*t' '/: ( 1.9- R 13 # j< L.2-W47

n +J '&ss ffi t *6 f6 . 6U) 1.2-W 1s
n* '{,'1,' L.i-w45 t *ffi r. ' 'Es3
Fr ffiJ *b 1.1-W38 FffiT itlu.t'i.,. Dt i L.1s-R24
{T uur.. t.l4-W25 BN WX +J '-t' L.7-W34
* ffi ti 1.11-W14 ftr +rJtffi J: . 1.6-W31
* ry)J L'. b ( 1.14-W36 EI
7< RW <. 1.9- R 10
#" f',1 1.7- R 18 ffi+ trl -c . ltl L.11-W27
m 6 2. 1.6-W15 E4 r..f 1.7-W 16
1r t*r.lf,r,r 1.1 5-W 1 1 AEf, .'< 1.14-W15
w & ?t'. 1.9- R 5 + t+ r..r< '63

++H l.1ra. L.A-W29 -+,

a # .*-i.Lr 1.3- R 35

-J_ :f/J. 1.8-W27 $a 1.3-W29

-f +ffF .+: 1.9- R 7 ffiE ',. Ut 1.12-B 10

E EiEE t. "". f 1.5- R '14 # t,' f,:''t' 1.1-R38

B .RF Li.s.) '854 q W6 .6 1.1-W26

FitrFJT l1"\.UA,. L)'& ( 1.7-R10 * *.ry 6 a.ti6 1.3-W4

TR +ffi :.t L.2-W43 FI Effi Lo't' 1.13-R 14

w l#ir *.b( 1.1 5-W 1 Hb *.b. b 1.15-R 10

E :tt[ D1. 1.1 5- R 30 zt R# Lp.i 1.3- R 32

+ iB l'J.i'0t '829 ffi Ff 26 1.1-W33

t+ tr . ,). t '870 Ff l'. Lr 1.5- R 6

aLt. *;{''(' Lt' 1.12-W20 # t4'i+ L'l;t,' 1.9-W23

+ r. f 1.13-W9 tE< :r.( 1.13-W20

*EE l'Dwi'1 1.14-W30 n Lf, Di.L L.14-W23
EI R (. t,. 1.1 2-W 1 6 l* f-1+ D ..ll[r L.\-W24
+n ffi6tt, f'.6.<tr 1.15-R4 l
liE 7)'L 1.7-W11

r4 w <a.zt 1.1-R29 ffi hffi rt,' 't 1.1 s- R 23

f\ rD'( 1.1 2-W 1 3 + +# ??."ri 1.1-R 15

# fr It lv 1.10-W8 N ffi6 L.6 '.90

tr Fl 4 '--' 1.1- R 31 fiffiH' .L.ii. 1.1-R12

It H^JJ t9t . za 1.10-R 16 il rr bw'rA' 1.6-W1

+ #r' trf,). t. 1.8-W 19 Fi' /j tt". t. L.4-W27

*U wflt#' D.<.Ut i 1.10-R2 ;FF ,.6 5 L.7-W4

EI ,,E .< L.3-W24 i' rts. j- 1.13-W6

E <r: 1.9-W1 ft IR trl 'c 'T lr 1.8-W22

# # 2*. 114-W1 9 -flft! t,o.Iflv.T L.2-R21

I 4a :tl,r. 1.6- R 10 *I f. r 1.6-W3

+rtt lv'' 1.11-R16 TF T lv. \,- , L 6-W7

*u &Nl B)r..L 1.1-R23 R.R .) '854

IF E.) ?r. i '1893 'F
* tl -
7<t(\\ ? l',
. 1.12-R9

L.t) 1.11-W26 E ffiti 6 ,'tl 1.9-W 1 5

, l a Jtu. t.7-w21 #, R t' t' 1.1 0- R 34

+ ft L.' 1.1-W29 .E ffi 'l'z.l 1.7- F 6

# Lr ( .U 1.2-W35 i * 6 .*. 1.1-W30

f+ ffi tt 1.7-W 18 ffi+lt Lrp ('l('b t i L.6-w24

tEt ETI -tlr.. u 1.3- R 31 & ffi&tffi. il.. D.]f, 1.8- R 6

lna ttr. 6 1.12-W9 ffi, n L.B-W23

* ** u?. 1.1-W21 ' ro. D r 1.11-W13

*wt: Lj=' t" l: L.14-W29 # wffiH 1,.i.i-4, 1.9- R 3

}F JFH O.Di t2-R 17 f+ EIJT ,{ . /l L.3-R27
## l,.* 1.5. F 5 ffi ffif < .+{,t L.11-R24
ffi*|J D.; ( .L|* 1.10-R2 r8 tfiE ,. r)tt,t L8-Wl7
r b rh' f ' td' b L.1s-W2s n F i .7tu 1.10-W33
l'( .,s. bb , rt.
ffi H 1.8- R 21 t A, 1.4- R 9

HE HE ,s.< . i 1.12-F5 l l t2. E i 1.3- R 33

w +,J $a 1.4-R21 E +( L.z-W42

+rr :. t? 1.6- F 18 rBl : 'r ( .: L.14-R20
x+h D,',31? 1.6-W6 I 4t: rrz. c 1.2-W 16

+rrfffi ,3p'' 1.6-W31 # t# i..t.L. L.2-R14

l t lt 1.6- R I m ffi t hr ) 1.8-W3
/. 1.7-W 1 9 H{ .,. [tUr 1.1 1 -W2
B t< a' \ 1.1-W43 HH*Lffi;1 e).". * L. .ttrr 1.2-wB
4B l.z.lf 1.5-W8 rs +rr l7 . t> a) 1.5- R 2

ru ( tr,rj. ( 1.8- R 16 ,# ll lv'tt < 'r. 1.15-W28

br ffiW a!,2 ' Lt!' 1.7-W33 ffi ffin4 ttl,.oi.t-'t 1.3-R1

T ri* ,.1r 1.1-W49 R rEI
ll lb L.7-W32
fr# t.j'Ifa L8-W18 PE [86 h'8.6 1.6-W 1 6

E rl". a 1.15-W34
f-r .fi , L.11- R21

ffi ffi trt, 1.4-W5 't +' L 1-R26

ffi =tk
:f t 1.3-W3 1k'c t '-f 1.2-W 18

* ffiR l-w. 1.1- R 7 '4AW .b+( L.11-R27

rp -4.ffi. t.:. L I ) . t, ,,.&)tt 1.13-R2 F F*'F t2'+../:*i 1.14-R5
FJI NH i, . &tur 1.2-W33 E+"X@Ja- .tr,.. i. E i, L !.) L.14-R14
EEB l>Lt L.7-W 17 #T fr# 1.4- R 13

Wt' 62. ,, L.g-W24 E rl. L.5-R27

EE6 t,' 6llt. t- 1.11-W12 ffi + L.fL.. 1.10-R4
&. '\ffi&. tr.P L.7- R 16 ffi-r rou. .T 1.1 3- R 20
& J.6 1.10-W37 EI
E r. i '886
fifi zJrf .tf,P L L.7-W1 tr ffi: $.-t 'rF97

m \ *t t 1.2-W 1 IE i.L? L.2-R7

fiJ I. . 1.2-W34 'F Lo. 1.15-W30

fr ffi h. t--c 1.1 0-W 1 5 fk frx r 1.4-W15

t w U.t1" L.14-R25
@**-' EE ffi l:t,..Uro L.4-R22
trt L 1.1 2-W 1 9 Lt,' *J. c. ( 6 .Lt. 1.12-W2o

4 E4@ r. 1.7-W 1 6 *d+E t. *a. Utf:. l. 1.7-W3

EI 4 +J/. ( 1.3-W26 # # Jt L.A-W14
E *J 1.7-W5 7 {r. U o, L.l3-R24


t tr+"ffi| : ,'tr," 6)'t)'l'r.i L.14-R14 JB
FI EI tf 1.4- R 3

* *a . 1.4-W33 # #* lp.d i 1.5- R 5

*F D*.L+ L.i 0-w9 -# -. l? 1.10-W6

w, ffi, l, 1.1 0- R 35 ffi ffiT:tffi . i . 1.1-R 13

':a /c"s6 'Et8 ftr: ( t .: ( 1.1 5-W 1 3

EA I:'l4,'L( '879 + +Lr. ?<.Lr. 1.1-W48

E re '<'l'lv 1.15-W33 w 1.6- F 26

# ffiF i'^ 1.1 0- R 23 '+ *,. , 1.11-H3

ffi+r Ut,' D s L.10-W42 EI

*t1 E
trptrF 't)rt 1.7-W6

x& t-' L/r, 1.11-W30 l *.t L.7-W26

w w tf r. l-) 1.3- R 31 m EI,E .3'. 1.10-R 12

.EL ErT l'1/,' L.6-R27 .: 1.1 5-W 1 6

s rt l'a i 1.1-W15 N
/E T
lmTK t 4,. lv 1.1 0- R 37 A.b 6 ht.b6 1.4-W35

ift 'lJt) r'i L.10-W21 IFf|J 4/' , 1.3-W 1 4

ifti lu. l ( L.11-R22 HU &ffi t. z |67

E BU * 1.1-W7 ,E t) ut 1.8- F 26

ffi+ffi l. tJl' U 1.14-W22 m F Ul lv''t 1.3- F 19

ffift, z." 1.8- R 14 t'

ffi +rt.L.t. L.4-R 14

rfl E+ bt"r. -c. L.2-W29 I-'offi l-,a)c.2 1.1 2-W 1 1

ffi#. Z'.1A. 1.5- R B E gE a.:1 1.2- R 6

t+H# *ti. -f. {) i 1.7-n27 *r *fr+J Dr i.\( 1.8- F 30

# EXTT 's'> 'Z ) 1.13-R 15 l+ t+# /:t,..^t,..J L.7-W27

#.6 tr<. 1.3-W7 4 Dp).J 1.5-W28

1#'t *.-t 'E9e [ *F t,t.a 1.2- R 13

tEt+ L I ) '/tt 1.9-W23

ffi{ ffi'J 6 f'L6 t.14-R34 @*--'

H H{ lv't" L.3-R24 * # 1t..6lu 1.1 5- R 1 5

x J6# *. 1.6-W 1 3 FI #F D 'tt/

' 1.5- R 1

W#'I ' ', 1.11-R2 w f+ffi+ r.. ( . tr,.-tlr. 1.1-w12

E E bwi'L \ 1.6-W 1 0 w U't'l 1.9- R 3

EF (.|.* L.14-W2 & E <.D* 1.1 0- R 36

y I'u- f .Lr.. L4-R5 H H to L.4-W25
r-1..H, i'i.' ' ({, t.5-w27 x x r L.1-W34

a& 1.1-W19 xffi lJ'. <-" < 1.1-R 10

* TAL 1. tt't 1.11-W6 +# Lup I '/t' 1.13-R11

ffiffi /{,-+}t. 1.8-W5

=E WE r,!. ttr 1.1 0- R 33

ffi rt A, 1.10-W25 ffi I+ffi t',. . < 1.3- F 2 i

l, m b 't'Ii 1.8- R 31 H ffiM - ,.1-+ 1.14-W19
tfr h,i. L.i-w25 ffi =ilR A"l'/ 1.7- R 19

iE .;( L.3-W24 Hffi.' a.,3t.b 1.1 1- R 14

H=d tr:.t' 1.1-W36 ^ E L+'Llv L 4-W1

*r. 6 1.1 2-W 1 0 ' *.. & 1.11-R3

H ..ri L.14-R23 # P(r) t,r. (t) 1.15-R14
+ #tI' 6-tl L.14-R28 # *^ t a L.12- R 17

* *+ tl.r, .
' ) 1.1 4- R 31 ,# rf 1.6-W14
IE, FX#A .r*.rf L.]-R7 # t,' lf \. t. L.4-W28
Fffi ff,{,''t' L.15-W24 f* .t..?( 1.7-R11

IE jH^ z. Di" 1.8-W8 ffi ffiffi l t' ' /Ut L.4- R 17

& H& .).a '1862 f ftrf ..5 1.15-W21

W W ,lr' t.2-R 12 n 4f" L r.. l.1. L r. 1.13-W23
wr6 $.r 6 1.6- R 16 ffi, &ffi ?.Dr 1.10-R29
E! & .4.. ) '.62 E .2 4 1.3- R 16

t' /'. t. |.38 TE b bb.j..{1.i L.1s-w2s

ffi ffi& ft: .t 1.10-R7 ffi x ..(Lr 1.3- H 34

ffi# D. 1.1-R32 x It' 'T lv 1.15-W43

m .a lI..6 1.1-F 14 ', hft lir.. 1.5-W 1 7

tt)tv. 6bt,.' 1.7- F 1 5 FI 1J b ". a 1.6- R 15

M WTF tr. L.4-R2

ta a 1.13-89
IE EEE r.. -r. 1.5-R 14 E
L* L.s-w 1 4
ffi, t* { ,. tJ, t7-R6 tr^H )
L. D,- 1.5-R 13
W,6 o.6 1.10-W28 & (
.urf 1.1 0- R 36
ttr ffifr ).L 1.8-W2 ffi ++: L(.: 1.3-W30

tr ffi k).1, 1.3- R 5 ffi ffi+rJ E.? 1.6- R 18

#tr 4, 1.3- R 6 t fiXti' /cP. 1.14-R10

Fb# It.. , . tt, 1.5- R 4 ffi ffi{+ t2. L < 1.11-F18
F ffiF U . '4, tl2 ,.6) 1.15-W39
ffi 8 1.1-W20 ffi WW t.,. 1.8- R 24

HH* Lffi=l ."' *' 1.2-w8 aq . f , L.14-R40

ffi, Ir'. b 1.4-W19 . E a* 1.10-W30

B iH l.w).1,A, L.13-R22 Hr- F lrr. t9 i 1.13-R3

4t 7). ( '883 H ,'EE L l - l{Lr 1.5- R 10

ffilz= 6t..i,. : i
l, .. 1.3-R18 ft,E b .<ff,.rl 1.15-R2
ffi {s* L.t. 1.5-H 16 lr
'lEt 14ffi ,. lf,t . 1.13-W30

IH iHi tt.1 1.15-W36 ffi *fi! t,-: ' lf,{,'f L.2-R21

t trtr L*.D) L.12-W 17 fr f.{16 2rr. {L 1.1 0-W 1 8

1< xffi . rt 1.11-R9 & w# Ll. r. 1.1 0- R 33

x1 a't2' i 1.13-W4 ffi ffiR L* . 1.2- R 16
HiFHJh lr..o,. i .ti( 1.7-H10 # #._ tsl,. L6
ffiy J .t* L.10-R22 4XH .u.( L.z-W47
tr trf 1h. lr. ' 1.15-R9 #*r 6 tsZ-b 1.15-W3
M ffit ,\,t,' t ) '864 {E fEf C i .'lu 1.4-R11
ffi ffiffi .f 1.1 5- B 32 f &ffi tttr. D . r*', 1.8- R 6
Xflft ,. A < 1.15-R 13 ffi ffi tttr. "r- 1.3- H 30
[E HE6 ttt; . 1.1- R 33 # {#IT ht-Il 6 1.1 5- R 45
ffi ,E) re) 1.1-R41 - ttl' t' 1.6- R 12
+w (}'.J.r.1, 1.6- R 26 n H,fr rf,./r.. L 1.5-W 1 2

i rd lrtt 1.10-R 14 ffi,iL t, ln.. {L 1.8-W24

r 6 tt. 6 6 L.12-W21 t ET]
<'tl 1.7- B 13
ul *ffi r..r., 1.5- R 17 R& < . *", 1.1 3-W 1 4
ffid' ( tlt . tt .'t - ( 1.8- R 13 E 4 o)tE 4 o). z 1.13-R 12
et ffi+ Uo.( 1.1-W8 ffi ffi48 tr-c'Zlv 1.9-W9
ffi ffift t)e..i 1.6-W 1 8 J'
T& IH I/r,'": L.l0-R27
H fg#t Drp. '- i. tl *) 1.3-R14 ffi fiH 1.9- R 4
lE F t lrt 1.11-W32 ffi l r. . ^tr 1.3- R 30
16 zli I t\. c' 1.9-W25 tr T'{.r 1.4- R 16
{L6 2. L6 1.1-R34 ffi F16 . 1.8- R 23
#ft nL. (. 1.10-R1i w ,{,': 1.9-R11
iE i^ 1.5- R 23 {r i.b 1.14-W32
&, L. 1.1 5- R 46
tr t. a l.'( 1.15-R7
r' 't' 1.3-W10 ffi fi .Lr( L.2-R2
ffiffi r<'Dw,.', 1.9- F 14 ffi ffLt' .Lu. L.14-R2
xvt?w r. , . .. U 4, 1.11-R19 f# Ljo." ) 1.2- R 10
Et z.t,6 1.13-R21 ffi Wb ts.b 1.2- R 9
# &6 42. 6 1.5-W7 st
ET Hi t-j '.F-99

ttuffi, .tr L.7-R21

J'r l.Lo 1.5-W 1 0
H fJ'W L.1i-F20 -F -. Lro a.', L.i-R 17
ffi ffiffi * . tt,t 1.1 4- F 9 ffi ffiffi L < .t. 1.1-R2
HE l. D t 1.12-R 10 JI r'e 1.10- R 9
H# .tJw4, 1.15-R 19 ffi X'{ lr..u? 1.1 0- R 2s
# 4' 1.3- R 10 l# L.': 1.10-W36
ffi ryF* {". o L.7-R2 IF ftt zi.l,xz 1.3- R 26
# ffEt' *'' 1.4- R 1 trl #E^ L* ..t. 1.1- R 1

