Procedimiento de Carga de Nitrogeno

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Instruccin Especial
Servicing the Suspension Cylinders for Off-Highway Trucks{0756, 7200, 7201, 7201,
7201, 7213, 7213}
Nmero de medio -REHS4445-04 Fecha de publicacin -17/09/2014 Fecha de actualizacin -17/09/2014


Servicing the Suspension Cylinders for Off-Highway Trucks

{0756, 7200, 7201, 7201, 7201, 7213, 7213}
SMCS - 0756-542; 7200-542; 7201-542; 7213-542

Off-Highway Truck/Tractor:
769D (S/N: BBB1-UP; 5TR1-UP; 5SS1-UP)
770 (S/N: BZZ1-UP)
770G (S/N: ECM1-UP)
772 (S/N: RLB1-UP)
772G (S/N: LTS1-UP)
773D (S/N: NBJ1-UP; 7ER1-UP; 7CS1-UP)
773E (S/N: BDA1-UP; KEG1-UP; ASK1-UP)
773F (S/N: EED1-UP; EXD1-UP)
777D (S/N: AGC1-UP; FKR1-UP; 3PR1-UP)
777F (S/N: JRP1-UP; JXP1-UP)
777G (S/N: T5A1-UP; TNM1-UP; RDR1-UP; T4Y1-UP)
Quarry Truck:
771D (S/N: BCA1-UP; 6JR1-UP; 6YS1-UP)
773G (S/N: MWH1-UP; JWS1-UP; T5S1-UP; T5T1-UP)
775D (S/N: 6KR1-UP; 8AS1-UP)
775E (S/N: BEC1-UP)
775F (S/N: EYG1-UP; DLS1-UP)
775G (S/N: T5F1-UP; RFM1-UP; MJS1-UP; T5W1-UP)

This Special Instruction contains the information and the procedure that should be used for purging the
oil and nitrogen from the suspension cylinders. Also, this document contains an incremental charging
procedure for the oil and nitrogen that is used in the suspension cylinders on off-highway trucks. Read
the entire document before you proceed with any work on the suspension cylinders. Trucks may have
different weight configurations due to differences in dump body, liners, engines, custom attachments.
The different weight configurations can cause varied carry pressures. For suspension issues regarding
the large off-highway trucks refer to Special Instruction, SEHS9411, "Servicing the Suspension
Cylinders for Off-Highway Trucks".

The suspension system on the machines consists of four suspension cylinders. When the suspension
cylinders are charged with the proper amount of oil and nitrogen, the suspension system should provide:

Better machine ride.

Improved structural durability. 29/03/2017
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Improved shock absorption and operator comfort.

Reduced quality concerns on the suspension cylinders.

Maintain intended levels of controllability.

Better operating efficiency

Increases the accuracy of the payload management system

Note: These procedures are to maintain the correct suspension cylinder charge and the correct ride

Personal injury or death can result from sudden suspension cylinder


Sudden movement, up or down, can cause the clearance above your

head to change rapidly.

Read all warning labels on the suspension cylinders before servicing. Do

not check the oil in the suspension cylinder until all the nitrogen
pressure has been released.

Do not, under any condition, remove valves, cover or plugs from the
cylinder unless the rod is fully retracted and all the nitrogen pressure is

Do not stand under the machine when testing or adjusting the

suspension cylinders.

Personal injury or death can result from improper lifting or blocking.

When a hoist or jack is used to lift any part or component, stand clear
of the area. Be sure the hoist or jack has the correct capacity to lift a
component. Install blocks or stands before performance of any work
under a heavy component.

Approximate weights of the components are shown. Clean all surfaces

where parts are to be installed.

Important Safety Information 29/03/2017
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The following information is an explanation of various labels that are found in this document.


The warning label informs the technician that an injury or death can occur as a result of a condition that
may exist.


A notice informs the technician that component damage can occur as a result of a condition that exists.


A note contains general information for the technician about the operation that is being performed.

Proper repair is important to the safe operation and the reliable operation of this machine. This
document outlines recommended procedures. Some of the procedures require special tools, devices, or
work methods.

Before you perform any repairs or before you perform any maintenance, read all safety
information. Understand all safety information before you perform any repairs or before you
perform any maintenance.

Safety information is provided in this document and on the machine. If these hazard warnings are not
heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

The "Safety Alert Symbol" that is followed by a "Signal Word" identifies a hazard. "DANGER",
"WARNING", and "CAUTION" are "Signal Words".

