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43% 4:17 PM ramming Introduction Linear programming is a very important class of problems, both algorithmically and combinatorially. Many applications in mathematics involve systems of inequalities/equations as which seck to maximise (or minimise) profit (or ass of problems called optimisation problems. ¥ involve finding maximum profit, Such type of proble cost) form a general cl, Thu: optimisation of problem m mi m cost or minimum use of reso! ces etc. Aspecial but a very important class of optimisation problems in linear prog ming problems. This top! h industry, commerce, management is of m jerest because of their wide applicability in ence ete. In this chapter we shall study some linear programming problems and their solution by graphical methods only. LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS AND ITS MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION The process of taking various inequalities relating ta some situation and finding the ‘best value obtainable under those conditions is called linear programming. Mathematical formulation of the problem Let x be the number of cricket bats and y be the number of tennis rackets that the shopkeeper buys, So obviously x = 0, y = 0, These are knawn as non-negative constraints x20 ---{i) y=o (iid tegd. Office : Aakash Tower, Plot No-4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-47623456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Programming Board & Compatitive Exams. Now the maximum storage of items (cricket bats + tennis rackets) in the shop is 100, Le. xt ys 100 ii) Let the cast price of one cricket bat is Rs, 100 and the cost price of one tennis racket Is Rs, 300, The maximum amount the shopkeeper can Invest Is Rs, 20,000. => 100% + 3n0y = 20000 w+ ay =< 200 liv} Now the shopkeeper is getting a profit of Rs, 20 per cricket bat and Rs, 75 per tennis racket, The aim of shopkeeper is fo maximize profit (say Z} which is mathematically given by 2 = 20x + 75y (objective function) —_.(v) So, the problem reduces to Maximize Z = 30x + 75y Subject to the constraints x+ys 100 n+ dy = 200 x20 wero So, the aim is to maximize profit (Z) under the given linear inequalities. As the function Z and inequalities are linear, hence such problems are called linear programming problems (LPP). Now before we go further how to solve the problem, we define some of the important terms we shall be using in LPP. 1¢ Standard Definitions 4. Objective function: Linear function Z = ay + hy, where 2 and are constants, which has to be maximized or minimized is called a linear objective function. Example: Z = 30x + 75y is a linear objective function, ‘Variables «and y are called decision variables. 2. Constraints: The inequations or equations in the variables of a LPP which describe the conditions under which the optimisation (maximization or minimization) is to he accomplished are called constraints 3. Optimisation Problem: 4 problem which seeks to maximize or minimize a linear function (say of two variables x and y) subject to certain constraints as determined by a set of linear inequalities Is. called an optimisation problem, 4. Feasible solutions: A set of values of the variables x,. x,..%,...., is called a feasible solution of a LPP, if it satishes all the constraints and non-negativity restrictions of the problems, 5. Infeasible solutions: A solution of 2 LPP is an infeasible solution, if the system of constraints has nia point which satisfies all the constraints and non-negativity restrictions. 6. Feasible Region: The common region determined by all the constraints of a LPP is called the feasible regicn and every paint in this region is @ feasible solution of the given LPP. 7. Optimal feasible solution: 4 feasible solution of a LPP is ssid to be an cplimal feasible solution, if it also optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) the objective function, ah Educational Services Pvt, Lid, Regd. Offiee | Aakash Tewer, Plot No, Sector1, Cwarks, New De@i-75 Ph.011 47623856, WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM 223 npelitive Exams Linear Pragran phical Method of Solving Linear Programming Problems. To solve LPP, we use graphical method. So let us draw the graph of aur contraints i, «linear inequalities, xe ys 100 x+3ys200 x20 yzo (9, 100) Now the feasible ragion is QASC. We can see that there are infinitely many points in feasible region so our main concem is to find the point which corresponds ta optimal (maximum or minimum) value of our objective function Z = 30x + 75y. The following fundamental theorems are used in LPP to find the optimal solution. Theorem |: An optimal solution of LPP, if it exists, occurs at one of the comer point (vertex) of the feasible region, Theorem Il: if the feasible region is bounded, then the objective function (2) has both maximum and minimum value and each of these occurs at comer point (vertex) af the feasible region, it the feasible region is unbounded, then the maximum or minimum value of the objective function may not exist. However, if it exists, it must occur at comer point (vertex) of the feesible region. New, in our problem. the feasible region is QABC (boundad). The comer point (vertices) are OA, 8, C. Let us find the value of Z at these corner paints, Vertex Value of Z {comer point) | (z=30x + 75y) O10. 0) 0 ACIO0, O} 000 (50, 60) 5250 = Maximum clo. 200) 5000 So, the profit will be maximum if shopkeaper buys 50 cricket bats and 80 tennis rackets. This method of solving linear programming problem is knawn as comer point method. Now let us see sigorithm to solve LPP in two variables by using comer-point method. Algorithm to solve LPP : Step Formulate the given LPP in mathematical form if itis not given in mathematical form. Stopdl Convert all Inequations into equations and draw their graphs. To draw the graph of linear equation, put y = 0 in it and obtain a point on x-axis, Similarly by putting 2 =O obtain a point on ysaxis, Join these two points to abtain the graph of the equation. Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd, Ofles | Aakawh Tower, Plot No, Seeior11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011 47623456. WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. Stepll Determine the region represented by each inequation, To determine the region represented by an inequation replace x and y both by zero, if the inequation reduces to a valid statement, then the region containing the origin is the region represented by the given inequation. Otherwise, the region nat containing the origin is the region represented by the given inequation. If the origin lies on the ling, then select any other point not lying on the line and repeat step-Iil Stap4V Obtain the region in »¢plane containing all points that satisfy all constraints including non-negativity restrictions. This region is termed as feasible ragion. Step-V Determine the comer points (verlices) of the feasible region thus obtained. Step-VI_ Obtain the value of the objective function al each of the vertices (comer points), Let Mand m respectively denoie the largest and smallest value of the objective function {2}. Case! if the feasible region is bounded, Mand m respectively are the maximum and minimum value of Zz Case Il if the femsible region is unbounded, then The maximum value of Z is iM, if the region represented by ax + Oy > IM has no common point with the feasible region. Else, the maximum value of Z does not exist (@) Tho minimum value of Z is m, if the ragion represented by ax + by < m has no common point with the feasible region. Else, the maximum value of Z does nol exist nple 1: Solve the following LPP graphically: Idaxlmize Z = Sy + ay Subject to Bx + Sy 15 Sx+2y2 10 and xy2d tion: Conwerting the given inequations into equations, we cblain the follwing equations: ax + Sy = 15, Sx +2y = 10, *=0 and y= 0 The line 9x + Sy = 15 masts the co-ordinate axes at A,(5, O} and B,(0, 3) respectively. Join these points to obtain the line 3x + Sy = 15, Clearly (0, 0) satisfies the inequation dx + Sy = 15. So the region containing the origin represents the sclubon set of the inequation 3 4 5y = 15. The line 5x + 2y = 10 meets the co-ordinate axes at A,(2, 0) and 6,(0, 5) respectively, Join these points to obtain the line 5x * 2y= 10, Clearly (0, 0) satisfies the inequation Sx + Zy < 10, So ‘the region containing the origin represents the solution set of this equation, Since avery point in the first quadrant satisfies these inequations. So, the first quadrant is the region rapeesented by the inequation x > Qand y> 0, The shaded region OA,.P8, in figure (below) represents the common region of the above inequations. This region is the feasible region of the given LPP. sh Eduestional Services Pvt Ltd. Rage! Ofie Aakash Tower, Plat No.4, Seetor-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-7 Pr.011-47623456 m 43% 4:18 PM npetitive Exams Linear Programming 225 The co-ordinates of the verticas (corner points) of the shaded feasible region are vs (20 45 : (0, 0), Apf2, 0}, . and 8,(0, 3). UO, 0), Agl2, 0}, \i9"18 i ‘The values of the ebjective function al these points are given in the following table: Value of the objective function Point (x, ¥) pesceah (0, 9} Ailz. 0) z= 10 (2048) 7238 lie"1a} 18 8110.3) z=9 Clearly, 2 is maximum at Pf 22,45) fans " a" 78"7a) 20 46 Hence, x= 2, y == |s the optimal solution of the given LPP, ie! a3 The optimal value of 2 is: = nple 2: Determine graphically minimum value of the abjective function Minimize Z52v+ ay Subject 0 x + 2y=6 xty xeOy2o tion ‘The feasible region is unbounded ‘The co-ordinates of the verticas (corer points) of the feasible ragion are AAG, 0}, BO, 4), PI2, 2) xeyea & a 2+ dy =10 Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd, Ofles | Aakawh Tower, Plot No, Seeior11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011 47623456. Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. Point (x, ¥) Ail8, 0) B10. 4) z= 12 2, 2 Z=10 So minimum value of Z is 10 Now plot the region 2x + Sy < 10. and check whether there is any common region with feasible region. As there is no common region, hance the minimum value of Z is 10. — nple 3: Salve LPP hy graphical method : Minimize Ze-x+y Subject fo x+y =3 xoys 9 x-Bys4 xo Oyea tion The region is unbounded The co-ordinates of the vertices (comer paints) of the feasible region are B,(0, 3), As(3, 0} Ag(4. 0} fi. Point (x, ¥) Zu-x+y AY(3, 0) Zs-3 B40, 3) 2=3 Ast4, 0) So, the minimum value of Z is 4 at A,(4, 0} Now plat the region x + y <4 and check whether there is any common region with feasbile region. As chack region, (shown in graph) is camman vith feasible region, Hence, the maximum value of 2 does not exist sh Eduestional Services Pvt Ltd. Rage! Ofie Aakash Tower, Plat No.4, Seetor-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-7 Pr.011-47623456 OQ)" votre lf m 43% 4:18 PM npelitive Exams Linear Prey ming 227 Did You Know? A comer point of a feasible region is a paint in the ragion which is the intersection of two boundary nes A feasible region af a system of linear inequalities is said to be bounded if it can be enclosed within & circle. Otherwise, it is called unbounded. Unbounded means thal the feasible region does extend indefinitely in any direction. saat Try Yourself 1. Solve the following LPP by graphical mathod: Minimize Z=20x + toy Subjectto x +2y 240 ax+y 230 4n 4 Sy 260 and x yEo 2. Solve the following LPP graphically : Minimize and Maximize Z = Sx + 2y Subjectto 2x — Sy =-6 x-2ys2 Bx + 2y = 12 -3x+2ys3 and x yz0 3. Solve the following LPP graphically Maximize Z=5x+7y Subjectto oo x+ys4 Sx + By < 24 10x + 7y £35 and Kye. 4. Solve the following LPP graphically: Minimize Z=4x + Sy Subjectto = -2x+ys4 xty3 x-2ye2 and xy20 -ERENT TYPES OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS: A few important LPP are listed below ufacturing Problems In this type of problems, we have to determine the number of different products. which should be produced and sold by a firm when each prmduct requiras a fixad manpower, machine hours, labour hours per unit of the product, ware house space per unit of output, etc in order to make maxinum profit. Educational Services Pvt Lid. Regd, Oflas | Aakagh Tewer, Plot No, Seetor11, Owarkka, Nea Dei-75 Ph, 01147623458 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. nple 4 tion An ail company requires 12,000, 20,000 and 715,000 harrals af high-grade, medium-grade and fow- grade oil, respectively. Refinery A produces 100, 300 and 200 barrels per day af high-grade, madium-grade and low-grade oil, respectively, while refinery 6 produoss 200, 400 and 100 barrels per day of high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade ail, respectively. If refinery A costs Rs. 400 er day and refinery B costs Rs. 300 per day ta operate, haw many days should each be run to minimize costs while satisfying reqeirements, ‘The given data may be put in the fallawing tabular form: Refinery High Grade | Medium Grade | Low Grade Cost per day A 700 300 200 Rs, 400 a 200 200 700 Ra, 300 Minimum Requirement [42,000 20,000 15,000 Suppose, refineries A and & should run for x and y days respectively to minimize the total cost. ‘The mathematical form of the above LPP is Minimize 2 =400x + 300y ‘Subject to 100x + 200y = 12000 800. + 400y > 20000 200x + 100y = 15000 and xyeo The feasible region of the above LPP is represented by the shaded region in figure given below: 200x + 100y= 18000" 10x + 200y = 12000 40x + 300) = 3ap90 ‘The comer points of the feasible region are A,(120. 0), P{G0, 30) and 8,(0. 