1- 9 1 . 1.8-W 1 4
H }FH . Ur L.2- R 17
ffi ffi1fr ^l,. t* '864 )-
Fr- ?l. : 1.11-W19
t,. ?. r- L.5-W24 t {sffi Dwi.I: (.D.Ur 1.3-R36
# li \ .. ( 1.1 5- R 26 # +iffiR D''.'l 1.5- R 1

l,,. 1.1 3- F 8 rJt Hr l-'t . $ lu 1.2- R 15

ffi +ffi# Ttr.,.Di 1.3- R 3 ry ry {a.oi tt-R2

ffi., (t) . ,. (t) 1.7-W20 Fry . o 1.13-R 1

ffi ffiffi, u,- 1.9- H 9 R il,j. ?< .1 L.2-W32

, tf.Lt.
t tHl ,.2 1.3- R 19 ft L r,. 1.7-W8

F ,'t" l 1.8- F 19 ffi L (.i( L.12-W7

ffi frE4fi-c <'a'Ic"(. L.7-W7

s-+ ( '-' t' 1.8- R 25

H#E 1.1 4- R 39 4 F+4 b).t) 1.4- B 20

.T* tr *.c 1.10-w3 E AE /:t..J( 1.8- R 11

ffi xffi ..?( 1.1-R 10 s +i t)c 1.14-R 18

ffi ffi- t\. L. 1.5-W29 ffi '&w :i.rJ< L.11-R27

[H ffi lic' lv 1.12-R 16

vx WT r'.3- 1.8-W1 @*--'

tr +lJ[ ." tlv 1.1 5-W 1 7 E6 t=8-6 1.6- R 7

*t # 6*.L+ 1.15-W23 ftr.' ) . t-c '80

fl4F t-o-'6 1.10-W11 rlg rE!F:F ) v'1lv'l-o 1.6- R 17

HT UKe) tJ r. e) 1.10-Ri0 rE tf. 1.6- B 19

,B a t) 1.6-W8 ru 4l->ffi-r U'c'Z'T 1.1-F37

s6 ffi D.t ,. L+ 1.4-W18 # 1'lv

*6 L.7-R24

il F 1'L 1.1-Ri9 tEt

lIIIl, .. t ' l''i' 1.8- R 18

lj /rf 1.10-W39 iR ts lv' " 1.1 0- B 37

tr .L-
fp trl ?. :'i 1.15-W2 lrt T. T
fi gr .c. ti 1.3- R 33 ffi ffiEl u. ( 1.8- R 27

E L (. 1.6- R 21 IJ 6 6'tl 6 1.9-W3

I .M
Rffi -c'. .rt I
1 7.' 6 1.11- R 1.7- R

ffi t..< 1.11-R 18 '6 tB 1.11-R1

.H,K tr[t. z6
s 4i 'r.' P . .t' 1.12-F6 6 L.2-W44

*q^ DIp i 't1" L.14-R25 EH*Lffi;J .". * L. .tr,. 1.2-w8

n xw L: ' fftt L.1i-W25 H D.'( t]5-w27
ffi 4 Lp' 1.8- R 3 *r.. t' t,' 1.2- R 18

ffir L,.,S{ L.g-W22 ffl*r,. [i/a-.t.r. L.15-R42

gttr * xffi L i .t,
, ',5r 1.10-W2 1.3- R 12

tr lt
J- trp ( .,ir 1.1-W16 H ffiF D.fJ,, '48

#E ,\. + L.2-R6 F 65Vtl! 1.1-W32

# Ef, lla 'l.' ' L.7-W23 r 6 *.. t,t. _6 1.4-W 10

tr6 f't 1.9-W 18 AF E ,'ll lv 1.11-W7

g #48 .l' . Ls 1.3- F 35 ], :''e &2. ,1 L.7-R4

9E{.t a? .rr 1.14- R 6 H ffixfrffi .*.'c. ' 1.3- R 2


4 HA c' '(, L.i1-R2 #26 * .r. 6 1.10-R 15

ffi! c.i<.f 1.11-R15 6 t. L.h, . -
. 1.1 5-W 1 0
ffi'c. rn.--(. 1.13-R6 ^{L-
T h'. -I 1,3- F 8
w gJ 2. 1.1-R 16 E)g . 1.1-R4
tr tr# Ittr. 1.13-W8 ffiu. rUt. t,, 1.11-W10
-F, E1 I'. L 1.1 0- R 20 iEfL6 # < .fL 1.2-R11
ffi ffi tlc. ( 1.1-R35 rtE l.' *2. t,. 1.11-W1
il x4?,w t. . , . .. lf lv 1.11-R19 I\ ?.( 1.1-W39
ffi uil,6 ,\. 6 1.5- R 33 _
E t,':'p( 1.9-W 1 0
-'I'l , 1.14- R 1 1
E . 1.9-W7
itr arT a rr L.A-W12 # E frt L.z-W2
Ei P. 1.8- R 9 +ffi rt L.12-W12
4# < '
i.z) L.1-R29 ft^ b)-l), 1.1 4- R 35
5 lf r\., 1.5- R 25 rffi irr,. Urjt: . [- 1.3-W9
e' L.14-W28 # # 1.15-R 15
t Wtrd D.L 1.1 3- F 4 t
tt qr ht'1 1.6-W21
Hq ffif+ lr '' 1.12-R8 t i.C, ) 1.15-W20
K f L.12-Rl ffi E;ffitr,J 1,L''-t 1.7-W36
ffi ffiffi Lo.L( 1.5-R18 JTE i . .t.. I 1.8-W21
ft *Er :.L.;( 1.13-R 17 E F'# It. , .t. 1.5- R 4
# R6 2. t.7-w24 ffi x ltr. " i L.14-R27
ffiR ^,. l, ) 1.8- R 8 ffi ffitr lftr. / t. 1.1 5- R 25
ffi R? ('Uiv'lr', 1.9- R 14 ET -F.' lJr. ) 'E9s
IE +/jF 'C' Ur / L.12- R 13 ffi, rE ;. ff ,{, 1.6-W4
a -Er- :. t. L.4-W26 u L .t{,
W -W L.i-R21
ffi W ti.Li L.7-R22 is I{A". : i L.|-R24
W+ ltr c .'C 1.14-R1 ffi f{& .u. i 1.5-R21
rfr Fi4tF bt.'P../:*: 1.14-R5 E tr# .L.ii.,. 1.1-H12
x fr14'. \,,l. .e2 1.15-W9 #EI .1.-t ) 1.3- R 16
E E f,.r. 1.3- R 13 ffi ffiAr,- ff tJ. (^ .r. 1.15-W18
t't t-w't. U 1.7-P.25
a. FEft t..
,S'/. L.12- R 14
# r l,"Llv L.12-R 11 # # Di.J!5 1.3-R11
r. 1.12-R3 H r..ti 1.1 4- R 30
# da6 lT. *t6 1.11-R17 ffi iffi A. *, lv L.1s-W38
H E#A i.tfrr.f L.i4-R39 tu ft^e t;.c,,. L i 1.5- R 13
ffi ffiL l'LT 1.10-W38 W7> t.0)^ 1.9- R 6
ry* ff c , , 1.4-811 ffi #.r J.fOi 1.1 5- R 48
ffi l7. 6 ct'i- L.12-R 1
ffi 62.: 1.1-R11
H tr Z lv'Il t'' L.i4- B 36 #
x = .tf 1.2- R 1

frr#- :_ i - &. 1.4- Fl 13 f;+ +?l ( U'L''r}'( L.1s-w1s
frk#tF. .f.l' t.7-R7 # E *'Lio/r, 1.15-R 19

ffi ffift fL,-<. 1.10- R 1 1 F+# l.*.(., 1.3-R4

# %tr $.t 6 1.5- R 22 # #Lt,. (b.Li". 1.8- R 2

nw L-r. < 1.1 3- R 29 2 tt. 1.2- R 8

ffi T#r 1".u L.12-R4 tr #iffi=# l. lv.:A"..D L.4-w37

# #rll t rr '+* 1.8- F 10 #i L t,' /'Lr,. 1.5-W4

fl HJ t?rJ.t. L.14-R 16 W +effir Dro i . a . D. ., 1.1-R27

i 4 blu 1.8- R 28 W 'T 1.3- R 15

fiF +trfr .a 1.9- R 7

@*--' tr Ft+ lv'4 i L.7-W28

,EI * 1.2-W5 vk) ll' i L.7-W25

rE E) 6h't. ) L.1-R42 * ffix ,A,. Za' A,' Lw ) 1.11-R28

{E ? i.t\ 1.11-W15 n Mffi il. .? < L.14-R26

Eil RffiH lt,. l) t . lv 1.13- R 18 #fr, 24.l 1.1 4-W 1 6

r& t' L *s' t' L. -W 17 ffi GI Zl 1.14-W40

,& -lv.b L.9-R2 m lE.t' 6ll'"\'' L.4-R 12

XH p)'' 1.1-R 18 WE t lv't ) 1.15-W34

[H( r)
'F[H o.(r) L.13-R7 H rt FI )"blv 1.10- R 5

fi ffiffi /l .1,'?trl,l' 1.13-W31 rE fr,, .?'. ) 1.11-R10

, # 16 ,. lJ' < 1.3-W26 ffi ffi <c. t* i 1.10-W24

#(r) (.2 1.5-W26

EE frr+ z',..r.( 1.1-w14

xt,6 ttD. L- 1.7-W15 w Efrffi',- ; r.rr,'. 6i, t ).L t.) L.14-R14

i lf* E:'ilt,- 1.1 5- R 41 @< ll:'( L.14-W 17

'lv.19 ) 1.5-R 12 ta WrE .ia'. L.7-R 14

w HJffi EI @E <

Hs a lT. a 1.13-R 16 # o).'*i 1.10-R18

l+ tr++ffi u ,. ht /. A, 1.1 0- R ',l

ffi W r 1.6- R 14

ffi D tl'D6 1,6-W 1 9 q.

l. fi& .L.lla. 1.1-R12

+ h. D 1.4-W38 A 6 A)' f 1.15-RB

# =# :i.' 1.5- R 31
#ffi fd< . 1.8- R 21
t +# 4-t-It.) 1.1-R15
EA ,.. & L.7-R26

t {Fra tttr. : i L5-R24 ffi ffi., trl ',6 1.10-86

w ffiffi [trr. /; r. L.4-R17 H F zl, 1.6- R 6

ffi Mffi ttr. ( L.l4-R26 lltr^tl L .1. ; .{_r 1.11-R13

# t+ffi, .0ror.u\ 1.7- F 5

9 It/ . -I lt794

ffi 'tr. ti" 1.9- R 8

E rJ 1,.t) L.1-W35

# [s# trl,' tr 1.10-R31

ffi qU 1.1 3-W 1 6 @*--'

+ .*.l.L.I4"
il ffi^ilffi 1.3- B 2 ffi ,ER 1.4-W 16

IH sltl
ET IFT L i . lt,l" 1.6-W 17 H- <. 6t 1.11-F6
E{L t,. L 1.6-W29 r* rf'< 1.1-R6
F6 E Il l' h'/1, 1.5- R 3 GI frtE t'*, /. 1.11-R5
nfl H# : . i,,. ' 'Es2 cB6 ls. 6 L.2-R4
EE 'J htf'6 1.15-W4i ffi $.|t.) 1.1 5- R 32

ffi ffiffi u.c'Z 1.15-R 1 Ht lr. lv. 19 4 1.5-R 12

m ffi d"Lt.. < 1.1 5- R 38 i z-) 1.7- R 1

H EX[fr+# : (.rr.r( - 1.3-R28 ffi ffi+ Ja-t 1.5-F11

==^& l,,. 2 L.12- R 12 4iF :f 1.6-W12

M +ffi "e' L 1.8- R 7 ffi IEffi E ) .t) . 1.6- R 2

IHffi z ,- 2 L.10-R27 . *r. L 1.3- R 29

H =J lt"rt L.6-R24 # ffi tt lv. Lw i 1.1 3-W i 0

E *# "'L 1.8- B 7

4 Uro( 1.5- R 20 @t--'

ffi -ffi t,.=. Lt 1.7- R 3 FT w ,t' ) 1.9- R 15
t ffiffi L\. L , 1.11-W30 ffi E
M\ ZlL L.14-R7
ry *IE
EE tf tr. .1 1.1 5-W 1 2 ffi ffii i.* L.10-P,22
$ #. (z) LT'zl"'1z 1.10-R8 # # ht.L t i L7-W4
ffi AE tf?.r. 1.2-W33 ffi .,: /: L'.: 1.5- R 26

=t .( 1.15-R21 ffiFa < . u, 1.15-W33

6 fr,Affi ?i.::.L( 1.14- R8 ffi ffi ttrlr,'l"l'. .t. 1.5- R 15

r fL ,5" L6 1.5-Ri9 4
m ffi ht l.' L < L.7-R14
rsn 1 't' L.i4-W18 ffi# . 1.1 5- R 29

ffi ftt {-e. 1.11-R26 ffi tfg L: . Hl,r 1.1 5- R 41

ffi ffiE /Ur' 1.3-R22 H Fl /r,'t,' L.|4-R3l

ffi Mffi It' l. L.14-n40 ffi ffiqJ, L.. . b 1.3- R 7

ffi ffiH L \.b 1.1 0- R 30 H. HF 1,2. $ A, 1.2- R 15

ffi ffiffi t-.7I L.15-R22 ru ffiF l.w. . L.1-R7

ffi E T.LJ 1.1-R36
F =*\+ t\.wi.L"t 1.6-R11
't ffiffi "i.(.,, 1.1 3- Ft 23 ffi E{AE#R 'i1. +A,. L 1..i 1.1-R28
ffi ffi,rr J.tu r8. '*i 1.3- R 17

t'+. < ',J-' 1.13-W29 #HE* - t'6 t"ttl' i 1.3-R18

ltr J, r.6 1.3- R 2s 4:L
^ +E# 4i .tih 1.5- R I
ffifr l=lv' t) 1.1 5- F 20 ffi -E
6. L.s-R27
ll lr L|*z'bwi.t-+ 1.8-Ri2 H'r a L'- 1.1 0-W 1 3

