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Human Resource is the most precious of all resources. In a general

way, Human Resources are the people and their characteristics at work either at the
national level or organizational level

From the national point of view, Human Resources are knowledge, skills,
creative abilities, talents and attitudes obtained in the population.

From the organization point of view, Human Resource represents the people at
work. They are the sum total of the inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and
skills as exemplified in the talents and aptitudes of its employee.

Thus Human Resource represents the qualitative and quantitative measurement

of the workforce required in an organization.


Human Resource refers to a whole consisting of inter-related, independent

and interacting physiological, psychological sociological and ethical components:
--------- JUCIOUS


Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and

organizations together so that the goals of each are met. It is the part of
management of Human Resource in an organization. It tries to secure the best from
people by winning their whole hearted co-operation. Human Resource
Management is an art of procuring, developing and maintaining competent work
force to achieve the goals of an organization. It is an effective and efficient manner.
And it is the management of employees skills, knowledge, talents, aptitudes,
creative abilities.

Organizations are not mere bricks, motors, machines or inventories. They are
people. It is the people who staff and manage organization.

Human Resource Management involves the application of the management

functions and principles. The functions and principles are applied to
acquisitioning, developing, maintaining and remunerating employees in an

Decisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. Effective

of the organization must result in betterment of services to the customers in the
form of high quality product supplied at reasonable costs.

Human Resource Management is not confined to business establishment only.

They are applicable to non- business organizations too such as Education,
Health care, Recreation and the like


Human Resource Management means employing people developing their

resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in true with the
job and organizational requirements. It refers to a set of programs, functions, and
activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employee as well
as organizational effectiveness. It is the process of binding people and
organizations together so that the objectives of each are obtained.


Human Resource Management is the planning, organizing, directing

and controlling of the procurement, developing, compensation, integration,
maintenance and separation of Human Resource to the end that individual
organizational and social objectives are accomplished.
-------- EDWIN. B. FLIPPO

Human Resource Management is concerned with the most effective

use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals



Every organization has some objectives and every part of it should

contribute directly or indirectly to the attainment of desired objectives. Objectives
of Human Resource Management are derived from the basic objectives of a
organization. The objectives of Human Resource Management may be as follows:
o To help the organization to attain its goals by providing well- trained and well
motivated employees.

o To utilize the Human Resources effectively in the achievement of

organizational goals.

o To enhance job satisfaction and self actualization of employees by encouraging

and assisting every employee to realize his/her full potential

o To establish and maintain provide self responding and internally satisfying

working relationship among all the members of the organization

o To bring out the maximum development of members of the organization by

providing opportunities for training and advancements

o To secure the integration at all the individuals and groups with the organization
by reconciling individual and group goals with those of the organization.

o To develop and maintain a quality of work life which makes employment in the
organization in a desirable personal and social situation.

o To maintain high employee morale and sound human relations by sustaining

and improving the various conditions and facilities.

o To manage change to the mutual advantage of individuals, groups, the

organization and the society.


The Scope of HRM is indeed fast. All major activities in the working life of
worker from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under
the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource
planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and
placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and Job evaluation,
employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare,
safety and health, industrial relations and the like.
HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas


Welfare and Safety

Wages and Salary Administration

Training and Development

Labor Relations

Scope of HRM

Nature of Human
Prospects Management Employee hiring
of HRM

Employee and
Industrial Human Resource executive
Relations Management Remuneration

Employee Maintenance Employee Motivation

The scope of Human Resource Management,

According to D.YODER consists of the following functions.

Setting general and specific management policy for organizational

relationships and establish and maintaining a suitable organizations for
leadership and co-operation.

Collective bargaining, contract negotiation, contract administration and
grievance handling

Staffing the organizations, finding, getting and holding prescribed types and
number of workers

Aiding in the self-development and growth as well as for acquiring requisite

skill and experience.

Developing and marinating motivation for workers by providing incentives.

Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organizations.

Carry out studies designed to explain employee behavior and them by

effecting improvement in man power management.

The India institutes of personnel management have described the scope of
Human Resource Management into the following aspects:

The labor or personnel aspect:

This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection,

placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, lay-off and
retrenchment, remuneration, incentives, productivity, etc,

Welfare aspects:

It deals with working condition and amenities such as canteen, rest and
lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health & safety,
recreation facilities etc.,

Industrial relation aspects:

This covers union management relations, joint construction, collective

bargaining, grievance and disciplines action, settlement of disputes etc.,


Human Resource Management is the management of people of work

management of human resources consists of several inter related functions. These
functions of Human Resource Management can be broadly classified in to two

They are as follows:



All the managers in the organization perform managerial functions

through which they get things done. A Human Resource Manager performs the
functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.


Planning is the conscious determination of future course of action.

This involves why an action, what an action, how to take action, and when to take
an action. The planning includes determination of specific objectives determining
projects and programs setting policies and strategies, setting rules and budgets.

In the area of Human Resource Management planning involves
deciding personnel goals formulating personnel policies and programs, preparing
the Human Resource Budget etc.


In order to implement the plans a sound organization structure is

required. Organization is the process of allocation tasks among the members of the
group, establishing authority and responsibility relationship among them and
integrating their activities towards the common objectives.
The right organization structure is the foundation of effective
management because without it. The best performance in all other areas will be
ineffective organization is the framework through which management direct,
controls and co-ordinate the efforts of people.


It is the process of motivating, actively leading, and supervising

people. Directing includes all those activities by which a manager influences the
actions of subordinates. Directing is the heart of the management process because
it is concerned with initiations action.
A manager can tap the maximum potential of employees through
proper direction. Direction also helps in building sound individual and human
relations in the organizations.


It implies checking, verifying and regulating to assure that everything
occurs in conformity with the plans adopted and the instructions issued,
identifications of deviations between two, if any, add takes corrective actions, such
maintaining helps to minimize the gap between desired results and actual

Operative functions are also known as service function. These

functions are performance to ensure that right people are available at right time at
right place these functions are concern with specific activities of procuring,
developing, compensating, and maintaining an efficient work force.


This is concerned with security and employing the right time and
proper number of people required accomplishing the organizational
objectives. This consists of the following activities.


It is the process of studying in detailed the operation and

responsibilities involved in job. So as to identify the nature and level of
Human Resource required performing the job effectively. Job description
and job specification are prepared with the help of information provided by
job analysis.


It is a process of estimating the present and future man power
requirement of the organization, preparing inventory of present manpower
and formulating action programs to bridge the gap in man power.


It is the process of searching for required personnel and

stimulates these to apply for the job in an organization.


It implies judging the suitability of different candidates for job

in the organization and choosing the most appropriate people.


It means assigning suitable jobs the selected candidates so as to

match employee qualifications with job requirements.


It implies familiarizes the new employer with the company, the

work environment and the existing employee. So that new people feel at home and
can start work confidently.


It is the process of improving knowledge skills, aptitudes and valued
of employees. So that they can perform the present and future jobs more
effectively. This function comprises the following objectives


It implies systematic evaluation of employees with respect to their

performance on the job and their potential for development.


It is the process by which employees learn knowledge skills and

attitudes for further organizational and personal goals.


It is the process of developing managerial talent through appropriate



It involves planning the career of employees and implementing career

plans. So as to fulfill the career aspiration of people. It involves mobility of
personnel through promotion and transfers.


It refers to providing equitable and fair remuneration to employees for

their contribution to the attainment of organizational objectives. It consists of the
following activities.


It is the process of determining the relative watch of a job.


It implies developing and operating a suitable wage and salary programs

surveys are also conducted to determining the wage & salary structure for various
job in the organization.


It involves payment of bonus under the payment of bonus act, 1965 as

well as other incentives.

Integration involves motivating employees through various financial or non-
financial incentives, providing job satisfaction handling employees grievances
through normal procedure collecting bargaining and developing sound human

It is concerned with protecting and promoting the physical and mental health
of the employees for the purpose several types of fringe benefits such as housing,
medical, educational etc., is provided to workers; social security measures like
provident fund, pension, and gratuity, maternity benefits are also arranged. Health,
safety and welfare measures are designed to prepare the human resources of the
organization. Personnel records and resources are also important element of the
maintenance function.

The managerial function and operations of Human Resource
Management are preferred in conjunction with each other. As a result pf
globalization and liberalization Human Resource Management function has
acquired strategic importance in Indian organization.


A policy is a plan of action. It is a statement of interaction committing

the management to a general course of action, when the management drafts policy
statements to cover some features of its personnel programs, the statement may
after contain an expression of philosophy and principal as well. All though it is
perfectly legitimate for an organization to include its philosophy, principles and
policies in one policy expression. It is desirable for a student of Human Resource
Management to separate a principle from a policy. The following statement is an
expression of a principle or objective.

It is the intension of the company to provide a safe plant and a healthy

working environment. The statement is to general to be of any use. A policy
statement on the other hand is more specific and commits the management to a
definite course of action.

Our policy is to institutional every practical method for engineering

safety into our process and equipment, to provide protection clothing where
necessary to train employees in safe operating procedures and to vigorously
enforce established safety rules, our policy is to provide a healthy plant by giving
adequate attention to cleanliness, temperature, ventilation, high and sanitation.


1. Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservation, sex,
martial status, and the like.

2. Policy on terms & conditions of employment, compensation policy &

methods, hours at work, overtime, promotion, transfers, layoff and the like.

3. Policy with regard housing, transport uniform and allowances.

4. Policy regard to medical assistance sickness benefits, ESI & company

medical benefits.

