Frank Gallagher 34 Riverglen Drive Keswick, On. L4P 2P8 905-476-8959 Fax 905-476-8959

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July 24, 2007

Dear Julia Munro

As my MPP representative I would like to reiterate my concerns which I have

reiterated over and over again to you with no response.
You have done nothing to build my confidence to date but I would like to offer
you another kick at the can. Perhaps I have been ambiguous so I will try harder.

Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On.
L4P 2P8
fax 905-476-8959

The item above states you have spoken out strongly against the McGuinty Liberal government’s continued
attack on individual rights and freedoms and you wish to see people’s rights and responsibilities restored.
I am wondering if perchance you have the wrong attitude. Wishing and hoping seems to be about all we people
can do but you have a voice that will be heard and perhaps you are just squeaking instead of roaring.

The statement seems to infer that our rights have been decimated by the Liberal government but I am of the
opinion our rights are guaranteed by the Charter and are actually apart of us as an arm or a leg.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof
except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

I presume the responsibilities referred to are that of the government which must be the same as anyone
accepting financial benefit for performance of a duty.

It seems to me that all that needs to be done is hold them accountable for the error of their ways.
Strong inane arguments just waste everybody’s time.
I was employed with the government (Provincial 10 years) City (14 years) and know full well personnel are
happy to talk a job to death but I was a doer. I was greatly appreciated in the private sector (16 years) for that
particular forte.

The fact is when ever new type jobs came in they handed them to me to see what I do with them and then hand
them out to others using my returns as a model.

It’s an inherent problem with government personnel who really never seem to know what the bottom line is that
they are trying to achieve.

They memorize hand me down instructions per circumstance and try to match new circumstance to one they are
familiar with and it simply does not work as every project has its own unique peculiarity so to speak and you
simply must know the rules of the game.

In the case of law in Ontario or any other province the Constitution Act, 1982 is supreme

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The inclusion of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to the Constitution Act, 1982 emphasizes the
failure of the government personnel to recognize the importance of the people who finance the whole damn
Run with that anyway you like but as of 1982 the people were guaranteed Charter rights and obviously there
can be no guarantee without a modus operandi set in place to competently do so.

It was the government at the time which authored the Constitution Act, 1982 and although they had been
reluctant to respect the people, at the moment of the enactment and henceforth it is their responsibility to
administer and enforce laws consistent with the Spirit as well as in the Letter of the Constitution.

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada Lawyers Rules of Conduct.

(103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit
as well as in the letter.
It is absolutely absurd that they would suggest that they are not responsible to administer and enforce the law
consistent with the Constitution which is the law which sets out the manner in which authority is mandated
throughout Canada. The fact is by not accepting responsibility they have admitted their incompetence.

The Constitution Act, 1982 is the law which every citizen of Canada must abide by including the people
financed to administer and enforce it.
31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters
within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest
Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within
the authority of the legislature of each province.
It is important to note that attitudes, interpretations of laws and precedence prior to the enactment of the Act
and the inclusion of the Charter have no force or effect over the people’s guaranteed Charter rights for the
obvious reason they were specifically included to circumvent the obnoxious Spirits of the past.
The fact is you can argue until you are blue in the face with the McGuinty government about their disrespect
for the law and they will laugh and laugh at you because they figure they have got all the bases covered.
They most certainly do as far as the individual is concerned because he or she simply doesn’t have the
wherewithal to fight the system which is operating illegally I might add and I suppose most of the
government personnel are not even aware of it.

Sadly, this is because they simply do not comprehend the law as I stated earlier about my experience with
government people. Their information is generally handed down and accepted because so and so does it.
I was in Legal Surveys by the way and for 40 years I dealt with relevant laws, statutes, rules and regulations,
acts, by-laws, order-in –councils, documents and so on which is not too far of a stretch to apply my self to
the Constitution Act, 1982. The laws always prevail no matter what so and so says or does.
The fact is the City of Toronto street lines are badly messed up due to such incompetence and ignorance of
law that it costs a tremendous lot more than it should to maintain the City Property which I have addressed in
other writings presented to the Mayor of Toronto which has them now involved in a cover up along with the
Deputy City Manager.

