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January 10 2008

Commission for Public Complaints Against The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
7337 137 Street, Suite 102
Surrey, British Columbia V3W 1A4
Fax 604-501-4095

Attention Andree Leduc

Enquiries and Complaints Analyst
Frank Gallagher
Re: File No. PC-2007-2316
Manager, CST RET.
Re: File No. PC-2007-2317 GCCRF
Dear Andree Leduc

On December 27 2007 I responded by –email to your letter of December 20 2007

requesting you not to delete the evidence I was sending you as you had stated you would
as of the 20th.

The following was copied from page 6 of my December 27 2007 response

I am an individual of Canada and I expect equal service and benefit of your office and
demand you do not delete any further e-mails I send you which will be and are your
responsibility under your mandate.
I also advise that by deleting evidence I provide you by e-mail, which is my right is
tampering and destroying evidence pertinent to a criminal prosecution along with
obstruction of justice.
I remind you I have done nothing but act responsibly and it is you who are wanting,
necessitating me to attend to the matter.

To that endeavor I will expect an immediate acknowledgement of receipt as a reply

e-mail with contents of my request attached.

Should that fail I will apprise you of the evidence by other means available to me.

On receipt I will expect acknowledgement by e-mail with your assurance you will
cooperate in a manner consistent with and conducive to every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights and in particular mine in efficient and effective manner with due regard to
the rights of the tax payers.

You did not respond to acknowledge receipt so I resent the 27th document on December
31 2007 but no acknowledgement.
On January 2 2008 I faxed the document to your office as I had stated I will apprise you
of the evidence by other means available to me.

I expected you to comply with following

On receipt I will expect acknowledgement by e-mail with your assurance you will
cooperate in a manner consistent with and conducive to every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights and in particular mine in efficient and effective manner with due regard to
the rights of the tax payers.

On the morning of January 4 2008 I e-mailed you a 42 page document informing you the
RCMP Commissioner was delinquent with his 30 day status report which I expected
around December 16 2007 and requested an immediate review of the complaint but you
have not acknowledged receipt of that document.

On the same day I faxed you at 10.50 AM “Fax RCMP Complaint January 4 2008” 15
page document informing you said 42 page document was published on my web site
document “RCMP Complaint January 4 2008”

You have not acknowledged or responded to any of these documents indicating you are
intent on not cooperating with me.

This of course is indicative of the government conspiracy against the individual of the
moral majority which I have persistently alleged and evidenced on my web site.

You would think a legitimate government would be more responsible and cooperative
with the people operating under the auspices of the Constitution which included the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees every individual equality of
protection and benefit in all matters before and under the law where Stockwell Day stated
in his November 2 2007 e-mail to me
“The Government is committed to a high standard of transparency and accountability
and is taking action to ensure government business is conducted in a responsible

It seems to me you owe me an apology and a response to those documents mentioned

above acknowledging that you will read any further documentation I send you by e-mail
which I send to keep you informed so you will be competent to deal with the issues as
they arise.

This is the way people go about improving their competence in the private sector rather
than following a book of general instructions.

I suppose you people feel I am somewhat of a pain in the ass but there are two cheeks to
the story and I remind you I have been 24/7 for 2 ½ years trying to get the justice I am
entitled to which has eluded me to the moment because the government personnel don’t
have a clue as to the meaning of the word nor how to go about putting an efficient and
effective modus operandi in place capable of backing every individuals guaranteed equal
rights as provided by the Charter.

Not only have they demonstrated their incompetence to do so but they have clearly
shown they never intended to do so as their initiative is to ransack the moral majority
why they naively believe and trust the government personnel

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