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Resource List Of Books With Parents

Blink Blink Clop Clop An OCD Story For Children - Mortiz, 2011
What To Do When - Series- Huebner
You Dread The Bed ,2008
Your Bad Habits Take Hold, 2009
Your Temper Flares ,2008
You Worry Too Much, 2005
Your Brain Gets Stuck, 2007
You Grumble Too Much, 2006
Up And Down The Worry Hill: A Children's Book About Obsessive Compulsive
Disorders And Its Treatments - Wagner ,2013
Learning To Feel Good And Stay Cool: Emotional Regulation Tools For Kids
With ADHD- Glasser & Nadeau ,2014
Sitting Still Like A Frog : Mindfulness Exercises For Kids (And Their Parents)-
Snel, 2013
What To Do When Good Enough Isnt Good Enough: The Real Deal On
Perfectionism: A Guide For Kids - Greenspon ,2007
What To Do When Mistakes Make You Quake: A Kid's Guide To Accepting
Imperfection- Freeland & Toner ,2015
The Grump Meter : A Family Tool For Anger Control- Kaufman, 2011
The Grump Meter Workbook And App - Kaufman, 2011

Take Control Of OCD: The Ultimate Guide For Kids With OCD- Zucker, 2011
My Anxious Mind: A Teens Guide To Managing Anxiety And Panic - Tompkins
& Martinez, 2009
What Color Is Your Parachute? For Teens 3rd Edition: Discover Yourself, Design
Your Future, And Plan For Your Dream Job- Christen & Bolles, 2015


The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook For Depression 2nd Edition - Knaus ,2012
Playing With Anxiety: Caseys Guide For Teens And Kids - Wilson &
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook 6th Edition- Borne, 2015*
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook For Anxiety 2nd Edition - Knaus, 2014
Mastery Of Your Anxiety And Panic Workbook 4th Edition - Barlow & Craske,
The Mindfulness Workbook For OCD - Hershfield, Corboy, 2013
Free From OCD - Sisemore, 2010
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Complete Guide To Getting Well And Staying
Well- Penzel, 2000
Being Me With OCD: How I Learn To Obsess Less And Live My Life - Dotson,
Freedom From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery
Program For Living With Uncertainty (updated edition) - Grayson ,2014
Talking Back To OCD - March & Benton ,2007
Reclaiming Your Life From A Traumatic Experience Workbook - Rothbaum, Foa,
Hembree, 2007
The Perfectionist's Handbook: Take Risk, Invite Criticism And Make The Most
Of Your Mistakes - Szymanski, 2011
The Gifts Of Imperfection: Let Go Of Who You Think Youre Supposed To Be
And Embrace Who You Are - Brown, 2010
The Happiness Trap: How To Stop Struggling And Start Living : A guide To
ACT- Harris, 2008
The Illustrated Happiness Trap: How To Stop Struggling And Start Living -
Harris & Aisbett, 2013
Skin Picking: The Freedom To Finally Stop - Pasternak & Fletcher, 2014
Overcoming Binge Eating 2nd Edition: The Proven Program To Learn Why You
Binge And How You Can Stop - Fairburn, 2013
I Dont Have To Make Everything All Better: Six Practical Principles That
Empower Others To Solve Their Own Problems While Enriching Your Relationships-
Lundberg, 2000
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy - Burns, 2008
Life Without Ed : How One Woman Declared Independence From Her Eating
Disorder And How You Can Too - Schaefer, 2003
Stopping The Noise In Your Head: The New Way To Overcome Anxiety &
Worry - Wilson, 2016