Ver imagen 29/03/2017
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Illustration 1 g00008666

The signal word "WARNING" has the following meanings:

Pay Attention !

Become Alert !

Your Safety Is Involved !

The message that appears under the safety alert symbol explains the hazard.

Operations or conditions that may cause product damage are identified by "NOTICE" labels on the
machine and in the service information.

The person that services the machine may be unfamiliar with many of the systems on the machine. Use
caution when you perform service work. Special knowledge of the systems and of the components is
important. Before you remove any component or before you disassemble any component, obtain
knowledge of the system and knowledge of the component.

Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The safety information in this document and the safety information on the machine are not all
inclusive. You must determine that the tools, procedures, work methods, and operating techniques
are safe. You must determine that the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and repair procedures
will not damage the machine. Also, you must determine that the operation, lubrication,
maintenance, and repair procedures will not make the machine unsafe. 29/03/2017
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Basic Precautions

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product

can be dangerous and could result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on

this product, until you have read and understood the operation,
lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Always observe the list of basic precautions that follows:

Safety Signs

Safety signs include the items that follow: signs, information plates and decals. Read all "Safety" signs
on the machine before operating, lubricating, or repairing the machine. Understand all "Safety" signs on
the machine before operating, lubricating, or repairing the machine. Replace any safety signs that are in
the conditions that follow: damage, unreadable and missing.

Protective Equipment

When you work around the machine, always wear protective equipment that is required by the job
conditions. Protective equipment includes the items that follow: hard hat, protective glasses and
protective shoes. In particular, wear protective glasses when you use a hammer or when you use a sledge
hammer. When you weld, use the appropriate protective equipment that is required by the job
conditions. Protective equipment for welding includes the items that follow: gloves, welding hood,
goggles and apron. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can catch on parts of the machine.

Mounting and Dismounting

Ver imagen 29/03/2017
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Illustration 2 g00037860

Use steps and handholds whenever you mount the machine. Use steps and handholds whenever you
dismount the machine. Before you mount the machine, clean the step and the handholds. Inspect the step
and handholds. Make all necessary repairs.

Face the machine whenever you mount the machine and whenever you dismount the machine. Maintain
a three-point contact with the step and with handholds.

Note: Three-point contact can be two feet and one hand. Three-point contact can also be one foot and
two hands.

Do not mount a moving machine. Do not dismount a moving machine. Never jump off the machine. Do
not try to mount the machine when you carry tools or supplies. Do not try to dismount the machine when
you are carrying tools or supplies. Use a hand line to pull equipment onto the platform. Do not use any
controls as handholds when you enter the cab or when you exit the cab.

Specifications for Cables, Chains, and Lifting Devices

Use approved cables, chains, and lifting devices in order to lift components. Refer to the manufacturer's
weight's in order to determine the application when you select the following items: cable, chain and
lifting devices. When you lift a component, the lift angle is critical. Refer to the Illustration that follows
in order to see the effect of the lift angle on the working load limit.

Note: The lifting devices that are shown in this publication are not Caterpillar parts. 29/03/2017
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Note: Ensure that the hooks are equipped with a safety latch. Do not place a side load on the lifting eyes
during a lifting operation.

Ver imagen

Illustration 3 g00629745
Lift angles for lifting slings.

(A) The load capacity is 100% of the working load limit for the sling.

(B) The load capacity is 86% of the working load limit for the sling.

(C) The load capacity is 70% of the working load limit for the sling.

(D) The load capacity is 50% of the working load limit for the sling.

Hot Fluids and Parts

To avoid burns, be alert for hot parts on machines which have just been stopped and hot fluids in lines,
tubes and compartments.

Be careful when you remove filler caps, breathers, and plugs on the machine. Hold a rag over the cap or
plug in order to prevent being sprayed by pressurized liquids. When the machine has just been stopped,
the danger of hot fluids is greater.

Corrosion Inhibitor 29/03/2017
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Corrosion inhibitor contains alkali. Avoid contact with the eyes. Do not allow corrosion inhibitor to
contact the skin for extended periods of time. Avoid repeated contact with the skin. Do not drink
corrosion inhibitor. In case of contact, immediately wash skin with soap and water. For contact with the
eyes, flush the eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.


Do not smoke when an inspection of the battery electrolyte level is made. Never disconnect any
charging unit circuit or battery circuit cable from the battery when the charging unit is operating. A
spark can cause an explosion from the flammable vapor mixture of hydrogen and oxygen that is released
from the electrolyte through the battery outlets. Do not allow battery electrolyte to make contact with the
skin or with the eyes. Battery electrolyte is an acid. In case of contact with battery electrolyte,
immediately wash the skin with soap and water. For contact with the eyes, flush the eyes with large
amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.

