Upersonali Q 1

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Personal Insight Question #1

Carlos Ortiz

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced
others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

The concept of leadership is often reflected by qualities of cooperation, dedication, and integrity;
however, these fundamentals only represent a portion of the practice. Through my experience as
the Front Ensemble captain of the Sierra Vista High School Marching Band, the application of
these traits require attention to detail and a commitment to accommodation that incorporates the
skills and development of all students.

Having been a leader for the past two years, I learned that leadership requires cooperation and
communication skills to integrate all peers into a pleasant learning experience. Group sectionals
allow me to dissect the skills set of each player to which I apply into correcting their technique
by verbal or physical explanation. This method of teaching has an exceeding influence on how
my peers improve their way of playing as well as confidence with their performance.

Dedication extends past the hours of rehearsal. Being a leader demands constant contribution to a
program, and in my case, I am constantly engaging myself to learn the music of my fellow peers
in order to better understand and aid them in playing their parts. Despite this, I also take
additional time out of my day to plan out future events and rehearsal plans, as well as to develop
warm-up music that would help someone in particular if needed. There are many aspects in a
Front Ensemble that require attention, ranging from the people to the structure of each
instrument or system; however, the ending product after the application of dedication is
ultimately rewarding.

Leadership has helped me develop a dynamic understanding of the importance of integrity based
on the experience of leading diverse peoples. Responsibility is required to fully lead a group,
although, the amount varies between personality of each person. With this in mind, I have helped
solve both internal as well as external conflicts that convey a new purpose in the future.

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