5. Policy regarding training & development need for, methods of, and
frequency of training & development.

6. Policy regards industrial relations trade union recognition, collective

bargaining grievance procedure participation management and
communication with workers.




Human behavior is unpredictable. One can act according to owns own
decision. No one can expect same type of behavior from anyone at all time of
circumstances. Human behavior is highly influenced by the environment. Because
of this factor, we cannot expect that one can act in the same way on a particular
problem in all situations. Therefore, it is more important to study the recruitment
process of workers as it one of deciding factors which will determine the whole
operation of an organization.


The main objective of study is to insure the quality of companys
Performance Management system. Along with consider the following point as an
object during study:

1. To study how the performance appraisal is carried in HCCBL.

2. To know the important of the performance appraisal in the development of

3. To study the impact of the performance appraisal system on the employee


4. To study what steps can be initiated to improve employee performance.


There is a degree of unhappiness all around the performance appraisal the

subordinates complain their bosses try to rate their performance with out really
knowing what they are doing the top management is unhappy because from this
has become a ritual and there is no improvement in the employee performance.

An organization needs to have an appraisal system that is free from bias

being fair and objectives is of utmost importance for the integrity of the
performance review process unfortunately, personal biases, prejudices and
idiosyncrasies, occurring at the subconscious level can have a negative effect on an
employees evaluation it has observed that if an employee gets severely negative
feedback he can have a deflated picture of his performance and development needs
and might feel angry, alienated, de-motivated and demoralized ending up suffering
from a loss of confidence. On the other hand, when an employee receives overly a
feedback, there might be ill felling from other employees who perceive that one
employee enjoys preferred status. There are also chances of clouding an employee
understand of what is actually expected from him. In view of the above situations
one need to have meaningful insights on the performance appraisal system to

understand, judge, frame and abide it hence this chapter reviews and analyses
performance appraisal from the conceptual and theoretical framework, which are
advocated by the pioneers in human resource development area. In order to know
performance appraisal role in the organization this study need to be carried and
impact of this on the organization development and employees performance are to
be know the organizations benefits out of performance appraisal system are to be
know and the different methods adopted in doing performance appraisal and there
advantages and disadvantages in adopting them by organization to be know.

1. To understand the performance management system in the organization.

2. It helps to analyze the organizations policy.

3. It enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of different appraisal techniques

and methods for all the departments in the organization.

4. To analyze quality of labor, productivity, skills working conditions and

provisions of welfare and social security measures.


Research methodology is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing and

disseminating relevant data and information. The use of right methodology is
necessary because if the right methods are not adopted and thoughts are not
arrange in a logical order the exact truth might not be expressed. Thus the
methodology means correct arrangement of thoughts and knowledge.

To conduct any research a scientific method must be followed the universe

of study is very large in which is difficult to collect information from all the



Primary data was collected using an appropriate questionnaire and observing it.


The secondary data was collected from HCCBL manuals, company brochures,
internet, and policy documents.

In the given project, Simple Random Sample is used. Here the survey is
done by filling the questionnaire from the randomly selected employees out of the
list of population of employees database.

Sample size refers to the total number of respondents targeted for the
collecting the data for researcher. The sampling size of my study is 70 respondents.

Limitations of the study:

The study is confined to the employees of HCCBL, BIDADI only.

The study is limited to 60 Days only.

The sample size is restricted to only 70 members due to season period to the

As the managers of the organization are busy with their work schedule, it
was difficult to collect detailed data.


Carbonated flavor drinks constitute a major product among the Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) products. In fast changing living style People have also changed their tasks and
preferences in all the ways of life and in the food habits they are changing to fast food and
packing foods. Then these carbonated drinks also find their importance in the market to
refreshment the people.

Soft drinks are the thirst quenchers that are consumed more during the hot summers for
refreshing them. These are used also as refreshers. Thought it is consumed as a cool drink, it
also acts as recreational and refreshing drink. Now in the changing scenario of this modern
world, it is consumed throughout the year. And specially, the consumption is more in case of
teenagers and students commonly.

The soft drinks are of two types. They are

1. Carbonated soft drinks

2. Non-carbonated soft drink.

The soft drinks are available in many flavors. Those flavors are Cola, Orange, Lime,
watermelon, green-apple, mango and cherry. Along with these flavors many fruit flavored
drinks like guava and pineapple are also available. Among these fruit flavored drinks Mango,

Cherry, Guava and Pineapple are Non Carbonated Soft drinks. Though the soft drinks are
mainly consumed as the refreshers, now in the changing world, these soft drinks are also used
along with the alcoholic beverages to add more taste to them. This has increased the
consumption of the Soft drinks. Thus the soft drinks have a huge market share and market


The Coca-Cola Company is the worlds largest beverage company. Along with
Coca-Cola, recognized as the worlds most-valuable brand, the Company
markets four of the worlds top five soft drink brands, including Diet Coke,
Fanta and Sprite and a wide range of other beverages, including water, juices and
juice drinks, tea, coffee and sports drinks. Through one of the worlds largest
beverage distribution system, consumers in more than 200 countries enjoy The
Coca-Cola Companys beverages at a rate exceeding 1.8 billion servings each

Coca-Cola in India is the countrys leading beverage Company with an

unmatched portfolio of beverages. The Company manufactures and markets
leading beverage brands like Coca-Cola, Thums Up, Fanta, Fanta Apple, Limca,
Sprite, Maaza, Minute Maid, Burn, Kinley and Georgia range of tea coffee,
Nestea and Fanta Fun Taste.

One of the early investors in India, the Coca-Cola system provides direct and
indirect employment to more than 1, 50,000 people. The Coca-Cola System in

India has more than 1 million retailers and our business has a multiplier effect on
employment and earning opportunities. Coca-Cola in India is the largest
domestic buyer of sugar and one of the top buyers of mango pulp. The Coca-
Cola System in India business also positively impacts industries like Glass,
Plastics, Resin Manufacturers, Sugar, Automobiles, White Goods Manufacturers,
and Banking etc.

The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. At
the heart of business is a mission statement called the Coca-Cola Promise - The
Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone that it touches This
basic proposition entails that the Companys business should refresh the markets,
protect, preserve and enhance the environment and strengthen the community.
Coca-Cola India provides extensive support for community programs across the
country, with a focus on education, health and water conservation. The Company
has installed more than 500 rain water harvesting structures in the country. The
Company has also undertaken the rejuvenation and reconstruction of several
traditional water bodies including check dams. We are also working towards
providing clean drinking water to school children in Chennai and areas in West
Bengal in partnership with Rotary International and UN Habitat respectively.
The Company is committed to work with communities across India in its effort
to contribute to mutual growth and development. The world is changing all
around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years and
beyond, we must look ahead, understand the trends and forces that will shape our
business in the future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to come. We must
get ready for tomorrow today. That's what our 2020 Vision is all about. It creates
a long-term destination for our business and provides us with a "Road map" for
winning together with our bottling partners. The Coca-Cola is the global soft
drink industry leader, with world head quarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The
company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 30,000 people around the world.
Syrups, concentrates and beverages bases for Coca-Cola, the company's flag ship
brand and over 160 other company soft drink brands are manufactured and sold
by the Coca-Cola company and it's subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around
the world. Infect, approximately 70 percent outside the United States.

The Coco-Cola Company in India is divided into 6 subsidiaries, which are as

1. Coca-Cola India.
2. Hindustan Coca-Cola beverages Pvt. Ltd.
3. Bharat Coca-Cola Bottling South West.
4. Bharat Coca-Cola Bottling South East.
5. Bharat Coca-Cola Bottling North West.
6. Bharat Coca-Cola Bottling North East.

With virtually all the goods and services required to produce and market
Coca-Cola being made in India, the business system of the Company directly
employs approximately 6,000 people, and indirectly creates employment for more
than 125,000 people in related industries through our vast procurement, supply and
distribution system.


Coco-Cola is into manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of non-
alcoholic beverages. It is the new flagship brand of the largest manufacturer,
marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in the world. Its head office
is in Atlanta.


HCCB vision is to create a world class selling organization and a culture of
operating excellence to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth & improve
consumer experience, customer satisfaction employee capability and company
People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they
can be.
Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that
anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs.
Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we
create mutual, enduring value.
Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and
support sustainable communities.
Profit: Maximize long-term return to share owners while being mindful of our
overall responsibilities.
Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Quality Policy: We ensure Customer delight, we commit to equality in our
thoughts, deeds and actions by continuous improvement in our process.

To make every Indians first choice of refreshment available with in easy reach
To refresh the body, mind & spirit

To inspire moments of optimism and happiness.....through our brands &


To create value and make a differenceevery where we engage.


The cola-cola companies exist to refresh everyone it touches. For us quality is

more than just something we taste or see or measure. It shows in our every action.
We relentlessly strive to exceed the worlds ever the worlds ever-changing
expectations because keeping our quality promise in the marketplace is our highest
business objective and our enduring obligation. More than the billion times
everyday, consumers choose our brand of refreshment because cola-cola is

The symbol of quality

Customer and the consumer satisfaction

A responsible citizen of the world.

The coca-cola company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches.
The basic proposition of our big is simple, solid and timeless. When we bring
refreshment, value, joy and fun our stake holders then we successfully nurture and
protect our brands particularly coca-cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate
obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business.


We will conduct ourselves and out business activities with the highest
standards of honesty integrity and professionalism.
We will recognize the positive contribution that we make as individuals and
team members to produce our biz success.
We will encourage a learning environment where people can constantly
grow, develop and contribute.
We will strive for excellence and seek continuous improvement in every
thing we do

We will respect all stake holders including employees, patterns and suppliers
and instill them with a passion to deliver the highest equality goods and
We will foster initiative and creativity by empowering individuals to attain
well defined objectives.