#r M ( .": 1.13-R5 ffi 'ffi& U?.f L.7- R 16

ffi IH\ .( 'E8s ^ ).t:wi 1.12-F15

ffiffi"= u,.al-. . t) t.A-w37 i'L 6zr - {L 1.8- R 15

E ffi, t-r.. f.:f 1,9- F B * ffi ttc 1.3- R 9

ft,'i: Iac. L,- E L4-F 18

,# 'lt rl, ' lf tr 1.1 4- F 3 @***'

ffi ffi tf i] . 1.10-R7 r ffiH ltL. Tt , t.6-R22
ffi G
mt Lw i 1.8- R 8 ffi ffirt htL. a i 1.9- B 12
ffi AfE $id.f. L.7-R27 ffi ffi ti L.2-R20
ffi ffi)rW t.bx(.f 1.1 0- R 32 ffi . ?5r' 1.11-R9
l8,,,tr - ,. t) . 1.9- R 2 m ffi*il& .*:.L.ltlv 1.3- R 2

ffi F tl 1.2- R 5 tr fAEI .( 1.8- R 17

ffi E-rft b'l 1.15-W26 Fd ffiffi l.wi.1,*,( 1.5-R 18

.tr. ; ( 1.9- R 13
@t-*' BH Fl' W +r<.b. 1.9- R 1

ffi<ffi b . lt,lv 1.6-W23 ffi ffiffi L ( .tr 1.1- R 2

ffi ffififfi 1.1-R i3 ffi mffi .. ) 1.1- R 5

ffi ffi /.. ff L 1.6- R 3 tr Lt- d'. Lt,. L.2-W12

R @ffi x).a 1.1-R8 ffi t lv. l{ L.8-R24

f RfEX '. Uto. i, 1.13-Fr18 ffi ffiil t,.f ( 1.8- F 5

H ffiH b * 1'I'lv L.1-n22 ffi EEH l'r.J i . L.1-W44

ffi+ tr\. : 1.6-W5 frt ffi I- *. tr.l/,. i 1.3-R18

q ffiffi! {fp. (.( 1.11-R15
TffiA I,T. . 4 1.1 4- R 33 @*-*'
* tJ"b<'' 1.15-W28 t trffit. terr. t'
$ . 1.1-W5

w t>fls 1.2- R 3 fr
rg! fflffi .t.:,i. 1.1-Ri2
r (' at'r 1.11-R23

ffi ffi l,tt'


*{ ffiffi: U"|{lv'ta 1.15-R 12 g ww r..* 1.9- R 15

ffi ffiEt: r{,' f.t,' : 1.15-R 12 ffi -ffirt r,.r. L i.lllu.t. 1.13-R2
* * <T tl 1.12-W8 # #],L -r4,. '. L L.4-R4
*r nF{-t .{r 1.3-W l ffi Effi : (.rf t.13-R27
Bfi W tU 1.1-R9
@**-' ffi EF
IP .:. f ( L.7-R20
ffi wffiffi ( 'D ry"Itlv 1.9- R i4 ffi ffiE u.6i.-, 1.9- R 3

ffi ffifr: tfl'' ( ' : L.i5-R36

ffi ffi ." 1.5- R 31 @*=*'
ffi Bf,t,' Al:<.t. 1.10- R 26 R ffi( fr. ( 1.8- R 22
ffi Flffi r..r 1.3- R 20

ffiffi)tt,t.Di 1.3- R 3

# rft ,'l( L.11-R22

B ft t'l 1.3- R 23

#H t) 7 | t: 6 4#n+ltF:l,slo fTJ l >T'6 [ffi.]
t 4 | v.<-. ll l ltrJ. lffil 1ffi4+n-l)ti to keep (something) for (someone) 1.10-1
IEffiHI. IEf,I I IEf,M D ffiI. IJ I |trffi] ?TT" r? - lFff;] Mt. ^aso 1.10-#
?.5 t"lll to play 1.1-2
@o**' >fc-l+Zl to give 1.5-T
rr? greeting L.2-T >tct Ut [Ez].v.]
\\ll*Tl tolove 1.1 2- pleasantly warm fwith reference to weather] L.4-

t,/C [f:] >tcte,1 t.< I warmly 1.8-ffi

while; during the time when 1.1-3 >t*.1l head 1.2-1;1.12-E
,( [ffi+] / * rU /c u I [fr tr]
addressee; the person you are talking to L.2-#, to have a headache [i., the head is hurtingJ 1.3-4

>vtTlffi+Tl lLtl vicinry

>tg 1.6-3
to keep company with; to be a companion to 1.8-2 bcl?lc)5tl to correspond (to -) L.2-
747 Ainu 1.10- zr g.1 hot [with reference to weather]
lrlCi liB#l one's partner L.14-ffi,2 $'t *, 6 t* I to gather [u i. ] L.7-ffi
$+ tl lfamilynameJ 1.1-ffi $'td> 6 lR l to gather [u..J L./---".

t>'lfrl red 1.9-1 z&/c*lFfi1

bJt l1.rl torise [ui.l L./---D thick omelet (in Japanese styie) L.14-+2
&>/t6Ut [Frl.] cheertul 1.1 1-ffi < lr<ft1 address to send mail to 1.3-2
tr [female given namel 1.1-3 rrc lnl (one's own) older brother 1.4-1
r?l?k] fal] L.4-^2 7 =t cartoon Uit., anima(tion)l 1.7-
ttl t?I#l lplacenamel L.7-^2 72{- l. $fl apartmenthunting 1.1-ffi
rZ rll [ma1e givenname] L.12-ffi r( [r]
>3 >t'Ic. [q.13] clear 1.9-ffi to shower (someone) with (something) L.12-:r

r ru>6 to give up L.1 3-ffi "1 tffil fat 1.1 s-t

lA l to getbored 1.15-3 7,l r avocado 1.1 5-F

r8 tL tobe dumb-founded L.1s-#,2 r* <T t< 9-l tobe lenient L. I I -r

< t4 < ] to become vacant L.12-^3 7 J r) l blc! tmenca,for instance 1.1o-ffi
t>1D lrtr,|#ffiffi1 vicious circle 1.9-ffi T)t)ttr-> Loi 1lr,trtF'l
bT lffiJl to open [ut.] 1.9-1 United Sttes of America 1.13-

&rTl+l 7 , h Ll7 t t *l American history L.4-1

to give
- las a reason, as an example, etc.] L.14-:,1 7 tt) t L8 17 t, ttl,A,mericanstyle L14-A1
bTl-Lf l to raise [t.] 1.1 s-ffi 1 7 t t) tt 0 wi lT r t rtffil Americanway 1.1 1-ffi
b rtulffirLl- longing; yearning L,
E +*, to apoToge 1.1 -T 1

I#l morning t.2-+1 btra lllt) towash 1.3-;1.10-3

rLlEl leg; foot 1.11-3 b>tT.d> beforehand; in advance L.15-2
t>LlclHl tomorrow 1.7-3 rtrbtL6lfr,tLl appeat, anve 1.7-; 1.8-ffi
trL t ltfr l to break one's ieg L. i 2-F (-I?)bq2< to comeby (ameal) L. I 5-r

r < l<l to walk 1.1-ffi

r6UlrHl one day L.1 3- ,9 i0)l-ffil first-rate L.f,-il

bfvz \\trbi l'l

luttered when something unexpected happensJ 1.10-3 [ma1e given name; often given to the oldest son] 1.2-3
bbt'[(-lc)rta] to adapt (to -) L:4-ffi2 tr,a .V [-E] per occasion L.4-#,
bb'z to combine L.14-#,2 V \ 2 - r [u c - rf r ] t l
J\t) J\ 14 r t r

>hfeutT6 t*9-l dont know when - 1.2-+3

to show someone around 1.2-;1.7- U\Ob[t,ra$] aroundwhen L.12-ffi,

bLta,5 liketht 1.11-F tr" L [-ffi] together L.7-E^1

Ur [H] stomach t.12-fr, L? L a l-+l throughout (one's) life 1.8-ffi

//r t,.fll u., L iTl'>u' t-afml
to declare; to say denitely L.1s-ffi2 very hard 1.5-ffi;1.13-1
t,L/l [v.ilT] tobegin to talk 1.1 1-F /r, L T l"d>U> t..Ffffil hard 1.1 3-#
trrV * t2 L [r,.El L] expression 1.1 5- 1 t,a?( [-E] apairoffoorwear 1.4-
rfrr [l,l]J other than 1.3-ffi v\?0) 13 before I knew it L.4---o

rlc [+lc] unexpectedly L- b- r1 t,atJ( [-]

r3 truly 1.13-ffi one nighfs stay; overnight stay 1.10-2
u (t) [R(re)] stylish; chic 1.1 5-ffi 1 ,-> lJL < t*ffiel clericalposition L.14-^3
t ./c t!l way of life; life styie L.T4-=,tN2 a J( 3 [*ttffilc] genera L.--
tr/9 allofasudden L. I 5-81 t - lf i t-?l on one hand or on the other hand
L.14-,1 (dependng on the context) 3-;
U< D[rE] child-rearing 1.1

r(zfr afew L.7-^2 .? [Et] anecdote 1.10-

Ul/[iUEl] lfamily nameJ 1.1-2 l.* / [[] lfamily nameJ 1.1 3-ffi
urt[H_R] opinion L.14-r t,.1z). [84,ft] different culture L.l1-#,
/rd[l] after L.B-1 t * v [#] lfamily nameJ L.6-+2
!r t// [i/,r/r/] to be comfortable 1.15-2 ,rA [4] meaning 1.2- i
rE.+ [EiE] Japanese style pub L.s-3 r,i "lffi/"1
(someone else's) younger sister 1.4-+1
L L ll consciousness; awareness 1.15-ffi2
VL/[E] lfamilynameJ 1.8-1 t r.p /a.| ! flar [rrr& re rH 6 ]
Vr L{, [E] doctor; physician L.12-^1 to have a bad cough 1.12-

vL+* [] lfamilynameJ 1.1-1 L ur l to get frustrated 1.15-ffi2

vr L < ,. tffi61 (-f ) U -> l-+ [honorific form of TT] 1.1- 1

to be dispirited; to feel intimidated 1.12-:t (-rr) U to need -; - is necessary L.b-

? C [,<] to hurry; tobe in a hurry t.2-2 u\It"\ -, -l to change L.1s-3

'/< lfr<] tohold [ut.] lwrittenexpression] 1.8-ffi U\bll color 1.9-1
t, '[-] once t.1-+2 U\bU\b (r) l (r)l vaious 1.1 1-ffi
,f[-] most L-5-fl U\W6 so-called L.14-:,2
t \b 0) t rf ?ffi*l some women L.|4-ffi,2 U\hl. Xi tm*l impression L.15-:n2
U,1 [-A] one sentence L. 5-E1t I u\hv x jc0l*8ffi7
t \b t. 1,, - /- 2 l-E H+Ll 10,000 yen bill L. 0- 1 1 - left an impression on (me) [u.i.] L.1s-3
, VT'r 7/ Atnencanlndian 1.8- tml frain station 1.4-3
t \l"N iT LIHTl to quote 1.6-T .'r[Htr] railroadstationempioyee 1.10-1

- t*is [--Lrtt] .L+ ( T6lffit)

as far as -
concerned L. I 5-tr to greet by bowing slight 1.2- 1

) /r gargling L.12-^2 ;LXJL7 [SF] science fiction 1.7-E

t l ( -irl-lfFl
a ,lJti [lEli ] lhumble form of and X6] 1.3-1 Edo Bay 1.8-ffi

i .i ' [mi] ZTFT ' V* fried shrimp burger 1.6-3

lhumble form of ( (to ask)l 1.5- 1
. .- t"l to choose 1.3-ffi
j tzt- can be observed L.14-ffi,1 - ll to gain; to learn 1.1 1-ffi
i TeIl l9ttl receptionist 1.8-1 -l-l#l fate;karma L.14-*2
i<l*t+l receiver 1.1 5-# 1
-l'utT Iffil
i t t(tm) *etl to take (an exam) 1.3-1 to visit a far-away place to compete in sports L.t-fr,

ial*ryal toreceive 1.1o-ffi l'b xrLD i iffi-Ll extension 1.15-ffi 1

i "< t< I to move [ui.] 1.7- -l'0 xr( [R(]

i VI4l cow L- I U- without hesitation [li, unreservedly] 1.9-1

i l <" tf$ Cl to fade; to decrease 1.1 i-ffi *iLt)\ [j#l.] cetebration L.7-^1
(-) ib within the domain of - 1.14-1 t i - I'T 6 tI6#9- I to cheer for t./-="

'llfi'>l to t5rye (messages) L.4-:t t D6 '[(-t3)6D]

i z ( LV. [*Lr.] beautitul 1.1-ffi to agree to; to accept 1.1 3-ffi

i2Tl+Tl to copy [ur.] 1.1 3-ffi i D6't D6l to adapt L.14-#.,2

->l-6 to complain of 1.12-r 5.rvr IBXJ
West Ui., Europe and .merical l
i2l(-1.)1*61 to move (to -) [r.i.] 1.5-2 L- --er

a EL [type of noodle] 1.6-1 5 to end; to finish [u.r.] L.14-:n2

i [Xg] horse 1.10-ffi *i*i lltl downpour; heavy rain L.2-^2

,*tuLeO+.ILl ISJSI [t ] there is/are a lot 1.1-1

to be born Gn/ at -) lu.i.l 1.1-3 *j*j\C l/llc] much; considerably L. I J-

i tatrl tolay (egg); to givebirthto [u.r.] 1.6-1 t-r)VlOLl

ttl female office worker(s) [i., ofce lady]
i to give abirth L.14-ffi,2 L.-E

i + L/\ tobe envious L.14-^2 *i *it / *i *i t \ lt, lT rLdt Lr l l

l,1 to sell [zr.] 1.6-3 the more (students) Ihete ate, the more - 1.3-ffi

tr.trr [BVrLr] lucky L.12-^3 *s*s.[iffi] lplacename] 1.10-ffi

i hbl-lJ (passenger) fare 1.10-1 *i*i i ltfH#l the professional sumo 1.7-
L(/'LW tffi+l driver (byoccupation) 1.6-ffi *i*i$if [tl lfaminameJ 1.6-3
L[4] movie 1.7-3 tI Xb 'tJtgl $eatioy 1.3-
1.aLFs] influence *S. L t*JELl reciprocal gift
Luro)TlI lXWl fmale givennameJ (-) lezl.T(f) thanks to - 1.11-t

- *s Lv strange; odd; funny

Well. lused when looking for a right expressionJ 1.5-+3 rt;frt6 tunny 1.13-1
lJttlfiffil smile (on one's face) 1.1 1-ffi ft;frl hot rice porridge L.12-*2
*is*, [/,11] lfamily namel L.11-^2 *i tl sound L.7-2
ti t l to set up L.12-3 *ii tffil youngerbrother
*o' < t4l the back 1.7- ti lO tFBl men's section ofabathhouse L.1O-3
*; 1 u) l:f- t 89-l ro send
12 back 1.8-ffi *5 L/* t+J+:l NewYear's gft of cash 1.9-ffi
1.9-T J5 t LV quiet; submissive L.14-1
tl to send
*i < 1.3-2 to' < lR < I to be surprised

#<tLlLl tobelate L.-^ ifiDtlElDl same 1.1-

iSfe 11l to carryout; to conduct lusuallyused J5l3r, [*iE,]
in written 1.3-ffi (someone else's) older brother 1.4-1
*i to scold angrily 1.11-3 *jlaV [*sffiv.] request 1.3- 1

*i totreat (someone) to (something lusuallyfood JslavL:lT [lsu. LT] please. L.1-+2

or drinkl ) L.6-2 tili L t*il chopsticks 1.9-F

*ss L.18ffi*l ozakiDentlclinic 1.12-3 *i t*rE[E] bath 1.10-3

*je) lw:1 t5.t i t*.-f$l tunchbox L.14-*2
to put away (to include) [u] L.1s-ffi1
*ilf l*Hz)
*i trml plate 1.9- to learn; to commit to memory; to remember L.2-#,

