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Inbuilding Coverage Solutions

Kenapa Kita Butuh Sinyal Di dalam Ruangan / Gedung ?

- Telephone Seluler / HP pada saat ini semakin banyak orang memakainya sebagai
alat komunikasi pribadi dan sangat penting.
- Pergeseran Pola Penggunaan telephone Selular
- Traffic Pengguna telepone selular lebih banyak di dalam ruangan ( perkantoran,
Pusat Pusat Perbelanjaan, Airport , Rumah Sakit, Hotel, Apartemen dsb.
- Sinyal seluler yang di pancarkan oleh BTS Makro / Tower Outdoor tidak maksimal
mengcover ke dalam gedung ( Blocking )
In-Building Solution
In-Building Solution Aplication

Shopping Mall / Pusat Pusat Perbelanjaan

Gedung Perkantoran
Apartement / Condominium / Hotel
Rumah Sakit
Stadion Olahraga
Airport / Pelabuhan
Convention Centers
Gedung Sekolah / Kampus
Gedung Pemerintahan
Process Flow
Indoor solution Coverage Survey
requirement requirement 1. RF Survey
confirmationwith survey Pre-Survey discussion with 2. CME Survey
schedule from customer Floor plan customers RNP

Detailed RF Planning
1. Power budget
Discuss Installation 2. System Diagram
Discuss solution with issues on system 3. Coverage Plan
Customers RNP ( DRM ) Design with Installation 4. List Of Material ( BOQ )
Planner ( Internal DRM ) 5. Antenna Location in picture
6. Antenna location on Floorplan

1. Install Planning Proposal Site Acquisition
Proposal submission Implementation
2. ACAD drawing
3. Material list

Site Acceptance Test

RF 1. Antenna Line
Optimization Integration Transmission
Acceptance Acceptance
2. BTS Acceptance
General Flow Chart


Implementasi Corrective

Vendor Selection
Timeline pekerjaan
Survey & Design
Design Pack
In-Building Implementation Steps
Site Survey

Walktest Before
Menentukan area coverage
Menentukan penempatan titik antenna
Menentukan penempatan lokasi perangkat
Menentukan jalur akses kabel & kebutuhan panjang kabel
Power source ( PLN / Power dari gedung )
In-Building Implementation Steps
Signal Level Measurement
In-Building Solutions
Signal Level Measurement
In-Building Implementation Steps
Design Plan
Solutions Description Frekuensi 2100Mhz
Material Loss

- Passive DAS ( Distribution Antenna System )

Cable Length 1/2" (m) -0.109
Cable Length 1/2" (m)
Cable Length 1/2" (m)
Cable Length 1/2" (m)

- Active DAS
Total Cable Length 1/2" (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Cable Loss 1/2" 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cable Length 7/8" (m) -0.0615 22.176 27.074 33.043 70.115 105.736 106.802 53.721
Cable Length 7/8" (m)

- Hybrid DAS Cable Length 7/8" (m)

Cable Length 7/8" (m)
Cable Length 7/8" (m)
Cable Length 7/8" (m)

Coverage Plan ( Ibwave tools) Total Cable Length 7/8" (m)

Total Cable Loss 7/8"
Cable Length 1 1/4" (m)
Cable Length 1 1/4" (m)

System Diagram Cable Length 1 1/4" (m)

Cable Length 1 1/4" (m)
Total Cable Length 1 1/4" (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Power Budget Calculation

Total Cable Loss 1 1/4" 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cable Length 1 5/8" (m) -0.0393 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07
Cable Length 1 5/8" (m) 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221
Cable Length 1 5/8" (m)

Proposed Antenna Location Photograph

Total Cable Length 1 5/8" (m) 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291
Total Cable Loss 1 5/8" -6.260 -6.260 -6.260 -6.260 -6.260 -6.260 -6.260
Total Cable Loss Feeder -7.624 -7.925 -8.292 -10.572 -12.763 -12.828 -9.564
Hybrid Coupler -3.5

System Layout on floorplan ( ACAD )

