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re Not

Digitally signed by Hiramarth
DN: cn=Hiramarth Sumovox,
o=Archmage of the Council of the
Date: 2002.10.21 21:47:16 -05'00'
Characteristics of 180 war- Chinese
lords have been simulated warlord of
based on the renowned all, Lu Bu,
text of Sanquozhi Yanyi. destined
Even 20th century to be a
strategists are destined to traitor
spend hours, even days on because
years ago manyof the each game. And when you of his
men in China dedicated take a break to philosophize great
their life to the study of on your next action (if you strength
philosophy. And then can pull yourself away) you and courage .
applied it to a war to You'll use every
end all wars. strategic cell in your
The country was brain to fulfill your
plagued by a bandit constant requirements
hoarde known as the for weapons, food and
Yellow Scarves. Who manpower. You'll give
amassed a power no important commands
one had yet to conquer. that could mean your
Fact is, no one could life, and the life of
assemble a force strong your armies. And in
enough to destroy true Chinese tradition,
them. you'll engage in battle
In Destiny of can actually save up to again and again to defend
an Emperor, your three histories exactly your honor. An honor
challenge is to where you've left off. certified by an oath signed
change the You can put yourself in blood.
course of history in the place of Liu Bei, When all is said and
forever. For the dedicated to raising an done, there will be room
good of China. army for the restoration for only one Emperor.
And the world . of the dynasty. Or Guan Whether or not that will
This full scale, Yu, an exceptionally be you is your destiny
role playing skilled warrior, alone.
adventure game match for a
for the Nintendo thousand
System will put soldiers and
you deep in the worshipped
throes of that as a god .
war. In the mountains,
But no
The action is rebels await behind matter who
as real as it gets every tree.
you are, it
thanks to the discovery will be hard to win the
of authentic documents war against Zhang Jao,
detailing the era. the deadly leader of
the Yellow Scarve
rebels and founder of
the Tai Ping sect. Not to
mention the most feared

Licensed by Nintendo'
1990 CAPCOM USA, INC. Destiny of an Emperor is a trademark for Play on the
of Capcom USA. Inc. Cap- is aregistered trademark of Capcom USA
Nintendo andNintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo
Nintendo of America. Inc. Entertainment
Fill out and mail the subscription card in this issue.
If the card is missing, write to:
Subscriptions :
DUIYGEOW Adventures
F.O. Box 111
Lake Geneva, WI 53147

DUNGEON is a trademark of TSR, Inc . 1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
COVER : Artist Scott
Burdick's cover
illustration shows that
even a powerful
mage can lose
control when
lycanthropy mixed
with possession
"Nine-Tenths of the
Law ."

Shaking Things Up
The Readers LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Last issue I talked about some ofthe changes we've been mak-
ing in DUNGEON Adventures-changes for the better, we
hope. The inclusion in issue #25 of an adventure for the Paul F Culotta THE INHERITANCE
MARVEL SUPER HEROES" game drew a strong response (AD&D 1~1 game, levels 1-3) You've
from readers, with the vote about evenly split between those in just inherited a castle! All it needs is
favor of including modules for other TSR games and those who a good cleaning out . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
would prefer to keep DUNGEON magazine exclusively for
D&D/AD&D material .
This issue we shake things up again, and again invite your John Terra OPERATION : FIRE SALE
comments . John Terra (who wrote "Rank Amateurs" in issue (TOP SECRET/S .I.TM game) In
#22) has given us "Operation : Fire Sale," a TOP SECRET S.I.- Germany, NATO has more
adventure set in the constantly changing political climate of intelligence leaks than the Berlin
Germany. By the time you read this, East and West Germany
should have come even closer to becoming one country (all- Wall had bricks. Your job is to plug
German elections are scheduled for December) . We promised just one of them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
John that next time he can write about a less-volatile area of
the world (want to tackle the Persian Gulf?). Steven Smith CARAVAN GUARDS
In response to requests for very short encounters that can be (D&D@ game, levels 6-8) Beware of
dropped into your campaigns without much fuss, we've in-
cluded "Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail," the first of a new two- cheerful-and long-fanged-
page feature . We'd like to have a catchy name for this feature employers! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
(we've been calling it "The Mini-Module"), so here's your
chance to win fame and fortune-well, at least a nice prize. Jay Ouzts DEADFALLS ON NIGHTWOOD
Send us your suggestions. The idea we like best will become TRAIL
the feature name, and the person who submits the winning
idea will receive a set of four ceramic mugs emblazoned with (AD&D game mini-adventure, levels
both the DUNGEON Adventures and DRAGON Magazine 3-4) Your best foot forward could
logos. well be your last. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
This issue's quote was submitted by Bill Birdsall of Platts-
burg AFB, New York. Craig Barrett THE CURSE AND THE QUEST
& Christopher (AD&D game, levels 4-8) What's the
Kederich top prize in this grim relay race?
Your lives, of course . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


(AD&D game, levels 7-10) The evil
wizard had a fail-safe plan for
Vol . V, No. 2 survival . It worked perfectly-
almost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
EDITOR : Barbara G. Young Larry W Smith
ASSOCIATE EDITOR : CARTOGRAPHER : Diesel People could survive their natural trouble all right if it
Roger E. Moore TYPESETTING : TSR weren't for the trouble they make for themselves.
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Graphic Arts Services Ogden Nash
Joseph M. Nowak Janet L. Winters
1:)11AC,0N1)L)Aizs ~

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thickness of rain4aiden clouds, moisture clinging to scourge of his beloved world then beckons his friend
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Plunging through the cloud deck below, he attacks! test its talons against the armor and lance of its foe.

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ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, ORAGONLANCE and FORGOTTEN REALMS are trademarks ownedby and used under license from TSR, Inc .
Moonmelons Demystified to submit more of the types of dungeons ing to the party that the globes can be
you wish to see published . portable.
I am writing to tell you about the I hope this message will help to allevi- It may be tedious for the DM to say
great job you are doing with the maga- ate some of the same old replies you "another of the strange glowing spheres
zine. I have no complaints about the have to write every other month . is perched atop the counter," but that
new cover, and I think that having By the way, I would like to see more of provides much more realism .
different types of adventures in the . . . the same high-quality material you Moving along to "A Hitch in Time" by
magazine is a great idea. have been publishing for the past four Willie Walsh, I have only one complaint
I have just one question . On page 26 years. (which is ever so rare, as Mr. Walsh's
of issue #25 ("Of Kings Unknown"), you Wayne M. Kalliomaa work is very impressive) . My complaint
stated in the second paragraph that Lancaster, California is that there are too many sudden-death
"The effects of the moonmelon are per- traps in the module. Granted, in the
manent . . . unless magically cured by a See, every once in a while we do pub- setting generally assumed by AD&D
heal spell ." In the same paragraph you lish a noncritical letter. adventures, the possibility of death is
say " . . . they [the alterations] are all very real. But I highly frown on events
permanent whether harmful or helpful which consist of "saving throw or die"
and cannot be altered by heal spells ." Yes, Sir, That's My Baby
situations. Players have worked long
Like, whoa, did I miss something? None of my friends believe that my and hard on their characters, slowly
Jay West mom is the editor of DUNGEON Maga- building them up in power and equip-
Bramalea, Ontario zine because you have a different last ment . It can ruin a game when one
name than I do. You have to print some- unlucky die roll ends everything on the
You didn't miss anything, but we thing that proves that you're my spot. I am not totally against such
didn't make the point clear. The effects of mother. events, but the frequency of them in
moonmelons on the parents who eat Your daughter, this adventure makes it unplayable in
them can be cured by a heal spell before Sarah Deer my campaign. I counted seven:
they produce moonoffspring. Once these the youth statue (not death, but com-
mutated offspring are born, their altera- Yes, that's my kid-red hair, freckles, plete uselessness is close enough), the
tions are permanent and cannot be cured and all. venerable statue, the ledges (falling and
by heal spells . drowning are risks), the repulsion door,
Gloivglobe Coverup box F in room 9 (equivalent to a cloak of
So Start Writing! I found a few points of contention with
poisonousness), box G (not even a save
on this one!), and box G again if the
First of all, congratulations on an the module "In the Dread of Night" heart is destroyed . This last is even
excellent job so far! I enjoy DUNGEON (issue #24) by Anne Dupuis . I noted that more unreasonable in that the death
Magazine immensely. Judging by the it had boxed descriptions (I'm highly in cannot be reversed, "even by divine
quality of the published scenarios, your favor of them), but there is a problem intervention." While divine action in
selection criteria have proven to be beginning with room 5. The last sen- my campaigns is very rare, a deity's
highly successful . However, pleasing all tence of that description reads, "There power should be able to reverse any
the people all the time, obviously, does is no glowglobe here." This description, event, should the characters manage to
not happen, as evident by the letters to be read to the players, explains the convince one to listen .
you print. I wish to say something to all function of the strange globes in the I sincerely thank you for including
those readers who complain that you previous rooms. It is doubtful that the advertising in DUNGEON Adventures .
are not publishing enough of the types PCs would have discovered by this time I'm sure you'll get many comments
of modules they wish to see. that the only function of the globes was from readers who are upset that you
The good folks at DUNGEON Adven- to provide light. Instead, the party may "ruined" the magazine by including
tures can only publish the quality view them as scrying devices, sources of advertising, but I am acutely aware of
dungeons (emphasis on quality) that heat, traps, etc . By revealing the name the rising costs of printing, and am
they receive . So don't ask those hard- (and thus the function) of the globes, grateful that you chose to allow adver-
working folks to print what they haven't part of the mystery has been banished . tising instead of increasing the price.
received. Instead, ask your friends, Additionally, the boxed text for room 6
neighbors, and especially other readers mentions a portable glowglobe, reveal- Continued on page 15

DUNGEONT (ISSN 0890-7102) is published bimonthly by TSR, Inc . 201 Sheridan Springs Rd ., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 . The mailing address for all material except subwiptsan orders uF
DUNGEON, PO. Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147 ; telephone (414) 248-3625 .
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Back issues : Limited back issues of this magazine are available from the TSR Mail Order Hobby Shop, PO. Box 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147 . For a copy of the current mail-order catalog, write
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Submissions: All material published in DUNGEON becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication . DUNGEON
welcomes unsolicited submissions of written material and artwork ; however, no responsibility for such submissions can be assumed by the publisher in any event. Any submission accompanied
by a self-addressed, stamped envelope of sufficient size will be returned if it cannot be published . Please write for our writers' guidelines before sending a module to us ; send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope (91/2" long preferred) to : Module Guidelines, DUNGEON, TSR, Inc., P .O . Box 111, Lake Geneva WI 53147 .
DUNGEON is a registered trademark for the TSR role-playing adventure periodical published by TSR, Inc . All rights to the contents of this publication are reserved, and nothing may be
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4 Issue No. 26

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, I



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Paul is a lieutenant colonel in the Army
National Guard assigned to the Penta-
gon (which inspired the military organi-
zation ofthe hobgoblins in this adven-
ture). He is also an attorney and an avid
AD&D game player and DM. Paul's
wife, Shari, and son, Todd, playtest his
modules with help from the cats, Boo
and Sasha, who chase the dice that roll
off the table.

"The Inheritance" is an AD&D adven-

ture for 6-8 characters of levels 1-3
(about 13 total levels). The well-balanced
adventuring party should contain at
least two fighters (one preferably a
ranger) and one cleric. One of the charac-
ters should have no other relatives ex-
cept a long-lost uncle (or other relative
who has been missing for a while).
The adventure can be adapted to any
game world but is written for the
FORGOTTEN REALMS" fantasy set-
ting. The DM can use FR1 Waterdeep
and the North and FR5 The Savage
Frontier to add flavor and suitable ran-
dom encounters. If another setting is
desired, the DM can choose any large
city within a week's ride of a mysterious
forest .
The stakes involved in this module
are high for a low-level party ; the char-
acter who has no other living relatives
has inherited a small keep from a long-
lost uncle . To realize the inheritance,
however, the keep must be seized from

an unfriendly band of hobgoblins . More-
over, the uncle specialized in illusionist
magic, and the keep itself has its share
of challenging traps and obstacles.

(Note : Hereafter the deceased is re-
ferred to in the text simply as "Uncle ."
During the course of the adventure, the
DM should assign an appropriate name
consistent with the PC's background .)

Adventure Background
The adventure starts in Waterdeep,
with the PCs looking for adventure. At

You just got a castle! And

a suitable time, one of the PCs notices a
guard posting an official proclamation
in some public place :

now for the bad news . . . . NOr1CE

Ler,al Notice is heReby riveN that,
UNleSS the last kNOWN l7eiRS of [DM
inserts name recognizable by one of
Artwork by Ken Widing
the PCs as Uncle] come fontl7,

self. The wife died two years ago in

his keep and all possessiONS slhall make my final judgment on the es- childbirth, and the baby with her.
escheat to the LoRbs of Watenbeep tate. I will now read the will. Please Two months ago, a raiding patrol of
foneveR without aNy fURthen listen carefully to ensure you under- the Lostafinga hobgoblin tribe (see side-
claims by sait) lheiRs . Claims must be stand what must be done." bar) discovered the keep and mounted a
filet) No latER thaN two weeks fROM surprise assault at night. Moving qui-
the bate of this Notice, and the LAS? WIf-P OF etly, they negotiated the moat obstacles
PRovisioNs Of the Will fulfillet) I, [DM insert Uncle's full name], lie and, with the help oftheir pet (a giant
WithiN 30 bays . PeRsoNs claimiNCr to dyingfrom afoul arrow. Invaders came in the carnivorous ape), they quickly got over
be heirs shoult) apply to the PONOR- the walls and overcame the watch. Uncle
night, assaulted my keep by surprise, and killed
able COURt Of the UndensirNeb. barely managed to escape through a
all my retainers. these monsters were similar to
Dateb this bay of orcs butfought more fiercely and had in their secret door just after a hobgoblin arrow
Hanqnove Seedius, Maqisten of service a large, red-eyed beast that threw my
caught him in the back.
Watenbeep For several days Uncle wandered
men-at-arms about like toys . I barely got out
toward Red Larch in search of aid, but
my secret door, but not before one of the crea-
As indicated on page 17 of FRl Water- the arrow wound took its toll. Just be-
deep and the North, a magister is one of
tures shot me in the back . fore he died, he wrote out his last will.
the judges who administer the laws of I leave all my property, both real and per- After the body was found and brought
the City (there are no lawyers). Accord- sonal, to any living heir who avenges me by into Waterdeep, it was cremated.
ingly, Seedius's court should not be ridding my wonderful home of these foul creatures The main hobgoblin tribe has not
difficult to find; the DM should place it no later than 60 days after my death. It is my moved into the keep but uses it as an
somewhere within the Castle Ward of direction that this be done by my heir without outpost from which to mount raids
Waterdeep . Likewise, it should not be help from any but his or her closest companions, against any caravans or merchants that
difficult for the PC heir to prove his so that my heir may prove worthy of the treasure
wander by. The keep is currently held
relationship to the deceased (the magis- by a contingent of 21 hobgoblins and
I leave behind and which I trust the monsters
ter may suggest that the PC secure one ape . The tribe's chieftain, safely
have notfound.
official birth and death records main- laired in Kryptgarden Forest, rotates a
tained by one of the temples, for exam-
Avenge me! new troop ofhobgoblins to the keep
ple). The DM should make this part of every 40 days to patrol the southern
"I haven't been able to find out part of the forest . Since the troops are
the adventure a good role-playing oppor- much about your uncle . He was a
tunity for the players . rotated, there are no hobgoblin females
recluse who dabbled in illusionist or children in the keep. Also, the mon-
After lineage has been established, magic. A couple oftimes a year, he
Magister Seedius relates the following : sters have not discovered the main
would go into Red Larch for supplies . treasure that the deceased left behind .
He married a woman from that town, The DM should allow the PCs to make
"Your uncle's body was brought into but that is all that is known about any necessary preparations but should
town by a group of merchants from him. Apparently, he was in good enforce the terms ofthe will strictly-
the North who discovered it along standing with the Lords of Water- the heir and his party have only 30 days
the road just south of Red Larch. He deep, because the archives hold a to get to the keep, get it cleaned out
apparently died from an arrow recorded deed from the Lords to the with no outside assistance, and get back
wound. The only possessions on his deceased, dated some five years ago . to file proof oftheir conquest. Proof can
person were a dagger, a pouch with The deed granted him a tract of land take any number offorms (bringing
20 gold pieces, a pen, an empty ink 10 miles wide by 10 miles long, cen- back the hobgoblin standard, making
pot, and an old bill of sale. tered on the southernmost point of sworn statements before the magister
"The merchants found his body Kryptgarden Forest . The keep was and a cleric with a detect lie spell, etc .)
sitting against a large rock, where he built by a band of dwarves from the
apparently wrote out his will on the North and is somewhere in that area, The Keep
back of the bill of sale. When he ran but exactly where no one is sure; the
dwarves have long since departed. Travel to the keep should not be much
out of ink, he finished it with his own
blood. That makes it a holographic Good luck on your quest!" of a problem until the adventurers turn
off the main road and head toward
will, one written entirely in the Kryptgarden Forest (see Waterdeep and
handwriting of the deceased, and it is
For the Dungeon Master the North map). From then on, the DM
legally acceptable even though it is should check four times a day for a
not witnessed . As the magister has implied, Uncle was random encounter (twice during day-
"The will's conditions are some- an illusionist . Some years ago, he saved light and twice at night). There is a
what unusual, but they are legally the life of one of the Lords ofWaterdeep base 1-in-10 chance on each check for a
binding on the heirs of the estate. If and was rewarded with a grant of land, random encounter. The DM can use the
the conditions are not fulfilled, the money, and the commissioning of a "Temperate Rough or Hilly" encounter
keep and all its possessions become modest keep. The deceased eventually table found in the Monstrous Compen-
forfeit to the Lords of Waterdeep . You found a wife in Red Larch and took her dium, Volume Three, or substitute
have only thirty days before I must to the keep, but otherwise kept to him- encounters of his own .

of Lostafingas to occupy the keep (the

ones that conquered it were rotated to
other duties). It is under the command
of Lieutenant Julla (hp 19), who was
recently commissioned by his sub-chief.
This is Julla's first assignment as a
lieutenant, and he wants to do well . He
suspects that the keep's owner must
have had more treasure than was found
and believes that it must be somewhere
in the living room or study (areas 21 or
22) . Thus, he has put those rooms off
limits to everyone else in the troop.
Julla knows that if he can find the trea-
sure he will win great honor with his
sub-chief. Julla is vain, arrogant, and
unrelenting in battle . He wears a neck-
lace with 15 fingers on it (from 10 hu-
mans, one half-elf, and four orcs) .
Julla is assisted by his two sergeants,
Smut and Cheff (hp 15 each). They
carry out his orders grudgingly because
they believe that the lieutenant is an
inexperienced greenhorn who could get
lost with a map and a lodestone . They
also resent Julla's order that puts part
of the keep off limits, and they suspect
that he wants to find the missing trea-
sure himself. Both sergeants are ambi-
0 village tious and, in time of battle, it would not
-./ of Ampf)ail
_h5ancnaQ be surprising if Lieutenant Julla died at
their hands (50% chance if the battle is
Hamlet of going the hobgoblins' way) . Neither
sergeant will betray the troop, however.
Smut has a necklace with 25 fingers (12
human and 13 orc), and Cheff has a
necklace with 22 fingers (14 human, one
elf, two half-elf, and five orc).
The rank-and-file troops are bored
with manning the keep . They are suspi-
cious of Lieutenant Julla's orders and
they wonder why they haven't been out
TE EEP on more patrols to find loot (as well as
fingers!) . This morale problem works
AIND THE NORTH against the adventurers, however, be-
cause the hobgoblins consider a fight a
welcome change of pace . They will plow
right into a melee and not surrender
The keep itself is about a half mile northwest corner, they can see three
(it's the Lostafinga way, after all).
inside Kryptgarden Forest in the mid- spears planted, tips out, in the keep side
Veterans of the troop use nicknames
dle of a clearing atop a small hill . The of the moat ditch . PCs who climb trees
(assigned by the sergeants) for each
clearing is about 250' in diameter, and to get a better look can see the standard
other. These nicknames are based on
the keep is square with walls about 100' in the courtyard and can also see that
some habit, appearance, or deed . Real
long and surrounded by a moat . No the moat appears empty. They may also
names are used for the rookies until the
main building or wall towers can be view any other additional activity the
sergeants come up with a fitting nick-
seen, but there is a gatehouse in the DM wishes to improvise (e .g ., a chang-
name . Sergeants and officers are always
middle of the southern wall . At the ing of the guard, a small hobgoblin
referred to by rank and real name .
gatehouse is a drawbridge that is cur- fetching water, etc .).
One trooper with no nickname is
rently raised . Grinkle (Int 10, hp 4), a poor excuse of
From the forest, the PCs should be The Hobgoblin Troop
a wimpy hobgoblin who was made a
able to see the walls and gatehouse as The particular troop of hobgoblins cur- warrior only due to his father's influ-
well as several humanoid figures patrol- rently assigned here is the second group ence with the chief. Julla uses Grinkle
ling along the walls . If the PCs view the

as an aide to fetch his food and drink Grinkle speaks Common and carries his of their superiors . Most of the other
and to clean up after him . More infor- family's third-best long sword. troopers resent this attitude and think
mation about Grinkle is found in the Rat-Nose, Chowhound, and Snurt that the archers are trying to get extra
description of area 18. Grinkle has a (hp 7 each), the troop's three archers, favors . Rat-Nose gets his name from his
necklace with one finger on it (from a are tough soldiers who take their job particularly long and sensitive nose. He
halfling), and most of the troop believe seriously. They are well disciplined and has a necklace with eight fingers (seven
that he got that as a gift from his father. are the most likely to object to criticism human and one orc). Chowhound's name

The Lostafinga Hobgoblin Tribe

There are many fell creatures in the right to live in the forest . have never demanded ransom for any
savage frontier ofthe Forgotten Even though refusal meant certain captives . Heavily armed contingents
Realms, and not the least among them annihilation, Gar-Nu-Kee bravely have gone into the woods but only one
are the hobgoblins of the Lostafinga stepped forward and told the dragon lone survivor has come out . He was
tribe . For many years they have dis- that its demand was foolish since hob- insane and incoherently raved about
rupted the land near the northern and goblins were tough, stringy, and tasted the jaws ofthe "big, green worm."
central parts of Kryptgarden Forest by awful . Furious, Krazel knocked down Adventurers who brave the depths of
ambushing trade caravans, driving off the insulting hobgoblin, told him that Kryptgarden Forest are likely to find
settlers and woodsmen, and attacking she would be the judge of that, and then out how much of the legend is true and
anyone unfortunate enough to encoun- took a nibble-Gar-Nu-Kee's left pinky how much is not . One thing is certain :
ter them. The tribe, ruled by a huge finger. It tasted as bad as he had pre- the Lostafingas and their allies will
hobgoblin chieftain named Shar-Kee, dicted, and the dragon spat it out and provide stiff opposition .
numbers around 500 males, 400 fe- released him . Gar-Nu-Kee then negoti- Lostafinga hobgoblins differ slightly
males, and 600 children. Highly disci- ated an arrangement with Krazel from those listed in Monstrous Com-
plined and well-organized, the whereby they would live in harmony by pendium. They are organized into
Lostafingas are ruthless in battle and providing mutual security, with the troops of 22 hobgoblins, each of which
do not surrender. hobgoblins providing "tasty" (i.e., non- includes a lieutenant and two ser-
The Lostafingas are distinctive in hobgoblin) sacrifices to the dragons geants. A troop on an independent
dress, appearance, and tactics . Survi- from time to time. mission usually also includes a carniv-
vors (there are few) of ambushed cara- Based on this legend, the hobgoblins orous ape and its handler. Five troops
vans report that these hobgoblins took the name "Lostafinga" for their (a company) are commanded by a sub-
achieve complete surprise because tribe in honor of Gar-Nu-Kee's courage, chief. They are all ruled over by Shar-
they paint their skin and armor with cunning, and sacrifice . They also Kee, the chief ofthe tribe.
colored pigments that blend with the started the ritual of severing the left Hobgoblin trooper : Int 8; AL LE;
natural terrain . Thus, a peaceful small finger from a dead foe in the be- AC 5; MV 9; HD 1 + 1; THACO 19;
woodland may suddenly erupt with a lief (encouraged by the tribal shamans) #AT 1 ; Ding by weapon type; SZ M;
frenzied surprise attack of snarling that doing so transports the soul of the ML 12; XP 35; MC .
hobgoblins and well-trained rampag- dead one to Maglubiyet for service as a Hobgoblin sergeant : HD 1 + 1; hp
ing carnivorous apes (the tribe has 20 slave for eternity. Because of this prac- 9; Ding by weapon type (long sword);
of these creatures) . The only hint of tice, all Lostafinga warriors carry a XP 40 ; other statistics as for hobgoblin
such an ambush is the dead silence small hand axe in addition to their trooper.
that surrounds the hobgoblins' posi- normal weapons. Hobgoblin lieutenant: AC 4; HD 2;
tion (the birds and other animals have Females hobgoblins learn to mummify THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon
fled the area). these severed forgers and make neck- type (long sword, whip) ; SA +2 on
The name "Lostafinga" comes from laces of them . These are worn openly, damage rolls due to strength ; XP 45;
the exploits of one Gar-Nu-Kee, a because the more fingers a warrior has other statistics as for hobgoblin
distant ancestor of the current chief. on his necklace, the higher esteem sergeant .
According to tribal legend, Gar-Nu- (called "spug" by the hobgoblins) he has Hobgoblin sub-chief: Int 9; AC 3;
Kee led the tribe on its trek from the from his peers . Unusually large fingers HD 3; hp 16; THACO 17; #AT 1; XP
mountains of the far north to a prom- (such as from giants, ogres, etc .) are not 65; other statistics as for hobgoblin
ised land revealed to him by Maglu- worn but are pickled and displayed lieutenant .
biyet, god of the hobgoblins. Upon proudly in hobgoblin lairs. There are Shar-Kee (chief): Int 10; AC 2; HD
arrival in Kryptgarden, the tribe was few ofthese curios for obvious reasons . 4; hp 22; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg by
accosted by a huge ancient green Legends are based largely on truth, weapon type (long sword +2, morning
dragon (named Krazel) and her three and there is some evidence to the Losta- star +1); SA +3 on damage rolls due
children. The dragons demanded regu- fmga legend . There have been occasional to strength ; XP 175 ; banded armor
lar hobgoblin sacrifices to satisfy their reports of green dragons seen around +2; other statistics as for hobgoblin
hunger in exchange for the tribe's Kryptgarden Forest . The Lostafingas sub-chief.

about Lieutenant Julla. They pride instead of entering through the main
themselves on bravery and being gate .
"spug" (the hobgoblin equivalent of Only a very strong party of adventur-
macho). As a result, fights break out ers will succeed in a direct assault,
every now and then. Although great at because the hobgoblins have a good
fighting and looting, they are not the defense procedure. In the event that the
best housekeepers . Except for the rook- PCs try to assault the keep, a gong
ies, each has a necklace with 2-8 fingers alarm sounds in the gatehouse. Use the
of various types (one of Bear-Killer's is a descriptions of the ground level and
finger from a black bear paw) . upper level of the keep and rouse the
Monkey-Love (hp 8), the ape handler, hobgoblins in the sequence indicated
got his nickname from the great care he below (monsters from the lower level all
gives Redeye, his carnivorous ape. Any emerge from area 7) :
hobgoblin who makes a crack about
Monkey-Love's pet runs the risk of be- Round 1. Three armored hobgoblins
coming the object of a spontaneous in area 6 awaken the other nine that
game of "toss the hobgoblin." No one are sleeping. Lieutenant Julla, in area
except a naive rookie would ever tease 19, gets a saving throw vs . spells . If the
Monkey-Love. The infantry troops agree roll is successful, he comes out of his
that, if Monkey-Love had to make a trance . If not, he gets another roll each
choice between feeding Redeye and the round until he saves or the fight on the
rest of the troop, he would feed the ape . upper level quiets down . If he comes to,
Monkey-Love has a necklace of nine he will arrive two rounds after he is
fingers (six human and three ore) and freed from the mirror's curse.
he also wears a belt of 50 fingers from Round 2. The three armored hobgob-
enemies that Redeye has slain in battle lins from area 6 come out and go to the
(33 human, 12 ore, one elf, one dwarf, walls.
and three half-elf). He carries a well- Round 3. No hobgoblins arrive in this
used morning star. round.
The huge ape, Redeye, got his name Round 4. Grinkle (area 18) arrives.
not from his appearance (although his Grinkle hides in shadows or darkness
eyes are red), but from the time that and will throw his lot in with the side
is the result of his habit of looting food Chowhound slipped him a small tun of that gains the upper hand . The nine
before treasure . His necklace contains wine from a looted caravan (Monkey- other hobgoblins from area 6 have
four human, one gnome, and three ore Love had been knocked unconscious in donned their armor and come out.
fingers. Snurt, the rookie, is still known the battle). The troop took great glee at Round 5. Monkey-Love and Redeye
by his real name . He does not have a the ape's antics until Monkey-Love (area 13) arrive along with Backtalk
necklace but is anxious to earn his first came to, and then it took both Smut and (area 15).
forger. Cheff to pull him off Chowhound. It Round 6. If the PCs are not on the
The archers can attack twice per took Redeye and Chowhound two days walls, the portcullis is raised and the
round with their long bows (Ding 1-6/1- to recover (the ape from his drink and drawbridge lowered. Julla leads most of
6) or can close to attack once per round Chowhound from his lumps) . the hobgoblins and the ape out of the
with their long swords (Ding 1-8) . They Redeye (carnivorous ape) : Int low; AL keep to destroy the party.
don't carry treasure about with them . N; AC 6; MV 12 (9 in trees) ; HD 5; hp Round 7. The two sergeants from area
The infantry troopers are Boar- 36 ; THACO 15; #AT 3; Ding 1-4/1-4/1-8 ; 21 arrive .
Breath, Strong-Thrust, Scratchy, SA throw victim into pit (see details at
Deathstar, Smasher, Lucky, Fumble- area 13); SD +2 bonus to surprise ; SZ L; Upper Level
foot (hp 7 each), Bear-Killer, Ringo, ML 11 ; XP 175 ; MC . 1 . Perimeter Wall. Rat-Nose and
Backtalk, Jurmane, Slyfund, and The DM should note that, in addition Chowhound patrol the 20'-high walls.
Gar-Nuuk-Ko (hp 6 each). These are to the hobgoblins' listed weapons, each They are quite alert, and nothing less
Julla's shock troops, the bad guys who carries the ritual hand axe (Ding 1-6/1-4) . than invisible characters can approach
wade in after the archers have warmed
up the opposition with a few arrows . For the wall without detection. The wall is
Hobgoblin Defense Plan
all of the sergeants' faults, they have block masonry, built up 4' above the
trained these infantry hobgoblins into Since hobgoblins have infravision and level of the walkway. Set into the north-
very good fighters with halberds and can fight without penalty in daylight, ern wall is a 15'-tall smokestack that
morning stars. They have also started they go on alert and attack at any bold emits smoke from area 6 and the lower
them training with the archers to im- approach by the adventurers. There is level fireplaces . If they are attacked
prove their skills . very little cover or concealment for a while behind the walls, the hobgoblins'
The infantry troops are fairly well hidden approach . Presumably, the PCs armor class is reduced to 3.
will remember Uncle's words in the will
disciplined (except for Backtalk) al-
though they have suspicions and doubts about his secret door and look for it

