Annotated Bibliography For Children To Recieve Education

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Lillian Ly

Annotated Bibliography for Childrens Education Rights

BBC News. BBC, 7 Oct. 2013. Web. 10 May 2017.

On October 7th, 2017 BBC news interviewed a special and significant figure within the national
education community, Malala Yousafzai. The infamous female education rights advocate recalls
her dangerous and brave experience a year after. Yousafzai, when only a teenager, was shot in the
head by the Taliban when leaving school on a bus. She was shot for her action in standing up
against the Taliban and their ban on education, specifically womens. Yousafzais bravery was
immediately heard of and became nationally recognized. She is now living in Birmingham, and
is a United Nations ambassador.

BBC is a credible source due to its reviews and correctness throughout history. It is a respectable
news report and is nationally recognized as reputable source for information. In addition to their
record of credibility, they are usually the first news source with the most recent news and most
correct. Besides that, the government, officials, and all types of businesses and people constantly
use BBC. Through this source, I learned more about Malala Yousafzai and further listen to her
voice on education.

Chonghaile, Clr N. "Children's rights being 'violated with impunity'" The Guardian. Guardian
News and Media, 19 Nov. 2014. Web. 8 May 2017.

Clr N Chonghaile addresses the issue of rights for children universally. The Convention of the
Rights of a Child celebrated its 25th anniversary 3 years ago with the accomplishments in
children education, reducing child mortality, and identifying the basic rights of children.
Although children human rights have improved, there are still cases of children who continue to
be violated by others. Chonghaile used the situations of children in Syria and West Africa as an
example of why the CRC is necessary to have and be reinforced in all state parties that have
ratified it. In Syria, children are repeatedly robbed of their education even in refugee camps. As
for West Africa, many children lost their parents due to the Ebola outbreak and face their future
with no support. This article brings to light the universal issues of children rights and why it is
necessary to help them.

The Guardian, similar to BBC, is also national recognized and used by many people. Although it
is less known universally compared to BBC, in the US it is still viewed as respectable news
source. Through the Guardian, my understanding about children education rights was deepened
and I further explored the reasons why this violation is so important to the world. Additionally,
my education about the Convention of the Rights of a Child evolved. Previously, I had read
through this convention and it protects the rights of children, but the largest issue the Guardian
focused on was the enforcement of these protections.

Drake, B. Shaw. "Dominican Children Denied the Human Right to Nationality and Access to
Education." The Huffington Post., 06 July 2015. Web. 7 May 2017.

B. Shaw Drake specifically focuses on the access to education for the Dominican Republic
children. This article brings attention to the issue of children being robbed of their education, but
also the procedures being enacted to help them. Shaw mentions the Georgetown Law Human
Rights Institution and their work into studying these situations. Through this article readers learn
Lillian Ly
Annotated Bibliography for Childrens Education Rights
of one specific situation in the world concerning the rights of children education and receive a
glimpse of a personal story.

The Huffington Post, again like BBC and the Guardian, is another reputable source for news.
They all share the platform for the most correct and most recent news reports. Through the
Huffington Post I learned of a special situation that happened in the Dominican Republic. This
news report allowed me to focus on one issue rather than the broad issue of childrens education
rights. Through news reports such as the Huffington Post, people can briefly learn of specific
circumstances and it leads to a better educated individual.

Olmedo, Irma M. Accommodation and Resistance: Latinas Struggle for Their Children's
Education. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 4, 2003, pp. 373395.,

Irma M. Olmedo from the University of Illinois at Chicago wrote an article explaining her
perspective on strategies for immigrants adapting to the cultural environment, more specifically
education. Olmedo comes from a Mexican background, so many of her academic books or
journals consisted of comments on the challenges of immigrants. In this section of the book,
children education is heavily emphasized through the struggle of Latin Americans. She discusses
issues with the language barrier, social norms, acceptance of cultures, and an overall struggle
with children learning. This article entails important information about the current education
system. Although there are children who are currently educated, this article shows that not all
education is at the quality it should be.

Due to her standing at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Olmedo is a reputable source. She
incorporates her background and education to create this story, but also factual article that
explains the struggle for modern immigrants and their childrens education. Through this article,
I learned of many obstacles that immigrants must involuntarily go through to better their
childrens future. Education is only one aspect of this issue that Olmedo focuses on, but it is
emphasized on throughout the article.

"Remove Barriers to Syrian Refugee Education." Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch, 13
Apr. 2017. Web. 19 May 2017.

The Human Rights Watch Organization is a foundation that fundraises, addresses, and explains
multiple modern issues in the world. This article explains the situation of Syrian children
refugees and their lack of education in Syria and the camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
There are thousands of Syrian children displaced in these countries and the issue is not being
directly addressed due to the longevity of the civil war. This article from the Human Rights
Watch clarifies that the countries receiving money and aid from others need to be more
transparent with their financial receipts. This proof could lead to a better, clearer, and more
efficient way of funding.

The Human Rights Watch is a dependable source through its national recognition from the global
community. It has repeatedly been backed up by multiple organizations, foundations, and
businesses: The Atlantic Philanthropies, Nationale Postcode Loterij, and many more. This news
Lillian Ly
Annotated Bibliography for Childrens Education Rights
source presents information on all worldly human rights violations and features them on their
website. Through the Human Rights Watch not only has my education about the overall human
rights violations deepened, but more so my realization of other issues that are important as well. I
learned about the Syrian Civil War refugees and their issues even after escape through this news

"The Malala Fund." Malala Fund. N.p., 2 June 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.

This foundation was created for and in name of the infamous Malala Yousafzai. Earlier I
explained her passion for female rights and leadership through education. She continues to be an
advocate even after being relocated from her home country and Yousafzai has extended her
platform to a universal level through the UN. As she currently is a United Nations Ambassador,
this foundation has helped her create a stable presence in the field of female and education rights.

The Malala Fund is a great source to receive information about childrens education rights,
because it is the cause her foundation embodies. As a young girl who was attacked for these
rights, her foundation has created an education for this violation. Not only is Yousafzai backed
up by my many people, but the United Nations itself. They have inducted her as the youngest UN
ambassador this past year and she has the support of multiple countries as well.

Wolff, Richard J. Children's Rights in Education: A Philosophical and Historical Approach.

The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue De La Pense ducative, vol. 17, no. 1, 1983,
pp. 4349.,

Richard J. Wolff presented data on the history of education and how it affects children. He uses
this data to advocate for the necessary basic rights in education for children. For example, he
elaborates on the psychology of education and how it affects children. If children attend school
and receive an adequate education at a younger age, they are more likely to attend upper-level
schooling in the future. Upper-level schooling then leads to many options: career, better
economy or educated consensus of the population. Through his many examples, Wolff
successfully support his argument that children rights in education is necessary to have a better

Although this article is broadly about the history of education, this article presents information
on why education is important to education. In previous articles, I focused specifically on
situations violating childrens education rights, but this article briefly explains the psychological
effects of education on children. This source is reputable, because of Wolffs standing in
education. He is a professor, author, radio host and speaker. In many cases of violations against
human rights, Wolff is constantly asked for his perspective, advice, and sometimes solution.

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