*S r, [*jrht.] washing dishes 1.11-F ti e) a . 6 [* H :z]..6 l

tL-l#Z6l toteach 1.1-1 to meet lhumble orm of i I lu.i.l L.B-1
J5 DS o'" 1.2- 1 6 () t+(/d)l main L.5-'
*5L i [{iIl] NewYear 1.9-ffi *.;L9-[,Bv.HT] to recall L.-il

LA ti.'#l castle 1.1o-ffi *S6 LU [mr'] interesting L.4-*

i5"Vlf [+sffi] end-othe-year gift 1.9-ffi Jsa(trrlfi2ffrl
t b E re heavy; dull; leaden L.12-:
*; : rs ]
to be indebted to someone [ui.] 1.9-ffi *i 3 i!ffi1 burden L.|4-#2
t:t [Er] to be late L.i i-1 t$l-l)6let)."Dl
*? l(,.-)A,bl to learn L.1s-2 to value -; to give importance to ,- 1.15-2
*i/ trJ.El lfamily namel 1.15-+3 t+ t#l parent 1.6-+ 1

5/ Dlc [*lFl:] rbke care! L.12-^1 *j t lf ['lffl [.] L.1 5-ffi

to exert linfluence] 1

*j/z)U [*sE^v.] each other 1.1-ffi t2 l"tl:,4-ltrvY^l Dutch (person) 1.8-ffi

*s+ t*s#l (seen) tea 1.6-2 t , "t 'lrf , v Yffil Dutch ship,

*S+ ( Atl$X<ttl servingtea 1.14-3 *i9*iSttttvl

*b w j IT -l+l mid-year gift 1.9-ffi lname of a movie theater] 1.7-3
*i t(ilBl!)Wbl tofail (anexam)
[u.i.] 1.5-ffi t9 6le)w9 l
jo= [*] husband L.14-ffi2 -; to get out of(a vehicle)
to get off L.O-8 1

*'l 9 change;balance of money returned to the 15 Lffi6l to snap 1.1 3-ffi

purchaser 1.10-1 *tr [*&] gift of appreciation 1.9-3
Js(v [*?tftv'] $bl$bl be finished; be over [ui.] L.2-2
bathroom llit.,pTace to wash one's handsl L.i3-1 *jr< t$l music L. J- r

*< tt'+l Buddhisttemple 1.1o-ffi *ii,tl hotspring 1.10-ffi


tS tte@ lkl women's section of abatlhouse 1.1 0-3 .ll[Hf] behindsomeone'sback L. I l-

'lrL+ trfi#l [amoviename] 1.7-3
@tt-*' J.lI6lWTl to put - on L.1s-ffi2

-- x or Y z). [l*] past 1.1 3-T

/rr [iEtI] abtoad 1.15-3 .S[/<] volcano 1.10-ffi

.rr. [t*ffi] pleasant feeling (sensation) 1.15-ffi2 .D [:F] housework L.l4-*2
.v[/r#] . L complimentary close used by women 1.9-
looking after one's aged parent(s); care L.14-ffi1 .Do.[$ffil] orchatd 1.1 3-ffi

.v ( lffiEl] .T tfl to lend 1.3-+3

to open up the country (to foreigners) 1.8-ffi .9" tryl number L.5-ffi

V ( [!tl] foreign country; abroad 1.6-3 .tltI( [trA< ] to catchacold 1.1 1-ffi
.rr? < l*] super express train or bus L.7-+2 ? 1 l*ffi] family 1.1-2
lt ut:C,TL tElffiTLl ./U [#] problem L.l4-ffi1
a selservice style sushi restaurant 1.15-F ./ [h] broken [e.9., Japanesel L. I J-fl

r/r i I 1ffiffi6.1 to liberate L.15-ffi,2 l

\lI lfrttlT to clean; to tidy up lu.t.l L.6-ffi
Vr- counter L.6-+2 t>fcl#l :#T L.15-:r,2

.-> on the contrary 1.13-# lrbrlrlfrfiffi1 one's sense of value 1.1 5-ffi 1

lr>T UfrerTl lwritten form of rr,'t] 1.5-ffi lrb DW /|ff#$] standardofvalue 1.15-ffi 1

,-lWl togohome 1.1-3 z). t#El section chief L.7-^2

r Lilil (something) returns [ui.] 1.1 1-ffi t->'0T tobe disappointed 1.8-tr; 1.11-1
.tS lffi] face L-Z-n 7D\'2 llfi] vigor; liveliness; vitaliry; energy 1.1O-ffi

JSU [tr] complexion L.12-^1 r,o<r,tT [Hf*r 'f ]

to have one's own way; to do what one pleases L.14-^1
rrru) 0)$0)ltr.l
person who handles a particular business matter 1.8- 1
r.> ltT 6 tffiTl to stride; to swagger about L. 1 5-ffi 1

lltllr .c&( TlfrffiTl

it takes lwith respect to time or moneyJ [ui.l L. I -8,I to play an active paft in L.7-fr,

(-lz,'Y6 concerning 1.15-2 .(t, [*] home; family 1.3-ffi

.Sl t(-:)Efl notiimited to 1.9-ffi . i tfiffil lfamily nameJ t.1-2
. I t V. [ (- l) F /t.] -r/e
not necessarily - 1.6-3 I wonder fgenera used by male speakersl L.4-*,2

.'9 l-ffi I 12 as far as -; as long as - L. t5- ta LL [7Lt,.] sad 1.2-

t(-). l(-c)ml .fTt [.9'] withoutfail 1.3-

would have to be the best choice 1.1 0- fJ,fsf, l,ll surety 1.8-2

t( vr[-H1 .fa 9- L - f4/\ l.9- L -rrl

school loften used for names of schools] 1.8-1 not necessarily 1.3-ffi

' 1 Ll,T 6 LWEf 6l to believe frrmly 1.15-ffi2 rte\ fairly L. / --ot

zl. ( [t] various parts of the country 1.10-ffi (-tcf) ltettt

< ., t+fl] college, undergraduate L.l-^ to be no match for; can't win L.15-ffi,2

< /L* t+l level of education L.14-2 .i tEIEl possibility L.15-ffi2

,0)Dlf.1 she 1.1 {'ll, to do one's best; to ry hard

lt)v?Vv.7tr\7ltyl- trt ,,t lffil

[name of the author] L.15-:n2 inviting someone to join (a club) 1.5-3
t ts- U to cover up; to make up for L.14-ffi,2 z).V [#St*] machine 1.14-3
.*, it'sallright; onedoesn'tmind 1.4-3 fffiffif[] mechanization
S frt,r7)r L.J-rX
.* < C9 lffiW) Kamakura-sryle carrring 1.9-F l-l
*,LT t*E61 to endure; to putup with L.i 1-3 to change (one's) clothes 1.10-3
.4r lffi] paper; sheet L.3-^2 .( [] planning 1.14-3
' / [ff] body; health L.4-ffi, ,TllYTl
to become a nafinalizedcitaen 1.12-
./+Te> l#fe>l
to rest [lif. to rest one's bodyJ 1.10-2 t' le|i r)fil6l to feet as if - L.-att
t,9 lffiu a1 to borrow 1.4-3 "r( [(-?c)fi<]
,, )Vt*! av 7 culture shock 1.1-ffi to notice (something) 1.5- 1

r )vr'tY , - Zfhbi t(--)Hrtr1

a kind of adult school Ul., culture centerl 1.14-1 during the period (when -) 1.1 0-ffi
rfLll lthird-person pronoun for a male] L.B-ffi t#l industry; business L.14-#,2
\l/ cute; lovely 1.2-;1.4-1 S ill#fT tostartabusiness L.14-ffi,1

J'b\\Zic < tftl < I to work effectively L.15-#,2

i feel sorry for you. I sympathize. 1.12-F
< 0 tfim9l consideration (for,-) 1.15-2
t t> l*bal to change [ui.J 1.4- <Tt+Er9-l
to return to one's home country
/,*>61?)l\b6l L.J-'T

to replace someone [i.] 1.8-1 L+ tB[ffi] marriedperson L.1A-ffi1

fjtfufis lftfl fr1 way of thinking L. I -n SDoz l*l technology 1.15-3
.t!r [Hffi] relationship 1.9-; 1.11-2 3a 49P1 season L.9-#
.lt,.t, tel welcome parrSr 1.5-3 'L<t#*L(l boldly;firmly L.12-ffi
t,1, j l) X a 1ffifrffitr1 sightseeing frip 1.9- / [Jt] north L.1 o-ffi
. D t+l Chinese eharactet L.4-# /ctrT tHffif l to expect; to count on L.14-i,2
r,1,T [(-l:) ffi Lf] concerning L.f-E,T $ /14r[5r dirty 1.15-ffi2
z).D [,8] patient L.12-3 C. lftg i I to be concerned about L. 1 1 -ffi
,L1. [(-)ffi D] to feel that - L.O-=fl "r([4tr] coffeeshop 1.11-1
l, L L l, >.tB) [B,. J ] ol9ll posrage stamp L.5-T /
to gain interest t.7-ffi, a for sure; surely L.7-3
trlr? ) lffi,1 one's thoughts/impressions 1.11- c, [S16] ticker 1.10-T
',tcLte) [ffiS()] simpte; easy L. O- r
3,6 [(-r)fi3^]
to like -; to be fond (of -)
lt,l'ET\ffiTl 1.1-3
to be moved; to be impressed 1.8-ffi
c.. [(-r) fil:r]..l
(something) bothers
someone; (something) makes someone uneasy L.11-ffi
' L t i E - lffi., z al
to feei impressed L.15-:n2
cfa 6 [ (-tr) fi c r ]
something bothers one; to
. < tffil movie director 1.7-3 be concerned (about -); to worry (about 1.1 1--) 1


tttt'*El I

8tJ"T tBBTl to commemorate 1.13-ffi *bv>< t)<l

.., tfi'l feeling 1.1 2- 1
extremely fwritten expression] 1.1 3-#
f i i#gl wish;hope L.J-n !.>l'j tfr-tri I to worry about 1.9-1
f L+ tS#l one who wishes to do - 1.3-ffi toale)frt2Il
to pqy attention to; to take care 1.4-ffi; 1.11-1
final exam [lf., semester-end exam] 1.3- 1
/-tJl-lE+l in recent years L. / --in

* I rules L.15-:N2 <'. [R] condition L.12-ffi

* I {r< t*9I@l setphrase L--n <iit4l airport L.1 -;
* ti* l to be set/fixed [ui.] L.z-fr, C{tlB*l bvchance 1.4-3

I 7|lH you [Itis generallyusedbymale speakers <lD t*l medicine L.12-2;L]2-E

toward someone equal or lower in status.l L.1'^2 ( C although; in spite of t.14-+3
3l#'e>l to decide [.] 1.9-ffi < /6o) t+ryrl uit
i(-13)i*l to decide (to-) [r.r.] 1.13-ffi ( t [n] job opening it., mouthl 1.8-3
tfr#l feeling 1.10-3 ( '[n] mouth 1.11-3

{t,t, [fi#t,..1 < +?).* L/ [E[L] critical L.11-ffi

comforlable; pleasant; to feei good L.10-3 < f l [Blr] tobuttin 1.11-3
Z$o)lWJl kimono 1.10-3 -{At-ffi1
+( t#l suest a group ofpeople doing the same thing
L.- L.14-ffi,2

"+ < c [3] conversely L.14-ffi1 1,7tT lffir]

to assemble; to put together L.7-.2
i . ttf[E] vacation 1.1-3

p LP i Ur'llll lthe name of one of the four < + t{E+bl to regret L. I l-dtt
major islands of JapanJ 1.8-ffi < rr/ -
such that; to the extentthat L. I t-#r

ro Le illWMf l to absorb 1.15-ffi1 < L ILl living; life styie t.13-+2

3w0 i tffifll salary 1.1 2- < rTlTl tolive 1.1 1-ffi

i t(1#J)ffi1 alittleover- L.|4-#1 ( 'r<[(-)E l<] comparedwith L.O-En

Ut< tl education 1.10-ffi V t) 71* 7 Chistian 1.9-

i .'. [] church 1.9-ffi < 6L7rl#Lbl suffering L.14-#,2

i.L tll textbook 1.1 3-ffi < a l#Xl hardship; suffering L.14-:il,2

Ltnl teacher 1.8-1 < *, tRil lfamy name] 1.7-3

Lz [] classroom L.J-J ( Lr,. [# Lv.] detailed 1.8-1
Dre i#l professor 1.7- < "1-1 [a form attachecl to a name in addressing
i 1. tRPl interest L.1-2 someone] L.l-2
8 xjV t.<llWTl tocooperate 1.15-1 {/-,1-lffi1 warship 1.8-ffi

. lffiI] permission L.4-r llVrlf[#Bl experience L.4-

3 StJ'l*+l lastyear L- I -1 lt, [HT] [female given name] 1.14-3

I I (ffib) to have a piercing pain [esp. in ]t,r[tr#l

reference to a stomachache/headachel L.12-#, honorific language llit., respect languagel 1.13-3

t ll to wear 1.9-1 lvt) [iJ tendency L.)-n

Z 6lql tohangup (aphone) [lt.,to cut] 1.12-3 lTt,8Lr [#] economics 1.3-ffi

lu\ lwT13HTl to calculate L.-rr lSuro) l&El curent 1.1 s-ffi 1

lll D1, [fi]fEl bulletinboard L 8-2 t'I/-Zl-T

l.Dgt['dj] art 1.1o-ffi to be modest; to humble oneself 1.13-3
llVr?( [#ffi] continuation L.14-#,1 fV [E] original title 1.15-1
lltrt/trttt t#ffiffi1 cell phone L.4-ffi ll,/l L t${t_l contemporary history 1.5-2
r$ut\lv, i lf < {f t.Refit*fiJ ll,r ) l#,Wl contemporary drama 1.7-
lname of a train line] L.7-^2 lT /.b <.tig$*l archirect 1.1 5-ffi 1

trr i llMTl to express figuratively 1.1 1-ffi

l't"tTle)ngf )
-fulKffil rlnn 1.10-2 to see sights (of
-) L. i 0-3
f-YI ce1l phone 1.2-3 ,CJt [^] lover; sweetheart 1.9-ffi
l t#l this morning L.2-+1 i .r i c this way; in this manner 1.2-1
lL tFl scenery 1.1 0-# j,l"T6L*Wf 1 to exchange 1.9-ffi
lT tlHTl to turn off [ur.] L.1s-#,2 il'LTsT,
!1..lffiR] resutt 1.11--ffi exchange program ^l&v/,al L-5---on

lla < t#El fina; in the end L. I-E d i St;#l lecture L. l- n

la i [ffiffi] fair; pretfy; quite L.5-^2 Oi t#l highclass; first-rate


I-> j tTtffiffifr-l fine;good a i Du [&{t] hish school years 1.2-3

I.>LUba /-l#MeE.) i L|IF+EI]
wedding reception L.9-^2 [name of a baseball stadium] L./---",

trI o L( - fe U [i* L(-14 t] -d Lzt-l Room- L.s- 1

by no means; never 1.1
- L+ t-#l number - car L.i0-1
II "> L /'T t (- ) i*,'l L i tFl' nesotiation L.-r
to be determine o -; to resolve to - 1.8-ffi i L a-lf'if 1 tonegotiate L.J-
f oTv\T6 [(-3)i*T] to decide 1.8-# i.tlur E) l- i lEfrMl
19 tTffil diarrhea L.12-2 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare L.i4-ffi1
t'T l) l lf ffitT l to have dianhea 1.12-E i'rtilFl lplace nameJ 1.1 0-ffi
-lRl prefecture
I i i iil#l fall colors (of leaves) L.4-ffi
Tl-ll sphere 1.1 1-ffi I + < tffi1 the iatter part omitted 1.11-ffi
T "1l decrease L.14-#,1 tl voice t.2-*2
llt, lB-l lmale given name] 1.6-3 l< tffi+l language srudy 1.8-ffi
IT l"z1'1 lc lffitttlc] strictly 1.15-ffi2 (-c) 8216 to manase to - L.14-ffi1
l kJr'| l9') front hailway 1.4-tr i o)t.iple$Wl hometown 1.8-
T/.,lu'z l,ffil < tffiAl words and phrases 1.1 5-ffi 1

entrance (to a house or a building) L.f,- I

< rU [Elrl.] overseas; abroad 1.8-ffi
IIl'8 w , l-o lffinl (professor's) offrce 1.3- 1
< ,r70r< , lElH+*l
lS i t*#l International Division L.J-
holding two jobs at the same time L.14-:,2 ( v( a [ElHllc] international 1.1o-ffi
lll'Z Llnel cash 1.9-ffi < rl D i l lElffi.l]
lu t4&l now L.12-ffi with respect to nationality L. I J-r


