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HITEC University Taxila

Solar Tracker
Instrumentation Lab

Double-Axis Solar Tracker
The purpose of this project is to make and demonstrate a double axis solar
tracker. This solar tracker is able to rotate and tilt to get the maximum
intensity of light in the day time. This solar tracker is a prototype of a fully
working large scale solar tracker. Solar trackers are used to fulfill the
increasing demand of energy by utilizing the thermal energy coming from
sun. solar tracker is made using several basic components. One of these
components is Arduino, a microcontroller used for building and controlling
digital devices that can interfere with the physical world. The language used
for coding is C++.

Problem statement:
To make a double axis solar tracker, which can rotate as well as tilt according
to the direction of the sun.

As the world is progressing, the need of energy is increasing and the
resources of this energy are decreasing. In this scenario we have thermal
energy, which can be utilized efficiently to obtain required power. Solar
absorbers are used for this purpose. By natures rule, sun does not remain at
a specific angle with the earth. It circulates around the earth, So the direction
of light changes with the passage of day. Solar trackers are used to
compensate this change in intensity with change in their direction.
In the past, many solar trackers have been made according to different
requirements. Some basic components required for the construction of solar
trackers are Arduino controller, LDRs, Servos, wires, solar plates, bread-
board, resistors and some other electrical components.
Arduino is a microcontroller that is used for building digital devices and
interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. It
is a just like a tiny computer, which can be used to operate a digital device
and make a connection between the physical world and the software. This
microcontroller comes with a software provided by the manufacturer
company. The coding of the program for the device is done on this software
using C or C++ language with some coding rules.

The objective of this project is to make a prototype of a double-axis solar tracker for
the demonstration of how a large scale solar tracker works. The prototype which is
made is fully working and exactly demonstrates the working of a large scale solar

Planning Chart and Flow Chart:

9- 11 - 13 - 15 -
Weeks 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
10 12 14 16
Design &

Flow Chart:

Topic Selection Design of



Purchasing of
Components Final Model

Tasks Contribution
Topic Everyone
Proposal Everyone
Purchase Subject to Location of
Committee Purchase
Testing Model Subject to Availability
Controller Everyone
Final Model Everyone

[1] Solar tracking system, International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN 2250-3153.
[2] Design of a Solar Tracker System for PV Power Plants, Acta Polytechnica
Hungarica, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010.

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