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Proposals for


for Donor Assistance

Distance Learning Program Project

Nazakat Hussain

Associate C-10

Community members outside of powerhouse


The Northern Part of country is spread over 72000 square kilometer bordering with China,
India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Azad Kashmir and Kohistan the district of NWFP. In these
districts small communities are living in far flung areas away from national electricity grids.
The basic necessities of life in these small regions are not easily available. Electricity in the
villages is a dream. Today without electricity no area can be prosperous or make progress.
The existing fuel modes are wood, kerosene oil and dung cow.
Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) has been planning such projects for small
villages whose households are not more than 100 since its creation in early eighties. So for
AKRSP has constructed number of small hydropower projects in different parts of five
districts in Northern Areas of Pakistan with the help of world organizations like European
community EU, NORAD, GTZ, JICA, CIDA, ADB and PPAF and other domestic and
international donor Agencies.

Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund is now collaborating with AKRSP Northern Areas for the
preparation of feasibility reports and construction of small hydropower projects with capacity
ranging from 100 KW to 300 KW.

Small hydro can be seen as one of the most valuable answers to the question of how to
offer to isolated or rural communities the benefits of electrification. The importance of small
hydroelectricity growth to fill the gap of decentralized production and municipal activity
production, in particular for isolated zones. Small hydropower, with its multiple advantages
such as low-cost and reliable form of energy, is in the forefront of many countries to achieve
energy self-sufficiency.
The main objective of this study is to identify small projects on the small streams of Northern
Areas for deprived communities and with the help of these donor agencies constructions of
hydropower projects. LEAD Pakistan can do this job with its existing expertise i.e. staff,
fellows and associates. A pilot project can be initiated in Baltistan region. Also LEAD Pak
can give training to AKRSP from planning, design stages to construction stages.


Due to non-availability of cheap energy in the rural area people are cutting the jungle trees
like blue pine and birch etc and the forest cover in some valleys has depleted by 70%
resulting loss of important wildlife habitat. Construction of these projects will conserve the
forest area and improve the health condition specially women of the area.


Another important issue in this proposal is to identify the stakeholders and partners with
whom LEAD Pakistan can make joint ventures. IUCN and WWF that are already based in
whole Northern Areas can provide help to identify these communities and also extend help
to funding and funding agencies as well. PPAF has got funds from World Bank and engaged
with AKRSP in funding these projects. These organization are lack of expertise and dont
have any type of hydrological data. Without going through planning stages these projects
are being put for implementation. LEAD Pakistan can provide expertise to enhance their
capacity building.

With implementation of such type of projects following objectives can be achieved.
The main uses of the project are given below:

Clean water supply the villages.

Irrigation supplies to the barren lands
Supply of cheap energy
Tourism development of the area
These projects will be designed keeping in view of the following key objectives;
The energy needs of the region and community;
Impact of the project operation on undertaking the social, culture and economic;
Need to protect the natural environment of the area;
Reducing deforestation of the area;
To irrigate the barren land.

A green revolution in the area is expected due to the construction of the project. Another
objective is to improve the annual income of the community families. The area is in the
grip of poverty and poor health condition. It is expected that this project will improve the
existing health facilities.

Project Costs
A tentative cost breakdown for the scheme components is given in the table below.

Scheme Components Cost (US$)

1. Civil works (turbine house) 4000
2. PVC penstock 5000
3. Turbine, Generator, Controller and Protection 35000
4. Distribution system, house wiring and energy saving bulbs (100 houses / 200 bulbs)
5. Labour costs (electrical wiring: Rs 1000 per house, other Labour provided at no cost)
Total $45000
Villagers will work free of cost on the project. After completion of the project it will be run
by them. Capacity building training will be given to local educated people.

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