Anxiety Free Kids: An Interactive Guide For Parents And Children 2nd Edition-
Zucker, 2009 and 2016 (Includes Anxiety Free Kids Companion Guide) *
The IMP Of The Mind: Exploring The Silent Exponence Of Obsessive Bad
Thoughts - Bear, 2001
Dont Panic: Taking Control Of Anxiety Attacks *revised edition* - (3rd
Edition)* Wilson, 2009
Stop Obsessing: How To Overcome Your Obsessions And Compulsions *revised
Edition*- Edna & Foa, 2001
Brain Lock :Free Yourself From Obsessive Compulsive Behavior - (20th
Anniversary Edition -2016) *Schwartz & Beyette, 1996
Siblings Without Rivalry: How To Help Your Children Live Together So You Can
Live Too - Faber & Mazlish, 2012
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen And Listen So Kids Will Talk- Faber &
Mazlish, 2012
Getting Control: Overcoming Your Obsessions And Compulsions - Baer, 2012*
I Wasnt Ready To Say Goodbye: A Companion Workbook For Surviving Coping
And Healing After The Sudden Death Of A Loved One- Noel & Blair, 2008
Get Out Of Your Minds & Into Your Life For Adults: The New Acceptance &
Commitment Therapy- Hayes & Smith, 2005
Freeing Your Child From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Common, Practical
Program For Parents Of Children And Adolescents- Chansky, 2001
What To Do When Your Child Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Strategies
And Solutions - Wagner, 2002
When A Family Member Has OCD: Mindfulness & Cognitive Behavioral Skills
To Help Families Affected By Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -Hershfield, 2015
Mindfulness Workbook For OCD: A Guide To Overcoming Obsessions And
Compulsions Using Mindfulness And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- Hershfield &
Corboy, 2013
Delivered From Distraction: Getting The Most Out Of Like With Attention
Deficit Disorder- Hallowell & Ratey, 2005
Driven To Distraction(revised): Recognizing And Coping With Attention Deficit
Disorder- Hallowell & Ratey, 2011
Smart But Scattered: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach To
Helping Kids Reach Their Potential- Dawson & Guare, 2009
Smart But Scattered Teens: The Executive Skills Program For Helping Teens
Reach Their Potential- Guare & Dawson, 2012
Overcoming Dyslexia: A New And Complete Science-Based Program For
Reading Problems At Any Level - Shaywiz, 2005
Transforming The Difficult Child: The Nurtured Heart Approach - Glasser, 1999
1 2 3 Magic: Effective Discipline For Children 2-12 3rd Edition- Phelan, 2016*
Empowering Youth With ADHD: Your Guide To Coaching Adolescents And
Young Adults For Coaches, Parents, And Professionals - Sleeper- Triplett, 2010
Parenting A Child Who Has Intense Emotions: Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Skills To Help Your Child Regulate Emotional Outbursts & Aggressive Behaviors -
Harvey & Penzo, 2009
Raising Your Spirited Child Workbook - Karcinka, 1998
Raising Your Spirited Child 3rd Edition: A Guide For Parents Whose Child Is
More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, And Energetic -Karcinka, 2015
More Annie Stories: Therapeutic Storytelling Techniques - Brett, 1992
Annie Stories: A Special Kind Of Storytelling- Brett, 1988
The Invisible String- Karst & Stevenson, 2000
SOS ! Help For Parents 3rd Edition - Clark, 2005
Homemade Books To Help Kids Cope: An Easy To Learn Technique For Parents
& Professionals - Ziegler, 1992
When Your Child Anxiety Takes Over: A Mothers Struggle To Save Her Child
From Emetophobia- Cacciatore, 2015
When Your Child Is Afraid: Understanding The Normal Fears Of Childhood
From Birth Through Adolescence And Helping Overcome Them - Schachter &
McCauley, 1989
Late, Lost, And Unprepared: A Parents Guide To Helping Children With
Executive Functioning - Cooper-Kahn & Dietzel, 2008
Understanding Girls With ADHD,Updated And Revised: How They Feel And
Why They Do What They Do- Nadeau, Littman & Quinn*, 2015
Conquering Your Childs Chronic Pain: A Pediatricians Guide For Reclaiming A
Normal Childhood- Zelter & Blackett- Schlank ,2005
The Explosive Child : A New Approach For Understanding And Parenting Easily
Frustrated Chronically Inflexible Children 4th Edition - Greene,2014
Worried Mo More Help And Hope For Anxious Children - Wagner, 2002-2005
Freeing Your Child From Anxiety: Powerful, Practical Solutions To Overcome
Your Childs Fears, Worries And Phobias - Chansky, 2004

Forms For Helping Children With OCD - Moritz, 1998
The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook - Mckay, Wood ,Brantley,
Treating Depressed Children A Therapeutic Manual Of Cognitive Behavioral
Interventions - Dudley ,1997
Prolonged Exposure Therapy For PTSD - Foa , Hembree, Rothbaum, 2007
Managing Tourette Syndrome: A Behavioral Intervention For Child And Adults -
Woods and others ,2008
Managing Suicidal Risk 2nd edition - Jobes, 2016
OCD In Children And Adolescents - March & Mulle, 1998
Exposure Therapy For Anxiety - Abramowitz, Deacon & Whiteside, 2011
Learning ACT: An Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Skills- Training Manual
For Therapists - Luoma, Hayes & Walser, 2007
Motivational Interviewing With Adolescents And Young Adults - Naar-King &
Suaree ,2011
Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy With Children 4rd Edition - Kohen & Olness, 2011
Boosting Executive Skills In The Classroom: A Practical Guide For Educators -
Cooper-Kahn & Foster ,2013
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment
Manual - Wilhelm , Phillips, Steketee, 2013