Coca-cola, in India, was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977 when it
left rather than reveals its formula to the government and reduces its equity stake
as required under the foreign exchange regulation act (FERA) which governed the
operations of foreign companies in India.

Coca-Cola, the corporate function starts largest selling soft drinks as globally the
worlds largest selling soft drinks since 1886, returned to India in 1993 after 16
years break, giving new thumbs up to the Indian soft drink market. In the same
year, the company took over ownership of the nations top soft drink brand &
bottling net work.

Lets trace the companys journey since its re-entry into the Indian market until.

1993 - Can, PET
Oct 1993 1996
Concentr Can,plant
PET plant
relaunched started in Pune
in Agra
ate started in

1998 Sept 1997

First greenfield acquired
Acquired first
plant, 37 plants
Ahmedabad plant, Bareilly

1997 - 1999 Acquired, 2000
4 bottling 7 6 COBO regions,
companies Greenfiel 1 FOBO operation

In 2005, Coca Cola India broke into two

Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (Bottling) and
Coca Cola India (Company)

Journey of HCCB


The Indian operations of coca-cola, comprises of 50 bottling operations, 24owned by the

company, with another 25 being owned by franchises. That a part, a network of 21 contract
packers manufacture a range of products for the company.


1. Manufacturing the
2. Distribution & execute
the market
3. Routine & discipline
key words of success.
4. 100% company own
bottler monitor of the big.

1. Manufacture & set

concentration to The Coca-Cola System
2. Brand Management.
3. Manage franchise
4. External face to press


The Coca-cola systems in India

The relationship between the two entities is that of demand creation & demand


1886 It was invented & developed by Dr.Johns Pemberton

1888 Asa Candler bought out pemberton
1899 Asa Candler sold the bottling rights for Coca-Cola to
Benjamin Franklin Thomas & James White Head
This bottler model was a critical factor in the coke growth story. Even today,
it is the most successful business model.

1923 Woodruffs Initiatives of Personnel training program, better service, quality
products introduced.
1926 Foreign sales group formed for global expansion.
During world war-II coca-cola family established as a global brand.
1945 Coca-Cola established global brand.
1950 Coca-Cola bottling plant opens in New Delhi.
1950sRecognizing the power of advertisement & Introduced new techniques.
It was the 1st company to make an appearance in Disneyland.
Six bottle carton; open top metal coolers; Bell shaped fountain glass. 1958
Concentrate plant opens in India
1960sFanta, Sprite & Tab introduced.
1969 New delivery vehicles lunched to market.
1970sFocus on marketing on new packages & dynamic ribbon devices etc.
1973 22 bottling plants operate in 13 states
1977 Coca-Cola and 38 other companies refuse to dilute stake, formally
withdraws from Country in 1978
1979 Coca-Cola building North Avenue Tower Opens
1992 Re-enters India by E.Neville Isdell
1993 Re-lunched on October in Agra.
1996 Can, PET, Plant started in Pune.
1997 September Acquired 1st bottling plant in India by Bareilly.
1998 Acquired up to 37 plants past one year & 1st Green field plant in Ahmedbad.
1999 Reached four bottling companies. 22 Acquired, & 7 Green field.
2000 Six COBO regions & One FOBO operation.
2004 E.Neville Isdell roll out MFG.
2005 Coca-Cola was dived into divisions.


The Bidadi Unit HCCBPL is spread over an area of 18 acres. This is a state of art Bottling with
five lines one of which PET line. The plant can operate at a capacity of around 1735 bottles per
minute and it is a distinction of being the largest plant its kind in India. The Coca-Cola Bidadi

unit is formally inaugurated on 12th Feb 2000 by Chief Minister S.M.Krishna almost 400 persons
were present for this occasion.

The company follows the policy of the basic Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta and also by Indian
Headquarters Gurgaon.

Currently, the Bididi Unit HCCBPL has 166 employees, 79 are staffs (including managers).
During season 450 contract labours work for company & during off season 150-200 contract
labors work for the company.


The plant is proud to have achieved its highest production of 18,392 cases of Thums-up,
1.5 liters in 24 hours and also the highest production of 10,037 cases of coke 500ml in 24 hours
with a mechanical efficiency of 100% in November 1999. The multi server line achieved a
record production of 23,010 cases of Coke 300ml with a mechanical efficiency of 99.50% in 15,
41 bottling hours on 26th Feb 2000. The Maaza line achieved its highest production of 6,368
cases with a mechanical efficiency of 100.23% in 16 hours of operation on 17th April 2000.
This is the first PET plant system in India to secure Single Penalty status in the SLP
audit. Apart from its many other achievements, the Bidadi plant is the first plant in India to get
BIS certification Kinley in the Coke system on 20th March 2001 to produce Kinley water.
The Bidadi plant has recorded its highest shipment of 1, 06,320 cases in a single day on 29 th
March 2001.Besides this in order to motivate and develop the morale of the employees HCCBPL
conducted safety week on March 4th 10th 2001, family day on Nov 11th 2000, picnics, blood
donation camps, personality development programmes, training on hygiene and health.

This plant awarded for successfully placement in Improvement focus by qualifying in

certification audits in all 3 facts like:

** Quality.
** Environment.
** Occupational Health and Safety.
And also this plant to be awarded for ISO 9001(Quality) and ISO14001

(Environment) systems and also receive the Best Management Award.

The company operates on 5 lines in Bidadi plant.

** Maaza line. (200 BPM)

**Water line. (200BPM)

**RGB line (Returnable Glass Bottles). (200BPM)

**PET line (Poly Ethylene Tube-200bpm & 600bpm).

Infrastructural Facilities:

One of the reasons for Coca Colas success is its specially developed and well
equipped infrastructure for manufacturing process and quality assurance
Procedures as well at all plants throughout the globe.
Coca Colas manufacturing process includes treatment of bottles through
sophisticated technology which are equipped with cameras which could detect the
minute microscopic germs in the bottles. Coca Cola has separate machinery for
treatment of water which is used as an ingredient in the beverages of Coca Cola.
Coca Cola in addition to the above has in house sophisticated Research and
Development department.

The various Infrastructural facilities present are:-

o Raw water storage facilities like bore well (KIADB)

o Administration block
o Training Halls
o Canteen facilities
o Water treatment plants
o Cold storage rooms
o Crown stores
o Sugars go down
o Quality Assurance Laboratories
o Cooling towers
o Refrigerator rooms
o Air compressors

o Boilers
o Ready syrup rooms
o Multi Server fills rooms
o Single Server fill rooms
o PET fill room
o Maaza fill room
o Pulp store
o Caustic tank
o Cartoon store
o CO2 bulk storage
o Packaging area for RGB, PET etc
o Warehouses
o Empties yard
o Sludge drying bed
o ETP treated water tank (Effluent treatment plant)
o Auditorium
o Lighting and Ventilation


Skills refer to the fact that employees have the skills needed to carry out the
companys strategy. Training and Development ensuring people know how to do their jobs
and stay up to date with the latest techniques.

The company requires technical skills for production and manufacturing divisions. Also it
requires strong management skills in marketing and H.R. divisions. The marketing executives
must have good communication skills and better knowledge of the company and its product.
Many marketing executives have the engineering background with MBA degree. Marketing
executives are also required to have very strong verbal and written communication skills,
especially presentation skills as most of the time they have to do the presentation for their clients
and for the higher authorities. Senior level executives must be good analyzing individual strength
and weakness, so that they can allocate work to individuals effectively. They also must have
strong skills of analyzing the market situation and changes.

Training Programmed:

These are the programs regularly held by the HRD department. This program mainly
deals with the development of the employees. According to the identification of the need the
topics are prioritized the date, day and venue and the faculty for the Programs. Mainly for in
house Program internal faculties are developed. The faculties hold the program from the HRD
department and other internal faculties.

The programs are mainly held at HRD training hall. Approximately three programs per
month are held. The employees are shifted to general shift. The programs are held from morning
9 A.M to 5:30 P.M. Monthly the program is held for 6 days. The batch strength is around 35 to
40 per batch.

Technical training Programmed:

This is another type of program held by HRD department. The training programme is
mainly held for technical people. As per the training need investigation, external agencies are
contacted and invited for conducting lectures.

Vendor development Programmed:

These programs are mainly held for higher level staff. The main aim of this Programmed
is to get introduced with new logistic of upgrade the knowledge. The agencies have to be
involved in this programmed.

Summer placements:
Summer placement trainees are also taken. The period of the candidates placements
depends upon the duration allotted by their respective institution. The trainer has to follow to
rules and regulation of the company. These candidates are guided by the human resources
development department. At the end of the project work the trainee has to submit their training
project report. These programs are mainly done by fresh graduates.

Self development programs:

During the plant shutdown period for the maintenance of the same department have less
burden of work. To utilize the time self development programs are held. Various like drama,

stage play and lectures are held. The main objective is to develop the employee in the behavioral

Style refers to the employees shared and common way of thinking and behaving
unwritten norms of behavior and thought:

Top down / Bottom up

Authoritarian / Participative

The company culture is very informal, youthful and dynamic. It encourages free and
participative thinking. The Company has the participative type of leadership style in practice.
The top and middle executives of the management tend to be totally accessible and encourage
the participation in decision-making, by conducting the debate and discussion. This type of
leadership style attracts talented people to enter the company and make them to feel company as
their family. Also this style motivates the employee to stay in the company.


