Soal Mid Test Bahasa Inggris Ma

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A. Choose the best answer from a, b, c, d and e

1. The following sentences are expressed

when you congratulate your friends on
their birthday, except.....
a. I wish you many happy returns
b. I wish you all good things in your life
c. I wish you the pleasure of life
d. I wish you good health and happiness
e. I wish you could be the winner

2. Sita : Hey, look. The sky is cloudy,

I think its going to rain.
Dina: Oh no! What about our plan??
Sita : ................., we will stay at home.

a. If the sun shines

b. If it rains
c. If we dont go outside
d. If it will rain
e. If the sky is clear

3. The city will be flooded with the garbage

if the people..............

a. Keep the city clean

b. Keep throwing garbage anywhere
c. Do not obey traffic rules
d. Throw the garbage into the dustbin
e. Recycle waste regularly

4. Anna: Why dont you study abroad?

Edwin : If my English......I will study abroad.

a. Improve
b. Improved
c. Improves
d. Is improving
e. Has improved

5. Unless it rains, I will go to the field and play

foot ball with my friends.The sentence means that...
a. It is not raining
b. It is cloudy
c. It is sunny
d. It is raining
e. It is stormy

6. If I pass the exam with flying colour........

a. My father will be angry to me

b. My father will give me a warning
c. My father will advice me to learn more
d. My father will be annoyed
e. My father will give a prize

7. If you finish your training......

a. You will get a job

b. You will get a joke
c. You will get a dream
d. You will get a promise
e. You will get a friend

8. I will be very happy

a. If you lose in the game
b. If you win the game
c. If you fail in the game
d. If you get the smallest score
e. If you are sick and hospitalised

9. My mother will ...................if you come to my home.

a. Make a jail d. make a job
b. Make promise e. make a dream
c. make some cakes

10. If my TOEFL score reaches 500,

a. I will be lost
b. I will be angry
c. I will ask for permission
d. I will do nothing
e. I will apply for a scholarship

11. Here is an expression of hope.

a. I wish you all the best in your life
b. I dont have any objection
c. Its really satisfying.
d. It is really dissatisfying
e. Everything was satisfying

12. Here are the expressions of hope except....

a. I wish you luck
b. We wish you have a nice weekend
c. I really agree with you.
d. I wish you have a nice trip
e. We wish you have a safe flight

13. Here are the expressions to respond a HOPE....

a. Im satisfied with .
b. She does not agree with what youve done.
c. I really agree with you.
d. I really hope so
e. You are right

14. Happy birthday! I wish you many happy returns

(Responding of wishes)
a. She does not agree with what youve done.
b. Thank you very much
c. I really agree with you.
d. I dont think so
e. Yes, but dont forget, its very dangerous

15. I have a problem, my dictionary is lost.

a. I hope you can find it.
b. I wish you leave it.
c. I hope you leave it.
d. I hope you throw it.
e. I wish you sell it.

16. She will not pass the exam,........................

a. Unless she studies hard
b. Unless she will not study hard
c. Unless she will study hard
d. Unless he does not study hard
e. Unless she does not study hard

17. He will arrive on time............................

a. Unless there is not an accident
b. Unless there is not traffic jam
c. Unless there is an accident
d. Unless there is not a trouble
e. Unless there is not an event

18. We ____________ our grand mother next year

a. visit
b. Will visit
c. visits
d. visiting
e. visited

19. My sister always ............... her clothes everyday.

a. will wash d. wash
b. washing e. washes
c. washed

20. My father paper every morning.

a. reads d. will read
b. read e. has washed
c. reading
B. Translate the words into English then put them in complete

1. Selamat Ulang Tahun

2. Jika tidak
3. harap
4. Jika
5. Minggu depan

Good luck!
May God always bless you all...

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