Lesson Activity Q R

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Week Six Lesson Activity Questions and Responses:

1) Both samples provide a "research question." Which "research question" provides a

better starting point from which to write an effective 4-5 page editorial? Provide at least

one specific reason why.

I believe the research question regarding childhood vaccination mandates

provided a better starting point to write a 4-5 page editorial because it allows the

writer to explore and write about multiple supporting topics. This research

question is very straightforward and easy to understand, but the research

question about Proposition 47 was not as clear. For example, if I did not live in

California during that election and was not familiar with the propositions on the

ballot, I would not understand what the research question was referring to.

2) Both samples provide a "working thesis." Which "working thesis" provides a better

starting point from which to write an effective 4-5 page editorial? Provide at least one

specific reason why.

I believe the working thesis for the childhood vaccination mandates is better than

the proposition 47 thesis because it addresses the opposing viewpoint while

stating their belief on the topic that they are going to discuss in the paper. The

proposition 47 thesis is very broad and does not give an idea on the points that

are going to be discussed in the paper.

3) Both samples provide an "introduction." Which "introduction" better introduces its

ethical issue? Provide at least two reasons to support your answer.

I believe the introduction to the childhood vaccination mandates issue better

introduces the ethical issue because it talks about the issues that are of

importance to society and are currently being debated while briefly giving facts

and citations from sources they used to support their stance. Another reason why

I believe it is better is because while it talks about both sides to the issue, it ends

by stating their belief and the reasons that support that belief while the

proposition 47 introduction did not do that and remained very broad at the end.

4) Both samples provide four annotations of sources. Both students began their

projects with useful resources, showing both sides of their ethical issue. However, one

student annotated their sources more effectively. Which annotations are more effective,

and why? Provide at least two reasons for your answer.

The childhood vaccination paper has more effective annotations because it

states specifically how the information from that source is going to be used in the

paper. In contrast, the proposition paper attempted to state how they were going

to use that information, but ended up giving their opinion on the issue instead.

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