Corruption runs rampant throughout the various levels of government which I have previously informed you
and am doing so again perhaps more affectively.
As stated above you have spoken out strongly against the McGuinty government but what do you actually
Perhaps you even win an argument here and there, but what do you actually accomplish?

Do you actually know what you are up against and what you must do to accomplish your goal?

If you have read my 15 Lawyer Files you would know exactly what you need to do which I can’t but request
you to do so on my behalf and every individual of Canada so as to assert our guaranteed Charter Rights.

You obviously can not win following procedures laid out by the enemy but government personnel will
persistently try.

You must be cognizant to the fact that the government is corrupt and certain procedures set out in support of
the corruption must be by-passed.
You must go straight for the throat or it will bite you in the ass.

I have irrefutable evidence that the Attorney General Michael Bryant is at the head of a conspiracy in
Ontario against the individual’s Charter rights and he has all the bases covered.

I downloaded the “Role of the Attorney General” from his web site and copied it to Lawyer File # 7.

When you have read that you will see that he wears too many hats in conflict of interest as one of his duties
is to be the guardian of the rule of law which is the law which protects the individual and society as a whole
When you have read this you will know that he influences or is influenced by all the upper echelon of society
and is appointed by the government in power.
Through appointments and whatever the proper people are put in place to carry out the conspiracy.
Any lawyer you may consult from government is under the authority of the Attorney General as is the
administration and the judges.
It’s a no win situation unless you can get a public hearing of some type and I am about to tell you how.
I am presuming that you truly care about the individual’s Charter Rights and you actually are authorized to
commence or cause to commence proceedings to that endeavor.
I am aware that you could possibly just be a puppet put in place to make it appear that someone is overseeing
the independents and commissions.
You could also have been selected due your incompetence to actually follow the trail which leads to the
Attorney General and the conspiracy and in either case I am wasting my time other than to inform you that
the people will not be fooled much longer.

As you should be aware the Ombudsman and the Civilian Commission on Police Services are of no use to
the individual in these circumstances and I will be providing you evidence to speak to that.
These independents are necessary entities to the protection of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights but
the Attorney General has them tied up.
Who would they consult on such issues that I have addressed in the 15 Lawyer Files?
I would think someone on the government payroll which ultimately leads back to the Attorney General.

The evidence I will be presenting you again in Lawyer Files #s 1-14, 13A has all the bases covered in
matters of the Spirit and the Letter of the Constitution which irrefutably proves the Attorney General,
although at the top is at the bottom of things.

These are serious charges I have made in Lawyer Files #s 1-3 which I believe the Attorney General was
consulted and the evidence warrants a public inquiry.
Obviously you must decide where your loyalty lies.

The people and the Constitution which protects them or the corrupt government under the Attorney
General which robs the people of their Constitutional rights?
I have forwarded my complaint to the new Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Elizabeth
Dawson and suggest if you are serious, to immediately commence proceedings on the issues in Lawyer Files
#s 1-3 in a manner such as to get the word to the public who ultimately are and must be the judge and jury
when the legal system is corrupt from top to bottom.

By natural progression you will proceed through the remaining 12 Lawyer Files.

In that eventuality Lawyer File # 5 would be irrelevant in matters concerning the obstruction of justice by
you and the complaint withdrawn.

In these trying times and particular circumstance you must understand the importance you play in the
eradication of those so inclined to mess with the sanctity of the individual’s Charter rights in particular
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and
equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race,
national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
The Constitution is worthy of respect, we respect it.
If you respect it, then we respect you.
Do you respect us?
Very simple questions can only be answered by simple respectful action in the Spirit of the Constitution.

Remember any law that prevents you from acting in performance of our rights is of no force or effect.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
Trek to Justice

June 30 2005 July 25 2007

I have no doubt you politicians are sincere about what you do but let’s get serious. We the people need
you to care for us and we are not as dumb as we once were.

Do you ever watch yourselves on TV?

You are always putting down the other party and rightly so.
The other party is always putting you down and rightly so.

Always out for the vote and luckily for you there are still a lot of ignorant people out there to show up at
election time but it just doesn’t matter who is in power because the system is geared to waste money
which fits in well with all the corruption.

You people live in your own little world and make the majority of us support it.