Pressurized Items

1. Always use a board or a piece of cardboard when you check for a leak. Leaking fluid under
pressure can penetrate body tissue. Fluid penetration can cause serious injury and possible death.
A pin hole leak can cause severe injury. If fluid is injected into your skin, you must get treatment
immediately. Seek treatment from a doctor that is familiar with this type of injury.

2. Relieve all pressure in air, oil, or water systems before any lines, fittings, or related items are
disconnected or removed. Always make sure that all raised components are blocked correctly. Be
alert for possible pressure when you disconnect any device from a system that utilizes pressure.

3. Fuel lines that are damaged and fuel lines that are loose can cause fires. Lubrication lines that are
damaged and lubrication lines that are loose can cause fires. Hydraulic lines, tubes, and hoses that
are damaged can cause fires. Loose hydraulic lines, tubes, and hoses can cause fires. Do not bend
or strike high-pressure lines. Do not install lines which have been bent or damaged. Check lines,
tubes, and hoses carefully. Do not use your bare hand to check for leaks. If fluids are injected into
your skin, you must get treatment immediately. Seek treatment from a doctor that is familiar with
this type of injury.

4. Pressure air or water can cause personal injury. When pressure air or water is used for cleaning,
wear a protective face shield, protective clothing, and protective shoes. The maximum air pressure
for cleaning purposes must be below 205 kPa (30 psi). When you use a pressure washer, keep in
mind that the nozzle pressures are very high. The nozzle pressures are frequently above 13790 kPa
(2000 psi). Follow all of the recommended practices that are provided by the manufacturer of the
pressure washer.

Machine Preparation
Before you service the suspension cylinders, the dump body must be empty. Verify that the body is
clean and does not contain any carryback material.

Ensure that the fuel tank is full of fuel.

Position the machine on level ground. Coast the machine to a gentle stop without using the brakes. A
sudden stop will alter the amount of exposed chrome. A sudden stop will also invalidate the information 29/03/2017
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that is used to determine if the machine needs to be serviced.

Visual Inspection
A visual inspection of each suspension cylinder is the first step in the analysis of a problem. Make sure
that the machine is on level ground. Do the inspection on an empty machine while the engine is stopped.

Check each suspension cylinder for oil leaks around the seals and around the valves.

Check each suspension cylinder for nitrogen leakage. A nitrogen leak is difficult to detect. A solution
that consists of soap and of water can be used to detect leaks. Make sure that there is no leakage around
the valve cores and around the valve bodies. Make sure that the valve caps are in place. Make sure that
the valve caps are tightened to the correct torque of 2 Nm (17.70 lb in) to 3 Nm (26.55 lb in).

Check for leakage at the O-rings that are located under the manifold and under the pressure sensor.
Check for leakage at the O-rings that are located under the protective plates that are on the head. These
protective plates cover some of the head bolts in order to prevent removal of the head while there is
pressure in the suspension cylinder.

Friction between the rod and the lower wear band may cause a dark stain to appear on the chrome of the
suspension cylinder. This stain does not affect the wear life of the suspension cylinder. You can polish
the chrome in order to remove this stain. Eventually, the wear band should become soaked by oil and by
grease and the blackening should decrease.

Conditions for Servicing

Service for the suspension cylinder is recommended when any of the following conditions exist:

A fault code will be displayed on the Vital Information Management System (VIMS), if the
suspension cylinder is fully compressed (If equipped with VIMS).

Suspension cylinder shows signs of leakage.

The weight of the truck changes more than 22241 N (5000 lb).

The ride is rough or the struts are at full extension when the truck is empty.

The suspension cylinder pressures vary 345 kPa (50 psi) or more in comparison to the other side
when the truck is empty. Refer to ""Machine Preparation" ". Compare the left front to the right
front and the left rear to the right rear. Do not compare the front to the rear.

The ride height of each cylinder is not within 13 mm ( .5 inch) of the correct height of that
vehicle. This is only for a quick reference.

These numbers should only be used if there are no records of lengths of the ride height from the
past. Use the recorded data from other similar trucks to charge suspension cylinders, if the data is
available. Refer to ""Machine Preparation" ".

Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Maintenance Interval Schedule" in order to check the 29/03/2017
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suspension cylinders at the correct intervals.

In the analysis of a problem in the suspension cylinders, each cylinder operates as a separate unit. Also,
when the left rear cylinder is low, the right front cylinder will be high due to the shift in vehicle weight.
The same conditions exist for the right rear cylinder and the left front cylinder.

