Teacher: Date: 04/29/2016 Subject/Grade/Unit: Duration: Teks/Elps

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HPS Recommended Lesson Plan


Teacher: Mahmut Koca Date: 04/29/2016

Subject/Grade/Unit: Geometry/9th and 10th/ 8-2 Reflections Duration: 90 minutes (Time line listed below)
TEKS/ELPS: 3(A) describe and perform transformations of figures in a plane using notation
3(B) determine the image or pre-image of a given two dimensional figure under a composition grid of rigid
transformations, a composition of non rigid transformations, and a composition of both, including dilations where
the center can be any point in the plane.
3(C) identifying the sequence of transformations that will carry a given pre-image onto an image and off the
coordinate plane
3(D) identify and distinguish between reflection and rotational symmetry, in a plane figure.
6(C) apply the definition of congruence, in terms of rigid transformations, to identify congruent figures and their
corresponding sides and angles.

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction: Hands-on activity with coordinate pegboards (visual learners)

Objective/Purpose: Students will be able to find reflection images of figures.

Key Vocabulary:
line of reflection / eje de reflexin
orientation / orientacin
reflection / reflexin

White board, Markers, Pearson geometry textbook and interactive journal, pencil, eraser, XY coordinate
pegboard, rubber bands, plastic pegs, chrome book.

Anticipatory Set: Hook/Prior Knowledge/Focus: (5 minutes)

Give the students the examples of mirror that has the reflection of the object in it.
Explain how the relationship is in terms of the distance between the pre image and the reflection line, and the
distance between the pre image and image. (When you reflect a figure across a line, each point of the figure goes to
another point the same distance from the line, but on the other side.)

Instructional Activities and Procedures (40 minutes)

Go over the Key concept section in the online version of the book and talk about what a reflection is.
Take Note: Key Concept Reflection Across a Line HH: p. 326

Take Note: Key Concept Reflection in the Coordinate Plane HH: p. 327

Problem 1: Reflecting a Point Across a Line HH: p. 327

ELPS Activity IMJ: p. 276

HPS Lesson Plan Format, 2015-2016 School Year

HPS Recommended Lesson Plan
Take Note: Key Concept Reflection Across a Line HH: p. 326

Problem 2: Graphing a Reflection Image HH: p. 328

Enrichment Activity IMJ: p. 276

Problem 3: Writing a Reflection Rule HH: p. 328

RtI support IMJ: p. 277

Problem 4: Using Properties of Reflections HH: p. 329

IMJ: p. 277

After you solve each problem that is given in the textbook, ask students to discuss the question and solve in 3

Activity (20 minutes): Pass out the XY coordinate pegboard, some rubber bands and a Ziploc of pegs to students;
ask them to perform this activity with their shoulder partner.
Classwork (20 minutes): Students will work on the Texas test practice (classwork) in interactive journal
Procedure: Students take turns making polygons on their pegboard and giving their partner the ordered pair for
each of the vertices. The partner graphs the shape. The students then tells his or her partner to flip the shape over
the x- axis, y- axis and x=y line. The partner will graph the reflected shape. Check the students pegboard to ensure
they understand how to flip their shape over the given axis and line.
It is also teachers discretion to use the document camera and draw a shape on the pegboard and reflect it with the
projector and ask students to find the reflection of the given figure over x-axis or y-axis or x=y. time the students to
as they try to find the reflection. (3 minutes advised)

HPS Lesson Plan Format, 2015-2016 School Year

HPS Recommended Lesson Plan

Lesson Components:

Instructional Delivery Guided Practice Independent Practice

(Whole Group Instruction) ( Guided/Small Group Instruction) ( Monitored Independent Work Time)
Explain below in detail; Students with be given the Students will work on the Texas
When you reflect a point instructions for the pegboard test practice (classwork) in
over the x-axis, sign of the activity. interactive journal.
y coordinate switches to the
opposite sign, x coordinate 1- Ask them to work in pair Go over the questions with
stays the same. with their shoulder partner. students after the designated time
(Ry=0(a,a)R(a,-a)) 2- Ask students to draw a shape for this assignment.
When you reflect a point using the pegs and rubber
over the y axis, sign of the bands on the peg board in a
x coordinate switches to the quadrant.
opposite sign, y coordinate 3- Do not forget to ask students
stays the same. to write down the each
(Rx=0(a,a)R(-a,a)) vertex of the pre-image on
When you reflect a point their journal.
over the x=y, sign of the 4- Encourage students to flip
both x and y coordinates the pre-image over the x-
switch to the opposite signs. and y- axis.
(Rx=0(x,y)R(y,x)) 5- Have students to draw the
Also the teacher will use questions image on the reflected
given in the online pearson text quadrant.
book. 6- Ask students to write down
the each vertex of the image
on their journal.
7- Have feedback from
students about what
happened to each coordinate
when they reflect the shape.

Checks for Understanding

Ask several questions to students as Ask several questions to students as Ask several questions to students
you go over the given instructions you go over the given instructions as you go over the given

Closure/Homework: (5 minutes)

Describe what happens to a shape when it is reflected.(when you reflect a shape over an axis, the axis acts
like a mirror the new shape is a reflection or mirror image of the original shape. The vertices of the new
HPS Lesson Plan Format, 2015-2016 School Year
HPS Recommended Lesson Plan
shape Format
8-2 reflection at Math XL for school; practices and applications (Pearson Online Homework).

HPS Lesson Plan Format, 2015-2016 School Year

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