3 Matrix

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i Introduction Matrices is one of the most important topic of Mathematics. It has wide application in various branches of Mathematics. It is a math atical tool which simplifies our work to a great extent when compared with other straight forward methods. The evolution of concept of matrices is the result of an attempt to obtain compact and simple methods of solving system of linear equations. It is not only used system of equa Lior _ This also wu in electronic spread sheat programms for personal computer, which in turn is used in different areas of business management and science like budgeting, sales projection, cost estimation, analysing the results of an experiment etc. Also many physical operations such as magnification. rotation and reflection through a plane can be represented mathematically by mattices. Matrices are also used in eryuplography. It has also wide application in g economics, sociology, modern psychology and industrial me MATRIX 1. Matrix as an Array A set of mn numbers arranged in a rectangular array of m rows and n columns. ay he ain Az Age 429 4m ame am is called an m * n matrix. The numbers ay of this array are called elements of the matrix. A matrix may be represented by the symbol [a]. (aj). lla,l| or by a single letter, say, A. The elements a4), 499... Gay constitute the principal diagonal of the matrix The indices / and / of the element a, of matrix indicate respectively the row and column in which the element a, is located. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, Plot No.-4, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-47623456 va pe SN | Matrices Board & Competitive Exams. resentation of Information as a Matrix Example 1: Let (3, 4) be any point ina plane which Gan be represented by a matrix (column or row) as 3 3 oral. Example 2: Consider the fallowing information regarding number of boys and number of girls in three sections LU and Ut Number of boys | Number of girls 1 40 ss il 25 w tt 60 40 This above information can be represented as a matrix as follows 40 35: A=|25 30 50 40,5 ee tration 1; Gonsider the following information regarding the number of men and women workers in three factories |, II and Ill. Men workers | Women workers 1 100 70 {Il 120 50 UL 180 90 Represent the above information in the form of a 3 x 2 matrix. What does the entry in the 2" row and 2“ column represent? The information is represented in the form of a 3 * 2 matrix as follows fico Fo A= 120 50 |1a0 90 The entry in the sacond row and sacond column represents number of women workers in factory Hl which is 50. if. matrix has 18 elements. what are the possible orders it can have? We know that if a matrix is of order m * n, it has mn elements. Thus to find all possible orders: ‘of a matrix with 18 elements, we will find all ordered pairs of natural numbers, whose product is 18. All possible ordered pairs (1, 18), (18, 1), (2, 9}, (9, 2), (3, 6), (6, 3). Hence possible orders are 1* 18,18 * 1.2% 9,8%2,3%6,6* 3. [Bev 3}.beg i- fies tration 3: Construct a3 « 3 matrix whose elements are given by 3 Any 3 ™ 3 nvatix is given by ayy yy yy AS) Bag Aap Ang ay a2 ay ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regd. Oifice - Aakash Tower, Pll Nod, Seciort7, Dwerkss, New Dethi-TS PhiOit-a7a2s4se va pe SN id & Competitive Exams. Matrices 179 lai ajjee sf Given, a, = /2 [z- ates Now, ay = [2— A] = ay = 32-8-2 ayy = t2-q=2 a= RA-3|-3 a,=4-2/=2 ee ay, = 76 3 $ a, = 16-6=0 2 ays 6-3] 55 1228 Hence, required matrix is V2 25) o 3] 1. Ifa matrix has 20 elements, what are possible orders it can have? 2, Construct a 5 «2 matrix whose elements are given by ay = ti a. Types of the Matrices fi) On the basis of number of rows (m) and columns (n), a matrix (a, wun 1 classified as (a) Row matrix: m=1, me N. ie, A matrix consisting of anly ona row is called raw matrix Example [12 3]. Row matrix is called row vector. (b) Column matrix: n= 1m = W. ie., A matrix having only one column is called column matrix 1 Example [i ‘Column matrix is also called column vector. 3 ash Educational Sorviess Put. Ltd. Raga’ Offios : Aakreth Tower, Pict Noa, Sector-11, Owerks, New Delni-7 PhO1t-s76aa4b6 va pe SN | Matrices Board & Competitive Exams. (c) Horizontal matrix ¢ m n Le., Amatrix in which number of rews is greater than the number of column is. called vertical matrix. 