Suspension Cylinder Oil Requirements

Table 1

Required Oil

Charging Tools
Table 2

Charging Tools
Item Part Number Description
1 9U-5617 Oil Refill Pump
2 7S-5106 Chuck
3 9U-5674 Hose As
4 1S-8941 Hose As
5 162-4147 Hose As
6 8S-4600 Fitting
7 8S-1506 Coupling As
8 162-4146 Regulator
9 1S-8938 Chuck
10 7S-5106 Chuck
11 8T-0859 Pressure Gauge
12 8S-4599 Coupling As
13 2S-5244 Fitting
14 1S-8937 Needle Valve
15 2D-7325 Pipe Tee 29/03/2017
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16 1S-8941 Hose As
17 8S-7169 Coupling
18 1S-8941 Hose As
19 7S-5106 Chuck
20 175-6857 Hose As
21 2D-7325 Pipe Tee
22 1S-8937 Needle Valve
23 5P-8998 Fitting
24 3D-8884 Elbow

Ver imagen

Illustration 4 g00295778

(1) 9U-5617 Oil Refill Pump

(2) 7S-5106 Chuck

(3) 9U-5674 Hose As 29/03/2017
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(4) 1S-8941 Hose As

Ver imagen

Illustration 5 g00831850

175-5507 Nitrogen Charging Group

(5) 162-4147 Hose As

(6) 8S-4600 Fitting

(7) 8S-1506 Coupling

(8) 162-4146 Regulator

(9) 1S-8938 Chuck

(10) 7S-5106 Chuck

(11) 8T-0859 Pressure Gauge

(12) 8S-4599 Coupling

(13) 2S-5244 Fitting

(14) 1S-8937 Needle Valve 29/03/2017
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(15) 2D-7325 Pipe Tee

(16) 1S-8941 Hose As

Ver imagen

Illustration 6 g00833037
175-7410 Nitrogen Charging Fitting Gp

(17) 8S-7169 Coupling

(18) 1S-8941 Hose As

(19) 7S-5106 Chuck

(20) 175-6857 Hose As

(21) 2D-7325 Pipe Tee

(22) 1S-8937 Needle Valve

(23) 5P-8998 Fitting

(24) 3D-8884 Elbow

175-7410 Nitrogen Charging Fitting Gp is used with 175-5507 Nitrogen Charging Group in order to
charge two suspension cylinders at the same time. 8T-0859 Pressure Gauge is used to check that the 29/03/2017
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cylinder pressure before the charging procedure is performed.

Fabrication of Charge Block

Ver imagen

Illustration 7 g00284949
Illustration of FT1680 Gauge Block

(A) 215 0.5 mm (8.50 0.02 inch)

(B) 170 0.5 mm (6.69 0.02 inch)

(C) 8 1 mm (0.3 0.04 inch)

(D) 50 2 mm (2.0 0.08 inch)

(E) 40 2 mm (1.6 0.08 inch)

(F) 25 1 mm (1.0 0.04 inch)

1. Using SAE 1020 steel, fabricate two gauge blocks. Refer to Illustration 7 for dimensions.

Table 3 29/03/2017
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Front Suspension Cylinders

FT1680 Gauge Block
Height Dimension (A) And Height Dimension (B)
Model Height Dimension (A) Height Dimension (B)

769, 771 -
170 0.5 mm (6.69 0.02 inch)
770, 772 -
170 0.5 mm (6.69 0.02 inch)
773, 775 -
170 0.5 mm (6.69 0.02 inch)
776, 777 -
215 0.5 mm (8.50 0.02 inch)

To protect the wiper seals on the front suspension cylinders from
damage when the gauge blocks are inserted, make sure the gauge
blocks include the chamfer.

Table 4

Model Of The Machine Date

Serial Number Service Meter Hours
Component Damage

Table 5

Front Suspension Cylinders

Left Right
Oil Leaks
Nitrogen Leaks
Length of Chrome
Length of Clean Chrome 29/03/2017
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Table 6

Temperature Compensation
Temperature In The Service Shop
Outside temperature
Temperature Difference
Added Length For Temperature Compensation (1)
(1) If the temperature difference is greater than 11C (20F), multiply the temperature difference by 2.54 mm (0.10 inch).
Then, divide this amount by 5.5C (10F).