Strategy is the choice of direction and action of the company adopt to achieve its
objective in a competitive situation. A strategy explains what are the objectives of the
organization and how the organization go about to achieve its objective. The strategy in the 7-S
frame work includes purposes, missions, objectives, goals and major section plans and policies
of the company. The aim of the company is to deliver value for customers, share holders,
investors employees and society. Excellence in all sphere of management through- Zero
defects, zero losses, zero break downs, zero pollution and zero accidents. The companys
strategy in India, in line with that in other markets, has been to have a large number of brands
with a number of variants under each brand.

Waste elimination (muda): Waste is anything which customer does not look for or pay
for any activity which not adding any value to business, is considered as MUDA.

Just in time: The prime goal of just in time is the achievement of zero inventories not
just within the confines of a single organization but ultimate through.

Customer driven: this dimension ensures delight with internal as well as external it
enables understanding of customer expectations of our products / services.

Strategic quality management: It is the process of establishing long term quality goals
and defining the approach to meet these goals. It is centered on quality based on the participation
of all its members and aiming at long term success through customers satisfaction and benefits
to the members of organization and society. SQM is developed and led by the upper
management. Here we integrate quality in to strategic planning.

Work environment: It stands for good house keeping concepts and is considered the
basis for continuous productivity and improvements. Respect standers and cultivate good habits.

System in the 7S framework refers to all the rules, regulations, and procedures both
formal and informal that complement the organization structure.

The decision making system within the organization can range from
management intuition, to structured computer systems to complex export systems and artificial
intelligence. It includes

Computer systems
Operational Systems
Marketing Systems
HR Systems etc.

The company is having its branch office at many places in India so as to ensure that the
required information has been gathered at the right time and at the right place.

In the company the rules governing the employees are explained to each employee on
joining the company. They will be provided with the handbook, which will be having all the

information regarding the company. There are detailed procedures laid out by the corporate
office on procurement of items and supplies, making travel arrangement, allowances,
reimbursements, leave and other arrangements. In general HR department and the unit heads are
responsible for ensuring that the staff follows all procedures. With regard to office systems, all
the offices are computerized for the purpose to enable greater speed and timeliness of the
completion of the projects. All the entries regarding marketing are done online with the help of
Internet. So that there will not be any delay in communication land flow of information.

With regards to performance appraisal system, the company has been providing many
good opportunities to employees for their carrier development. The company does the
performance appraisal by conducting Induction training program for employees who joins the
company. Also company conducts training program for the executives of all the levels one or two
times a year. This is conducted in well known H.R. and Training institute of the company.


Staff means that the company has hired able people, trained them well and assigned them to the
right jobs. Selection, training, reward and recognition, retention, motivation and assignment to
appropriate work are all key issues. The company has established system of recruitment
graduated from well known technical and management institutions and providing them on the
job training in a number of functional areas before deciding on the final placement in
consultation with the persons consent.

Environmental Policy:
Legal Aspects: Complying with all applicable legal regulatory requirements and with
other requirements to which the organization subscribes which relates to its environment
Pollution: Formulating sound & air environmental objectives targets and integrated a
continues process review all essential elements.

Using Of Resources: Effective utilization of natural resource especially in water, energy,
fuel, but continuously improving its usage and reducing wastages.


Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Privates Limited unit received recognition for environmental

Coca Cola India plant in Ameenpur, Hyderabad took second place at prestigious Golden Peacock
National Quality Awards.

The Coca Cola Company received Americas second Harvest Donor of the year Award(2004
Hungers Hope Awards)

The Coca Cola Company India ranked as top 10 most respected company in India.
Thai Pure Drinks Awarded Royal Garuda in recognition of corporate citizenship efforts and
important role in Thai society.

The Coca Cola Company placed first in Food and Beverages segment of Worlds most
Respected Companies Survey 2004and fifth place overall
. The company received Best Management Award in the state by the government of Andhra
Pradesh for people management practices.

Hindustan coca-cola Beverages Dasna plant in India received Golden peacock Environment


Adding pirogin free



QA Approval

Washing bottle

Sterilizing Bottles





HCCB Work flow model



Manufacturing Process

Soft Drink Manufacturing:

Bottling Water Treatment Syrup Preparation

Bottles returned from Raw water with Sugar +water

Market are pre- chemicals converted in +chemicals will be
inspected to Treated water heated with stoam

Uncase Sand filter

Connected into sugar
Bottle washer
Carbon Purifier

Washed bottles
Inspection. Filtered though
Micron filter Suitable Filtration

Filling of bottles with

beverage Proportioning
Mixing of water, syrup Hot sugar syrup will
& CO2 forming a passed though heat
Sealing carbonated Beverage exchanger to cool

Finished product
Inspection Cooled sugar syrup
` will be mixed with
Packing of finished
products in
Ready syrup
Finished product
stored in bonded
house Carbon Dioxide


Manufacturing Process
Sweetener: Tea of professionals work on selecting, auditing , sampling, testing,
approving and then authorizing the sugar suppliers and the list of such authorized suppliers with
approved sugar lots and along with the certificate of analysis are sent across to all the bottling
unit for procurement.

Washing and Rinsing:

To ensure quality, each bottle is washed, Sanitized and rinsed before being filled. While
this sounds simple, the actual steps can differ by bottling plant. In India our plants use refillable
glasses, Cans and Pet bottles. To ensure they meet cleanliness standard, bottles are first hit with
Pre-rinse jets which remove any dirt or debris. They are then soaked in a high-temperature deep
cleaning solutions that removes any remaining dirt and sanitize them. The bottles then move to
the Hydro wash where they are washed again with deep cleaning pressure spray.

Mixing and Blending:

H2O and Sugar:
Mixing and blending begin with the step of mixing pure water with refined sugar, which
creates simple syrup. The syrup is then measured for the correct amount of sugar.

Secret Formula:
The companys secret formula is still secret! Thats right; the secret formula remains
a mystery to the million of people in nearly two hundred countries that enjoys our refreshing
beverages every day. Even though the company can not tell us the secret, we can be sure LIFE
TASTES GOOD with Coca Cola.

CO2 Adding:
Adding CO2 or Carbon dioxide gas is the final touch that carbonates the beverages.
Carbon dioxide not only gives our beverages their effervescent zest, so but it also adds to the
distinctive and familiar tastes everyone has came to expect from our beverages.

Once all the ingredients have been mixed and blended and the bottles have been cleaned
and sanitized, they are ready to start to filling. This is a surprisingly complex process requiring
precision at each step to begin with bottles must be carefully timed they move to the filler
synchronization is key. Once at the filler, bottles are either held securely in place by flexible
grippers or precisely placed under filling valves by centering device. Before the bottles can be
filled, the inside of the bottles must be prcised.

Once filled bottles are then capped. The company uses different caps for different bottles- glass
bottles are usually topped with metal crown while PET BOTTLES are topped with a plastic
screw, top. Each cap type then moves though different part of the machine, which ensures each
cap, stays scratch free and is in the right portion to be precisely placed on the bottle. As quality
and freshness are key, the company uses a No closure detector during the capping process and
a Go-no-go gauge or torque meter after the bottles has capped. The no closure detector
checks if a screw top or crowns has been placed on bottles. The process actually stops if the
detector does not find a closure. The Go-no-go gauge checks for the proper crown crimp and
the torque meter checks to make sure the screw, top is good and tight. If the bottle cap is not
just right, the beverages can become flat or be affected in other ways. If this happens the bottle is
discarded. Once the bottle have filled and capped, the move on to be labeled. A special machine
dispenses labels from large rollers, cuts then and place on the bottles.

The bottles are now ready to be coded. Each one of their beverages is marked with a
special code that identified specific information about it. The codes simply identify the date the
beverages was bottled or canned. Those codes identify the dates, time, batch number and the
MRP. Product coding allows us to ensure that receive their beverages that their flavorful best.

The company inspects bottles at many point during the process, with refillable bottles, it happens
they are first brought into the plant. They are also inspected after they are washed and again after

they are filled. Inspectors look for external bottles imperfection and make sure each bottles as the
right amount of the beverages. Even after filling, each plant sample bottle for analyze in its lab
to ensure quality is up to the standards.

Once the filled beverages have passed final inspection, they are ready to be packaged for
delivery. Generally packing can refer to everything from the unique BOTTLE and CAN
designs, to label design, to card board boxes and containers, to plastic rings. Because the needs
and taste of consumers are so diverse, the packaging the varies depending on where the
beverages are being sent.