Dual Band Combiner (DBC) -0.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Triband Combiner -0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Quadplexer/4band Combiner -0.6
Wide Band Combiner (WBC) 4-2 -6.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Measurement Result
Total Combiner Loss (dB) -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9
Coupler 6 dB (Coupling) -6
Coupler 6 dB (Thru) -1.9
Coupler 7 dB (Coupling) -7.05
Coupler 7 dB (Thru) -1.05
Coupler 10 dB (Coupling) -10.04
Coupler 10 dB (Thru) -0.04
Total Coupler Loss (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Splitter 2 way -3.3
Splitter 3 way -5.1
Splitter 4 way -6.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Total Splitter Loss (dB) -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75
Jumper 3.0m -0.43 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Jumper 1.0m -0.26 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Jumper 0.5m -0.2
Total Jumper Loss (dB) -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68
Connector -0.10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Total Connector Loss (dB) -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6
Total Loss (dBm) -36.554 -36.855 -37.222 -39.502 -41.693 -41.758 -38.494
BTS rack top power (dBm) 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Omni Antenna Gain (dB) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Panel Antenna Gain (dB) 7
Panel Antenna Gain (dB) 12
Antenna EIRP (dBm) -0.55 -0.86 -1.22 -3.50 -5.69 -5.76 -2.49
In-Building Implementation Steps
What Are The Options ?

RF Source ( Needed for all DAS solutions )

- Antenna/Repeater Brings in RF from the outdoor cellular network
- BTS carrier installed base transceiver station provides dedicated RF

Passive Distributed System ( DAS )

- RF is distributed over coax cables to each Antenna from an RF Source ( BTS/Repeater )
- Coax cable losses limit their effectiveness in large buildings for higher frequency transmissions

Active Distributed Antenna System

- Fiber-optic cabling backbone overcomes the transmission losses that occur w/ coax-based system
- Electric components convert and amplify signals to RF for radiation by the antenna
- Preferred solution for medium to large buildings

Hybrid Distributed Antenna System

- RF is distributed combine over coax cables & FO Cables to each Antenna from an RF Source
( BTS/Repeater )
In-Building Implementation Steps

Distribution Antenna System

Passive Distributed System ( DAS ) Antenna

RRU Antenna


BTS Antenna

Essentially a sprinkler system for cell phone signals

Distribution via large coaxial cables
Losses through the cable limit the size
New, higher frequency bands have high loss
In-Building Implementation Steps

Distribution Antenna System

Active Distributed System ( DAS )

In-Building Implementation Steps

Distribution Antenna System

Hybrid Distributed System ( DAS ) Antenna


Feeder Coax Antenna

BTS Combiner

In-Building Implementation Steps
In-Building Implementation Steps
Design Coverage Plan
In-Building Implementation Steps
Trunking / System Diagram
In-Building Implementation Steps
Trunking / System Diagram

Example :
Design Sectorization with
3 Sectors
In-Building Implementation Steps
Linkbudget Calculation
Frekuensi 1800Mhz 1 2 3 4 5 Table Data of EIRP and DISTANCE
Materi al Los s Antenna 4.90 4.62 4.27 2.12 0.05 Grand Indonesia Mall A- BTS 2
A-BS-1 A-BS-2 A-BS-3 A-BS-4 A-BS-5 Parameter Factor (CDMA 800) : Parameter Factor (2G) : 1800 MHz Parameter Factor (3G) : 2100 MHz Parameter Factor (4G_LTE) : 2300 MHz
Cabl e Length 1/2" (m) -0.103 - Body Loss - dB : 3 - Body Loss - dB : 3 - Body Loss - dB : 3 - Body Loss - dB : 3
Cabl e Length 1/2" (m) - Fading Margin - dB : 7 - Fading Margin - dB : 5 - Fading Margin - dB : 5 - Fading Margin - dB : 5
Cabl e Length 1/2" (m) PT. Tower Bersama Group - Coverage Target - dBm (90%) : -85 - Coverage Target - dBm (95%) : -75 - RSCP Target - dBm (95%) : -85 - RSRP Target - dBm (95%) : -55
Cabl e Length 1/2" (m) IFC Building 6th & 8th floor - RBS's Output Pow er - dBm : 38 - RBS's Output Pow er - dBm : 38 - RBS's Output Pow er - dBm : 33 - RBS's Output Pow er - dBm : 36
Total Cable Length 1/2" (m) 0 0 0 0 0 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 22-23 - IBLF : In Building Factor Loss - CDMA - IBLF : In Building Factor Loss - 2G - IBLF : In Building Factor Loss - 3G - IBLF : In Building Factor Loss - LTE
Total Cable Loss 1/2" 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) -0.0581 22.176 27.074 33.043 70.115 105.736 Type EIRP 800 MHz Distance EIRP 1800 Distance EIRP 2100 Distance EIRP 2300 Distance Type of
Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) L Antenna dBm Watt (m) dBm Watt (m) dBm Watt (m) dBm Watt (m) Environtment

Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) hade11 OMNI A-BS-1 4.90 0.00309 30.10 13.85 4.90 0.00309 30.10 13.85 -0.55 0.00088 30.10 17.69 2.90 0.00195 30.10 2.19 Carpark
Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) hade22 OMNI A-BS-2 4.62 0.00290 30.10 13.55 4.62 0.00290 30.10 13.55 -0.86 0.00082 30.10 17.29 2.62 0.00183 30.10 2.14 Carpark
Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) hade33 PANEL A-BS-3 4.27 0.00267 30.10 13.20 4.27 0.00267 30.10 13.20 -1.22 0.00075 30.10 16.81 2.27 0.00169 30.10 2.08 Carpark
Cabl e Length 7/8" (m) hade44 OMNI A-BS-4 2.12 0.00163 30.10 11.19 2.12 0.00163 30.10 11.19 -3.50 0.00045 30.10 14.12 0.12 0.00103 30.10 1.77 Carpark
Total Cable Length 7/8" (m) 22.176 27.074 33.043 70.115 105.736 hade55 PANEL A-BS-5 0.05 0.00101 30.10 9.55 0.05 0.00101 30.10 9.55 -5.69 0.00027 30.10 11.94 -1.95 0.00064 30.10 1.51 Carpark
Total Cable Loss 7/8" -1.288 -1.573 -1.920 -4.074 -6.143 hade66 PANEL A-BS-6 -0.01 0.00100 30.10 9.51 -0.01 0.00100 30.10 9.51 -5.76 0.00027 30.10 11.88 -2.01 0.00063 30.10 1.50 Carpark
Cabl e Length 1 1/4" (m) -0.0429 hade77 PANEL A-BS-7 3.07 0.00203 30.10 12.04 3.07 0.00203 30.10 12.04 -2.49 0.00056 30.10 15.25 1.07 0.00128 30.10 1.90 Carpark
Cabl e Length 1 1/4" (m) hade88 OMNI A-BS-8 2.80 0.00190 30.10 11.79 2.80 0.00190 30.10 11.79 -2.78 0.00053 30.10 14.92 0.80 0.00120 30.10 1.86 Carpark
Cabl e Length 1 1/4" (m) hade99 PANEL A-BS-9 1.22 0.00133 30.10 10.45 1.22 0.00133 30.10 10.45 -4.45 0.00036 30.10 13.14 -0.78 0.00084 30.10 1.65 Carpark
Cabl e Length 1 1/4" (m)
Total Cabl e Length 1 1/4" (m) 0 0 0 0 0
Total Cable Loss 1 1/4" 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cabl e Length 1 5/8" (m) -0.0369 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07 78.07
Cabl e Length 1 5/8" (m) 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221 81.221
Cabl e Length 1 5/8" (m)
Total Cabl e Length 1 5/8" (m) 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291 159.291
Total Cable Loss 1 5/8" -5.878 -5.878 -5.878 -5.878 -5.878
Total Cable Loss Feeder -7.166 -7.451 -7.798 -9.952 -12.021
Hybri d Coupl er -3.5
Dual Band Combi ner (DBC) -0.3 1 1 1 1 1
Tri band Combi ner -0.5 1 1 1 1 1
Quadpl exer/4band Combi ner -0.6
Wi de Band Combi ner (WBC) 4-2 -6.1 1 1 1 1 1
Total Combiner Loss (dB) -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9 -6.9
Coupl er 6 dB (Coupl i ng) -6
Coupl er 6 dB (Thru) -1.9
Coupl er 7 dB (Coupl i ng) -7.05
Coupl er 7 dB (Thru) -1.05
Coupl er 10 dB (Coupl i ng) -10.04
Coupl er 10 dB (Thru) -0.04
Total Coupl er Los s (dB) 0 0 0 0 0
Spl i tter 2 way -3.3
Spl i tter 3 way -5.1
Spl i tter 4 way -6.3 3 3 3 3 3
Total Spl i tter Los s (dB) -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75 -18.75
Jumper 3.0m -0.43 2 2 2 2 2
Jumper 1.0m -0.26 7 7 7 7 7
Jumper 0.5m -0.2
Total Jumper Los s (dB) -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68 -2.68
Connector -0.10 6 6 6 6 6
Total Connector Los s (dB) -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6
Total Loss (dBm) -36.096 -36.381 -36.728 -38.882 -40.951
BTS rack top power (dBm) 38 38 38 38 38 38
Omni Antenna Gai n (dB) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Panel Antenna Gai n (dB) 7
Panel Antenna Gai n (dB) 12
Antenna EIRP (dBm) 4.90 4.62 4.27 2.12 0.05
In-Building Implementation Steps
Linkbudget Calculation
Link Budget adalah nilai yang menghitung semua gain dan loss antara pengirim dan
penerima, termasuk atenuasi, penguatan / gain antena, dan loss lainnya yang dapat
terjadi. Link Budget dapat berguna untuk menentukan berapa banyak power yang
dibutuhkan untuk mengirimkan sinyal agar dapat di mengerti oleh penerima sinyal.
Berikut adalah rumus sederhana untuk menentukan Link Budget :

