Sheryl's March Newsletter 2017

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Ashes March 2017

to Healing from the past.
Hope for the future.

Dear Friends and Family, In the meantime, the show

must go on. Literally. We
My India travel visa did not arrive in time for me to join the team have launched our Trans-
for FIC India 2017. Disappointed? Yes. Frustrated? Absolutely. formed Through Truth pro-
Yet, I am learning to trust God to show me what is best. And that gram on Our
show is featured on Sundays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays. It
is listed under the Premier
Program for those days and
is archived after the broad-
cast. I am honored to share
the gospel through radio and
television on 7 continents.
We are looking for prayer Sheryls teaching ministry expands to
and financial partners. regular weekly television features with
the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network.
So excited to share the love of God on
7 continents.
Indian women from the lower caste Dalit people are workers at tea plantations.
Impoverished, overlooked and wounded, please pray for their complete
freedom and renewed hope. Will you pray? For the love of God
to reach all nations. Will you give?
is to pray. For the India 2017 team prayer calendar go to http:// Our monthly financial commit- Transformed Through Truth has
ment for radio and television
beauty-news/ launched very strong. My first in
production is $3,000.
studio guest was my own Pastor
Thank you for your financial Wendell Vinson. Our topic was
Freedom In Christ to India 2018.
the name of God: Father. Pastor
donations. For my personal Wendell discussed the father This is a one-time trip cost $3,500
India travel visa, I paid heart of God. visa, airfare, room and board,
$475.00. Your donations translators and teaching materi-
were used for this essential als. Is God leading you to donate
part of the trip. I now have a to either FIC: India 2018 or FIC:
ten-year India travel visa, so Communicate Truth 2017?
if God wills, I plan to serve
in India next year. FIC India FIC India Team Pray: Wisdom - James 1:5, Please note Sheryl Giesbrecht and
Purpose Eph. 2:10, Joy Psalm 18:28,
March 2018. Contrary to 86 in your correspondence. I so
Provision Heb. 13:6 I am honored to welcome
popular opinion, God is not appreciate your partnership.
my husband, Dr. Jim Turner
holding out on us. Yet, when we are disappointed, we must look to discuss the name of God
and find Gods reappointment. Thank you so much! I am praying
evidenced in the creative power
of Elohim. Dr.Turner talked for you,
If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own about how we are fearfully and
Son, but delivered him up for us all, how will he not also with him wonderfully made by God, he Sheryl
freely give us all things? Romans 8:31, 32 connected this with natural
healing through chiropractic

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