12 Example |3 4 Is 6} {e) Rectangular matrix : A matrix which is horizontal or verlical is called reckangukar matrix. {h Square matrix : |f.m =, then matrix is called square matrix, Le. Amatric in which number of rows equal to the number of columns, Is called square matrix (i) On the basis of Value of tho Elements fa) Upper triangular matrix : A square matrix is called upper trangular matrix if all the elements below the principal diagonal are zero, hence a, =O i> j a, 1 2 a a, 2 o 0 a, (b) Lower triangular matrix : A square matrix is called lower triangular matrix if all the elements above principal diagonal are zero, hence a, = 0, far J B = C in general Also, BA = CA 7% B= Cin general. (AB = AC = B = C only if A is non singular matrix] (vi) By the symbol A, where Ais square matrix, is meant A = A.A and if is called the square of matrix A In the same way the positive integral powers of a square matrix, AT, can be defined for each m Now that we have given 4 meaning to A", three special matrices are worth a mention A square matrix A such that A® = A is called idempotent. Asquare matrix A such that A’ = | is called involutory. A square matrix A such that A” = 0 for some meM is called nilpotent. The least value of m for which A" = 0 is called the index of the nilpotent matrix. ation 12: Let A= 12 a 1 find AB and BA. 43 a 4y tion : [ 5 [2 | 3 4 4-3 Now, e-l3 aha ol 3 4]-4 a “Eee f)+20(—d) 1x (-2)+ 2% (-3) (A) 4 (4) 3x (2p) 4x (-3) _ a 2-6 “| -3-18 -8-12] _[ “| 19 oa Now, 2771 2) -ajja 4} -ixd+-2x3 -1x2+-204 [4xt+-309 4624-964 [ -7 -10 [413 -20 — ration 13: Find the product of the matrices o ¢ 8 a ab ac A 0 a@/B=|sb b* be boa 0 ac be oF ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ofice ; Aakash Tower, Flot No.~4, Sector11, Owarks, Naw Delhi-?5 Ph01 47623466 26% 6:42 AM Matrices Board & Competitive Exams. ab ae ition = Ag 0 allab 0° be B -a Ojjac be of Qa? teab-bac Oabreb*—b%c Gacrete-be” | fo ao a] =|-ca®+O0ab+a*e -cabsO.bé sabe -cac+Obe+act}=-|0 o 0 ba®-seb+Oae bah-ab*+0be bac-abo+0c? | jo a 9 (Applying raw-by-columnn rule for multiplication) Then AB is a null matrix —— tration 14: If Atb) = east sin@ | han show that ALD) Al) = Ale) ALO) = AO * bh sing cosB Atayaca) “cos@ sind [cos sing a =sind cos |-sing caso cosficosd—sinwsing cas Hsin +aindcond ~ |-sin6eose—cosésing —sinOsing+cos@ensh {Applying row-by-column mule for multiplication) costo) sin(a1 ay] ‘in(o+h) cos{h+a)) As A(A)A(o) = A(@ +), we have by interchanging the role of @ and Alo)A(O) = Alo + 0) = AO + 9) Thus Al@\A(o) = Alo) A(a} = tO + 4) Remark : (0) és an important matrix having geometrical significance. We fave just shown thal matrices of this type are commutative. + 22 tration 18: if A=|2 1 2 |, then find the value af (4* - 4A + 81)°. 22 4] 2 2) 2 2) [11422422 12421422 124+22+21] [9 B 8B] tion APs/2 1 @]2 4 2)s|2t+12+22 22414422 22st2seil=|B 9 B 2 12 2 1) [222412 2212112 22+22+01) |B 8 8 (Applying row-by-column multiplication) 41°92 2) (4 a B 4A 24 258 4 86 22 18 8 4 ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Reged Olfice = Aakash Tower, Plal Nood, Secion11, Dwarka, New Deh? Ph.011 17823456 rc] 26% 6:42 AM Competitive Exams Matrices 189 S 8 8] fa 8 ~AP-4As|/8 9 B]-/8 Be a] [8 8] [5 o o 4 8l=|0 6 ol=5 8 4] io 0 5 Hence 44 = 5) = A? 444 5!= 10) Cubing both sides (A? - 4A + 5/)° = (101) = 1000/ 10000 0 o 4000 «0 0 a 100 409403 on 16: Show thatthe matric A=| 5 2 6 | és nilpotent and find ils index. -2 -1 -3 1 4 371 4 37 [8 © 8 5 AoAa=|5 2 6/5 2 6 S308 1 -1 -3 on 17: -2 -1 j-2 -1 -a] | i (Applying row-by-calumn rule of multiplication) oo off7 47 3] fooo AA A=|39 3 9/5 2 Gl=- 000 1-41-32 4-3] ja oo Thus the matrix is nilpotent, The least positive integer m for which AT = 0, is m= 3. Hence index = 3. A trust fund has % 60,000 that must be invested in two different types of bonds. The first type of bond pays 10% interest per year and the second type pays 12%. Using matrix multiplication, determine haw to invest € 60,000 into two types of bands so that the total annual interest received is 7 6400. Let @ x are invested in the first type of bands and % (G0000 — x) are invested in the second type of bonds, then the matrix {10 A= [x 60000-.x] represents investment and the matrix 8 = represents the rales of 100 interest 10 Total i _ ane 400 |_ fotal income = AB = 60000 - x] 42 = [6400] 700. x = 40000 And investment in second bond = 60000 — 40000 = 20000 ueational Services Pvt Lid. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Sector-11, Dwerka, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-47623456 26% 6:44 AM O Matrices Board & Competitive Exams. Matrix Polynomial Let fx) = aye" +a + a2 + + a, be a polynomial and let A be a matrix of order m then HA) = aya? + aA aa... + ay, is called matrix polynomial For example : fix) = 8 +22 + x +2 is 3 polynomial then fA) = 4? + 4? 