The legal system is an empire of fancy buildings financed by the people for the legal beagles feeding

The laws are written to appear fair to the people but are not administered and enforced fair.
The system is so complicated and expensive because every effort is made to protect the immoral while
having us believe they do it for the sanctity of every individual’s rights.

Silver tongues turning everything into gold for them while costing us a fortune.

The middle class take it in the ass at every move the government makes and the working poor live in
hopeless despair.

It’s absolutely insane, all designed to make the rich richer and the middleclass and poor poorer.

I realize it is a struggle for you to have to read my stuff which must all seem like crap from where you sit
which I can relate to reasonably well but how well can you relate to the people.

I don’t mean how well can you fool them which is no big challenge, I mean how well can you understand
and know what they need and then really care enough to see that they get what they deserve.

How do you think we feel when people like that Hydro One guy, Forrester I think his name was, get
caught using his secretaries credit card for $45,000 and the then being dismissed with a huge pension and
McGuinty states his lawyers advise it is cheaper to do that than take him through the courts.

That doesn’t do a whole lot for deterrence does it?

It’s a mindset thing that causes corruption to run rampant always at the expense of the taxpayer, many
who will never be able to save for a pension.

The guy was already making $1,600,000 a year I believe and you can bet the $45,000 isn’t the only thing
he ripped off. The more they make the greedier they get and the easier they get away with it.

The way you people go about things is insane yet it all seems perfectly rational to you on that end of the

I doubt I am telling you anything you don’t already know and I suppose there are some of you who
actually are concerned a little and therefore don’t mind doing a little to help rectify things.

The problem is there is so much that needs to be done that we need you people to get on the case and
make rapid changes because you are not incompliance with the Constitution number one and the very
poor need help yesterday.

We all need exactly what we deserve yesterday.

Put yourself in one’s shoes that is making the minimum wage.

Most often they work harder than most of us and live a much lesser life.

Even these people pay taxes so that the government personnel can have pensions that they themselves
can’t afford.
Perhaps they eat jam sandwiches while the government elite have lobster on their expense accounts paid
for by the poor.

Everything is one sided when you got the power to do whatever you can get away with and none of you
are about to come down on another when you all live in glass houses.

You people just create jobs which appear to have great purpose which you milk dry as you deal with
some of the symptoms that you create instead of heading out full speed ahead to identify and eliminate
the root of the problems.

You swell your heads when you see signs of accomplishment and deny the truth whenever it suits.

I remind you that I spent 24 years in the government employ and I know full well how things go on.
There are very few who really put their hearts in to a job and forever look for newer and better ways to
get the job done but they are there and they carry the rest of them who come in to knock off another day
putting them closer to retirement.

It happens because it is allowed to happen. People do what ever they can get away with.
Everybody knows how people are so enter the Ombudsman.

Now everything is better. Right?

If only it were true but alas, just more BS…to fool the people.
I know these things even though I was employed with the government for 24 years.
You see, I wasn’t there to count the time to retirement. I was there to do the job I was paid to do the best
and fastest way I could. The trick is to know what it is you are trying to achieve.
Time flies when you are having fun.
The general attitude of government employ is to make the job last to retirement thinking if you were to
apply yourself with the perspective to get the job done you would work yourself out of a job.
That doesn’t have to be with proper planning and foresight there is always something to evolve in the
line of advancement instead of lateral progression.
Anyway I have applied to the Ombudsman to help me out as they represent themselves but it turns out
they couldn’t help me because they weren’t as good as they claimed to be.

The matters that I complained about specifically began with the failure of the Ontario Rental Housing
Tribunal to commence or cause to commence proceedings against my former tenant for filing false and
misleading information which is an offense under s. 206 (2) of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 but as
you see above the ORHT state that my complaint doesn’t seem to be directed to that organization.

The Ombudsman reports to the Provincial Legislature according to their web site and that is precisely
what I wanted them to do and in fact Bruce Herridge YRP Deputy Chief stated in his letter that the issues
I raised were clearly to do with the legislature.

Ms Julia Munro
The two paragraphs under your picture on page 1 indicate you are trying to restore the individual’s rights,
hold the McGuinty government responsible, review government appointments and agencies.