Playing with Anxiety: Caseys Guide for Teens and Kids by Reid Wilson and Lynn Lyons
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teens by Joseph Ciarrochi, Ph.D., Louise
Hayes, Ph.D. and Ann Bailey, MA
The Anxiety Workbook for Teens by Lisa M. Schab, LCSW
My Anxious Mind: A Teens Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic by Michael A. Tompkins
and Katherine A. Martinez.
Take Control of OCD by Bonnie Zucker, Psy.D.
Anxiety & Worry workbook by Clark and Beck


When Your Child Is Afraid: Understanding the Normal Fears of Childhood from Birth
Through Adolescence and Helping Overcome Them by Dr. Robert Schachter and Carole
Spearin McCauley.
Worried No More: Help and Hope for Anxious Children (2nd Ed.) by Aureen Pinto Wagner,
Anxiety-Free Kids: An Interactive Guide for Parents and Children by Bonnie Zucker, Psy.D.
Freeing Your Child From Anxiety by Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.
What to Do When Your Child Has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Strategies and
Solutions by Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D.


The OCD Stories interviews with people successfully managing or recovered from OCD,
and with experts in the field
Eliza Starting at 16 daughter of Gretchen Rubin (The Happiness Project); podcast talking
about being a teen today
Getting In: Your College Admissions Companion useful podcast to help reduce parental
and older teens anxiety about the college admissions process
Mark Freeman OCD out of Canada; YouTube channel with over 100 videos on recovering
from OCD
Yellow Brick Cinema YouTube channel with relaxing music for study focus, relaxation,
and sleep
Anxiety Guru- The Anxiety Guru Show is a podcast about anxiety disorders and how to
overcome them.

WEBSITES: - Anxiety and Depression Association of America managed by Reid Wilson, Ph.D., site offers self-help for panic attacks,
social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, etc. Website out of Australia that has many great articles on anxiety,
depression, and stress in children and teens. Official website of the International OCD Foundation. UK-based OCD youth community the official website of the Anxiety Disorders Association of
British Columbia
HTTP://BEYONDOCD.ORG/- a website to help people beyond OCD and ADAA. - a website with resources for social anxiety.

1. Children
a. Positive Penguin- Apple and Android; iOS @ $ .
99; Android @ $1.99. An app that uses four positive penguins to help
children understand that their feelings are greatly influenced by their
b. Worry Box - Android; Free. Serves as a journal
for kids to enter in their worry thoughts.
c. Bedtime Meditation for kids- Apple iPhone,
iPad, and iTouch (require iOS 7.0 or later); $4.99. An app used at
bedtime to help relax the child.
d. Breath to relax- Android, iOS (iPad, iPhone,
iPod); Free. A stress reduction tool used to help regulate breathing.
2. Teens and Adults
a. Songza- Android, iOS (iPad, iPhone, and iPod
touch); Free. A playlist for anxious teens.
b. Anxiety Coach by Mayo Clinic;$4.99. Anxiety
Coach is a self-help app that addresses fears and worries using CBT
c. Anxiety Reliever; free to download but $5.99
per month to upgrade. Anxiety Reliever is an app that enables users to
track anxiety symptoms and provides relaxation exercises.
d. WorryWatch; under $4.99. For individuals with
chronic worry, anticipatory anxiety, and GAD, this app provides simple
self-monitoring and documenting of worry within a pre-fixed menu, as
well as a graphical tool that charts the worry entries by various factors.
e. Acupressure: Heal Yourself; $1.99 on Android
and IPhone. Acupressure: Heal Yourself guides you to the various
pressure points that you can self-massage to get the relief you need from
your anxiety, as well as from pain, addiction, and other common
disorders. Using illustrations, the app shows you exactly what points are
best for your symptoms, and how to massage them for the best results
f. Headspace; free on Android. This gym
membership for your mind features meditation and mindfulness
techniques to help manage stress and anxiety, improve well-being, and
become happier overall.
g. Relax and Rest Meditations; $1.99 on both
Android and IPhone. t the Relax and Rest Medications app is the brevity
of the featured meditations meaning lack of time is no excuse.
Whenever you have a few minutes to spare, slow down and relax with a
five, 13, or 24-minute guided meditation.
h. Whats up?; free for both Android and IPhone.
This app uses CBT to train anxiety sufferers how to identify negative
thinking patterns and the sources of their anxiety. It features breathing
techniques, habit and anxiety trackers, positive quotes, forums, and even
a game.
i. Breathe2Relax; free for both Android and
IPhone. This no-fuss app, developed by the National Center for
Telehealth & Technology, guides you through diaphragmatic breathing
(or belly breathing), allows you to record your own stress level, and
provides informative videos and graphics about the consequences of

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