1 0 Issue No . 26

2. Gatehouse. This 20'x 40' room bunk beds, a table and chairs, and a
above the entry to the keep is manned
by Snurt, who observes the approach to
fireplace. The room is in disarray. All of
the beds are unmade ; the floor hasn't
the drawbridge at all times. During the
day, adventurers can see smoke coming
been swept in a long time ; and weapons,
shields, and other junk are strewn
Upper Level N
from the small chimney of this struc- about. Nine,of the hobgoblins are sleep- 1 square =10'
ture ; at night, faint light shines ing, and three (Deathstar, Lucky, and
through the window slits. Like the two Jurmane) are sitting at the table play-
sentries on the walls, the hobgoblin ing some game with sticks, bones, and
here is alert. If intruders are detected, stones . These three are fully armored
Snurt clangs a metal gong inside the and awaiting their shift on guard duty
gatehouse to alert the rest of the troop. on the wall. The others have removed
He also keeps a pot of oil simmering their armor and are sleeping soundly.
and ready to pour down the murder If the adventurers burst in, the hobgob-
holes located directly above the draw- lins are automatically surprised. The
bridge (Dmg 3-18 to those in the 10'x sleeping ones wake up after the initial
20' below, save vs . breath weapon for round and grab the closest weapons at
half damage). If attacked by someone hand . All the hobgoblins fight fiercely
outside the gatehouse, Snurt's armor and will not surrender. Unarmored hob-
class is reduced to 1. goblins have an armor class of 10 .
If alerted by the guard in the gate-
Ground Level house, the three armored hobgoblins
spend one round waking the other nine,
3. Moat . The moat is 10' deep . It then go outside to man the walls. The
drops off steeply on the forest side, but nine remaining hobgoblins take three
there is a gentler slope on the side near- additional rounds to buckle on their
est the keep . The moat appears empty,
armor, grab weapons, etc., before emerg-
but Uncle implanted numerous heavy ing to assist .
spears tips out in the embankment, and Searching through the hobgoblins'
then made them invisible . Three of
belongings yields a total of 30 gp and
these spears are visible in the north- 121 sp .
west corner of the moat, where the
hobgoblins first tried to sneak in. Any Mausoleum and Lower Level
7. Well Room . Stairs going down to
PC moving up the far side toward the
the lower level (area 14) take up the 10. The Mausoleum. East of the keep
wall has a 1-in-4 chance of running into
western part of this 25'x 25' room . In and about 500' into the forest is another
a spear (1-in-2 chance if running) and
the southeast corner is a 4'-diameter clearing that contains a small stone
taking 1-6 hp damage . Anyone knocked
well with a bucket and rope nearby. The mausoleum with no windows and one
or pushed off the wall has a 1-in-3 well shaft goes down 60' to a pure un-
chance of hitting a spear in addition to door. South of this building are a small
derground spring . The door in the shrine to the goddess Mystra and two
the 2d6 hp damage from the fall . northeast corner leads out to the court- graves . The door of the mausoleum is
yard (area 9). made of heavy wood and bound with
4. Drawbridge and Portcullis . The
drawbridge is presently up and the silver bands and hinges . It is also locked
8. Midden. In the southern part of with a large iron lock, and someone has
portcullis is down . The drawbridge is
this 25'x 25' room is a stone ledge with written on the door in hobgoblin: "Keep
solidly built of wood and can be opened
three apertures for dumping waste. The Out! Danger! This means you, stupid!"
or dosed by a wheel and chains at loca-
smell here is very bad. Inspection of the tombstones on the
tion 4A . The portcullis is made of iron
bars and car. be raised or lowered by the graves reveals the names of Uncle's
9. Courtyard. The courtyard is paved wife from Red Larch and that of a child.
wbee: arc I-.ams at location 4B . stone with grass growing between the The dates of death are the same .
cracks . One paving stone at the center In the northeast corner of the mauso-
5. Stable . This once held Uncle's of the yard has been torn out, and an
livistock, but now all that's left is one leum is a massive stone coffin that at
ugly standard has been planted in the one time was apparently bound by sil-
sorry-looking pony on the verge of star-
ground . It is a dirty mustard-yellow ver bands; they are now broken open .
ration- An animal friendship spell will
cloth banner emblazoned with a picture The lid to the crypt is propped against
automatically work with her. The one
of a grisly, hairy hand that is missing the crypt itself. In the northwest corner
cart remaining in the stable is in good
its pinky finger. This is the troop stand- are some pieces of rusting armor, a
operating condition. ard of the Lostafinga tribe . Taking it broken halberd, and some bones. Hiding
back to Waterdeep and showing it to behind the coffin is a ghoul.
Guard Barracks. Successful lis-
Magister Seedius will serve as proof If the door to this room is entered
ceaing at the door reveals muttered
that the conditions of the will have been after sunset, the ghoul inside immedi-
talking and snoring. A dozen hobgoblin
fulfilled. ately emerges and attacks, fighting
troopers share this room furnished with


reveals indistinguishable talking and

grunting .
13. Pet Room . This is a 30'X 30' room
Ground Level separated into two halves by a 10'-wide
pit . Two boards lie across the pit like a
bridge, joining the two sides . On the
Exposed west side of the pit, a hobgoblin is pet-
spears ting the head of a large ape that is con-
tentedly munching on a piece of meat .
O The hobgoblin, Monkey-Love, is sur-
prised automatically. The PCs and Red-
5 6
eye, the ape, should roll for surprise
normally (the party will not be sur-
prised if one of the PCs successfully
heard noises ; the ape gets a +2 bonus to
its roll). The PCs may try to knock the
3= hobgoblin or ape into the pit in the
_V9 I _ center of the room, doing so on a suc-
cessful to-hit roll on AC 10 plus a suc-
cessful open doors roll (hobgoblin) or
bend bars roll (ape) .
If Redeye hits with both hands, he
~7 8 will not bite the victim or inflict rend-
A B o 0 0 ing damage . Instead, he automatically
throws the PC into the pit . Being
1 square =10' knocked or thrown into the 20'-deep pit
inflicts 2-12 hp damage . The monsters
fight to the death ; they know they are
too far away from their comrades to get
help . Neither Monkey-Love nor Redeye
has any treasure .
until destroyed . If before sunset, it had been smashed open) . On the west side of the room is an
waits until someone in the party comes The silver bands are worth 15 gp unlocked door. The pit can be crossed
up to the coffin before attacking. The each, and the hinges and bands on the safely using the boards laid across it as
ghoul will not leave the mausoleum door are worth 20 gp each . The ghoul they are quite strong and thick .
during daylight hours . has no treasure, and its crypt is empty. Uncle built this room so that he could
Ghoul: Int low; AL CE ; AC 6 ; MV 9 ; cross, knock the boards into the pit, and
HD 2 ; hp 16 ; THACO 19 ; #AT 3 ; Dmg 11. Secret Entrance . Just south of then escape through the secret door
1-3/1-3/1-6 ; SA paralyzation; SD im- the mausoleum is a small shrine to the while any invaders were delayed. This
mune to sleep and charm spells ; SZ M ; goddess Mystra on a stone pedestal . worked well except that, when the hob-
ML 12 ; XP 175 ; MC . Close inspection of the 4'-diameter ped- goblins invaded, he was shot in the back
The ghoul was a particularly evil lord estal reveals a few drops of dried blood . with an arrow before he reached this
of Red Larch who was buried alive by The pedestal can be moved aside easily room . Since the invasion, the hobgob-
the town's citizens hundreds of years to reveal a shaft going straight down ; lins have retrieved the boards from the
ago . In his wickedness, he became a built into the side of the shaft is a pit and use the room to keep Redeye
ghoul . After one escape, the ghoul was wooden ladder. This is Uncle's secret safely in place . Redeye can jump the pit
recaptured (via a web spell), and the escape, and the blood stains are his . The with a 60% chance of success (80% if so
citizens built this place for him to suffer ladder is sturdy and goes down 50' . ordered by Monkey-Love).
After taking the keep, the hobgoblins 12 . Tunnel . At the bottom of the shaft 14 . Intersection Corridor. This
found the mausoleum and investigated . is a tunnel that goes due west . The 30'X 20' corridor has an open archway
When they broke the silver bands hold- tunnel walls, floor, and ceiling are of in the south wall . Beyond the archway,
ing the stone coffin lid in place, the shored up with timbers every 10' . It is a staircase leads up to the ground floor
ghoul burst out and the hobgoblins fled 5' wide and 8' high . After 650', the of the keep (area 7) . Wooden doors in the
in terror (all but one who was para- tunnel stops abruptly at a masonry west and north wall are unlocked .
lyzed ; it is his remains that decorate the wall . There is a secret door here (auto- There are sconces in the walls for hold-
northwest corner) . The silver bands and matically found due to the many clues ing torches, but they are empty. Listen-
hinges were enough to keep the ghoul and evidence) that leads to area 13 . The ing successfully at the northern door
behind the door, and the hobgoblin sub- door pulls open toward the PCs . Suc- reveals muttered hobgoblin cursing
chief who conquered the keep ordered cessful listening at the secret door (-5% from area 15 .
the door locked (the original silver lock chance due to the thickness of the wall)

15. Dining Room. This is a large

feasting and dining room. Piled on the
30'-long table and stacked on the floor
are heaps of dirty dishes, cups, spoons,
leftovers, and the aftermath of a fren-
Lower Level
zied food fight. A lone cursing hobgoblin
is busy collecting dishes in a pile. He
turns at the sound ofthe door and tosses
the dishes aside. Pulling out a morning N

star, the creature shouts something in 0

hobgoblin as he attacks . Those who

understand the hobgoblin language
hear him say, "Oh, good, I didn't want
to do the dishes anyway!"
This hobgoblin is Backtalk. True to
his name, he angered Sergeant Smut
and was given the job of cleaning the
dishes . He welcomes the opportunity to
vent his frustration on the adventurers .
He has no treasure .
Although Uncle was a recluse to the
outside world, he did live in style, and
he always remembered his servants'
birthdays with parties in this room. The
floor ofthe fireplace is covered with a
thick layer of paper ashes. The door in
the northeast corner is unlocked, and no
noise can be heard from the other side. 1 square =10'
There is also a secret door in the north-
west corner that leads to area 20.

16. Kitchen. This room contains the

usual fixtures and implements. Like the This hobgoblin is Grinkle, the wimp of his fellow troopers.
dining room, it is a mess. Other than the hobgoblin troop. His father dis- The DM may allow Grinkle to stay
the hobgoblins' garbage and dirty pots owned him and, through connections with the party indefinitely as an NPC .
and pans, there is nothing of interest in with the chief, placed him in the troop If so, it should become apparent that
here. An observant character might see "to make a real hobgoblin out ofhim" Grinkle's talents are in thieving, sneak-
that there is a considerable amount of (Grinkle has always resented this). In ing, talking, and (surprisingly) cooking,
ash from paper in the fireplace, since any fight he will hang well back when but not in fighting. Despite these skills,
the hobgoblins use books from the study the fighting gets fierce, for he has al- no amount of effort short of magic can
(area 22) for kindling . There is an iron ways believed that brains can accom- disguise him to look like anything but a
door in the west wall that is very cold to plish more than brawn. Hence, when hobgoblin . Grinkle can serve as an
the touch . confronted by the PCs, he is not about apprentice to a thief.
to fight except in self-defense . No noise is heard from the northern
17. Freezer. The temperature in here Grinkle's surrender is genuine . If he door. A successful listener at the west-
is below freezing . Hanging from hooks isn't treated roughly, he can tell the ern door hears a guttural humming.
are the carcasses ofvarious creatures . PCs about Lieutenant Julla in area 19 Neither door is locked .
Uncle once befriended a wandering druid and that the two sergeants are snooping
and persuaded him to cast a control around farther north. He does not know 19. Master Bedroom. This room is
temperature spell to bring this room about the trap in area 20 or what lies in furnished with a large, comfortable bed,
below freezing. He then used a perma- areas 21 or 22, since these rooms were a chest of drawers, a chest, and an easy
nency spell from a scroll to create a per- put off limits (except that there were a chair with hassock. The bed linens are
manent freezer to preserve foodstuffs. lot of books somewhere in that area that dirty and stained, and dirty cups and
burned well in the dining room and dishes are scattered about. Standing
18. Connecting Corridor. This long kitchen). If promised an opportunity to before a mirror mounted on the south '
corridor is lit by torches in sconces . It join the party (and he will suggest this), wall is a large hobgoblin holding a piece
has doors on the west, east, and north Grinkle reveals the number of hobgob- of cloth. The hobgoblin is staring at his
sides. A hobgoblin is sweeping up the lins upstairs. Since the troop arrived at reflection in admiration and humming
hallway. When he sees the adventurers, the keep, Grinkle has been waiting on contentedly.
he drops his broom, raises his hands, and Lieutenant Julla hand and foot and has This is Julla, the hobgoblin lieutenant
cries out in Common, "Hey! I give up! been the butt ofjokes from the other in charge ofthe troop . A few hours ago
Don't shoot! Don't hurt me! I surrender!" troopers. He therefore feels no loyalty to

have to do just that!). The chest contains

TRAP a broken silver lock, 400 sp and two
gems (each worth 150 gp). The silver
One hobgoblin is saying to the
other (in hobgoblin) "I'm telling you,
DIAGRAM lock is from the mausoleum and worth
10 gp. At the DM's option, there may
something's here, Smut!"
The other replies, "And I'm telling
you, there's nothing here:'
Area 20
also be a letter, written in hobgoblin,
from Julla's commander (a sub-chief),
giving Julla orders and instructions . The two hobgoblin sergeants, Smut
Such a letter might lead to interesting and Cheff, are both ambitious and have
follow-up adventures. figured that Lieutenant Julla put this
part ofthe keep off limits so that he can
20. Illusionary Trap Room. This is find all the treasure (and get all the
an oddly configured room as there is a credit) himself. They are holding an
Tshaped pit dividing it into three parts . involved discussion in which Cheff
The southwest and southeast corners contends loudly that he has found some-
are 10' square; the northern section is thing that looks like a secret compart-
r4 10'X 20'. These three floor sections are ment. Smut, on the other hand, is
connected by stout-looking boards having second thoughts about disobey-
bolted into the floor. Iron angle braces ing orders and is anxious to get back
bolted into the sides of the pit and the before they are caught . Thus, if the PCs
bottom of the boards make the boards take reasonable precautions to enter
very stable . On the far north wall is a quietly, they may hear further details of
closed wooden door. Resting against the this argument and will surprise the two
wall are two additional boards. sergeants automatically. When the
If an adventurer looks down into the hobgoblins notice the adventurers, they
pit, he can see that it is about 20' deep. throw down their torches, pull out their
There is a brownish-red stain on the pit swords, and attack . The sergeants each
floor under the boards. have 5 gp. They fight to the death.
The middle 3' of each board is a per- All of the furniture, tapestries, and
manent illusion created by Uncle to other items in the room have been ru-
prevent intruders from reaching his ined in the search for Uncle's treasure.
inner sanctum. The outer ends of the There is a secret door in the northeast
he pulled offthe cloth covering Uncle's boards test just fine, but when someone corner (Cheff spotted it) that leads to
enchanted mirror. This mirror causes reaches the middle, there is nothing but area 23.
the viewer to become enamored with empty space and the pit below. The
himself unless a saving throw vs. spells brownish-red stain on the floor is from 22. Study. This is another ransacked
is successful . Julla is tremendously the first hobgoblin who tried to cross room, with ruined pictures and other
vain, and he missed his save miserably. over via the boards. After this accident, items scattered about. There is also a
He stands totally oblivious to anyone Lieutenant Julla put all areas north of desk that has been reduced to splinters.
coming into the room as he smoothes this room off limits to the rest ofthe The built-in bookcases that line the
his eyebrows, adjusts his hair, and troop, as it is obvious that this trap room area empty; Uncle's library has
wipes crumbs off his lips. Uncle would must be guarding something valuable . been used to start fires in the kitchen
leave the mirror uncovered whenever The two boards leaning against the and dining hall . A successful check for
he was out of the room as a trap for wall on the other side of the pit are secret doors, however, reveals a small
would-be thieves . quite sturdy and were used by Smut sliding wall panel. The recess behind
Any attack will bring Julla out of his and Cheff, the two hobgoblin sergeants the panel holds a scroll (containing the
trance, and he will fight hard and to the searching in area 21. The door to area spells wall offog, magic missile, and
death, bellowing for Grinkle's assist- 21 is not locked . Successful listening at Tasha's uncontrollable hideous laughter,
ance (no luck there!). An initial back it can pick up muffled sounds of an all at 8th level) and a wand ofparalyza-
attack by the PCs will automatically argument. tion with six charges .
succeed, as will any reasonable method
used to slay Julla. 21. Living Room. 23. Treasure Room. This small room
The lieutenant carries a pouch with appears totally empty except for a pair
25 gp and two keys . One key opens the This ransacked room is lit by the of metal gauntlets in the middle of the
lock to the mausoleum (area 10). The torches held by two arguing hobgob- room. There is also an invisible un-
other opens the chest in this room. lins in the northeast corner. The locked chest in the northeast corner.
There is nothing of interest in or room's once-luxurious sofa, chair, and The chest is covered with contact poison
around the bed, chair, hassock, or chest hassock have had their stuffing torn that has weakened over time (save vs.
of drawers . The mirror cannot be re- out . Pictures and tapestries have poison at +4 or die, unless one is wear-
moved from the wall without breaking been ripped from the walls and ing the gloves or similar protection).
it (and if several adventurers are af- thrown about.
Continued on page 36
fected by the mirror, another PC may

14 Issue No . 26

Continued from page 4 was. So we decided to try the adventure enjoy seeing Marvel modules more often
that very night, even though a meeting in future issues .
As a last comment (more like a query),
wasn't scheduled for almost a week . Joshua Klos
I have always wondered how you review
We all loved it . One of my players Chicago, Illinois
modules once they reach your desk . I
told me that "Hellfire Hostages" was
assume you and/or your staff read them
the best thing he'd ever seen in your I am thoroughly disgusted with you.
thoroughly, but is there more? Do you
magazine . Well, I don't actually agree Your publication of a MARVEL SUPER
have groups around Lake Geneva play-
with that, but I can say that I would HEROES module is a waste of good
test them? Is there a "crack team of
definitely like to see more adventures magazine space. Not long ago, the read-
players" who dutifully sits for days on
for Marvel characters in DUNGEON ers were arguing about whether D&D
end reviewing manuscripts? Or do you
Magazine . modules should be included in the mag-
have a resident wizard who has the
I was, however, very disappointed to azine, and now you put in an entirely
spells detect quality and revise always
see that you've stooped to the level of different gaming system! One module
on hand? using outside advertising . I was about per issue isn't enough material to help a
Alan Grimes
to send you a letter of praise for avoid- Marvel campaign anyway, so please
Kansas City, Missouri
ing it for so long. Then you gave in . don't publish another Marvel module .
Why? It's not as if you need the money After all, the name of the magazine is
Some modules are playtested by their or something. We subscribers pay for 63 DUNGEON, not HERO . Please print
authors and others aren't. We use the pages of TSR role-playing games. Print- my address if for some reason you print
combined gaming expertise of the staff to ing advertisements cheats us of this. this completely negative letter.
read through adventures for both read- Also, do you have any specific formats Oliver Homann
ability and playability. If the author for the writing of solo adventures? Your 117 Ridgeland Rd .
includes a strange game mechanic, we writers' guidelines give no clues about Tallahassee, Florida 32312
may spend a lunch hour playtesting part this .
of an adventure to-work out the kinks,
Please thank John Blumen for me . I just received my copy of issue #25
but that's very rare. We simply don't His cover painting for issue #25 was and, upon seeing that it included some-
have the time to run every adventure we thing other than D&D and AD&D mod-
awesome. And if you do print this letter,
publish, so we value your feedback . It is please include my full address. Thanks . ules, was compelled to write to you.
invaluable to other DMs who plan to run Chris Moulthrop Last August I came across a copy of
modules from DUNGEON Adventures . 110 Cottonwood Lane your magazine in a store and found the
Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108 concept of several small, well-written
Marvel Pros and Cons modules in one issue of a bi-monthly
I recently received issue #25 and was The inclusion of advertising in magazine to be excellent. Upon finding
amazed to find a MARVEL SUPER DUNGEON Adventures is a business that it also contained nothing other
HEROES"' game inside! I think that's decision, not an editorial one. We plan than D&D and AD&D game modules,
great! I was wondering if you were on bringing you at least the same num- and wouldn't print anything else,
going to include Teenage Mutant Ninia ber ofpages of adventure as always. I became an instant subscriber. Since
Turtle adventures in your magazine (if We've addedpages to this issue to make then, I have attempted to gain as many
you get any) . room for the advertising, so that it of your back issues as possible but be-
I would also like to congratulate Paul doesn't take space away from the text. came appalled that you were switching
May on his adventure, "The Standing Solo adventures can be written two to AD&D 2nd Edition. Nevertheless, I
Stones of Sundown." The vrock was a ways. Adventures for one DM and one still found your publication to be a great
pretty powerful enemy. player should be written in our standard source of cheap, well-written modules.
If you print my letter, please print my format, with sections for the DM, for the When I found that you are now print-
full address. PC, etc. Solo adventures meant to be ing non-D&D and non-AD&D modules, I
Kai Hardy played by only one person generally are felt I had to write and tell you that I
57 Kuder designed in the numberedparagraph disagree. DUNGEON Magazine is pur-
Akron, Ohio 44303 format (see issue #20, "White Fang"). chased by people who play D&D and
Adventures in this format should be AD&D games and few play anything
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I submitted with a flow chart so that we else . My players and I all have our budg-
thought the day would never arrive that can follow the plot diversions graphi- ets strained just trying to buy those few
DUNGEON Magazine would start cally. Ifyou can devise some other way to 1st Edition manuals we never got before.
printing modules for the MARVEL produce a solo adventure, send us a We don't, and probably never will, have
SUPER HEROES game . Issue #25 proposal. We're always willing to try enough money to convert to 2nd Edition.
proved me wrong. something new. Now to find that some of my money is to
For years I could only find Marvel be spent on games that neither I nor
adventures at my bookstore, and then I'd like to congratulate your fine ef- anyone else in my group plays or could
only if I was lucky. My players (whose forts on a fantastic RPG magazine! The afford to play is horrible . Your magazine
Marvel characters had not been used in Marvel module in the September/ is so good and so widely purchased
months) were even more excited than I October issue (#25) was great! Allen
Continued on page 56
Varney did a superb job, and I would
This is John's second adventure in
DUNGEON Magazine, and it has spe-
cial significance for him. His free-lance
debut was a pair of TOP SECRET
articles for DRAGON Magazine, so in a
sense he's come full circle. Ifhe writes
any more TOP SECRETIS .L" adven-
tures, he promises to pick a locale that
doesn't have big political changes occur-
ring every other day. John's gaming
group, the RPGA- Network club known
as "The Valiant Thirteenth Regiment,"
play-tested this adventure . They suc-
ceeded, though two PCs died and one
was captured.

"Operation: Fire Sale" is a TOP

SECRET/S .I. adventure for 4-S agents.
Though the adventure can be run using
newly created agents, it is best suited
for PCs who have gone on at least two
previous missions . It is strongly recom-
mended that the team contain PCs who
have at least fourth-level skill in En-
glish, German, and/or Russian.
The Administrator should have a copy
of TSAC1 G4 File: Guns, Gadgets, and
Getaway Gear, which details the various
guns and cars mentioned in this adven-
ture. The TSAC5 Commando source-
book gives additional information on
some of the military skills and advan-
tages that are not listed in the basic set.
The basic monetary unit of West Ger-
many is the deutsche mark, or German

mark (abbreviated DM). The exchange
rate for marks to American dollars may
be checked by the Administrator prior
to running the adventure, but a value of
$1 = DM 2 may be assumed instead .

FIRE SALE Espionage Agencies

This adventure can be run using agents
from a fictitious agency such as Orion,
or agents from a real espionage agency.
For those players who want a non-Orion
BY JOHN TERRA fictitious agency, consider the following:
ICICLE (Intercontinental Commission
on Investigations, Counterterrorism,

Secrets : Get 'ern while and Law Enforcement) is an extremely

secret organization based in Coventry,
England. Founded by five wealthy,
they're red hot. retired NATO spies, ICICLE is primar-
ily a pro-Western organization, though
the founders were wise and experienced
enough to realize that sometimes even
the good guys don't act in their own
best interests. Therefore, ICICLE's
Artwork by Jim Holloway
main goal is to protect the West and
Neutral nations in spite of themselves,
and to make sure that the world isn't
blown up by the West, East, or some minute feeding frenzy, trying to scoop folder.
toaaligned power. up as many secrets as possible before "You will take a shuttle helicopter
This often puts ICICLE at odds with things clamp down. Everyone's actively from Coventry to the RAF base at
Western as well as Communist agencies picking up any tidbits that they can get Leeds. Once there, you will catch a
AD&D` game fans should picture the their hands on, thus the codename of military flight aboard an RAF Nimrod
Forgotten Realms' Harpers, but in the this mission is Operation: Fire Sale. Early Warning airplane to the Bundes-
20th century!) . Though ICICLE is a "One particularly disturbing dilemma wehr's NATO base at Bremen. It is a
world-wide network, it does not have an is a steady flow of mid-level NATO and small, rear-echelon base that combines
abundance of power or personnel in U.S. military secrets trickling into elements of air power and infantry.
every nation. In fact, its resources are Soviet hands. This has been going on Report to Major Augustus Manneheim,
spread rather thin, and agents usually since before the reunification . The con- base commander. You will be at his
have little backup . This doesn't bother fusion of reunification hasn't helped the disposal . The major is the only person
truly skilled agents, since many feel situation any. on the base who knows who you are and
that the mere knowledge of having "The German Army-the Bundes- why you're coming. He is your tempo-
backup at their disposal makes them wehr-has informed us of the presence rary case officer, so work with him and
sloppy in their missions . of one such leak in their midst, though do what he asks.
Very few people outside of ICICLE are they cannot pinpoint exactly where it is. "You need not worry about smuggling
aware of the group's existence . One or The Bundesnachrichtendienst, or the intelligence equipment and armaments
two high-placed officials in Scotland BND for short-that's the West German through customs, since you're traveling
Yard, the FBI, Mossad, Interpol, and Federal Intelligence Agency-has veri- between NATO bases . Once you step
NATO have good relations with ICICLE . fied the complaint, saying that the leak outside the base into Bremen proper,
The KGB, GRU, CIA, and French Deux- has been going on for at least the past however, you're in big trouble if the
ieme Bureau are aware that there is two months. Confidential sources trace regular authorities catch you with any
some free-lance spy agency intervening the leak to the northwestern quarter of illegal equipment . This is a low-profile
in the world and do not like it one bit . Germany, with Bremen as a likely mission, with recommended minimal
candidate . property damage or loss oflife and limb.
Players' Briefing "The BND, acting on its own, has Take what you need, but be careful
come to us for help. With the all- with it.
It's a rainy Monday morning, the first German elections slated for early De- "Do not divulge your identity to any-
day of October, in Coventry, England. cember, the competency ofthe present one unless Manneheim tells you so. He
Your team is gathered in your head- West German government must not be knows you by your photographs and
quarters' briefing room awaiting your compromised . The elections are sup- codenames, not by your real names or
next mission . The wait is not a long one, posed to determine the political future even by your usual working aliases.
for into the room strides your case offi- of Germany, which by implication in- "There is an ICICLE safe house in
cer, an attractive young American cludes united Germany's fate as far as Bremen, but make contact only in a dire
woman in her mid 20s . She carries a NATO is concerned . A major spy scan- emergency. They use a bookstore as
folder under one arm and clutches a dal could result in Germany isolating their front, and their phone number is
steaming mug in her other hand. You itself from NATO, and at worst, leaning 254009 . Call them before trying to find
know her only by her codename, toward the Soviets . This cannot be al- the place .
"Cousin ." Cousin flashes you all a tight, lowed to happen. "Despite the fact that "only' mid-level
polite grin and sits down, opening the "As it stands, the Soviet Union has secrets are leaking, this mission is im-
folder. Her whole bearing speaks of already declared that it will not oppose portant . Things in Europe are changing
someone who is all business, and darn a united Germany in NATO if that is very fast, and we don't want to see
good at it. what the German people want. The Germany slip away from us. Mission
"Good morning to you all . I hope that sight of a democratic West Germany Dispatch gives this mission a Yellow
you're ready for something that re- tripping over itself with spy scandals status : Urgent but low risk.
quires finesse and guts. In fact, the may undermine public confidence as "Take care, and good luck. And of
more finesse you show, the less your well as give the Soviet Union a good course, should you get caught, everyone
guts will show, if you get my drift. will deny any knowledge ofyou or your
excuse to oppose Germany's NATO
"Now, as you know, the advent of mission . No back up, no prisoner
glasnost and perestroika has brought a
"After consulting with the West Ger- exchanges ."
considerable thaw in East-West rela- man president, the BND, and some With a final tight grin, Cousin gets up
tions. One result of this is the recently confidential sources in the Bundeswehr, to leave . When she reaches the door, she
accomplished reunification of Germany. we have decided to send a group of non- turns to you. "Oh, I almost forgot. Your
"While the reunification is a good Germans, outsiders who would not be plane departs in 45 minutes . For those
thing, it has resulted in a nation that, recognized in the German intelligence of you who don't have equipment, you'd
as far as defense secrets are concerned, community, to take care of the leak. better hustle down to Outfitting. But
leaks like a sieve. Though this situation This, people, is where you come in." take it easy, will you? Travel light ."
will be rectified in time, the spy organi- Cousin pauses to take a sip of tea and
zations of the U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Britain, review the contents of the folder. Your
France, and Germany are taking advan- pictures spill out as Cousin makes a few
tage of the chaos and going into a last- notations on a piece of paper inside the
Ar[p ST=/5 - Ir r

in charge of mid-level KGB espionage seeing his beloved Germany become
operations in the German area a decade Communist, as well as the German ma-
ago . During that time he did hisjob jor's family secrets, to force Manneheim
well, using whatever methods were to send him mid-level classified informa-
needed in order to accomplish his goals . tion on a regular basis. Manneheim
When glasnost rolled through Eastern realized that leaking such nonessential
Europe, the order came from on high to information was the lesser of two evils .
close down the operation, at least for After all, what was worse? A few Ameri-
the time being. Dzerzhinsky, feeling can and British secrets turned over to
that glasnost and perestroika would not the Russians, or a united Germany that
last, dismantled only some ofhis opera- was non-NATO and Communist to boot?
tions, keeping his most prized "leaks" The secrets stolen thus far include blue-
in place . Igor believed that even if the prints and performance data for fighter
Cold War never resumed, he could make aircraft, designs for air-to-air missiles,
some use of any information gathered. and specifications for tanks.
A year ago, Dzerzhinsky's foresight The following prominent Germans
paid off when his agents obtained figure in the scandal . An asterisk after
highly confidential information about an entry means that the person in ques-
the West German government. The tion knows about the existence of Major
documents described certain industrial- Dzerzhinsky's list.
ists who were bribing government offi- -Major Augustus Manneheim,
cials to slow down the reunification Bundeswehr*
process in order to give West German -Heinrich Gundberg, President of
corporations time to make a profit from KMW Motorwerks*
the process, or at least to get a head -Albert Kiel, Ministry of Defense
start against corporations that had not
paid bribes . -Friedrich Ganz, BND official
Other documents dealt with political -Colonel Johann Lofgren, Bundeswehr
dirty tricks that had been committed -Admiral Albert Von Spee, Kreigs
against minor West German political marine (German Navy)
parties, or that would be used in the -Otto Prussian, Senior official in ma-
future to assure the ruling party's posi-
Outfitting jority party
tion in the new Germany. -Manfred Brandt, One of West Germa-
Each PC is cleared to check out one It did not matter that these docu- ny's top spies*
pistol, eight clips of ammunition, a ments compromised only a few ofthe
silencer, a pen radio, and any necessary politicians in power. If word ever got When NATO superiors noticed the
surveillance equipment. Fake IDs and out, it would undermine popular confi- leak, Major Manneheim put on quite a
passports are available . dence in the current government. This convincing act, feigning outrage and
Outfitting will not give PCs grenades lack of confidence would certainly affect concern and demanding that something
or explosives . Requests for submachine the all-German elections slated to be be done soon. The major thought that
guns, shotguns, or rifles are not auto- held in the first week of December. The typical Ministry of Defense red tape
matically granted . The likelihood of resulting backlash could put a Commu- would delay such an investigation for a
getting such a weapon is a percentage nist government in the new united long time.
equal to five times the PC's skill level in Germany and even keep Germany out The major outsmarted himself, how-
the requested weapon . Thus, an agent ofNATO, perhaps bringing the country ever. His act was so good that NATO
with submachine gun skill at level four closer to the Soviet Union. became alarmed at the leak and
has a 20% chance of getting one . Therefore, Dzerzhinsky decided to put launched an immediate plan to rectify
PCs may purchase equipment out- the information to good use . Using his the matter. Thus, the major now finds
right or sign for it. All equipment espionage network, he researched the himself the unwilling case officer for a
signed out must be returned in the backgrounds of dozens of top-ranked group of outside agents (the PCs).
same condition it left, or the PC pays West German military officers . What's worse, he has to actjust as gung
150% of the item cost. Dzerzhinsky dug deep and found a per- ho to these outsiders as he did to his
fect target, Major Augustus Manne- superiors when he complained about the
Administrator's Briefing heim, a loyal West German officer who leaks .
is strongly devoted to Germany. Unfor- Major Manneheim will attempt to
Major Manneheim is the leak. He is tunately, Manneheim's family helped to frame Lt. Johann Deitrich as the leak.
being blackmailed by Major Igor financially support the Nazis in 1936, Deitrich is the major's trusted aide,
Dzerzhinsky, a KGB operative . and a few ofManneheim's relatives though the young man has no idea what
Dzerzhinsky is a rogue agent, and this were members of the Nazi party. Man- is going on. Should the ruse fail, Man-
operation has not been sanctioned by neheim's career would be ruined if these neheim will enlist the aid ofthe Exter-
the Soviet premier. facts came to light. minators, a world-wide assassination
It appears that Dzerzhinsky was put Dzerzhinsky used Manneheim's fear of service, to remove the PCs .
R ,

Time Line
Some events will occur regardless of 5:30 PM . : Deitrich arrives at the Wurs- 12:15 PM . : Marina leaves the Bierhaus
the PCs' actions . The following time thaus and dines with Joanna. Major and goes to the Hotel Preussen .
line will aid the Administrator in plac- Manneheim has dinner at home. 12:30 PM . : Marina arrives at the Hotel
ing the action chronologically. Some 7:00 PM . : Rolf arrives in Berlin, drops Preussen .
events may not happen if the PCs offthe briefcase in a station locker, 1:00 PM . : Everyone is back at work.
interfere significantly. then takes a cab to the Hotel Re- 2:00 PM . : The PCs have their daily
publik. A second KGB agent team briefing with Manneheim.
Monday, October 1st watches the lockers from the lounge 3:00 PM . : The briefing ends. After the
7:00 A.M.: Manneheim arrives early at and awaits the pick-up . Martin PCs leave, Manneheim calls Gund-
the NATO base and plants the arrives at home (area G). Deitrich berg and arranges to meet him for
stolen plans in a secret compart- and Joanna walk to the cinema. dinner. If the PCs told Manneheim
ment in Deitrich's desk. 7:30 PM . : Rolf arrives at the Hotel that they suspect Gundberg or that
10:00 A.M.: The PCs touch down at the Republik. A female KGB agent they think Deitrich has been set up,
NATO base in Bremen and attend a retrieves the briefcase from the Manneheim tells Gundberg to give
briefing by Manneheim (see "Touch- locker using a spare key, then drives the assassins the go-ahead to kill
down in Bremen"). to Soviet embassy. The second KGB the PCs . If this happens, Gundberg
team follows her in a separate car. calls Marina and gives the go-
11 :00 A.M. : The briefing ends.
8:00 PM . : Both KGB cars arrive at the ahead.
11 :30 A.M. : Manneheim leaves the base Soviet embassy. Industrialist 4:00 PM . : Manneheim leaves for home.
and goes to the Two Lions restau- Heinrich Gundberg leaves his office Deitrich leaves the base by cab and
rant after disguising himself. and drives to Manneheim's house. meets Joanna at the Two Lions.
11 :45 A.M. : Deitrich leaves the base for 9:45 PM. : Deitrich and Joanna take a Gundberg leaves for Manneheim's
lunch and goes to the Two Lions. cab from the cinema to Joanna's house.
Manneheim arrives at the Two
Lions, drops off the plans in the apartment . Gundberg arrives at 4:15 PM. : Deitrich meets Joanna at the
men's room, and leaves to get some Manneheim's, gets information on Two Lions.
the PCs, then goes back home.
lunch elsewhere . 5:00 PM. : Gundberg and Manneheim
10:00 PM. : Joanna is dropped off at her arrive at Manneheim's house simul-
12 :00 Noon : Deitrich arrives at the
Two Lions, orders lunch, and uses place . Deitrich retains the cab and taneously. Martin leaves the KMW
heads back to his base quarters . factory for home. If Gundberg gave
the men's room. Martin, the courier, Manneheim goes to sleep. the go-ahead, Marina and Olaf leave
arrives at the Two Lions for lunch .
10:30 PM . : Deitrich arrives at his quar- the Hotel Pruessen and head to the
12:15 PM. : Martin uses the men's room ters and goes to bed . Gundberg Von Tirpitz Hotel, where the PCs
and retrieves the package that Man- arrives home. are staying.
neheim has hidden .
1:00 PM. : Martin leaves the Two Lions 5:15 PM. : Marina and Olaf stake out
Tuesday, October 2nd the Von Tirpitz Hotel . Assassina-
and drives to Hamburg . Deitrich
returns to the base. 7:00 A.M.: Manneheim leaves home for tions will be attempted between
2 :00 PM . : Manneheim meets with the the base. Gundberg leaves for his now and midnight.
PCs for their progress report . office. 6:00 PM . : Deitrich and Joanna take a
4:00 PM. : Martin exchanges briefcases 7:30 A.M.: Deitrich reports for duty. cab to her apartment . Martin ar-
with Rolf, the courier. Three KGB Gundberg arrives at his office. rives home and eats supper.
agents watch Rolf 8:00 A.M.: Manneheim arrives at the 6 :15 PM . : Deitrich and Joanna return
4:15 PM . : Martin heads back to Bre- base. Martin arrives at work at the to her apartment to work on wed-
KMW factory and calls Gundberg ding plans and address invitations .
men . Rolf catches the train to
Berlin. Manneheim leaves the base (his boss) to confirm the drop's suc- 9:30 PM . : Gundberg leaves for home.
for home. Deitrich goes to his own cess . Gundberg instructs Martin to Deitrich leaves by cab for the base.
quarters on base. keep a low profile . 9:50 PM . : Deitrich arrives at the base
4:45 PM . : Rolfs train arrives in Ltibeck. 9:00 A.M.: Gundberg calls Manneheim and turns in. Manneheim goes to
The first three KGB agents disem- to tell him that the drop went well. sleep.
bark, and the second KGB team 11:45 A.M. : Manneheim and Deitrich 10:30 PM . : Gundberg arrives at home
gets on. eat together in the mess hall. and prepares for bed . Martin falls
5:00 PM . : Manneheim arrives home. 12:00 Noon: Gundberg goes to the asleep .
Deitrich leaves the base by cab and Bierhaus for lunch, meets Extermi-
goes to the Wursthaus, a Bremen nator Marina Sanderson, and gives
restaurant, to meet his fiancee, her the PCs' photos and DM
Joanna. 150,000 .


Base - Slain Q
.......... . ........... .. -~
.--_ : Hp Gundberg, s house, 1 hour
Manneheim's KMW factory, 10 min.
house, l hour

\^\ MEN 5 min . city driving

............. . ... . .... ..... N

Airport G ,~ .