I have a preponderance of information pertinent to your purpose and I highly suggest a meeting would be
most beneficial to both of us if indeed you are loyal to the purpose.
Frank Gallagher
Julia Munro, MPP
York North

August 21, 2007

Dear Ms Munro

I am writing in response to your response of July 31 2007 to my e-mail communication of

July 23 2007 which was just one of a preponderance of e-mail communications I have
sent you describing the inappropriate actions of the establishment.

I do not apologize for my tardiness to respond to your response for I am confident that
you were not requiring a response and perhaps you even knelt in prayer that you had
heard the last from me.

I do wonder what caused you to respond to this particular letter and not the many others
preceding them. I will review that letter as I am wont to do for anything significant that
may help in my unrelenting endeavor to trigger a domino like action sooner than later
which will befall upon the conspirators of the counterfeit democracy.

The stage is set and they have persistently done it to themselves for they have taken far
too many strides away from the law and have trusted too many to be loyal to their cause
and trusted the people would remain ignorant to their ingenious plot but over the years
with the significant improvement in communications the plot thickens to a gel which
finds them stuck fast with their hands in the kitty and I do not make reference to a cat
although that would have been the best way to get attention but not an option where only
truth will suffice..

The evidence I have provided you irrefutably proves the whole legal system acts
consistently to deceive the people and in fact the system is successful due the loyalty of
the establishment personnel to the conspiracy.

As an MPP, an elected representative of the people it is inappropriate of you not to

interfere in the workings of provincial adjudicative agencies, the courts or any other body
which is detrimental to the well being of your constituents as well as all constituents in

If you have perused the evidence and choose to remain ignorant you are no different than
the rest of the personnel of the establishment and are as much a part of the conspiracy and
corruption as are the rest as your letter clearly indicates.

What is appropriate to the conspiracy is your loyalty to it which of course is inappropriate

to the people and the Charter itself which guarantees the individual rights and freedoms.
I reiterate that I have presented you a comprehensive package of evidence which
irrefutably proves the whole legal system is corrupt and in fact is a deliberate conspiracy
against the people.

Perchance you are not alert to the fact that you play a major role in this conspiracy as do
the other MPP’s so I ask you to have another look at my writings as they would be
viewed from the people’s stand point if they were provided the opportunity to access

The fact that you persistently suggest I seek legal advice proves you are not coherent to
the facts of my writings or are not sympathetic to the needs and well being of the people
or both.

As you surely are aware the laws of Ontario must be consistent with the Constitution, the
supreme law of Canada and all laws are significantly influenced by lawyers who have
infiltrated the establishment which would be presumed to be natural and reasonable
considering they are the only profession authorized to practice law.

The problem is they are a personal interest group who assures their interests are attended
to before the enactments of laws which are intended to benefit every individual fairly and


Have you read any of the correspondence between me and the Law Society of Upper

I have forwarded you a copy of the BLACK BOOK which contains the correspondence I
had with their representatives up until September 1 2006 but there is a considerable
amount more which I would like to direct your attention to.

Lawyers don’t give a damn about the people’s Constitutional rights and have bestowed
that as a privilege upon them which is the accepted practice by all the members of the
Society which includes the provincial adjudicative agencies and the courts.

The whole damn justice system.


Judge’s don’t become judges without considerable experience practicing law and as the
Law Society of Upper Canada has explained to me their members concerns are only to
the best interest of their clients and to that endeavor they feel free to tromp all over their
clients adversaries Constitutional rights.
There is much more than moral issues here for they have no conscience and feel they
have the legal right to do so and who of them would argue given the financial benefit to
them all.

They are organized crime of the most high whose ingenious scheme is dependent on the
loyalty or naivety of those amongst or around them.

They are obviously not a secret society but they operate under a secret code which is only
secret due the ignorance and trusting nature of the people who actually have little choice
but presume they are intent on justice for the people.

All that stands between their form of justice and true Constitutional justice is the Wall of
Ignorance which would come tumbling down if you were to address the issues
appropriately for the people and not to continue acting appropriately for the conspiracy
against the people, whether loyal or naïve to their cause.


The only difference between ignorance and intelligence is knowledge and the ability to
use it for a purpose.

The difference between good and evil is the purpose you use it.

You know full well what the people perceive as your intended purpose but your
correspondence betrays you clearly showing your inability to analyze the evidence or
your reluctance to do so.