44+ 20 is a matrix polynomial, where 4 and / both have same order er a, Trace of a Matrix Let A be a square matrix of onder n. Then the sum of the elements of A lying along the principal diagonal is called the trace of A, written as tr A 1 tA ="0 SB tay $asg ++ Sen where A= 8 1 2 eg, formatix A=|-2 -4 O|,WA=3-44554 D6 5 Let A and B be square matrices af order f, then following results hold, (i) tap = aura (il) (A +8) = 0A = 08 (il) AB) = 4B) Transpose of a Matrix Let A= [Bilge Then then x m matrie obtained from A by changing its rows into eolumns and its. columns inta rows & called the transpose of the matrix A, denoted by AT or A® or A’. 123 4 ; ‘ ; Fer example, the matrix A=|2 1 0 2/ hapits wamspose as AT=| $8 1-4 6 7 = 42 6 We also have the following results — (Aya (i) (A+ )7= aT + BY, A and B being of same size (ll) (kA) = KAT, ie being any complex number ( (AB)" = BTA", A and B being conformable for multipication. This is known a the reversal law for transposes — the Wanspose of the product is the product of the tansposes taken in reverse order. Conjugate of a Matrix The matric obtained from any matrix A by replacing its elements by the corresponding conjugate comple numbers is called the conjugate of A and denoted by A. IFA = [3 eqe thE A = By Ipeen akaeh Educational Services Pvi Lid. Regd. Oilice : hakash Tower, Plol Nod, Seclurt1, Dwarka, New Delhi75 Ph0t1 47625 26% 6:44 AM Matrices 494 1+2) 8-8 4 . For example, if A= | then |! aos 4 a eS 1 a 2 Obviously, if the matrix A has its elements from teal numbers then A coincides with A, () (Aj=a (i) GFE) Ave (il) (44) =A. & being any complex number (¥) AB=A8 . 4 and 8 being conformable for multiplication Transposed Conjugate of a Matrix (A") The transpose of the conjugate of a matrix is called the transposed conjugate of A and is denoted by A* or AM Clearly the transpose af the conjugate of 2 matrix is same as the conjugate of the transpose of the matrix. (AY =(aT)= a" HA [ghar then AY = [Belay WHERE By = ay W208 i fia 2 1-7 Forexample,#A=| 2 27-5 3 | then A= 3 -2)-5 748 ei i+3 443% -i 2 4-3 i) (area (i) (A + 6)" = a" +B 4 and A being of the same size (ii) (KAY = &A®, Jc being any complex number (¥) (ABy? = B°A®, A and B being conformable for multiplication (the reversal law for kansposed conjugate) istration 18: 1A [ 14 2) one.{' ° ‘] venty that 42 3) jo 41 , a yea qi) (REY = Ker Gi) (A+ BY =A + 142 100 lution : Given, A= a won: 9 cna! 4 Zaft & 9] 1-1 10 4 alesio 4 243 o 74 1-1. 14 2] Avs 4 2 = «ay -1 2 3] z2 3) - akash Educational Services Pvt, Lid, Raga. Office : Aakash Tower, Pict No,-4, Sector-11, Dwarkn, New Debi? Ph.011-47aioadie oe te Matrices Board & Compotitive Exams, k od tii) wo =[f k ‘] ko oO 1 0] (KAY )0 Kk) ok) 4) kt ook a 4) _ p14 2) 71 00 i) NomAt B=) yy ally oe 4 [242 “La 1 4 2-4 tarey-|4 4 2 4) 1-1] [4 a] [2 Now, a4'+B'=]4 2/-)0 -1]=]4 1/=(a+ey 2 3} [o 4] [2 4 tration 19: ition = faa “|e 4 Clearly, (ABY = Bay = Try Yourself 9 Find 3A- Bit A 028) and B ind 3A - aaa 10. Find matrices X and ¥ where xey-[t ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Oifios Aakash Tower, Piol No~4, Sector11, Dwarka, New Delhiv75 Pn.011 47623456 oe te nd & Competitive Exams. Matrices 19% 12 231 " rast s jane 2 1/, show that AB 2 BA 13 S ag A +} she x and y such that A? —xA + yf= 0 13, Let A and Bare two matrices then which of the following is always true? (1) A+B=B+A (Q) A+B=A-B @) A-B=8-A (4) AB= BA 412 12 14. Let A=| , a| and A+B =O then prove tat 8 =| af o ¥ 10 15. Let A= then prove that A** = eae eae! 16, tet a-[* 9], anas-[* 2) “ af "lo 4) then prove that A" = nA —(n—4)/, n=4 17 iA ] then prove that AT = 28%, it 12 3 141 18. A=|4 1 -1),8-/2 0 4), verify (ABY = BA’ 23 4 1od4i 123 144) 19. ra-[} - ‘}8-[3 ‘| verify that ) @y=B (i) (A- By =a’ - i) (A+ BY = A+ (ev) (KAY = KA’, where kc is any constant ) (A+ 38y = 24’ + 3B EXERCISE IF [re nl "| 25] and m KR, The corresponding column operation is denoted by C;— KC, Example : fi 23 let A= 0 -10 324 Cy TC, 12a then] -1 0 327 kash Educational Services Put. Lid. Regd. Olfice : Aakash Tower, Plot Not, Seciart?, Cwarka, New Dali78 Phiit)-47e2i466 24% 6:47 AM Matriee 203 3. We add the elements of any row er column to the corresponding elements of any other row or column multipied by any nonzero number. 