C:0 D

Touchdown in Bremen
addresses you. "That was my aide, Deitrich. A
The following information should be "Guten Morgen . I am Major Augus- nice young man, though he does not
read or paraphrased to the players : tus Manneheim, commander of this say much. He is to be wed in a few
army-air base. Apparently, I am now months, so I suppose the plans and
Your military flight goes well and, your-how do you say?-case officer. the financial matters are weighing
before you know it, your team Very well. Let us begin. on his mind."
touches down at Bremen Air Force "First of all, accommodations have The major takes a cup of coffee and
Base. The presence of tanks and jets been arranged for you at the Von shakes some brown powder into it. The
together indicates that the base is Tirpitz Hotel . Each room sleeps two . air smells of cinnamon. After taking a
jointly run by the West German "Second, we have taken the liberty sip and savoring it, he continues .
Army and Air Force . of renting two Audi 5000S autos so "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Laziness.
As soon as the plane comes to a that you may get around town easily. I do not tolerate it. I want aggressive
halt, a sergeant escorts you to the They are parked outside this build- seeking of clues and suspects.
base headquarters. The weather is ing . Here are the keys. "During the daylight hours, you
chilly, and a cold drizzle is falling . "Finally, I expect a full report may move freely about the base
Once inside the building, the sergeant every day at two o'clock in the after- courtesy of these special passes . At
leads you through an entry area, then noon sharp! You will report to me, night . . . well, all I can say is that
passes through an outer office that and only to me, in person. This terrorists enjoy infiltrating military
contains a young lieutenant hard at means all ofyou . There is much at bases, and our sentries are trained to
work, and finally into the office of stake here, and I will not tolerate shoot first . You know the routine, eh?
Major Augustus Manneheim . any laziness, and . . . ah, here is "Perhaps I can help you get started
The gray-haired major smiles at Deitrich!" in your investigations? I received an
you and offers seats to the group . He Manneheim's speech is interrupted anonymous telephone tip stating
taps his intercom and barks, "Dei- by the young lieutenant who was that we should look for a man named
trich, some refreshments for my sitting in the outer office. The man Martin who wears a green scarf and
visitors . . . schnell!" After he gets a smiles shyly as he brings in a large eats lunch at the Two Lions pub.
crisp acknowledgement, the major tray with coffee and apple strudel. Make what you will of that. Now, are
sits down, grins again, and interlocks He turns smartly and walks back there any questions before I send you
his fingers on the desk top as he outside . on your way?"

20 Issue No. 26

According to Manneheim, the tip
came in yesterday. If any PCs ask about THE TWO LIONS Area B
Deitrich, the major says that the young
man has worked for him for about two
years and has proven reliable, though
he has an annoying tendency to eat
lunch off base . This bothers Manneheim
because he likes to have Deitrich within
shouting range in case something needs
doing right away.
If there are no more questions, Man-
neheim drops some heavy hints that the
PCs should leave and perhaps check
into their rooms .
Actually, Manneheim is in bad straits.
He is slated to make a drop-off today,
and there is no way to change the time .
After the PCs leave, Manneheim makes
preparations to leave the base at 11 :30
A.M. and drive into Bremen. Before he
gets into the city, he pulls off the road
into a wooded area and disguises him-
self in a brown wig with graying side-
burns, gray moustache, and horn-
rimmed glasses . A well-worn gray
trench coat rounds out the ensemble .
His disguise complete, Manneheim
drives to the Two Lions and drops off
the latest set of plans (drawings and
specifications for the AMRAAM air-to-
air missile) in the men's bathroom . The
plans are wrapped in brown paper and
hidden in the wastebasket . This done, in tight rows in the rest of the coat's inner pocket (he later transfers
the major heads off to the Wursthaus room . Entry to the bathrooms is the package to the briefcase he has left
(area C), a competing restaurant, for through the bar area . The major, in his car) .
lunch . whether disguised or not, sometimes After lunch, Martin gets into his car
sits at a bar table for a few minutes to and drives off to Hamburg while the
The Von Tirpitz Hotel enjoy a cup of coffee with cinnamon . As oblivious Deitrich goes back to the base .
(Area A) a rule, the major's duties bring him into The two men give no hint of knowing
Bremen three times a week in the late each other, which makes sense, since
The PCs have a block of rooms, each morning . When disguised, he comes in they don't!
sleeping two . The hotel is of upper- once every two weeks . If any waiters or waitresses who work
middle class quality and features an The east section of the building con- the 10 A.M . to 6 PM. shift are asked for
underground parking garage . The tains the dining area and kitchen . information, and at least DM 20 is paid
rooms are not bugged. Though a little brighter than the bar out, the PCs will eventually find a
area, the restaurant is cozy and taste- server named Greta, a very attractive
The Two Lions fully decorated with antique beer steins, and observant young woman in her
(Area B) coats of arms, old swords, and the like . early 20s . Greta mentions that Lt . Dei-
The Two Lions (Zwei Luven) is a modest Dinner and lunch are served here dur- trich comes to the restaurant up to
little pub and restaurant located in ing the previously mentioned hours . three times a week . As for the man in
Bremen . The busiest times are from If the PCs pick up on Manneheim's tip the green scarf, he comes in about twice
11 :30 A.M . to 2 :30 PM ., and from 5 :00 PM . and go to the Two Lions looking for a month .
t o midnight . Martin, the man with the green scarf, If any of the PCs prompt Greta for
When the PCs first enter the restau- they will see him as well as Lieutenant more details, she says that she always
rant, they are met by the host or hostess Deitrich enter the pub at noon (though knows when the man with the green
on duty, who directs them to the right if they do not walk in together). Deitrich scarf will come in, because before he
they desire food, or to the left for the uses the bathroom after he gets his does, an older man with thick glasses
bar area if only drinks are desired . table in the restaurant section. Martin who is always bundled up in a raincoat
The bar area has subdued lighting also sits in this section . Five minutes comes in and orders a cup of coffee and
and provides a cozy ambiance . The bar after Deitrich leaves the men's room, a spice shaker of cinnamon . The man
itself has 10 stools . Many small tables, Martin enters the bathroom and gets orders nothing more, nothing less .
each with four chairs, are crammed the package, tucking it inside his rain- Greta thinks that the man is perhaps
_; r-- , ;T~ /5.1

Major Augustus Manneheim Basic Melee, Boxing (4), Oriental Mar- hero; he just does this for the money.
tial Arts (5), Concealment (3), Stealth If Rolf is searched, the PCs find a key
STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX (3), Radar (4), Photography (3), with the number 42 printed on it. This
40 62 48 67 73 51 55
Piloting/1-engine (3), Swimming (4), key opens a locker in the Berlin train
Sex: Male Race: White Area Knowledge (Bremen) (4), Basic station. Rolf does not know who picks
Nationality : German Born: 1946 Liberal Arts, History/PoliSci (5), Ger- up the briefcase ; he is supposed to
Advantages: Acute Hearing, Ambi- man (5), English (3), Russian (3), Polish bring the case to the locker, then go to
(3), French (2) the Hotel Republik, where his bosses
dexterity, Musical Ability, Toughness,
Command Equipment : 9-mm Walther P-38 auto- have reserved him a room for one
Disadvantages : Deep Sleeper, Ego matic pistol week. His fee is DM 20,000 .
Signature (drinks coffee with cinna- Johann is a nice young man, 6' tall,
mon), Short-winded, Vision Impair- with steel blue eyes, square jaw, and KGB Agents
ment (2) (glasses) blond crewcut. He is a dedicated officer Anatoly, Boris, Cara, Dmitri,
Skills : Basic Firearms, Rifle (5), in the Bundeswehr and serves as Major Edward, Frederik, Georgina
Manneheim's aide, a job he takes very
Submachine Gun (4), Pistol (5), Hand STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX
seriously. In fact, Johann respects the
Grenade (2), Basic Heavy Weapons, 70 60 80 70 75 65 70
major tremendously and is fiercely
Basic Melee, Boxing (4), Cryptography loyal to him. Johann is a German Skills : Basic Firearms, Pistol (4),
(2), Interrogation (4), Stealth (3), Sur- patriot. Submachine Gun (3), Basic Melee,
veillance (3), Acting (4), Driving/ Johann is quite naive and is oblivi- Oriental Martial Arts (4), Boxing (3),
Automobile (5), First Aid (2), Musical ous to his superior's antics . He is head Concealment (3), Cryptography (4),
Instrument (3), Radio Operator (3),
Area Knowledge (Northwest Germany) over heels in love with his fiancee, Disguise (3), Interrogation (5), Lock-
(5), German (5), English (5), Russian (3) Joanna. They plan to be married in picking (2), Shadowing (3), Stealth (2),
Equipment: 9-mm Mauser Parabel- five months. Surveillance (4), Driving/Automobile
lum automatic pistol (4), Driving/Motorcycle (3), First Aid
Car: Maroon Audi 5000S Martin Gneiseneau (2), Photography (3), Radio Operator
Major Augustus Manneheim stands a (2), Scuba Diving (2), Social Chameleon
little shy of 6' tall. His close-cropped (3), Swimming (2), Throwing (4), Basic
38 42 22 40 32 40 32
hair is gray, as are his eyes. The major Science, Russian (5), German (5), En-
is a spit-and-polish military man whose Skills : Basic Melee, Knife (2), glish (3), Polish (2)
uniforms have such sharp creases that Driving/Automobile (4), German (5) Equipment: Silenced 9-mm Stetchkin
you could cut tomatoes on them. Equipment : Hunting knife pistols, pen radios, lockpick sets
Manneheim serves in the West Ger- Car: Powder-blue 1969 Volkswagen Car: Black 1970 four-door sedans of
man Army as the commander of a rear- Martin is 5'9", average build, in his Soviet manufacture . The KGB keeps
echelon NATO base in Bremen . He is a 40s, with thinning brown hair and two AK-47s, 100 rounds of ammuni-
muddy brown eyes. He loves wearing a tion, a first-aid kit, and other supplies
loyal German and views the leaking of long green scarf. in the trunk. (These cars are available
some mid-level secrets as a small price Martin is a foreman at KMW Mo- only in Berlin .)
to pay for the security of his homeland torwerks and has been given the task of These agents include two teams of
from collapse into Communism and
Soviet influence . Manneheim is courier by his top boss, Heinrich Gund- three agents that protect Rolf at differ-
berg. Martin does not know that he is ent points on his journey, and one fe-
wracked with guilt about his role in carrying military secrets, but he has a male KGB agent who picks up the
this affair, but he has rationalized that
he has no choice. sneaking feeling that whatever he is briefcase in the Berlin train station .
The major is fond of playing the carrying is illegal . The large amount of These agents are specially trained for
piano and drinking coffee laced with money that Gundberg pays him more such missions in this part of Europe.
cinnamon. than compensates for any built on Mar- If anyone intercepts the courier or
tin's part. tries to take the briefcase, the KGB
Lieutenant Johann Deitrich agents move in swiftly. If the PCs are
Rolf Weisbaden in a public place, the KGB agents act
STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX like local law-enforcement officials and
56 64 76 66 52 60 70 STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX
28 52 38 30 51 40 45 whisk the PCs to a waiting car or se-
Sex : Male Race: White cluded spot. Once their privacy has
Skills : Basic Firearms, Basic Melee, been secured, the KGB agents elimi-
Nationality : German Born: 1963 German (5), Russian (4) nate the nuisance.
Advantages: Attractive Appearance Rolf is a cut-out (a non-agent hired to These agents are hard-line Soviets
(1), Fearlessness, Stamina do an espionage-related task) often who dislike glasnost and follow Major
Disadvantages : Night Blindness used by the KGB for European courier Dzerzhinsky. They take orders only
Skills : Basic Firearms, Pistol (4), missions . He is a man in his 30s with a from him .
Rifle (3), Submachine Gun (2), Grenade slight frame, mousy brown hair, and
Launcher (3), Basic Heavy Weapons, horn-rimmed glasses. Rolf is not a

22 Issue No. 26
an obsessive lunatic, someone who has a checks at half their INT scores . Investigating the Base
routine that he follows fanatically. Half an hour after the train leaves
True to Manneheim's word, the PCs
Greta wants to be a writer, so she is Hamburg, it reaches the city of Lubeck
have unlimited access to all of the base
always speculating about what her on the West German side of the West-
facilities . However, there is nothing
customers are really like . East border. Though the two Germanies
here of any consequence except for the
have one currency, and travel restric-
headquarters building that houses the
En Route tions have been lifted, there are still
major's office.
two separate governments until the
From the restaurant, Martin drives his December elections. As a result, there is
All of the windows and interior doors
little Volkswagen onto the Autobahn, still a customs post here, though it is a
have locks (Difficulty 40) and circuit
making his way to Hamburg. The trip alarms (Difficulty 20). The front door
mere formality, and passing through
takes three hours. During the ride, has a stout lock (Difficulty 70) and a
customs is ridiculously simple . very good circuit alarm (Difficulty 50).
Martin places the plans in a bullet-
The three KGB agents have spent lots
proof, combination-locked briefcase
of time in West Germany, and they 1. Entry Area . This room has nice
Difficulty 50).
stand a chance of being identified by
Martin drives to the Hamburg train carpeting, several sofas for visitors'
West German authorities . Therefore,
station and parks his car. He enters the comfort, and a counter. A gate in the
they get off at Lubeck . Any PCs who
station and goes to the platform that counter allows access farther into the
take no measures to conceal firearms or
faces Track 12, where a train bound for office . As a rule, there are four Generic
surveillance devices stand a 30% chance
Berlin will soon leave. Soldiers (see Administrators Guide,
of being discovered, arrested, and de-
When Martin reaches the platform, he page 23) here on daytime duty, and two
tained for at least 48 hours, during
sits next to a raincoat-clad man reading which time they will be extensively
soldiers at night. Each is armed with a
Der Spiegel. The stranger has a brief- 9-mm Walther P-38 automatic pistol and
interrogated . a nightstick.
case that looks exactly like Martin's .
A second KGB team boards the train, Behind the counter are a small desk,
The briefcases are on the floor, side by
taking the same positions as the first intercom system, typewriter, telephone,
side . When the train arrives at the
team . These three men have already and alarm button . There is nothing of
platform, both men get up, each taking
cleared customs. Rolf has the same interest in the desk. The alarm button
the other's case . The newspaper reader,
arrangement with them .
a cut-out named Rolf Weisbaden (see alerts personnel in Communications and
The train eventually pulls into Berlin,
sidebar), boards the train. Martin takes Security, who respond in five seconds .
stopping at what was once East Berlin's
Rolfs empty case, goes back to his car,
main railroad station at 7:00 PM. Rolf
and heads back to Bremen . detrains, walks to the coin-operated
2. Deitrich's Office. A large desk is
Three KGB agents, wandering the placed against the west wall . Three
baggage lockers, and places the brief-
train station, also board the train. They case in locker 42 . He then hails a cab
chairs against the north wall are for
have been assigned to act as Rolfs un- visitors waiting to see the major. The
and departs for the Hotel Republik, door from the reception area is locked at
seen escorts, running interference for where he will stay for one week . The
Rolf against possible enemies (the PCs night. The door in the north wall leads
second KGB team also leaves the train. to a private bathroom shared by Dei-
leap to mind). The agents will spend the
The lockers are watched from a dis- trich and the major.
entire trip in the observation car, appro-
tance by the three KGB men. Under
priately enough . The KGB team is Atop the desk are a typewriter, blot-
their gaze, a female KGB agent with a
made up of two men and a woman. ter, intercom, phone, digital clock, and
duplicate key opens the locker and
The train consists of an engine, five takes the briefcase, driving away in a
desk lamp . The only non-Army-issue
passenger cars, a dining car, and an black four-door sedan with diplomatic
item on the desk is a photograph of a
observation car (in that order). The plates . The male agents follow her at a
stunning young woman with long blond
passenger cars are made up of individ- hair. Written in German are the words
safe distance (six car lengths) in a simi- "To my dearest Johann . All my love-
ual nonreserved compartments, each
lar car. Both vehicles drive to the Soviet Joanna ."
compartment holding four people .
embassy and are admitted to the com-
If the PCs try to sit in Rolfs compart- The desk is locked (Difficulty 45),
pound. The plans are handed off to a
ment, he politely expresses his desire to denying casual access to the two sets of
KGB captain who is loyal to Major
be left alone, suggesting that the PCs three drawers and the middle drawer.
Dzerzhinsky. At this point, the
find another compartment. Persistent AMRAAM plans are beyond recovery.
The drawers contain papers pertaining
PCs will make Rolf nervous, causing to the routine operation of the base . The
Should the PCs attempt to get the
the man to leave the compartment and -middle drawer holds two appointment
plans out of the locker, the KGB agents
walk into the observation car. This is a books, one for the major and one for
move in to deal swiftly with the inter-
signal to the KGB agents that some- lopers, out of sight of any bystanders .
Deitrich . Johann's book is filled with
thing is wrong, since Rolf has orders If the PCs have followed the route all
mushy references to scheduled dates
never to leave his railway car. with Joanna . Also tucked in the book
the way to the Soviet embassy in (East)
If the PCs tail Rolf into the observa- are several invoices for various wedding
Berlin and now wish to go back to Bre-
tion car, Rolf makes a little hand ges- expenses, furniture, etc. It appears that
men, the next train leaves at 9:00 PM.,
ture as each PC comes into the car. This the couple are planning an average-size
arriving in Hamburg at midnight. The wedding, nothing too extravagant.
shows the KGB who to deal with . PCs
train goes on to Bremen, arriving there
using Observation on Rolf make their
at 1:00 A.M ..
desk lamp, intercom, and typewriter (the
BREMEN NATO BASE machine that Manneheim used to forge
the note found in Deitrich's desk). The
HEADQUARTERS desk's lock has a Difficulty Rating of 50,
though there are no incriminating docu-
ments in any ofthe drawers (the major is
1 square =10' too smart for that). The middle drawer
holds a letter from the BND, dated last
week, that tells Manneheim a group of
agents is slated to arrive at the begin-
ning ofthe month to investigate the
security leaks . The letter is accompanied
by the PCs' photos and codenames .
The only other thing of interest is the
major's phone list. The home and work
telephone numbers of industrialist
Heinrich Gundberg (one of the names
on the blackmail list mentioned earlier)
are listed in the book.
The filing cabinet contains personnel
records of everyone on the base, includ-
ing the major. The records all appear to
be in order and list home addresses
where applicable .

4. Communications and Security.

This door is never locked. The room is
always manned by four Generic Soldiers
and contains radar screens, radio equip-
ment, and alarm monitors for the head-
quarters . There are two phones and one
intercom on one of the control panels. If
Each PC who gives the desk a thor- print with various typewriters on the an alarm sounds, three of the soldiers
ough going-over must make an Observa- base must make an INT Check at -20 respond, and they have orders to shoot
tion Check. Any who pass the check see in order to accurately ascertain which first . Besides the usual pistols, these
a tiny corner of white paper stuck under machine produced the letter. particular soldiers have M-16 assault
the desk's middle drawer. This is a clue Johann and Joanna are in love, loyal rifles and walkie-talkies .
to the secret compartment under the to each other and to Germany, and have
drawer. A letter opener, pen knife, or no involvement whatsoever in this case. 5. Arsenal. The door is always locked
other thin, sharp metal object will be Deitrich is being duped by the very man (Difficulty 75). The arsenal holds 50
needed to pry off the panel that covers he admires most in the world. As a 5 .56-mm M-16 assault rifles, 50 9-mm
the secret recess . result, Deitrich will refuse to believe Walther P-38 pistols, and 200 rounds for
The recess contains a (phony) Swiss that Manneheim is guilty of any wrong- each weapon .
bank book with a balance equal to DM doing, thus the PCs will have great
2,000,000 (DM 100,000 deposits are difficulty ensuring the lieutenant's 6. Cryptography. The base uses this
listed every two weeks for the last five cooperation . room for intercepting and decoding non-
months), a matchbook for the Two Lions Johann's base quarters holds no in- NATO radio messages. Two Generic
pub, a photocopy of schematics for the criminating evidence, nor does Joanna's Soldiers are always here on duty, at-
F-18 Hornet, and a short typed letter apartment (area E). Johann does not tending the computers and radio moni-
that reads: even have a Swiss bank account . tors. The door is always locked .
From now on, make copies of 3. Major Manneheim's Office . This 7. Personnel. The room is manned
desired plans rather than room is a nicely furnished and carpeted only during the day by five Generic
taking them outright . NATO office with a huge old desk. A sofa and Soldiers . It contains five desks and a
is getting suspicious . two chairs are provided for guests . A whole wall full of locked filing cabinets
I. D . locked filing cabinet (Difficulty 25) (Difficulty 20). The base uses this room
Major Manneheim planted this evi- stands in the northwest corner. The door as the administration and personnel
dence in Deitrich's desk. Deitrich is not from Lieutenant Deitrich's office is al- office to track manpower and materials,
even aware that his desk has a secret ways locked at night . A second door in and it is consequently a resounding bore
compartment! Manneheim forged the the east wall leads to a private for investigating PCs . The door is
letter, using the typewriter in his own bathroom. locked at night .
office. A PC who wishes to compare the Atop the desk are a blotter, telephone,

24 Issue No. 26
8. U.S . Attache. The door is locked at munition stored in a separate drawer in East Berlin), is behind the operation.
night. This spartan office belongs to the lower section of the display case . Dzerzhinsky, the major believes, is part
Captain Tyler "Red" Huring, U.S . Air If Manneheim is confronted with proof of an anti-Gorbachev faction that
Force representative for the base . Cap- of his deceptions (Interrogation skill wishes to bring back heavy Soviet influ-
tain Huring is a tall, slim man in his need not be used), the Administrator ence to Eastern Europe . He even specu-
early 30s, with red hair, freckles, and a must make a WIL check for the major. lates that the KGB major is acting
prominent Texas drawl. Should the major fail his check, he outside his authority.
Captain Huring's desk is locked (Diffi- coolly says the following: If Manneheim is asked to divulge the
culty 20) and contains nothing unusual entire scheme, another Interrogation
except for a half-written letter ad- "Yes, I stole the secrets and passed check must be made . If the PCs make
dressed to his wife, Stella. The letter them on . But don't you see? I had to the check, another half-WIL check
tells how Huring feels about Manne- do it! I am being blackmailed by should be made for the major. If Manne-
heim, Deitrich, and Germany in gen- someone in the KGB, someone who heim fails his check, he reveals the
eral . Huring considers the major a has access to certain secrets that, if smuggling route, the conspirators,
"stuffy old gasbag," and Deitrich a revealed to the German public, could everything .
"dumb, naive sucker who is always sway the all-German elections in Manneheim is sure that the blackmail
broke." Germany, in his opinion, is December to an unfavorable conclu- information is stored at the Soviet Em-
boring, and he hates soccer. Apparently, sion . The new united Germany could bassy in Berlin . There is a major East-
Huring is not enjoying his stay. very well fall into the Soviet sphere West friendship reception to be held at
Huring lives in the officers' quarters of influence. Of course, NATO mem- the embassy on October 9th. Perhaps
on the base and is innocent of any bership for the new Germany would the PCs could come up with some way of
wrongdoing . His only offense is his bad be an impossibility if that happened! getting in?
attitude . "I had to opt for the lesser of two
evils. What's a few mid-level Ameri- Heinrich Gundberg's House
Other Locations can secrets when compared to the Gundberg lives in an opulent mansion
The Safe House future of my Fatherland? in suburban Bremen . He has a maid, a
(Area H) "Still, I am glad the truth is out. I cook, and four handymen-bodyguards
have come to hate myself and what I (function as Generic Soldiers). Each is
Hidden in the cellar of a Marxist book- have done . You must believe me, if armed with a .45 M-1914 automatic
store is a 10-room safe house belonging there was another way out, I would pistol and a nightstick . The entire staff
to the PCs' organization. The facility is have taken it. lives on the grounds. Gundberg himself
run by Wilhelm, a young agent. PCs "When word came that you people has a 12-gauge shotgun, but if he is
can reach the safe house only after they were arriving to investigate the leak, faced with more than one gun-wielding
have called the telephone number and I realized that I had to cover myself. PC, he will back down .
gotten directions . Deitrich, the naive fool, was such an If Gundberg's guards are neutralized
The safe house contains food, medi- easy target-so trusting . Of course, and the man is confronted with his part
cine, fresh clothes, spare pen radios, he had no idea what was going on ." in the crime, he claims to have no knowl-
passport-forging equipment, and 20 edge of what the PCs are talking about.
silenced 9-mm Walther P-38 pistols, If, when confronted by the PCs and Thus, an Interrogation check must be
each with 32 rounds of ammunition . their evidence, the major rolled a 95-99 made by the PCs. If the check is success-
As a last desperate resort, Wilhelm can on his WIL check, he failed in a big way. ful, Heinrich immediately crumples into
also lend the PCs a run-down truck that All of the pressure, anger, sadness, and a snivelling heap and says :
he uses for the bookstore. Wilhelm will shame of what he has done comes to a
never accompany the PCs on missions . head . His speech is the same but is
Truck: Max Spd 50, Acce15, Handl "I confess! I hired the Exterminators
laced with many expressions of grief to kill you! They have been so useful
-30, Brake 20, Prot -40, #Pass 8, including crying, wringing his hands,
Range 200. to me in the past to get rid of compe-
and banging his head against the wall . tition, and surely you know how
If Manneheim made his initial WIL tough it is to be manufacturing auto-
Manneheim's House check, he denies any involvement and mobiles now? If it isn't automobile
The major lives in a very comfortable tries to reach his guns in order to get commercials that don't show the car,
manor house that has been in his family the drop on the PCs. He may do this by it's commercials with some man
for generations . He lives alone and does making a pretense of having to tend to telling outrageous lies . Let's not even
his own cooking, hiring someone to do a something in the house. mention the Japanese! And what
thorough housecleaning every two If, after Manneheim's confession, the about this Fahrvergnugen nonsense?
weeks. PCs ask who is blackmailing him, they Ijust can't take it anymore!
Manneheim has a gun collection in a must use Interrogation skill. If the PCs "The KGB got wind of my past, ah,
display case . The collection includes a make their check, then Manneheim business practices and threatened to
9-mm Luger pistol, a .22 Galil semiauto- must make another check, this one at go public with my name as well as
matic rifle, a 9-mm Schmeisser MP-40 half his WIL score. If he fails, the major the names of government officials
submachine gun, and an AK-47 assault tells the PCs that Major Igor Dzerzhin- who had things to hide. I am a major
rifle . Each gun has 100 rounds of am- sky, stationed at the Soviet Embassy in supporter of the current coalition,
Berlin (the section formerly known as
nEV, 1
will do so if he finds out, through the
Heinrich Gundberg and if it fell, so would I. PCs' daily reports, that they either
STR INT REF WIL CONMOV DEX "I did what I had to do. What any suspect Gundberg or are convinced that
30 60 30 40 33 45 45 good businessman would do. I cut my Deitrich was framed .
losses and helped Manneheim smug- The Exterminators' tactics are simple .
Sex : Male Race: White gle the secrets out . One of my factory They leave the Hotel Pruessen in their
Nationality : German Born: 1940 foremen, a man named Martin, rented car and drive to the PCs' hotel to
proved to be reliable and his silence stake out the place . The assassins try to
Advantages: Mechanical Aptitude, easily bought . I will testify, any- eliminate any PCs that leave the hotel
Photographic Memory, Wealth (3) thing! Just don't beat me up!" in small groups . Marina enjoys killing
Disadvantages : Cowardice, Greed,
Lechery, Overweight (1), Short- people in deserted locales, so if she and
winded The only thing that Gundberg will not Olaf see the entire team move out, they
Skills : Basic Firearms, Pistol (2), confess to is a fail-safe measure that he follow in hopes of catching their targets
Shotgun (2), Driving/Automobile (5), himself has instituted, without Manne- on a lonely stretch of road, or even on
Sailing (3), Social Chameleon (2), heim's knowledge . If Gundberg or Man- the Autobahn .
Basic Liberal Arts, Business/ neheim are implicated in the leak, the Should these tactics fail, the killers
Economics (5), Basic Science, Ger- Exterminators have standing orders to take the direct approach. After mid-
man (5), English (2) kill Major Dzerzhinsky at the diplo- night, Marina and Olaf sneak into the
Equipment : 9-mm Walther PP matic reception in Berlin on October PCs' rooms and attempt to kill them in
automatic pistol 9th . The only way that the PCs could their sleep, concentrating on one room
Car : Silver KMW 87b "Stuka," a possibly find this out is if they use truth at a time.
horrible knock-off of the BMW M5. It serum on Gundberg and ask him i he Since Marina and Olaf are high-
has the same performance stats as has any other contracts in the works powered assassins and worthy foes. The
the BMW, but if the KMW ever ex- with the Exterminators . Administrator should play them very
ceeds 80 MPH, it has a cumulative A search of Gundberg's house, a proc- intelligently . The killers are hoping to
5% chance of breaking down per 15 ess that takes two hours, reveals evi- live to see another day, even ifthis
minutes of 80 + MPH speed. Check dence ofextensive unaccountable means retreating; they are not suicidal.
the Vehicle Crash Table, page 86 of financial transactions, a ledger listing Consider each killer to have five Luck
the Players' Guide. Slowing down to all of the secrets sold to the Soviets, and Points .
below 80 MPH, then speeding back a list of all the blackmailed men (see
up to over 80 MPH "resets" the car, "Administrator's Briefing"). As a bonus, Concluding the Adventure
and the determination begins again there is a phone number that enables
Gundberg to contact the Exterminators . The PCs should be able to crack this
at 5%. case ifthey think clearly and role-play
A bald man with brown eyes, This could be a major break in the effort
to penetrate of this mysterious assassin- well. There are two basic ways to wrap
Heinrich is 5'6" tall and weighs 200 up the adventure .
lbs . He smokes Cuban cigars and for-hire organization.
First, the easy one . If the PCs report
dresses expensively. back to their superiors with their find-
Heinrich is the president of Kubel- The Exterminators
ings, the major confesses his role in the
wagen Motorwerks, the company Swedish nationals Marina Sanderson affair and turns over temporary com-
that produces the KMW a flawed and Olaf Erikson are two top Extermi- mand to Lieutenant Deitrich. The PCs
newcomer to the auto market . He is nators who have dealt with Heinrich are put on a flight back to England,
a ruthless weasel of a man who cher- Gundberg in the past. When Manne- where they can make a full report .
ishes money above all else. Heinrich heim told Gundberg about the PCs' Once the PCs' superiors have been
does not care how he gets this money, upcoming investigation (and after briefed, higher-ups talk to the U.S. State
which is what got him in trouble in Gundberg regained his composure), the Department and the British Foreign
the first place: the Soviets picked up industrialist thought it prudent to have Secretary, who in turn talk with their
information that Heinrich used the the two hired killers "on station" in Soviet counterparts, dropping heavy
Exterminators to wipe out a competi- case their services were needed . hints about the fate ofeconomic aid to
tor in the automotive market. On Tuesday, Marina meets Gundberg the Soviet Union being tied to the fate of
In regard to this whole espionage for lunch at the Bierhaus (area F) and the sensitive information . The Soviets
affair, Heinrich is rapidly losing what receives the PCs' photos, descriptions, exert the proper amount of authority and
little nerve he has . He wants the and hotel location, as well as the usual stop the rebellious KGB faction. Major
Exterminators in place very quickly fee. Marina goes back to her hotel room Dzerzhinsky escapes capture, goes un-
in order to wipe out any snooping to wait for the signal to proceed. derground, and plots a horrible and
PCs. In fact, he has already commis- The two assassins are staying at the painful revenge on the PCs .
sioned the Exterminators to kill Ma- Hotel Preussen (area D) under the The second option is tougher. After
jor Dzerzhinsky in the event of names Marja and Bjorn Larsen . One of informing their superiors, the PCs are
Heinrich's or Manneheim's capture . the duo is in the room at all times sent to Berlin to recover the blackmail
awaiting Gundberg's call. information during the party at the
Gundberg makes the call if Manne- Russian embassy. The PCs will have to
heim gives the go-ahead, and the major dress up in tuxedos and evening gowns,

26 Issue No . 26
and make witty conversation with diplo- design the embassy and the reception's If the failure was more low-key, such
mats, all the while looking for a way to schedule and guest list . as not cracking the mystery of the leak,
get to the embassy's upstairs offices If the PCs failed Operation: Fire Sale, the PCs are recalled to their headquar-
where the information is secured. the repercussions depend on how badly ters and given a healthy dose of verbal
Major Dzerzhinsky is at the party, as they performed. If the PCs were caught abuse. Their next mission will be to act
are media representatives from all over by the KGB and taken prisoner or shot as security for the British Foreign Sec-
the world. Major politicians from the in the streets, a huge diplomatic disas- retary when he attends the diplomatic
U.S .A ., Soviet Union, and Europe are ter occurs . Germany is in bad shape as reception at the Russian embassy in
also in attendance . Finally, Marina and popular opinion turns against NATO, Berlin on October 9th, giving the PCs a
Olaf attend the party (if they are still whom the Soviets accuse of sending the second chance to redeem themselves .
alive) in order to kill Major Dzerzhin- agents . Germany's tipping into the
sky. The Administrator will have to Soviet sphere of influence is inevitable .

The Exterminators

Marina Sanderson garrote in belt, pen radio, lockpick set . (4), Sniper Rifle (5), Submachine Gun
Both guns have silencers. (3), Shotgun (2), Basic Melee, Knife (3),
STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX Car: Rented tan Audi 5000S that she Boxing (4), Wrestling (5), Concealment
66 82 90 74 82 74 86
shares with Olaf Marina and Olaf keep (4), Demolitions (3), Interrogation (3),
Sex: Female Race : White their big guns and other supplies in the Shadowing (4), Stealth (1), Surveil-
Nationality : Swedish Born : 1962 trunk. lance (3), Climbing (3), Driving/
Standing 6'1" tall, with long blonde Automobile/Truck/Motorcycle/Boat/
Advantages: Ambidexterity, Attrac-
hair and very pale blue eyes, Marina Snowmobile (3), Horsemanship (4),
tive Appearance (3), Eye-Hand Coordi- Piloting/1-engine (4), Scuba Diving (3),
Sanderson is quite a striking woman.
nation, Fearlessness, Light Sleeper,
She is one of the Exterminators' most Skiing (5), Social Chameleon (4),
Sensuality, Stamina (1), Toughness (2),
deadly agents and is called in on very Swimming (4), Throwing (5), Basic
Wealth (2) delicate or difficult assassinations . Science, Engineer/Civ/Elec/Mech (3),
Disadvantages: Allergies (cats) (3),
Marina hates cats with a passion and Swedish (5), English (5)
Ego Signature, Enemy (PCs' organiza- leaves a calling card at each of her jobs Equipment: 9-mm M-40 automatic
tion) (4), Greed, Lechery, Unmistak- showing a cat silhouette inside a red pistol, 7.62-mm Type D Browning
able Feature circle with a diagonal slash. She lives sniper rifle with night scope, knife,
Skills : Electronics (4), Computer the typical, decadent jet-set style of life pen radio, lockpick set. Both guns
Technician (4), Crossbow (2), Knife and supports this lifestyle by doing have silencers.
Throwing (3), Basic Firearms, Pistol pricey work for the Exterminators. Marina's partner Olaf is 6'3" tall,
(5), Rifle (5), Sniper Rifle (5), Subma- with wavy blond hair, tanned complex-
Clearly, Marina stands no chance of
chine Gun (3), Shotgun (2), Basic
winning any awards for her personality. ion, and blue eyes . He is an extremely
Heavy Weapons, Basic Melee, Knife
She is a cold, heartless killer who uses muscular man. Marina uses Olaf as
(4), Fencing (3), Boxing (4), Oriental
people and disposes of them once they brute force, though he does have sub-
Martial Arts (5), Concealment (4), are of no further use to her. Olaf is her tle assassination skills .
Demolitions (4), Disguise (2), Forgery trusted partner who shares many of the Olaf was once a tennis pro, but his
(3), Interrogation (4), Lockpicking (5), same interests that she enjoys . career came to an abrupt end when a
Pickpocket (3), Shadowing (5), Stealth high-velocity tennis ball struck him on
(3), Surveillance (4), Tracking (1), Act- Olaf Erikson the left temple, causing him to careen
ing (3), Climbing (3), Driving/All vehi- headlong into the spectator stands . He
cle types except Tank (4), Fine Arts (4), STR INT REF WIL CON MOV DEX suffered severe head trauma resulting
First Aid (3), Lip Reading (3), Para- 90 50 50 60 90 70 50
in a slowing-down of his reflexes and a
chuting (2), Photography (2), Piloting/ bitterness toward anything related to
Sex: Male Race : White
1-engine/Multi-engine/Helicopter (2),
Nationality : Swedish Born : 1963 tennis .
Radio Operator (3), Sailing (3), Skiing Olafs association with Marina
(4), Sleight of Hand (3), Social Chame- Advantages : Athletic Ability (2), At-
makes him as high a priority as Ma-
leon (4), Swimming (4), Throwing (4), tractive Appearance (2), Fearlessness,
rina on the PC organization's most
Basic Liberal Arts, Anthro/Psych/Soc Mechanical Aptitude, Sensuality, Stam- wanted list . He has no sense of humor
(4), Basic Science, Chemistry (5), Swed- ina (2), Toughness (4), Wealth (2)
and is quite an arrogant boor. Olaf
ish (5), English (4), German (3), Rus- Disadvantages : Clumsiness, Deep
drinks too much for his own good and
sian (3), French (2) Sleeper, Enemy (PCs' organization) (4),
exhibits an almost bizarre fondness for
Equipment: 9-mm M-40 automatic Gambling, Greed, Lechery, Traumatic
Finnish vodka. His secret desire is to
pistol, 7 .92-mm Type D Browning Flashbacks (flying tennis balls) (4)
meet West German tennis stars and
Sniper Rifle with nightscope, knife, 2 Skills : Basic Mechanic, Aircraft Me-
beat them up . 0
oz . plastique in face-powder compact, chanic (3), Electronics (3), Computer
timer-detonator disguised as watch, Technician (4), Basic Firearms, Pistol

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This is Stephen's third DUNGEOIW
adventure. He has also written "The
Bane of Elfswood" (issue #21) and
"Hrothgar's Resting Place" (issue #25).
After wracking our collective brains for
a catchier title for this module ("No
Bhuts About It," "Bhut Wait-There's
More!" etc.), we decided to leave well
enough alone (except for the teaser line) .