Received Power (dBm) = Transmitted Power (dBm) + Gains (dB) - Losses (dB)
In-Building Implementation Steps
Linkbudget Calculation
Link Budget juga merupakan patokan dalam rancangan radiasi maksimum antena,
redaman total, fading margin dan daya yang diterima oleh user.
Perhitungan Link Budget dimaksudkan untuk dapat menghitung atau merencanakan
kebutuhan daya system seluler sedemikian rupa, sehingga kualitas sinyal di
penerima memenuhi standar yang diinginkan. Perhitungan
Link budget sebenarnya untuk memastikan bahwa level daya penerimaan lebih
besar atau sama dengan level daya threshold
(RSL Rth) agar sinyal cukup kuat untuk diterima receiver dengan baik.
Perhitungan diawali dengan menghitung besaran yang menyatakan kekuatan
daya pancar antena berupa EIRP kemudian mencari besarnya RSL berupa level
sinyal yang diterima di penerima

Rumus dari EIRP adalah :

EIRP = Power Output Transmitter (AP) + Antenna Gain - Cable loss

In-Building Implementation Steps
Linkbudget Calculation

Beberapa Hal Yang perlu di perhatikan dalam

Perhitungan Linkbudget :

TX Power
Gain Antenna
Losses Equipment
EIRP Antenna
Pathloss / Free Space Loss
Received Signal Level ( RSL )
In-Building Implementation Steps
Antenna Location with Photograph
In-Building Implementation Steps
Floorplan with Antenna Location
In-Building Implementation Steps
Design Planning Product

TSSR ( Technical Site Survey Report ) RF & CME
Signal Measurement

Design Plan
System Diagram
Floorplan Antenna
Coverage Prediction
Link Budget Calculation
BOQ / Material List
Report Preparation in ACAD & PDF
Compilation of the proposal and Preparing a final plan
In-Building Implementation Steps
Installation / Implementation

Vendor Selection
Vendor / Mitra sudah berpengalaman di bidang Instalasi Indoor Building

Time Line Implementation

Target Pekerjaan
Supervisi Progress Installation
In-Building Implementation Steps

