LEA 4 Police Personnel and Records Management Reviewer

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4 Police Personnel and Records Management Reviewer

Attrition - refers to the retirement or separation from the police

service of PNP uniformed personnel pursuant to any of the means
mentioned in RA 8551.

Means of Attrition
1. Attrition by attainment of maximum tenure in position
a. Chief PNP - 4 years
b. PNP Deputy Chief for Operation - 4 years
c. PNP Deputy chief for Administration - 4 years
d. PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff - 4 years
e. Regional Directors - 6 years
f. Provincial directors - 9 years
g. City Directors - 9 years
h. Other positions higher than provincial director shall have
the maximum tenure of 6 years.
2. Attrition by Relief
A PNP member who has been relieved for cause and has not been
given an assignment within 2 years from the effective date of
such relief shall be retired or separated.
3. Attrition by Demotion in Position
A PNP member who has been relieved and assigned to a position
lower than what is established for his/her rank in the PNP
staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position
commensurate to such rank despite the existence of a vacancy
within 18 months after his/her demotion in position shall be
retired or separated.
4. Attrition by Non-Promotion
A PNP member who has not been promoted for a continuous period
of 10 years shall be retired or separated.
5. Attrition by Other Means - a PNP member with at least 5 years
of accumulated active service shall be separated based on any
of the following grounds:
a. Inefficiency based on poor performance during the last 2
successive annual rating periods.
b. Inefficiency based on poor performance for 3 cumulative
annual ratings.
c. Physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police
functions and duties
d. Failure to pass the required entrance examination twice
and/or finish the required career courses except for
justifiable reasons.
e. Refusal to take a periodic PNP Physical fitness test
without justifiable reason.
f. Failure to take PNP physical fitness test for 4 consecutive
periodic tests due to health reasons.
g. Failure to pass PNP physical fitness test for 2 consecutive
periodic tests or 4 cumulative periodic tests.
h. Non-Compliance with the minimum qualification standards for
the permanency of original appointment.

Attrition in Action - refers to the action containing the findings

and evidence on a specific means of attrition filed by a particular
screening committee before the concerned attrition board.

Authority - Managers must be able to give orders. Authority gives them

this right. Note that responsibility arises wherever authority is

Budgeting - with all that goes with budgeting in the form of planning,
accounting and control.

Centralization - Centralization refers to the degree to which

subordinates are involved in decision making. Whether decision making
is centralized (to management) or decentralized (to subordinates) is
a question of proper proportion. The task is to find the optimum degree
of centralization for each situation.

Coordinating - that is the all important duty of interrelating the

various parts of the work.

Demotion in Position - refers to the designation of a personnel to a

position lower than what is established for his/her rank or not
commensurate to his/her rank in the PNP table of organization.

Directing - that is the continuous task of making decisions and

embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and
serving as the leader of the enterprise.

Discipline - Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the
organisation. Good discipline is the result of effective leadership,
a clear understanding between management and workers regarding the
organisation's rules, and the judicious use of penalties for infractions
of the rules.

Discipline - the practice of training people to obey rules or a

code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.

Division of labor - Authority and responsibility are clearly defined

and officially sanctioned. Job descriptions are specified with
responsibilities and line of authority. All employees have thus
clearly defined rules in a system of authority and subordination.

Division of Work - This principle is the same as Adam Smith's

division of labour. Specialization increases output by making employees
more efficient.

Equity - Managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates.

Esprit de corps - Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity
within the organisation.

Field Training Program - refers to the training required to make the

temporary appointment of a new PNP member permanent.

Formal hierarchical structure - An organization is organized into a

hierarchy of authority and follows a clear chain of command. The
hierarchical structure effectively delineates the lines of authority
and the subordination of the lower levels to the upper levels of the
hierarchical structure.

Grievance - a wrong considered as grounds for complaint, or something

believed to cause distress.

Immediate Supervisor - refers to a person authorized to make the

performance evaluation rating of a PNP member.

Initiative - Employees who are allowed to originate and carry out plans
will exert high levels of effort.

Just Cause - refers to the legal grounds that would warrant the relief
or removal of a PNP member from his present position and designation
in the PNP organization.

Management by rules - A bureaucracy follows a consistent set of rules

that control the functions of the organization. Management controls
the lower levels of the organization's hierarchy by applying established
rules in a consistent and predictable manner.

Managers are salaried officials - A manager is a salaried official

and does own the administered unit. All elements of a bureaucracy are
defined with clearly defined roles and responsibilities and are managed
by trained and experienced specialists.

Mandatory Career Courses - refers to the required training for a PNP

member to be eligible for promotion to the next higher rank.

Max Weber - As a German academic, Weber was primarily interested in

the reasons behind the employees actions and in why people who work
in an organization accept the authority of their superiors and comply
with the rules of the organization.

Maximum Tenure of Position - is the maximum cumulative period for a

PNP member to hold a particular position level.