150) The value of the objective function at these points are given in the following table: Point (x,y) | Value of the object function 2=400x + 300y A(120, 0} PIG, 30) B,(G, 150) Clearly, 2 is minimum when x = 60, y = 30. The feasible region is unbounded. Hence, the machine A should run for 60 days and the machine 8 should run for 30 days to minimize the cost while satisfying the constraints, ah Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd. Ofiue | Aakash Tawer, Pist No.4, Seeior-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-75 Pr.011-47823456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM npelitive Exams Linear Pragran Try Yourself 5, A company produces soft drinks that has @ contract which requises that a minimum of &0 units ‘of the chemical A and 60 units of the chemical & to go into each bottle of the drink. The chemicals are available in a prepared mix from two differant suppliers. Supper $ has a mix of 4 units of A and 2 units of B thal costs Rs. 10, the supplior T has a mix of 1 unit of A and 1 unit of B that costs Rs. 4. How many mixes from § and 7 should the company purchase to honour constant requirement and yet minimize cost? 6. Adesler wishes to purchase 3 number of fans and sewing machines. He has only Rs. 5760.00 Jo invest and has space for at most 20 items. A fan costs him Rs. 360.00 and a sewing machine Rs, 240,00, His expectation is that he can sell a fan at a profit of Rs. 22.00 and a sewing machine at a profit of Rs, 18.00 Assuming that he can sell all the items that he can buy, How should lhe invest his money in order to maximize his profit? Problems In this type of problems, we have to find the amount of different kinds of constituents/nutrients which should be included in a diet so as to minimize the cost of the desired diet such that it contains a certain minimum, @mount of each Gonsttuentinutrent, nple 5: A house wife wishes fo mix together two kinds of food X and Y. in such @ way that the mixture contains af least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units of vitamin B and 8 units of vitamin C. The vitamin contents of one fg of food is given below: Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C food Xt 2 a food ¥ F 2 i One ig of fond X costs Rs. @ and ane kg af food ¥ costs Rs. 10. Find the isest cost of the mixture whish will produce the aiet Let x kg of focd X and y hg of food y are mixed together to make the mixture Since one kg of food X contains one unit of vitamin A and one kg of food ¥ contains 2 units of vitamin A, Therefore, x kg of food X and y kg of food ¥ will contain x + 2y units of vitamin AL Therefore, we hawe x+2y2 10 2x #2y2 12 dxeyes ad x2Qye0 Using these conditions, the given linear programming problam is Minimize 2 = Gx + 10y To solve this LPP, we draw the lines x Dy = 10, 2x + 2y= 12 eed ay tyes Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd, Ofles | Aakawh Tower, Plot No, Seeior11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011 47623456. WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. The feasible region of the LPP is shaded it the figure given below +2ay=10 d+ 1oy=52 "7 dee By 12 ‘The co-ordinates of the vertices (comer points} of shadad feasible region A,P|P,B, are A,(10, 0) PA, 4), 5) and 6,(0, 8). The values of the objective function at these paints are given in the following table: Value of the objective function Paint Pix, ¥) ae aaa Ax10, 0) Z2=60 PAl2, 4) Z=52 P(A, 5) Z=56 8,0, 8) z=a0 ‘Clearly, Z is minimum at x = 2 and y = 4. The minimum value of Z is 52, Hence, the least cost of the mixture is Rs. 52 - Try Yourself 7. Adieticlan wishes to mix two types of food in such a way that the vitamin contents of the mbxture ‘contain at least 6 units of vitamin A and 10 units of vitamin C. Food ‘contains 2 units/kg of vitamin Aand 4 unitikg of vitamin ‘while food ‘if contains 4 unitikg of vitamin A and 2 unita/kg of vitamin G, Itcosts Rs, 5.00 per kg to purchase food 7 and Rs, 7.00 per kg to purchase food “if, Determine the minimum cost to such a mixture. Formulate the above as a LPP and sclve tt 8. Every gram of wheat provides 0.1 gm of proteins and 0.25 gm of carbohydrates. The comespanding values of rice are 0.05 gm and 0.5 gm respectively. Wheat costs Rs. 4 per kg and rice Rs. 6 per kg. The minimum daily requirements of proteins and carbohydrates for an average child are 80 gms and 200 gms respectively. In what quantities should wheat and rice be mixed in the daily diet to provide minimum daily requirements of proteins and carbohydrates at minimum cost? ah Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd. Ofiue | Aakash Tawer, Pist No.4, Seeior-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-75 Pr.011-47823456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM npetitive Exams Linear Programming 2341 isportation Problems In this type of problems, we have to determine transportation schedule for a commodity from different plants: or factories situsted at different Incations to different markets in such = way thet the total cost of transportation is minimum, subject to the limitations (constraints) as regards the demand of each markel and supply from each plant ar factory. nple 6: A brick manufacturer has two depots, A and B, with stocks of 20,000 and 20,000 bricks respectively. He receives anders irom three builders P, Q. and R for 15,000; 20,000 anid 15,000 bricks respectively, The cost in Rs, transporting 1000 bricks to the builders from the depots are given below: a 20 60 40 How should the manufacturer fulfil the orders so as fo Keep the cost of transportation minimum? Let the depot A transport « thousand bricks to builder Pand y thousand bricks to builder @. Then, the above LPP can be stated mathematically as follows below : Builders Minimize: Z= 40x + 2015 — x) + 20y + GO[ZO— y) + IOIZO — x— py} + 4O[x + y- 15) = 80x — aby + 1800 Subject lo. x+y £30 x15 and To solve this LPP graphically, we first convert inequations into equations and then draw the corresponding lines. Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd, Ofles | Aakawh Tower, Plot No, Seeior11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011 47623456. WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. Try Yourself The feasible region of the LPP is shaded In the figure given below xtysts ‘The co-ardinates of the comer points of the feasible ragion A,PQ8,8, are A,(15, 0}, P{15, 15), (19, 20), (0, 20) and 840, 15). The points have been obtained by solving the corresponding intersecting lines simultaneously. ‘The values of the ebjective function at the comer points of the feasibée region are given in the following table: Point (x, y} | Value of the object function! Z= 30x — My + 1800 A,(15, 0) Z2= 2250 (1S, 15) Z= 1800 Qq10, 20) Z= 1500 (0, 20) Z= 1200 80, 15) Z=1350 ‘Clearly, Z is minimum at x = 0, y = 20 and the minimum value of Z is 1200, Sa, the minimum transportation cost is 1200. a, Thera is a factory located at each af the two planes and Q. From these locations, a cartain commodity is delivered tn each of thase depots situated at A,B and C. Tha weekly requirements of the depots are respectively 5, 5 and 4 units of the commodity while the productions capacity of the factories at P and © are respectively 8 and G units. The cost of transportation per unit is given below: “To Cost {in Rs} From ae A a c P 16 10 15 Q 10 12 20 How many units should be transported from each factory ta each depot in order that the transportation cost is minimum, Fermulate the above LPP mathematically and then solve it ah Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd. Ofiue | Aakash Tawer, Pist No.4, Seeior-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-75 Pr.011-47823456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:18 PM Linear Prey ming 239 12. ae Quick Recap 1 0. 