"Caravan Guards" is a D&D Expert

Set adventure designed for 6-8 player
characters of levels 6-8 (about 50 total
levels) . A variety of character classes,
including at least one magic-user or elf,
will be useful .

For the Dungeon Master

This short adventure can be run while
the PCs are returning home from an-
other quest or are traveling to a distant
place . The scenario described in this
module should take place along a mer-
chant trail through a dark and danger-
ous forest . If the DM's campaign is set
,. _ , .
WILBERn90 in the Known World of the D&D Expert
Rulebook and Gazetteer series, a good
setting for this adventure is the Daro-
kin Road, in the great forest between
the cities of Darokin and Selenica .
As the PCs ride along the trail, they
overtake a small merchant caravan
traveling in the same direction . The
PCs are greeted in a friendly but wary

manner by the merchant leader, who
introduces himself as Sir Bryan Derban.
Derban then tries to hire the adventur-
ers to help guard his wagons, explain-
ing that he is carrying a mysterious

item that his evil half brother, Malcolm,
would dearly love to get his hands on .
Malcolm, Sir Bryan continues, has
obtained the services of an accom-
plished wizard and a small force of
ogres . This evil alliance has already
claimed the lives of several of Bryan's
BY STEPHEN J . SMITH caravan guards . The merchant leader
offers a tidy sum of gold to hire the PCs
as replacements .

The heroes get to kick

If the PCs accept Sir Bryan's offer, they
get to know Bryan's other guards better
and are soon called upon to defend the

some bhut. wagons from two threats : a hungry chi-

mera and a band of bugbears.
Then, during their first night of guard
duty, the PCs get a big surprise : Sir
Bryan and his seven original caravan
guards turn into wild-eyed, savage man-
Artwork by Ronald Wilbur
eaters . The adventurers must fight for
their lives to avoid becoming their em-
ployer's dinner.

Meet the Bhuts casts suitable spells before engaging the 90'(30'); #AT 2 claws/1 bite [1 weapon];
PCs tooth and nail . Upon completing Dmg 2-5/2-5/1-6 plus special [by weapon
Sir Bryan and his retinue are bhuts,
their transformations, the bhuts' armor type]; S 13, 111, W 13, D 10, C 15, Ch
unusual humanoid monsters similar in
classes drop to 4 (even lower for those 11 ; chain mail armor, sword +1.
many ways to lycanthropes and undead . with Dexterity bonuses and Sir Bryan Gord and Becton both appear to be
During the day, bhuts look and act like
with his ring ofprotection +1), as their capable fighters in their early twenties,
normal humans . But with the setting of skin grows scaly and tough. The bhuts and they claim to be brothers (Becton
the sun, their skin becomes scaly, their should retain the bonuses and penalties seems to be the older). Both have brown
hands become claws, their hair grows from their human ability scores when in hair (though Gord's is lighter) and are
wild, and they transform into toothy, monster form . quiet but civil toward the PCs. The
savage man-eaters . Sir Bryan Derban : AC 3 [8]; hp 33 ; brothers share an interest in weapons
Like undead monsters, bhuts are MV 120'(40'); #AT 2 claws/1 bite [1 and armor, and will gladly compare or
immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells
weapon or spell] ; Ding 1-4/1-4/1-6 plus discuss arms with any PC fighters .
(as well as all poisons and gases), and
special [by spell or weapon type]; S 10, Sir Rickinson DeNorland: AC 4 [5];
they make no noise while moving .
116, W 11, D 12, C 16, Ch 13 ; spells: hp 40; MV 90'(30') ; #AT [1 weapon];
Bhuts are not undead, however, and
light, magic missile (x 2), detect invisi- Ding 2-5/2-5/1-6 plus special [by weapon
cannot be Turned by clerics. They can ble, ESP, dispel magic, hold person, type] ; S 13, 19, W 9, D 12, C 13, Ch 15 ;
be hit by only magical weapons and
polymorph other; dagger chain mail armor, sword.
spells, and a single hit from a blessed
Sir Bryan is the leader of the bhuts, This blonde-haired, blue-eyed fighter
weapon will slay a bhut instantly.
and he acts as the leader of the mer- is a ladies' man through and through .
In combat, bhuts attack with their
chant caravan in this adventure. He is He is always courteous to women and
two claws and chilling bite . Anyone
of average build and is quite handsome will slavishly cater to the desires of a
bitten by a bhut must make a Saving and charming, having black hair and a lady he finds particularly beautiful.
Throw vs . Paralysis or be numbed for moustache, friendly blue eyes, and a Because of his constant pursuit of mem-
1-4 rounds . Numbed creatures always reassuring voice. In keeping with his bers of the opposite sex (and because he
lose initiative in battle and suffer a -2 cover as a merchant, he tends to wear tends to devour his lady-friends when
penalty to all to-hit rolls . colorful, expensive clothes. he meets them in bhut form), the other
Bhuts radiate a potent aura that Though he is also a 7th-level magic- caravan members have nicknamed him
makes them immune to the effects of user, Sir Bryan hides his abilities until "Wolf."
detect evil and know alignment spells . In the bhuts attack the PCs. Sir Bryan Lornal Westhill: AC 4 [5]; hp 41 ; MV
fact, all know alignment attempts are loses the memory of any uncast spells 90'(30') ; #AT [1 weapon]; Dmg 2-5/2-5/
distorted by this aura, and the bhuts
once he changes into bhut form, so he 1-6 plus special [by weapon type]; S 13,
register as Lawful . These scheming
must rememorize spells every morning. 112, W 12, D 10, C 14, Ch 6; chain mail
creatures often live near human settle-
His spell book is hidden in a secret armor, sword.
ments to obtain their meals. To avoid
compartment in his wagon. In addition Lornal is a bitter individual who
arousing suspicion, bhuts usually as-
to his memorized spells, Sir Bryan's never has anything good to say about
sume some innocent guise such as
spell book contains the following spells : anyone else . For the most part he ig-
monks, gypsies, or even traveling
read languages, read magic, ventrilo- nores the PCs, but he may make a
merchants. quism, knock, wizard lock, water breath- nasty, sarcastic comment if someone
All the bhuts in this adventure have ing, wall of fire. He also owns two makes a mistake in combat .
the following common statistics : magical items that he wears on his Petri: AC 1 [2]; hp 34 ; MV 90'(30') ;
Bhut: HD 7 +2** ; #AT 2 claws/1 bite person . An amulet vs. crystal balls and #AT [1 weapon]; Ding 1-4/1-4/1-6 plus
(in bhut form); Save F10; ML 10 ; AL C;
ESP hangs from his neck at all times, special [by weapon type]; S 11, 111, W
and he wears a ring ofprotection +1 on 10, D 18, C 10, Ch 12 ; chain mail armor,
Other statistics are variable and ac-
his right index finger. sword, three throwing daggers, short
company the description of each mem-
Eric Tramble: AC 4 [7] hp 36 ; MV bow, 12 arrows .
ber of the caravan. These "NPC"
120'(40'); #AT 2 claws/1 bite [1 weapon]; Petri is the clown of the group. He is
descriptions list the bhuts' monster Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-6 plus special [by weapon short (5'4") and has a wild tuft of brown
statistics as well as the statistics for type]; S 12, 113, W 13, D 10, C 10, Ch hair atop his head. Petri is always smil-
their human forms [in brackets]. The
11 ; leather armor; sword. ing or talking, and as a result he some-
bhuts fight as 7th-level fighters during Eric is second-in-command to Sir times gets on the nerves of his fellow
the day, with the exception of Sir Bryan, Bryan, and he acts as Bryan's close travelers (Lornal in particular) . Quick,
who attacks as a 7th-level magic-user. friend and trusted advisor. He is energetic, and dexterous, Petri is an
Even while the bhuts are in human slightly shorter than Bryan and has accomplished juggler and has also been
form, they still cannot be harmed by short, curly brown hair. His quiet per- known to play an occasional practical
nonmagical weapons or attacks. sonality does not mean that he is shy. joke. Petri is the caravan's lone archer,
When these creatures assume their
Gord Crestkill: AC 3 [4]; hp 47 ; MV but he is deadly accurate with his short
normal (monster) forms, they attack as
90'(30'); #AT 2 claws/1 bite [1 weapon]; bow.
7-HD monsters using their claws and Dmg 2-5/2-5/1-6 plus special [by weapon "Ogre" : AC 4 [5]; hp 55 ; MV 90'(30');
teeth. The only exceptions are "Ogre," #AT 1 weapon ; Dmg by weapon type ; S
type]; 514,110, W8,D13,C13,Ch11;
who always attacks with his beloved
chain mail armor, sword +1 . 18, 13, W 7, D 9, C 16, Ch 6; two-
two-handed sword, and Sir Bryan, who
Becton Crestkill: AC 4 [5]; hp 48 ; MV handed sword +1, chain mail .


Ogre is a giant of a man (6'10", 320 wagon floor); a large sack containing
lbs .), as his name implies. He is also not Eric's spare clothes; a crate of iron ra- nearer, you see that the caravan
too bright and has trouble speaking tions (enough dried beef to feed eight consists of two roofed wagons, each of
clearly, with the exception of a few persons or bhuts for four weeks) ; a bar- which is drawn by four draft horses .
words ("kill," "break," "smash," and rel of drinking water; and a variety of Six men on horseback, most of whom
"dinner"). Ogre is neither gentle nor other common items . The two chests wear metal armor, encircle the
refined . He can be quite destructive contain Sir Bryan's expensive wardrobe wagons .
with his magical two-handed sword +1, (2,500 gp value) and the bhuts' dis- When the men spot you, they halt
which he uses even in bhut form. guises : clerical robes and holy symbols, the wagons and begin trotting back
clown outfits, gypsy clothing, and the down the road, either to greet or to
The Bhuts' Caravan like. These disguises have a value of intercept you. The guards stop about
750 gp, but finding the proper buyers 10 yards away, their hands resting
Sir Bryan's caravan has traveled on the hilts of their swords . One is a
for these outfits should prove to be a
throughout the Known World for years, black-haired man with a neatly
formidable challenge for the PCs .
seldom remaining in one area for more trimmed moustache, wearing a flow-
There is a secret compartment in the
than a week or two. Typically, the bhuts ing blue shirt that waves like a flag
floor of the wagon beneath Sir Bryan's
ride into a town posing as merchants, in the wind, clean brown pants and a
mattress (treat as a secret door). Hidden
grab a quick bite to eat, and then qui- pair of shiny black boots; he appears
therein is the bhuts' treasure : a large
etly slip away. They also obtain quite a to be the leader. He edges his charger
sack containing 27 sp, 315 ep, and 89
few meals consisting of the fellow trav- forward a bit, his hand raised before
pp; a second sack with 585 gp; a small
elers they meet on the road. him in greeting.
bag that holds four 500-gp pearls; and
Occasionally, the bhuts set up an "Hello, my friends!" he calls out in
Sir Bryan's spell book (see his character
extended operation in a larger city. a pleasant tone . "I am Sir Bryan
description for a list of the spells in this
During these operations (most of which Derban, owner and leader of this
book) .
are contrived by Sir Bryan), the bhuts caravan . Who might you be, and
Sir Bryan's wagon contains something
present themselves as gypsies, pilgrims, where might you be headed?"
a troupe of entertainers, or traveling else of note. Hanging from the ceiling
are two large metal birdcages, and
scholars (Ogre doesn't do very well at Derban chats with the PCs in a
perched inside one is a colorful bird. If
this one). The cocky bhuts seem to dare friendly manner, trying to learn where
presented to the right buyer, this rare
the local authorities to uncover their they are headed . He then informs the
bird could fetch a price of 100 gp. How-
gruesome misdeeds. Only once were the group that his caravan is also traveling
ever, this bird is actually a polymorphed
bhuts tracked down, and they dined on in that same direction, though probably
captive of the bhuts (see the "Conclud-
sheriff that night. to a different destination (depending on
ing the Adventure" for the identity of
The caravan itself consists of two where the DM decides to run this ad-
this prisoner).
medium-size roofed wagons, each of venture in his own game world) . Sir
When the bhuts attack a group of
which is drawn by four sturdy draft Bryan's objective in this encounter is to
victims and there are too many to eat in
horses, and six war horses that the convince the adventurers to stay with
caravan guards ride. Under normal one sitting, Sir Bryan uses his poly-
morph other spell to turn one of their his caravan, even if only for the night .
conditions, Eric and another bhut (usu At first, Derban simply asks the PCs
opponents into a turtle or some other
ally Sir Bryan or Petri) drive the wag- if they would like to travel with his
harmless, slow-moving creature. The
ons while the remaining six bhuts serve caravan, stating that he and his men
captive is then placed in a birdcage until
as mounted guards . could use some companionship on this
the following morning, when Bryan casts
The two wagons serve different pur- lonely trail. Ifthis straightforward
a second polymorph spell on the victim,
poses. One carries the merchant bhuts' method fails, Sir Bryan makes the fol-
turning him into a bird, which the bhuts
trade goods, currently 40 bulky bundles lowing plea to the PCs . Should the PCs
keep well fed until they're hungry again .
of common animal pelts and hides and still not wish to travel with the cara-
At this time Sir Bryan casts a dispel
four bundles ofprecious furs (fox and van, there will be no adventure .
magic spell, and the bhuts enjoy their
giant weasel). Each bundle of common
furs has a value of 15 gp and an encum- supper. Prisoners who resist the second
polymorph spell into a bird are kept in a Sir Bryan's Plea
brance of 400 cn. Each parcel of pre-
cious furs is worth 500 gp and has an cage until nightfall . Sir Bryan then
encumbrance of 500 cn. This wagon also dispels the polymorph spell and the other A troubled look clouds up Sir Bryan's
bhuts dig in. handsome face. He sighs aloud, shak-
contains four two-man tents and a dozen
warm blankets. At night, the bhuts who ing his head, and then announces,
are not on guard duty sleep in the back For the Player Characters "My friends, I have not been entirely
truthful with you, and for this I am
of this wagon.
Having seen no one along the trail most sorry. I would have endangered
The second wagon is Sir Bryan's pri-
for quite some time, you almost feel a your lives-and under the guise of
vate property, and the PCs will not be
sense ofrelief when you spy a small friendship! I am afraid that my recent
allowed inside . It contains two comfort-
merchant caravan traveling in the problems have affected my judgment.
able down mattresses (one for Bryan
same direction as yourselves on the "You see, although your compan-
and one for his assistant, Eric); two
road ahead. As your group draws ionship would be a pleasure
large chests (securely bolted to the

shrugs and says that he cannot reveal

during our travels, that was not the ance . Would you be interested in the object or its hiding place until
only reason I asked you to join us. selling your services to me?" Malcolm is defeated and the PCs prove
You look like accomplished fighters, themselves worthy of his trust.
something that I can sorely use at Derban offers the PCs 1,000 gp each if
this time. Perhaps you would be they agree to accompany him all the Events Minor and Major
interested in staying on with us for a way to his destination (whatever lie he
while if I paid you? Well, first let me told the adventurers earlier) or 500 gp The DM should run the following events
tell you my story. each ifthey travel only part of the way in the order presented . Some of these
"In my wagon I am carrying with the caravan . Since Sir Bryan events require combat, while others
something-a family heirloom-that knows he won't be paying the PCs any- simply serve to further introduce the
my half-brother Malcolm decided way (one way or the other, the alliance other caravan guards to the PCs .
ought to belong to him . Malcolm between the caravan members and the
hired the services of an evil wizard PCs will end that night!), he can be The Injured Guard
and a small army of ogres. For the haggled into offering the PCs an addi- Shortly after hiring the PCs, Sir Bryan
past two weeks he has been pursuing tional 500 gp for their services. This is asks if anyone in the party is a healer
my caravan . I have lost several the limit, however, for the bhuts don't (cleric). He explains that during the last
guards to the ogres and the spells of want to tangle with a bunch of adven- attack on the caravan, an ogre managed
the wizard, but fortunately my elite turers who can be hired only for an to stab one ofhis guards (Becton) in the
guard corp" -he smiles and gestures astronomical amount of gold; such a foot, nearly severing his little toe . He
at his surrounding men- "is still group's fighting skills might prove wor- would appreciate it greatly if the cleric
intact." thy ofthe price they ask! could heal Becton (any cure light
Sir Bryan pauses momentarily, as Sir Bryan says nothing more about wounds spell will suffice) . Although
if weighing his words carefully. At the mysterious "heirloom" that he is Becton can still ride with the other
last he says, "I am not accustomed to carrying (there is no heirloom ; it's sim- guards, his wound prevents him from
hiring strangers as mercenaries, but ply a part of Sir Bryan's false story), being quick and steady on his feet. If
these are strange times and I feel I and under no condition will he allow the healed, Becton thanks the cleric with a
can trust you. And," he adds with a PCs inside his wagon . If the adventur- 250-gp onyx, saying, "I would like to
weak smile, "I'm afraid I may not ers seem suspicious of Sir Bryan's story donate this to your merciful order, Holy
reach my destination without assist- or his secret cargo, the merchant leader One ." The PC cleric then has a friend

for life (or at least until nightfall!) . monstrous three-headed form swoops magical sword +1, +2 us. spell-casters .
In truth, Becton received his wound down through the branches overhead Due to their great strength, bugbears
from one of the bhuts' recent victims. and attacks! get a + 1 bonus to all hit and damage
Ironically, he now wields the magical The swooping three-headed monster is rolls . It should be noted that Lord
sword that injured him . a chimera . It attacks a randomly deter- Tangulwizkers (with his magical sword)
mined PC the first round of combat and is the only bugbear capable of damaging
The Wolf Stalks His Prey anyone within range of its three heads the bhuts . The other bugbears strike
in subsequent rounds. Although bhuts and shoot at the bhuts, but their blows
Shortly after Sir Bryan hires the adven-
are normally immune to nonmagical (though they tear at clothing and ar-
turers, Sir Rickinson "the Wolf
attacks, the chimera's dragon-head mor) draw no blood from their foes .
DeNorland begins romancing the fe-
attacks (bite and breath) are strong Afterward, the bhuts tend to imaginary
male PC with the highest Charisma
enough to cause them damage (they cuts and bruises, blessing their marvel-
score . He begins with the introduction,
don't yet know this, believing that they ous "luck :'
"Sir Rickinson at your service, my
are immune to its bite). The bhuts avoid Lord Tangulwizkers : AC 5 ; HD
lady," and constantly hounds his ad-
frontal assaults in hopes that the PCs 3 + 1 ; hp 23 ; MV 90'(30'); #AT 1 (magi-
mired PC with more such chivalrous will finish the monster off, which also cal sword) ; Dmg by weapon type ; Save
nonsense . By mid-afternoon he will be avoids the clumsy problem of having a F3 ; ML 9 ; AL C ; BD/27 .
so forward as to say (pick one), "The
bhut be attacked but not be wounded . Bugbears (10 archers, 9 foot soldiers) :
way you use that wand with such grace/ Chimera: AC 4 ; HD 9** ; hp 56 ; MV hp 15 (foot soldiers), 11 (archers) ; #AT 1
The way you daintily wield your crush-
120'(40% flying 180'(60'); #AT 2 claws/ sword or arrow ; Dmg by weapon type ;
ing mace/The way you finger that
3 heads plus breath ; Dmg 1-3/1-3/2-8/ other statistics as per Lord Tangul-
dagger of yours/In your bulky metal
1-10/3-12 plus 3-18 ; Save F9 ; ML 9 ; AL wizkers . Each bugbear carries a sword .
armor/ . . . You really look good!"
C ; ER/47 . There is a 50% chance each The archers (who use long bows) use
Should the object of Sir Rickinson's
round that this creature will use its their swords only if forced into melee
desires not return his affection, the
breath weapon, a cone of fire 50' long combat.
chivalrous guard will direct his loving
and 10' wide . The chimera can breathe Each bugbear carries a small pouch
attention to another female PC (if one is
fire up to three times per day. containing 3-24 cp and 3-18 sp . In addi-
present) . Sir Rickinson doesn't give up ;
tion to this spare change, Lord Tangul-
the DM should make sure that Sir Rick-
Ogre Shows His Stuff wizkers's pouch also holds a large topaz
inson picks out a particular female PC
worth 750 gp .
to be the object of his affection during About an hour after the chimera attack,
As the great tree is being cleared from
the adventure (whether she wants to be Sir Bryan orders the caravan to halt
the path, Sir Bryan sees a chance to
or not!) . If there are no females in the near the bank of a trailside stream .
enhance the credibility of his story by
PC party, Sir Rickinson will sulk This quick break allows the PCs and
suggesting that the bugbear raiders
throughout the adventure . the other guards to refill their water-
may have attacked under the orders of
skins and stretch their legs a bit . As the
his brother Malcolm . By interrogating
Chimera Attack! PCs mill about, a tremendous snapping
any captives or by using a speak with
sound comes from the woods nearby.
Rays of midday sun filter through the the dead spell on a vanquished foe, the
Although the adventurers may think
treetops as the caravan crawls slowly PCs should be able to learn that the
otherwise, the caravan is not under
along the trail . The guard named Petri bugbears were not in league with Sir
attack . After a few dramatic seconds,
pulls three apples from a small sack and Bryan's evil half-brother (who is a fic-
Ogre emerges from the underbrush
begins to juggle the fruit on horseback . tion, anyway) .
dragging an enormous fallen tree limb
In the middle of his act, Petri tosses one
behind him . The huge man promptly
of the apples to Gord, who catches it Man-Eaters in the Moonlight
breaks the thick branch across his knee
with a smile and lobs it back . Petri and then, noticing that everyone is Shortly before sunset, Sir Bryan gives
takes Gord's return toss smoothly and
looking at him, mumbles, "Duh . . . just the order to halt the wagons and set up
keeps right on juggling . He proceeds to
gettin' duh firewood ." camp for the night . Once the horses are
flip an apple to Becton, Rickinson, and a
safely secured, Ogre builds a fire and
randomly determined PC, always catch-
Bugbear Bandits Petri prepares a generous pot of rabbit
ing the return throw in perfect synch
stew . Sir Bryan invites the PCs to join
with his juggling. Late in the afternoon, the caravan
the feast, and if the PCs accept the offer
With a mischievous twinkle in his rounds a bend only to find the trail
they can enjoy a tasty meal in the jovial
eyes, Petri turns his glance toward blocked by a fallen tree trunk . Unless
company of the other guards . All the
Lornal, the dark-spirited guard, and the PCs immediately voice suspicions of
caravan members partake of the rabbit
says, "Come on Lornal, join the fun!" a possible ambush here, they will be
stew (although Lornal constantly com-
Lornal raises one arm, motioning for surprised by a volley of arrows fired by
plains about Petri's choice of ingredi-
Petri to throw him an apple . Upon re- 10 bugbear archers, while another 10
ents), so overly suspicious PCs can lay
ceiving Petri's toss, however, he chuck- bugbears burst from the surrounding
to rest their fears that the stew might
les meanly and promptly rolls the piece forest to engage both the PCs and the
be drugged or poisoned. None of the
of fruit in front of his mount . As his bhuts in hand-to-hand combat . Among
men eat too much, however. They are
horse halts to sniff the offering, a horri- the bugbear foot soldiers is their leader,
saving their appetites for the evening's
ble screech fills everyone's ears as a Lord Tangulwizkers, who fights with his

real main course . ous exchange of pleasantries, Sir Bryan The following boxed text assumes that
After the meal, Sir Bryan asks the unleashes a scream of terror. Once the the PCs immediately rush to investi-
PCs ifthey would mind doing a share of PCs rush to Bryan's wagon to see what's gate Sir Bryan's scream . Allow the PCs
the night watch duty. Since he is the wrong, the other bhuts emerge from to interrupt your reading of this text if
caravan leader and is responsible for all their quarters and attack. Sir Bryan they ask questions or take some other
the important decision-making, Derban delays his transformation long enough action . If any PC has witnessed a
adds with a roguish grin, he is excluded to ensure that he can cast a few spells guard's change into bhut form, this part
from this duty. He also suggests that PC at the PCs before he becomes a bhut . of the ambush will not take place; in-
spell-casters (who need their sleep to The following boxed text gives an stead, a wild free-for-all is likely to
regain spells) be exempt from guard account of the bhuts' ambush . Should ensue.
duty. Sir Bryan can offer the PCs a pair any of the bhuts with a speaking part in
of two-man tents and some blankets if this episode be on guard duty with the You and your friends find Sir Bryan
they need them. PCs, he casually turns his back to them standing alone just outside his
Allow the PCs to organize the night while delivering his lines (and changing wagon. His eyes are bugged out in
watch schedule as they see fit; the seven into bhut form!). fear, and his beard and moustache
NPC guards will go along with any fair are badly disheveled . He looks
system. Normally, the guards divide the Darkness envelops the camp, and the around wildly and shouts, "The wiz-
night into three four-hour shifts, with chirping and humming of hundreds ard! The wizard! The wizard Malcolm
two men working each shift and the odd of insects fills the night air. Over this hired . . . was in there . . . in my
man getting the night off. The PCs may soothing chorus you suddenly hear wagon . . . standing over me . . .
suggest four or more shorter shifts or Petri's voice call out, "Good night, standing over me, saying-" and
opt for more guards per shift. It doesn't Gord!" Bryan begins to mutter strange
really matter what the PCs plan beyond You hear a soft chuckle and then words and phrases that sound like a
the first shift, however, for it is at this Gord's voice answers, "Good night, magic spell.
time that the bhuts will attack . Petri . And good night to you, Ogre."
The caravan members can exercise a A loud grunt, snort, and a contented Sir Bryan has two rounds in which to
limited amount of control over their sigh are the only replies. cast spells before he completely trans-
transformation into bhuts. The men can "G'night, Gord," comes Becton's forms into a bhut. He begins with a hold
delay their change into bhut form for up voice, "and good night Petri, Ogre, person spell cast against four random
to three hours after sunset . When the Eric, and to you, good Sir Rickinson ." PCs, then uses his polymorph other spell
three hours have passed, however, they Rickinson, in turn, rattles off his against a PC spell-caster, if possible .
automatically transform into bhuts . own eloquent "Good nights" to ev- While Bryan is casting his spells, the
They must then retain bhut form until eryone in the camp, his voice grow- other bhuts engage the adventurers in
three hours before daybreak, at which ing hoarse in the process . Ifhe is melee combat. Some bhuts attempt to
time they may change back to human enamored of a PC female, he ends his take on particular PCs : Gord and Bec-
form ifthey so desire. At dawn, how- lengthy discourse by adding, in a ton battle any fighter who has a nice
ever, bhuts automatically resume their very raspy but poetic tone, "And sword or impressive armor (they get to
human appearance. pleasant dreams to that very special claim these spoils if the bhuts triumph).
The actual transformation from hu- someone whose radiant smile is Petri tries to match his speed against
man to bhut (and vice versa) takes brighter than the mid-day sun, the quickest PC (probably a thief), and
about 30 seconds (3-4 rounds in game whose lovely [blue, brown, or green] Lornal attacks any PC who has been
terms) . The bhuts have developed a eyes are deeper than [Lake Amsorak particularly cheery during the adven-
clever scheme to synchronize their or the Malpheggi Swamp; the DM ture. Sir Rickinson, needless to say,
change into monster form and signal should use substitutes if his cam- directs his attention toward the female
the start oftheir ambush . paign is not set in the D&D Known PC he has been courting . He leaps at
All bhuts not picked for the first shift World] and 10 million times more her, a wild look in his eyes and a toothy
of guard duty split up and pretend to beautiful, and whose voice is even grin on his face, and with a dramatic
prepare for sleep: Sir Bryan climbs into sweeter than that of a fair elven gesture toward the moon overhead
his wagon (accompanied by Eric, if he is princess who gargles honey . . ." growls, "R-r-r-romantic, isn't it?" He
not on guard duty) while the other "Quiet, you fools;" Lornal inter- then begins stalking his beloved, adding
bhuts pitch a couple of tents . These rupts with a gruff bark, "before you in a hungry tone, "You look good to-
remaining bhuts spread themselves out draw every monster within 10 miles night, my lady. R-r-r-real good!"
through the camp as best they can, to us like moths to a flame!"
some crawling into the tents while An immediate silence falls over the Combat Notes
others hop into the back of the second camp as the other guards grasp the
wagon. The bhuts' statistics appear in the
wisdom in Lornal's words. The quiet
Shortly after everyone has settled in is short lived, however, for suddenly "Meet the Bhuts" section of the module.
for the night, Petri kicks off a series of a piercing screech of terror erupts The DM should adjust basic bhut statis-
"Good nights," signalling the other from Sir Bryan's wagon, spooking tics for the special abilities of the indi-
caravan members to begin the change your horses and sending an icy chill vidual bhuts. For example, Gord gains
to bhut form. At the end ofthis humor- racing down your spines . bonuses for his high Strength and Dex-
terity scores but suffers a penalty for

ready figured into the armor class might find themselves coveted for magi-
statistics listed for each bhut . cal research by a mad wizard or two.
(See GAZ3 for more details about the
Concluding the Adventure Principalities of Glantri) .
If the PCs defeat the bhuts, they may Ahmed Al-Hussain of Kirkuk (5th-
rifle through the bhuts' wagons, claim- level fighter) . Ahmed is a handsome,
well-tanned warrior from the village of
ing any treasures they find . The wagons
Kirkuk in the Emirates of Ylaruam. He
themselves are valuable, should the
is most thankful for being rescued by
adventurers think of selling them . Sir
the PCs and offers to throw a great
Bryan's wagon, complete with living
quarters and a secret compartment, is party in their honor if they accompany
him to his desert home . Such a celebra-
worth 1,000 gp . The second wagon is
tion could be used to introduce the PCs
worth around 700 gp .
The bird hanging in the cage in Sir to the Ylari customs of coffee-drinking
Bryan's wagon opens several possibili- and storytelling. Kirkuk is described in
ties for further adventure. As explained detail in GAZ2 The Emirates of Yla-
previously, this bird is actually a poly- ruam, which also includes a number of
morphed captive of the bhuts. The iden- adventures within the village's walls.
tity of this captive is left for the DM to Aldan Volstrake (5th-level fighter/3rd-
decide, but three possibilities, based on level merchant). Aldan is a friendly,
the people and lands described in the brown-haired man with an outgoing
D&D Gazetteer series, follow . personality and a silver tongue . His way
Fredrikka of Dovehold (9th-level Glan- with words and ability to put people at
trian sorceress) . This young lady re- ease with his pleasant speech is an es-
cently graduated from the Great School sential asset for someone in his line of
work . A former adventurer, Aldan in-
of Magic in Glantri City and has since
vested his wealth into his own business,
been traveling throughout the Known
the Volstrake Mercantile Trading Com-
World in search of adventure. Her par-
pany based in the city of Selenica in the
ents rule the obscure barony of Dove-
hold in a wooded valley of the Republic of Darokin. If the PCs enjoyed
their one-day stint as caravan guards for
Wendarian Ranges far to the north.
Sir Bryan, Aldan can offer them similar
Returning Fredrikka to her home would
low Wisdom . Therefore, the DM should provide the PCs with a wearying employment protecting some of his wag-
add the Strength bonus to Gord's claw amount of travel, but this would be the ons. See GAZ11 The Republic of Daro-
damage (Strength does not increase a least of their problems . Clerics are out- kin, for more information on the
bhut's bite damage) and apply a -1 lawed in Glantri and are routinely merchant character class and hints for
penalty to his Saving Throws vs . magi- executed when discovered . Dwarves and running merchant- and caravan-based
cal spells . Dexterity bonuses are al- halflings traveling through these lands adventures.

