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LESSON PLAN : Turkish Language, GRADE 5

Date: April, 2017

Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Murt
Grade: 5, Turkish Language
Lesson: Solar System is Great
Content Area: Turkish- World Language
Description/Abstract of Lesson: Students will identify planets and solar system in the target
language, they will also compare planets using superlative and comparative adjectives in the
target language.
Timeline of Lesson: 15-minute period
ACTFL Standards (Objectives)
Interpersonal Communication: Students can communicate on some very familiar topics using
single words and phrases that I have practiced and memorized.
Presentational Speaking: Students can present information about very familiar topics using
single words or memorized phrases.
Presentational Writing: Students can copy some familiar words, characters, or phrases.
Interpretive Listening: Students can recognize a few memorized words and phrases when they
hear them spoken.
Interpretive Reading: Student can recognize a few letters or characters. Students can identify a
few memorized words and phrases when they read.
Lesson Objectives: SWBAT identify different planets, their sizes and simple information about
each planet, compare planets using comparative and superlative adjectives, recognize how many
planets are there in the solar system, and place planets in correct order as it is in our solar system.
Materials: Pop-up book of planets, Magnetic planet cut-outs, worksheet, plcker cards, projector.

Introduction: Teacher will bring in a pop-up book of planets to draw attention to planets and
introduce planets. Teacher will introduce planets on the pop-up book and ask questions to grab
students attention on the subject
Instructional Activities and Procedures: Teacher will play a power point presentation to
introduce comparative and superlative adjectives in the target language along with related planet.
Uzak (far), yakin (Close), kk(small), byk(big), scak(hot), souk(cold) to be introduced
with related planets.

Durng the presentation teacher will use ddifferent questions to keep students engaged and
formatively assess their knowledge

Assessment: Students will be given a worksheet where they have to name planets and match
related information about the planets. Students will also come up on the board and place the
planets and names in correct order

Closure: Students will use Plickers cards to exit the classroom. Each question will appear on the
projector screen then students will use preprinted barcodes to choose the best answer. Teacher
will use his cellphone to scan the barcodes that students hold and reveal the answer.

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