1, 1B. wu 15, Linear programming is the process of taking various linear inequalities relating ta some: situation, and finding the “best” value obtainable under those conditions. Linear programming is part of a very important area of mathematics called optimisation techniques. Type of problems which seek to maximise (or minimise) profit (or cost) form a general class of problems called optimisation problems. A problem which seeks to maximise or minimise a linear function subject to certain constraints as determined by a set of linear inequalities is called an optimisation problem. A linear programming problem may be defined as the problem of maximizing or minimizing a linear function subject to linear constraints. The constraints may be equalifies or inequalities. Objective Function: Linear function Z = ax + by, whare a, b are constants, x and y are decision variables. which has to be maximized or minimized is called a linear objective function. Objective function represents cast, profit, or same other quantity ta be maximized or minimized, subject to the constraints. The linear inequalities or equations or restrictions on the variables of a linear programming problem ara called constraints. The conditions x >0, y> 0 are called non-negative restrictions. Non-negative constraints included because * and y are usually the number of items produced and one cannot produce a negative number of items. The smallest number of items one could produce is zero. These are not (usually) stated, thay are implied. A linear programming problam is one that is concemed with finding the optimal value (maximum ‘or minimum value} of @ lingar function (called objective function) of several variables (say x and y), subject to the conditions that the variables are non-negative and satisfy a set of linear Inequalities (called linear constraints). In Lingar Programming the term linear implies that all the mathematical relations used in the problem are linear and Programming refers to the method of determining a particular programme or plan of action. Forming @ sat of linear inequalities (constraints) for a given situation is called formations: of the linear programming problem or LPP. Mathematics! Formulation of Linear Programming Problems. Stop i In every LPP certain decisions are lo be made. These decisions are represented by dacision variables. These decision variable are those quantities whose values are to be determined, Identify the variables and denote them by 2,, x, X,0Fx, y and z etc, Step II: Identify the objective function and express it as a linear function of the variables intrduoed in step | In a LPP, the objective function may be in the form of maximising profits or minimising costs. So identify the type of optimisation Le., maximisation or minimisation, Step IV: Identify the set of constraints, stated in terms of decision variables and express them as linear inequalions or equations as the case may be. Step V: Add the non-negativity restrictions on the decision variables, as in the physical problems, negative values af decision variables have no valid interpretation. A linear inequality in two variables represents a half plane geometrically or types of half planes. The common region determined by all the constrains including non-negative constraints x ¥ = 0 of a linear programming problens is called the feasible region (or solution region) for the problam. The region other than feasible region is called an infeasible region Points within and on the boundary of the feasible region represent feasible solution of constraints. Stop Il Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd, Ofles | Aakawh Tower, Plot No, Seeior11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011 47623456. WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. 46. Any point in feasible region that gives the optimal value (maximum or minimum) of the objective function is. called an optimal solution. 17. Any paint outside the feasible region is called an infeasible solution. 18. A comer point of a feasible region is the intersection of two boundary lines. 19. Feasible region of & system of linear inequalities is said to be bounded ifit can be enclosed within a circle. 20, Comer Point Theorem 4: Let 9 be the feasible regian for a linear programming problem and lat Z = ax +by be the objective function. If Z has an optimal value (maximum or minimum), where the variables x and y are subject to constraints described by linear inequalites, this optimal value must oocur at a camer point (vertex) of the feasible region. 21, Comer Point Theorem 2: Let ® be the feasible region for a linear programming problem, and let Z = ax + by ba the abjective function I Ris bounded, then the objective function Z has both a maximum and a minimum value on Rand each of these occurs at a comer point (vertex) of 22. If Ris unbounded, then 6 maximum or 3 minimum value of the objective functions may nat exist. 23. The graphical method for solving linear programming problems in two unknowns is as follaws, A. Graph the faasible region. B. Compute the coordinates of the camer points. C. Substitute the coordinates of the comer points inta the objective function to see which gives the optimal value. D. when the feasible region is bounded, Mf and m are the maximum and minimum values of Z E. If the feasible region is not bounded, this method can be misleading: optimal solutions always exist when the feasible region is bounded, but may or may not exist when the feasible ragion is unbounded, (i) M is the maximum value of Z, if the open half plane determined by ax + by > Mf has. ne point in common with the feasible region, Otherwise, Z has no maximum value. (ji) Similarly, mis the minimum value of Z, if the open half plane determined by ax + by < m has no point in common with the feasible region, Otherwise, Z has no minimum walue. 24. Points within and on the boundary of the feasible region represent feasible solutions of the constraints. 25. two comer points of the feasible region are both optimal solutions of the same type, Le, both produce the same maximum or minimum, than any point on the line segment joining these two points is also. an optimal solution of the sama type. 26. Types of Linear Programming Problems (i) Manufacturing problems: Problems dealing in finding the number of units of different products ta be produced and sold by a firm when each product requires a fixed manpower, machine hours, product in order to make maximum profit. {ii) Diet Problem: Problems, dealing in finding the amount of different kinds of nutrients which should be included in diet so as to minimise the cost of the desirad diat such that it contains a certain minimum ameunt of each constituentinutients. (iil) Transportation problems: Problems dealing in finding the transportation schedule of the chespest way to transport a product from plants/factories situsted at different locations to different markets. 