Continued from page 14 with a deed to the keep and land . This adventurers may find the keep
The chest becomes visible when relative is summoned before one of the reoccupied when they get back .
Lords of Waterdeep, who demands fealty -Thieves or other NPCs in Waterdeep
touched. Inside it is a short sword +1,
and explains to the PC that there is a hear of the PCs' success and try to
three arrows +3, five darts +5 (usable
condition to the deed : the land's new secure the keep for themselves .
only by a wizard-class character), a
occupant must keep the area clear of -The Tree Ghost barbarian tribe
potion of extra-healing, a ring of
monsters . decides that their ancestral totem is
protection +2, 500 pp, 850 gp, and five If the DM feels that giving low-level hidden in Kryptgarden Forest, and they
gems (values 3,000, 1,000 ( x 2), 500, and
PCs a keep of their own is too grand a want to use the keep as a base of
gesture, then the Lords of Waterdeep operations for their search .
might opt to put the keep in trust, -The PCs decide to further fortify and
Concluding the Adventure stationing armed soldiers there until the inhabit the keep ; settlers and the means
If the adventurers are unsuccessful in inheritor has gained sufficient personal to provision them must be found.
driving the hobgoblins out in time, the power to warrant giving the keep back -The annual real estate tax bill arrives
keep and its belongings will escheat to (if the Lords of Waterdeep are so and money must be raised to pay it .
the Lords of Waterdeep. The Lords send inclined). Whatever course the campaign takes,
out a full company of men-at-arms and Avenues for additional adventures the adventurers will find the taking and
cavalry with siege engines to retake it, and role-playing are endless. Some securing of Uncle's keep a great
and they succeed. The adventurers will ideas are as follows: platform for taking off into more
have to find riches and glory elsewhere . -Thirty days after this adventure, the adventures in the savage northern
If the PCs are successful, Uncle's chief of the Lostafinga tribe sends frontier of the Forgotten Realms.
nephew or niece receive the title another troop of hobgoblins to relieve
"Squire of South Kryptgarden" along the one that was on duty, and the

36 Issue No. 26
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NAME THIS FEATURE! (see Editorial)

to do anything, and even then he didn't
work very hard or very long. Now, how-
ever, he was on his own .
Ettercap's Shelter Pondering his fate, Snarrak wandered
along a trail frequented by trappers and
Spriggan's Shelter hunters. Suddenly, he found himself
entangled in a net dropped from the
trees above. Before he could react, an
ettercap leaped onto him from a large
oak tree, knocking him prone.
Snarrak, more annoyed than threat-
ened, immediately assumed giant form
and ripped the net to shreds. This
caught the ettercap completely by sur-
prise. After all, he was expecting his
1 square = 2' victim to be merely a small, weak
gnome . Before the ettercap could act,
Snarrak slammed his assailant's body
against a tree trunk, nearly knocking
the ettercap unconscious .
Snarrak yelled loudly and drew his
broad sword as he moved closer to the
stunned ettercap and prepared to smite
the creature in the neck. At that point,
Snarrak noticed out of the corner of his
eye that a giant spider, the ettercap's

Enjoy your trip . The monsters pet, was closing in for the attack .
Still nursing a few wounds from his
certainly will. skirmish with the elves (he had been hit
by a stray arrow and, while fleeing, had
tripped over a log and skinned his
knee), Snarrak didn't want to tangle
with two venomous creatures at once.
BY JAY OUZTS Not only was this far too dangerous, but
it was also far too much work. Thus, he
decided to ask for a truce .
Not knowing the ettercap's tongue,
"Deadfalls on Nightwood Trail" is an AD&D 2nd Edition adventure for 3-6 Snarrak tried sign language . He showed
characters of 3rd or 4th level (a total of about 15 total levels) . The party should the peace sign, which the ettercap un-
include a variety ofraces and classes, and the presence of a thief would be helpful. derstood . The badly injured creature
This adventure can be inserted in any campaign at any time the player chirped and screeched something to his
characters are traveling along a trail through a dark, temperate forest. The names pet, and the spider halted its advance .
of specific places can be changed to make the adventure compatible with any Using a combination of voice inflec-
campaign setting . tions and sign language, Snarrak ex-
plained to the ettercap that a net was
Adventure Background not the most effective trap, especially
against large creatures like spriggans .
Snarrak, a spriggan with a nasty temper, was traveling with his clan in the Snarrak, having some knowledge of
Nightwoods, looking for a merchant caravan to rob or a trapper to torment . traps himself, drew crude diagrams of
Suddenly, the group was ambushed by an elite regiment ofthe Frezalian Elvish pits, snares, a crossbow trap, and a
Community Forest Patrol . One by one, his companions fell victim to the elves' deadfall (a trap that drops a heavy
arrows and spells . After several minutes ofcombat, Snarrak realized the battle was weight on its victim).
lost. To protect himself, he fled deeper into the Nightwoods . Judging from the way the ettercap
Throughout his life, Snarrak had relied on his comrades to do most of the work, pointed at the diagram and made glee-
especially leaving tasks of hard labor for others to do. He stayed in the back of the ful chirps, the deadfall seemed to fasci-
pack, allowing his companions to handle most ofthe fighting, too. Only when the nate him . Thus, Snarrak began to help
rest of the clan threatened him with bodily harm did Snarrak bother to lift a finger the ettercap construct a deadfall, using
a section of log about 3' in diameter as The Trap ing in its webs, attacks any free PCs on
the killing weight . (Actually, the etter- the ground . Although its intelligence is
While traveling through the
cap did all the work; Snarrak just low, it knows how to avoid springing
Nightwoods, the PCs stumble across the
showed him how to do it.) the second deadfall trap. If all the free
deadfalls . Each PC who enters a square PCs have been killed or driven away,
Once the trap was constructed, the crossed by a trip wire has a 4-in-6
ettercap (who had quite an aptitude for the spider attacks any living PCs still
chance to spring the trap. When the
rigging deadly traps) began making a trap is sprung, the weight drops on stuck in the traps .
few modifications . He lined the bottom In subsequent rounds, the spriggan
anyone standing within 2' of the center uses shatter and affect normal fires
of the weight with several sharpened of the wire.
bones, on which he gnawed to coat with spells if such would be useful . Other-
The trap may be detected by a thief wise, he fires his crossbow until he runs
his own deadly venom. Finally, he con- who is deliberately searching for traps
vinced the giant spider to cover the out of quarrels . At that point, he leaps
in the area, but a -40 penalty is ap-
weight with its sticky webs so that the to the ground and assumes giant form,
plied to his percent chance to detect it engaging PC survivors in melee . The
victim could be reeled in for the kill. (the trap is outdoors and is not the sort ettercap, once he has pulled up any
Later, they constructed a second dead- that thieves are skilled at finding). It
fall just beyond the first to increase the trapped PCs, climbs down and assists
may also be found by a priest's detect
chances of success . the spider in fighting on the ground .
snares & pits or find traps spell, or by
The trap worked like a charm and He, too, uses extreme caution to avoid
magical devices that locate traps of this
soon claimed its first victim, a human tripping the second deadfall .
sort. In any event, the chances that
thiefwho had fled into the woods to Snarrak (spriggan): Int average; AL
anyone in the group will be searching
avoid apprehension by the authorities . CE; AC 3 (5) ; MV 9 (15); HD 4 (8 +4) ; hp
for the trap is virtually nil under nor-
Snarrak agreed to give the spider and 24 (48); THACO 17 (11); NAT 2; Dmg by
mal circumstances .
ettercap first choice of cuts of meat if he weapon type (by weapon type +7); SA
Should the party manage to avoid the
could have the victim's valuables . Not spells, thief abilities ; SD assume giant
trap, Snarrak and his partners attack if
having any use for treasure, the etter- size (see statistics in parentheses) ; SZ S
they outnumber the PCs . Otherwise,
cap agreed. (L) ; ML 15 ; XP 1,400 ; MM2 . Snarrak is
they fight only in self-defense, prefer-
Thus, the three sinister beings forged armed with a light crossbow and a
ring to wait for something else to spring
a profitable alliance . To Snarrak, it is broad sword. He wears a ring of feather
the trap.
heaven on earth. He is now able to falling on his right hand and carries a
Those characters unfortunate enough
spend his time doing the things he loves quiver containing six crossbow bolts at
to be hit with the weight take 1d8 + 10 his left side.
most: sleeping and brooding over his hp damage . Furthermore, each victim
treasure . The trap provides him with a Ettercap : Int low ; AL NE; AC 6; MV
must make a saving throw vs. the poi- 12; HD 5; hp 29; THACO 15; NAT 3;
decent meal each day and an occasional son that coats the sharp bones protrud-
piece of treasure with a minimal Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-8 ; SA poison ; SZ M; ML
ing from the weight . Failure to save
amount of work on his part. Sure, the 13; XP 975 ; MC.
results in death in 1-4 turns . Giant spider : Int low ; AL CE; AC 4;
ettercap gets on his nerves from time to Next, a dexterity check on 4d6 must MV 3, web 12; HD 4 +4; hp 24; THACO
time, and the language barrier makes be made to avoid being stuck in the 15; NAT 1; Dmg 1-8 ; SA poison ; SZ L;
trying to communicate with him diffi- webs that cover the weight. Those who ML 13; XP 650 ; MC (spider).
cult ("Why can't that stupid spider- fail this check can break free from the
lover learn the Common tongue?") . webs in one round for every point of
Nevertheless, it's a small price to pay The Lairs
strength less than 19. Those who make
for such a carefree lifestyle . The odd allies live in treehouses built
successful checks are still stuck but can
Despite Snarrak's annoying laziness, break free in half as much time. PCs on wooden platforms held together by
rank body odor, and exceptionally loud with 19 or higher strength scores are the ettercap's own silky strands and
snoring, the ettercap values the alliance small bits of spider web. Each of the
unaffected by the sticky webs.
in turn. The spriggan knows a great partners has a small treehouse made of
When the trap is sprung, the ettercap
deal more about certain intelligent pulls the weight up (along with any wood, mud, and webs to provide shelter
races, such as gnomes and humans, stuck PCs) at a rate of 5' per round. He from the elements . The ettercap's home
than does the ettercap. Furthermore, can pull up any creature weighing less is a cramped structure measuring only
Snarrak's strength allows him to lift than 180 lbs. without assistance from 4' wide, 5' long, and 5' high. A pile of
larger prey than the ettercap can move. the spriggan. Meanwhile, Snarrak, who leaves, upon which the ettercap sleeps,
Of course, the ettercap isn't foolish begins the adventure in his tree in covers the floor of the dwelling. Several
enough to trust the spriggan completely. small form, scares any PCs who are not old bones and animal parts have been
Each night, he and the spider take shoved into the corners, giving the place
trapped, then fires at them with his
turns keeping watch in case the sprig- the putrid stench of decaying flesh.
light crossbow in the next round.
gan should decide to try something The giant spider, who has been wait- Continued on page 54

Craig tells us: "This project was the
proverbial meeting ofgenius with ge-
nius, which at times can be explosive.
Since I was neither of the geniuses in
question, it was interesting to watch Kit
argue with himself. In spite of all that,
the adventure did manage to get com-
pleted anyway."
Kit claims to be a refugee from the
Twilight Zone whose current mailing
address is in the Colorado mountains .
While not as volatile as his more apoca-
lyptic friends, he approves of the stock-
piling of rare vintages and imported
mythologies . His ranch is a mobile dan-
ger zone inhabited by three malevolent
but lovable dog-wolfhybrids. This
makes the conducting of an AD&D
game at his residence interesting, to say
the least.

"The Curse and the Quest" is an

AD&D adventure for 4-6 characters of
4th to 8th level (about 30 total levels) .
The party must include at least one
player character who is a cleric with
healing spells (and preferably healing
potions), and a mage of at least 6th level
(the read magic spell is vital). The party

should be capable ofrapid overland
movement. It will be convenient if the
party includes sufficient henchmen or
followers to bring the total up to eight
members . A ranger or a druid would be

This adventure takes place on the
western slope of a high mountain range,
within one day's march of Mount Yv-
vivor and the Vale of Yvvivor. The

weather is generally mild, but chilly at
night due to the altitude. The Dungeon
Master should limit cloud cover, since
it's important for the PCs to be able to
accurately determine the phase of the
moon. Three days after the night the
adventure begins, the moon will be full;
ifthe PCs have not completed the ad-
venture within two days after that, they

A cursed book leads you

have virtually no chance of survival .
In locating this adventure in his own
campaign, the DM should keep in mind

on a quest you can't that the Vale of Yvvivor is not isolated,

but it is wild, remote, and nearly
forgotten .
ignore . One final warning: This adventure is
not for players who are easily distracted
Artwork by Stephen F. Schwartz or who have difficulty keeping their
attention centered on their goal.

For the Dungeon Master before opening the book and explaining
A little off the road to the east is a that Agrackan has written explosive
Mt. Yvvivor, in the Vale of Yvvivor, is small deserted glen sheltered by runes in the inside back cover of the
one of those rare places where the chan- trees and bushes, with a brook run- book. These runes "wander" through
nels of power from many worlds inter- ning nearby. This appears to be a the book at random each time the book
sect. At midnight on the five primary perfect camp site, protected by na- is closed, and there is a 10% chance that
days of a full moon, a Focus of these ture against casual observation. the runes will be present in any particu-
powers is formed, and the very essence lar spell being read, even if that spell
of magic is called forth. During these If the PCs enter the glen, read the has been read before without harm.
five days it is possible to create magical following to the players : Obviously, since neither the book nor its
items of enormous power, with compara- pages can be damaged, the explosion of
tively little difficulty (see "The Blank Beside the stream, you find what the runes will not harm the book in any
Page" for details) . However, the effects looks like a human skeleton, badly way. The runes can explode only three
of the Focus make the casting of magic dismembered and several weeks old. times per day.
spells difficult (see "Magical Effects of The clothes are in shreds, but not far Written in the book in magical script
the Focus" for details). from the skeleton is a half-hidden are the following spells, each in Agrack-
Specific descriptions of the Focus and leather satchel . In the dim light, a an's handwriting : hold portal, contact
the magical route used to reach it are scatter of silvery coins is visible, and other plane, conjure elemental, trap the
given in the sections titled "The Blank the remnants of a war hammer that soul, Serten's spell immunity, chain
Page ;" "The Swamp and the Island," looks as though lightning had struck
and "The Focus ." it several times. lightning, enchant an item, gate, reincar-
nate, speak with dead (a wizard version
So difficult and dangerous is the Fo- of the 3rd-level priest spell), binding,
cus to use, however, that only a few
The Book demand, group succor (a wizard version
magical items have ever been completed of the 7th-level priest spell ; this spell
there. The most powerful ofthese-and Inside and scattered around the satchel operates for anyone touching the wizard
the most deadly-is the Book of Blood are 30 silver coins, and in the satchel is at the time it is activated), shape
created by the 28th-level mage a large book. If any of the PCs touch the change, fly, water breathing, enchanted
Agrackan Akarias and cursed by the book, the party members feel a chill as weapon, dispel magic, Rary's mnemonic
30th-level mage Dylihos of Djerdan (in if a cold breeze had suddenly blown over enhancer, pass wall.
revenge for Agrackan's betrayal of him). them. The spell on the last page, however, is
As a result of Dylihos' curse, the Book The book is Agrackan's Book of Blood. not in Agrackan's handwriting . The
of Blood brings doom to all who touch it, Embossed on its cover is a silver circle
and only when the book is destroyed in curse of the shimmering wrath (see side-
containing a bastard sword pointed bar) wrote itself into the book as a con-
the Focus itself will the doom be ended. upright . The name Agrackan is written sequence of Dylihos's dying curse. This
Fearful hands have carried the book in goldjust above the circle . The book spell was pronounced by Dylihos after
toward its final destruction for decades, has a strange musty smell ; any fighter
in a grim kind of relay race. Now, the Agrackan captured and tortured him to
will associate the smell with that of make him reveal all his magical knowl-
end ofthat race is almost in sight, for rotting flesh. Anyone who touches the
the last possessor of the book managed edge, and is Dylihos's revenge against
book with hand or glove or gauntlet, anyone who uses the book in which that
to carry it within a day's march of Yv- and any companion within 20 paces of stolen knowledge is recorded . This spell
vivor before he was killed. them at that moment, receives the curse is possible (for mortals) only as a death
of the shimmering wrath (see sidebar).
For the Player Characters curse by a 25th-level or higher mage,
If anyone opens the book without first for it concentrates all the wizard's magi-
speaking the name of Agrackan, the
Read or paraphrase the following to the cal power and all of his life-force into
players : spell written on the inside front cover of this single act. The spell also requires
the book is immediately activated (vam- augmentation by a source of great magi-
It is late in the evening, the end of a piric touch, cast at 4th level, for 2-12 hp cal power, such as a Focus.
long day's travel . Despite tales of damage). This spell will operate when- In the very center of the book is one
marauding bandits heard at the last ever the book is improperly opened . page, both sides of which are apparently
town, three days behind you, none Because the book was created at the blank, that will not respond to any read
have been encountered so far in your Focus, it can be destroyed only in the magic spell.
journey. The heavy forest has proved manner described in "The Dream" and Each page of the book is a permanent
free of dangerous monsters. The one cannot be damaged in any other way. scroll of magic (usable once each day
major disappointment is the road Thus, attempts to tear a page (no mat- and each day renewing itself), and usa-
itself, called a highway by the towns- ter how much strength is employed) or ble without risk of spell failure (see the
people but really little more than a to burn any part ofthe book (even with AD&D 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's
mountain track. Even so, you have magical fire) will fail. Guide, page 145). This is, after all, effec-
learned from the occasional traveling A warning is written on the first page tively an artifact and not a scroll .
merchant that another town (offering of the book, in the margin, in non- All spells are written at the 28th-level
little better hospitality than the last) magical script and in a handwriting except the curse of the shimmering
is three days' march ahead of you. different from Agrackan's. The warning wrath.
tells of the need to say Agrackan's name

The Dream
"Hear now the voice of Lamnian, it by working in conjunction with his
The DM may describe a general mood of who in his foolishness came to lay associate, Agrackan Akarias, and he
foreboding that envelops the glen as the hands on the Book of Blood and was thought they were agreed that it
PCs settle down for the night. At mid- doomed . should be defended against unwise
night, all party members (awake or use . But Dylihos's reckoning was
"Dylihos of Djerdan it was who
asleep) have the same dreamlike vision : created the curse of the shimmering flawed, for he did not understand the
wrath to defend the Focus of Ery- ambitions of Agrackan.
You see the sword on the book's cover "Agrackan drugged Dylihos in an
rise up in midair and swell to full hil'n, where magic creation is dan-
gerously simplified . He had unguarded moment and took Dylihos
size . A voice emanates from the
discovered the Focus and how to use to the distant citadel of Geryzag,
sword: Agrackan's own lair. There, by tor-
ture, he drew from Dylihos each of
his powerful secrets in turn . Then
Agrackan set about to capture his
Shimmering Wrath rival's very power. From Dylihos's
CLIMATE/TERRAIN : Any body would be constructed the terri-
FREQUENCY: Summoned only by the curse ble Book of Blood: His skin would
ORGANIZATION : Special serve for binding; the crushed pow-
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any der of his bones would make the
DIET : Nil stark-white pages; from his blood
INTELLIGENCE : Non would be made the ink. Thus, the
TREASURE : Nil essence of his magic would be bound
ALIGNMENT: Neutral into the book . This done, Agrackan
NO . APPEARING: 1 the first day, 2 the second day, 4 the third day, 16 the fourth planned to return to the Focus and
day, 256 the fifth day; on the sixth and later days, the attacks are nonstop there enchant each page of the book
ARMOR CLASS: 4 as a permanent scroll of magic (to
MOVEMENT : 12 use once each day and each day re-
HIT DICE : 4 new itself).
THACO: 14 "But Dylihos was not yet dead, and
NO . OF ATTACKS: 1 Agrackan in his arrogance boasted of
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 (electric shock) his intentions once too often. With
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Shadow chills for 1-4 his dying breath, Dylihos summoned
SPECIAL DEFENSES : Unaffected by cold, electricity, clerical turning, dispel all his mystic strength and pro-
magic nounced the curse of the shimmering
MAGIC RESISTANCE : Nil wrath (which he had already pre-
SIZE : M pared to guard the Focus itself), that
MORALE : Special no being should ever touch the Book
XP VALUE: 175 of Blood and live .
"Agrackan knew it not. He slew
These entities are combined nonliving energies created from the Negative Mate- Dylihos and completed the book at
rial plane and the elemental plane of Lightning. Resembling shadows filled with the Focus as he had planned. But the
shimmering points of light, they often go unnoticed until they coalesce into man- planar gates had opened . At noon of
size but. irregular forms just before attacking the victims specified by the curse of the day after the book was com-
the shimmering wrath of Dylihos. pleted, the first of the mindless entit-
The wraths attack by touch, with a maximum of three wraths attacking a size- ies, a shimmering wrath, appeared
Mcreature at a time, each dealing 1-6 hp electrical damage regardless of armor or and attacked Agrackan . Agrackan
clothing . Normal weapons can hit a wrath, and every hit point of damage a wrath destroyed it by his magic. Though he
inflicts lowers its own hit points by the same number until the wrath is dissi- then searched for some clue to the
pated. In addition, using a metallic weapon to touch or strike a wrath causes 1-6 strange creature's origin, he found
hp damage per touch to the attacker. none .
If enough light (the equivalent of full daylight) exists for a wrath to cast a "On the second day, at noon, two
shadow, anyone who is touched by the shadow of a wrath suffers 1-4 hp damage wraths arrived and were destroyed
due to cold, regardless of armor or clothing . The wraths are unaffected by cold or as the first had been. On the third
electrical attacks and cannot be turned (as undead), nor will a dispel magic spell day, four came . On the fourth day,
eliminate them . When confronted with protective spells and wards such as shield, sixteen.
protection from evil, wall of force, wall of iron, etc., or with physical barriers, the "Desperate, then, Agrackan cast
wraths simply become ethereal until the barrier is penetrated (movement at half about for the source of the wraths'
speed) or circumvented, then coalesce into man form and attack once more . summoning and discovered that it
Wraths are nonintelligent, and their only tactic is to embrace their targets. The was the Book of Blood itselfl He thus
wraths continue to appear on schedule, pursuing their victims anywhere through learned of the doom Dylihos had
the material planes until the victims are destroyed. prepared for him. Before the power of

42 Issue No . 26

the front cover of the Book of Blood. The random encounters during the march
that doom, Agrackan was helpless, "miniature platinum sword with a grip through the forest . If an encounter is
for on the fifth day, 256 wraths came. and pommel of copper and zinc" (2nd indicated, roll 1d10 and see the Forest
He did not see the sixth day. Edition Player's Handbook, page 185) Random Encounters table.
"A thieftook the book from aban- has been implanted into the medallion
doned Geryzag, whence Agrackan's itself; A mage need only hold the book 2. The Plateau's Edge. When the
fear-stricken servants had already or the medallion to operate the sword. PCs come to the end of the game trail,
fled. Since that day, any who have The medallion/sword has no charges as they find themselves at the edge of a
touched the book have suffered such but can be used as a sword only long drop-off to the valley below .
Agrackan's fate. once per day (duration 22 rounds, basic
"Yet there is hope, for I have dis- chance to hit at 11th level; Lamnian The game trail ends at the edge of a
cerned the end of the curse and I was a 22nd-level mage). plateau. The forest has thinned here,
place this quest upon you: Go to the As a guide, the sword points out the and you can see some distance ahead .
Vale of Yvvivor, below the crest of most direct route to the Focus (without Below you is a small river valley, and
Mount Yvvivor, within two nights regard to intervening obstacles) and can across it is a high mountain that
before or after the full moon. There be used as often as desired, though this rises steeply. You can see that the
find the Focus of Eryhil'n. Once you attribute of the medallion will disap- western slope of that mountain is
have reached that place, lay the book pear once the book is destroyed . The guarded by sheer cliffs that appear
within the Focus and pronounce DM should keep track ofthe party's dangerous, perhaps impassable, from
backward the name of the man who location relative to the Focus for this this distance. To the south the moun-
made it: Agrackan's it is; Nakcarga's purpose . (The Focus is in the hex tain extends out of sight, but to the
it shall not be! In that moment the marked "8" on the area map.) north it appears to curve away from
book shall be destroyed, and the you, as though opening a gap or pass
curse shall be removed from you and The Journey to the Focus on that side.
placed within the Focus, so that The descent from the plateau is
anyone who comes to the Focus after 1. The Game Trail . Ifthe PCs choose marred by jumbles of rocks (some of
you will suffer the curse . to ignore Lamnian's warning and do not which are boulder sized) and patches
"Pray, when you hear these words, follow the quest (a saving throw should of loose gravel interspersed with
that the Vale is close and the full be allowed, as per the PH, page 224), heavy brush. The only good descent
moon is at hand-as it was not for the DM is free to destroy them at his appears to be a continuation of the
me. Pray that those who have borne leisure . The shimmering wrath should game trail.
this curse and this quest before you be ideal for the purpose . One hundred yards to your right,
have carried the book within reach of At dawn, the sword points the PCs several boulders sheltered by trees
your goal at a time propitious for eastward through the forest . A short offer what appears to be a good camp-
your survival. distance from the glen, a game trail site for the night. A sentry on the
"This much aid I can give you: leads in the right direction . This part of boulders will be able to see above the
Ask, `Where is the Focus?' and the the forest is thickly overgrown, and trees and across the valley.
Sword ofLamnian will point your mounted travel through it is impossible.
way. If mage you be, know that the Even on the game trail, the intertwin- The mountain across the valley is Mt.
sword is part of a medallion set upon ing branches makes mounted travel Yvvivor, part of a rugged mountain
the cover of the book and bears the awkward at best (for movement rates range. Since the march through the
permanent enchantment ofMorden- see the DMG, pages 124-5 .) Ifthe PCs thick forest will have been tiring, it is
kainen's sword . Remove it before you keep to the game trail, they should be probable that the PCs will reach this
destroy the book and it shall be your able reach the edge of the plateau (area point around dusk and will decide to
reward, if life is not enough. 2) before they must next make camp . camp. If they look across the valley
"When you round the tip of Mt. The first shimmering wrath appears during the night, the PCs will be able to
Yvvivor and the ruins on its flank without warning 1-4 hours after noon see lights flickering along the western
are in sight, read the blank page in on this day. The wrath attacks the ramparts of Mt. Yvvivor, as though
the center ofthe book and follow the cursed party member who is farthest sentries or patrols were making their
instructions thereon . from the main body ofthe party (DM's rounds by torch-or lantern-light .
"Go! Delay not! And may the gods discretion) . A scout, for example, should
be your friends ." be attacked before someone in the main 3. The River. Ifthe PCs descend from
group. If the party has kept together, the plateau by the game trail, it takes
The sword goes back to the cover of anyone on the outer fringe ofthe group two hours to reach the valley floor, and
the book, and the vision ends. All the may be attacked first . If anyone has left the PCs must lead their mounts . How-
PCs sleep soundly until dawn. the party in order to avoid the curse, ever, ifthe PCs decide not to use the
the defector should be attacked first . game trail, the time taken for the de-
The Sword ofLamnian This procedure should be followed on all scent triples . In this case, for every 10
succeeding days, with the number of minutes off the trail, each member of
As previously described, Lamnian put a wraths increasing each day as specified. the party (including animals) must
permanent enchantment ofMorden- Consult the chart on page 101 of the make a dexterity check on 1d20. Any-
kainen's sword into a medallion and DMG to determine ifthe PCs have one who fails a check takes 1-6 hp fall-
magically placed the medallion upon


ing damage. If any animal's cumulative sels at the watering hole. If the PCs consult the Sword of Lam-
damage during this descent comes to Giant weasels (3): Int animal; AL N; nian for directions, they travel due east
more than 25% of its total, the animal AC 6; MV 15 ; HD 3+3 ; hp 21, 18, 15; from this point, through light forest . If
has broken a leg and (in lieu of a cure THACO 17; #AT 1 ; Dmg 2-12; SA drain they move rapidly, in 90 minutes they
spell) must be abandoned . Good PCs blood (on melee round after successful reach a road. Although very old and
will put a gravely injured animal out of bite, for 2-12 hp damage per melee long neglected, the road is usable .
its misery. Thirty minutes after com- round); SZ M; ML 10; XP 175 ; MC. Tracks indicate that heavy and light
pleting the descent, the PCs should These weasels are very hungry and wagons have passed this way since the
reach the river. immediately attack the first party mem- last rain, with at least 50 persons in the
ber who appears . Since weasel pelts sell northbound party.
The valley floor is covered by a mod- for 1,000-6,000 gp, the PCs may want to
erate forest that presents little ob- recover the pelt if they make a kill
struction between you and the river. 4. The Monument. A dozen yards
(DM's discretion for how long that will into the trees on the east side of the old
There is plenty ofcover along the take). road is an old black obelisk, sufficiently
game trail, however, and only a rela- Just a few yards north of the watering hidden by foliage so that it is difficult to
tively short distance between the hole is a convenient ford. The water see from the road. The inscriptions are
slope and the river. comes up to a human's knees, and intelligible to any PC who reads dwar-
Where the game trail meets the mounts can be led across without haz- ven script .
river, there appears to be a watering ard . Because of the slippery rocks on the
place where boulders give both cover river bottom, anyone who attempts to On the western side of the obelisk,
and observation perches . Tracks in ride across the ford has a 50% chance of the inscription reads : "To the greater
the mud of the riverbank show that glory of King Raphgadarn, son of
being thrown when his mount slips.
many animals have used this water- On the east side of the river, tracks Perimond Mountainbreaker, lord of
ing place. The water is fresh and show that a mounted party has been the Dwarves of Yvvivor. Any who
cold, but along this flank of Mt. Yv- here recently ; any ranger or druid can come to his palace on the crown of
vivor the river has a wide channel tell that last night a party of men came Mount Yvvivor will overlook great
and is neither deep nor swift. to the ford but did not cross. From the magic!"
tracks, the party numbered six. One On the south side of the obelisk,
If the PCs take the game trail to the person, who wore military-style boots, the inscription reads : "These
river, they encounter three giant wea- dismounted. Dwarves of Clan Yvvivor died while

year, an expedition was organized by ist, who used the hidden monsters of the
bearing the gifts of the gods- Duke Karl, to be led by himself since he ranger's own subconscious to torment
weapons and armor kissed by the fire trusted no one else to discover and re- him until his mind and body rebelled
of Yvvivor Vale-to their brothers-in- turn with powerful magical devices. But from the horror.) Even if the PCs are
arms in the war against the drow Mt . Yvvivor is marked on few maps, able and willing to cure him, Landris is
and the red dragons. Remember their and Nagathorn's memory had crucial unable to tell them much more than
names." There follows a list of over gaps . It wasn't until two weeks ago that before and is unwilling to accompany
70 names. Duke Karl's expedition came up the old them or aid them materially.
On the north side of the obelisk is a road to Yvvivor. When Landris senses the PCs are
stylized picture-map, showing Mount Eager to find magical treasures, Duke satisfied-or when he deteriorates into
Yvvivor and the Vale of Yvvivor. The Karl made a pretense of scouring the pure shivering fear (after 2-8 turns of
shape of Yvvivor is distinctive, indi- area for possible defenders, missed the rough interrogation if the PCs are
cating the viewpoint of someone obelisk entirely, and finally set up camp harsh with him)-he starts whimpering,
standing north of the mountain . The at the site of Raphgadarn's ruined cas- ". . . let him go now . . . let him go
route north around the tip of Mount tle, on the crown of Yvvivor (area 7 on now . . :'If the PCs give him a chance,
Yvvivor into the Vale of Yvvivor is the map). Duke Karl's patrols did, how- Landris breaks free from them and bolts
clearly displayed in the picture. The ever, manage through sheer luck to lay due east toward the thick forest at Yv-
picture also shows a castle high on hands on Landris. He was brought to vivor's base . He will not accompany
the eastern side of the mountain, and the duke and severely questioned before them willingly.
a templelike structure behind it . he was dismissed as a crazy old man There is a 25% chance that the PCs
On the east side of the obelisk, the who knew nothing. When Landris es- will be discovered by one of the duke's
inscription is much cruder than those caped, it wasn't thought important to go mounted patrols (check every sixth
on the other three sides, as though after him. turn). The patrol is making a slow
the hand that wrote this was less Now, Landris has found the PCs. He sweep of the old road west of Yvvivor. If
skilled and used poorer tools: "We is frightened of them though intrigued no encounter occurs, the patrol passes
sinned and paid the price for our by their presence . But his nerves give on, going north along the road . The
sins . Clan Yvvivor is ended. Take way and he attempts to run north and a patrol consists of one officer and five
warning and beware the Vale of little east, to lose himself in the thick troopers, all mounted.
Yvvivor. By the hand of Deghnaror, forest at Yvvivor's base . If the PCs at- The officer has received explicit in-
son of Raphgadarn :' tempt to capture Landris, the DM structions from the duke : Any intruders
should have the old ranger lead them a in the area are to be taken prisoner, or
When the PCs have finished examining merry chase. destroyed if they resist . If the PCs are
the obelisk, they hear a rustling among If the PCs capture Landris and are captured, they are taken directly to the
the trees. If they investigate, they see harsh in interrogating him, all they'll duke's camp (area 7), where the duke
the figure of a man scurrying away. get is confused babble : interrogates them at once .
Landris Slackmind: AL CG; AC 10 ; Officer: AL LN ; AC 6; MV 12 ; F3 ; hp
MV 12 ; R10; hp 68 ; THACO 11 ; NAT 3/2; " . . . don't want me no more . . . no 16 ; THACO 18 ; NAT 1 ; Dmg by weapon
Dmg by weapon type ; S 11(13), D 12 use . . . Duke don't want me . . . type ; ML 12 ; XP 65 ; ring mail, lance,
(15), C 16, 15 (10), W 15 (14), Ch 4 (9); Damn his magic eyes! . . . gimme a short sword, dagger, shield, treasure
ML 7. drink o' ale . . . Water! Cold river type M.
The statistics in parentheses are for water! . . . tell the Duke I won't tell Troopers (5): AL N; AC 7; MV 12 ; Fl ;
Landris in his prime-but he's no longer the Duke I won't tell . . . fools climb hp 5-8; THACO 20; NAT 1 ; Dmg by
the man he was, having been badly mountains . . . fools climb mountains weapon type; ML 12 ; XP 15 ; leather
injured by a mage long ago. He has the . . . Curse the mages! Curse all armor, lances, short swords, daggers,
appearance of a very old man with ugly magic!" shields, treasure type K.
facial scars. However, he's still tough. Horses, medium (6): Int animal ; AL
Events of recent days have brought If the PCs are gentle with Landris and N; AC 7; MV 18 ; HD 2+2; THACO 19 ;
forward memories of the past, and he's coax him, particularly if they have good NAT 3; Ding 1-6/1-6; SZ L; ML 7; XP 65 ;
badly disoriented and frightened . wine to share, in 1-4 turns he calms MC .
Some weeks ago, a newcomer, Duke down and is willing to talk . He doesn't If the PCs have successfully interro-
Karl of Charthur, invaded the area of have much to tell them about the Focus gated Landris or capture and interro-
Mt . Yvvivor. An arrogant, greedy man (except some babbling about "magic in gate one of the patrol, they learn that
with dreams of empire, the duke the vale . . . magic in the vale . . . don't the only good way to enter the Vale of
chanced upon word of a very old dwarf go there"), but he tells them everything Yvvivor is to go north around the tip of
named Nagathorn who was drinking in he knows about the duke . (At the DM's the mountain . If they decide to go north,
the taverns of Charthur and boasting of discretion, Landris may tell the PCs see "The Way North:" If not, the Sword
great magical power once possessed by a everything said about the duke in this ofLamnian continues to point to the
lost dwarven clan . The duke had Na- section.) east.
gathorn brought to the palace and ques- Due to magical torture that Landris
tioned, and became convinced that at underwent years ago, only a limited 5. The Western Cliffs . If the PCs
least a portion of what Nagathorn said wish spell will cure him. (Landris suf- decide to go due east, it takes them at
about Clan Yvvivor was true . Late last fered at the hands of a master illusion- least three hours of marching through