( /at, [E] domestic 1.1O-ffi , /cT to neglect to write for a long time; not to
< lf ljRl blackboard L. I5--E I correspond for some time L.4-ffi

< < TIfrEET] if 6 [(-c) E] to have difficulty (with -) L2-ffi

to master; to overcome 1.1 3-ffi tr lbl to be crowded L.6-^2
( I < tEltll nation'spov/er 1.1 5-ffi 1 3l 1 - comedy 1.7-E

L/ lt*u [(-13)L/ !ler] ) sony. linformal] 1.2-3

nothing can be better (than -) L.12-2 >"f not acceptable L.14-ffi,2

D i t fnfftl in one's fifties 1.6-2 &* [rJ.l] lfamilynameJ L.1s-1

L i TleWTl tobreak down 1.12-F tffil navy blue L.9-^2
Llt I lFtr,tI ) :r.r, 1.6-2 lvr.> t+Hl this semester L-4--

D, IIE^I intlividuat L.14-#,2 1"3'> L/ [E*L/c] crowded 1.1 0-#

D, i Dlo l'lE^#l 'tl one of these days L.1-^2
individual instruction; private iesson 1.1 3- il'te, 3 [i4:] inthisway 1.15-ffii
Dl"V v 77 ll)t v v zv) private tutor 1.8-2 a",/,'l+WJ tonight 1.1-
rl tF#l famiregister L.14-ffi2
Z 4 in whispers; secretly L.i 1-ffi @t=--'
(-lc) *r*u qf- / tV,2a l+T-, )v#)
not to be particular; not to be picky 1.15--2 extracurricular activities L,5-,

b?iEfe tobe treatedby someone L.6-^2 f-+j--,9 t+-ll-Krl pouringrain L.2-^2

'r llt,r () [iffi (r) ] tunny; comical L.15-ffi,2 -)(q i l-;aHl $atuity L. O- Er

(-) a it's about - 1.3-1 - l [-ffi] - years old 1.7-1

- r - can 1.3-ffi V,[l] recent 1.5-

,fe6 [(-)Rre] ,c llcl atthe end 1.1 1-ffi

to be different (from -) lwritten expression] L- I J-n V L [J] beginning; first L. I -

-IcT to decide to - 1.1-ffi t,/V [t] iargest L.1 o-ffi

L,I?tsot u[F] wallet 1.4-1

has been decided/ ananged that - 1.1-# SV.9 i tffl] materials; ingredients L. l)-ta
*ll u silo L.1 0-ffi
it has been arranged that 1.1-3 rt2/ [+L] fortunately; luckily 1.8-ffi
lf t#l word(s); expression(s) L.2-f even L.4-ffi,
lfC.t [#*.r,. choice of words L.12-, rt#Tl tolookfor 1.8-T

" t+Bl child L.---on . trEl [fami namel 1.9-3

:t connection(s) 1.8-2 l,1, (fe)
ll,1e)l thriving L.7-:t

&lff arl fiking; taste L.1s-,1 3ltElc] ahead (ofsomeone) L--E

0) t*fl to like; to prefer 1.15-2 l'trElrl awhile ago t. I -t

+ L t{'ffi1 lfamily name] L.7-1 < D* tel Mt. saturajima L.1 0-
dfttr1 cookedrice 1.6- 1 2a7zf cherry L- I J-n

:1 U- !) maklngcopies; xeroxing 1.14-3 l tTlll to lower [t.] L-2-1

< t#Ell national isoiation L.-E
6lf.Z6l tosupport L.14-ffi,1 y-r-T U- lcNPl gross national product L

9- as I expected 1.13-3 ! z1 7-lVlJN Japan Railways L.t-^2

Sr tffi] seat 1.10-i t'l 14 -- [mB] JapanTbavelBureau 1.10-2
Z L#il to invite (someone to do somethingwith L.-t*tr only; no more than L.2-ffi,
tlrespeaker) L.7-T D.( T tHTl torealize lu.t.l 1.1 5-ffi 1

3. L [*S] magazine L-- E 5 fr however; but 1.3-ffi

o11-TL+fr-Tl Llrtlltl way (of doing something) 1.1-ffi
to lose no time in -ing 1.8-3
Lr/cl / r [ (- ] ! ) {f tr/srarl
a f I -/At not at all 1.9-2 to have no choice but to - 1.9-2

< well; now [used when switching to a new, usually Lz)./tV l{fru.l rt can,tbe helped. 1.3-1
more important, topicl L.12-ffi Lttd> ->'z L.r)cffi] grimace
> [ 1.12-3
i t{ffi1 lfamily namel L.s-2 Lt{ moreover;besides L.2-^2
tLV [trLu.] tonely 1.14-1 Llt to scold 1.11-3
s,l [m..r,] l)trl"ltt't lffiFf,ta] time passes 1.1 1- 1

a small cushion for sitling on 1.7- L tfrl ceremony 1.9-

TJ L < Ig < I to 1ay flat (to sit on) L. / -lx
to loaf on the job; to idle away one's time 1.13-ffi
L<L< (ffir) to have a dul1, persistent pain lused in
t [&] fpolite from of .t J 1.6-2 reference to atoothache/stomachachel L.12-fr
* ' [#] stte; way (a person does something) 1.1 1 -ffi L < [EEI]
ll tlll obstacle 1.1 1-ffi lsmallest of the four main islands] 1.1o-ffi
J/ [1r] cold [with reference to weather] L.2-ffi D< A tffi'Jl (train) schedule 1.10-1
bl$f tfi$d'l to feel a chi11 L.12-^2 D L i r.V [a#t/t] self-introduction L.t-fr
r tr h$l samurai L.7-+3 Dfit[ffifit] jetlag L. t-i
cr furthermore L.l4-ffi2 DLro tHl selstudy L.1 3-#
lc':u' t.15-ffi2 DL ttrl dictionary 1.1 5-ffi 1

t, <' tffi <"1 to make a lot of noise 1.7-r l-l-l9l self L.l4-^3
b tlX+fl ffamilyname] L.7-ffi, LT. (re) [Sr. (r)] quiet 1.10-2
/''lle*ffiT) D/1,[H#] itseif L. 5-n I

to particate (in -) I t-r

L. D/Lr [ffi{t] age; period L.s-ffi
i t3l 3high's L.14-^2 D/v tffiftrl period drama 1.7-
Doi < i=!l tripleafflictions L.14-ffi2 l.t'JetT41 holdingalowerposition L.14-ffi2
'l.l-l=ffi1 strike-out L.7-ffi Lbcl-Tt,r [t^ffi]
[a movie name] L.7-3
.tluT [(-lc)T]
to agree (with
-) L.14-:,2 Dz [*Hc] actua
vc L.14-#1
l-Z i l#l mountin cottage L. I 5-r Dz D i t*'lf5l cunent situation (status) L.14-ffi1
*lV t r-7 SantaClaus 1.8-3 Dtc [*:] realiy; truly 1.1 5-ffi 1

3 ,t1, (re) \fr, tl regrettable t.7-1 D?l [*et] actually; in fact 1.1-2
L ttrl poem; poetry 1.1 3-ffi LplfuT IXWTl
LLr lil] same L.7-1 to be unsuccessful; to fail 1.1 1-#



! Ei * El I

D?.1? l*rl actual thins 1.6-1 t:wiTi D.tfryffirf,l

Lz* tHFll question L-Z-fr ten plus a few hours 1.1-ffi

L2 tL\ \ 1T rr [* it ?l,rr] Dwitc( DD i t+Srrl

Excuse me (, but ...) 1.1-+1 housing conditions L.J- t

Lrl,r rl,lhffi#l trllill state capital

LO L.4-^2
resewed-seat ticket 1.10-1 D i e l' (re) t$i (r)l flexibie L.14-:ffi1
U<Al6 t##tl to pointout 1.15-ffii Lwcwi tn^l income L.14-^2
l"L+tffilfl bicycle 1.4-3 DP 't+l enough 1.1 1 -F

D'i L tH*l automatic Dp 'lv\bl+ft'l one tenth 1.10-ffi

D"i < 13 lt9lcl automaticaily 1.4- LO i tr? tE*l weekend 1.9-3
Lt [ffi] merchandise 1.9-F Dpi (r) l}e(re)l imporrnt L.s-
Lf, , I for the nrst time in a long time 1.2-ffi DroS i t##l ciass 1.2-2
LJ lffil to tie (someone) up L.15-,2 DoS jU j t#*Hl tuirion L.5 - tt

Dtl oneself 1.1- Dp ( t4l after-school school 1.5-ffi

L* tEl island 1.5-3 LrO ( /l [E] homework 1.1-1
LL the end 1.1 1-ffi Le(li( I i tffiiHl hotelcharges 1.6-ffi
Dv [$#F] office clerk L.s- 1 Uwfz x aT l*iTl to assert; to insist 1.12-ffi
L3 9 lffie>t)l deadtine 1.3-2,iT\frT6l
Le>TlTl to indicate L.14-#,1 to parlicipate in (an event); to compete in L./--.
L+ tgfl perspective L.15-:i,2 l-w2Ll'lfrhl one's home 1.7-ffi
,+,7yy Giants lname of abaseball team] L.7-^1 l-w ->b i tHtEl business trip L. i 0-2
t+f+l sociology
L+.r,z)( L.s-2 Le t^tr] capital L.1s-ffi,2
L..Lri.< tifl l-wl=tl*El a person in charge 1.8-1
social education 1.2-fr, LP tll housewife 1.8-2
L+.r, l)l,l&Ll L4 tul hobby L.i-2
a working, fuli-fledged member of society L.1s-2 Dwl"LWT i+fl toobserve (theruies) 1.15-2
l-+LLl$Hl picture; photograph 1.2-; 1.4-1 Dw I'If,l'c lilH#lc] taking turns 1.14-3
L+'\ to chatter 1.8-2 L i tl use L.1i-ffi
Di tl freedom 1.14-ffi2 - D t--tl for reasons of 1.1 1-ffi
i rc [Hml:] around (someone)
Lr L. lJ-r L i r\lrr [#11'] introduction
-Lw . [-t!t|l] - week(s) 1.1-3 L z)( , t+l scholarship 1.3-+2
L,,lBl custom 1.4-;1.6-ffi L ia lrJ.&l elementaryschooi 1.13-ffi
Loitl religion 1.3-ffi L S i t#l commerce 1.1o-ffi
DrE L tFfl address; place of residence L.1O-.2 D i tfiWl condition; circlrmstnce L.t5-ffi1
L l- ( .2 ttretrtl D i L[-hEr] one'ssuperior 1.9-ffi
job hunting L.15-ffi,z
l- X l.rL,f./il decrease in the number of
LwLx<3-|ffim9-l chdren due to lowbirthrate 1.5-ffi
to get job le.g., aI a frrml
a L.l-#
D L t#l commonsense L.15-ffi,2
L j Ll'lWhl moral education L. tJ-# xj l'+ll"t*if#l passengerticket L.1O-1
LLI+*1 L{ t#Hl relative(s) 1.9-ffi
a (time)
little; short lformal lor l,l 1.8- 1
L"?c L+ t#Sl :+XL/tdn.b ^ L.1s-2
L D i t#tl symptom L. I l-f; Ll,b xa lhl height L.14-2
D L i tlFl to dse; to increase L.14-ffi1 Ll'Icw tr. [m+] new student L.f-d5

D T() [(-l*()] sood (at-) 1.1-2 Ll'o)ll true 1.1 1-

Lx)cuT6t#lffiTl toinvite 1.7-tr;1.9-ffi LlvIJt \l t,.ml to worry L.O-8,

l|x)ll'lnf*l joke 1.10-3 LJ [,,m] tobe woried L.s-2

Dilf t##l information L?f ttr*l
Di( t**Tl treaty 1.8-ffi new producl on the market L.1s-3

L i [Ff] in the tuture L.s-ffi L.,lrttrl bride

Lx i 9 < l [(-:) -hE"ET] V/.l- D ttrH:fl newspaper articie L.4-

to land (on -) 1.8-ffi V l-l lBJ improvement; progress 1.13-ffi

L ( Dt+Fl meal L-T L /, Ut lffiffil retative(s) 1.8-2

L ( D/llfHfl to offerameal L.2-ffi, L/-6a l#B1 sroom 1.9-ffi

L ( " tl diningroom fvrD i tffifi1

L ( ca( [F*lczq ] :mm' L.1s-#2 letter of recommendation 1.3-2

L<< tml appetite L.12-^2 fVt,l quite a 1ot

D llv [] advice 1.1 1-ffi T j D'>t. lc [trHtrlc] several days ago

D Ltl particle(s) 1.13-3 7-Y suit
D D 13 [ c] gradual 1.1 5-# Ti l!/-lff.^l severalpeople

D.V [A*] woman 1.1-3 T-lx1 end

!ay7 shock L.4-ffi -l t-if I fond of -
L V [i] document 1.14-3 -T8 6 to do something too much; too - tffi#l ?- < tffi < I to llke [urJ
screening by application forms; selection by T( /et [,]/v.l few; 1ow in number
examining one's papers 1.3-#
lL creat!
LbleY'&)frl T< (to rain) hard; terrbly; tremendously L.2-^2
to inform (someone of something) 1.11-2
9-ltCTl to spend (time)
L. [ffi^'] to check; to look up L.i0-2 x:r y l. rvFl:l-17:v l.7vFl scot
,)v Jill 1.1 1-ffi
TD plotofafilm
l'i l#Ll Tayman L.12-#
l. < Vt, i lEt^*Ftrl ail the time 1.12-=,^, to make sushi by hand 1.6-2
,r716 lTavu967 to stre 1.1 1-E
T9-b ttrl to advance 1.3-
Ll",u/,t#S+ffi1 butiet train 1.10-1
D i t^tll population L.4-+2 to urge (someone) to do (something) 1.13-#
DSt t [f] person of talent L.15-#,2
-f-t - each L-4-n
l-l'"ll#l examination of a patient L.12-ffi
f "> t. far -etby fat
DD tfr+fl Shinto shrine 1.1 0-ffi
Tfc [trf:] alreadv
Ll,vrll,ltrl newproduct L.1s-3
Tt6 to throw (something) away; to discard



,,,,,+=*Erl r

j-lf Lt,. wonderful; terrific .tt*

L.4-2 Lete+ffi1 wife who devotes
l.l( l L.iO-ffi herself to housework exclusively 1.14-2
Ttri :wr' 1.4- "lvT2lftnl lastmonth 1.1-3
(-lc6 to decide (on -); to haveltake (-) 1.4-3 rl D l#Y+l [name of a templel 1.13-1
l6 l(-lc) 61 to sit (in,/on -) 1.1-3 /.iTle)rl
r tl one's height 1.4-1 to major (in -) 1.1-2
.tr because lused when something affects one ., < t+Ell the entire nation L.7-ffi,
negativelyJ 1.12-1 l-LT lWfrT l to die inbattle L./--
.U. ( [1fr] character, personaliry L.3-- ql'l)2lft,Hl the other day L.2-ffi
qU1t [!] life L-4-n .tlLo t*l
.f rfr2f r D ro tttlr#l
player seiected fot a team lusually athletic] L.7-ffi
standard of living 1.12-
l"Dwa 7,,1ft,t+1
r o L t:Fl bill;invoice 1.6-2 people native to the land 1.1o-ffi
'tlt, [t]l success 1.12-ffi lrlr-f*Ur fffg-larl not at all L.4-+2
q, D [4]] politics 1.3-ffi l( tiftml laundry 1.1 1-ffi
,r L lc [iEfrc] formally L. I 5-,B l'b x i ttl captain of a ship L.B-ffi
V L( C [#5Tfr9fc] psychologically L.15-ffi2 /-<421ft+fi21
.lz'lr at most 1.13-ffi to make a move before the other person does it
(in anticipation of his/her move) 1.1 -ffi
'f,' [E#] grade; academic record L,5-r