2 Ex ! & Competil ie. tha addition to tha elements of /* row, the corresponding slaments of j* row multiplied by & is denoted by Ry R, + KR, The comesponding columm operation Is denoted by C+ C, + KC, Example : i134 let A=|1 04 [2 -1 3) R, + R,—2R., than we get 13 4 1o4 a7 -5 Invertible matrices : Any square matrix of order p matrix & of the same order a, such that AB = BA denoted by 4". In that case A is said to be invertible said to be invertible if there exists another square |. Matrix B is called the inverse matrix af A and it is For example = as-[) ° ese |) 1 od o41 Hence § = A+ and A= 8" ie., 4 and 8 are inverse of each ather. Note : (} Only square matrix can have its inverse (not necessarily) but rectangular matrix dows not possess inverse matrix, (8) UF 8 fs the inverse of A then A is also the inverse of B. (0) Inverse of a square matnx, if it exists is unique, Proof: Let A= [aj], If possible B and C be two inverse of A. AB=BA=1 Also, AC= CA=1 » B= BI = BAC) = (BAIS = FC = C kash Educational Services Pvt Lid. Regd. Office ; Aakash Tower, Piot No, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.0114762456 24% 6:48 AM | Matrices Board & Competitive Exams. (ij iF and B are invertible matrices of the same ondey, then (AB) = Bt At Proof : From definition (ABVWAB)" =! A+ (ABYAB) = ATS (atayeagy = At ieyapy? = a BABY = At » B1B(ABS = Bat (aBy'= Bat erse of a Matrix by Elementary Operations Suppose there are three matrices X, A, B of the same order such that X = AB, When we apply a sequence of elamentary row operations on the matrix equation X = AB, we will apply these row operations simultaneously on X and on the first matrix A of the product AB.on RHS. Similarly, When we apply @ sequence of clomentary column operations on the matrix equation X = AB, we ‘will apply, these operations simultaneously on X and on the second matrix B of the product AB an RHS. Now suppose if 4 is a matrix such that A~T exists, then to find At using elementary row operations write A= 1A and apply a sequence of row operation an A= 4 till we gel f= BA. The matrix 4 will be the inverse ‘of A, Similarly if we wish to find A~T using calumn operations, then write A = Al and apply a sequence of column operations of A = Al till we get = AB Note; A matrix is norsinvertibie if after applying one or more elementary row (column) operations on A =JA, (A = Al), we obtain all zeros in one or mare rows of the matrix A on LHS, ie, inverse of A dows not exist. stration 25: By using elementary operations, find the inverse of the matric A = |# ‘ ution + In order to use elementary row operations we may write “ A=l4 2 4) [1 oye 4 ee Reo 1 -t)_fo 2 4 2 4) [4 alla -a R, + R,-2R, 14 a 2 4 o 6) [4 -afa a R, R, > a6 fi 1 . 6 1 24 fo a |t 2a ~ 6 6! RoR, +R, kash Educational Services Put. Lid. Regd. Olfice : Aakash Tower, Plot Not, Seciart?, Cwarka, New Dali78 Phiit)-47e2i466 24% 6:48 AM fais 205 ! & Competil Sa a3 i Bla Sls » 7 n= alo Oh oe Alternative : In order ta use elementary column operations, we write A= Al ie, 2 4) fio 1-1) "lo 4 1 4] 10) 46 6 ai 1 2] 6 6) 14 6 6 a 1 2 66 kash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Offies | Aakach Tower, Piol No.1, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delht-75 PhO1147623456, 24% 6:48 AM IG Matrices Board & Gompetitive: Exan ample 1: slution : akash Educational Services Pri Lid. Regd. Oifice : Aakash Tower, Pol No, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph.011~47a234: SOLVED EXAMPLES 14 and B are n-rowed square matrices, than show that () (A+8P =A + AB + BA + BP fi) (A+B) = A? + BA? + ABA + BPA + AB + BAB + ABP + BP What simplification occurs whenA and & are commutative matrices? (i) (A+ BP = (A+B) (A + 8) = AIA + 8) + BIA + B) = A? + AB + BA+ BP fi) (A+ BP = (A+ 8) (4+ BP = (A+ BA + AB + BA + BY = AA? + AB + BA+ BY) + Bid? + AB + BA + By = AS + A°B + ABA + ABP + BA? + BAB + BPA + BP = + BA7+ ABA+ A+ A7B + BAS + ABE + BP When A and 8 commute we have AB = BA, and thus (A+ ay = ab + 2aB + Be (A+ ap = 43+ 9478 + gABP + BP and in general, for commutative matrices A and 8 (n being a positive integer) (A+ By = "CAT 80a 'B + CAMB +. + GB = ¥ "CAB a which has been written after the fashion of binomial theorem. Note that we agree to s« Ala Bal, if A is sn idempotent matrix, then shaw that 6 = | — A is also idempotent and AB = BA = 0. As Ais idempotent A? = 4 B= (f- AP = (- A) (I-A) =1-1A- APH AA A-A+M=I-24+4 2A+A= Thus B is idempotent AB=A(i-A)=A-A?=A-A=0 and BA=(!-AJA=A—A?=A-A=0 Hence AB = = BA 24% 6:48 AM ard & Competitive Exams. Matrices 2 ample 3: if aft ‘|2 -! ‘I then value of « for which A? = Bis 14 51 (1) No value of (2) 2 (3) 2 (4) 0 ; oe Offn O] [oe o lution; = A’ AA | 1111) fet 4 AaB @ oo] [10 > last a} [54 = @=l&ar+1=5 = a=t18a=4 No common value of a. is obtained for which twa matrices can be equal. Hence option (1) is correct, 12 x] ample 4: The value of x for which A=|4 1 7 | is singular is 24 i) 3 (2) -3 (3) 4 (4) -1 lution: Ais singular => |A| = 0 12 x 4 1 7 |=0-5 YG-28}—2[-24—-14} 4 x{16+2}=0 24 6 22+ 76+ 1x50 tax =15 > [xo—3] Hence option (2) is correct ample 5: Let and 8 be two matrices of same order then which of the following is/are not always true (1) A+B=B+A Q)A+B=A-B8 @) A-8=B-A (4) AB= BA tution: Let a=) 1 @| g_|° 1 [43 32 AsB=|' 7 284A 2 5) akash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regu, Office « Aakash Tower, Plot No-4, Sectar-11, Dwrarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph.lit-476a34 IB Matrices rN Board & Gompetitive Exan Hence, options (2), (3), (4) are nat correct, ample 6; if A and B are symmetnc matrices of order mr then (1) ir] @ (a) lution: = (1) 2) (8) 4) A+ Bis symmetric AB is symmetric iff A & B commute AB + BA is symmetic and AB = BA Is skew-syrnmeiric A~ Bis symmetric (A+B) = Als B= A+B (AB)" = BTAT = BA AB is symmetric = (AB) = AB > A= BA ie., A and B commute. Now, A and B commute + AB = BA, thus (AB)! = BA = AB, ie., AB is symmetric, (AB + Ba)! = (AB)" + (BA)" = BTAT + ATE! = BA + AB = AB + BA (A—By'= AT BT=A-B Hence options (1), (2), (2), (4) are comect ample 7: Observe the following columns. (Ay (8) Colurand Cofumn-it WA, Band C be 2 ~ 2 matrices with oniios (p) Ar B= BA from set of real number. Define * as follows; (AG + BA). then WA, Band C be 2 x 2 matrices with entries (q) A*(B+C)=A+B+AsC from set of real numbers, Define + as follows AsB= haar + AB). then WA, Band C be 2 * 2 matrices with entries) A*A =A? from set of real numbers. Define + as follows, AsB= FiAB- BAY, then (a) Aet=A (Aviso akash Educational Services Pri Lid. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, iol Not, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph.011-47a234: 24% 6:49 AM ard & Competitive Exams. Matrices 2 lution: Answer: Aip. a, r, 5}, Bip, 4), Ciq, t) tA) 1B) ic) Ara = Laas Bae lea + AB)=B+A Aracliaa + AAy = AB Aet=Naraparayea 2 2 Now, As(a+e)=hiae+c)}+} aia sc) 1 1 =—(AB+BA}+ (AC+CA z! + FAC + CA) SAY BtAtG anipeoys) ae + ae) - Lire + AB) = ; (BA + BA=B > A AsA= {Ad + AAs a Avia+c)= fate +C}A(a+0)) 4 1 =S[AB+A'B]+ [ACA al gl 1] =A+B+A=C 1 1 Ace=!(ap-gay- | (ga-Ag)=- (Bol 2! a N= - (B+ A) A¥{E*C)= 1 (A(B+C)~ (BCA) “a 1 = (AB -BAj+ (AG Ca} SAsB+AsC Arasyia A }=0e A 1 1 Ariz (Al IA (A-Aj-0 a! WF gtA—-AP akash Educational Services Prt, Lid. Regd, Ofioe ; Aakash Tower, Plat No.4, Soctor-11, Dwarka, Mew Dnlhi-75 Ph.0it1-476234 O Matrices Board & Gompetitive: Exan ample & : lution = ample 9 : STATEMENT-1 ; Let A, & he two matrices such that they commute then A? ~ B = (A - B (A + Bh. STATEMENT? : Let A, B be two matrices such that they commute, then (ABP = Az STATEMENT-3 : Let A, B be two matrices such thet AB = A and BA = B. then AP = A ane =B (i) TTT QTET @ TTF (4) ETT Statement-1 is true. Ab— B= (A—BKA+B) = (A— B)A + (A- BIB = AP— BA + AB - . 0 =Ab— BA + AB— Be- At + Be = 0 =-8A+ AB AB= BA Statement-2 is true It A and 8 commute = AB = BA then (AB}E = A(BB} = (AB)B = (Baja = BiAB) = BBA) = BA AB? = BPA, in general AB" =BA Statement-3 is tue We have, AB = A, BA= 8 Now, AB = A => (ABJA = AA ABA) = A = ABs AP > Ana Similarly, 8 = 6, hence option (1) is correct, STATEMENT-1 : if 4 and 8 are square matrices of order n, then A and 8 wil! commute if A - i and B - commuia for all Ae R. STATEMENT-2 - if A and & are symmetric matrices, then AB is symmetrio ff A and B commute STATEMENTS : If A Is symmetric, then BT + AB is skew-symmetric a) TTT @rer @ TTe () ETT Statement-1 is true. We have, (A — hl) and (B— A) commute Le, (AB Als (B= bia — Ad) = (A-AB-(A—ANA= (B—ANA—(B— Anal AB-AB-JA+12= BA-2A- 18+ 12 = ABSBAYLe R akash Educational Services Pri Lid. Regd. Oifice : Aakash Tower, Pol No, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph.011~47a234: 24% 6:49 AM ard & Competitive Exams. Matrices 2 Statement-2 is true We have, AT = Aand BT = 6 (ABy' = Bla! = BA i) IAB and BA commute = (AB)! = BA = AB. Statement-3 is false We have, A'= A 48" + 4B)" = (87)' + wag)" = B+ BtaT =B+ BTA fa 4 ample 10: LetA= | |: mon sa olution = The idea is to see whether 4 can be written as a sum of two matrices, whose higher powe! can be easily calculated, 143004) [1 Oo] fa 4 DAs + = write A=] 9 y3 "9 a]*]-9 af a!te [3 17/3 1]_Joo Now B=! 9 3/9 -a]"|o |! As fand B commute — unit matrix commutes with any matrix, using binomial expansion ve can write Att = y+ gto = AMS pe MCE + MCE +. + HE, 0 But B* = 0, & 22, so the above reduces to A™ = 7+ 1008 10 204 = +o 1 3 10), fa00 100 “lo 4) |-so0 —soo 301100 | 900-209) akash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regu, Office « Aakash Tower, Plot No-4, Sectar-11, Dwrarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph0tt-476234 23% 6:49 AM 2 Matrices Board & Gompetitive Exan [cos8 sing I ample 11: if A=| thon prove that, r=| 87 37), - yp |-sina cosé —sinna cosn@ lution = Using mathematical induction: wt WA cose sind tr a. cosmb = sinn6 N np: + then ae ’ -sin@ cos -sinnd cos PUI) A= cow aind cos@ sind” so A’ ind cosé_ Result is true for. Let result be true for a= k, 50 PI): A= cosé sing . sinB cos «| C08K8 sin kOe -sink® cosk6 We now prove