Forest Random Encounters PCs have no chance to find . cumulative) of detecting the bug-
4 . Wild boars (1-12): Int semi ; AL N ; bears before being detected . If the
1 . Ankheg (1-6) : Int non ; AL N ; AC AC 7 ; MV 15 ; HD 3+3 ; THACO 17 ; PCs detect the bugbears first, the
overall 2, underside 4 ; MV 12, bur- #AT 1 ; Dmg 3-12 (3d4); SZ S (3' at adventurers can attempt to circle
row 6 ; HD 1d6+2 ; THACO 16-12 ; shoulder); ML 10 ; XP 175 ; MC . Only around the monsters and avoid the
#AT 1 ; Dmg 3-18 (crush) plus 1-4 one boar is male (hp 25), but he's in encounter (with a chance to get lost,
(acid) ; SA squirt acid ; SZ L-H ; ML a foul temper and attacks the PCs as for giant ants), or they can at-
9 ; XP 175-1,400 ; MC . The ankhegs immediately. tempt to ambush the bugbears . If
attempt to ambush the PCs from 5 . Hill giants (1-3): Int low ; AL CE : the PCs destroy the bugbears, roll
1d6+4 feet underground, rising up AC 3 (5) ; MV 12 ; HD 12 + 1-2 ; for treasure types J, K, L, and M .
after the PCs have passed to attack THACO 9 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-6 or by 8 . Stag beetles (2-12) : Int non; AL N ;
from behind . If a ranger or druid is weapon type (2-12 + 7) ; SA hurling AC 3 ; MV 6 ; HD 7 ; THACO 13 ; #AT
present with the party, make a rocks for 2-16 hp ; SZ H ; ML 14 ; XP 3 ; Dmg 4-16/1-10/1-10 ; SZ L ; ML 13 ;
wisdom check (+ 1 to wisdom per 3,000 ; MC . These well-fed adult hill XP 975 ; MC . These beetles are
each five levels of the character) to giants are in an unusually good looking for food and attack the PCs
determine if the ranger or druid mood . If the PCs appear tired or immediately. The PCs have a 25%
detects the ankhegs during the wounded or are outnumbered, the chance (+5% per level of any
approach to the ambush . The PC giants attack the party immediately. ranger or druid, cumulative) of
group has a 10% chance (+5% per Otherwise, they demand a toll of 2 detecting the attack 1-6 rounds
level of all rangers and druids gp per party member before letting before the beetles arrive .
present, cumulative) of finding the adventurers pass ; they will 9. Pixies (5d4) : Int exceptional ; AL N ;
traces that lead to the ankhegs' accept 1 gp per person member. If AC 5 ; MV 6, fly 12 (B) ; HD 1/2 ;
lair, one mile south of the ambush . the party gives them less (or noth- THACO 20 (16) ; #AT 1 ; Dmg by
The lair contains type C treasure . ing), the giants turn sullen and weapon type ; SA spell arrows,
2 . Giant ants (5d10 + 10) : Int animal ; follow the party for 1-4 hours, hop- cause confusion by touch ; SD invisi-
AL N ; AC 3 ; MV 18 ; HD 2 (workers, ing to find a convenient chance to bility, spells ; MR 25% ; SZ S ; ML 11 ;
90%) or 3 (warriors, 10%) ; THACO attack without suffering harm them- XP 270 ; MC . Naturally invisible
16 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-6 (workers), 2-8 selves . The giants carry no treasure . (becoming visible at will), the pixies
(warriors) ; SA warriors have poison 6 . Giant spiders (1d4 +2): Int low; carry dagger-sized swords and fine
sting ; SZ T; ML 9 ; XP 35 (worker), AL CE ; AC 4 ; MV 3, web 12 ; HD bows with arrows +4 . The pixies
175 (warrior); MC . The PCs encoun- 4+4 ; THACO 17 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-8 ; dislike humans, having been
ter a column of ants that are in the SA bitten victims save vs. poison or abused by them in the past. If even
process of dismembering a dead die ; SZ L (12' diameter) ; ML 13 ; XP one of the PCs is a human, the
peryton and carting the pieces away 650 ; MC ; treasure type C . This pixies will try to hasten the party
toward their lair. The column blocks encounter occurs only while the out of their territory, shepherding
the PCs' line of march ; if the PCs party is moving ; otherwise treat as them for 1-6 hours, helping them if
attempt to fight their way through, "no encounter." The spiders lurk something delays them, and harass-
the ants attack them . Otherwise, above the game trail, hidden in the ing them if they attempt to stop .
the ants ignore them . If the PCs intertwining branches . They drop 10. Wild cattle (5d10+20) : Int semi ; AL
attempt to follow the column to the down and attack the last person in N ; AC 7 ; MV 15 ; HD 1-4 ; THACO
ants' lair, after one hour the ants line, hoping to carry the body off 16 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-4 ; SA stampede ;
lead them south into dense under- before the other adventurers re- SZ L ; ML 4 ; XP 15-120 ; MC . Some-
brush through which the PCs cannot spond. If this fails, the spiders flee thing has spooked this small herd,
follow . If the PC group attempts to from a counterattack. The spiders' and it's stampeding along the game
circle north around the dead mon- lairs are high in the trees, and the trail toward the PCs. On a 1-3 on
ster, to regain its line of march, it sticky webs guarding them fes- 1d6, the herd is approaching the
has a 15% chance of getting lost for tooned with the bones of the spi- PCs from behind; on a 4-6 on 1d6, it
1d10+2 turns (-1%/level of all ders' victims . The spiders will is approaching from the PCs' front.
rangers and druids with the party, defend their lairs desperately. The sound of the stampede is muf-
cumulative), after which it regains 7 . Bugbears (2d6 +4): Int low to fled by the forest, but the PCs have
its line of march . average; AL CE ; AC 5 (10) ; MV 9 ; a 50% chance to detect the stampede
3 . Harpies (1d4 + 1): Int low; AL CE ; HD 3 + 1 ; THACO 17 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-3 rounds before it arrives . Any PC
AC 7 ; MV 6, fly 15 (C); HD 7 ; 2-8 (2d4) or by weapon type ; SA caught without cover when the
THACO 13 ; #AT 3 ; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6 surprise, +2 to damage ; SZ L ; ML stampede arrives has a 50% chance
or 1-3/1-3/weapon; SA singing and 12 ; XP 120 ; MC . These bugbears (minus twice his dexterity) of being
charm; SZ M ; ML 14 ; XP 1,400 ; MC . are in the process of butchering a trampled ; roll 2d4 for any PC tram-
The harpies attempt to charm and pair of wild cattle when the PCs pled to determine how many cattle
lure to their deaths as many party find them . The PCs have a 30% trample him (for 1-4 hp damage per
members as possible . The harpies chance (+5% per level of any animal) .
are far from their lair, which the ranger or druid with the party,

46 Issue No . 26

heavy forest to reach the base of the exactly when that is), roll for encounter- turned to Yvvivor and inscribed the
cliffs that are Yvvivor's western ram- ing the second patrol that the duke fourth side of the obelisk, and Na-
parts. This section of Yvvivor has not keeps in the area . Use the same statis- gathorn, an emissary to Raphgadarn's
been investigated by the duke because tics and encounter chances as for the human customers. Nagathorn is Duke
it's infested by several small ogre clans, earlier patrol . Karl's prisoner (see area 7) .
and there's a 20% chance that the PCs Elamurix keeps secret the fact that he
will encounter an ogre clan when they 6. The Half-Elf. When the PCs make met Deghnaror by chance . Over a per-
reach the base of the cliffs . This chance their next night's camp, they encounter iod of years, he made a point of becom-
increases by 5% for every hour the PCs the half-elf mage/thief Elamurix . ing the dwarf's "friend" and slowly
remain at Yvvivor's base . Shortly before dark, Elamurix ap- drew the story of Yvvivor out of him.
Ogres (2d6+6): Int low; AL CE ; AC 5; proaches the PCs' camp, giving plenty Elamurix intended to bring Deghnaror
MV 9; HD 4 + 1 ; THACO 17 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg of warning of his approach. Keeping to to Yvvivor, to help in ferreting out the
1-10 or by weapon type ; SA +2 to dam- half-truths so that a detect truth spell secrets of the Focus. But Deghnaror was
age; SZ L ; ML 12 ; XP 175 (leader 420, won't catch him in an open lie, he elderly and in poor health. He died
chieftain 650); MC . claims to be exactly what he is, a before the journey could begin, but not
The ogres appreciate the danger of the treasure-hunter come to find the last before telling Elamurix that three
duke's forces and make a point of stay- stronghold of Clan Yvvivor, which he's dwarven weaponsmiths were trapped at
ing out of his way. If the PCs encounter learned about through ancient writings the Focus when the disaster occurred,
them, the ogres attack merely to drive (a half-truth) . He offers to accompany and that one of the weaponsmiths car-
the PCs back and stop once the PCs the PCs, to give them the benefit of his ried a marvelous magical item that may
begin to retreat. With the constant knowledge and his skill, and to split yet survive . This item is what Elamurix
danger of the duke's men, the ogre's any proceeds with them (true- wants for himself (see "The Three
don't want to make anyone too angry. providing he gets what he wants) . Dwarves").
If the PCs decide to climb Mt. Yvvivor, He won't tell the PCs he's been watch- Elamurix therefore came to Yvvivor
it will take them 2-12 hours to discover ing them through a crystal ball for two alone. In the course of the journey, he
that the cliffs really are impassable. days, and he certainly won't voluntarily happened to meet one of the bearers of
touch the Book of Blood under any cir- the Book of Blood (but avoided being
The Way North cumstances, although clever PCs might caught by the curse himself), and thus
find a way to trick him into touching it, has first-hand knowledge of what hap-
If the PCs decide to go north from the
to tie his fate to theirs . If Elamurix pens to someone beset by the curse. But
monument, the old road is in good
touches the book, he is attacked at noon he also learned how important the book
enough condition that the PCs can ride,
of the following day by a single wrath, might be in unraveling the secrets of
and even foot movement is at the most
and the sequence of the curse begins the Focus, since the book was created
favorable rate (see page 125 of the
afresh for him. from the knowledge of the only two
DMG) . However, if the PCs have not yet
Other than this, Elamurix knows a powerful mages who ever managed to
met the duke's six-man patrol (see area
great deal that he'll reveal gradually in penetrate those secrets. For that reason
4), there is a 50% chance that the patrol
order to gain the PCs' confidence . He he has kept the book under observation .
will detect them on the road and imme-
knows what the Focuses are, and that If the PCs permit Elamurix to join
diately attack .
the gods conceal them from mortals them, he'll be a loyal and valuable
If the PCs go north, their daily
(what use is divine power if mortals can member of the party. He knows about
encounter with the shimmering wraths
manufacture items with equal powers?) . the hazards of the Vale and will avoid
will probably occur during this section
Even "evil" gods like the Nordic Loki personal danger as much as possible . He
of the journey. (At the DM's option, the
and the Egyptian Set abide by the pol- will help the PCs as much as he can,
Forest Random Encounters table can
icy of keeping the Focuses a strict se- but he won't run great risks on their
continue to be used during the trek cret. The Focus of Eryhil'n, however, behalf and will be prepared to abandon
was discovered by ancient humans who them should their presence prove con-
If the PCs decide not to risk the old
built a Stonehenge-like monument trary to his self-interest .
road, they can travel through the woods
around it and raised a temple on the If the PCs refuse to let Elamurix go
parallel to the road . East of the road, mountain overlooking it . Later, the with them, he'll accept the rebuff with
the woods are a light forest (reduce the
dwarves annihilated those humans, and apparent good grace. He'll follow them
chance of encountering the patrol to the Citadel of Raphgadarn was con- at a distance, keeping track of them
only 25%). West of the road, the woods
structed near the temple. with his crystal ball.
are a moderate forest (reduce the chance Elamurix also knows that the Elamurix, half-elf. AL CN ; AC -1 ;
of encountering the patrol to only 15%). dwarves attempted to use the Focus for MV 12 ; T12/M7 ; hp 60 ; THACO 15 ; #AT
Close to the foot of Yvvivor, the woods
the creation of magical items. After a 1 ; Dmg by spell or weapon type ; S 12, D
are a heavy forest (reduce the chance of
period of initial success, the power of 18, C 16, 118, W 10, Ch 10 ; ML 15 ; XP
encountering the patrol to only 5%). The
the Focus proved uncontrollable and the 9,000; dagger, short sword.
marching rate will depend on the cur-
citadel and Clan Yvvivor were de- Proficiencies : sling, dagger, blind
rent condition of the PCs and the area
stroyed in a violent explosion some 300 fighting (others chosen by DM).
through which they choose to travel .
years ago. At that time, two dwarves of Thief skills : PP 50%, OL 75%, FT
When the PCs begin to curve around the clan were absent . They were De- 65%, MS 70%, HS 70%, DN 60%, CW
north of Yvvivor (DM's discretion on ghnaror, Raphgadarn's son, who re- 90%, RL 65%; backstab: +4 to-hit modi-

fier, x 4 damage multiplier.

Spells : burning hands, charm person*, and it will be as if that spell had 9 . Touch the ONE who activates
dancing lights, detect magic*, feather been cast. YOU have the SUCCOR spell or be left behind .
fall*, friends, magic missile*, read When en-chanted an item with the spells By the hand of Agrackan AkaRias .
magic, sleep, darkness 15' radius, detect ReQUiReb to Create the effect you
invisibility*, forget, knock*, know align- desire and aRE ready to cast the At this point, the PCs should know to
ment*, locate object, misdirection, clair- permanency spell UPON it, d0 not go next to the temple on Mt . Yvvivor,
audience, clairvoyance, dispel magic*, cast teat spell but merely take the located behind the ruined dwarven
fireball, hold person *, suggestion, charm item to the Focus and it will be as if castle (see area 7 and "The Temple") .
monster, confusion*, dimension door. teat spell had been cast . However, if the PCs decide to go directly
(Spells marked with an asterisk are But beware lest you perish . You to the Focus, the sword will guide them
currently memorized ; the rest are in his must follow the steps ReQUiReb to area 8 (see "The Vale of Yvvivor") .
spell book . The DM should add to or when you approach the Focus.
delete from these spells to suit his ad- New magic is not possible so close 7. The Duke's Camp . The easiest
venture's needs) . to the Focus of magic; only teat way to reach the ruined castle is to
Magical Weapons and Items : bracers already contained Within magical continue to follow the old road, which
of defense AC 3, boots of elvenkind, sling items such as this book will serve climbs the eastern side of Mt . Yvvivor
of seeking +2, potion of extra-healing, you . using a series of steep switchbacks (use
potions of healing (x 3), crystal ball. All this was KNOWN to the ANCieNt one-quarter standard road movement
Elamurix has been using this ball to ONES . All this was leaRNeD by the rate when climbing the switchbacks) .
keep track of the Book of Blood, and of dwarves Of YVViVOR, WOO then Since the duke's patrols use this route
the PCs, ever since the PCs discovered slew the ANCieNt ONES t0 retain the regularly, the PCs will notice unmistak-
the tome . Since the crystal ball is used secret for tnEMSeIVES. Yet the able signs of heavy traffic along this
by Elamurix to scry the book and its dwarves fait) the PRICE for their route . However, the duke has two sen-
vicinity rather than the party or any of greed and arrogance, for tPCY tries always on watch at the top of the
its members, any chance the PCs may sought to channel the POWER Of the switchbacks . During the day, the sen-
have to detect the scrying through FOCUS itself to their forges The tries are virtually certain to see anyone
spells or devices should be reduced by POWER they tapped was too great, climbing the switchbacks . At night
90% . and it slew them in tURN, for it during the full moon, there is only a
gushed forth in strength beyond 50% chance that someone climbing the
The Blank Page mortal ken . switchbacks will be detected .
Read this and learn, and beware . The safest way to reach the ruined
When the PCs round the tip of Mount I Mite tPCSC WORDS in my Book castle is to climb the side of Mt . Yv-
Yvvivor and come in sight of the castle, of Blood that all posterity may vivor, which is scalable on the east
writing appears on the blank page in KNOW that I speak the tRUtP. (when climbing the steep slopes, use the
the center of the Book of Blood. The DM HERE, then, are the iNStRUCtiONS "steep foothills" rate from page 125 of
should use his own discretion in decid- given t0 the ANCieNt ONES by tPCiR the DMG). The slopes are forested, and
ing exactly when this occurs . God, as moi0ifieb by the author of there is little chance of the PCs being
If the PCs have forgotten about the tots book: detected if they approach in this man-
blank page, and if Elamurix is with the 1 . The Focus operates ONIY on ner. (At the DM's option, the Forest
PCs, the DM may use the half-elf to the five primary days of the full Random Encounters table may continue
remind the PCs to look at the center MOON : the two days before the to be used until the PCs actually reach
page of the book . If the PCs have fullness the day of fullness, and the duke's camp .)
forgotten, and if Elamurix is not with the two days after. When the PCs arrive at the camp,
the party, the PCs have a serious 2. to the castle read the following to the players :
problem . dwarven over-lo king the Vale OfYV iVOR, to the
Here's what the formerly blank page temple behind the castle, and tPGRe An expeditionary camp is set within
now says : cast the SUCCOR spell . the ruins of the old dwarven citadel
3 . On the days named, go iNtO the that was constructed near the an-
When the ANCieNt ONES fOUNU the cient temple. These ruins are a scene
Vale and stand MOtiONlesS before
door to the Focus, they erected of complete destruction. Shattered as
the floating door Until the name
their sacred stones and prayed to if by an immense explosion, the stubs
appears, tPCN speak the name.
tPOR God (Whose name is
4 . ENtCR the CORRIDOR . of four forge chimneys jut above piles
forgotten In time, it was revealed
5 . While 1n the CORRit)OR, cast the of rubble . Only parts of three walls
to them the tRUtP of the Focus and
hold portal spell . remain to be seen ; the east side of
the means for approaching it.
6 . Cast the gate spell . this "palace," where the dwarven
KNOW this, then: When YOU have king had his great hall, has tumbled
7 . Approach the net) light to cre-
finished an item and are prepared down the mountain and nothing
ate magical items.
to cast UPON it ME Enchant an item remains of it . West of the main ruins
spell, do not cast teat spell but s . Approach the black light to
destroy magical items. is the caved-in head of a mine shaft .
McRely take the item t0 the FOCUS

48 Issue No . 26

On the east slope, below the old

hall, the road comes up the mountain
in a series of hair-pin switchbacks to
give limited access . At the top ofthe
switchbacks, 12 wagons are lined up
in two rows, with 20 tents (including
a double tent with a guarded coach
parked next to it) pitched in haphaz-
ard fashion just south of the wagons .
Some men have tossed their blankets
under the wagons rather than sleep
in tents. The horse lines are on the
south side of the camp near the old
road entrance. There has been no
attempt at camp discipline, and la-
trines have been dug among the
jumbled hillocks above the old palace
hall .

This is Duke Karl's camp. His party

consists of three personal servants, five
bodyguards, six officers, 50 troopers,
and 20 teamster/porters (who do most of
the camp work) . The bodyguards, ser-
vants, laborers, three officers and at
least 25 troopers are always in camp.
Two of the troopers are on watch at the
top ofthe switchbacks . Any officers and
troopers not currently in the camp are
out on patrol or hunting (the duke feels
no need to patrol the Vale, since he
believes there's nothing important
there). Assume that one patrol consist-
ing of an officer and five troopers is out
at any one time (as per the patrol de-
scribed in area 4). Subtract any soldiers
encountered on patrols from the totals
given for soldiers in the camp, given in
the following paragraphs .
Parked near the duke's double tent is
his personal coach, which is unlocked
but always guarded by two sentries.
Within it are the duke's personal be-
longings and his treasury (which he
always keeps under his direct control
because he doesn't trust anyone). The
three small treasure chests contain
2,000 gp and 4,000 sp (each chest holds or evil (in intent, not in alignment) in won't spend much time with them.
2,000 coins of one type) . both persons and items . He may know Shortly after the duke begins the inter-
whether he has detected evil or magic, rogation, one of his soldiers bursts in to
Even though the duke is looking for
magical weapons, he doesn't trust wiz- but his meow does not distinguish be- report that the laborers have just stum-
tween them. The duke traded a strate- bled on a trapdoor in the center of the
ards and has none with him. Instead, he
owns a marvelous long-haired, tan- gic fortress to obtain Prince. ruins . It leads, by carved stone stairs,
colored cat named Prince . It's said that Also in the camp is Nagathorn, a very down into darkness. The duke immedi-
a long-dead, incredibly powerful mage old dwarf, who is chained by the neck to ately goes to investigate, telling an
found a way to cast the spells detect evil the central pole of Duke Karl's tent. officer to have the PCs securely bound
and detect magic with permanency on Nagathorn is feigning loss ofmemory and placed under guard.
this cat and then fed him a potion of about the magical weapons of Yvvivor. The trapdoor leads to an underground
This isn't difficult because, as far as he storage space for completed but not-yet-
longevity so enhanced that the cat is
knows, there aren't any magical weap- magical weapons. There are 50 spears
virtually immortal . Prince meows dis- ons left at the ancient dwarven site. made of a gleaming, steel-like alloy, 15
tinctively when he detects either magic
If the PCs are captured, the duke crossbows made of the same material,

20 two-handed swords, and 300 metal bodyguard will always be close to him.
bolts for the crossbows. All these are Nagathorn: AL N; AC 10 (under a rubble appears to have been cleared
finely made but lack wood or leather heavy cloak, nearly naked) ; MV 6; at some time in the past .
grips. All were meant for human use 0-level ; hp 6; THACO 20 ; NAT 1; Dmg by Below the temple, the eastern
and are so well made that when the weapon type; S 12, D 7, C 14,1 10, W flank of Mt . Yvvivor slope steeply
perishable parts are properly replaced 11, Ch 8; ML 8. Nagathorn's dominant (but in scalable stages) down toward
(a competent weaponsmith is required), emotion is fear of the duke . He will the forested floor of the valley.
they will each have a nonmagical + 1 to cooperate with anyone who offers to free
hit. him but will not willingly risk the The temple is still a holy place despite
Duke Karl of Charthur : AL LE ; AC duke's wrath by protecting or aiding the its ruined condition. If a succor spell
0; MV 12; 0-level; hp 5; THACO 20 ; NAT duke's enemies. If Nagathorn gets free (from the Book of Blood) is cast here, it
1 ; Dmg by weapon type ; S 11, D 9, C 10, and things start going badly, he'll bail will bring the PCs back to the temple
114, W 8, Ch 13 ; ML 7 (commands but out at the first available moment . when it is activated. Other than this
avoids combat); XP 65 . The duke wears Prince: Int animal ; AL N; AC 6; MV residual holiness, there is nothing spe-
ornate and impressive full plate armor 5; HD 1-1; hp 7; NAT 2; Dmg 1-2/1; SA cial about the temple .
that has been badly weakened with rear claws for 1-2; SD gains +2 to sur- Once the PCs have visited the temple
deeply inlaid gold on an old ivory sur- prise and + 1 to be surprised; SZ T; XP and cast their succor spell (see "The
face (AC 3) . He carries two daggers but 15 ; MC (Mammal, small, house cat; note Blank Page"), they should make their
tends to avoid combat, letting his min- that this entry and the one for "wild way into the Vale . The Sword of Lam-
ions deal with threats. He always car- cat" are incorrect in MC, so see also nian will continue to point them toward
ries a pouch of assorted gems (two gems MM2, "Cat") . the Focus. If the duke knows of the
worth 1,000 gp each, 15 worth 500-800 Officers (6 total): AL LN ; AC 6; MV adventurers' presence, he will pursue
each). He also has a ring ofprotection 12 ; F3 ; hp 16 ; THACO 18; NAT 1; Dmg them with half his immediately availa-
+3, a ring of human influence, and one by weapon type ; ML 12 ; XP 65 ; lance, ble forces (leaving the rest to guard his
vial each of the following potions: extra- short sword, dagger, shield ; treasure camp).
healing, vitality, treasure finding (the type M.
duke distrusts the identity of this po- Troopers (50 total) : AL N; AC 7; MV The Vale of Yvvivor
tion). He never lets these magical items 12 ; Fl ; hp 5-8; THACO 20 ; NAT 1; Dmg
The Vale of Yvvivor is a heavily
leave his person . The duke is clever but by weapon type; ML 12 ; XP 15 ; lances,
forested, glacier-carved valley be-
egotistical ; he likes flattery, but years of short swords, daggers, shields; treasure
tween two mountain peaks. The only
court intrigue have taught him never to type K.
easy access is via the old road that
let his guard down, and at least one Bodyguards (5 total) : AL LN; AC 5 ; comes down from the north. On the
MV 12 ; F4 ; hp 15-35; THACO 17 ; NAT 1 ;
south, the Vale is enclosed by a high,
Dmg by weapon type ; ML 15 ; XP 175;
Magical Effects of the Focus rugged arm of Mt . Yvvivor, which
hand axes, short swords, daggers,
reaches around to join with the
If the PCs travel south into the Vale shields, treasure type M.
Servants (3) and Laborers (20) : AL N; equally forbidding mountain on the
of Yvvivor, they will enter a zone east of the Vale. Between these two
where proximity to the Focus inter- AC 10 ; MV 12 ; 0-level; hp 1-5; THACO
mountains is a drainage basin with a
feres with the use of magic. 20 ; NAT 1; Dmg by weapon type ; ML 7;
overgrown, nearly stagnant lake in
Within a half-mile radius of the XP 7; knives, treasure type J.
its center. On the north side, a small
Focus (within the hex it occupies), Horses, medium (61; two per wagon,
but swift stream carries away the
the power of the Focus floods the one each for duke, bodyguards, officers,
overflow of the lake and curves away
mind of a wizard or cleric with such and half of troopers): Int animal ; AL N;
north and west to join the river on
strong magical impressions that AC 7; MV 18 ; HD 2 +2 ; THACO 19 ; NAT
Yvvivor's western side .
fresh magical spells (from the mind 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6; SZ L; ML 6; XP 65 ; MC .
or from scrolls) cannot be cast . Only As long as the PCs stay on the road,
previously cast spells (e .g ., those in The Temple
they run no risk of random encounters.
magical items) can be used within When the PCs approach the temple As soon as they enter the forest, how-
this radius of the Focus. "Natural" beyond the dwarven citadel, read the ever, the Vale Random Encounters table
magic (e .g ., a druid's ability to following to the players: is used . The DM can continue to use the
change shape) is unaffected . Vale Random Encounters table in the
Within a 11/2-mile radius of the South of the ruined castle, a little to swamp, since it is liberally dotted with
Focus (the hex occupied by the Focus the west and on a slightly higher small islands .
and the six hexes adjacent to it), the level, stand the ruins of an ancient
power of the Focus makes the use of temple . A largely intact square foun- 8. The Swamp and the Island .
magic haphazard. In this zone, any dation supports a circular stand of When the PCs reach the border of the
freshly cast magical spell has a 50% now-shattered stone columns. The swamp, read the following to the
chance of failing to work . (The DM, remnants of the roof lie in piles of
at his own discretion, may choose to rubble between the column bases. In
allow a "failed" spell to work but the very center is a circular depres- One mile (one hex) from the lowest
tamper with its effects.) sion from which the majority of the contour of Mt. Yvvivor is the edge of

50 Issue No . 26

Vale Random Encounters

Roll 1d12 for each hex the PCs enter chance (-1%/level of any ranger or 7 . Wolves (2-20) : Int semi ; AL N ; AC
(and don't forget the shimmering druid with the party, cumulative) of 7 ; MV 18 ; HD 2+2 ; THACO 19 ; #AT
wraths!) . If the PCs attempt to avoid disturbing the wasps . If the wasps 1 ; Dmg 2-5 ; SZ S ; ML 10 ; XP 65 ;
an encounter generated by this table, are disturbed, they attack reso- MC . A wounded stag, closely pur-
in all cases they have a 15% chance of lutely until the PCs are at least 50 sued by the wolves, bursts across
getting lost for 1d10+2 turns (-1% yards from the hive, after which the the trail amid the party. The PCs
per level of any ranger or druid with giant insects discontinue the at- have a 5% chance per level of any
the party, cumulative), after which tack . If the PCs return, the wasps ranger or druid (cumulative) of
they regain their line of march . The attack again immediately. detecting the event before it occurs,
Sword of Lamnian will always point with 1-6 rounds of warning . The
toward the Focus, of course, but if the 4 . Giant porcupine (2): Int animal ; wolves arrive one round after the
PCs are lost, the sword is assumed to AL N; AC 5 ; MV 6 ; HD 6 ; THACO stag and will attack any PCs in
be pointing into impassable terrain 15 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 2-8 ; SA shoot quills ; their path.
(thickets, deep ravines, quicksand, SD quills ; SZ L ; ML 10 ; XP 650 ;
etc .) . MC . These porcupines are feasting 8 . Will o'wisp (1-3): Int exceptional ;
in the middle of the trail and have AL CE ; AC -8 ; MV fly 18 (A) ; HD
1 . Giant mantis (1): Int non ; AL N ; no intention of being driven off 9 ; THACO 11 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 2-16 ; SA
AC 3 ; MV 6, fly 12 (D) ; HD 10 ; (treat their morale as 10 for this electrical attack, masquerade as
THACO 11 ; #AT 1 or 2 ; Dmg 2-12 or encounter, on the assumption artificial light ; SD effective invisi-
3-12 ; SA 75% chance to surprise ; they've discovered a particularly bility ; MR most magic ineffective ;
SD camouflage ; SZ L ; XP 1,980 ; delectable treat of some kind). If the SZ S; ML 17 ; XP 3,000 ; MC . The
MM2/83 . The mantis is lying in PCs come within 30', the porcu- PCs may mistake these for shim-
wait for suitable prey, and there is pines give a warning for one round mering wraths, depending on how
a 75% chance it will recognize that before attacking. They will vacate the DM presents them .
the PCs are too dangerous and not the trail only if they fail a morale
attack . In that case, the PCs have a check . 9 . Mantrap (1-2): Int non ; AL N ; AC
25% chance to detect the mantis as 6 ; MV nil ; HD 4-9 ; THACO nil ; #AT
they pass it ( + 1% per level of any 5. Giant skunk (1): Int animal ; AL N ; 2-5 ; Dmg 1 hp per round ; SA fasci-
ranger or druid with the party, AC 7 ; MV 9 ; HD 5 ; hp 32 ; THACO nation; SZ L-G (4' per HD) ; ML 12 ;
cumulative). 15 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-6 ; SA, SD squirt XP 270-2,000 ; MC . If this encounter
musk; SZ M; ML 9 ; XP 270 ; MC . occurs during the day, the PCs have
2 . Wild tiger (1-4) : Int semi ; AL N ; When the PCs discover this skunk, a 5% chance per level of any ranger
AC 6 ; MV 12 ; HD 5+5 ; THACO 15 ; it is already angry as a result of a or druid (cumulative) to recognize
#AT 3 ; Dmg 2-5/2-5/1-10 ; SA rear previous encounter with a larger the plant's odor before anyone can
claws 2-8 each ; SD surprised only predator. The PCs have a 30% be charmed. If the encounter occurs
on a 1 ; SZ L ; ML 9 ; XP 650 ; MC . chance (+1% per level of any during the night, treat as "no
These tigers are hunting for prey ranger or druid with the party, encounter."
but have fed recently and are not cumulative) of detecting the skunk
desperate enough to attack a reso- before it detects them . If they fail, 10 . Stirges (3d8) : Int animal ; AL N ;
lute defense, particularly if the PCs the skunk attacks (musk squirt) one AC 8 ; MV 3, fly 18 (C); HD 1 + 1
have any pole arms . If their first round after it detects them, unless (attack as 4-HD creatures) ; THACO
attack does not yield immediate they retreat first (roll for initiative) . 17 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-3 ; SA blood drain ;
results, the tigers harass the PCs SZ S (2' wingspan) ; ML 8; XP 175 ;
for 1-6 turns and then go hunting 6 . Megalo-centipede (1d4+1): Int MC . Small colonies of stirges breed
elsewhere . If a tiger receives more animal ; AL N ; AC 5 ; MV 18 ; HD 3 ; in the swamp and fly about in small
than 30% damage, however, it be- THACO 17 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1-3 ; SA clouds . Because of their distinctive
comes enraged and attacks furi- poison ; SZ M ; ML 9; XP 175 ; MC . sound, the PCs will have 1d6+2
ously until killed . The other tigers Just ahead on the trail, the PCs see rounds warning of their approach.
watch all the while for any chance a deer being attacked by one
to seize and drag away prey. megalo-centipede . The adventurers 11 : No encounter.
have one round in which to check
3 . Giant wasps (1-20): Int non ; AL N ; for other megalo-centipedes in the 12 : No encounter.
AC 4 ; MV 6, fly 21 (B); HD 4 ; trees above (50% chance, + 1% per
THACO 17 ; #AT 2 ; Dmg 2-8/1-4 ; SA level for any ranger or druid with
poison and paralysis ; SZ M ; ML 9 ; the party). In the following round,
XP 420 ; MC . The PCs have discov- the megalo-centipedes attack from
ered a huge wasp hive, with a 30% above.


If a PC steps into the corridor, he can

walk unhindered to the far doorway-
but the moment he steps through that
doorway, he finds that he's exiting ex-
actly where he entered just a few mo-
ments before .

The Focus
The shimmering wraths will continue to
attack the PCs on schedule, even when
the adventurers have entered the
corridor-and even when they've
reached the Focus .
Any person who enters the corridor
has an odd and unsettling visual sensa-
tion, as though the corridor and its
single door were constantly moving in
and out of reality. The only way to get
beyond the simple one-door corridor is
to step into the corridor and cast a hold
portal spell from a magical item or from
the Book of Blood. When the spell is
cast, the "in and out of reality" sensa-
tion stops and the single door disap-
pears . The corridor now appears to go
on forever with no end in sight .
The corridor has become a mobius
strip, and anyone in the corridor at this
time is now walking along that strip .
No matter how far in either direction
the PCs walk along this corridor, they
will never come to its end .
a shallow, cold-water, high-mountain 8'-high door frame whose lower edge The DM will find it easiest to explain
lake that is so clogged with vegeta- appears to taper into nothingness . this situation to his players if he actu-
tion, sand bars, and ridges of rock ally makes a mobius strip for demon-
that it's virtually a swamp . The wa- NOTE : If the PCs have not reached stration . Simply take a long strip of
ter of the swamp is knee high to a the Focus within the specified span of paper, make a single half-turn in the
human, so that walking through it days, the door cannot be seen and there strip, and fasten the two ends together.
presents little difficulty. The Sword is nothing anyone can do to make it You now have a one-sided strip of paper
of Lamnian continues to point to the appear. The PCs will have no way to with one edge and no end. You can
middle of the swamp . reach the Focus or to destroy the book prove this by drawing a line down the
until the next full moon . middle of the strip . The line will return
The Sword of Lamnian points to the The doorway is intangible ; looking to its starting point after traversing the
top of a low hill in the center of a large through it is like looking through a entire strip .
island in the middle of the swamp . If window . Any being who steps through Once they are in the doorless corridor,
the PCs reached this spot from two days the opening will notice no special sensa- the PCs can reach the Focus by casting
before the full moon to two days after tion and will produce no results . a gate spell (from a magical item or
the full moon, and climb to the top of However, if anyone stands motionless from the Book of Blood). No destination
the hill, read the following to the before the doorway for one round, he need be named ; any gate spell cast in
players : sees a word in his native language form- the doorless corridor will take the PCs
ing above the doorway : Eryhil'n, the to the Focus, no matter what destina-
On the top of the hill is a circle of 12 name of the Focus . tion is specified .
great dark stones, each 15' from base If the PC who sees the name pro- When the PCs have cast the gate
to crown . Three of the stones are still spell, refer to the floor plan of the Focus
nounces it, read the following to the
standing, but the others have fallen and read the following to the players:
players :
outward from the center as though
toppled by a great explosion . A long, blank-walled corridor ap- You find yourselves in the midst of
In the center of the circle is a spot pears before you. It appears to what appears to be a great void,
of bare ground 10' in diameter where stretch away from you for 100', and standing on a ring-shaped platform
no vegetation grows . Floating 6" at its end is another doorway filled that surrounds a sparkling pillar of
above this barren ground is an with gray mist . red light. At the opposite side of the

52 Issue No . 26

ring, the platform makes a dizzying

half-twist that would make it into a
Floor Plan of the Focus
second mobius strip except for the
ramp directly before you that leads
to the pillar of light. At the far end of
the ramp, a 20'-wide walkway actu-
ally surrounds the pillar of light.
Lying at the intersection of the
ramp and the platform are the bodies
of three dwarves dressed in fine linen
tunics, with woolen trousers and
ornate leather boots.

The pillar of light is the Focus itself.