LAWYERS ARE NOT A VIABLE OPTION to me or any other person of moral


I have provided an attachment dated February 10 2007 regarding a personal incident

which I had reported to the Law Society of Upper Canada.

Their responses to me prove they have no concern for the guaranteed Charter rights of the
people of society and their only concern is to their society and its members who by their
response of August 15 2006 clearly explains the Society’s role in society which is not
consistent with the society demanded by the Constitution Act, 1982 which guarantees
clear and specific rights equally to each individual.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

This section: 15.(1) is clearly representative of that which would be expected of an

ideology which recognizes the supremacy of God as stated in the first line of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God
and the rule of law:

As you struggle to remain focused on the content of the 40 pages of the attachment I
request that you reflect a little on the fact that I have requested you to read it for the
purpose of being coherent to the facts so that you may act informed and appropriately for
the people who you represent.
Assuming you are alert you will recognize the efforts I have made to this endeavor and
have done so to the best of my ability which has proven to be inadequate for more reason
than just my inexperience and incompetence as an author.

It is the inadequacies of the establishment to seek the truth for they are founded on deceit
and intent on covering this truth as they purport to seek the truth for the benefit of the
people of society.

Though the entirety of the 40 page attachment there is an exorbitant number of words
used to bring attention to the fact that a lawyer wrote me to state that my contract with
Dalglaish/Silverthorne had been terminated because there was a completion date that I
had not met and then went on to state more malicious lies about my competence to fulfill
the requirements of the contract.

Throughout the 40 pages I requested the lawyer to provide me and the Law Society a
copy of the contract which he referred to which would prove he had no authority to
terminate the contract for it clearly had no starting or completion date and in fact stated
that I would be finished only when I have fulfilled the requirements of the contract and
Ms Silverthorne was completely satisfied that I have done so. I will forward a copy of the
contract upon request.

This doesn’t require a major court case to resolve considering the Law Society of Upper
Canada personnel are lawyers themselves who should be competent to see the injustice
perpetrated by its member who uttered lies for the benefit of his client who was not out to
seek justice but in fact was intent to use the system for his own evil purpose.

The legal system is not at all what the people are led to believe and only those with
careers in the system benefit which includes the criminal element for they know the
inadequacies of the system which is their business to know and use for their criminal

Ask any criminal if he is one and he will deny as sure as any lawyer who is willing to
protect him under the guise of assuring their rights are being protected as they step all
over the moral peoples rights while doing so.


The peoples rights are a given, clearly defined in the Charter yet lawyers who we
presume are on the side of the law and a moral society prove by their actions they are not
and what recourse does a moral person have?
Hire a lawyer to take a lawyer to court where they will be judged by a lawyer who has
already proven that he has been successful in the deception?

I think not.


A person is only entitled to the full protection of the law which he is entitled to which
goes with the presumption of innocence.

When clear evidence is provided that suggests one is not as innocent as presumed it is a
logical recourse that they be provided the opportunity to prove their innocence.

One of the best ways to do so is to allow an officer of the law to present the evidence
which suggests their non compliance with the law and request the person to cooperate in
their investigation to confirm their innocence as any moral innocent person would do.

Refusing to let an officer search ones premises in performance of his or her duty to gather
evidence is an obstruction of justice which benefits only the immoral for the victim is
hindered from seeking the evidence which would lead to justice and compensation.

What legitimate reason would a person have to deny a search that would prove them
innocent where cooperation aids in the sanctity of everyone’s guaranteed rights of
It must be everyone’s duty to cooperate with the law

Surely one who steals from someone must be made to reimburse the victim and fully
compensate him for his trouble if justice is to be considered served.

When lawyers advise their clients of their rights not to speak to anyone without legal
counsel they do not consider the rights of the people of society to know the truth in
seeking justice and to get it as efficiently and cost effective as they can.

Truth is the magic word when it comes to justice.

Without it justice is improbable yet lawyers do their best to obscure it and the best make
it to be judges who purportedly seek the whole truth nothing but the truth

The evidence in my particular situation regarding the criminal act of fraud by my former
tenant is irrefutable as you should already know having read my letter to the Toronto Sun
dated October 8 2006 and yet injustice goes on as detailed in my 15 Lawyer Files which I
have also sent you.