27. Advantages of LPP (i) Linear programming technique helps to make the best possible use of available productive resources (such as time, labour machines etc.) (ii) & significant arivantage of linear programming is highlighting of such battle necks. 28. Disadvantages of LPP {i) Linear programming is applicable only to problems where the constraints and objective functions are linear Le., where they can be expressed as equations which represent straight lings. (a) Factors such as uncertainty, weather conditions etc. are not taken into consideration. goa ah Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd. Oftiue | Aakash Tawer, Pist No.4, Seetor-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Pr.011-47823456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM (SET - 4) School/Board Examinations Students are required to solve and write the solutions in their exercise book. For referring solutions to the assignment (Set-L), please visit our Library at the Centre or log on to our website: Board & Competitive Exams. 36 Linear Programming SECTION -A School/Board Exam. Type Questions port Answer Type Questions : Ifthe comer points of the feasible region determined by the systam of lingar constraints are (0, 0),(0, 40), (20, 40), (80, 20), (80, Oj and the objective function Z= 4x +y is given, then find the maximum value of Z. The feasible solution for a LPP is shown in figure: given below. Let Z = 3x — 4y'be the objective function. Find the paint at which minimum of Z occurs. v4 (0, By G](0, 0) (5,0) x The feasible solution for a LPP is shown in the figure given below Ya (0, 6) oo SONI (5, 4) AAAI A O40) Let 2= 4x + Sy be the objective function. Find the point at which 2 is maximum. The feasible solution for a LPF ts shown in the figure given below Let 2 = Gx + 4y be the objective function. Find the paint at which Z is maximum The feasible region for an LFP is shawn in the figure given balow. Let P= 3x —4y be the abjective function, Then find the maximum walue af P akagh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Oflice ; Aakash Tower, Plot No.4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.11-47623456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM ar Progra yard & Competitive Exams, Refer to question number 5; find the minimum value of P. Comer points of the feasible region for an LPP are (0, 2). (3, 0). (8. 0), (8. 8) and (0, 5). ITF = 4y + By be the objective function, then find the points or ragion where minimum value of F occurs, ‘Comer pints of the feasible region detarminad by the system of linear constraints are (0, 3), (1. 1) and (3.0) Let Z = px + gy. where p,q > 0, find the condition on p and g so that the minimum of Z occurs at (3, 0} and (1, 1} The corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of linear constraints are (0, 10), (5, 5), (15, 15), (0, 20). Let Z = px + gy, where pe, q> 0, Find the condition on p and q so thal the maximum af Z accurs at both the points (15, 15) and (0, 20) ). Feasible region (shaded) for a LPP is shown in the figure given below. if Z= 4+ 3y be the objective functian, then find the paint, where minimum of 2 occurs. |. Determine the maximum value of Z = 4x + 3y, if the feasible region for a LPP is shown in the figure, given below. 2. Determine the minimum value of Z = 3x + 2y (if any), if the feasible region for a LPP is show in the figure. akash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Rage, Office: Aakash Tower, Plot No~f, Sactor-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.01 147623456, WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM 38 Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. ). Determine the maximum value of Z= ax+ y, if the feasible region for a LPP is shown in the figure given below ¥: outa, 16) (a2) 8,8) (24, 0} oO A\(10, 0) |. What do you mean by multiple optimal paints? What are the theorems, which are used to solve LPPs? 3, Solve the following linear programming problem graphical Maximize Z=4x + y Subject to the constraints: w+ ys60 Bet ys90 and x20, y20 Solve the linear programming problem graphically Maximize Z = 200% + 500y Subject to the constraints: e+ 2y>10 St dys ad Oye0 |. Solve the following problem graphically: and x Minimize and Maximize 2 = 3x + Sy Subject to the constraints «+ 3y 60 xe yo AD way and x20, y= 0, ). Determine graphically the minimum value of the objective function Z=- 50x + 20y Subject to the constraints: Denys oeeye 2x - By = 12 Bx + 2y 2-30 and x>0, y= 0. akash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd, Office : Aakash Tower, Plot Mod, Sector-11, Dwarks, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-47623456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM ard & Competitive Exams, ar Programming 239) ), Minimize 2 = 3x + 2y subject to the constraints: xt yee ox+ Sy 215 20, "20, and ang Answer Type Questions ; |. Adie for a sick person must contain al least 4000 units of vitamins, 50 units of minerals and 1400 units of calories, Two foods «and y are available ata cast of Rs 4 and Rs 3 per units respectively. One unit of the food x contains 200 units of vilamins, 1 unitof minerals and 40 unils af calories, whereas ane unil of food y contains 100 units of vitamins. 2 units af minerals and 40 units af calories. Find the combination of x and y to be used ta have least cost, salistying the requirement, 2. Addictician wishes to mix two types of fouds in such way that vitamin contents of the mature contain at least 8 units of vitamin A and 10 units of vitamin C. Food ‘f contains 2 unitekg of vitamin A and 1 unitikg of vitamin ©. Food ‘lI’ contains 1 unitkg of vitamin A and 2 unitsikg of vitamin ©, ILoosts Rs 50 per kg. to purchase food ‘Vand Rs 70 per kg to purchase food Il Formulate this problem as a linear programming prablem to minimize the cost of such a mixture. A dealer wishes in purchase a number of fans. and sewing machines. He has only Rs 57.60 to invest and has space for at most 20 items. A fan costs him Rs 360.snd a sewing machine Rs 240. He expects to sell a fan ata profit of Rs 22 and a sewing machine for a profit of Rs 18. Assuming that he can sell all the items that he: buys, how should he invest his money ta maximize his profit. Solve it graphically. |. A cooperative society of farmers has 50 heclares of land to grow two crops x.and y. The profil from crops x and ¥ per hectare are estimated al Rs 10.500 and Rs 9,000 respectively. To control weeds, a liquid herbicide has to be used for crops x and y at the rates of 20 litres and 10 litres per hectare. Further, no more than B00 litres of herbicide should be used in ander to protect fish and wild life using a pend which collects drainage from this land. How much land should be allacated to each crops so as to maximize the total profit af the society? 