In order to make sure the freshest beverages possible get to you, each warehouse must
efficiently manage the thousands of the beverages cases produced each day. Beverage
organization is key, though its the bottle and can coding that allow for the necessary precision.
From the warehouse the company loads beverages on to our distinctive trucks. Night and day
their trucks are delivering our refreshing beverages to the stores, soda fountains and vending
machines near us.

k. Future growth and prospectus:

For the HCCBL, world is indeed its oysters. Whether through direct investment and provide
services for the Indian market, its modern management practices or its product profile, a global
approach is to be seen all spheres of its activities. It is also giving importance towards total
commitment to quality through a constant up gradation of technology and an unflagging vigil
over quality; international standards are maintained for the diverse product range of group

World Wide Organization Structure:

Chairman & CEO

President EVP & EVP & President

President Coca President Bottling

Cola Marketing Investments

International Strategy & & Supply

CFO Director, HR Region Director Region Director

Steve Buffigton




India CBO

China CBO

World Wide Organization Structure

Unit Organization Structure:

Factory Manager

Plant Route to Sales Manager/ Finance HR Manager

Market GSM Manager

Area Capability Channel

Development Manager

Sales Trainees

Marketing Key Accounts

Market Distributors/Sale men


Unit Organization Structure

Functional Heads:

Assistant general Manager

Sales Human Quality Marketing Logistics

Manager Resource Production Assurance Manager Manager
Manager Manager Manager

Assistant Assistant Production &

Sales HR Maintenance
Manager Manager Manager

Sales HR
Executive Executive Executives Executives Executives Executives

Area Functional Heads


Production Department:
Plant Manager

Senior officer

Assistant Manager Techno Executives



Production Departments
The bottling plant M/s Hindustan Coca-cola Beverage Pvt Ltd. Bidadi is well organized and
placed. The production capacity of the installed plant is approximately 400 bottles per minute. As
1 crate consist of 24 bottles (400/24) Nearly 17 creates per minute are produced so, in an hour
(17x60 min) 1020 crate are produced. Total working hours remanding 8 hours. Per shift
(1020x8). Nearly 8160 crates are produced per shift.
In the peak season the plant runs in 2 1/2 hours. Therefore it comes to 8160x2.5 = 20400 crates
per day. Efficiency of the plant remaining 90% 18360 is 18500 crates/day are produced. The
Company follows good manufacturing practices (GMP) in maintaining clean production areas
and sanitizing equipments regularly and it also ensure that the quality is maintained in order to
meet the customers expectations through out the beverage manufacturing processes.

The company operates in four lines Maaza Line
Single service line (SS).
Multi Service line (MS).
PET Line
Name of the line Speed of the line Sizes
Maaza 200 bpm 200 ml, 250 ml
Single Server (SS) 600 bpm 300 ml
Multi Server (MS) 600 bpm 300 ml, 1 litre
PET 200 bpm 500ml,1 liter, 1.5 litre, 2litre
(Bpm-bottles per minute)

Quality Assurance Department:

Area QA Manager

Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior

executive executive executive executive executive

Officers Officers Officers

/executives /executives /executives

Quality Departments
The quality system committed to ensure:
Consumer Satisfaction
Production and enhancement of the trade mark brand image.
Production of 100% quality products.
Responsible, environmental and friendly citizen.

The quality is maintained at different level:

Production material Sugar, Water and Co2.

Auxiliary Material water, treatment and syrup treatment.
Packing Material, Cartoons, labels etc.

The quality department has the following jobs:

Raw material and packing material
QA line.
Micro Biologist.
ETP/ Environmental activities.
Fountain Tea and Coffee
Consumer response, co-ordination and total product management.

Stores and Shipping Department:

Store Head

Store Executive Store Executive Store Executive

(Ist Shift) (IInd Shift) (IIIrd Shift)
Store & Shipping Departments
Shipping department is basically the dispatch department. There are a number of
employee involved in this department in which the head of the department is the shipping in-
charge and the purchase executive .The main objective of the department is to dispatch the goods
as per the requirement of the buyers at ex-factory .This is covered under the Central Excise Act.
According to the procedure, the dealers first convey their requirement is communicated
to the requirement along with. 1. Payment (Credit or Cash), 2. Order form (Clearance order),
Empty bottles of requirement flavor (which should be equivalent to the requirement). Payment is
done only for the liquid as per the following break-up:


In peak season the company use 90 vehicles every day, where all others time (Lean
season) the use only 90 vehicles every alternate day.

Finance Department:

Senior Area
Finance Manager

Assistant Manager Assistant Manager Assistant Manager

(Finance) (Finance) (Finance)

Finance Departments

Coca Cola Company has wide range of branches all over the country. Each plant has a
senior finance manager.

The finance manager has to be put the factory manager and the regional manager. The
finance department has the problem to take any financial decision like allocation budgets,
approval of budgets etc.

The finance department has the following functions.

Follow-up the collections.
Preparation of the negative financing reports (distributors AR Closing stock).
Claims handling and distributors reconciliation.
Collection of the cheque and DD from the C&Fs.
Getting the report from the S & D on the sale proceeds.

Marketing Department:

Marketing manager

Assistant Manager Associate Manager

(Marketing) (Marketing)

Senior officer
(Stores) MOE MOE

Office boy

Marketing Departments

The main operation of the marketing department is to-

Retaining the market share.
Improving sales.
Supporting the sales team.

The marketing department mainly focuses on the implementation of the brand building.
Its mainly concentrates on the regional marketing, which includes-

Glow signs boards.

Shops and other purchase center.

Human Resource Department:

Area HR

Assistant HR Assistant HR & Executive

Manager Manager Administration HR
Asst Manager

HR Officer Driver

H R Department
The company follows matrix type of reporting system that is a manager of each
department has to report to AGM and functionally to the concerned Regional manager. The HR
function in the Coca Cola Company deals with the manufacturing area and the sales area.

It performs the following jobs-

Training and Development.
Performance Management system.
Administration/ Payroll.
Employees Relations.
Legal Compliance.
Compensation and Benefits.

Sales and Distribution Department:

General Sales Manager

Assistant Associate Area Sales Associate

Sales Manager Manager Sales Executive
Manager Manager

Executive Executive Executive Executive

Sales Departments
The sales and distribution department which is the critical part of the Supply chain
management, comprises of the direct sales and distribution and the indirect sales and the

The main function of the Sales and Distribution, the key areas includes

Planning and coordinating the stocks.

Allocation of targets and budgets.
Outlet wise distribution of products.
Marketing and promotional schemes.


The product differentiation is very low for colas, but still people thought of Coca-Cola as the
better cola. The inference to be drawn was that Coca-cola did taste better than Pepsi now Coca-
Cola Company is broadly recognized as great company to do business

The worlds favorite drink and the worlds most valuable brand, and most recognizable
word across the world after OK .Coca-cola has a truly remarkable heritage, from a humble
beginning in 1886, it is now the flagship brand of the largest manufacturer , marketer and
distributor of non alcoholic beverages in the world .Coca-cola had signed on various celebrities
including movie stars such as Karishma kapoor , cricketers such as Srinath , Saurav Ganguly ,
southern celebrities like Vijay in the past and today , its brand ambassadors are Amir khan and
Hrithik roshan

A favorite in Europe since the 1940's, Fanta was acquired by the Coca-Cola Company in
1960.Over the years fanta has occupied the strong market place and is identified as a FUN
Fanta stands for vibrant color, tempting taste and tingling bubbles, that not just uplifts feelings
but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in the moment .Fanta orange in the core
flavor, representing about 70% of sales, but others citrus and fruit flavors have their own fan
base. Fanta sells best in Brazil, Germany, Spain, Japan, Italy and Argentina.

It was introduced in 1960. Sprite is the world's leading lemon - lime flavored soft drink,
Sprite is sold in more than 190 countries and ranks as the No. 4 soft drink 'World Wide', with a
strong appeal to young people.
In India, Sprite was launched in the year 1999 and today it has grown to be one of the fastest
growing soft drinks, leading the clear line category .Today sprite is pursued as a youth icon. With
a strong appeal to the youth, sprite has stood for the straight forward and honest attitude.

Minute Maid Pulpy Orange

The history of the Minute Maid brand goes as far back as 1945 when the Florida Foods
Corporation developed orange juice powder. The company developed a process that eliminated
80 percent of the water in orange juice, forming a frozen concentrate that when reconstituted
created orange juice. They branded it Minute Maid, a name connoting the convenience and the
ease of preparation (In a minute). Minute Maid thus moved from a powdered concentrate to the
first ever orange juice from concentrate.
Over the years, through innovations and unmatched consumer experience provided in over
60 countries, Minute Maid brand has clearly become one of the worlds largest juice and juice
drink brands. The launch of Minute Maid Pulpy orange in India (Starting with the South of the
country) is aimed to further extend the leadership of Coca-Cola in India in the juice drink

Limca was born in 1971 .It was acquired by the Coca-Cola Company in 1993. Limca
continues to drink a loyal following among young adults who love the lighthearted way it
complements the best moments of their lives. It's also become a high in the many Persian Gulf
The brand has been displaying healthy volume growth year on year and limca continues to
be the amongst the leading flavor soft drink in the country .The sharp fizz and the lemon bite ,
combined with the single minded positioning of the brand has the ultimate refresher has
continuously strengthened the brand franchise .Limca energies, refreshes and transforms.

Georgia , quality tea and coffee served from state of the art wending machines is
positioned to tap into the nations biggest beverage category .Georgia , which promises a great
tasting , consistent , hygienic and affordable cuppa is available in a range of 7 sizzling flavors ,
adrak, elaichi, masala and plain tea cappuccino, and regular coffee .
Georgia is currently roll out stage after a successful a launch in delhi and kolkotta. Georgia
aims to become the consumers preferred choice of hot beverage, Georgia gold is the premium
brand which caters to the connoisseur.

Maaza was launched in 1976 as a non-carbonated mango fruit drink. It was acquired by the
Coca-Cola Company in 1993 and is currently available in three flavours, Mango, Pineapple and
Orange - Plus added calcium.
HAIN NAAM .The campaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant
emotional benefit to the moms rightly captured in the tag line YAARI DOSTI , TAAZA

Kinley water promises water that is as pure as it is meant to be. Water you can trust to be
truly safe and pure .Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the coca-cola
company. That is why kinley was introduced with technology reverse osmosis along with the
latest technology to ensure the purity of the product.
Kinley water, a thirst quencher that refreshes a life giving force that washes all the toxins
away. Kinley water comes with the assurance of safety from the coca-cola company.