Table 7

Model Of The Machine Date

Serial Number Service Meter Hours
Component Damage

Table 8

Rear Suspension Cylinders

Left Right
Oil Leaks
Nitrogen Leaks
Pin to Pin Dimension (1)
(1) This is the dimension between the center of the top mounting pin to the center of the lower mounting pin.

Table 9

Temperature Compensation
Temperature In The Service Shop
Outside Temperature
Temperature Difference
Added Length For Temperature Compensation (1)
(1) If the temperature difference is greater than 11 C (20 F), multiply the temperature difference by 2.54 mm (0.10 inch).
Then, divide this amount by 5.5C (10F).

Rear Suspension (Cylinder) - Purge and Charge 29/03/2017
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Perform Testing and Adjusting, "Visual Inspections" before you service the suspension cylinders.

The machine must be on level ground when you inspect the suspension cylinder charge. The truck body
must be empty. Coast the machine to a gentle stop without using the brakes.

On certain models, when the rear suspension cylinders are properly charged, the left rear suspension
cylinder will be at a higher pressure than the right rear suspension cylinder. The difference is due to the
rigid frame and to the weight of the cab.

Note: Both suspension cylinders must be charged at the same time. If only one suspension cylinder
needs servicing, perform the procedure on both suspension cylinders.

Table 10

Rear Suspension Cylinder Charging Specifications

Nitrogen Charge
Model Collapsed Pin to Oil Charged Pin Nitrogen Charged Pin to
Pressure (Reference
Pin Length to Pin Length Pin Length

769 776 mm (30.50 801 mm (31.50

1100 kPa (159.54 psi) 910 mm (36 inch)
inch) inch)

771 776 mm (30.50 801 mm (31.50

1300 kPa (188.55 psi) 910 mm (36 inch)
inch) inch)

770 681 mm (27 inch) 706 mm (28 inch)

1200 kPa (174.05 psi) 780 mm (31 inch)

772 681 mm (27 inch) 706 mm (28 inch)

1400 kPa (203.06 psi) 780 mm (31 inch)

773 887 mm (35 inch) 912 mm (36 inch)

2000 kPa (290 psi) 1015 mm (40 inch)

775 887 mm (35 inch) 912 mm (36 inch)

2150 kPa (312 psi) 1015 mm (40 inch)

777 915 mm (36 inch) 928 mm (36.5

2000 kPa (290 psi) 1030 mm (40.50 inch)

Note: The amount of oil added to the suspension cylinder will increase the pin to pin dimension by 25.4
mm (1 inch). For example, the collapsed pin to pin dimension is 887 mm (35 inch) and 25.4 mm (1 inch)
of oil is added. The oil charged pin to pin dimension is 912 mm (36 inch). The only truck that does not
require 25.4 mm (1 inch) of oil is the 777. The 777 requires 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) of oil. 29/03/2017
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Check the Height of the Rear Suspension Cylinders

Ver imagen

Illustration 8 g02691550
Typical view of the rear suspension cylinder

(A) Pin to pin measurement

1. Measure the pin to pin distance from the center of each pin.

2. Record the measured height of both rear suspension cylinders.

3. Compare the current recorded pin to pin dimension of the rear suspension cylinders to the
previous recorded dimension of the rear suspension cylinders.

Note: The suspension dimension will be different for each machine.

Purge the Suspension Cylinder of Oil and of Nitrogen

Table 11

Tools Needed 29/03/2017
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Item Qty Part Number Description

1 175-5507 Nitrogen Charging Gp
1 175-7410 Nitrogen Charging Fitting Gp
B 2 1S-8938 Charging Chucks

Note: When you work with the suspension charge valves, two chucks (B) will be needed.

Personal injury or death can result from sudden suspension cylinder


Sudden movement, up or down, can cause the clearance above your

head to change rapidly.

Read all warning labels on the suspension cylinders before servicing. Do

not check the oil in the suspension cylinder until all the nitrogen
pressure has been released.

Do not, under any condition, remove valves, cover or plugs from the
cylinder unless the rod is fully retracted and all the nitrogen pressure is

Do not stand under the machine when testing or adjusting the

suspension cylinders.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair
of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool

Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on
Cat products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

Ver imagen 29/03/2017
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Illustration 9 g02691658
Typical view of the rear suspension cylinders and charging valves

Ver imagen 29/03/2017
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Illustration 10 g02691616
View of area (A)

(1) Valve cap

(2) Charging valve

(3) Swivel nut

Copyright 1993 - 2017 Caterpillar Inc. Wed Mar 29 15:14:00 CST 2017
Todos los derechos reservados.
Red privada para licenciados del SIS. 29/03/2017

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