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we recomended a doctor.

She goes that and see

I saw lots of interesting places. I was with two friends of mine.

Hola Mary. I see usted en la escuela el lunes pasado.

B Hola Bob Yo no estaba ________ bien, As que ____________ para ir al mdico.

A. Hi Mary. I you at school geeting worse Monday.

B Hello Bob I wasn't feel well, So I thought to go to the doctor.

. Hi Mary. I didnt see you at school last Monday.

B Hello Bob I wasn't feeling well, So I decided to go to the doctor.

According to the audio HOW WE MET choose the right option to the question.

Did Lian call Jenny immediately?

Seleccione una:
a. Yes, he did.

b. No, he waited three days after the party.

c. He waited until the day after the party.

d. No, he waited the next month after the party.

Pregunta 2
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Answer the question according to the reading A Special moment

What does Momma tell her daughter about the box?

Seleccione una:
a. The jewels are expensive.

b. It is magical.

c. She must never touch it.

d. She can touch it when she is older.

Pregunta 3
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Write the sentence grammatically correct (Por favor escribir solo en minscula y dejando un
solo espacio por palabra)

good. / had better / you / pay /

had better you pay good.

Pregunta 4
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A doctor is a...
Seleccione una:
a. place where people go to read and search for info.

b. person who works in a hospital and performs surgeries.

c. place where people go when they are sick.

d. person where people go to pray, especially on Sunday

Pregunta 5
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Among the following four sentences, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct

Seleccione una:
a. Are you a friendly person who can deal with people?

b. Are you a frendly person who can deal with people?

c. Are you a friendley person who can deal with people?

d. Are you a friendily person who can deal with people?

Pregunta 6
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According to the audio The weather is great choose the right option to the question.

Doug is joking. What is about?

Seleccione una:



Pregunta 7
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Match the items on the right with the items on the left

Respuesta 1

Respuesta 2

Respuesta 3

Respuesta 4

Respuesta 5

Pregunta 8
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Write the sentence grammatically correct (Por favor escribir sol en minscula y dejando un solo
espacio por palabra)

ought not / late / to school. / arrive / we / to /

w e ought not to arrive late to school.

Pregunta 9
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Answer the question according to the reading A Special moment

What does the reader learn about the box?

Seleccione una:
a. It is very heavy.

b. It has special powers.

c. It is evil.

d. It can fly.

Pregunta 10
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Choose the best option

I ________ lots of interesting places. I_______ with two friends of

Seleccione una:
a. went / was

b. walked / was

c. visited / was

d. saw / was

Pregunta 11
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Choose the best option

A. Hi Mary. I _______ you at school last Monday.

B Hello Bob I wasn't ________ well, So I ____________ to go to the
Seleccione una:
a. not see / felt / went

b. saw / getting worse / thought

c. didnt see / feeling / decided

d. see / feel / prefer

Pregunta 12
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A place where people go to buy different kinds of

Seleccione una:
a. Bakery

b. Cafeteria

c. Butchery

d. Bus station

Pregunta 13
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According to the audio The weather is great choose the right option to the question.
Where do Diane and Doug want to go?

Seleccione una:




Pregunta 14
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Answer the question according to the reading A Special moment

At the beginning of the story, where is the girl sitting?

Seleccione una:
a. On the bed.

b. In a chair.

c. On the floor.

d. Next to the window.

Pregunta 15
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Choose the best option

My mother is not feeling well, so I told her that she______________

to the doctor
Seleccione una:
a. ought to go

b. should eat
c. ought

d. shouldnt go

Pregunta 16
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Write the sentence grammatically correct (Por favor escribir solo en minscula y dejando un
solo espacio por palabra)

airport / arrived / my / from / at 8:00. / father / the

my father arrived from airport the at 8:00.

Pregunta 17
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Among the following four sentences, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct

Seleccione una:
a. We shuoldnt take so many days off for your vacation.
b. We shouldnot take so many days off for your vacation.

c. We shouldnt take so many days off for your vacation.

d. We shouden not take so many days off for your vacation.

Pregunta 18
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Among the following four sentences, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct

Seleccione una:
a. I had better carry my passport when traveling abroad!

b. I had better carry my passport when traveilling abroad.

c. I had better carry my passport when traveleing abroad!

d. I had better carry my passport when traveiling abroad!

Pregunta 19
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Choose the correct answer according to the simple present

Where does he buy the food?

Seleccione una:
a. He buy the food at the store

b. He buys the food at the store

c. He buying the food at the store

d. He is buys the food at the store

Pregunta 20
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Choose the best option:

I need help, doctor. My baby doesnt sleep well because he is coughing a lot. What Should I

Seleccione una:
a. Take cough drops

b. Take a muscle ointment

c. Take a bottle of vitamins

d. Take a nap


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