Strong Cola taste existing personality Thums up is a leading carbonated soft drink and
most trusted brand in India. Originally introduced in 1997, Thums up was acquired by the Coca-
Cola in 1993. The Coca-Cola Company offers nearly 400 brands in over 200 countries, besides
its namesake Coca-Cola beverage.


An Organizations goal can be achieved only when people put in their best efforts.
How to ascertain whether an employee has shown his / her best performance on a
given job? The answer is Performance Appraisal. Performance appraisal is a formal
structured system of measuring and evaluating an employee job, related behaviors
and outcomes to discover how and why the employee is presently performing on a
job and how the employee can perform more effectively in future so that the
employee, organization and society all benefit.

Meaning & Definition

The performance appraisal is part of a larger system known as the Performance

Management system. This system is the approach to the management of People
using performance, planned goals and objectives, measurement, Feedback and
recognition to motivate people to realize their maximum Potential. Performance
appraisal involves the setting of clear quantifiable goals and objectives and
assessing individual performance against these measures.

Performance Appraisal has many facts in an exercise in observation & judgment,
it is feed back process, and it is an organizational intervention. It is a measurement
process as well as an intensively motional process.
Performance Appraisal is the systematic periodic and an important rating to his present job and
his potential for a better job.
------- EDWIN. B. FLIPPO
Performance Appraisal is the systematic evolution of the individual regards to his/her
performance on the job and there potential for development.
-------------- BEACH

In this section, in specific term how management can devise instruments, i.e.
methods that can be used to measure and appraise employees performance.

By now a number of performance appraisal methods are available in fact, each

organization has its own selected method with its strength & weaknesses may be
one method suitable for one organization and non-suitable for another one. As
such, there is no single appraisal method accepted and used by all organizations to
measure their employees performance.

All the methods of appraisal devised so for have been classified differently by
different authors.

While Decenzo & Robbins have classified appraisal methods into three categories,
i. Absolute Method
ii. Relative Methods
iii. Objective Methods.

Aswanthappa has classified these into two categories.

1. Past Oriented Method 2. Future Oriented Method

Michael Rcarrell have classified all appraisal methods into as many as six

i. Rating Scales
ii. Comparative Method
iii. Critical Incidents
iv. Essay
v. MBO
vi. Combination of all methods.

Rock And Levis have classified all the methods into two broad categories
i. Narrow Interpretation. ii. Broad Interpretation.
A more widely used classified of appraisal methods into two categories
i. Traditional Methods
ii. Modern Methods
-------------------By Strauss and Sayles
Data Relating to Performance assessment of employee are recorded, Stored
and used for several purpose. The Main purposes of employee assessment are:

1. To effective promotions bases on competence and performance.

2. To confirm the service of probationary employee upon theyre completing

the probationary period satisfactory.

3. To assess the training and development needs of employee.

4. To decide upon a pay rise where (as in the unorganized sector) regular pay
scales have not been fixed.

5. To let the employee know where they stand insofar as their performance is
concerned and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the
purpose of the development.

6. To improve communication. Performance appraisal provides a format for

dialogue between the superior and the subordinates and improves

understanding of personal goals and concerns. This can also have the effect
of increasing the trust between the rater and the rate.

7. Finally, performance appraisal can be used to determined weather HR

Programmed such as selection, Training, and transfers have been effective or

Establishing Performance Appraisal

The appraisal process begins with the setting upof criteria
to be used for appraising the performance of employees. The criteria are
specified with the help of job analysis, which reveals the contents of job.
This criteria should be clear, objective and in writing.

Communicating The Standards

The standards are conveyed to the employees and the evaluators. A
feed back regarding the standards should be obtained from the evaluators
and the employees for revision or modification.
Measuring Performance
This requires choosing the right technique of measurement, identifying
the internal and external factors influencing performance & collecting
information on results achieved.

Comparing The Actual With The Standards

Actual performance is compared with the predetermined performance
standards. Such comparison will reveal the deviation, which may be positive or

Discuss The Appraisal

The results of the appraisal are communicated to and discussed with the
employees. Along with the deviations, the reason behind them are also analyzed

and discussed. Such discussion will enable the employee to know his weakness and

Initiate Corrective Action

Through mutual discussions with employees, the step required to improve
performance are identified and initiated. Training, coaching, counseling, etc., are
examples of corrective action that help to improve performance.










The various methods included in each of the two categories are given in the below table.



1 Ranking Method 1 Assessment Center Method
2 Paired Comparison 2 Human Resource Accounting Method

3 Grading 3 Behaviorally Anchored rating scale (BARS)
4 Forced Distribution Method 4 360-Degree Performance Appraisals
5 Forced Choice Distribution Method 5 MBOs (Management by objectives)
6 Check List Method
7 Critical Incidents Methods
8 Graphic Rating Scale Method
9 Essay Method
10 Field Review Method

I. Traditional Methods:

The traditional methods lay emphasis on the rating of the individuals

personality traits, such as initiative, dependability, drive, creativity, integrity,
intelligence, leadership potential etc.,

Ranking Method: Employees are ranked from the best to the poorest on the
basis of overall performance. The relative passion of an employee is reflected in
the numerical rank. It is one of the simplest methods.

Paired Comparison Method: This is a modified form of man to man ranking.

Herein, each employee is compared with all others in pairs on at a time. The
number of times an employee is judged better than other determines his rank.
Comparison is made on the basis of overall performance.

Grading Method: Under this method, the rater considers certain factors, and
marks them accordingly to a scale. The selected factors may be analytical
ability, co-operation, dependability self-expression, job knowledge. They may
be grades as A outstanding, B Very good, C good/average, D fair,
E poor. The actual performance of an employee is then compared with these
grade definitions and he is allotted the grade which best described his

Forced Distribution Method: In these techniques the rater appraises an

employee according to predetermined distribution scale. It is assumed that it is
desirable to rate only two factors by this method that is job performance &
promo ability. For this purpose a five poking performance scale is used without

any descriptive statement & employees are placed between two extremes of
good and bad performance.

Forced Choice Distribution Method: In this method, the rating elements are
several sets of pairs phrases or adjectives relating to job proficiency or personal
qualification. The rater is asked to indicate which of the phrases is most and
least descriptive of the employee.

Check List Method: In this method, series of questions are presented

concerning an employees behavior. Here rater does not evaluate employee
performance; he supplies reports about it and the personnel department does the
final rating.

Critical Incidents Method: In this method the superior keeps a written record
or critical events and how different employees behaved during such events. The
rating of the employee depends on the positive or the negative behaviors during
these events. These critical incidents are identified after through study of the job
and discussions with the staff.

Graphic Rating Scale Method: This method is widely used as it is easy to

understand. It allows a statistical tabulation of scores and, a ready comparison
of scores among the employee is possible. It is a numerical scale indicating
different degrees of a particular train. The rate is given a printed form for each
employee to be rated. The form contains several characteristics relating to the
personality and performance of employee. Intelligence, attitude, quality of
world, leadership skills judgment, etc. are some use characteristics.

Free Essay Method: In this method, the supervisor mistakes a free form, open-
ended appraisal of an employee in his own words and puts down his impression
about the employee. The description is always as factual and concrete as

Field Review Method: In this method, a trainer employee from the personnel
department interviews line supervisors to evaluate respective subordinates. The
supervisor is required to give his opinion about the progress of his subordinates
and his plan of action in cases requiring for consideration.

II. Modern Methods:

The modern method, on the other hand, places more emphasis on the
evaluation of work results, i.e. job achievements than the person traits modern
method tend to be more objective and worth while.

Assessments Center Method: An assessment center is a group employee

drawn from different work units. These employees work together on
assignments similar to the one they would be handlings when promoted. The
most important feature of the assessments center is job-relate simulations.
Evaluators observe and rank the performances of all participants. This group
evaluates all employees are both individually and collectively by using
simulations techniques like role playing, business games and in basket
exercises? Employees are evaluated on the basis of job related characteristics
considered important for job success. The evaluators prepare a summary report
and feedback is administered on a facetoface basis to the employees who ask
for it. An assessment center generally measures interpersonal skills,
communicating ability to plan and organize, etc. Assessments center are not
only methods of appraisal but help to determine training and development needs
of employees and provide data for human resource planning.

Human Resource Accounting Method: Human Resource is a valuable asset

for any organization. This asset can be valued in terms of money. When
competent and well*trained employees leave an organization the human asset
ids decreased and vice versa. Under this method performance is judged in terms
of costs and contributions of employees. Costs of human resources consist of
expenditure on human resource planning, recruitment, selection, induction,
training, compensation, etc. contribution of human resources. Different between
cost and contribution will reflect the performance of employees. This method is
still in the transitory stage and is, therefore, not popular at present.

Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (BARS): This method combines graphic

rating with critical incidents method. BARS are descriptions of various degrees
of behavior relating to specific performance dimensions. Critical areas of job
performance and the most effective behavior for getting results are determined
in advance. The rater records the observable job behavior of an employee and
compares these observations with BARS. In this way an employees actual
behavior is judged against the desired behavior. This steps involved as:

1. Generating Critical Incidents

2. Developing Performance Dimensions
3. Retranslate the Incidents
4. Assign Scale to Incidents
5. Developing Final Instrument.

360 Degrees Performance Appraisal: This is a new concept in performance

appraisal, where the feedback is collected from all around the employee, the
superior, the subordinates, the peer group, and the customers. The evaluation is
very comprehensive in terms of the employees skill, abilities, styles and job
related competencies. This system has the following advantages:


Higher validity and reliability of the evaluation.