By the way, I have sent the evidence to more than 20 lawyers to act on my behalf but I
have only received one response which stated that it would literally require hundreds of
hours to proceed and he was alone in a small business that did not have the time to do the
case justice but wished me luck.

That describes the system very well and only those with money have the opportunity to
play that game of chance.
The more money the more luck.

That is what lawyers are all about and I should clarify that they are no different than any
other person whose conscience would be significantly tested given the opportunity of

As is often said “But for circumstance go I”

I have brought all this and more to your attention for you to have the appropriate
circumstance to act on behalf of the people, your constituents and yourself to reveal the
present and clear circumstances which stand in the way of a moral society.

How obvious can it be that we need watchdogs to oversee watchdogs to the infinitive if
we can not trust you and others like you to look coherently at the evidence and respond


If not you, then who?

I have written everyone I can possibly think of as you know, except perhaps the Queen
and the problem remains.

I have written the Governor General and the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario but they
have found no reason to respond.

The only way this rampant assault on the people by those with the opportunity to do so is
to inform the people of the truth and let nature take its course.

That is what you can do as you have the experience and knowledge to commence or
cause to commence proceedings which will eventually remediate the circumstances
which allow the pilfering of the people by the professionals who use the powers bestowed
upon them by the authority of the Constitution to bestow upon themselves a greater
power for their personal benefit humongously detrimental to the people and society as a
whole whom they profess to serve.
I have every reason to believe that you as my representative are the appropriate person to
appropriately deal with these serious issues which are detrimental to your constituents
and in fact to people world wide.

Inspector Graeme Turl of the York Regional Police has advised me in his letter of
August 16 2007 (Please see page 12) that the issues concerning the laws of Canada
should be brought to the attention of my MP and my MPP which I have persistently
for some time now but Peter Van Loan will not respond and you have declined to
deal with the issues.

You have been armed with the evidence you need, you need only comprehend it and then
act appropriately for the people not the establishment which has conspired against them.

I am sure I have provided you more than an appropriate amount of evidence to assure you
know what I mean so I will presume that you DO KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Now I suggest to you that your immediate action is required to demonstrate where you

If you believe I am wrong in my analysis of the evidence you should not fear bringing it
forth for the people to decide and in fact if you are a people too it is incumbent upon you
to do so.

Perhaps you feel they are too ignorant to decide and you could relay that message as well.

The evidence remains which includes your efforts of July 31 2007 which I dare say is far
from appropriate to the circumstances.


Perhaps now that I have informed you that lawyers will not help me you might wonder
why and reread more closely that which I have intended to convey to you over the

I can not perceive that I have not provided you the irrefutable proof of what is wrong nor
can I believe that you are not coherent to the facts if you have applied yourself to that
endeavor on behalf of the people whom you proclaim to be for so I ask you to ponder the
words above and below from 2500 years ago where the struggle of humankind persists
today due the same reasons they did then.
It is not from not knowing what must be done for it has always been there for the doing

Integrity is a word which clearly defines what the personnel of the establishment profess
they have and their actions clearly are testament to the fact that they are unequivocal

7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not
to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental

To me that clearly states that every individual is entitled to all the rights as defined in the
Charter as long as they are in compliance with the Charter and in respect of each
individual’s equal rights not to be deprived but when irrefutable evidence is provided that
one acted in disrespect of the Charter and an individuals guaranteed rights they are to be
held in disrespect of their inherent Charter rights in accordance with the principles of
fundamental justice which is commonly known to humankind and definitely not that
which is provided and interpreted by the legal profession which defines justice as getting
all that they possibly can out of unfortunate circumstances brought to their attention.

If you will imagine two lawyers discussing the outcome of a case, could you imagine the
following as a probable conversation between them?

If you had of done justice to that case Zeb, you would be retired and want for nothing.
Abe, I could never retire, this is what I do. I am a lawyer for God’s sake.

It’s the excitement of taking even the smallest case and developing it into a profitable
entity that
would please the Gods without actually killing the innocent ignorant soles who we throw
back into the pool in consideration of the members of our society who appreciate that our
efforts today assure their affluent existence of tomorrow.

But what if the truth gets out Zeb?

Hell it’s already out. Why do you think we have so many Society members all feeding
from the trough of truth?
They’re dumb and we are smart. They get what they deserve and so do we.