Seen from where the PCs are first
standing, the pillar is bright red though
the light is not offensive to the eyes no
matter how close the PCs come to it.
The Focus is approached from this posi-
tion for the creation of magical items .
To destroy magical items, however,
the PCs must walk around the platform,
traverse the half-twist, and return to
the ramp directly "below" where they
first stood. Seen from this position, the
pillar of light is a glowing black in color.
The Focus is approached from this posi-
tion for the destruction of magical
Any item placed in the pillar of light
(either the red or black side) floats in
mid-air as long as it is left undisturbed. items (see pages 87-88 ofthe DMG), worn, the wearer loses a portion of his
Within the Focus there is no gravity nor while the coins and daggers are not and ability to feel emotions . After a thou-
any temperature . If any PC puts his should not be given any magical value . sand days, the wearer is unable to feel
hand into the Focus, he does not notice On the hand of one dwarf is a ring of any emotions at all-neither desire nor
any sensation at all ; the power of the protection from charm poisons (see scroll fear nor love nor hate, nor any interest
Focus has no effect on living tissue . of protection from poison for effects ; in adventure or knowledge or treasure .
In order to destroy a magical item, a duration is for as long as the ring is The effect is enduring, so that even
key phrase must always be spoken . If worn). This ring is specifically designed after the ring is removed the loss of
the PCs have been paying attention, to counteract the effects ofthe mantrap emotion remains . Ifthe ring is removed,
they know the word that will cause the plant. however, the effect can be reversed by
Focus to destroy the Book of Blood (see Around the neck ofone dwarf, on a casting one dispel magic spell for every
"The Dream") . silver chain, is an amulet of protection 50 days the ring was actually worn. If
against stirges that will prevent stirges the ring was worn the full thousand
The Three Dwarves from coming closer than 30' to the days, it would require 20 dispel magic
wearer. spells to completely reverse the effects
The three dwarves' bodies have appar- In the hand of one dwarf is a dwarven and to restore full emotional capacity.
ently been mummified by long exposure throwing hammer +2. Beside him is a The primary value of this ring is to a
to the Focus, but their clothes are much dwarf-sized shield of fire resistance +2 high-level wizard, who could use it to
the worse for the passage oftime. Their (as the potion) with twice normal resist- counteract the aging effects of major
belts have deteriorated and their purses ance against the breath of a red dragon . spells . A secondary value is to make the
are in shreds, but in the remnants of On the floor near the dwarf with the wearer immune to fear and emotion-
the purses are 16 gp and two gems amulet is a magical ring of longevity. based spells to the same degree that his
(1,000 gp and 2,100 gp), 24 gp and one This is the item that Elamurix has emotions have been numbed by the ring
gem (3,100 gp), and 40 gp and two gems come for. A diamond is mounted on it, in (for example, if the ring has been worn
(1,200 gp and 2,200 gp). All three which the name "Phoenix" (in dwarven for 500 days, the wearer would have
dwarves wear ordinary daggers with no runes) is engraved . For every day the 50% immunity but also would be 50%
magical value . The DM may rule that ring is worn, the wearer experiences unlikely to have any interest in trea-
some or all of the gems have received only one hour's aging. sure or adventuring) .
the effects of an enchant an item spell However, unknown to Elamurix, the The dwarves had enchanted the ring
due to their long exposure to the ring has a side effect : For every day it's of longevity and had brought it to the
Focus-they can be presumed to be pure

Focus to make the enchantments per- forget to do this, the medallion will be dwarven castle on the slopes of Mt.
manent (which has happened during the destroyed with the book. Yvvivor.
intervening time, of course) when the In order to destroy the Book of Blood Ifthe PCs fail to follow Lamnian's
disaster struck : Clan Yvvivor was de- and thus rid themselves of the curse of instructions on how to destroy the Book
stroyed, and during the catastrophe the the shimmering wrath (and complete the of Blood in the Focus, the shimmering
vital succor spell that would have res- quest Lamnian has put upon them), the wraths will continue to attack them
cued these three dwarves was lost. PCs must follow the instructions Lam- until the PCs are destroyed .
Since the only way for anyone to leave nian gave them in the dream and the If the PCs have failed to provide them-
the Focus is by activating a succor spell, instructions given on the blank page in selves with a succor spell to rescue them
and since the spell has to be cast before the book. from the Focus (or if the spell is misused
entering the mobius corridor, anyone The PCs should approach the black- or stolen), they will remain there until
who fails to take that precaution will be light form of the Focus, lay the book they starve (or until someone comes to
permanently trapped at the Focus. The within the Focus, and pronounce rescue them, if anyone has the interest
three dwarves were trapped here and Agrackan's name backward : and ability to do so) .
starved to death because no one came to "Nakcarga!" Placing the book within If the PCs destroy the Book of Blood
rescue them. the red-light form ofthe Focus has no and succeed in returning to the temple,
If Elamurix is still with the PCs, he effect at all . they must make their own way down off
will do anything necessary in order to The moment that it enters the black the mountain and out of Duke Karl's
get the ring of longevity. If the PCs are light, the book vanishes and the PCs clutches (if he's still alive) . The difficul-
willing to let him have it, he will con- are instantly freed ofthe curse of the ties they face in doing this will depend
tinue to be a loyal member of the party. shimmering wrath. If any wraths are in on the situation they left behind them
But ifthey refuse to let him have it, the process of attacking at that mo- when they entered the Focus .
he'll attempt to steal the ring and the ment, they immediately cease attacking Since no one actually hired the PCs to
succor spell object while the PCs are and begin to fade, vanishing within one undertake this mission, no one's going
concentrating on destroying the book, round. to reward them for succeeding . How-
and will attempt to activate the succor Remember, however, that the curse is ever, between the Sword of Lamnian
spell by himself (leaving the PCs to now placed upon the precincts of the and the loot taken from the corpses of
starve at the Focus) . Focus, and anyone who comes to the the three dwarves at the Focus (if noth-
Focus after the PCs leave will suffer the ing else), the PCs should receive ade-
Concluding the Adventure consequences of the curse (see "The quate compensation for their troubles .
Before destroying the Book of Blood, the Dream") . They should also be thankful to be alive
PCs should remember to remove the When the PC who holds the succor and should keep this adventure in mind
medallion from the cover if they want to spell object activates it, the spell trans- the next time they're tempted to exam-
keep the Sword of Lamnian . Ifthey ports him and anyone touching him ine the belongings of some strange
back to the temple behind the ruined skeleton.

Continued from page 39

A few feet away from the ettercap's The dusty, dingy blankets on which he Concluding the Encounter
shelter are the giant spider's webs. The sleeps haven't been washed in years,
remains of several birds and insects are and they reek of spriggan perspiration. The ettercap and the giant spider fight
still stuck in the strands . Also stuck However, Snarrak never brings food until slain or until all PCs have been
here is the body of a recently killed into this area, so the little house doesn't trapped, killed, or driven away. This is,
giant dragonfly, the skin of which is smell nearly as rank as the ettercap's after all, their home, and they have no
worth 600 gp per square foot (this is a shelter. A rope ladder made of ettercap place to flee. Snarrak, on the other
small specimen, yielding only four strands connects the spriggan's tree hand, won't fight so valiantly. If he is
square feet ofskin). with the ettercap's . reduced to fewer than 10 hp, or if the
Snarrak, the spriggan, must remain In the corner of Snarrak's house near- encounter seems to be going badly for
in small form while in his lair in the est the ladder is a locked strongbox him, he flees into the woods at the first
opposite tree, for none of the platforms containing 65 gp, 24 sp, 19 cp, a garnet opportunity.
are strong enough to support his giant worth 100 gp, a gold ring worth 75 gp, a
form. Snarrak's treehouse is the same set of earrings worth 50 gp, a scroll with Jay Ouzts has just started law school at
size as the ettercap's. It is spacious the wizard spell enlarge, and a set of Tulane University, where he won't have
enough when he is gnome size, in spite thief's tools. A human-size set of leather much time for role-playing games.
of the fact he is a terrible housekeeper. armor +2 is hidden under the blankets .
An unlikely love born in the ashes of destruction. IRONHELM,
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Continued from page 15 ventures would serve the D&D-related subscribe to DUNGEON Adventures .
because it is a great source of cheap worlds, not their comic-book cousins. I While this may be addressing the
adventures . It also prints only these, liked "Hellfire Hostages" even less needs of some of the more vocal readers,
whereas DRAGON Magazine prints than those ghastly solo modules, which I for one feel betrayed. I subscribed to a
occasional modules for any RPG and at least were still set in a D&D-type magazine promoting itself to be a collec-
plenty of gaming articles for all RPGs. multiverse . The magazine is doing fine tion of adventures solely for the D&D
If you want to print modules for other as it is, and whatever "newer world" and AD&D games . Now, having re-
RPGs, expand the length of your maga- you set out to find, I hope it can still be cently renewed my subscription, I feel
zine, use the same strict guidelines and reached by a teleport spell. I'm stuck having bought a year's worth
tough reviewing, and find some way to Also, what's with the plastic wrap- of magazine that I'm not sure I really
lower the cover price. Even ifthese pers? Are they biodegradable? I can want anymore.
bear the brown wrappers if it helps the Perhaps the majority of the readers do
things are done, I would still be against
modules for non-D&D/AD&D games, environment . want material for other TSR games. If
but at least I would know you hadn't Daniel Cordes this is the case, I'll concede that I'm in
been pressured into publishing modules Little Neck, New York the minority and bow out gracefully. If,
for other games and using up potential however, the majority of the readers
D&D/AD&D module space when you We've had years ofproblems with the want a magazine covering the same
don't have enough room to publish all "plain brown wrappers" that were used material it was supposed to cover, I trust
the modules you currently receive for to mail out both DUNGEON Adventures you'll revert to the original format.
those games. and DRAGON Magazine. They didn't Roger Trout
Allan J. Cleaveland protect the magazines at all, and were Portland, Maine
Fayetteville, Arkansas frequently delivered without the maga-
zine inside! The plastic wrappers aren't As a faithful reader of DUNGEON
I'd like to clear up two misconceptions biodegradable but they may be recycla- Magazine, I was appalled when I opened
in Allan's letter. DRAGON Magazine no ble, depending on the areayou live in. the September/October 1990 issue to
longer publishes any RPG adventure find a MARVEL SUPER HEROES
modules, only the occasional stand-alone I want to commend you on deciding to adventure inside .
board game. Also, we aren't overflowing allow other TSR game adventures to be I do not feel that MARVEL SUPER
printed . I cannot wait to run your HEROES adventures are in sync with
with D&D and AD&D modules just Marvel adventure, "Hellfire Hostages" the nature or character of DUNGEON
waiting to be published. We have enough (issue #25). I really hope this means you Magazine. If I want a Marvel adven-
mid-level AD&D adventures for several will be printing more adventures for the ture, I will read a Marvel comic.
issues, but it's always a scramble to fill
those issues with a well-balanced mix of MARVEL SUPER HEROES game. I Please do not include another adven-
would also like to see some adventures ture ofthat nature in DUNGEON Mag-
adventures. We could use more low-level for the TOP SECRET/S.I. game sys- azine, as it would seriously detract from
and high-level adventures.
None of our writers are employees of tem. I enjoy playing these other games my enjoyment of the magazine .
TSR. Their work isjudged by the same as well as the DUNGEONS & DRAG- Gunnar Swanson
standards we use for everyone (ask Willie ONS game, and it is hard to constantly Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Walsh how many of his proposals I've create new adventures for my players.
Please print my address so I can talk to This is only a representative sampling
rejected!). The best way to fill up
DUNGEON Magazine with the types of other fans of the MARVEL SUPER of the feedback we've received on issue
adventures you like is to send them in. HEROES game. #25's MARVEL SUPER HEROES
Shawn Welker adventure. Part Two of the experiment is
1630 S. Gabriel River Cir. the TOP SECRETIS.I. adventure, "Op-
First, I would like to express my de-
light at the continuing overall excellent Sugarland, Texas 77478 eration: Fire Sale," in this issue. I expect
quality of your publication . "Jo" Phila- we'll get even more letters during the
gios's comment in issue 25 concerning I've been a subscriber to DUNGEON next month or so.
Adventures since its inception and have Please be assured that every letter is
the expansion of her campaign world
certainly applies to mine as well . I also always appreciated its continually ex- read by both the editor and the publisher
am thankful for the second index, as cellent level ofresource material for the (heck, we don't even have a secretary) .
flipping through my well-thumbed stack D&D and AD&D games. This is what I The only way we'll know what you want
of DUNGEON Magazines in a search understood the magazine to be when I is if you let us know. We can'tpromise to
for inspiration is quite time-consuming originally subscribed to it, and this is please everybody, but we want to give all
why I maintain my subscription . our readers the best value around in
(though very interesting).
I do have a complaint concerning the Then your staff decided to broaden the role-playing adventure.
experimental MARVEL SUPER scope of the magazine to include other
TSR games, devoting a large portion of MARVEL SUPER HEROES is a trademark of the
HEROES game adventure . That is, end Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc . All Marvel charac-
the experiment . I understand that you your limited page space to an adventure ters, names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
guys are trying to serve the paying are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group,
public as best you can, but I thought the game. This would be fine, except that it Inc . 1990 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All
general idea was that DUNGEON Ad- detracts from the space available for the Rights Reserved.
D&D and AD&D material, the reason I

56 Issue No. 26
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Willie thanks those who took the time to
write him, and he invites readers, near or
far, to comment, criticize or chat by writ-
ing him at 30 Aongus Lawn, Tallaght,
Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland. An Inter-
national Reply Coupon will ensure a
response. This module is his tenth to
appear in DUNGEON Adventures.
"Nine-Tenths of the Law" is an AD&D
scenario for a party of about five player
characters of levels 7-10 (about 45 total
levels). A wizard, priest, and rogue
should be included in this number, with
the balance ofthe party made up of
warriors . AD&D 2nd Edition rules are
used in describing character classes and
their abilities and spells, but the AD&D
1st Edition game may be used with a
little conversion .
The adventure is set in the city of
Wysos, which was designed for this
module, but it could be set in any large
town or city ofthe Dungeon Master's
own design. Investigation is favored
over combat in most ofthis scenario, so
the PCs should have alignments tend-
ing toward good.

Adventure Background
Twenty years ago, the mage Artanal was
besieged by hostile forces led by the
governor of the Citadel of Wysos, a free
city from which Artanal had fled when
its citizens grew tired of his evil

schemes . In the course of the siege, the
servants of the mage fled or were slain,
leaving Artanal to prepare his last, des-
perate defense against the city troops.
The final battle was fought furiously

in the deepest dungeon of the mage's
foul lair until, with many enemies slain
around him, the magician gave one
mighty shout and fell lifeless to the
floor-a victim, it was thought, of his
own arcane magic. His conquerors
burned his body, lest his death be
BY WILLIE WALSH feigned and he might rise again. In
triumph, the survivors returned laden
with gold and silver from the treasuries
Expect a surprise when ofthe hidden dungeon, and the world
heard no more ofArtanal .

you open a magic jar. No more, that is, except for rumors
whispered in the citadel . It was said
that not all the wondrous items of the
mage's hoard were recovered by the
governor, who had left them hidden for
his own use should he be in need of
Artwork by Kevin Ward money in some unforeseen difficulty.
Indeed, survivors of the siege had sup-
posed that hidden rooms existed in the
wreck, but they cared little at the time
for tackling the horrors likely to be

58 Issue No. 26

guarding them. Eventually, after years armor of a fighter. Around him, the dust toed it back under the bush and made
of speculation, a party of citizens of decades lay thick on tarnished silver. for the hilltop . From there he got his
equipped themselves for a long adven- He turned toward the melee between bearings and returned to his lair to
ture and sought the fabled treasure of the man's companions and the golem, make a cursory inspection of his ruined
Artanal's hoard . They were not disap- opened his mouth to command the mon- treasury, knowing the adventurers
pointed . The secret room was guarded ster, and suddenly knew no more. would by now have emptied it. There
by a golem, and several of their number When Artanal's mind again became was a small nook they'd missed, how-
were slain. They returned with a huge aware of his surroundings, he found ever, and Artanal removed the contents .
fortune in gems and jewels and rose himself lying naked by a river in the If he was to get rid of this disease, or if
high in the ranks of the city with their sunlight. Artanal gently tested his new he was to get a fresh host body ifthe
wise investments and generous dona- body. It responded perfectly when he disease wasn't curable, he'd need to
tions. The city prospered and grew from raised an arm, lifted a leg, and rolled recover the gemstone holding Nerick's
their patronage, and today (two decades over onto his back. The mage sifted life force . Some spell books and a priest
after Artanal's demise) is stronger and through the mind and found no trace of would prove useful, also. To find the
richer than ever. the life force of his host. So the transfer stone, he'd need to find Nerick's com-
had gone smoothly after all! But how panions . If he guessed correctly where
For the Dungeon Master did he get here, and where had his they'd go to dispose of their loot and
host's armor gone to? Awkwardly but boast oftheir deeds, he'd find them in
Such is the tale of Artanal the Mage as with growing confidence the mage sat, Wysos . For the first time in 20 years
it is told in the Citadel of Wysos . As then stood up. A backpack lay nearby, Artanal smiled. Seeing a familiar land-
might be expected, however, it is not the its contents seemingly intact. He rum- mark, he set out confidently toward it
full tale. maged through, found clothing, and put and the road that he knew led to the
Artanal was wily and cast about for a it on. At the bottom ofthe backpack, city beyond .
means of escape from his fate, but found under rations that the mage devoured
none until, in the end, he had to make a more from nostalgia than from need, The Heroes Get Involved
desperate choice between life and death. was a leather bag . Inside was a pile of
In the last moments ofthe battle, he The PCs may be passing through the
gems and a note: Citadel of Wysos when Artanal returns
used a magic jar spell to transfer his life
force into a specially prepared gem he Nerick-Greetings! there, or they may be regular visitors or
had stored behind a secret door in the We thought that, on account of your change, we'd residents of the city. The DM should
rumored hidden treasury. There he leave you to your own devices for tonight. We decide how best to explain their pres-
waited as his body was taken away and followed your trail after the business in the ence in Wysos, depending on whether
destroyed. dungeon, just to see that you were all right . the module is run independently or as
Time passed as the mage reflected. If There food enough to get you back and some part of a larger campaign.
the hoard was never found, it was possi- clothes. Don't feel we've run out on you-it's just Initially, the mage enters the city in
ble he would remain trapped there that this werewof thing is getting a bit scary . Your disguise to avoid someone recognizing
forever. He considered the guardian gear is under the bush. No hard feelings. Nerick and trying to approach him . The
golem standing by the door. His life Germad Nerick/Artanal partnership is soon
force couldn't be exchanged with that of firmly established in secret places once
Aghast, Artanal sat Nerick's body-his frequented by the mage but as yet un-
the monster, due to the golem's magic new body-down slowly and read the
resistance. The mage must wait, and discovered by the city authorities .
note again. A werewolf! No wonder he The PCs become involved when
wait he did, still inside the gem. couldn't remember what had happened!
As slowly as the movements ofthe they're hired by a temple official to
The stress of the magicjar transfer and conduct the seemingly simple task of
stars through 20 years, so time passed the encounter with the golem must
for Artanal in his prison. His hatred and tracking down a man named Nerick .
have been too much for his host's sys- Because this is a city adventure and
fear grew to threaten his sanity. Wysos tem, and he'd changed there and then.
would pay when he escaped. He would the person the PCs are looking for does
Of all the people to choose! But if the not stay in one place, flexibility is
burn the city to the ground. He would change had come on, even after a suc-
plague its ruins with creatures from the needed in running this scenario. The
cessful transfer of the man's life force to mage may be one step ahead of the PCs,
Lower Planes. He would personally- the magic jar, then the body Artanal
Artanal sensed a presence. Someone or he may be uncovering information at
occupied was diseased, not the life force a similar or slower rate than the adven-
was approaching at last! He stirred and itself. This needed thinking about.
reached out . The golem was activated, turers . The adventure should build up
Grimly, Artanal hefted the backpack to an encounter with Nerick/Artanal at
and the mage felt the life depart from and looked about. The pile of gear that
one, then another of the intruders . In the Municipal Museum, where he hopes
his erstwhile companions had left to obtain his magic jar gemstone. In the
their midst was a strong life force, nearby looked too warlike for the
though Artanal felt something odd event that he escapes from the PCs
mage's tastes, but he nevertheless took there, Artanal's bolt-hole (one ofthe
about it. With only that merest doubt, the bright long sword and a dagger-the
Artanal attacked. He lodged in the body magician's former lairs) is detailed for a
latter showing signs of some magical climactic ending to the adventure .
of a man from Wysos, reveling in the enchantment-for show and for protec-
feel of musty air in real lungs, the taut It doesn't matter if the adventure is
tion . Even ifhe'd wanted the armor, its run over a period as short as a game
sinews and strong muscles beneath the straps and bindings were broken. He


week or over several weeks. In the lat-

ter instance, the mystery may be inves- to the south along the banks of the The slaves lower the sedan chair to
tigated while the PCs are between other Cirdon River. Builders are still pro- the ground, and one of them steps
adventures . However, events follow a hibited from constructing dwellings forward. He shows his outstretched
broad pattern that always begins with against the outer face of the old forti- hands in a gesture of friendliness,
the PCs being asked to track down fications, in the interests of security then beckons animatedly, seemingly
Nerick for a fee, and should end with a of the inner city. The military bent of wanting you to approach more closely.
climax in which the adventurers must the authorities continues to be sus-
face the mage in a combat situation. tained, as evidenced by the presence All eight of the slaves are deaf-mutes
The guts of the adventure-the search of regular patrols of militia and and unable to communicate their mas-
by the mage for information leading to guardsmen, and the maintenance of ter's business verbally. If the PCs ap-
the gemstone, the meeting with Germad the strong fortifications around the proach, they find a tall, well-built but
(and his murder), and the theft of the governor's hall and the tower of the lavishly dressed individual sitting impe-
spell books from Certimfil's study-may tax collector. Noteworthy buildings riously behind silk curtains in the chair.
follow any logical order the DM desires, include the Municipal Museum and
based on what clues and rumors the the Temple Precinct, which houses Inside the carriage is a middle-aged
PCs choose to follow . the seven cults of the local gods . man whom you judge to be a cleric of
The PCs begin their involvement While strolling in this area, your some high level. He smiles an unat-
when approached by Okinar, a priest of path is blocked by a group of temple tractive smile and asks if he might
Sefar, a local deity. Read or paraphrase slaves carrying a sedan chair. speak with you for a few moments.
the following boxed descriptions to the
players: Carried in the sedan chair is the cleric Some days ago, Okinar was ap-
Okinar, a prominent member of the cult proached by a man calling himself
There are few restrictions on trav- of Sefar, a locally worshiped lawful- Nerick and was paid 2,000 gp in gems,
elers coming into the Citadel of Wy- neutral deity. Okinar is hiring profes- up front, to cure this Nerick of lycan-
sos, as you learn on paying a sional adventurers today, and the PCs thropy by casting a remove curse spell.
nominal 5 gp per head at the gates to are the first group he has encountered To be effective, the spell must be cast on
obtain a year's citizenship . The town since leaving his temple . the night of a full moon (or the night
has outgrown its boundary walls, immediately before or after), when the
and houses have begun to spring up man is in wereform . By bad luck, the
priest had not finished preparation for

this lengthy spell casting when the unarmed, but he now frequently carries Hurot's attitude toward work leaves a
creature escaped the confines ofthe a mace +4 in case he meets Nerick lot to be desired). PCs offering money
temple of Sefar, wounding Okinar and again and is forced to defend himself. for information are sure to be well re-
killing several slaves . Okinar has Temple Slaves (8) : AL N; AC 10; MV ceived and asked indoors to share the
healed himself and fortunately is not 12; 0-level humans; hp 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 (X 4);
infected with the magical disease afflict- THACO 20; #AT 1 ; Dmg by weapon type
ing Nerick . (unarmed ; won't fight unless charmed); Wysos Rumors
Okinar wishes to track down Nerick to ML 6. Roll 1d6 to randomly determine
complete the casting ofthe spell, as a rumors heard by the PCs, or choose
divination indicated he should do, ifat all In Search of Nerick rumors as desired . All rumors on this
possible . His cult has decided that since, table are true but may not be com-
The PCs are left much to their own
it was Okinar's responsibility to ensure pletely so.
devices while conducting the seemingly
the casting of the spell was carried out straightforward task of looking for 1 . Nerick is a name not heard in
safely, it is also his duty to pay for re- Nerick . They may choose to either split Wysos for a couple of months . He was
placement slaves from his own coffers and up to spread their resources, or stick an adventurer, a fighter who failed to
use Nerick's excess payment to hire ad- together to act as a unit.
venturers to track down the man (the return from a wilderness trek 10
The Wysos Rumors table allows for weeks ago. Naturally, it was pre-
spell cost 1,200 gp to cast, but Nerick paid either method. Information may be sumed he was dead-so many adven-
2,000 gp to influence the priest) . gathered by casual chatter with NPCs, turers end up that way, after all .
Therefore, though in an ill temper, palm-greasing, calling in old markers, 2. Someone searching for Nerick
Okinar offers 800 gp to the party to locate or a host of other ways one might expect might ask for his wife, who serves at
Nerick and return him to the temple. to employ in a well-populated city. the Black Lion tavern near the gates of
Given a choice, he'd have the local au- It's assumed that the PCs are inter- the city (Nerick's wife no longer works
thorities track the man down for free, but ested in following up on these bits of there, but the landlord may direct the
his superiors have made him take this information in the next few areas and PCs to her house; see area 1).
course of action as a lesson in humility for NPC descriptions. In all but area 1 3. The mage Certimfil, who lives in
his carelessness in allowing the lycan- (which Artanal has no interest in visit- a large house (area 3) on the south
thrope an opportunity to escape. ing), two descriptions are given . The first
The PCs may haggle if they wish, but bank of the Cirdon River, used to
box describes the relevant NPC(s) before know Nerick . In fact, word has it the
the priest won't budge from 800 gp. He Nerick/Artanal pays a visit; the second wizard was a member of Nerick's old
will seek another, less greedy, group of describes the area or person(s) if the
adventurers if the PCs won't work for adventuring group. If anyone would
fugitive has been there before the PCs. know of Nerick's likely hiding places,
the offered fee. In this case, the PCs
must come across Nerick's doings some an old friend like Certimfil might .
1. Nerick's Old House. 4. Nerick left town to abandon a
other way, possibly as the Nerick/
Artanal combination seeks to further nagging wife named Cindal, who's
The house you're directed to behind
the mage's ambitions, or the werewolf since taken up with a no-account,
the squat Tower of the Tax Collector
continues to stalk the city. would-be trader named Hurot. They
is a small, one-room dwelling that
Ifthe PCs decide to ferret out Nerick share a shack (see area 1) behind the
appears to have once been quite
for the priest, he indicates that payment Tower of the Tax Collector-an ironic
comfortable in comparison to the
for delivery of the man will be made at location, since Hurot never paid a
other houses on the street . Now,
the Temple of Sefar. Okinar describes penny of tax in his lifetime. If Nerick
though, the paint is flaked and odd
Nerick as a powerfully built man of was in some kind of trouble, he
shingles are missing from the sag-
around 190 lbs . and 30 years of age, might seek out Cindal.
ging roof. Rough steps lead up to an 5. Nerick is remembered for his
with short, graying black hair and a iron-studded door.
noticeable scar over his left eye . Okinar large collection of exotic weaponry
comments on Nerick's apparent fitness, gathered from foreign lands . He
too, indicating that he may be (or may If the PCs knock on the door, they are seldom carried fewer than three
once have been) an athlete, a soldier, or answered by a thin, tired woman who weapons, and one of these was sure
a guardsman . peers around the door at them suspi- to be exotic. If he's back in town,
Okinar: AL LN; AC 10; MV 12; C12 ; ciously. This is Cindal-Nerick's wife- he'll try to retrieve his collection
hp 69; THACO 14; #AT 1; Dmg by spell who believes him dead. She has not from his house behind the Tower of
or weapon type; S 17, D 17, C 16, I 14, seen him since he left for Artanal's lair the Tax Collector (see also rumor 4).
W 18, Ch 13; ML 11; spells : bless, com- three months ago and will not be well 6. The last report of Nerick was
mand, cure light wounds (X 4), light, disposed toward news that he's alive that he'd fallen prey to some form of
protection from evil, detect charm, hold and at large in the city, especially since disease that his companions were
person (X 2), know alignment, slow poi- Hurot, her current lover, has moved into loath to bring back to the citadel.
son, speak with animals (X 2), call light- the house in the beliefthat Nerick is Talk had it that they either slew him
ning, continual light (X 5), remove curse safely out ofthe way. Cindal is not too or abandoned him in the wild. Ger-
(X 2), cure serious wounds (X 4), cure well off at the moment, having lost her mad, who's Captain of the Watch, led
critical wounds (X 2), speak with mon- job as serving wench at the Black Lion the party in whose company Nerick
sters, animate object. Okinar is usually tavern in the past fortnight (and adventured.


12; 0-level humans; hp 3, 5; THACO 20;

GERMAD'S QUARTERS #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type (unarmed) ;
ML 9 (5 in presence of Nerick) .
Area 2 2. Captain Germad's Quarters . The
first boxed description should be used if
the PCs are encountering Germad before
Artanal/Nerick has paid him a visit.
You find Germad's quarters to be a
N simple, military-built billet house
near the gates to the Governor's Pal-
ace. The house is made from dressed
stone, with windows one can tightly
shutter from the inside. A thin wisp
of smoke rising from a small chimney
on the tiled roof indicates the likeli-
hood that someone's at home.

Germad is Captain of the Watch and

responsible for the security of the larg-
est inhabited section of the city. An-
other body ofmen is responsible for the
defense of the area encompassing the
Governor's Palace and the area of the
Tower of the Tax Collector.
The position ofcaptain is one that
1 square = 3' Germad secured recently, on his return
from the exploration of Artanal's lair. It
is rumored that he bought his way into
the rank with money found on that par-
ticular adventure . (As it happens, this
couple's meagre meal. that the fighter retrieved any of his rumor is true but doesn't bear any conse-
Hurot is a small, weak-willed man precious possessions recently. Instead, quences for this particular adventure .)
who once aspired to become a trader in the answer is more mundane : Cindal Germad is a man of action who also
mercantile products . When he discov- pawned or sold some of the weapons to savors the pleasures of the flesh, as can
ered that work and willpower were buy food for herself and Hurot. be seen by the comfortable way he has
needed in larger quantities than he Weapons remaining include an arque- furnished the once-severe billet house.
cared to invest, his expectations less- bus (with neither shot nor powder), a The captain is at once surprised and
ened. He's no hero but will stand up to long blowgun loaded with a rusted nee- concerned by the news that Nerick is
anyone he feels is insulting Cindal- dle, a heavily carved club of some foreign allegedly in Wysos, particularly if the
everyone but Nerick, of whom he has an tribal design, a harpoon made from ob- PCs recount the tale told them by
almost paranoid fear. He doesn't realize sidian, a light crossbow with 12 quarrels, Okinar. Germad's concern is both per-
that he has no reason to be afraid of and a heavy battle axe . The more exotic sonal and professional, for he believed
Nerick, who could not care less about weapons from Nerick's past campaigns Nerick dead, and no report of a lycan-
Cindal and Hurot's liaison. Hurot seem to have all been disposed of, possi- thrope at large has come to him from
dreads some nasty revenge, but Nerick bly because they'd fetch more money. the Temple of Sefar (which report it is
(when himself) will treat the whole Cindal knows that Germad, the Cap- the priests' civic duty to make). It is
affair with indifference . tain of the Watch, was a crony of soon obvious that the captain has no
Inside, the house is damp, but some Nerick's. She's been trying unsuccess- knowledge of the present whereabouts
effort has been made to keep it clean . fully to get him to pay compensation to of Nerick, though he can relate the
Furnishings consist of a single table her for the loss of her husband since his following facts to the PCs :
with twin bench seats and a large, sur- disappearance-and she's stepped up Germad was the leader of the party
prisingly luxurious bed . Weapons and her demands since the loss of her own that located the secret treasury ofthe
oddments of martial gear are displayed income from the Black Lion. She tells dead mage Artanal . The others included
about the walls. PCs rolling their intelli- the PCs that Germad must have known Nerick, a fighter; Bundane, a thief;
gence or less on 1d20 notice telltale dust all along that his old pal would be back Certimfil, a mage; and Kernin, a priest.
outlines of several weapons that no in town, so perhaps they should seek Bundane and Kernin were slain in the
longer hang in their accustomed places . out Germad if they want to locate fight with Artanal's guardian golem,
Cindal and Hurot claim to know nothing Nerick . Cindal can direct the party to and Germad and Certimfil were left to
about Nerick's return, and they are not the captain's quarters with no difficulty. fight it alone when Nerick's lycan-
lying. The empty spaces do not mean Cindal and Hurot: AL N ; AC 10; MV thropy-which they hoped to cure from

62 Issue No . 26

proceeds of the adventure-got the bet- center of the house) are thrown wide, Apart from accounts of battles with
ter of him and made him run wild and the shelves are bare of foodstuffs many human and nonhuman foes in far-
through the hills. After defeating the and utensils alike. Artanal took the flung lands that occurred many years in
golem, the remainder of the party fol- provisions and utensils for his own use, the past, the author also relates news
lowed Nerick's trail and left him cloth- having heard a rumor that Okinar has about his more recent doings . The latest
ing and his share of the treasure, hired people to find Nerick . It may be a entry reads:
thinking he'd follow them to the city. while before he dares obtain items nor-
. . . Received some disturbing news this day. It
He never showed up . When he failed to mally, so this theft will tide him over for
seems likely that Nerick has returned to Wysos, as
show up after several months, they a few days .
people representing Okinar of Sefar have been
presumed he was dead. The rest of the room is upended in a
asking about him in the city . His lycanthropy must
Germad can tell the PCs that Nerick's peculiar way. A thief PC of any level is
be taking control. 1 must alert the watch to be on
wife still lives in the city, as does the 50% likely to recognize the faked nature
the lookout-my old companion must be taken
mage Certimfil (on the outskirts of of the ransacking: items aren't sifted
dead or alive before it's too late . . .
town, across the Cirdon River) . He sug- through in search of valuables. Only the
gests that Nerick might have contacted area immediately in front of the stove An entry from eight weeks previous
one of these two, as he's certainly not shows signs of the struggle between reads as follows:
approached Germad . Germad and his assailant, but a trail of
. . . Certimfil wanted to either tie Nerick up or
The interior of the house is softened bloodstains leads to the front door.
slay him while he slept, but I dissuaded him .
by hanging tapestries and a thin but The mage arrived in his current guise
"Let him have a chance;' I said. He had been
serviceable carpet . A partition made of Nerick and succeeded in persuading
a fine companion once and was owed that chance . 1
from newer materials than the main Germad that he was truly the missing
filled his pack with food as well as gems from
structure divides the building into two fighter. Germad was further tricked into
Artanal'sfoul lair and left a hurried note .
rooms. An efficient stove heats the room revealing the location of the gem that
We came to the citadel at dusk of the following
that serves as both kitchen and living Artanal used for his magicjar spell,
evening, and the gates then being closed, we stayed
room . The small bedroom's furnishings after which the mage took advantage of at the mage's home by the river. It was a strained
include a bookcase and a chest holding an unguarded moment to set upon Ger- affair at best, for the matter of Nerick lay heavily
items of clothing. mad, mortally wounding him . He then
on our minds . I regretted abandoning Nerick, and
Germad, Captain of the Watch: AL attempted to duplicate the effects of a
harsh words were said between Certimfil and me so
NG; AC 0 (8 at home); MV 6 (12 at robbery by turning over everything in
that we divided the treasure and parted with no
home); F8 ; hp 68 ; THACO 13 ; #AT 3/2; the rooms. He was helped by the solid-
farewells in the morning . I kept the shining gem
Dmg by weapon type ; S 18/53, D 16, ity of the structure of the billet house,
myself, and I doubt f Certimfil even saw it . 1 may
C 17, 115, W 15, Ch 18 ; ML 15 . On which muffled the noise of the melee
sell it separately, as a curiosity, though its inner
duty, Germad wears plate mail and and ransacking and so prevented the
light is quite attractive . Perhaps I'll keep it mysef
carries a shield-unusual for a city neighbors or passersby from detecting
guardsman, but Germad didn't get to be the trouble.
powerful by being careless . He possesses An entry from a week later reads:
a long sword +2. 2B. Bedroom. The chest in the north-
. . . I sold the gems for a good price-far more
Use the following boxed description if west corner is a sturdy, iron-bound
than I'd expected-so I felt guilty again about
the PCs come to the house after Artanal wooden case and is unlocked. Though the
Nerick not sharing in our good fortune. Each time
has been there. chest has been opened and apparently I look at the curious gem I'm reminded of Nerick,
rummaged through, a small bag of 57 gp
You find Germad's quarters near the who has failed to return to the citadel. We
in the pocket of a carefully folded coat
gates of the Governor's Palace . The shouldn't have left him! I know it's no more than
has not been removed. The mage ne- an attempt at easing a guilty conscience, but I'm
stone structure is seemingly a con- glected his role as thief in his haste to
verted military billet house, judging going to donate the special gem to the Municipal
make things look realistic. Some other
by other buildings nearby. You notice Museum instead of either keeping or selling it .
items discarded as superfluous by An
the heavy door is slightly ajar, and Given Certimfil's attitude, I'll not show it to him
tanal are also in the chest: a finely
the interior of the house looks dark now. He's retired to studies of his own, so I may
sharpened nonmagical dagger, a helm of
and quiet. as well concentrate on my own ambitions . . .
telepathy, and a magical short sword +2.
The contents of the bookshelf on the There follows mundane material out-
Germad's bloody corpse is sprawled on east wall have been carelessly swept lining Germad's purchasing of the cap-
the floor near the doorway. The body is onto the floor. One of the two ceramic taincy of the watch, for the mutual
covered with knife wounds, many of bookends has been smashed. Rulebooks benefit of both Wysos and Germad, and
which are in its back . The house has for the city watch, biographies of fa- the efficient and diligent way in which
been ransacked, though it's difficult to mous fighting men, a guide to sword- the fighter attended to his duties . The
determine if anything is missing. The making . and an illustrated guide to diary finishes with the reported reap-
following areas provide items and clues armor types are representative subjects pearance of Nerick in the citadel .
of possible interest to the PCs. from the scattered volumes. One item of What the PCs make of these excerpts
interest is a book whose uneven hand- is up to them . They may presume that
2A. Kitchen and Living Room. The written style indicates a diary; it is Nerick is motivated by revenge, for his
doors to the kitchen cupboard (which titled Journal and Memoir of Germad companions left him alone in the wilder
sits across from the sofa almost in the the Fighter. ness, or their attention may be drawn


over Nerick, Certimfil wasn't given an

CERTIMFIL'S HOUSE opportunity to examine the shining
gemstone in the division of the treasure
Area 3 Jr
(Germad coveted it and slipped it into a
pocket before leaving the mage's lair)
and knows nothing of its existence. He
suggests the adventurers try to locate
Nerick at his old house (area 1) or at
Germad's quarters (area 2).
Certimfil the Mage: AL LN; AC 6;
NMI MV 12; M9; hp 30; THACO 18; NAT 1;
Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 17,
D 18, C 15, 117, W 13, Ch 14; ML 14;
spells : hypnotism, magic missile (X 3),
alter self, fog cloud, Tasha's uncontrolla-
ble hideous laughter, fly, infravision,
phantom steed, dig, dimension door,
fin passwall.
If the PCs arrive after Artanal has
already been there, use the following
boxed description :