Self evaluation by the employees gets compared with the perception of
Helps in maximizing employee potential in the face of challenges.
Ratings are likely to be accurate because these are done by experts.
The method is more reliable and valid as it is job specific and identified
observable and measurable behavior.
Ratings are likely to be more acceptable due to employee participation.

It is very time consuming and expensive to develop BARS for every job.

Management By Objectives (MBO): The concept of MBO was developed by

Peter Drucker in 1954. Since then MBO has become an effective and
operational technique of performance appraisal and a powerful philosophy of

MBO has been defined as a process where by the superior and subordinate
managers of an organization jointly identify its common goal, define each
individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him
and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the
contributions of each its members. In other words, MBO involves appraisal of
performance against clear, time bound and mutually agreed job goals.

Objectives are the ends & means of an enterprise all the activities must be framed
& deducted to perform objectives & no deviations from the achievement of
objective is permitted.
--------------PETER DRUKER


Set organization goals:

Goals of the organization in key areas of performance are
laid down. These goals are defined in clear, precise and measurable terms. A
thorough analysis of internal and external environment of the organization is made
to set these goals.

Defining performance targets:

On the basis of organizational goals, performance
standards for each employee are defined. Every subordinate writes down his own
performance goals, which are work related, and career oriented. His manager also
writes down the goals he thinks the subordinate should strive for the two then
discuss them, reach an agreement and put the agreed goals in writing. Thus,
employees at all levels are involved in goal setting. The goals are periodically
reviewed & revised to keep them flexible and up-to-date.

Performance review:
Frequent performance reviews meetings between manager and
subordinate are held. In these meeting progress is assessed, weaknesses &
constrains are identified and steps to be taken to improve performance are decided.
Subordinates actively participate in this process. This leads to self-control by the

After every performance review feedback on performance is communicated
to the employee so that he can regulate and improve upon his own performance.
On the basis of performance targets are determined for the next period.


Ends means chain

Role clarity
Objective appraisal
Motivation and commitment
Management development


Problem of participation
Difficulty in goal setting
Lack of understanding
Time-consuming and expensive


The components that should be used in a performance appraisal system flow

directly from the specific objectives of appraisal. The following components are
being used in a number of Indian organizations.
1. Key Performance Areas (KPAs) / Key Result Areas (KRAs)
2. Tasks/targets/objectives; attributes/qualities/traits
3. Self appraisal
4. Performance analysis
5. Performance ratings
6. Performance review, discussion or counseling
7. Identification of training / development needs
8. Ratings / assessment by appraiser
9. Assessment / review by reviewing authority
10. Potential appraisal.


Performance appraisal is one among all the important factors of overall
system of any organization Private / Public. each and every origination have come
forward in putting their efforts for the implementation of performance appraisal
and also playing the major role in understanding clearly every nick point which
paves the way for failure of appraisal techniques and hence trying to bring
resistance in the techniques of performance appraisals so as to make it clear and
complete for the effective results.

HCCBPL have clearly understood the values of human resource. Of all the Ms of
management (ie Men, Machinery, Method, Money) top priority is given to the
Men. It has given prior importance for the development of Human resource. The
need of making employees more effective, Creative, productive, and qualitative is
given due consideration.


HCCBPL has clearly understood the very importance of performance appraisal. In
order to maintain the balance in Performance and relation of Employees HCCBPL
Has made big investment to maintain PE in a Systematic way. The following are
objectives of HCCBPL

Each and Every individual in an organization contributes to the success of

organization goal it is very necessary to appraise the performance of the individual
to let them know their standards. It is also necessary to compare the actual
performance with the desired performance in order to measure the accomplishment
goals of the organization. It says the employees where they are to where they are
expected to go. It helps the organization in cost reduction and in maintaining better
quality ability of product.


HCCBPL has taken interest of developing of correct clear complete PA System. In

order to overcome the problems of appraisal techniques and to run the appraisal
system successfully. HCCBPL follows a KRA (KEY RESULT AREA) for
Executive and above level through this technique the organization is able to have
the complete necessary details of employees. It is conducted 2 times 1st is half Year
Review and 2nd is Yearly Review the KRA is settled in the month of January of the
every year and half year review is done in the month of June and yearly review is
done in the month of December and promotions, Salary Revision, Training for
Poor Performer is done in the month of March to June in Next Year.

The performance appraisal system at HCCBPL contains an executive KRA


Methods used at HCCBPL for the purpose of making effective appraisal system

Executive KRA
Performance on the job
Overall assessment
Comments by higher authority
Training needs

Executive KRA

It is a technique where in the assesses will be provided with an opportunity to

assess and write his achievement and comments and produce to the higher
authority, it also explains his miss / hits in the year.

Performance on the Job

It is the important part where the reporting manager are not only asked to extent of
their approvals with the appraiser comments but also have to grade the assesses
performance using the scale.

Overall Assessment

In this part of appraisal system the overall assessment of executives are taken into
consideration. It includes his/ her job performance and relevant factors listed

Comments by Higher Authority

This is a part where higher authority gives his/her opinion or comments after
giving thought the pervious part handled by employees superior. The part of
appraisal process will have an essential touch. Where the chance of bias by
superiors will be avoided to a maximum extent and gives assesses a fair deal.

Training Needs

In this part of appraisal higher authority are required to give their views whether
training is required in specific area to improve the performance in the present job
and training recommended by higher authorities to the HR Dept. where the HR
Manager takes necessary steps in providing training.

Salient Features of PMS at HCCB

Clearly defined KRAs and Objectives

Business Plan Achievement is Single KRA

EBITDA is a mandatory objective
SM Performance standard identified at the beginning of the PMS cycle
Competencies standardized and rated on behavioral anchors
SM rating valuable and integral for all HR processes
No mid year rating
Separate HR process to identify training needs
Simpler accessible form

Setting Goals & Objectives

Set specific goals and objectives for the coming year

Set agreed upon time lines to break down goals into smaller chunks.
Document changes in the goals and objectives as the year progresses and
discuss these changes in ongoing performance conversations.
Goals must be SMART in nature

Connecting Goals

Connect goals with the organizations larger goals.

People want to feel what they do adds value and understand their contribution
to the team.

Encourage and reward behaviors that are aligned with organizational mission
and goals.

Follow through on your commitments.

Creating the Environment

Select a suitable location free of distracting sights and sounds.
Schedule a time that does not compete with major organizational events and
minimizes interruptions.
Provide advance notice. Allow the employee time to prepare for the review.
Create an informal atmosphere that promotes two-way communication.
Position yourself to minimize barriers between you and the employee (i.e. sit
side by side instead of across a desk from each other)
Silence your cell phone; forward calls.

Four Important Activities


Filling out Review Forms

Try to connect the categories on the form with the responsibilities of the
Explain to the employees how they can achieve a higher rating in each
category with documentation that supports the rating.
Give examples of expected performance
Use optional categories consistently across like positions
Have the employee complete the evaluation form first.

Ask them to list what they have accomplished to support the rating, as well as
goals for the future.
As supervisor, complete the evaluation form listing strengths,
accomplishments, and future goals.

Difficult Evaluations

Describe unwanted performance/behavior

Sight specific examples of when the performance/behavior has occurred in the
Explain how it affects their future, team or customer
Describe the preferred behavior


1. Awareness of Performance Appraisal System.

Table No: 1

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 70 100
No 0 0
Total 70 100

Graph No: 1

The above table shows that all the employees are aware of performance appraisal.

2. Making Proper Use of Performance Appraisal

Table No: 2

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 70 100

No 0 0

Total 70 100

Graph No: 2


It is clear that the organization is making proper use of performance appraisal information.

3. Satisfaction Organization Feedback system

Table No: 3

Option Respondents Percentages

Satisfied 63 90

Normal 7 10

Dissatisfaction 0 0

Total 70 100

Graph No: 3


The above table shows that 85% were satisfied about their organization feedback.

4. Provision for Performance Feedback

Table No: 4

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 68 97.15

No 2 2.85

Total 70 100

Graph No: 4


It is observe that 97% of the employees said that is proper provision for performance feedback
but a significant percentage of employees expressed that there was no proper provision for
performance feedback.

5. Need for in Performance Appraisal achieving organizational goals

Table No: 5

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 61 87
No 9 13
Total 70 100

Graph No: 5


It is clear that 87% of respondents expressed that performance appraisal is plays a very important
role in achieving organization goals.

6. Role of Performance Appraisal in assessing Training Needs

Table No: 6

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 59 84

No 11 16

Total 70 100

Graph No: 6


It is found that 84% of the employees said that performance appraisal place a significant role in
identifying training and development needs of the employees and 16% of employees this agreed
with this.

7. Role of Seminars & conferences in improving employee performance

Table No: 7

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 58 82.85

No 12 17.15

Total 70 100

Graph No: 7


It is found that 82% of employees opinioned that seminars and conferences are very helpful in
improving they performance.

8. Employees feel proud to be identified with the organization

Table No: 8

Option Respondents Percentages

Always 50 71.42
Most of time 15 21.42
Certain time 5 7.14
Total 70 100

Graph No: 8


It is observed that 71% of employees opinioned that they all ways feel proud to be identified
with organization.

9. The congenital work environment for achieving the highest performance

Table No: 9

Option Respondents Percentages

Totally Agree 52 74.28
Partially Agree 16 22.85
Totally Disagree 2 2.85
Partially Disagree 0 0
Total 70 100

Graph No: 9


Out of 70 respondents 74% of them agreed that HCCB provides congenial work for achieving
the highest performance.