'tfL/ ( (rr) [HlX ()] /"A l"l

lEf l to advertise L.b-E
extr av agant; luxurious 1.9-ffi 2 l- 7lV. r) - I CenttalLeagae L./---n

qtV [!ft] student; pupil 1.5-ffi ''lt' [rE]

one's senior (injob, school, etc.) L.14-^2
v (ra) tig (r)l
proper; reasonable; just L.15-#.,2 'ltffi+l fithalf L- l --oti

.lt/r tEEfl comptete opposite L.15-#,2 ,,1 ttr] all L,5-n

'J5 i to carry (something) on one's bacl< L.14-fr,2 l'9 +( (C[ffiffi9lc] stratesically 1.15-ffi1
lttjt] world 1.10-# Z ll demographic L.14-:x1

* iffil seat 1.7- i ) Vr IHSJ difference 1.1 1-

.r:z< iffir3<l Z fJic l?ttfl]:l initsownway 1.15-ffi1
to seat oneself (at a tble) L.O- 5 ilt,lBlnl increase L.14-#1

fl/, [{t] generation 1.14-ffi,1 i

Z t, u t.> lZ /, -> l
but; and yet L.s-2
.tl-2 . ( with much trouble L.s-2
"a < ( c [l&9lc] actively 1.1 1-ffi ?i i L ( i#ffi1 regular position 1.14-3
ClzU [il98] explanation L-Z-ffi ?iT.T Iffi#T]
to consult (someone) about (something) L.s-2
by all means L.1-2
{ a group ofstudents that meets regular with a
i a tffil :Mr+rr 1.9.F

designated professor to study specific topics 1.7- Zlr'1ft1 ancestor(s) 1.8-ffi

e)< l<-l atleast once 1.9-3 ?l2L(-?)21 togrowup (in-) ti.l 1.1-3
,V[F] crewmember 1.8-ffi Zt< [<6] toraise [u.t.] L.l4-ffi2
Z2 xaT6let)+#TT /ct, Llc t*tr [tL/ /*]
to graduate (from -) 1.1-3 not too good; not great L.7-^2

Z1911 outside L.2-^.2 (-l:) /t,r '' ,o*u.u L.14-:n2

Zi b before long; one of these days L. I-E /uDl3T [7tScT]

?bo) amongthem L.12-# -
to take a good care of 1.15-3

?lt't\lcl?,bt)t.l inplace of that L.2- /cr Lrp i tt*l the general public L. I )-rd I

?o)lzl lct, Dtp i t#l ftody) weight L.4-ffi

since I saw you last; since that time L.4--i /c, L i tf*l target; object of L.B-1

Zo) lZEl in those days L. I 5-,l ,D) allright 1.3- 1

Zo)TcL?Ml and others L. / -E l\tT6 l(-c)lTl toward - L.B-ffi

?o,>ut lZEl in that case L.5 - r1 /cLl? () lfl (r)] importnt 1.5-61

?trtlt' besides; in addition 1.3-ffi lc

approximately; in most cases; in general
? i?l{El noodle shop 1.6-1 L.3-F,,

t7 T- sofa 1.12-1 /u[tr] anitude L.J-

?ttl> and then; after that 1.1-ffi /U L ttml very big city; metropolis 1.1 0-#
?tL? -: *rFttr]
morcover; besides L.2-2 u 13 D.., r l r'1" fffi
Z|L3V<6 even so 1.13-ffi WWII 1.1 0-#

? lrtlstV t L< Lz tLI.{ l-<l /cUl[i#] mostof 1.1 3-ffi

in response to that L.'i lU,1 fairly well; to a large extent; pretty much 1.4-ffi
?l'IIutT6 tTl to respect L.14-2 /iu,P [;t{] big statue of Buddha 1.10-ffi

Zl-T\ffiTl r.r.U r a 1"" i iz\+ltr{l

to be to one's disadvantage L.14-#2 Pacic War t./--
/cLr/ [t4] oh, no! L-L'^

@,=*"' /Vr9 ( [lE] continent

t,l Thailand L.15-ffi2 lL I z [l] opposition; confrontation 1.1 5- 2

-/,L l-ffi-) - flrst L. )-dD tU\bllll rbiwan 1.13-ffi

/t,J5lU t#ffifl tlermometer 1.12-E tZTlffitl constantly 1.10-ffi
/C/rr [t] (big) tournament l.l-:r -le-6.1 to endure (-) L.|4-ffi2
/V( U, [/t+] graduate school t.1-^2 /." t*l lfaminameJ 1.15-2

/r. s (
V r ,.t, ti+Hf l /.liL[ffi] [familyname] 1.6-1
graduate student L.1-^2 tt *.6 t61 toincrease [u.i.] L.7-ffi
lcytI l"l#ffi1 personal experience 1.1 3-T 16l*ffiTl to compromise 1.15-2

/cr.r L [(-]c)ff Ll IL fmale given namel t.1-+2

in conast; as opposed to L.14-ffi,1 l L. if t remember correct L.4-^2
/t,. D (/e) [f,S ()] important L-Z-f, tLlt l?. [ffi.1:1 certainly L.f-il

/vL[tf*l tcLxi l*l alittle 1.1 3-ffi

Mother Nature [Zif., mighty nature] L'1o-ffi ftT'.lw'l
/ Llc [tL/] significant; great L. I 5-'t tobe saved; (something) helps [u.i.] L.4-#,

tTIt> j l6i1 to help each other 1.9-ffi

tTT6 lWrJ l to help [ur.] /V to feel tired; to feel languid L.12-*2
tcTta tte6l to visit 1.9-ffi /c,1 [lF{] credit (for a course)
tcTk [te] to inquire 1.1 1-ffi l4,'tr [4T*] man; mate 1.1-ffi
/cl just; only 1.9-ffi "f/- gradual 1.1 1-ffi
/c/. [tri ] to flght; to compete L.7-ffi, 1 lt /e/ r l$lc -< tr l
tc 'IC. - t r

ttl,i to frght L.14-ffi,2 not merely; not simply 1.1 s-# 1

//c , t [ (-lc'..) W l] tl-lgi lF,l heating 1.15-#2

to hammer... into -'s head s-ffi
L.1 1
V [t] region L./--
tlLt.tsl [ma1e given name] L. I 5- 1-^ team 1.7-^1
/c/ Lrr [E Lv.] correct rr ttr [ (-lc) grtsv] it must be (-) L. I 3_2
Icl7.l$l matfot a Japanese-style room 1.4-tr i ti I to differ; to be different
-/c t-i*l plural form L.1s-ffi1 .( IijE( ] nearby; inthe neighborhood 1.1-ffi
fcbttz instant L./---on .C( [(-c)Ec< ] to approach (-) tur.l 1.8-ffi
tc'21 (time) passes 1.4-*t tc'> l1l strength L.14-ffi2
t't' l'zl to stand; to be built [i.] 1.10- D tmfl governor L.4-*2
tol'T6 tffi#f,9-l L tfrffil knowiedge L.l-^2
to derail; to digress; to ramble t.12-ffi, bD-tNLl acquaintance 1.1-ffi
a( [/c<] I, aiso 1.7-3 At-tEl map t.12-*1
lc->,V> 6 lc(r,rl tobe standing 1.2- b'zl)x1ffitr} order 1.1 0-ffi
t'tb l1-LMWTI to drop out L. I J- lvT p 1.6-ffi
tc>o)lWl building 1.5- 1
-t>+ j lcontactionof f L* i] L.2-^2
/c f [fr]lf] for example L.z-ffi, + ( I-l [counter for suits] 1.9-2
/c/e. lEtr] lfamily nameJ L.14-.2 t>+/,.L<U\
t0)ll other L.1 3-ffi to be proper; to be solid; to be in good shape 1.5-2

lcLfI! L(t, * T [ (-) * Lr. L<r, t T] -bwi l--+1

to be looking foward (to -) L.7-^2 in the middle of doing something L.s-3
to)Lt: t+Ltjl to enjoy 1.9-ffi bwiu\T [T] to caution; to remind; to
/c [#lb] to request 1.3-T advise
warn; to 1.4-*; 1.7-; 1.11-;
-/c'C whenever -; everytime - L.S-; 1]4-ffi2 bw i lsi t a (' []F4lfLtrl
il"l*ft1 probably L.Z-Jt central ticket gate L.t-^2
/ tFl ess 1.6-1 bw j *; j i dl" ttr*#l
/n: occasionaliy L.15-:2 lname of a journalJ L.1s-ffi1

I1, to accumulate [i.] L.15-^2 i s( ttrSl junior high school

re L.1-^2
() not good; must not do 1.11-+3 bw j,0 i I ttr#H4l chinese food 1.13-ffi
ldt= inorderto L-l-# tcwji.ttur[tr!]
junior and senior high school students
d> > ) to be hesitant L.12-#, 1.8-1

-tcb when - 1.1-ffi ro ( ttrEl#l Chinese language 1.13-ffi

-ttT tul1or- L.15-#,2 bwil'x < tEl lunch 1.6-2

t9 IEU l to be sufficient L.4- bw j l-l"l+'l center 1.1o-ffi
t> j tl'14+l middle-aged 1.1-ffi i t(-l:)Hil toruninto (someone) 1.2-3
t> w + /'T lff l to order (something) L.6-T <\\blvT t*9-l
tcWjU t,< t+ffi] themiddlepartomitted 1.11-ffi to suggest; to propose (a plan) 1.1 s-ffi 1

tffil suwey; investigation L.5- (lrr i r or rather L.1s-2

i Ltffi+l condition; state L.s-^2 <v\\T6 tT9-l to decline [i.j L.l4-#1
tt x ) Dl'< lC [^trlc] superhumanly L:4-#2 <VL < tl fixed-pricelunch/dinner 1.13-ffi
bx)Dl':9 tffi^-lDl <ria. (ra) polite L- I -dr:

being iike a superrnan L.l4-ffi2 T,l V ,7 DINI ldouble income no kids] L.14-ffi2

V [colloquial form of ( Ir; most often <sA [+ffi] letier 1.11-2

by chdren or womenl 1.11-1
<*ji9- [(-t:)f]
/cV < ttl superpower 1.1 5-# 1
to adapt (to -) L.|4-2
" exactly 1.9-ffi < i () [5 (e) ] ppropriate; suitable L.1-ffi
6 f tffi4l cooking L.15-2 C tHEl exit L.7-*2
laaV'h chocolate 1.9-ffi <6 affordable 1.9-F

L+ [tr#] author L.1 s- 1 7f l f - fashiondesigner L.1s-ffi1

b t2 L [a kind of sushi; a box of sushi rice covered with (DrO,[?ffi] procedure L.12-ffi
small slices of fishl 1.6-2 <-)< t) l+f91 handmade 1.8-B
?i+< tXl interpreter 1.8-ffi <?.i tg^l railway L.1 0-ffi
?r/& [r.i] :&r,' L.1s-ffi1 ">0 +Lr [+,tD+vr]
clt lt, l#tLl to become tired 1.10-3 quick and simple 1.8-2

cr [f.f 'v.] (? [ffi] staying up all night 1.7-3

socialization; friendship; association 1.5-ffi tettt[*H{trl] familiar;welracticed L.12-ffi

e8&ri tfil <Cu\L l+E^lLl to obtain L.7-+2

to keep (someone) company L.14-1 (.,59 t+F9l (hand) gesture 1.1 1-#
2o)l-l/.+l the following year L.s-ffi < t(-)+ffi1 this side (of -) 1.13-2
?< [(-13)< ] to arrive (at-) 1.1-ffi (9Svy, )t-r- teriyakiMcBurger 1.6-3
?< ttll desk L.i0-1 ar5 ( rlt ttt1frtfr,ttllttl
?j frtr [r/r] be convenient 1.1 s- 1
Stand out from the crowd and youjust invite trouble for
yourself. 1.15-2
-tTlffiITl to continue 1.14-3
t? lf,r] to wrap 1.9-F
<, t] mark; score; grade; point L.s-ffi
< /.'U> tlHl clerk; shop-employee 1.6- 1
to work (for -); to be employed (at -) 1.1-3 , V tfiHl electronic store district L.7-2

Yft, f tnasaTa 1,15-F

tEfi#Rl electrical appliance L.
<' 1 3- H

?le3 [H:] always hvritten expressionl 1.1 1 - ir< [Er+]

electrical engineering 1.1-2
?* t*l wife 1.14-1
(, t, [1T] genius L.- E
2t,l) namely; in other words; in short L. - atl

[ffi/] strong
v2 /r L-l-n 1/-L tE+*l
eleclronic instnrment; gadgets 1.1 5-ffi
-Ctrr :-t: ( t'
2tL<\\( [ifu<v.< ] totkesomeoneto 1.1-ffi L+ tFl rrain L.4- n



r""+*El I

.1? [Eil] legend L. - rr

l-a < (ra) tEffiffi(/)l traditional L.7-ffi to melt into; become a part of 1.1 i-E

1".i ( : lffi9:l traditionaliy 1.9-ffi - tlf lcontraction of -.r-ltf]

Cl-bll,l,'i tftrl * [rFf] alcove 1.7-
telephone number 1.1-3 + trFl barber shop
l. 1V bathroom; toilei 1.10-2 1ilr| ptace 1.1-3
"i O i.,. [E#] classmate 1.2-3 -bQ tobe-ins L. i -3

i ( tfixl arrivingrbkyo 1.10-1 (-/) , / have just done something 1.4-3

i D tgffil in those days 1.13-ffi bytheway L.l-*2
i D/t, tffiftl rhns dynasfy L. tJ-il L tffil ase 1.1 3-ffi
'i L? tlfl same room L.2-^2 Li -l+f] older L. I -r
i L< no matter how hard (one) rries L. i 1- 1
- L( as- t.7-^2
D TIET.)HET] - L< t for; considering L.i 3-
to appear (on TV, etc.) [ui.] 5-ffi
1.1 1
L [Et] library 1.1 3-
i't' [Fl] tt ?"\-tl*W*Wl local product 1.9-ffi
living together in a de facto relationship L.l4-:n2
i a naily; atlast 1.13-ffi special express fare ticket 1.10-1
"i < . tffiffi] view of moratiry 1.1 3-# .2vl*Fl suddenly L.12-3
" C O i t^l infroduction L. I --sr
.2z).t, ["2. ]
j ''tlffiVtl animaT 1.9-1 ifl have to choose one over the other L.1s-2
'i {, <{, very (much) 1.1-3
try (
somehow; no matter how hard one may L. l-7i
-/tr -
can't possibly L.i-ffi
"i i t(-)ml justtike - 1.1 s-ffi 1 6 lE' l to deliver [r.]
*t'T L.e-ffi
" I i tlfttl colleague;co-worker 1.6-1 fe I [ts[] next door; next to L. i -2
ieUr [v.] far 1.4-3 rt/, F' +- Y Donald Keene L.1 3-ffi
. -r-l 7 . tournament L. / ---oit lz( lftcla1] tojumpat L.1s-3
*"' I l-l I I jort
"r -
L. I )-n I * [* ] to stay (over night) lui.l 1.1-3
< t#< I to explain [u.r.l 1.1 5- 1 * [(-13) l* ] to stay (at -) t.1 L.O-il
( v (rr) [, (re)] to be good ar L.1s-ffi1 v>-1B>l
< S tffi#l special tlent; skill 1.8-3 to have - stay (over night) [u i.J 1.1-ffi
( L g i tffil special issue L.1s-ffi1 {r/ ll friend 1.1-2
( i tffitl characteristics 1.10-ffi together with; in company with
{ 1.13-
< C [f+fc] particular L.5-,I (-) 3 togetherwith - L.14-ffi2
(.s [f+FJ] special 1.4- f/ [Jtlf/]
< It,/-!ffi7rl rcader; reading book 1.13-# husband and wife both working L.14-#2
1 0't Ll[T4L/] independent 1.11-2 &.( t
'( I .rlr,' Ll" tts#5#l to say this and that; to meddie in (other's atrtus) 1.14-ffi 2
spirit ofindependence 1.1 1-ffi 7:f 7X Dragons lname of abaseballteam] 1.7-1
ltr lFfl clock; watch L.2-^2 I t,Rl chicken tltf.,birdl 1.6-1
u) u\tL IWV to adopt [u.t.J 1.1 5-# 1 telxTre ( -fie( l
V to ^tLl
manage all by oneself L.14-:n2 without much thought 1.1 5-ffi 1

'9(tgrnl effort L]4-ffi,2 rA tl

(sushi serving of) medium quality/price L.6-^2
:a-lEn6l totake L. l-J

l.j, )l pork cutlet 1.6-1 r 7.1 te *l' tiE 9.l

to weep; to shed tears I t-r
tl- quickly and steadily; atarapidpace 1.11- i L.