3, Anil wants to invest almast Rs 12.000 in bonds 4 and B. According to mules, he has to invest at least Rs 27100 in bond A and at least Rs 4000 in bond &. if the rate of interest on hond A is 8% per annum and on bond B is 10% per annum, how should he invest his money for maxirnum interest? solve graphically. 3. Amanutacturing company makes lwo models A and B of a product. Each pieces of model A requires # labour hours for fabricating and 7 labour hour for finishing. Each piece of model £ requires 12 Isbour hours far fabricating and 3 labour hours for finishing for fabricating and finishing the maximum labour hours available are 180 and 30 respectively. The company makes a profit of Ra 8000 an each piece of madel A and Rs 12000 on each piece of model 8. How many pisces of model 4. and model should be manufactured per week to realise a maxumum profit? dietician has ta develop a special diet using twa foods P and @. Each packet (containing 30 g) af food P contains 12 units of calcium, 4 units of iron, 6 units of cholesterol and 6 units af vitamin 4. Each packet of the same quantity of food Q contains 3 units of calcium, 20 units. of iron, 4 units of cholesterol and 3 units of vilamin A, Tho diat requires al least 240 units of calcium, al least 460 units of iran and al most 200 units of cholesterol, How many packets of each should be used to minimize the amount of vitamin A in the diet? What is the minimum amount of vitamin A? 3. A manufacturer has three machines |, II and Ill installed in his factory. Machines | and I are capable of being operated fer at most 12 hours whereas machine |I| must be operated far at least $ hours a day. He produces only two items Mand N each requiring the use of all the twice machines. The number of hours required for producing 4 unit of each of Mf and N on the three machines are given in the on table Remar of hrs Tequired on machines t Fits He makes a profit of Rs 600 and Rs 400 on ilems Mand M respectively. How many of each item should be produce so as to maximize his profit? akash Educstional Services Pvt. Lid. Rage, Office: Aakash Tower, Plot No~f, Sactor-11, Dwarka, Naw Delhi-75 Ph.01 147623456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM 10 Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. 1. Mr, Das wants to invest Rs 12000 in Public Provident Fund (PPF) and in National Bonds. He has to Invest at least Rs 1000 in PPF and at least Rs 2000 in bonds. If the rate of interest on PPF is 12% per annum and that on bonds is 15% per annum, how should he invest the money to eam maximum annual income? ), Two tailors, and Beam Rs 300.and Rs 400 per day respectively, A can stitch 6 shins and 4 pairs of trousers while 8 can stitch 10 shirts and 4 pairs af trousers par day. How many days should each of them work if itis desired to produce at least €0 shirts and 22 pairs of trousers at a minimum labour cost? |. A housewife wishes to mix together two kinds of food x and y, in such a way thal the mixture contains at beast 10 units of vitarin A, 12 units of vitamin Band 8 units of vitamin C. The vitamin contents of 1 kg of each food are given below Vitamin A | Vitamin B | Vitamin & Food x 4 2 a Food y| 2 2 If 4 kg of fond © casts Rs.6 and 1 kg of food y costs Rs 10, find the minimum cost of the mixture which will produce the diet 2. A.small fim manufactures items A and &, The total number of itams that it can manufacture in a day is at the mast 24, item A takes ane hour to make while item B takes only half an hour. The maximum time available per day is 16 hours. If the profit on one unit of tem A be Rs 300 and that on one unit of item & be Rs 160, how many of each type of item should be produced to maximize the profit? solve the problem graphically. 1. Kollogy is a new coreal formed of a mixture of bean and rice, that contains al least 88 grams of proteins and al least 36 mg of iron. Knowing thal bean contains 80 gm of protein and 40 mg af iran per kg and that riew contains 100 gm of peatein and 30 mg of iron per kg, find the minimum cost of producing this new cereal if bean costs Rs 5 per kg and rice costs Rs 4 per kg 1. Agardencr has a supply of fertilizers of the typed whieh consists of 105% nitrogen and 6% phosphoric acids and of type-Il which consists of 5% nitrogen and 10% phosphoric avid, Alter testing the soll conditions, he finds that he needs at last 14 kg of nitrogen and 14 kg of phosphoric acid for his crop. If the type-| fertilizer costs 60 paise per kg and the typeI fertilizer costs 40 paise per kg, determina how many kgms of each type of fertilizer should be used so that the nutrient requirements are met at a minimum cost? 5. Maximize 2 = 60x + 15y subject to the constraints: x4 yo 50, dx + ye OO, x > 0, y> 0 SECTION - B Model Test Paper sry Short Answer Type Questions = [1 Mark] What da you mean by linear inequations in two variables? Draw the graph of the solution set of the system of inaquations : 2x + 3y <6, x= O and y = 0. Find the linear constraints for which the shaded area in the figure below is the solution set aetysa Bet Sy=0 akagh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Oflice ; Aakash Tower, Plot No.4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.11-47623456 WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM yard & Competitive Exams, Draw the graph of the soluton sets of the given inequation : y~ 25 3x. What do you mean by linear constraints? What do you mean by objective function? What is optimal value of an objective function? What is feasible solution of a LPP? What do you mean by optimal solution? ). What do you mean by optimization techniques? port Answer Type Questions : [3 Marks] |. Exhibit graphically the solution set of the system of linear inequations wry, Txt 9ys63,x>0,y>0 2, Exhibit graphically the solution set of the system: of linear inequations k+y ed, e+ Oy S69, yE5, NSB ee Oy EO 3, Find the linear constraints for which the shaded area in the figure below is the solution set, 4x+ ays 12 |. Find the linear constraints for which tha shaded area in the figure given is the solution set Yer 9) a! (0.1) Bet yee xedys 3. Solve the following linear programming problems by graphical method : Maximize Z = 4x + Sy Subject to the constraints : ay + dy = 24 Ax + By <= 48 xSS yee and x= 0,yz0 akash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Rage, Office: Aakash Tower, Plot No~f, Sactor-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.01 147623456, WD)" voure a m 43% 4:19PM 12. Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. 