Lesson Plan 1

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2500 FINAL LESSON TEMPLATE (Spring 2016)

Date: 04242017

Name: John Daley

TOPIC FOR THE LESSON: Writing of Bill of Rights

Grade Level/Course: 9/US History

Number of minutes ___45________ Class periods _____1_____

Unit: US Constitution

Essential Question(s) for Lesson or Unit:

1.Why was the Bill of Rights written?
2.Who wrote and took part in the creation of the Bill of Rights?

Lesson Content Background

Topic/Main Ideas Themes People
Language within the Bill of Revolution James Madison
Rights that is open to Unfair Governing George Washington
interpretation. Rights of the People Benjamin Franklin
How the wording was Thomas Jefferson
intentionally unclear. John Hancock
Generalizations Vocabulary Events
Democracy Revolutionary War Revolutionary War
Liberty Red Coats Written in Federal Hall NYC
Rights Rebels (not Philadelphia)
Interpretable language Constitutional Convention

Align the NH Standards, NCSS Themes, Common Core Standards (identify specific standards that
this lesson supports)

NCSS Themes NH Standards Common Core Standards

Power, Authority, and Theme B. Civic Ideas, D2. Civ. 12.9-12
Governance P+E
Civic Ideals and Practices Theme I. Social and D2. Civ. 5. 9-12
Time, Continuity, and Theme H. Individualism,
Change Eq.+A

Lesson Objectives
Lesson Objectives Formative Standards
Assessment Addressed
1)Knowledge/ Content Graphic Organizer
2)Skills processes Worksheet
How will you assess and evaluate what students learned?
Formative Assessment: Students will complete the graphic organizer as
well as take notes on power point presentation.

Summative Assessment: Students will complete and hand in the division of

Rights worksheet. This along with the graphic organizer will be returned to
students as notes for the next classs assignments.
Hook or Initiation/Opening Time
Plan: Start class with a question, How do you start something original, or is anything
original? How would you create a new country unlike the one you came from? 5 min

Rationale: I believe this question has no right or wrong answer, it involves a deep
contemplation on what is original and how much is outside influence.

Teacher Activities Student Activities Time

PowerPoint Presentation Notes Time

Handout copy of Bill of Rights and As a class, we will read over the Bill of Time
Graphic Organizer Rights and then assist classmates in 10
interpreting the language
Facilitate open classroom Q+A Ask question on the language of the Bill as Time
well as how it could be misunderstood +/-
Handout division of rights allow students Complete the division of rights worksheet Time
to work independently and answer any 10
Correct and explain the division of rights Make correction as needed on division of Time
worksheet rights worksheet, will be needed for next 10 min
classes assignments
See Second Lesson

Materials & Methods Potential Barriers/ UDL Solutions

Missed Opportunities
Jessica Gifted Student
with advanced
Taehan Level 1 ELL
student with difficulty
Theo difficulty reading
and seeing materials
Eduardo Level 4 ELL
student with difficulty
Kwami difficulty
understanding new
Pravin difficulty
retaining and retrieving
information; following
classroom rules
Gabrielle difficulty
organizing material;
Level 3 ELL student with
difficult listening
Keisha musically gifted
student with difficulty
Alan introverted and
shy; difficulty
representing new
learning in assessment

Closure The unclear language in the Bill of Rights is still being debated such as the Second Time
Amendment a what constitution unlawful search and seizure. Later a few amendments clear
some of the question up, but a lot of it is up to the Supreme Court to decide and could change.

List all materials/resources (include appendix number or letter and title of the document):

List the methods and instructional strategies in the lesson:

Methods Strategies

Adapted from:
Source- Larson & Keiper (2007). Instructional Strategies For
mrkash.com/activities/billofrights.ppt Middle and High School. New York: Routledge.

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