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Reflection Conference Interview Protocol

(Post-Observation Form)

Teacher Name: Date: Period:

1. In general, how successful was the lesson? Did students learn what you intended for them to learn? How do you know? (4a)

2. If you had an opportunity to teach this lesson again to same group of students, what would you do differently? (4a)

3. Did you depart from your plan? If so, how and why? (3e)

4. How did you classroom procedures (routines, transitions, student movement and configuration) enhance or detract from the
lesson? What, if anything, would you do differently? (2c)

5. How did your instructional delivery impact students cognitive engagement? (Directions and procedures, Explanation of content,
modeling, examples) (3a)

6. What evidence do you have of student learning? What do student work samples reveal about cognitive engagement and
learning? (3c)

7. What did you learn from informal assessment during the lesson? How did the results impact your instruction and/or student
learning? (3d)

8. What impact did student behavior have on cognitive engagement and learning? (2d)

9. How do you communicate with parents or families? What circumstances constitute communication with a parent or family
member? If applicable, give example(s) of your communication with parents or family members. (4c)

10. What are your contributions to the professional community of Kittatinny? Please mention any PLCs or District/School events or
projects in which you have participated. (4d)

11. What actions have you taken to further yourself professionally (building level or through outside offerings? (4e)

RCIP 11/19/2013

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