that result halds true fora = K+ 4 goa] SDSL singkert}B] | -sin(k+1)8 com[k+1}6 | ie, cos6 sing -sind cosé coska sinkg —sink® oss LHS = AY SAA cos(8+kH) sin(+kO} —sin(+kG} cos (B+) cos(k+t}8 sin(k+1)6 —sin(k+1}8 cas(k+1 a | RHS. Hence prove. Some Important Definitions © Matrix : A matrix is an ordered rectangular array of numbers or functions. The number o functions ara called the elements or the entries of the matrix e., a set of mn numbers arrange in a rectangular array of rraws and columns. It is represented by capital letter A © Order of matrix : A matrix having m rows and n columns is called of order m * ror simp m* A matrix. In general an mm * a matrix has the following rectangular array. By By Ayy By By a a akash Educational Services Pri Lid. Regd. Oifice : Aakash Tower, Pol No, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi-?5 Ph.011~47a234: 23% 6:49 AM ard & Competitive Exams. Matrices 2 * Types of matrices () Column matrix : A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column Example = a 4 . As 2 is column matrix. 3 (ii) Row matix : A matrix is said to be row matrix if it has only one row, Example 8=[-11 3 -3],, is row matix (ii) Square matrix ; A matrix in which the number of rows are equal to the number c columns, is said to be @ square matrix. Thus an m * 9 matrix is said to be square matri ifm = 9 and is known as 2 square matric of order nr. (i) Diagonal matrix : A square matrix B = [Bjly . m is Said to be diagonal matrix if its no diagonal elements are zero that is a matrix B= [bj], ,,, i6 said to ba a diagonal mati it B= O when i = j. (v) Scalar matrix : A diagonal matrix is said to be a scalar matrix if its diagonal dlament are equal, thal is, a square matrix 8 = is said to be a sealar matrix if by Male « we 0, when J «jf by = ko when (= J, for constant & (vi) Identity matrix : A square matrix In which elements in the diagonal are all. one and res are all zero is called an identity matric, In other words the square matrix A= [5], , | 1 ifi=j 0, fi 4 j an identity matrix, if 4, (vil) Zero matrix : A matrix is said to be zero matrix ar null matrix if all its elements are zerc * Equality of matrices : Two matrices A = [a;] and B = [by] are said to be equal if (i) they are of the same order. (i) each element of A is equal to the corresponding element of 8, that is a= b, for Wf and j * Transpose of a matrix : If A = [a] be an m * 9 matrix then the matrix obtained b interchanging the rows and columns of 4 is called the transpose of the matric A. Hs HEA Lage them AT = [hse * Symmetric matrix : A square matrix A = [a,] is said to be symmetric if A” = A that | fa] = [a] ¥ fand j * Skew symmetric matrix - A square metrix A = [a] is said to skew symmetic metriz A= Ale, a =—3, 8 fand J, if we put 7 => 2a,=Oora, =O Vi ® invertible matrix : If 4 is a square matrix of order m and if there exists another square matri 8 of the same order m, such that AB = BA = J, then 6 is called the inverse of matrix A ar tis denoted by A. In that case A is sald to be invertible, * To every square matrix A = [a] of order n, wa can associate a number (real or complex) calle determinant of the square matrix A, where ay = (i,j! element of A. This may be thought ¢ as a function which associated each square matrix wilh a unique number (real or complex). M is the set of square matrices, K is the set of numbers (real or complex) is called th determinant of A. Itis alsa denoted by [Al or deta of &. akash Educational Services Prt, Lid. Regd, Gow ; Aakash Tower, Plat No.4, Soctor-11, Dwarka, Mew Onlhi-75 Fh.0it1-¢76234 rN 214 Matrices Board & Compatitive Exam: 40. 41. 12. 43, KA = Hd xo = BEd x 0 A= (14 A-B=A+(-1)8 (Aand Bare of same order) a) — bf) Properties of addition () A+B=B+A @) (A+ 8)+C=A+(B+C), where AB, C are of same order. (i) AYA + B) = kA + AB, where & is a constant A= [aarx » and B= [b, then AB = C = [e, Sa Properties of muliplication Q) A(BC) = (AB) ti) AB + C)= AB + AC (i) (A+ Bye = Ac + BC Ie « pr ge Where: IFA [ahy xe than AY or AT = [a], oy Propertigs of transpose ® yea (i) (KAY = ka’ (i) (A+ BY=A+8 ty) (By = BA" Ais symmetric matrix if 4° = 4 Ais skew symmetric matrix if A’ =A Any square matrix can be represented as sum of symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix .e., = ASAT) * MA-AY) Elementary operations of & matrix are as follows ) ReRoaGes (i) Rp 2 kR or CG, KC, (il) Rr Ry ¥ WRF Cy -+ G,» AG; If A and B are two square matrices such that AB = BA = |, and is denoted by A“ and A is the inverse of 8 then & is the inverse matrix of 4 gaa Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Office : sMakash Tower, Plot Nod, Sector-11, Dwarlas, New Cielhi-75 Ph.011 47823456 eC RAV A Assignment (SET - 