Does Free Energy Exist

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Does "Free Energy" exist?

0:45 the idea that we can get something for nothing

Yeah, but do we have to phrase all free energy quests in such an absolutist manner?

Consider this
We can get more from less is not the same as getting something from nothing. The first is relativistic.
The second is absolute without any opportunity for negotiation. More time results in more energy - if
you have some of either, already - according to

... without violating Physics, but upheld by Physics.

Phase conjugation has the distinct property of being able to take apart a wave and putting it back
together again.

Take retroreflectors, for instance. We see them on the back sides of every vehicle at night shining back
at us our outgoing beam of light regardless of our angle of reflection. If this had been a flat plane
mirror attached to their backside, then we would not have seen any of our reflected light unless we
were directly behind them rather than at any angle other than 90 degrees.

And take infinity mirrors as another instance.

If we put two capacitors between two transformers within a closed loop and make the caps low level, 1
to 10 pico Farads or less, we now have semi-reflective surfaces within their dielectric which will split
incoming waves into a reflected portion and a refracted portion. This is called: Wave Discontinuity.
This splitting will be at the expense of their amplitude.

But not to worry,

Since the two transformers will remember the amplitude of the parent wave. And through resonant
timing, the inductive kickback can add some of the original amplitude derived from their parent waves
imparted to each daughter wave so that they're not merely splitting themselves, but actually increasing
their collective output over time as can be seen from this scope shot

... of this LTSpice simulation

... loaded into

The way I like to view this is that the parent wave vicariously lives on within their daughter waves
(since the reversibility of phase conjugation permits us this liberty of endowing the perspective of the
parent upon the child and vice versa) making the transit of the parent appear to be twice the length at
the usual speed, or the same transit in half the time, thus altering time by shifting it creating time
dilation without recourse to traveling nearly the speed of light to accomplish this.

Or, when viewed vicariously from the perspective of the parents' daughter waves, each daughter has
almost as much energy as her parent, collectively making an increased energy over time as more waves
keep splitting into more daughters nearly endowed with the same level of energy as their parents.

Thus, as far as I'm concerned

Time equals Energy.

Forget E = MC squared. This is less significant to the layman since how often do we find ourselves
splitting atoms?

But every Yogi, or workaholic, is constantly endeavoring to add more time to their limited lifespan
whose consequence is going to be more energy over that lengthened time frame.

Thus, every discussion of free energy must include free time or else risk getting lost in a muddle of

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