Mental Incapacity - is a condition where a PNP member is unable to

exercise his/her reasoning faculties or incapable of understanding and
acting with discernment his/her duties and responsibilities as a result
of illness or injury as may be determined by the PNP medical screening

Non-Promotion - refers to the non advancement to the next higher rank

or position beyond the maximum prescribed period.

Order - People and materials should be in the right place at the

right time.

Organic Personnel To A Unit - is a PNP member assigned to a particular

unit covered with appropriate PNP assignment orders.

Original Appointment - refers to the appointment for the initial entry

of PNP member to the uniformed service who meets all the requirements
of the position.

Organizing - that is the establishment of the formal structure of

authority through which work subdivisions are arranged, defined, and
coordinated for the defined objective.
Pendency of an Attrition Action - refers to the stage when the
endorsement of the PRO regional director or the NSU director of a
PCO Attrition action has been officially received by the concerned
NHQ PCO attrition board through the NHQ screening committee report
of a PNCO attrition action has been officially received by the NHQ/
PRO/NSU attrition board.

Personnel Action on Attrition - is an action filed before the screening

committee based on a verified statement of an alleged means of
attrition by an initiating person.

Personnel Administration - Recruitment, induction, placement, transfer,

promotion, salary administration of Police personnel.

Personnel hired on grounds of technical competence - Appointment to

a position within the organization is made on the grounds of technical
competence. Work is assigned based on the experience and competence
of the individual.

Personnel Programs - refers to the activities programmed to implement

the organization philosophy or creed and the personnel philosophy of
central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational

Planning - that is working out in broad outline the things that need
to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose
set for the enterprise.

Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - is the evaluation of the

traits, behavior and effectiveness of a police officer on the job as
determined by work standards.

Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of

salaries constitutes the largest single expenditure for most
organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of
salaries represent the sole source to meet the basic needs of food,
clothing and shelter.

Police Personnel Management - (Human Resources Management) may be

defined as that area of management concerned with human relations in
the police organization.
Police Personnel Planning is a study of the labor supply of jobs,
which are composed with the demands for employees in an organization
to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or

Police Placement - is the process of making police officers adjusted

and knowledgeable in a new job and or working environment.

Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant

from outside an organization to seek employment in an organization.

Recruitment - refers to the overall process of attracting,

selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within
an organisation, either permanent or temporary.

Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the

most qualified police applicant for a given position in the police

Police Training and Development refers to any method used to improve

the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior pattern of an employee
for adequate performance of a given job.

Promotion - is the advancement of an employee's rank or position in

an organizational hierarchy system.

Promotion - means shifting of an employee to a higher position

carrying higher responsibilities, facilities, status and salaries.

Physical Fitness Test - the method of evaluating the physical condition

of PNP members in terms of stamina, strength, speed and agility.

Physical Incapacity - the inability of a PNP member to perform his/her

duties and responsibilities due to physical defect as a result if
disease or injury as may be determined by the PNP medical screening

Poor Performance - is the poor rating in the promulgated PNP

performance evaluation rating system.

Remuneration - Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services.

Reporting - that is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible
informed as to what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself
and his subordinates informed through records, research, and inspection.

Respondent - refers to the PNP member subjected to attrition proceedings.

Retirement - the termination of employment and official relations of a

PNP member who rendered at least 20 years of active service in the
government with payment of corresponding benefits.

Scalar Chain - The line of authority from top management to the lowest
ranks represents the scalar chain. Communications should follow this
chain. However, if following the chain creates delays,
cross-communications can be allowed if agreed to by all parties and
superiors are kept informed.

Second Level PCO Ranks - refers to police commissioned officers below

the third level ranks in the PNP.

Second Level PCNO Ranks - refers to all rank for police non
commissioned officers.

Separation - is the termination of employment and official relations

of a PNP member who rendered less than 20 years of active service in
the government with payment of corresponding benefits.

Stability of tenure of personnel - High employee turnover is

inefficient. Management should provide orderly personnel planning and
ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies.

Staffing - that is the whole personnel function of bringing in and

training the staff and maintaining favorable conditions of work.

Subordination of individual interests to the general interest - The

interests of any one employee or group of employees should not take
precedence over the interests of the organisation as a whole.

Third Level PCO Ranks - refers to police commissioned officers with

the rank of Police Senior Superintendent and higher.

Total Permanent Physical Disability - is any impairment of the body

which renders PNP member indefinitely incapable of substantially
performing the mandated duties and functions of his position.

Transfer - refers to a change in job assignment.

Unity of Command - Every employee should receive orders from only one

Unity of Direction - Each group of organisational activities that have

the same objective should be directed by one manager using one plan.

Waiver Program - refers to the waiver of the minimum age, height,

weight and educational requirements for the initial appointment to
the PNP pursuant to existing laws and policies.

Waiver - the act of choosing not to use or require something

that you are allowed to have or that is usually required.

Welfare - the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

Written documents - All decisions, rules and actions taken by the

organization are formulated and recorded in writing. Written documents
ensure that there is continuity of the organizations policies and

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