Damn Zeb, you know what I mean. What if the people find out?

How Abe? How will they find out?

You know Julia Munro.

The question is will you do it?

Reality is a staggering number of truths which each truth is supported by a staggering

amount of evidence which support no lies but identify the liars.

One who proclaims to exist for the benefit of the people but refuses to act to that
endeavor is more than a liar but not less than a traitor.

I beseech you study the evidence until you are certain you are coherent to the facts and
the issues I have brought forth to you and act without prejudice or bias in service of the

That will require you to have an honest look at your self and what your true purpose is.

The evidence is clear as to what is expected of you considering all things that are real and
once again I suggest that if you have any doubt as to what the people want of you all you
need do is ask them.

You have the wherewithal and access to the media which I can only wish for or pass the
information to you and wish you do the honors.
Remember that mine is not a selfish wish for it is the wish of all humankind since the
beginning of time which we may eventually know once truth becomes the way and
kneeling in prayer identified for what it is.

A wasted effort wishing for something that one has given up on or never tried to
understand to a point of dealing with the reality which finds one on their knees.
Twenty billion people praying will not stop the floods and other effects of global
warming nor praying that someone else will solve the problem for it was someone else
who caused it.

It surely wasn’t you or you who caused the problem and you on your knees surely are not
helping other than to keep out of the way of those who are actually trying.

Everyone can help in one way or another regardless of their familiarity with a problem
for all they need do is recognize the problem and see that it is tended to appropriately.

If I were with a person alone who just cut his arm off would I pray for a doctor or attempt
to improvise as if I was one?

Snap out of it where ever you are.

Delve into the evidence and look around you to see how things really are.

I thank you for your time and pray standing that you will make every effort to
comprehend the issues and why you who has earned a respected position of trust has been
provided the opportunity to strut your stuff in respect of that trust, the people and the
principles the Constitution is founded on.

If you should require more documentation or have any questions at all regarding my
writings please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Only by meaningful dialogue can we remove any ambiguity that may exist in your mind
and in that endeavor I suggest that we meet.

Throughout my writings I have attempted to answer all the questions so they need not be
asked but if you have one that escaped me I would appreciate the opportunity to respond
to it.

Surely you have given my writings some thought but I suggest not enough nor are you
coherent to the facts which call out loud and clear for your help which you would do so
for the people if you were indeed for the people and if indeed you are cognizant of the

Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls for it tolls for thee……and me and everyone who hears


With due respect I ask that you respect my concerns which should concern you as they
would concern anyone who is aware of my concerns.

Those people who have not responded and those who have, acted inappropriately in
accordance with the Constitution, the aspirations of God, and the people.

Those who responded as you did appropriate to the conspiracy would appear to the naïve
that you give sound advice but quite contraire to one privy of the facts and cares for the
well being of the people of society and respects each individuals guaranteed Charter
rights as if they were their own which of course would be if they were similarly respected
by everyone.


Tell me you know that the Constitution is incapable of enforcement for it is just a
document and tell me that you know the administering and enforcement of the individual
guaranteed Charter rights must be done by the people financed to do so in a manner
conducive to the Charter where consistency is demanded to that endeavor so as to
demonstrate due diligence to the guarantee which is the catalyst intended to protect each
and every individual equally, and any personnel in the government employ assigned to
the administration and enforcement must be held responsible to that endeavor lest the
guarantee be a worthless piece of paper as worthless as the person who failed the people
as assigned.
We can not correct the damage done but we can sure as hell be sure that person does not
remain in such a position so as to put our rights and freedoms in immanent danger.

Okay, I know you have to know what I mean or I am writing to a person reincarnated as a
potato with eyes and ears but nothing under the skin that resembles a brain or a heart
which may influence a conscience, which may very well exist in a potato for it is
invisible to the common person, but even the astute who may be blind and still see into
one’s conscience may be well advised never to suggest they have communicated with a
potato unless of course they have studied it well as might a farmer or a related specialists.

With just one more “DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN?” I depart anxiously awaiting
any sign of comprehension from your end.

I am not sorry if you find me to be a pain in the ass and I gladly say you are welcome if
you are pleased that I have brought these significant issues concerning the well being of
the people to your attention.