3, Solve the following linear programming problem by graphical method Minimize 2 = x - Sy + 20 Subject to the constraints : x-yz0 x+2yeR | Solve the following linear programming problems by graphical method = Minimize Z= 3x, + Sx, 1. Salve the following linear programming problem graphically = Maximize 2 = 80x + 15y Subject te the constraints : xey<50 x+y 290 and x, y20 ong Answer Type Questions : [5 Marks] An aeroplane can cary a maximum of 200 passengers. A profit of Rs. 1000 is made on each executive class ticket and a profit of Rs G00 is made on each economy class ticket. The airline reserves at least 20 seats for executive class. However, al feast 4 limes as many passengers refer to trawel by econemy class than by the executive class. Detanmine how many tickets of each type must be sald in order to maximize the profit for the airline. Whalis the maximum profit? Also, for how many tickets of each type where the profit is minirrur. ). A diatician wishes to mix together two kinds of fond X and ¥ in such a way that the mixture contains at least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units of vitamin B and B units af vitamin C, The vitamin content of 1 kg food is given below : Food | VitaminA | Vilamin@ | Vitamin c x 1 2 3 ¥ 2 2 1 One kg of food X costs Rs 16 and one kg of fond ¥ costs Rs 20, find the least cost of the mixture which will produce the required diet? |. Acottage industry manufactures pedestal lamps and woodsn shades, each requiring the use of a grinding! cutting machine and a sprayer. It takes 2 hours on grinding/cutting machine and 3 hours on the sprayer to manufacture @ pedestal lamp. It takes 1 hour on the grindingicutling machine and 2 hours on the sprayer to manufacture a shade. On any day, the sprayer is available for at the most 20 hours and the grindingfcuting machine for at the most 12 hours. The profit from the sale of a lamp is Rs § and that from a shade is Rs 3. Assuming that the manufacturer can sell all the lamps and shades that he produces, how should he schedule iis daily production in onder ta: maximize the proft? gaa akagh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Oflice ; Aakash Tower, Plot No.4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.11-47623456 m 43% 4:19PM (SET - 2) w i ee! JEE (Main) OQ)" votre lf m 43% 4:19PM } Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. ose the Correct Answers 7, Shaded region is represented by Yo 4x—2y=-3 (1) 4x-2y¥s9 (3) 4x-2y29 ALLPP means (2) 4x-2y 5-3 (a) Ae - Bye (1) Only abjective function is linear (2) Only constraints are linear 8. (3) Either objective or constraints are linear 14) All objective function and constraints are linear Which of the fallowing is not a vertex of the pesitive region bounded by the Inequalities 2x « 3y = 6, Bx + By © 15 and x, y= OF (1) (0, 2) (2) (0, 0) 13) (3,0) (4) (4, 0) The solution set of constraints x + 2y = 11, ax + dy © 30, 2x + Sy = 30, x = 0, y= 0 incudes the point (1) (3) (21 (4,3) (3) (3,2) (4) 4) %0. ‘The graph of x = 2 and y 2 2 will be situated in the (1) First and secand quadrant (2) Second and third quadrant (3) First and third quadrant (4) Third and fourth quadrant Inequation y — acs O represents u (1) The half plane that contains the positive x-axis (2) Closed half plane above the line y = * which contains positive yaxks 13) Half plane that contains the negative x-axis 4) Half plane that contains tha positive jaxis Far the following feasible region, the linear constraints are axF2y=42 (1) #20, y20. 3x4 22 12 (2) we Q,yeO. ax4 2s 12 (3) #20, y20.dx4 aye 12 xt oye 11 x+yedi xtape (4) «> Oy 20, 3x4 2y> 12,44 3p 11 A vertex of the linear inequalities 2x + 3y = 6, xtdy2d,x,y=0,is (1) (1, OF (eb 1.1) 2) | 5 (42 2 12 @) ie ww [2 The maximum value of Z = 3x + 4y, subject to the condition e+ys4d e+ 2y S60. x, ys 0s a) 40 @ 120 (3) 130 (4) 140 The linear programming problem : Max 2 such that 2x, — x; >, x, = 2, x, + x, By, % 2D has (1) One solution (2) Three solutions (2) An infinite number of solution (4) Two solutions In which quadrant, the bounded region for inequations x + ys Vandy — ys 1 Is situated? aio (2) @) La (4) All the four quadrants ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Office | Aakash Tower, Plot No, Sectoe-11, Dararka, New Delhi-75 Pn.011-47623458 OQ)" votre lf m 43% 4:20PM fd & Competitive Exams, 245 Linear Programming Which of the following statements is correct? 18, (1) Every LPP admits an aptimal solution (2) A.LPP admits @ unique optimal solution (3) Ifa LPP admits two optimal solutions it has an infinite number of optimal solutions (4) The set of all feasible solutions of a LPP is net 8 convex set The minimum value of the objective function Z = 2x + 10y for linear constraints x 2 0. y 2 0, ¥-y>0,¥-5ys-5, Is we (2) 10 Gg) 2 (ay 15 The minimum value of Z=2x + 3y 19. subject to the constraints 2x4 Ty 22 eyes Sx # y> 10, x, y> O is equal to a) 10 (2) 14 (3) 16 (a) The co-ordinate of the point for minimum value of Z= Tx — By subject to the conditions x + y— 20 20. y-520,020. 20 is (a, ph. Then «+B is equal to (1) 20 (2) 20 G) 0 (4) A firm makes pants and shirts, A shirt takes 2 hours on machine and 3 hour of man labour 20, while a pant takes 3 hour en machine and 2 hour of man labour. In a week there are 70 hour of machine and #5 hour of man labour avalable. lf the firm determines to make x shirts and y pants per week, then for this the linear constraints are (1) 2y © By = 70, Sx * 2y > 75, x= (2) 2x * By < 70, Bx + 2y> 75, (3) 2x + y= 70, Be + 2s 75, x (4) 2e + Sys 70, 3x + ays 75, = 2 x2 Oy20 Let X, and X, are optimal solutions of a LPP for which objective function is maximum. Then (1) X= AX, + (1—2)X,, k © Fis alsa an optimal solution (2) X= ax, +01 optimal solution (3) X= AX, + (1 #A)%,. 4 © R gives an optimal solution (4) X= AX, + (1 * AIX, OS AS ‘optimal solution YX, 0 3.= 1, gives an 1, gives an We have to purchase wo articles A and & of cost 745 and 725 respectively. | can purchase total article maximum of € 1000. Alter selling the articles A and 6 the profit per unit is @5 and @3 respectively. If | purchase x and y number of articles A and B respectively, then the mathematical formulation of problem is (1) Z=Sx+ dy 45x + 25y > 1000, x20, y20 (2) Z= Gx + ay. 45x + 25y< 1000, x20. y 20 (3) Z= 3x + Sy, 45x + 25y = 1000, x20. y20 (4) 2599+ Sy, 45x + 25y = 1000, x2 yEO A company manulactures two types of products A and B. The storage capacity of its godown is 100 units. Total invastment amount is © 30,000. The cost price of A and Bare 400 and #900 respectively. If all the products have sold and per unit profit is €100 and €120 of A and & respectively. If x units of A and y units of 8 be produced, then the mathematical formulation of problem is (1) e+ y= 100, dx + Sy = 300, Z= 100% + 120y (2) w+ ys 100, 4a + By = 300, 2 = «+ 2y (3) x+y 100, 4x + 9y< 300, Z= 100% + 120 (4) e+ ys 100, Ox + 4y = 300, 2 = # + 2y If the number of available constraints is 3 and the number of parameters te be optimized is 4. then (1) The objactive function can ba optimized (2) The constraints are short in number (3) The solution is problem oriented (4) The