1) School/Board Examinations Students are required to solve and write the solutions in the exercise book provided by the Institute. For referring solutions to the assignment (Set-1), please visit our Library at the Centre or log on to our website: www.aakash.ac.in 216 Matrices Board & Compet SECTION -A SchooliBoard Exam, Type Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions 1 2 410, Find number of matrices having 15 elements, Write down the matrix. = fay, , g where ay = 2/ — 3) wa={* ®le-[9 | fingase a -b -a tas]? | the find 2a, 14 |x? 2] fad nf 4e TL . then find the value of x. Loa afb 1-1 3) LetA=) 2-4-3). Find A*, |-5 -8 -11| 1-8 5 Let}y 4 6) is symmetric matrix, then find x + y. 5 ox 5 «412 Let A=) -1 y 3} is skew-symmetric matrix, then find x + y + 2 2-3 2| na-|~s wre. then for what value of 2, c= [0, mJ. A is an identity matrix. sina cos wf) 28 VT? 19). then write the value of k a al[2 s|"|k 23 Short Answer Type Questions : 11 2 04 WA=|2 1 3), then find the value of A?— 3A + 21. [1-10 12. For the following matrices A and B, verify that (ABy’ = BA’ a-|' 2 3 4] Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Oifios : Askash Tower, Plot Not, Sectorl1, Dwarks, New Dehk75 Phd 23% 6:50 AM Board & Compatiliva Exams, Na f243] 7 -9 10 13, Show that |-5 3 1} is inverse af the matrix |-12 15 17 [3 24] 1 4-1 cosx -sinx 0 [cosx sinx 0) 14, Prove that the matrix | sinx cosx 0) and |—sinx cosx 0 are inverse of each other. Q o1 La Oo 1) 15. If A and & are square matrices of the same ander and A is skew-symmetric, prove that 87 AB i symmetric, a4 16. A= [; ‘| . Show that A — A’ is a skew-symmetric matrix, where A’ is the transpose of matr 244 17, Express [3 5 8 | as the sum of the symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix 1-24 18. Find adjoin of a= [1 2]. 45 19. Find the values of a, b, ¢ and d from the following equation | 22+ 8-22 [se-a ae.sa| {so [ 2 -2] 20. WA=|4 2) andB= | 4 2), then find the matrix X, such that 24 + 3X = 6B. |p 6 |-5 4] at. Find aBita=|© °|ande=|? © 9 23 798 2 wxeve|* 3) and x—v=|* °) Find x and ¥. 25 a 4 23, By using elementary operations, find the inverse of the matrix A = I a was? 2] ging ae 45 tas? 4) 13) Find the following 3 2! |-2 5} a) 34-C ( 24-6-3¢ Aakash Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regd, Office : Aakash Tawes, Phot Nod, Secor11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Pac 23% 6:50 AM 218 Matrices Board & Compet ao4 26. WA=/0 1 0), verity that at 100 a7. 28. A trust fund has 7 90,000 that must be invested in two different types of bonds, The first type o 10% interast per year and the second type pays 12%. Using matrix multiplication, determine hoy 90,000 into nwo types of bonds so that the total annual interest recelwed is ¢ 9600, 22 1 -2/ is a matrix salistying Aa’ = 9/,. Find values of x and y, 2 y As xo Long Answer Type Questions : 29. 30. nH 32, Using elementary row transformations, find inverse of A = ad nek 22 As 1 2), prove that 4? — 4.4 — 5/= 0. Henee find At 24 NR [ere fsinng EN. nd = V1 then prove by induction that 4" cos# isin® "a (me cost) 46 6 By using elementary row transformation, find Av', where A= |4 4 6]. 64 4 SECTION - B Model Tost Paper ‘Very Short Answer Type Questions = 1 3 Write element of 2°¢ row and 3" column of matrix [; 2 Compute the product [-1 2 3]|-4 6 Construct a 2 «2 matrix A = [aly for which a, It Ais a square matrix, then show thal 4 — AT is a skew-symmetric matrix e+ eR 20a w)*t¥ Fe Which ot he folowing are tue? Pe 20, when a= [JEE(ADVANCED) 2013] 1) Vase? Maca i) oF 2) 2) Yare = Waa (3) 58 a) 8 8) Was = Vax 70. Let Att 7 i wily inte Wy 6" Yes entries. Than M is inwartibia if 3. Which of the following is fats? [JEE(Advanced)-2014] 48) Pasc © Yea FP) eas = Meme (1) The first column of Af fs the transpose of the sane tow af M1 18) Wace = Ween #4) None of those Aakash Educational Services Pvt Lid. Rage. Difco : Askash Tower, Plot Not, Sactoe14, Dwar, Maw Delh-75 Ph 04127523456 Px ea, Board & Competitive Exams. Matrices 227 Comprehension 2. The number of Ain such thatthe trace of A is not Letp be an odd prime number and 7, be the following set ‘Gvisible by p bul det (A) ie divisible by pis arz x 2 matrices: Note ; The trace of a matixisthe sum ofits dagonal entries] ra bectit2...p- if (1) ¢p— to? —p +1) BP (pote ws 2) Wp} (3) (p-1F 1 eather sym (4) Ge 1) (0-21 or skew-symmetric or both, sind dat (A) divisible by 3. The nurier of Ain 7, uch thatdet (A)is nat divisile ps by pis (ete 2) 2-1) (1) 2p @ p-5e (a) ip-aret it) 20-4 (8) P= 3p a pp SECTION - D Assertion-Reazon Type Questions This section contains 3 questions. Each question contains STATEMENT-1 (Asserlion| end STATEMENT-2 (Reason). ach question has 4 choices (1), (2), (S}and (4) oul of which ONLY ONE is correct (1) Statsmont-1 is Trus. Statement is Trus: Statamsnt-2 is. a correct explanation for Stateenent-1 (2) Statamant-t is True, Statement-2 is True. Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (3) Statement-1 is Trug, Statament-2 is False (4) Statement-1 is False, Setement2 is True 1, Let and & be sowed square matrices STATEMENT-1 : The identity (x+y? + 2ay +P doesn't hold when x and y ited by A and 6. and STATEMENT.2 © Matrie multiplication 2-4 2. Consider the matrix A, 4 [i -2 -3 STATEMENT-1 : 4 is idempotent and STATEMENT-2 ; if 4? = A. then A is called idempotent. 22 1 2| isan orthogonal mates, and STATEMENT-2 : If 4 and B are orthogonal, then AB is also orthegansl ‘Aakash Educational Services Pb Lid. Reyel Ofce : Aska Tower, Plot Nat, Seciort1. Chucks, New Dahi-75 Pht 14702458 Px ea, 228 Matrices Board & Competitive Exams SECTION -E Matrix-Match Type Question This section contains 2 questions. Each question contains statements given in two columns which have to be matched. The statements in Column | are labelled A 8, C and D, while the statements in Column ll are labelled p,q, rand Any given statement in Caluma | can have correct matching with One OR Mate statamentis) in Column tl. 1. Mate tes fallowing, Columnd Columr-t (Ai If.A and 8 ara orthogonal, then AB is ip) Zero matrix, (8) IFA and Aare nilpotent matrices of order {a} Mipotent matrix Wl sand @ and @ commute, then (ABV te (Ci) IFA is a harmitisn matrix such that A® = 0. then A is if) Unitary matrac 1D) IFA and Bare unitary mations, then AB és (5) Onthoggral 2. Match the Statements/Expressions in Column with the Stalements/Expressions in Column-ll and indicate your answer by darkening the appropiate BUDDIES inthe «4 matic given In te: ORS [WT-JEE 2008] Column Column-t (8) Tha minimum vata of ©7244 j wo (By Lat Aand Be 3 * 3 matricns of real number, ig where Ais symmetric, B's skev-symmenie, and (4+ BVIA- 8) = (AB) (A> BL LAB = 1-88, where (48! is the Iranspose of the matric Aé, then the posi walues of kane (C) Let a = log, log,2. An intager k satistying wy 2 te 2) <2, must be lass then (Di If sin = coso. then the possible values of is) 8 4 =) ot4- tte 2per SECTION - F Integer Answer Type Questions This saction contains 4 questions. The answortn each af the questions is.a single digit integer, ranging from Oto. For example, #the coroct answors bn question numbers X, ¥, Z (say) are 6, Qand 9 respectively, then the comect darkening cof bubbles will look like the following : 1OO@OOGOQGOO® }@Q@QOQOGDO® 7|@V@OOOOCO® Aakash Educational Services Pvt Lid. Rage. Difco : Askash Tower, Plot Not, Sactoe14, Dwar, Maw Delh-75 Ph 04127523456 = 23% 6:52 AM Board & Compstitive Exams. Matrices 229 . op a. tet a)? 2) and ya + 9"? — 1008 [ | thenatp+ys6 oo] 7 a er) 1 2 Let a- | where a is @ complex cube raat of unity, B-| -o 4] ; | and AY = 248, where = 3. IF Ais skew-symmetric of order 3 = 2, than bace of A is ... 4. Let Abe a square matric af 2 * 2 satisfying Lae tort Ue yay Bye = Thon, nurber of mat SECTION -G Multiple True Ise Type Questions Identify the correct combination of true (T) and false (F) of the given three statements. 1. STATEMENT-1 | All positve odd integesl pawers of a Skew-symmnelie malic are symmetric STATEMENT:2 - All posilive even integral powers of a skew-syerumstric malic are syrirnestric STATEMENT-2 - [fA is a skew-symmetric matrix of even order then [Al is perfect square (ETT @ TTT TFT ) OTF If and & are symmetric matrices of same order. then STATEMENT-1 ; A + Bis skew-symmetic matrix. STATEMENT-2 | AB — BA is ckew-symmoatric matrix. STATEMENT-3 : A— Gis skew-symmetric mats, art FTF @FTT dy) FFF SECTION - H Aakash Challengers Questions 1. iA and & are two square matrices of the onder 4, then the value of 998 t[/1 — 999 ortAdt) + SBGtBA) is .... x a hike 2 Tha matrix A =| 424. fats is idempotent if a} 4 ag 4a ok Where A, 2, 1, are non-zero real aa aghg OR | numbers, Then the vi eof {10+ kjFis 3. Find all solulinns of the matrix equation X* = 4, where Fis the Zcowed unit matrix, and X isa cea matric Le. a matrix all of whase elements are real. Aakazh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Reel Olive : Auhaeli Tower, Ptal Nol, Seclor-11. Devurks, New Duhi-7§ Ph011-4702458 = 23% 6:52 AM 2300 Matrices Board & Competitive Exams 4. The matnx a= (yr v (2) Orthogonal (3) Nilpotent (4) Ineotutary 5. Let A be an idemopotent math and (1 + agi! = 1 (224 — 9), then & = 6 Let A= . i" such that 7 =, then sum of all the elements of A? is Aakash Educational Services Pvt Lid. Rage. Difco : Askash Tower, Plot Not, Sactoe14, Dwar, Maw Delh-75 Ph 04127523456

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