10.Motivated by the present performance appraisal system?

Table No: 10

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 50 71.42
No 10 14.28
Some Times 10 14.28
Total 70 100

Graph No: 10


Out of 70 respondents majority of employees are motivated by the present performance appraisal

11.The scope of grievance redreseal, if performance appraisal is not done in fair?

Table No: 11

Option Respondents Percentages

Yes 54 77.14

No 10 14.28

Some Times 6 8.57

Total 70 100
Graph No: 11


Out of 70 respondents majority of employees are think that there is a scope for grievance
redreseal, if performance appraisal is not done in fair.

12.The promotions are based on performance?

Table No: 12

Option Respondents Percentages

Strong Agree 38 54.28
Agree 20 28.57
Disagree 12 17.14
Strong Disagree 0 0

Total 70 87 100
Graph No: 12


Out of 70 respondents 54% of employees partially agree that their promotions are based on their

13.Classification of employee aware of their jobs profile and its requirements

Table No: 13

Respondent Percentage
Option s s
Strongly Agree 50 72
Agree 20 28
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0
TOTAL 70 100
Graph No: 13


From the above table we can find that more number of the employees is aware of the job profile
and its requirements

14.Receiving adequate training to do a job well

Table No: 14

Option Respondents Percentages

Strongly Agree 56 80
Agree 14 20
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

TOTAL 70 100








Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Graph No: 14


From the above table it is clear that 80% of employees responded that they strongly agree of
receiving adequate training 20% do agree the same.

15.Response towards receiving adequate support from the supervisors

Table No: 15

Option Respondents Percentages

Strongly Agree 24 34.28

Agree 33 47.14

Disagree 13 18.57

Strongly disagree 0 0

TOTAL 70 90 100
Graph No: 15


From the above table it is clear that 34% strongly agree they receive adequate training from the
supervisors, 44% just agree 18% disagree.

16. Showing opinion towards assess their training needs

Table No: 16
Option Respondents s
Strongly Disagree 2 2.85
Disagree 8 11.42
Agree 43 61.42
Strongly Agree 17 24.28
TOTAL 70 100

Graph No: 16


From the above table it seen that 24% respondent were agree, 61%just agree and 11% disagree with
the assess of training needs.

17. Showing employee opinions about the question How often do you say the word

I am busy or I am having hard time At the work place.

Table No: 17

Option Respondents Percentages

Very often 53 75
Often 6 8.5
Rarely 5 7.1

Very rarely 4 5.7
Never 2 2.8
TOTAL 70 100

Graph No: 17
It is clear from the graph that maximum number of employees are busy I.e. are engaged in
the work at work place


I have done my project work at Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt Limited, Bidadi. It
was a good learning experience for me to understand overall management functioning of the
company. What I understood from this exposure is that there can never be theory without
practical experience to be successful.

The various aspects that I learnt are- Defining the role of each employees duties and
responsibilities, delegation of authority and accountability expected by that employee, and rules
of the company that no employee can violate rules.

The training provided me an opportunity to relate class room learning with reality of
management. By constant interaction with the people including the executives, has indeed
widened my horizon of knowledge. Ultimate to say the training period in the company was a
wonderful small time in huge corporate world.

The companys main strength is having HR Professionals comprising commendable

background. This is a boon to the company, which is an asset for the companys growth.

In-plant training created a sensory impression in my brain putting across what actually an

organization is, and acted as a guide in relating theoretical concepts with the practice and to use

this knowledge for the future. Management concepts were difficult to analyze, but after this in-

plant training, I felt I am empowered with confidence to understand different concepts in

pragmatic manner:-

a) Importance of different management functions such as planning, organizing, staffing,

directing and controlling, which guide the organization for its growth.

b) As trainee for 60 days in the coca-cola company, I had lot of exposure to the organization. I
found, the company is for strict discipline and code of conduct. The employees of the
company are committed and motivated.

c) The present business scenario is rapidly changing and becoming highly competitive both in
terms of cost, quality and customer responsiveness .This increasing competition increases the
significance of how efficiently and effectively the strategies are designed and implemented.

d) No organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job and the organization
requirements .Hence, training is important to develop an employee and make him suitable for
the job. So the training programs should be increased more in number and then determine
whether the training results are yielding any returns on training investments in terms of
financial or non financial benefits and changed behavior.

e) Now the company running at its peak and earning very huge profit and this is because of the
efficient management and employee commitment towards work. I have experienced this
through out my training.

f) Employees/ workers have different skills, talents, abilities, attitudes etc and how they are

being utilized in optimum manner in achieving organization goals.

g) Quality control and assurance guides the entire organization in providing quality product to

customer, there by improving loyalty from customer side.

h) Company is having highly dedicated responsive and young management team.


Employees awareness about performance appraisal system in HCCB is good.

Huge majority of respondents know the periodicity of performance appraisal

Majority of the respondents are viewed that the superior as their appraisal.

The rate of implementation of Performance Appraisal System is good.

Majority of respondents think that Performance Appraisal system

purpose/objectives are for promotions & increments.

The employees are performance appraisal satisfied with the existing

performance appraisal system.

HCCB provides congenial work environment to their employees.

The employees motivated present performance appraisal system.

Employees are performance appraisal agree that the performance appraisal

system encourage their work well in advance.

Huge majority of respondents are performance appraisal agreed that their

superior is Trans performance appraisal rent and fair.

The employees are aware of performance appraisal in the organization.

The periodicity performance appraisal system in HCCB is on going process.


By the feedback received form the manager and employees of the organization there seems to be
not much recommendations required for the firm. The following are the recommendations can be
applied for the future benefits of the organization.

1. The firms can make the communication system more effective so that the all employees
are well aware of the P A System.
2. To conduct the P A system in such way which is preferred by majority of the employees
i.e. Half yearly.
3. To strike a balance between formal and informal appraisals
4. To make merit as bias for promotion as majority prefers it
5. To find drawbacks in feedback system and correct it
6. To find new ways for making P A more effective and errors free.


Based on the data collected through the questionnaire and interactions with the employees of
HCCBPL the following recommendations are made for consideration.

The organization may consider deputing each employee to attend at least one training
programmer in a year.
The organization can also arrange part time training programs in the office premises for
short durations, spanning over a few days, in order to avoid any interruption in the routine
The organization can arrange the training programmer, department wise in order to give
focused attention towards the departmental requirements.


From the analysis and evaluation of data it can be concluded that the company has installed a
good training scheme. The staffs as well as workers are happy with the present system. But the
frequency of conducting the training should be increased and should be need based.

The appraisal system in coca-cola helps the management to access the training needs, promotion
and job satisfaction of the employees and thereby the company can decide the developmental
activities to be done.

Performance Appraisal system and its objectives.

Training is considered as a positive step towards augmentation of the knowledge base by
the respondents.
The objectives of the training programmers were broadly known to the respondents prior
to attending them.
The training programmer was adequately designed to cater to the developmental needs of
the respondents.
Some to the respondents suggested that the time period of the training programmers were
less and thus need to be increased.
Some of the respondents also suggested that use of latest training method will enhance
the effectiveness of the training programs.
Some respondents believe that the training sessions could be made more exciting if the
sessions had been more interactive and in line with the current practices in the market.
The training aids used were helpful in improving the overall effectiveness of the training
The training programs were able to improve on-the-job efficiency.
Some respondents also recommended that the number of training programs be increase


1. Awareness of Performance Appraisal System
a. Yes
b. No

2. Making Proper Use of Performance Appraisal

a. Yes
b. No

3. Satisfaction Organization Feedback system

a. Satisfied
b. Dissatisfied
c. Normal

4. Provision for Performance Feedback

a. Yes
b. No

5. Need for in Performance Appraisal achieving organizational goals

a. Yes
b. No

6. Role of Performance Appraisal in assessing Training Needs

a. Yes
b. No

7. Role of Seminars & conferences in improving employee performance

a. Yes
b. No

8. Employees feel proud to be identified with the organization
a. Always
b. Most of time
c. Certain time

9. The congenital work environment for achieving the highest performance

a. Totally Agree
b. Partially Agree
c. Totally Disagree
d. Partially Disagree

10.Motivated by the present performance appraisal system?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Some Times

11.The scope of grievance redreseal, if performance appraisal is not done in fair?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Some Times

12.The promotions are based on performance?

a. Strong Agree
b. Agree
c. Strong Disagree
d. Disagree

13.Classification of employee aware of their jobs profile and its requirements
a. Strong Agree
b. Agree
c. Strong Disagree
d. Disagree

14.Receiving adequate training to do a job well

a. Strong Agree
b. Agree
c. Strong Disagree
d. Disagree

15.Response towards receiving adequate support from the supervisors

a. Strong Agree
b. Agree
c. Strong Disagree
d. Disagree

16.Showing opinion towards assess their training needs

a. Strong Agree
b. Agree
c. Strong Disagree
d. Disagree

17.Employee opinions about the question How often do you say the word I am
busy or I am having hard time At the work place.

a. Very often
b. Often
c. Rarely
d. Very rarely
e. Never



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Aldag, R. J., & Kuzuhara, W. (2002). Organizational behavior and

management: An integrated skills approach. USA: Thomson
Learning. Andres, T. D. (2001). Filipino behavior at work: Human
relations and organizational behavior in the Philippine setting.
Quezon City, Philippines: Giraffe Books.
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