E"\!) [+] f* [{b] to agonlze 1.14-3

lname of dish; bowl of rice topped with things like fried rt [fr.] lplace nameJ 1.10-ffi
pork cutlet or fried shrimp, etc.J 1.6-1
te > u t t, ol l . lc l f
thing which one hasjust learned L- I t-#
@r=**' /e,i [lE'l] to stand in line [u.i.] L-l-^5

- /a t, r tT r [- rd . tl b] (-) f*> I'f sde by side (with -) L.14-ffi,2

to get by without -ing; to come offwithout - L.4-t
fe I lc lfrm] Narita (Internationat Airport) 1.1-#
fa*9- tTl to corect [ut ] 1.13-3
-fa\:. in-'sownway 1.14-i
/e*Ltl b6ll to ring [u.i.] L.2-^2
to get better; to recover from illness [i.] L.12-^2
/er\( ifpossible; as - as possibie L.5-E
fa/[j] long L.4--.
/a l ' I see. 1.6-1
rlL [(tf] [fami nameJ L.12-#, tefu6l?lc)Htul tobe accustomed (to
-) L.4-
fil tffi1 lname of a ciw] L--lr
-tgfufi>:t L. / -J

/s/t/d9T U+Tl le. tffiHl difficultytounderstand 1.13-ffi

to make it up with; to reconcile 1.15-ffi1
t* lutt, l$tl,] somehow 1.1 1 -2
ty'tfg/t- fgr not easily L.2-2 l( thingslike 1.4-3
/* [F] [name of a prefectureJ 1.1 3- 1
fe lu,U o , 4> [f< o < { ]
bf.1*l content 1.13-ffi whatever else might be said; after ali 1.13-3
/a [Ht] view 1.10-2
fe h U t o T 4> [{-qt a ] r
/atDlc [lc] somewhationg L.15-ffi,2 undeniably; no doubt; by any account [it., no matter what
but; although 1.1 J.R others may sayJ L.7-2
lafisfuc < [(-lc)ffi< ] to drift ashore 1.8-ffi lelt,tt somehow L.12-#,

-/e + lcontraction of - ll"]

l 1.9-3 le"-(4 tl--<l
no matter how many times - L. I -t
-ta! /alar
have to - lcontraction of - lllA '] L.7-^3 /el'EL.ta< tlga < I manytimes 1.1 1-ffi

bl#til topitch L. I - -ot teub.te( [fif * ( ] somehow L.12-^2

t*Slz IE#l leavingNagoya 1.10-1 tf!{ t.ltffil manytimes more - 1.13-ffi
(-l: fa Db to get used to L.15-ffi2 f'IfT t#&f l tobe shipwrecked 1.8-ffi
/ttf. r some reason L.1s-ffi2 fefuI!1.13 [ffiJtc] from north to south 1.10-ffi
fe'tll summer L.4-#" l.ra l0ltl
to suit; (something) becomes (a person) L. I t-Er
to understand; to be convinced L.i 1-ffi
cr< (rs) [ (- ? (e) ]
not good/skilled lat -J 1.13-3


( l hard to -; difficuit to - 1.1-ffi tab IEl to sleep L. I -

::t:lT to smile 1.1 1-F t lBl to sleep; to go to bed L.2-+2

lC L < ? [:ff ] with two meals 1.10-2 -lav t-+ftl the -s L.l -n

CD iZJ'V'*IIHfr] t'tl'l+.+ I every year L.s-ffi

everyday conversation 1.1 s-ffi
-t-t . [-S.]

3.\r IH?] Japan and the U.S. L.2-:t since - years ago 1.1-1
cz [Hl] diary L- l--fl tl'*,21+*1 end of the year L.e-ffi
C(/ [(-lc){X<v.a] to resemble (-) 1.4-1 o>) xi t#l agriculture 1.1 0-
_lc.o fel _; fe _ L.7-2 ) -)l v I. uncut L. / -EJ

clt -e)Ia [- H c (Jt v.) ] ) - \rt , , I North Carolina L. I 5-t

second (largest) L.4-^2 0)6\ffil to remain [i.] 1.1o-ffi
clt,"'TlqlbTl o).?tJ t$l to desire; to wish t.14-^2
to Japanize; to become Japanese 1.6-3 f ' later [formal expression] L.12-*3
I=El- v [HiEiE] ' throat 1.12-2;1.12-E
Japanese waters; offthe coast ofJapan 1.8-ffi
31, < t,tB##l
to cultivate; to develop (one's ski11, etc.) lu.t.l 1.1 5-ffi 1

Japanese reader 1.1 3-ffi .1 [.1] to state 1.1 3-T

3,'lL lH4ryl Z^af ltral to swaliow L.12-*2

Japanese rnade; made in Japan 1.15-ffi1
r0 < r9 @)
lC?|ffil luggage; baggage 1.6-ffi noncommittally; evasively; in a roundabout way L.12-ffi
C rp ( [.tS] admission to schooi 1.3-ffi 6l -r*l
to ride (inlon to take (a taxi,
-); a bus, etc.) L.4-:t
cro( Lt,t^+fiHl
enffance examination 1.5-ffi 0)v(9 Lte carefree; slow-moving L. l5-r
lC P i < t^Ell to enter a country L.-ffi

lc ro qtT lL#Tl to have one's name @tt*-'

entered into the family register L.14-#,2 tffil tooth 1.12-3
t3. v) < t^Jfl input L.14-+3 tf*.7 l- percent 1.5-
c 1"3 rb l^fi,'rl popular L.7-ffi llv S i t*l to close one'sbusiness L]4-#]
I!.1- l" L^ll person; human being L.l1-^2 lfl/t, [Hff] medium 1.1 5-ffi 1

rc. Ll'ZT lAffiT l to recognize 1.1 5-ffi 1 / h :7.vy' | 1.8-3

!."bl l#NTl to acknowledge 1.1 5-ffi 1 Itt,l [F] actorlacess 1.7-E; L.i3-2
IC "t, E lHl level of name recognition 5- ffi i L. 1 (-f) lf.9 have just done - 1.1-1
Ltl owner L, I J- tf6 tfi?tsfl
ia Hey! [a way of getting someone's attention] 1.5-3 to feel like vomiting L.1 2-E
*ac t*l fever 1.3-4 t< te<l tothrowup L]2-1
taoLl"c[*,ul:1 intently; eagerly L.4-. l( L tl whitepaper L.14-#,1

-*aIte>fe\ have to L.14-:,2 l < D, t^l Caucasian 1.8-ffi

tei T lF.T l to oversleep 1.1 -3 1 f < t#ffi] the Shogunate L. - E'T

Jtt?i () [ffi? (e)] iooking sleepy L.2-,2 tl Im*Tl to encourase L. I 5-En

t ta tffil [place name] 1.10-2 tt)y F Hollwood 1.13-2
ll'l[9..!] tocarry 1.6-ffi 0 ra m9ffil
,fy7 1 y I . r) -/- Pacifr,cLeagae L./---on paper posted (on a board, a wali, etc.) 1.5- 1

D t(-)rl t#l spring t.4-2

starting with
-; - including L,
- 2{!- power 1.1 5-# 1

lD< ll<l forthe firsttime 1.1 -T tl/a2 Bangkok L.1s-#,2

-I*.1) l-M) to begin v-ing 1.7- f,t,trfrtr1

t lthn)
.1. place 1.5- 1
drner llt., evening meall 1.11-1

ltLlfr,l to run L.1 0- SL [E#] crime 1.10-ffi

2lZ bath 1.10-2 tf,,irfi{El
)\7 pass 1.10-ffi
:+&{r@ffi7)s( t L.1A-ffi,1

lf. Ltr [f.Lv.] embarrassing 1.13-ffi tl [trf,{] opposite L. i 3-3

lt- to remove; to get rid of L.14-ffi2 Itl-tLT lfltrTl to judge 1.15-ffi1
/r7T to pass (an exam) L. l-t tt/-ttua < tltflJtrTll
,X<U [r\XF] bus stop 1.1 1- to make ajudgment L. tJ-

Ill*L l?,e>) F*tt'l to be out of L.1s-ffi,2 It /-E bl lv l> i [E H ffil]

t/SJ.u [t*r.] chil1y L.1s-#,2 anti-Japanese sentiment 1.1 3-ffi

IttIt IT l.ll lt,b/r,l[ffi] objection; counterargument 1.1 5-ffi2

to approach (someone) 1.15-2 tffi+Itl comparedwiththepreviousvear L.14-ffi1
/c( t@(l towork L.14-:,1 E,rEl- hero t. / ---"ri

Ittc'T 6 t#Tl to break up L.14-:r,2 r, [&#] damage 1.1o-ffi

t D tfl eight-mat room 112'x12'l 1.7- UJtV lname of abu]lettrainl 1.10-1
It2tl-lftJ pronunciation 1.1 3- 1 $( Lrffilvr] low 1.7-;1.12-
It-> l) T to become clear L. J- r 0'itftfiffil alane 1.1-3
t\v - batter L.7-:, S (one's) lap L.15-2
lf>tV (to meet) by chance 1.11-1 L,9 t4L.lrl
l'r(t#El development 1.15-ffi2 for the frrst time in a iong time 1.4-3
2ty l!-aY F happy end(ing) L./-re ADi C [tFHc] extreme; very L.2-#,
c aT6l*T1 to announce 1.5- 1 U-> 19T tobe surprised 1.1-ffi
Ilt"clt 6 l#Ll), l to talk to 1.1-3 cth i." tHf'f4E#l
International Date Line t-#
BrsLrl#Lbl L.

to become absorbed in talking L'11-1 pTtrall

tltl.l,r [tFu.] wide 1.15-ffi1 to move to a new piace ofresidence L. I -8,

ttr/r [#r] fast; quick 1.4-ffi 1.?D[+] sheep 1.10-ffi

It + lffi1 l to be popular [u.i. ] L.1s-3 U o LI? I'X'fti'cl desperately 1.1 5-ffi i
r a l*Li I to pay 1.3-ffi U->lcV Qe) perfect fit 1.8-3
ll (r)^ 61r^.l .vft* pitcher L.7-^1
to be hungry lused by menJ 1.6-3 O'2 N i t3tr [,l.Eftr] not necessary L.O-t

It>t lffitc l to set ansry L.12-: .(t,T lT l to reject L.14-:fi,2


tl1 terrible; awful 1.4- ( So(re) [#(e)]

"tr 2 unfair; cruel 1.14-1 complicated; complex 1.4-;1.13-3
tl' t-l one word 1.1z-ffi < *tr [(-3)t116]
to be included (in .tr]
Utte&.(r) [a*()] -) [passive form of L.O-8'i)

average; ordinary; like normal people 1.13-ffi < iT.lEeHTl totake (medicine) L.12-2
1.lf,t*41 onenight 1.1-3 i.lvl+l unfair L.14-ffi2
f)t) r tl. 9lFl walking alone 1.10-# Sli tSttil tokideachother L.i1-ffi
tlc( (e) [H(re)] ironic 1.1 2-F LStT,B*l mystery 1.3-
LlttlwT t#flTl to criticize 1.1 0-ffi Dtffi^l woman 1.13-ffi
[H.+] days 1.1 1-ffi llc[Fs] again L. I 5-rX

* (r) [H()] ftee ltime] 1.1 3-# Ic'zd>-zEJ second L.7-^2

;r.- :r- lthe sound of the howling windJ 1.12-F zi lrl common; usual 1.2-ffi; L3-ffi
Os i Lr t*ffi] beaury salon L. O- r ,c.[4ftr] (commodity) prices L.b-ffi
'ttrfi] sickness t.2-ffi ,laalIL#) Buddhism L.4-ffi
i l'L IEHRI Hyogo Prefecture L./---on 1.tflffi] parts L.7-^2
U x l-T\ffifrTl to die from an illness 1.8-ffi ,", t*ill part L.12-fr,
tl.'iDitffittl .\ (ra) tT(/)l inconvenient L.-m
the condition of a disease or illness L.12-r *tTi#l discontent 1.15-ffi2
U x,i 9 ro L+ lHffil t tel w'inter L.4-2
a person who goes adrift on the ocean L.B-ffi 7, z l. V- ! a 7 frustration 1.15-2
if lEfl daime 1.14-1 77V l:vi 172 71,'l .,brand-oriented,
6Jr [r] to spread out [u.i.] L.15-ffi2 i.a.,llking for namebrand goodsl 1.8-
OZVltLl fmaie given namel 1.1-ffi Tt)?7^a Lr)?7l [nameofashipJ 1.8-
A rlrl, es) tffffi (rd)l sensitive; susceptible 1.1 5-3 ,6 ll to fal7le.g., rain, snow, etc.l L.2-+2
Lf ' [trXc] iequently; often 1.1 5-ffi 1 7tr+ r i l7'trFff] professionalbaseball L]-
l"+ u) T to be chilly/cool L. I J-t TVVV 'l 7 frontier 1.1 0-;

-, t-#l club 1.5-3 V lffifr1 atmosphere 1.12-ffi

77-7.1.i.- firstname L. I -1 [tlL] culture
-l1" L.1-2
V1, member of a club 1.5-3 'll< t+l literature L. J- ilt
iit#ffi1 envelope 1.13- /tl-W a lf,l collection of essays 1.1 1-ffi
i t*ffi] husband and wife L- l4-^ I
"l t'tr] analysis L. I )-ilr I

,j L on,really.; Really? L-l-E j ,l,lfi tl sramma: 1.1 -;fi

.' t(-rJl to increase [ui.] L.5-E .lrL < tfffil context 1.15-1
7-..9s- Fortceorge 1.8- .,1+try1 field 1.15-ffi1
.( [fi( ] deeply 1.1 s-ffi 1
':t, (/a) [*fi(re)] unperrurbed; calm 1.14-1
,l.c ' tfliel club activities lin the sense of .\/ l/ r h /- l+ ,ft,+l
'extracurricular activities'l 1.5- first year of Heisei h9891 L. I t-1
,l3 [Tfi4:] weird; eery 1.9-ffi -:|. Really?; Gee!; You're kidding. L.4-*2
.\ () should L.5-iin

-./c [T* ()] not good; unskilled
(t) 1.13-ffi It,l"L i t+ttll lmain island of JapanJ L.1o-ffi
.rz? [FJ#] summer cottage 1.1 3-# E./-.413 [+Elc] rea1ly; truly L.4-+3
\? 3 -tL lflJlC -fa.1 not parlicularly 1.4-1 It'lg/-(, ) (to speak) withoutreserve or ln
machine gun fashion
^ [#E]
room L.2-^2 L. I -r,

