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Commands | Support Specifications | Foundation Page 1 of 2

STAAD Graphical Environment

Model Generation Commands | Support Specifications | Foundation


This allows the user to create spring supports for independent footings and mat foundations
and to assign them to selected nodes.

Supports can be created and assigned from the General | Support page also, as explained in
Section 2.2.10 of this manual.


When we select the Foundation menu option, the Create Support dialog box appears, as shown
in the next figure.Please note that the Supports dialog box also opens simultaneously letting us
utilize some of the other options available from that dialog box.

Figure 2. 537

To define a spring support for an isolated footing, click the Footing radio button. Provide the
dimension of the footing in current units and choose the Direction of spring action. Provide
the soil Subgrade value in the edit box. Click the Add button to add the foundation support tag
to the structure, or click Assign to assign this support to selected nodes.

In generating spring supports for mat foundations, there are 2 methods available in STAAD.
Both those options require the program to calculate the influence area of the nodes which
define the surface, and then multiply that area by the subgrade modulus of the medium. The
difference between these 2 options lies in the way the influence area is calculated. Details are
available in Section 5.27.3 of the STAAD Technical Reference Manual.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\SPro2007\STAAD\Help\STAADGUI.chm::/Model_Generation/2.3.... 19/05/2010
Commands | Support Specifications | Foundation Page 2 of 2

Elastic Mat
In this method, the area is calculated using a Delaunay triangle principle. Hence, the
candidates for this option are the nodes which define the mat. To achieve best results, one
needs to ensure that the contour formed by the nodes form a convex hull.

Plate Mat
If the foundation slab is modelled using plate elements, the spring supports can be generated
using an influence area calculated using the principles used in determining the tributary area of
nodes from the finite element modelling standpoint. Hence, the candidates for this option are
the plates which define the mat. When the mat is modelled using plates, this produces superior
results than the ELASTIC MAT type.

The X,Y, Z, XONLY, YONLY, and ZONLY indicate the direction of resistance of the spring
supports. If X ,Y or Z is selected, then a spring support is generated in that direction only
whereas the associated rotational degree of freedom and the other two translational d.o.f
receive a fixed support. For example, if Y is selected, then FY is supported by a spring
support, where as MY, FX and FZ are fixed supports; and MX and MZ are free. If XONLY,
YONLY, or ZONLY is selected, then a spring support in that direction alone is generated, and
every other d.o.f is set to be free to deform.

Choose the Direction of spring action. Provide the soil Subgrade value in the edit box. Click
the Add button to add the foundation support tag to the structure, or click Assign to assign this
support to selected nodes.

mk:@MSITStore:C:\SPro2007\STAAD\Help\STAADGUI.chm::/Model_Generation/2.3.... 19/05/2010

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