constraints are more in number In a test of mathematics, there are two types of questions to be answered-short answered and long answered. The relavant data is given below Types of | Time taken Number of Questions | to solve ‘Questions: Short answered | Sminutes | 3 10 question Long answered | minutes | 5 4 question ah Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regd. Office - Aakash Tower, Plot Not, Sector-11, Cwark, New Dahi-75 Ph.011 47623455, WD! vore uf 3 Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams The total marks is 100. Students can solve all the questions. To secure maximum marks, a student solves x short ansvrered and y long answered questions in three hours. The linear constraints except x= 0, 20, are (1) Bx" 10y< 180, 1 < 10, y= 14 (2) x 10y> 180, x= 40, y= td (3) Sa + 10y > 180,02 10, y2 14 (4) Sx + 10y< 180, x> 10, y> 14 ‘The objective function for the question 0.21 is (1) 10x + tay (2) Sx + 10y (3) ax + 5y (4) Se + ay The number of verticas of a feasible region of the question no.21 are m3 (2) 4 gs (416 The maximum value of the objective function in the question no.24 is (1) 6 (2) 92 (3) #4 (4) 100 A firm produces two types of products A and B. The profit on both is 2 per item, Every product requires processing on machine M, and M,, For A, machines M, and M, take 1 minute and 2 manute respectively and for 8, machinas J, and AM, take 41 minute each. The machines Mf, M, are not available more than 8 hours and 10 hours on any of day respectively. Ifthe products made « of A and y of & then the lingar constraints for the LPP except x= 0, 2 0, are (1) xt ys 480, 29+ ys 600 12) x+y 480, 2x + y> 600 (3) e+ ye 8 det ye to 4) xt ys8,Qery> 10 ‘The objective function for the question no.25 is (1) 2a ye (2) xt ay (3) 2x4 ay (4) ae + 10y By graphical method, the solution of LPP Maximize Z = 3x + Sy subject to e+ ays 18 xed yee x20, is 26, (=a, 2) w=4, @) e=2y56, 2596 ) w= 2 p50, 256 =6,2=42 3, Z=27 The solution set of a linear programming problem, with an objective ta maximize Z = 3x, + 4x, has ‘only four vertices with co-ordinates (0, 6), (4, 4), 46, 0) and (0, 0). The optimal solution of the linear programming problem is tl) x, 20,296 @) x =4n=4 @) x =6x5 ) ¥,=0,x,=0 Which of the following system of inequations is represented by the shaded portion of the graph given belo ¥ OW) eed yeaxe9 (2) v= 4y 9, y+ 2ys 27, x20 (8) Bway <9, ax + By > 27, wed ye (4) S¥—4y2 9, de + 2ys 27, ye A company manufactures two types of fertilizers F, and F, Each type of fertilizers requires two raw materials A and &. The number of units of A and & required to manufacture one unit of fertilizer F, and F, and availability of the raw materials A and 8 per day are given in the table below 2 3 40 1 4 70 By selling one unit of Fy and one unit of F,, the company gets a profit of ¢500 and ¢ 750 respectively. Then which of the following option is correct when the profit is maximum and x units of ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Office | Aakash Tower, Plot No, Sectoe-11, Dararka, New Delhi-75 Pn.011-47623458 OQ)" votre lf m 43% 4:20PM fd & Competitive Exams, 247 Linear Programming fertilizers F, and y units of fertilizers F, be 35. produced per day (W) 2x4 By 40x +4y S70 x20. y20 (2) dx + 2y 240, x+4y 270 e200, p20 (3) Be + Sy 240, x4 ay 2 70 wE0, y20 (4) Sx + 2y> 40, x 44y> 70, x0, 20 36. In the question no.30, the objective function for which the profil is maximum is (1) 900% + 750y (2) 700x + Sooy (3) 2x ay (4) 500% - 750y By graphical method, the solution of linear programming problem Maximize Z= S00x + 750y aT. subject to 2x + By 240 xt4ysT0 xed ye is (1) x= 70, y=0 (2) way 40 @) x=0y= (di x= 20, y= 0 An owner of a lodge plans an extension which contains nat more than $0 rooms, Atleast § must 38 be executive single room. The number of executive double roams should be at least 3 times the number of executive single rooms. He charges Rs3000 for executive double room and Rs1800 for executive single room per day. The linear programming problem to maximize the profit If x, and x, denote the number of executive single rooms and executive double roms raspectively, is (1) Maximize Z = 1800x, + 3000: iy +4, 550, x, 25, x, 2 3x, x (2) Maximize Z = 1800x, + 3000s, By + 2 50, x, 25, 0, 2 3K, my (3) Maximize Z = 3000x, + 1800%, By tty 250, #25 ky 2 By my 2 Oy 20 4) Maximize 2 = 3000x, + 1800x, subject to ay + ay 2 50, x, £5, x, 2 Bay, my 20, xy 20 subject to 0, % subject lo By graphical method, in the solution of the linear programming problem. Maximize Z= 1800x + SQQ0y subject to x + y= 50, « y= ae x= 0, ¥ = 0, the maximum value of Z is (1) 254,000 (2) 2 1.35,000 (3) © 1,44,000 (4) © 1.50,000 The maximum value of the function Z = 5x + 2y subject to the condition 3x + Sy ¢ 15, 5x + 2y= 10 and x20, y20is 1) 10 2) (3) 30 (4) 40 Maximum value of Z = 3x + 4y subject to x-yS-l,-x+yS0, x y2Ois given by (4 a (3) 6 (4) No feasible solution 10 90 Minimize Z=3°5°C, -X, AmB subject to 10 is a LPP with number of constraints (1) 40 (2) 20 (3) 300 (4) 3 It Salim drives a car ala speed of 60 kmih, he has ta spend &5 per km on petrol. If he drives at a faster speed of 90 km/h, the cost of petral increases to %8 por km. He has 7600 ta spand on petrol and wishes to travel the maximum distance within an hour. If x, and x, denote the distance (in km) travelled at a speed of 60 km/h and 90 km/h respectively, then the linear programming problem is (1) Maximize 2 = x, + x, subject to feteat Sx, + BX, = 600, x 2 0, ¥, 20 (2) Minimize Z =x, + x, subject ta *t + ¥ <4 ; 8 NAICS? 60” 0 Bx, + 8x, 5600, x, 20, x, 20 a = ot * , He (8) Maximize Z = x, +x, subject to A+ 4224 5x, + Bx, = 600, a / %% eZ = x, + x, subjec + a4 (4) Minimize Z =x, + x, subject to = Sx, + Bx, 2 600. x, 20, x, 20 kash Educational Services Pvt Lid, Regd. Office Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Sectom11, Dwarea, New Dehi-75 Ph.011-47623456 OQ)" votre lf m 43% 4:20PM } Linear Programming Board & Competitive Exams. In the above question (ie. Q.No. 38), the 42 maximum distance covered is (1) “ km (2) 60 km 13) 75 km (4) 2 km Minimize Z = 3x + y. subject to constraints 45 Qe4 dys Bet ye tx 20, y20. Then Westyed (2) es 0.¥s4 G) x=ty=o (4) x=. Z= 30x + 20y, x4 ys Bx + Bye a, ax + 2y2 6,220, y20 has (1) Minimum value does not exist (2) Minimum value 90 (3) Minimum at only one point 14) Minimum at infinite values For tha LPP minimize Z= 2x + y subject to xt2ysixtyetysdand xy ed, then Z is ao (2) 1 2 (4) 12 The shaded region for the inequality x + Sy < is (1) To the non-origin side of x + Sy = 6 (2) To the either side of x + 5y=6 (3) To the origin side of x + Sy = 6 (4) To the neither side of x + Sy = 6 The maximum value of Z = 9x + 13y subject t constraints 2¢ + Sys 18, 2+ y= 10, x2 ye 0is (1) 73 (3) 49 (ay 81 (ay 130 ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Office | Aakash Tower, Plot No, Sectoe-11, Dararka, New Delhi-75 Pn.011-47623458

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