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Samuel Aguirre 1

CUKANI, E., & DI VIGGIANO, P. Luigi. (2016). On human rights, immigration and dignity in

Europe. Juridical Current, 19(2), 13-16. Retrieved from http://0-


In this website is explaining how people figure out in from what you are from and the

majority identify people seeing what kind of clothes they were and how they act around the other

people that surround them from but it is explaining that we need treat each other with dignity and


Martin, P. (2017). Trump and U.S. immigration policy. California Agriculture, 71(1), 15-17.

Retrieved from


The new policy of Donald Trump is explaining how the illegal immigrants are going to

affect in numbers in conditions this also shows a graph about the numbers that had increase by

the years passing and it shows the amount of illegal and legal people can live in United States.

Immigration it is a problem that had been around the United States and even the world there is

allot discrimination against allot od people that does not deserve be treated different by the ones

they are surround by even the government are against immigrants by their background without

even giving them a chance ho they are really are in the real life. This are one of the problems we

have in our society and even the world that surrounds us with anger, and are prejudge by house

our culture is seem to look and describe us as a race. The president has done new things that we

need to be aware or else we are going get controlled by the government or even facing the

injustice and even face prejudging the people when they are passing by the bridge they will be
Samuel Aguirre 2

prejudge or even the officers will start to abuse their authority over the people they do not know

what they might not know their rights, the president has started the ICE officers to go around the

border and getting into houses to and seeding illegal people to Mexico and even some of the

officers do not even the order to do it.

In this website, it describes what is immigration Immigration is the international

movement of people into a destination. If the people read this piece of the Wikipedia they will

realize and compare it to the immigration, we have between the reality. The only problem that

our race do not read that they need to be and also be aware around the world about what is

happening to find the solution to all the problems that we suffer in the country and other places.

Fourteen years ago, on March 1, 2003, DHS was established. We did so as a nation

because we needed to rethink our approach to homeland security. This was established a long

time ago how to be U.S. Citizen from being a Resident this the government is thinking to change

by the current event of the new president of the United States.

PADILLA-RODRGUEZ, I. (2016). The neglect of the immigrant child: Making the case for a

child-centered approach to united states immigration policy. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 96(4),

12-15. Retrieved from


This program is talking about how this program protect family from getting separate form

their child this causes this familys to be secured and safe from the from the immigration officers.

This program was called. DACA is a discretionary grant of relief for undocumented people
Samuel Aguirre 3

brought to the U.S. unlawfully as young children. This help families to keep each other together

without any risk of getting their taken away by the government or the immigration officers.

DAPA it was to protect and shield the parents from U.S. citizens and lawful permanent resident

children from deportation. This help the family stay safe without any risk but still some families

where not secure of their safety.

JOHNSON, K. R. (2016). A political explanation of the popularity of unconstitutional state

immigration enforcement laws. Journal of American Ethnic History, 35(3), 68-75. Retrieved



This information is explaining how popular has immigration has being in all this years. This

help us have an idea about how immigration works now in the days. This will always be in

present and in the pass, I do not know why theres still people that does not realize that

immigration is not a bad thing.

Figgou, L. (2016). Constructions of 'illegal' immigration and entitlement to citizenship:

Debating an immigration law in Greece. Journal of Community & Applied Social

Psychology, 26(2), 150-163. doi:10.1002/casp.2242

Immigration is also happening in the Greece their starting to have a debate between their

people about a representation they having a debate when we were having a problem with

England and starting to have independence from the British Army.

McCarty, K. (2017). Transparent review of agency immigration decision. Brigham Young

University Law Review, 2016(5), 1563-1603. Retrieved from http://0-

Samuel Aguirre 4


They going over a review of the policy when Donald Trump enter to its new job like a

president we all know by right now he trying to enforce this policy or even trying to change

it in his advantage to make illegal people get reported back to Mexico or even back to their


Carver, P. J. (2016). A failed discourse of distrust amid significant procedural change: The

harper government's legacy in immigration and refugee law. Review of Constitutional

Studies, 21(2), 209-234. Retrieved from http://0-


The solution that immigrants that are in danger they prefer to go to Canada than back to

their own country they came from even the Canada has a law against the refugees and

United States wants to change that law because they making some immigrants to get away

from the border patrol without even doing something about it.

Carver, P. J. (2016). A failed discourse of distrust amid significant procedural change: The

harper government's legacy in immigration and refugee law. Review of Constitutional

Studies, 21(2), 209-234. Retrieved from http://0-

Samuel Aguirre 5

This article is perfect example about how some people from the United States pay for

importing immigrants to the United States to do some work for less pay this people accept

the job because they are not able to find a decent job so they accepted even with the

consequences they come through their way. They work in bad condition and also they do not

know that this is an illegal in the United States.

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