No I Certimfil's threefold house is well lit,

but sounds of shouting can be heard
from inside. As you approach, a door
opens and the mage exits in a highly
animated state.
NMI All of Certimfil's spell books have
NMI been stolen, leaving him with only
those spells he has memorized . He's just
toward the curious gemstone (actually prefers his magical studies to most com- a tad less than hysterical, especially
the magic jar) that Germad donated to pany. He'll welcome fellow practitioners since he's been paying the thieves' guild
the museum . They may also wish to pay ofthe magical arts, though, so PC wiz- protection money against such a possi-
a call on Certimfil (see area 3). ards may be more useful in dealing with bility. Unfortunately, he's not covered
Certimfil than other classes. If a PC by any more useful "insurance." In the
3. Certimfil's House. suggests swapping a spell with Certimfil circumstances, he could do with some
in return for information, allow a 50% help, and he indicates that the PCs may
It's easy to find Certimfil's house, as chance for the mage to accept the pro- be the recipients of a 3,000-gp reward if
it's the only dwelling constructed on posal, providing the PC meets any cost of they return the books safely to him .
the south bank of the Cirdon River. the rewriting of the spell(s) . The following sections describe the
The house is made up of three con- The mage never liked Nerick, and he rooms in Certimfil's house after the
nected buildings, each with its own made no bones about it. Being of ex- theft has occurred .
exit. Apparently, the mage uses each tremely practical bent, Certimfil saw
section for a different purpose, as one the inclusion of a known lycanthrope in 3A. Study. The only concession to
emits a decidedly chemical odor, an- the adventuring party as absurdly dan- comfort in this, the largest of Certimfil's
other is surrounded by heaps of ash gerous since no one could predict his rooms, is the simple bed in the southwest
and slag, and the third is barred and behavior. And indeed, two ofthe party corner. Six large bookcases, a desk, and a
shuttered from within . A large chim- died while Nerick was off somewhere in chair are the other furnishings . The
ney rises from the rear of the house . wereform and unavailable to fight the contents of the shelves are now in disar-
golem. In addition, there was no guar- ray, with gaps showing places from
There were three small houses here antee that Nerick's fellow adventurers which the various books and tomes con-
once, but Certimfil purchased all three would not eventually become his vic- taining valuable spells have been taken.
and converted them to his own uses. tims. Only Germad's intervention per- Certimfil habitually wizard locks all
There is little of anything one would suaded Certimfil that the fighter should doors and windows in the house, and
associate with a normal dwelling inside, be given another chance . adds the additional safeguards of heavy
for Certimfil makes use of all available On the PCs' first visit (assuming An dead bolts in case of failure of his magi-
space for his studies, except for a small tanal hasn't paid a call already), Certim- cal protections . Only the door connect-
bed in a corner. He gets his meals at an fil knows nothing of where the party ing with the laboratory (area 3B) has
eatery across the river. might locate the fighter. Because of the had its wizard lock protection dispelled.
Certimfil is a taciturn individual who bad feeling between himself and Germad The PCs may note, or be told by Cer-

timfil himself, that only the more valu- about the same size. timfil's adventuring days.
able writings have been taken. Though Artanal removed his footwear before 2. Nerick was heard in the Black Lion
this doesn't amount to more than a sign climbing up the pipe to gain access to tavern asking for news of a fighter
that the burglary was carried out by the house . He used his one remaining named Germad, and specifically asking
someone who knew what he was looking dispel magic spell to eliminate the wiz- what Germad had done with any trea-
for, the DM should allow the adventur- ard lock on the connecting door. Then he sures he retrieved from Artanal's lair.
ers to reach this conclusion for them- stole those spells and components he 3. Nerick visited all the jewelers and
selves . Certimfil was asleep at the time recognized from having learned success- gemcutters in town, asking those who
of the robbery and can offer no clues. fully before, after which he left via the had dealings with Germad if they had
A ranger, or a PC with tracking profi- drain and retrieved his footwear. purchased a certain glowing gemstone .
ciency, may attempt to search the floor Nerick was prepared to pay a great deal
for clues if he declares he is doing so. If 3C. Forge. Both doors to this area are of gold to buy the gemstone from its
other PCs have been in the room al wizard locked . The large forge fire in- current owner.
ready, the roll is made at a penalty of side is surmounted on the outside ofthe 4. Nerick approached the curator of
-5 on the die. If a successful roll is building with a high brick chimney. A the Municipal Museum and requested
made, the PC detects a set of muddy large bellows is connected to the fur- to be allowed access to the uncataloged
prints, made by a barefoot human, lead- nace in the eastern corner. Opposite gemstone that had been donated to the
ing back and forth from the connecting this, in the southern corner ofthe room, museum by Captain Germad of the
door to the laboratory. Prints have been is a crate of charcoal. An anvil with Watch . He was refused on the grounds
carefully erased in area 3B . typical tools rests near the connecting that he must wait to see the exhibit on
door to the study. public display, just like everyone else.
3B. Laboratory. Though the outer Certimfil conducts various experi- 5. A thief named Somblet met Nerick
door to this chamber is still locked, the ments here, though none seem to have last week and hailed him as an old
wizard lock on the connecting door to the been carried out recently. The furnace is friend . The fighter was evasive and
study has been dispelled. Inside, the odor banked but warm. Outside, ash and slag uneasy, and didn't seem to recognize the
of chemicals and strange, noxious sub- are dumped near the door. There are no thief. Somblet remarked that he didn't
stances is almost overpowering . Furnish- signs of disturbance anywhere in this seem like the old Nerick at all . For one
ings include three heavy workbenches room. thing, he wasn't visibly armed, though
along the wall to the southeast ; a hand Somblet detected a dagger hidden in his
pump near the outer exit; a long table Thieves' Guild Rumors robes .
against the northwest wall; a large 6. Someone fitting Nerick's descrip-
Ifa PC thief decides that a visit to con-
drainage sump for waste materials in tion was seen a night back walking
tacts in the local thieves' guild might
the northwest corner; and a rack of fine along the bank of the Cirdon River
prove profitable in recovering Certimfil's
crystal flasks, beakers, and oddly shaped carrying a bulky parcel . He was dressed
spell books (or if he doesn't think of this,
containers against the southwest wall. in robes and unarmored, which is to-
and the DM decides to have the guild
Anyone following the trail of prints tally out of character for the fighter.
question him), the DM should allow the
from area 3A discovers that the trail thiefto pick up the following information :
has been purposely erased from the A Visit to the Museum
The guild is both surprised and angry
floor of the laboratory. Spell components
that the home of their "good friend" The adventurers should now be
of different types adorn the tables and Certimfil was burgled . In fact, the guild equipped with the following pieces of
rack, though an inventory of Certimfil's would be most anxious to locate the knowledge :
goods will show that components for freelancer who had given the "honest -Nerick is definitely in the city.
many (but not all) of the spells stolen citizens of Wysos" such an ill-deserved -He's armed and dangerous .
from the study are also missing . reputation . -He's suffering from lycanthropy.
A PC carefully examining the drain- Should the PCs ask about any sight- -He's acting very strangely in compari-
age sump must successfully pass his ings ofNerick, either in connection with son to his normal self.
detect secret doors roll (if he is an elf or the recovery of the missing spell books -He's probably responsible for the mur-
half-elf) to notice that the grille in the or in their continued search for the der of Germad.
bottom of the sump is slightly off fighter, the following guild-based ru- -He most likely stole Certimfil's spell
square, as if it had been removed and mors from operatives about the city books.
then carelessly replaced . A PC who is may be gleaned for the not unreasona- -He has an interest in acquiring access
not an elf may roll his intelligence score ble fee of 50 gp a rumor. to the gem that Germad donated to the
as a percentage to notice this. This is To assign rumors randomly, roll 1d6 Municipal Museum .
the entrance that the thief used to by- and consult the Thieves' Guild Rumors Logically, the next port of call for the
pass Certimfil's other barriers . A 4'- table : investigating PCs is the museum and its
diameter pipe leads underground to the new exhibition of the Shining Gemstone .
northwest, emerging above the Cirdon 1. A man fitting Nerick's description
River. Tracks of booted and bare feet was seen in a hostelry across the river 4. The Municipal Museum . The
may be found here and there on the from Certimfil's house yesterday. He museum is a large building near the
riverbank. The bare footprints corres- asked questions about the mage's recent lbmple Precinct of the city. Its large
pond with those the PCs may have
past. In particular, he asked about Cer- double doors are seldom used and are
found in the study. The boot marks are

the first governor of Wysos was said to

have owned. The other exhibit is a good
copy of his alleged magical lamp.

4F. The 14 small displays along the

east and north walls contain different
minerals and odd rocks. The stones are
all curious specimens because of their
color or shape but have no commercial
value .

4G. The case in the corner is large

and contains a tableau of a stuffed ogre
eating a wax model of a goblin. The
ogre is showing signs of moldiness .

4H. This single display is of shells and

pearls . It is executed in fine detail and
with vibrant colors to replicate a sea-
shore setting. The pearls are worth a
total of 100 gp.

41. The smaller displays are of mili-

tary decorations. The larger case holds
three suits ofplate mail worth about
300 gp each. These are real museum
pieces, in all senses of the phrase .

4J. These three cases show artifacts

dug up when a new town well was exca-
vated . These items of pottery and every-
day use are from a period of habitation
prior to the laying down of the founda-
tions of the citadel .

4K. The three stuffed tigers in this

case were originally given to a governor
of Wysos as hunting beasts by a foreign
delegation. They all died of a strange
malady a few days after arriving in the
citadel .

4L. The larger case holds an egg of

spherical shape, about 2' in diameter
and allegedly from a dragon (it's from a
sea turtle-a big one!) The smaller cases
hold a variety of eggs from local domes-
kept securely locked from the inside. 4C. These cases contain old coins and tic and wild creatures .
Entrance to members of the public may wooden tallies once used in the citadel .
be gained between the hours of 11 A.M. The coins are equivalent to 500 gp in 4M. These four cases display stuffed
to 4:30 PM., using the side entrances . modern money (they're still serviceable reptiles including a python, some poi-
Briefly, these are the important areas of if liberated from their glass-topped con- sonous members of the snake family,
the museum : tainers), but the tallies are worthless . and an iguana.

4A. These side entrances afford access 4D. The northern exhibit is a small 4N. This is the desk where the cura-
to the interior of the building . stuffed brownie . The southern exhibit is tor, Gerfeld Blim, spends much of his
a wax mock-up ofa head, wearing a time asleep . Few people visit the mu-
4B. This exhibit of exotic birds and fancy helmet of an antique design once seum, as there's always something bet-
dried plants is contained in airtight worn by guardsmen in the citadel. ter to do in Wysos, so he sleeps to avoid
display cases with oval glass covers . boredom. It's only when there's a new
4E. The northern exhibit is a moth- exhibit like the Shining Gemstone that
eaten replica of a carpet offlying that

visitors usually come and he's required

to be awake.
Slow-moving, low-talking, and sleepy-
eyed, the curator is a stickler for the
rules and enforces them rigidly when- I ~ I

ever he can. He opens the museum ' /

punctually at 11 A.M . and closes it I

strictly at 4:30 PM . I I

Blim can confirm the rumor about

Nerick having visited the museum with 1 I

the intention of purchasing the gemstone . I

He reports that his visitor returned yes- I I-N
terday (the day the new exhibit opened), /
looked only briefly at the exhibit, and
M I-F //
glanced impatiently at the small crowd of r L_ -
onlookers before stamping out again,
muttering to himself. 1 44 x
The curator was near the exit and .

thought he heard Nerick mutter some-


thing about ". . . tonight . . ." and ". . . _- I I 1 ~ 1 _ ;

getting smells . . ." In fact, Artanal


muttered, "It's safe here . Do the house

tonight. Get some spells ."
C 1
Gerfeld Blim : AL LN ; AC 10 ; MV 12 ;
HD 0-level human; hp 4; THACO 20 ; 1- I I I
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type ; ML 9. 1111111 fill 11111 11111 1111111111
40. The Shining Gemstone . This is 101 L.1
the new exhibit that all the fuss is about.
It's a well-cut ruby with a slight flaw in
##=N=#### 1 square = 2'
its center shaped like a clenched fist .
The gem shines brightly even when in
shadow, and some observers have fan- force to his own body ; Artanal's life force them to attack (with surprise, if it suc-
cied it flickers sometimes, too. The ruby to the gemstone), there will be a time cessfully hides). If all the PCs are in the
holds the life force of Nerick, but only a lapse of 1-4 rounds plus one round per museum, the monster remains hidden
character possessing a magic jar spell level of the caster who dispelled the outside to act as a rear guard if Artanal
will recognize the gem for what it is . magic before either Artanal or Nerick seeks to escape from a melee with the
If anyone casts a dispel magic spell on can act, due to disorientation . Artanal adventurers.
the gem (the base chance is 50% may attempt a magic jar attack from the Iron cobra: Int non; AL N; AC 0; MV
+/- 5% per level difference between gemstone if any PC or NPC is within 12 ; HD 1; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1; Ding
the caster's level and Artanal's), range after the time lapse has passed. 1-3; SA poison (save at -2 or die) for
Nerick's life force is forced out of the If the gemstone is broken and the host three consecutive bites; SD unaffected
gemstone . If Artanal (in Nerick's body) body and trapped life force are not by mind-based attacks, immune to web,
is not within 120 yards at the time, within 120 yards of each other, both life half damage from normal weapons, hide
Nerick's essence has nowhere to go and forces die. If within range, Nerick gets in shadows 49%, save vs . spells as 12th-
he dies . If the mage is within range, the his body back and Artanal dies, leaving level wizard ; MR special; SZ S; ML 20 ;
life force of the fighter returns to its Nerick with a lot of explaining to do . XP 120; FF/52.
body, while Artanal's life force is See pages 169-170 of the AD&D 2nd In the museum, Artanal attempts to
shunted back into the gem. Edition Player's Handbook for full de- get near the gem and steal it . If the PCs
If someone casts a dispel magic spell on tails on this spell. don't hinder him, he leaves the prem-
Artanal, his essence is driven out of ises and makes for his hideaway at area
Nerick's body and back into the gem- A Meeting With a Stranger 5. The adventurers may meet him there
stone-if within 120 yards of the stone. for a final confrontation.
Should the PCs stake out the museum
Chances of success are the same as those If the PCs challenge Artanal in the
or hide inside, their patience will be
shown above for casting the spell on the museum, he resorts to using those spells
rewarded with a visit in the dead of the
gemstone . If outside the 120-yard range he's successfully learned from Certim-
night by a person fitting Nerick's de-
when forced out of Nerick's body, the fil's spell books. The next few para-
scription. He artlessly forces the lock on
mage dies . As a reciprocal effect, graphs briefly describe his tactics.
one of the doors and slips inside .
Nerick's life force will also be killed as When Artanal enters the museum, he
With him, attempting to hide in the
his body is outside the spell's range. has already cast an infravision spell, so
shadows of the street outside, is an iron
If Nerick's body is within range and he can detect any non-invisible creature
cobra. If any PCs follow the mage in-
proper transferral occurs (Nerick's life within 60 yards that gives off unmasked
doors, the monster sneaks up behind

body heat . Additionally, he has cast a mage makes good his escape if unhin- Artanal (werewolf form): Int average ;
stoneskin spell to protect against armed dered (not necessarily with the gem in AL CE ; AC 5; MV 15 ; HD 4 +3 ; hp 27 ;
watchmen . This gives him protection his possession). If unsuccessful in rout- THACO 15 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg 2-8; SA surprise
against 1d4+6 nonmagical attacks ing the PCs, he prepares a magic mis- on 1-3; SD hit only by silvered or magi-
before the spell ends. The non-detection sile spell to cover an escape attempt in cal weapons, heal 10% to 60% of wounds
spell he's also cast is in operation as he the following round. at end of change ; SZ M; ML 12 ; XP 420;
enters the museum . For every round of combat with the MC (lycanthrope). Treat the werewolf's
If attacked, Artanal retaliates imme- PCs, there is a 15% cumulative chance strength as 19 for purposes of combat if
diately by casting magic missiles at up the mage will turn into his wereform the PCs attempt to net or grapple him.
to five targets within view-including and attack in an insane rage (assume
those he can see with his 60-yard the change brings him to full hit points If Artanal is Slain
infravision. in werewolf form if he's been damaged
On the next round, Artanal can use a to a point below this figure). If Artanal If the PCs kill Artanal's host body
telekinesis spell on a character weighing loses 50% or more of his hit points in within 120 yards of the gemstone, the
up to 3001bs ., if he wins initiative and wereform form, he tries to escape . mage will be forced back into the stone
the target fails a saving throw vs . Artanal (human form): AL CE ; AC 6; and helpless for 1-4 rounds . Nerick's life
spells . The target must be within 120 MV 12 ; M12; hp 70 (or 57 in his own force will depart, having no body to call
yards to be successfully attacked, and body); THACO 17 ; #AT 1; Ding by spell its own. The PCs may subsequently be
damage from impact with floor or walls or weapon type ; S 17, D 18, C 17, 118, recipients of a magicjar attack from the
equals 1d6 + 3 hp . Spell-casters so W 12, Ch 17 ; ML 15 ; XP 7,000; spells : gemstone .
hurled lose any spell about to be cast. armor, hypnotism, magic missile (x 2, What happens after this is up to the
In the next round, Artanal attempts to five missiles per casting), fog cloud, DM . The mage will have no spell compo-
cast a fear spell . Anyone in the area of locate object, misdirection, Tasha's un- nents for his memorized spells if he
effect who fails a saving throw vs . spells controllable hideous laughter, fly, infra- successfully obtains a fresh body from a
flees the building in panic, running at vision (used), non-detection (used), PC . Perhaps the adventure will con-
top movement rate for 12 rounds . vampiric touch, detect scrying, fear, tinue with the mage "hijacking" one of
If adversaries are present in the next illusionary wall, stoneskin (used), ani- the adventurers and trying to escape .
round, the mage attempts to cast a mate dead, chaos, magicjar, telekinesis, In no event will Okinar pay out 800 gp
chaos spell within his 60-yard range geas. Artanal carries a magical dagger for a dead body, although the city offi-
and in a suitable area. If successful, the +1 for use when all else fails. cials may be interested in paying reward

68 Issue No . 26

money if the PCs get Okinar to verify

their story ofkilling a lycanthrope . ARTANAL'S LAIR Area 5
Otherwise, the adventurers might find
themselves accused of murder. If they
can prove the body is that of a lycan-
thrope (it inconveniently changes back to
human form after death), they may be
eligible for an 800-gp reward from the
city authorities.

If Artanal is Captured
If the PCs succeed in capturing the fugi-
tive, allow them to carry off "Nerick" to
Okinar's quarters in the Temple of Sefar.
The priest will pay them their reward for
the safe return ofhis client. Okinar
proceeds to complete the ceremony that
cures Nerick's body of lycanthropy, after
which Artanal is free to go.
What the PCs do about Germad's mur-
der and the theft of Certimfil's spell
books is up to them. If the PCs do not
pursue these matters, Artanal will have
a free rein in plotting his revenge on the
city-a situation beyond the scope of this
adventure but possibly involving the
PCs at a later date.
Though now cured of his lycanthropy,
krtanal may still choose to steal the
gei "stone in order to preserve it from
possible destruction and his immediate
demise . This might involve the PCs in tion from its spies about Nerick's hide- If the adventurers have found the place
yet another investigation . out, and will train a PC thief up to his through another means, the mage will
If the adventurers insist on having next level for half the regular fee (as- be relaxing in his lair, studying his
Nerick tried as a murderer or thief, the suming he has sufficient experience stolen spell books.
mage may be brought to court (or may points to progress). Refer to the Citadel
escape before his trial) and so become a ofWysos and Artanal's Lair maps when 5A. Tunnel .
true enemy ofthe PCs . reading the following descriptions.
The trapdoor opens into a rough-
If Artanal Escapes 5. The Shack . This wooden structure hewn tunnel that winds northward .
is the last in a long line of similar build- All is quiet except for the infrequent
The adventure continues! Ifthe mage
ings in a very seedy part of the city. The plops of dripping moisture.
escapes his encounter in the museum (or
later custody), the adventurers may DM may crowd 3-12 poverty-stricken
NPCs into each shack. These poor souls If the adventurers enter the tunnel,
decide to pursue him across the city. In
are unlikely to either aid or hinder the they'll have no difficulty in smelling the
this event, allow a fair pursuit across
PCs in their activities. Most are mem- cesspool at area 5B.
town, finishing at the mage's hideout
(area 5) in the city. The climax is reached bers of the thieves' guild, and a report of
the adventurers' presence in the area 513. Cesspool.
in a final confrontation with Artanal in
his bolt-hole . will be at guild headquarters within half The tunnel comes into what looks
If the PCs cannot follow due to incapac- an hour. No one will alert the authorities like a natural cave but which has the
itation, or somehow lose Artanal in the for fear of awkward questioning . unmistakable odor of a cesspool . A
chase, they can find his new lair through Inside, the shack contains a single large waste pipe set high into the
the intervention of the thieves' guild, table, chair, and candle . Food taken north wall of the cave disgorges a
who by now have had enough of Nerick's from Germad's kitchen is in a sack near stream of sewage in a gurgling
doings (actually Artanal's doings, of the stuffed rag mattress. Beneath the splash . Ominous shapes move about
course) and want him out of the way. As mattress is a concealed trapdoor to a in the pool of semi-identifiable mess.
the guild considers the PCs "neutrals;" short tunnel leading to Artanal's secret
the adventurers can be given the job of lair beneath the city. If PCs are in hot The cave holds water from natural
dealing with him, taking whatever pursuit, the mage will scoot down here
to lie low for a while or prepare a suit- seepage in the rocks above. The rate of
action they want against the fugitive . In drainage of the pool is fairly constant,
return, the guild gives the PCs informa- able reception in his own surroundings.
so buildings on the surface uses it as a

convenient waste disposal site, while its breath weapon . If the PCs are not level and above will be unaffected .
Artanal uses it as a convenient moat. In surprised, roll normally for initiative. If both sides are still engaged in the
the 4'-deep semi-liquid pool live six Brown mold: Int non ; AL N; AC 9; fifth round, the creature breathes again
white alligators that subsist on the MV 0; HD nil ; hp nil ; THACO 19; #AT 0; for 2-16 hp damage .
waste and an occasional unwise rat. Dmg nil ; SA freezing; SD absorb heat; In the sixth round, it melees with
Artanal uses a skiff to cross the pool if SZ S; ML nil ; XP nil ; MC (mold) . claw and fang attacks .
his flight spell has been expended. The Ice lizard: Int low ; AL CE; AC 1 ; MV In the seventh round, it casts fear
alligators don't bother the skiff, but 9, fly 15 (C) [as white dragon : 12, fly 40 again . The DM (who should have the
anyone foolish enough to swim or wade (E); HD 3+3; hp 14; THACO 17 ; #AT 3; idea by now) should use individual
through the noisome gunk is fair game. Dmg 1-6/1-3/1-3 ; SA spells, cold breath judgment for attack forms in subse-
Alligators (6) : Int animal ; AL N; AC weapon; MR 80% except vs. charm and quent melee rounds.
5 ; MV 6, swim 12; HD 3; hp 8, 6 (x 2), 3; hold spells (normal MR, -2 on saving This monster may be slain by deliver-
THACO 17; #AT 2; Dmg 2-8/1-12; SA throw); SZ S; ML 15; XP 650; FF/52; ing 15 hp damage to it in ice lizard form
surlsi : ",e on 1-3 ; SZ L; ML 9; XP 65; MC spell-like powers : can polymorph self or 51 hp damage in dragon form. Due to
(crocoo ? le). into the form of a juvenile white dragon its summoned nature (having been ac
Like the (now stuffed) tigers in the twice per day for two hours each time quired through a bag of beans), the ice
museum, these creatures were pre- (note spell limitations on abilities lizard has no accumulated treasure,
sented to a high-ranking official of Wy- gained), cast sleep and fear twice per though it may have some by the end of
sos. Being an unwanted gift, they were day each. the adventure-if the PCs are carrying
flushed down a convenient drain. In The ice lizard is in its polymorphed any.
order to conserve energy, they do not white dragon form when the adventur-
ever leave the pool. ers arrive at the cavern . If it wins sur- 5E . Trapped Stairway.
prise or initiative, it uses its frost
5C. Artanal's Skiff. breath weapon, delivering 2-16 hp dam- The tunnel abruptly opens onto a
age to all in the cone's 70'-long area of wooden stairway that climbs briefly
A small wooden skiff with a long pole effect . The monster may breathe up to up to a landing 10' above. A pair of
thrown down beside it is beached three times per day, with saving throws double doors stands closed at the rear
here in a spreading pool of waste applicable to affected characters . The ofthis landing, while an opening into
water. To the north, a boulder half fact that it consistently does 2-16 hp another corridor can be seen heading
blocks the exit tunnel heading east. - damage per attack with its breath west from the top of the stairs .
weapon may make the PCs wonder if
If the PCs are in pursuit of the mage, they are actually fighting a white If the PCs fail to detect the trap on the
he hurriedly pushed aside this stone as dragon or some form of illusion. A big topmost stair, allow a 50% chance per
a lure to the PCs before exiting the cave dragon, after all, would be expected to character (based on the marching order)
via the secret door in the west wall. wreak more havoc. of triggering the false doors at the top of
Otherwise, the stone blocks the escape The adjustments in attack forms and the stairs . A barrel-shaped boulder
of the ice lizard (see area 5D) that Ar- hit points are unique to this creature shoots out from a ramp hidden behind
tanal created from experimenting with and are not entirely the same as those the doors to strike anyone still on the
the bag of beans he owns . from regular polymorph spells. Except stairs . Damage to everyone on the steps
Not everything in Artanal's lair out- for its consistent breath weapon (using a caught by the roller is 4d6 +6 t:p (it's
side the city was discovered by the origi- number range instead of basing damage very heavy) but may be reduced by half
nal raiders, nor by Germad's group. The on hit points or hit dice), the creature if a character rolls his dexterity score or
mage recovered his bag of beans and his actually becomes a white dragon for all lower on 1d20.
wand of lightning from the wreck and intents and purposes . Due to its magical
will use both in his defense against the nature, however, it cannot be subdued. 5F. Wizard's Bolt-hole . This cave has
PCs . Two beans have already been In the second round of combat, the been crudely outfitted as a laboratory.
planted and watered; a patch of brown creature attacks with a claw/claw/bite Three tables hold many of the spell
mold and an ice lizard await the PCs in routine . components stolen from Certimfil, and
the next cave. In the third round, it casts a fear spell his spell books are heaped on the table
as if cast by a 7th-level wizard (the nearest the wooden throne in the north-
5D. Cold Cave. minimum level needed to cast fear, west corner. Beside the throne is a col-
which is an innate ability of this mon- lection of unstoppered flasks, each
The tunnel forks around a pillar of containing a wet, peaty mixture . Two
rock. The two branches open into a ster) . Anyone failing a saving throw vs.
spells turns and flees for seven rounds . alcoves hold depleted barrels and kegs
large cave. of poor-quality food. The alcove nearest
See page 157 of the AD&D 2nd Edition
Player's Handbook for the chance of the exit contains a special keg covered
As the PCs enter this area, they grow and filled with yellow mold.
dropping any held objects .
cold and their torches begin to die (the Yellow mold: Int nil ; AL N; AC 9;
If any undefeated PCs remain in the
initial effects of the brown mold). The MV nil ; HD nil ; THACO 16; #AT 1 ; Dmg
fourth round, the monster casts its sleep
DM should check for surprise . If the 1-8 ; SA poison spores (save vs. poison or
spell as a 7th-level wizard (the hit die of
PCs are surprised, the ice lizard that die); SD affected only by fire; MR 20% ;
the monster, in this case). This spell is a
lives in this cave gets a free attack with SZ M ; ML nil ; XP nil ; MC (mold) .
desperate measure, as characters of 4th-

70 Issue No. 26

Artanal is in this cave awaiting the Characters with blind-fighting profi- prisonment or destruction of Artanal .
arrival of pursuers, if he's fled here to ciency attack at -1 and save at -1 Certimfil will certainly recognize the
escape the PCs. Even if he's unaware of when dodging and evading. significance of the gemstone as a recep-
pursuit, he'll be alerted to intruders by Anyone rushing for the exit has a tacle for a life force, as he has the spell
the springing of the trap at area 5E . If base 50% chance of blundering into the magic jar in his own spell books . If the
not much time has passed since the PCs keg of yellow mold in the alcove near adventurers are having difficulty with
last encountered the wizard, his spells the door (40% chance for those with this aspect of the scenario, the DM may
may still be depleted from the last blindfighting proficiency) . The effects of allow Certimfil visit the museum and
encounter. If time has given Artanal an the fog lasts for 20 minutes . contact the PCs with his discovery of
opportunity to relearn his spells, they Bean 2 : An explosion delivering 3d6 hp the gemstone's true nature . The adven-
will be identical to those already shown damage to everyone within 20' of the ture may then be concluded by transfer-
on his spell list (see "A Meeting With a bottle heralds the arrival of an air ele- ring Artanal to the gemstone, freeing
Stranger" for Artanal's statistics) . mental . The elemental has no space in Nerick, and quickly placing the gem in
Artanal keeps a wand of lightning which to create a whirlwind, but it uses a lead-lined, magically prepared con-
and a bag of beans in this hidden lair. its first round to blast the PCs with an tainer (supplied by Certimfil) from
He'll use these to full effect in his final enormous gust of wind, cast at the 16th which the mage cannot escape . Nerick
confrontation with the PCs . level of magic use (all small fires extin- will be able to explain what happened
The wand may be used from a dis- quished and small items blown over ; to him in the mage's lair, though he'll
otherwise as per the spell) . The elemen- have no knowledge of Artanal's move-
tance, at an initiative modifier of +2, to
deliver a lightning bolt up to 100 yards tal then leaves forever for its home ments in his borrowed body. His lycan-
away. Damage (save vs . wands to reduce plane . thropy may cause further problems for
damage by half) is 12-36 hp (6d6, with Air elemental : Int low ; AL N ; AC 2 ; the PCs unless they convince him to see
each 1 rolled treated as a 2). The light- MV fly 36 ; HD 16 ; hp 80 ; THACO 5 ; #AT the cleric Okinar for a cure .
ning bolt may set fire to combustible 1 ; Ding 2-20 ; SA whirlwind; SD +2 or
material, and saving throws must be better weapon to hit ; SZ H ; ML 17 ; XP Further Adventures
rolled for objects (such as shields or 11,000 ; MC (elemental) . If Artanal escapes, there is plenty of
breastplates) that withstand the full Bean 3 : A hedge of quickly growing scope for further adventures in which
force of the bolt . A lightning bolt uses leaves sprouts up and covers an area 40' the PCs become involved in the activi-
up two of the 30 charges in the wand . long by 3' wide by 12' high . The DM ties of the mage .
In melee, Artanal may use the wand should locate its center where the bean More justification for further adven-
to strike a target, delivering a shock for bottle lands, as some PCs may be sepa- tures may be discovered in Germad's
1-10 hp damage . Victims of this attack rated from the main group, Artanal journal, parts of which are written in
get no saving throws . Characters in may be cut off from the PCs, or the code . Some of the places that the cap-
metal armor or shields are treated as hedge may bar the PCs from getting out tain visited may lure the adventurers
AC 10 . Plain leather and wood armor the exit . A man-sized passage can be into further exploration .
work normally. Magic bonuses on metal hacked through the foliage in three Artanal's original lair has been men-
armor do not affect armor class, but a rounds . Otherwise, the hedge remains tioned frequently in this adventure .
ring of protection does, as does any dex- for two hours before disappearing . There may be several unexplored areas
terity adjustment . The shock function Bean 4: A medusa appears in the there in which the PCs can find
drains one charge . place where the bean lands . Have all adventure .
Artanal uses the contents of his bag of PCs roll saving throws vs . petrification After assisting the thieves' guild in
beans in conjunction with the flasks of to avoid her gaze . The DM should roll this adventure, a PC thief is approached
damp peat to form some very interest- for Artanal in full view of the players, with a commission to remove certain
ing grenadelike weapons . The bag is declaring first the roll that is necessary items from the home of a city official .
slung at his side, so the mage may use for him to save (the mage must roll a 9 The thief may find himself holding
an initiative in which he's not attacking or greater on 1d20 to avoid petrifica- incriminating, historical, or magical
with spells or wand to reach into the tion). The medusa disappears in the papers in the course of the burglary,
bag and draw out a bean . In the same next round . thus embroiling the PCs in further
round, if unhindered, he can drop the Medusa : Int very ; AL LE ; AC 5 ; MV adventures .
bean into a flask of damp peat . The next 9 ; HD 6 ; hp 37 ; THACO 15 ; #AT 1 ; Dmg
time he gets initiative, he hurls the 1-4 ; SA petrification, poison ; SZ M ; ML
flask (make a normal attack roll) at his 13 ; XP 2,000; MC .
opponents . The Oops File
If Artanal uses this attack form, roll Concluding the Adventure
There is an error on page 8 of issue
1d4 to determine the effect of each The adventure may seem to be over if #24 ("In the Dread of Night") . The
sprouting bean (reroll any duplicates the PCs capture or kill Artanal (see first paragraph under "Sisak Vil-
until all four beans have been used). area 4 for discussion of these points). lage" should begin : "Sisak is a tiny
Bean 1 : A fog cloud of 30 yards in Of course, the most successful conclu- village located along the Westron
diameter appears, obscuring everyone's sion to this scenario is the liberation of Road in the Grand Duchy of Kara-
vision and causing all attack rolls to be Nerick from the gemstone, the retrieval meikos, about 25 miles east of
made at - 3 . Saving throws involving of Certimfil's spell books, and the im- Radlebb Keep."
dodging and evasion are at -3 penalty.
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