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Fabulous Chinese Herbs that lower LDL cholesterol!

How many people take statins in USA? According to CBS News, 25 million people, age between 40 to 75 years old
take statins. National Institutes of Health said that 35 million American people take statins. As you know, the side
effects of statins are famous!

Difficulty of sleeping
Flashing of skin
Myalgia( muscle weakness ) and pain,
Abdominal cramping
Bloating, gas

The scary things are that it might cause memory loss, mental confusion, high blood sugar, and type 2 diabetes.
The high level of LDL does not means the higher risk of cardiac arrests.To determine how your cholesterol levels
affect your risk of heart disease, your doctor will also take into account other risk factors such as age, family history,
smoking and high blood pressure. LDL levels as one factor of many in evaluating cardiovascular risk.

Total Cholesterol= HDL +LDL+( 0.2xTriglycerides)=under 200mg/dL ideal, 200-239mg/dL the edge line of high risk


September 14th, 2016

Female, 56 years old, BMI 24.9 Blood pressure 118/73,
everything is normal except LDL 167mg/dL( normal range is 100-129mg/dL, border line is 130-159mg/dL)
Diet, exercise three times a week (walking for one hour), Chinses herbs( 3-4 capsules three times a day)

December 6th, 2016, three months later

LDL decrease 134mg/dL

After LDL level is close to the normal range, the dosage of Chinese herbs were reduced from 12 capsules per day to
6 capsules per day.

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