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Shifting and Sorting in Matlab

Shifting Elements in Matrix:

Function: circshift Shifts the Elements of a Matrix Circularly
Syntax: N = circshift( M,K ) ; K Specifies Direction

M = [1:5; 6:10; 11:15] %Creating 3x5 Matrix

N = circshift(M, [row, column]) %circular right shift

To Perform Circular Left Shift use Negative Sign before the dimension. ( circshift( M, -K ))

Sorting Matrix
Sorting helps us in arranging data in either descending or ascending order, which helps
in better data interpretability. Matlab helps us in achieving it by using following functions.
Function: Sort Sorts elements of Matrix
Syntax: sort(matrix, dimension); % dimension: 1 Column , 2Row

X = [ 49,29,59,89; 19,79,99,39; 66,26,46,96] %Creating 3x4 matrix
Y = sort(X,1) %Sorting column in ascending order
Z = sort(Y,2) %Sorting row in ascending order
To Check if Data is sorted or not
Function: issorted Checks if the data is sorted
Syntax : issorted( X ); % Returns one if Sorted , else
returns zero
X = [ 99 65 32 11 80 33 ] %Creating an array

N = issorted(X) %Checking if X is sorted

Y = sort(X) %Sorting X in ascending order

Z = issorted(Y) %checking whether Y is sorted

Importing Data Table and Sorting data:
Example: Let us Consider the Table as Shown

Creating Table in Excel


To Import Data Table from Excel to Matlab

Click on Import Selection

Table will be Imported to Matlab - Check Variable Window
We can Merge tables with different variables by using functions such as
Join Or by using Concatenation Function : cat,horzcat,vertcat

For Example Consider another Table , as Shown below


Import Table2 into Matlab

Table3 = join(Table1 , Table2); % Joining table2 with table1
To sort Rows:
Low_to_High = sortrows(Table3,'Price') %Sorting rows in ascending order
%based on Pricing

To Sort the Data in Descending Order

To Sort data in Descending order we need to mention the direction as shown
high_to_low = sortrows(Table3,'Price','descend'); %Sorting rows in ascending

%order based on Pricing

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