^i'747 fluently 1.1-ffi t+ < tffi[] translation 1.8-2

{, - Commodore Perry L--n It, l' \\ l#*l original 1.9-ffi

^ [H]
to decrease [ui.] L-l-n

".r.,(/r) l*Qe)l stranse L.2-.1 @t=--'

.:lult T l(.*ff)*l[ll to change 1 1O-ffi f , well lused when making a modest or hesitant
.\lvTt/\'l INMT 1 to transform 1.1 5-# 1
statementl 1.13-ffi
.,'Lt##:Ll iawyer 1.4-1 [-&] lcounter
- * lr for thin, flat oects such as
.\/wLwi ttriJfil editins 1.8-3 sheets ofpaperl 1.3-1
.\/-L/-T l*f l to change oneself L.14-ffi2 *.vl8l [humble form of 11 < /Xl 1.6-2
,: lu te , t T 6 l*te ffi T l */ttrEl lfaminamel 1.1-3
to look annoyed; toTookprzzTed L, - r
(-"'lc) *z).'lt
.,9 (r) [fU(re)] convenient L.5-n to entrust (something) to (someone) L.14-2
Iti Zu\TblffiW"f l totelevise L.7-ffi, f Lt9-Ll rolled sushi 1.1 s-Fd

i l [-o)r"'] - is more ... than L.2-ffi, \ runa 1.1 5-F

It i () i (ra) I bountitul; pienty L.l-*2 (-lc) * treu. comparable (to -); equal (to -) [ltf.,
ti lt i tf*l method L.B-ffi not to iose to -l L.l4-ffi,2

Ita l.lfrffi1 direction; area 1.8-ffi i.l|lAtTl tolose (agame) [ui.l L.7-ffi,
Iti t /-l tHlTl to visit L. / - -oJ
If firstofall L, J- I

fi*4 porter L.O-M ?73 t h mascot 1.9-+ 1

,tr- 77 1 [,+-xr,f rE] *9-*9- increasingly L.9-#,

^ 7 4 l-1 t' 68 L.4-+1 */ also L,f,-r
(-) . besides - L./-i. t/c f [/&] See you later. L.2-^2
rr< ll / f /fT (I am) not good yel L.1-+2
I [It is the most neutra] form for male speakers.l L.1-*2 * tFJl town; city L. -1 I

lllurtffiffil whaiingvessel L.-t *,r:lrcizi;,) to anange to meet L.7-2

lf,rtfffitr] towant L.7-+2 t!t-lf.l tomakeamisrake L.4-*.2
t?f (#9.) iftl intown 1.1 1- 1

(to speak) in a subdued tone L.12-ffi fz/ [fet] [family namel L.14-#,2

l"r.r, tJtEl t a/c ( -tarr [g( -rr] not at all 1.1 1-ffi
[the biggest island in the north ofJapan] 1.8-# tc tf*l lfamilyname] 1.1 1-ffi
l1," almost L./-- f 'C t,$El (ticket) window 1.10-1
It"-tet hardly; aimostnever 1.3-ffi; 1.11- *,6
lf* almost L.15-ffi2 to put together (in a report); to summarize Lj4-ffi1
,+ 7 -.rl[,ir7-48[] horor film 1.7.8 /e [S,] to learn; to study 1.8-ffi
,, Y ,I 7 vohtnteer 1.8-1 *ia< I#<l toinvite 1.1 3-ffi

*.teT 6 l"MTl to imitte L.1s-#1 7tl'LW < tEl private house providing lodging and
A l+l lfemale given name] 1.11-+3 tourists
meals to 1.1 O-3
it tA ( not much iater; soon r.z)ri [(-/\) \i ] to head toward - [u.i.] 1.8-ffi
f t+l to obsewe; to keep (rules) L.15-ffi,2 . [4] toweicome; to meet; to greet L.i-ffi
*,W7, lfemale given namel 1.1-2 r.L tl the past; the old days L.7-*2
* I t* D +l ffemale given name] 1.15-3 f] ha[trmlc] withoutlimit 1.1 1-ffi
*.9 lBl around (someone) 1.15-3 tsl)w/,T6le)fr'f l
7 >u t trT -> [F,v.ffiffi ] to contradict (-) L. I5-E
anangedmatrtage 1.9-* bLb rather 1.6-ffi
7rln.l lpoliteverbmeanins*6] 1.12-3 r9.. LU [tr Lt.] difficult t.2-^2
7tttVtl.Eflurt.] can'tsee them all 1.1O-ffi bTe) tffil daughter 1.1-ffi
7.2 I'L+ t*ffi#l unmarried person L.14-ffi,1 f3l (r) l^trffi (/r)] wastetul L.11-ffi,
A D\r ll short 1.1 1-ffi {+ () [*#(e)] unreasonable 1.12-#,
^l-l.Etrf] unfamiliar 1.13-ffi f: ktz + < t^trl to be indifferent L.I 5-ffi 1

TrTi arlffil lake L.4-+2 {r lffl village L. U-il I

A tl shop; store 1.6-1 t,r [] niece 1.8-

AIZU6lar?#l misosoup L.1 1-:t t,L[*] (name) card;businesscard 1.1-3
4-[--EJ [famiynameJ L.i-1 )t,A (/) [()] honorabte L./--
A ttEl fmaie given name] 1.14-ffi2 e)i tH-hl
fbc. i [:i ] to set iost 1.7- person ofhigher statlls; one's senior L.2-ffi
b.'zltr ln2\l - is found [i.] 1.1-ffi ) - l, - manufacturer; maker L.I-E
7'tII ln? l to frnd -[.] 1.1-ffi ) - )V e-mat7 L.Z-85
a { l*tr indecent; unsight 1.11-*3 St Ltr spectacular; amazing 1.14-fr,2
h tile)l sf L"lv [H* LF*t] alarmclock t.2-^2
to tecognue; to approve; to notce 1.3-ffi;1.13-ffi
ZrE [female given name] L. I t-r lhonorific form of - a /fr{l] 1.6-2
Zte ' L "1 all of you L.4-+2 r)9- LV. lVVu,l tate 1.4-1
Zte7ll south 1.10-ffi dlotcC-teu rarely L. / -J
AIC < /r IHLr] usly e>rcr*.IHRI
er L b q b l *. t, g o)#l to be too much (to toleate) 1.11-ffi
care in one's home life L.14-*,2 l-- menu 1.6-1
7r\l) lWV J gest"e 1.1 1-ffi TlH*l towakeup L.2-2
7r43Tlnrcg61 :rd( L.1s-1 >"1l aspect L.1s-2
A+ lil] city; capital 1.10-ffi lw2lffiWl interview L.5-d
7.0 x1( (r) tAffi(r)l attractive L.1o-ffi /-i (r) lEf;()] troubresome L.O-r
At l#l to examine (a patient) L.12-+1 6 i r, f [{, i -lF]to need just a linle more
74>olhr<l improvement [lif,, just one more stepJ 1.5-2
personaliy [l#., witt one's own bodyl 1-
LA [+Ua] tequest; apptication 1.10-1
i L' t+ Ll to appty 1.3-2
iTtFTl lhumble formof i] 1.1-1 +if <l+Hl lname of atrainline] L.7-^2
it+fr] biaket L.15-2 +f {, tlll lfamily nameJ t.14-+2
< < tHffil purpose 1.3-ffi +T lcontractionoff{J*f] L.6-*.2
fJbT/" ofcourse L-l-1 +6 to refrain from -ing [] L-O-EZ

{ a { [] : t' tf, L.14-#,1 & alittle L.15-ffi2

<+l topraise;tomakemuchof [ut.] 1.15-ffi1 &i.U [i.t.] soft L.12-^2
< to be popular (with) L.14-^2 W jttrlclgfrl
f.1, fashion model 1.8-2 late afternoon, usuallyjustbefore dinnertime 1.10-3

ir [:&] to request; to ask for 1.4-3 li tffi+l [female given name] 1.1 5-ffi 1

* tFl to return [u.i.] 1.8-ffi WajLrXl valid 1.1o-ffi

4ro)ll person 1.3-ffi WiLW (e) [(e)] excellent; tlented L.15-#,2

l< tremendously t.s-+2 L i ttr] championship L.7-ffi,

-) usedto (do something) 1.1 1-ffi Wjl.x < ttl dinner [lit.,eveningmeal] 1.4-3

-410)0) although - 1.1 3-ffi Wi l>l-lh,Ll friend L.- -otl

4>Ei I A lffiMT l to imitate 1.1 5-ffi 1

5-# to give priority; to prefer L.J-
4>v> to have a dispute [quarrelJ with 1.1 1

I / t#El lfamilY namel 1.14-3 r,. (ra) [^(e)] famous L.4-2

I + [*ilJ] lfamilY namel 1.8-ffi .1 [l] informal cotton kimono L.i0-3
,< tl complaint 1.1 1 -T Wo 19 leisurely 1.10-ffi
EVJ)V Mongolia L.7-=,, Wbllrl tea cup (for green tea) 1.9-3
r,/l,r [Flff] problem 1.1 1 -T l'l t(-)f#Tl to point (to -) 1.1 3-ffi
lA lfemale given nameJ 1.6- 1

@t=--' t t+l lplace nameJ 1.10-2

&( before long; soon 1.8-ffi Wt0 lfemale given nameJ L.2-*2
&.* Lvt tobe fussy; tobe over criticai 1.11-3 W6Tl#Tl toallow 1.8-;

&. Lv2 noisy 1.15-ffi2 r:t,.t. L,L'

& ro tnel baseball 1.7- 1 i t#l terms L.2-ffi

&o D t4f$#l baseballstadium l. / -- i LtHffil form L.3-+2
+ < t*ttl approximate 1.1 1-ffi i D t$l errand; things to do L.7-^2
+ < tn#l Japanese equivalent 1.10- XiTf [+.8] to see howitgoes 1.5-2
+ < I hEl to translate L. Z- r (-o)) x c tiLe - L.4-ffi,

S ( z l&t'>1 tobe usetul; tobe helptu1 1.8-ffi -xircTa

.? ( lClz [&lcU.r to be usetul L.+-8,to try to -;
to make an effort to - t.7-^2
+ Llr. kind; sweet 1.1 1-ffi i l tgl in a word; in short 1.1 s-ffi 1

*/c (lC) excessive; indiscriminately L.1s-#,1 i if t#fl western-sgrle room 1.4-

c[fl] achap;agay 1.1 5-ffi 1 < tgl thenext (day/yeat/etc.) 1.8-ffi

&u at last L.12-#, ( Dz tSHl the next day 1.7-

+tl inn; lodging 1.10-2 < lf i tfrgl desire 1.1 3-

+i tErl tohire 1.8-3 tl side L.i1-3

U f tFl [place nameJ 1.10- 9 'vtT tI[4T] to understand 1.1 3-
t +* ttlJl ffamilyname] 1.8-1 93Llh*] sumo wrestler L.7-ffi
Ar:H=v)i-- 1.2-3 9<tEl land 1.8-ffi
L/ tEl lfamily nameJ 1.2-3 r) 7 squirrel 1.2-E
Lrg i t}l preparation (for class) L.s-2 VZi t#.fl ideai L.14-^2
[-rret.1 there is no room for - L.15-ffi,2
-9?t-Fl -rate L.14-ffi,1
(-l: oa't depending on - L.- -or
0e ( [Elffi] ttreory of nation building 1.1 5-ffi 1

(-l: -t2 by golgci*mtffi

zlS' I !i t4l reason L.s-#
considerably; real; to a gret extent 1.13-2
J,0)*,1, sociery; world L.14-fr,2 lschool where a foreign student stuclies] 1.5-1
F' i tfffil school designed to prepare students 9 i/11l+Tl tostudyabroad 1.1-1
for college entrnce exams
9 w j t ( $r7)rfr | lg+affi] lperson who deals

) [nf A'n ] to flag down L.O-8,l with matters pertaining to foreign studentsl 1.8-3
,5l(-"') F.tll to call - by 1.1-ffi ..
I ro i s ( .rlu.'a [B+!Htf+]
e<l ll*fTl tomakeareservation L.1O-T special division for foreign students L.5-

l&i tl room; space L.15-=,n2 0 x)lRl dormitory L.2-^2

X ll to stop by 1.3-4 I -tr-l borh- L./-="tn
X.lel at night 1.10-ffi 0tH*l fee;fare 1.10-1
X6 accordingto - L.f,- E'T 9 x ) l."lffi1 parents [lir.,bothparents] 1.1-3
t..l V il t|JTl to make use of L.J- E
to show joy; to be pleased; to rejoice 1.2-*; 1.9- 1
I I tflgl cooking;cuisine L.4-
f ltl gladiy; withpleasue 1.7-1 9 x 9'tll< t'ttc- ( t l(.- x,7, L< *iG < ti to do two things concurrently L.14-1
lrl Say hello (to -) for me. L.4-fr,
9 xiqei#4El
x b l. < *jiau Lt T lx aL ( r L*Tl high class Japanese sqde restaurant L.b-ffi
[morepolitewayofsaying EitL<] 1.1-1 9 xrl'ltftffil Japanese inn L. O- t

9 x L+ [ft1l*] travel agency L. I U-'T

@u-*' 9 x jT6lffiftfl totravel L. O- r

( (e) [#(r)] 9 6,1ffi1 theory 1.1 s-ffi 1

easy; comfortable; leading an easy iife L.5-E fL, [fif] example t.2-I
- LV it seems that; evident 1.1-ffi v ( (re) [*ffi(a)] cruet; hearttess L.15-#"2
tzL x j |ffifFTl [amoviename] 1.7-3 tLl"\o)lwl
9y!t-TV- rushhour 1.10-ffi usual; that whch was mentioned before 1.13-ffi
,l)Vl:.?, I:+)V ls RanaldMcDonald L.- E vlf i [;F] air conditioning 1.15-ffi2
b /-1fl,1 [a movie name] Ltl history
I t+l lchinese family name] L. t5- V ,'t) t-, a 7 recreation L.7-1
- I
r) Teague t. /---", lz.\z leve1 1.5-2
th ffemale given name] L.14-*2 lr,- l- rcportjpapei

tLlvbU\I 2 /- l*:ffiffi1 iove marriage 1.9- *tI rcason;explanation 1.1 3- 1

tul'LW i tffigl practice 1.13-3 tlt*/et ifs not the case that L.3-,

tLl- < Lffi1 continuously L.14-ffi1 *rS*rS

to go out of one's way to do something 1.9-1
place where one can be reached 1.10-2
4:'V?lffil a tatami room; Japanese-strle room

. [T] hallway; corridor 1.4-B 1.7-;1.10-2

i i E < lfrz-l labor; work force L.14-ffi] bTfLTa [tTc] :i/ r.''c 1.3-

ba l! LhELI unemployed samurai; a high school bT*Ll,tLl to forget 1.3- 1

graduate who is spending a year studying for a college z.:'fcTlTl to hand (somethins) to [t.] 1.6-ffi
entrance examination L.f-8,
irlcr.r[i] lfami nameJ 1.1 5-ffi 1

b 1C-teLt not much; not enough L.12-^1 (-t) t>tv) :-o)l 1.1 5-ffi 1

b /-"lffiXl article; essay; thesis L. / -r

b t, l$rl to laugh; to smile 1.3-;1.13-2
*r 9 lr [fl] ratio; percentge L.14-#,1
@t=*-' L.5-t
rtlr [!] young 1.1-ffi
rrl . [#rl ] r am sorr5r, but ... 1.3-4
bJ\ l(-'r).ft)\l to undersrnd - 1.2- 1
*>1but) t*Eil
*>l'lt l(-)flltLl to speak ill of (someone) 1.1 1-ffi
to part (from -); to say farewell (to
-) L.Z-ffi


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