Acceptance Testing

Materials and Accessories Check

Physically check the implementation ( any loose cabling, physical damage on feeders, antennas clamped properly etc., )
VSWR check for sample cables ( it is highly impossible to check VSWR for each cable in inbuilding solution, the reason is we have
more than 100 pieces of cable in an average building, testing all the 100 will fetch entire 2 days & more over some cables will be
inside the false ceiling )
Check the list of inventorys used in that particular site
Sample check the implemented cable lengths ( Checking all the feeder physically might not be possible )

Electrical & Ground Check

Check the power connections of Micro BTS ( Voltage check, Grounding, Fixing etc., )
Feeder cable connected to the output of micro cell has to be grounded properly using grounding kit
Ventilation in the room to be checked

Electrical & Ground Check

Check the signal levels ( Idle mode ) at places mentioned in the RNP report
Check Call Setup, Call quality, Call sustain and Call hand over to Outdoor cells
Check for the in building cell Signal spill over
In-Building Implementation Steps
Installation / Implementation
Materials & Accessories
Equipment Description
( dB )
1. Combiner
Hybrid Coupler -3.5
Dual Band Combiner (DBC) -0.3
Triband Combiner -0.5
Quadplexer/4band Combiner -0.6
Wide Band Combiner (WBC) 4-2 -6.1
2. Coupler & Splitter
Coupler 6 dB (Coupling) -6
Coupler 6 dB (Thru) -1.9
Coupler 7 dB (Coupling) -7.05
Coupler 7 dB (Thru) -1.05
Coupler 10 dB (Coupling) -10.04
Coupler 10 dB (Thru) -0.04
Splitter 2 way -3.3
Splitter 3 way -5.1
Splitter 4 way -6.3
3. Jumper Cable
Jumper 3.0m -0.43
Jumper 1.0m -0.26
Jumper 0.5m -0.2
Connector -0.10
Materials & Accessories
Splitters & Couplers

2 Way 3 Way

4 Way
Materials & Accessories
Feeders or Cables

Feeders 1/2
Materials & Accessories
Feeders or Cables

Feeders 7/8
Materials & Accessories
Feeders or Cables

Feeders 1 1/4
Materials & Accessories
Feeders or Cables

Feeders 1 5/8
Material Specification

Untuk Material CME dapat menggunakan brand Local yang memenuhi spesifikasi
material untuk CME Indoor Khususnya.
In-Building Maintenance
In-Building Maintenance
Maintenance Services
Preventive Maintenance Routines
- Quaterly , Semi-Annual , or Annual
- Cable Sweep and Cable Measurement
- Comparison of baseline Rfto current RF environment
- Equipment inventorying and labeling
- Update as-built documentation

Response & Repair

- 24x7x365
- Customized SLAs and Maintenance Contrats
- Reguler Updates :
> Ticket received, onsite,problem isolated, problem fixed
System Monitoring
- Monitoring In-Building DAS elements from all vendors
- System impairment communication management
- Personel dispatch
- 24x7x365
- Customized Monitoring Contracts
In-Building Maintenance
Maintenance Services

Walktest Routine Checkspot Antenna Replacing

Connection Check Power Check Environment Check

In-Building Maintenance
TBG In-Building System :
1 Grand Indonesia - Mall A + Bridge [BTS 1] 341 Existing
2 Grand Indonesia - Mall B + Apartemen [BTS 2] 495 Existing
3 Grand Indonesia - Mall B + Hotel [BTS 3] 238 Existing
4 Grand Indonesia - Menara BC A [BTS 4] 291 Existing
5 C BD C iledug 145 Existing
6 Sun C ity 79 Existing
7 Gramedia Expo - Surabaya 62 Existing
8 Mall Of Indonesia 280 Existing
9 Bandara Hasanuddin 83 Existing
10 BRI 1 116 Existing
11 Paragon C ity 199 Existing
12 Pakubuwono (Redwood) 154 Existing
13 RS MEDISTRA 101 Existing
14 Manggala Wana Bakti Existing
15 Grand Kawanua C ity Walk New
16 Lombok C ity C entre New
17 Kirana C ommercial Avenue New

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