In either case, appropriate action is demanded and one would be wise given the choice to
take the option which leaves them in charge of their destiny.

You know what I mean.

Frank Gallagher


I may not have dotted every I or crossed every t for I trust the program to do it and when
I and the people can trust the establishment to do what is necessary for the benefit of the
people we will know that there is a program in place which we have good reason to trust.

Your focus to the relevant facts in the attachment “Law Society” is requested and
necessary to derive at the appropriate conclusion.

Although there is a lot to read it all has significant purpose relative to the well being of
the people which is your legitimate purpose.

Speed reading will satisfy your conscience that you have read it but your response will
reveal the truth of so many things, perhaps at least one more than you realize.

You need not fear the truth if you are honest and forthright. Please change He to She in
the following statement to retain focus as to whom it is directed.

On page 12 is a copy of a response from the York Regional Police dated August 16 2007
which once again states that I was informed that the facts of my incident didn’t meet the
threshold for a criminal prosecution.

I have repeatedly requested that the YRP inform me as to what the threshold is as
well as the other police departments but they refuse to answer.

I have also asked if it has anything to do with the amount of money involved and I
suspect perhaps the problem is there is no money to be made by the legal people and
justice is not served.

The fact that they condone such criminal acts in their courts clearly shows their concern
for the law and the protection of the people.
The best way to deal with crime is to stop it before it happens and that is the ideology of
punishment to deter crime.

By not dealing with such cases crime can only spread as the word is passed along to the
immoral and of course when crime flourishes so does the legal system to the great
detriment of the people.

I will forward the YRP a copy of this letter requesting once again that they answer this

I reiterate that if you have attentively studied my writings in particular the letter to the
Toronto Sun dated October 8 2006 you will know that the evidence irrefutably proves the
criminal acts were committed by Don Wilson my former tenant.

The recording of the Tribunal hearing TNL-67103 clearly proves the same thing and I
have provided the YRP with a copy.
I notice that each time a different person from the YRP reviews the evidence they
actually just look for what ever their personnel have previously stated and reiterate their
words where not one has addressed the issues.

I reiterate they have every piece of evidence that could possibly be required to support
my allegations so it would be impossible to ever prosecute anyone for criminal acts.



Frank Gallagher

Chief Armand P LaBarge

York Regional Police

Please personally respond to the “threshold” matter above stating clearly where the
evidence I have provided you concerning the criminal act of fraud committed by Don
Wilson my former tenant in a court room financed by the people to administer justice to
and for the people in the endeavor to protect them in accordance with the provisions of
the Charter by administering punishment to deter crime before it is committed, falls short
of the “threshold for a criminal prosecution”.

The evidence is quite clear that the only thing that falls short is the entire legal system.

It has been over 2 years since I began my trek for justice and you have the records of my
trek which clearly shows I have circled, crisscrossed and proliferated the system with
pertinent documents vital to the sanctity of the people’s Charter rights and their well

I will be faxing you a copy of the 40 page document regarding the law society which
clearly shows where the problem lies in the system.

How can we possibly expect our rights to be protected controlled by lawyers whose
professional conduct is monitored by the Law Society of Upper Canada who clearly state
their lawyer members only responsibility is to the interest of their clients an other words
where the money comes from.

The evidence is clear and the people desperately need your help.

Peter Van Loan, MP

As my Federal representative I request you apply yourself attentively to the issues

addressed above
I need not explain further as to how serious these issues are.

The obstruction of Justice by Hon. John Garretsen addressed in Lawyer File # 3 and other
writings is an example of the disregard for the laws of Ontario and Canada by the
personnel of the establishment and I obviously request you deal with him in the
appropriate manner consistent with the spirit of the Constitution in respect of the people’s


To: From:
Julia Munro Frank Gallagher
905-478-8470 June 11 2008
[Click here and type company [Click here and type number of
name] pages]
[Click here and type phone [Click here and type reference
number] number]
[Click here and type subject of [Click here and type reference
fax] number]



Julia Munro

Please discard the 3 page file addressed to you 1:32 PM this day

This 6 page file is the intended file

These are serious matter and I would appreciate your immediate

attention to them.

Please e-mail to acknowledge receipt.

Thank you,

No response as of Aug 4 2008


FAX: (905) 476-8959

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