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Major Test 1500 Wordlist (L, M, N, O)

1. Labyrinth------a maze--------- , , -------- in

that LAB the way is not straight like margins in RIN soap but complex
like jalebi
-------- A labyrinth of social customs and rules
2. Labyrinthine-----complicated; highly convoluted (,)------
, -------Note the lab and rin people in India will know Rin
soap. Imagine u r trying to find the structual picture of a granule of Rin
soap in chemistry lab.. and u find it to be intricated structure.
------- He would simplify and reform the labyrinthine tax system
3. Laceration-------a cut--------------sounds like laSeration...that is use
of using a laser can cause a torn wound on your skin
------ He was also treated during surgery for a scalp laceration
4. Lachrymose--------tearful; sad------ ------- lachrymose-lac +
chry(cry) + mose (most),so when you cry most you produce 'tears'.
------- It should be pointed out that the proceedings are not lachrymose
5. Lackluster-------dull; monotonous; bland------, ------ Lack+
Luster; if anything (like gold, silver, diamond, steel, etc) lack luster
(shine) they appear to be dull.
------- Student performance is also lackluster in mathematics.
6. Laconic---using few words; brief; to the point---- - --
LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF WORDS in her speech,specify that she used
very few words to portray her ideas
-------- The crew members themselves are laconic about the planned
7. Lamentation-----expression of regret or sorrow---------- LAMENT--
is to LET OUT MENTAL suffering...i.e., mourning
------- Her life was a history of abdication and lamentation
8. Lampoon------ridicule; spoof------ ---- LAMPOON- if you pour oil
for a LAMP with a SPOON ppl will ridicule because for a lamp you
should pour a lot of oil!!!
------- It is his blog, and he has the right to lampoon bad cartoon
political humor.
9. Lance------spear; spike; javelin-----, ---- LANCEr the car cuts
throught the air

1 By Saifur Rahman
----- In final fantasy IV, one of the characters, kain, uses a lance as his
primary weapon.
10. Languid ------tired; slow------, ---- languid
sounds similar to languagelanguage classes are generally boring
------ It seems my days of languid train rides have somewhat halted for
11. Languish------decay; fade away; get weaker------ ------
lang(LAckiNG)a uish(wish)..think of a person who is lacking a wish to
do something, and such kind of a person automatically loses his
-----Parallel-programming languages in particular tend to languish in
academic obscurity.
12. Larceny------theft; robbery; stealing------ , ---to steal a
LARge SUM of monEY
------ He was arrested and charged with larceny.
13. Largess------generosity------------largess=Large+S+S==>
Large Social Service. that is Gift to society.
--------He survives only on the largess of his corporate sponsors.
14. Laud-----praise------ ------when you get an (app)laud you
are *praised* for your work
------Luminaries laud grand opening of new Central Harnett Hospital.
15. Lavish------on a grand scale; wasteful-------, -----lavish
(read it as love) in love boy spends money generously s0 generous in
spending money
--------Refreshments are not lavish, but snacks and beverages are
16. Lax-------careless; not strict-------, ------LAX - reLAX
--------The university has been lax about enforcing these rules.
17. Legend ------1. key to map; 2. myth or story------ ,
------ leg(read:root word meaning)+ end. we are reading for the
road end on a map.
------ The outfit made him a legend in some eyes and a laughingstock in
18. Legion------in large numbers--- ---In some Regions the
population is in Legion
------ If his enemies abroad are numerous, those at home are legion
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19. Lethargic-----tired; without energy----, ----- Sounds like
alergic. When you have lack of interest in doing something i.e. allergy
----He doesn't lose his sense of play when he stops eating, but he does
get a bit lethargic
20. Levity-------flippancy; joking about serious matters-------
, ----- lev(leave)+it+y(.yaar) casually leave things
without any seriousness
------- The objective is simple, to have fun and bring a little levity to our
news site
21. Libertarian-----someone who opposes tyranny-----
------ It's an ethic that libertarian industry leaders embrace openly.
22. Liniment------ soothing lotion------ ----- its sounds
like ointment
------ He could also get a bandage, a haircut, or horse liniment for his
sore muscles.
23. Lithe-------flexible; supple------, -----
Sounds like "light" and something which is light in weight can easily be
moved and bended.
----- These champion sprinters rely on long, muscular legs to propel
their lithe bodies.
24. Livid------very angry------ , ----- LIVE+VIDEO: The
officer was ENRAGED WITH ANGER when he was caught taking bribe on
------- It was stated that the circuit court clerks are livid about this new
25. Lobbyist-------person who tries to persuade someone to support
a particular cause----------remember lobbying(who lobbying for
others is lobbyist)
-------- Who they are serving in fact are tax accountants, and industry
lobbyist .
26. Lofty-------snooty; arrogant; haughty------ , ------ he
played a lofted shot in the air
------- He wasn't yet thinking lofty thoughts about human beings or
public health.

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27. Longevity------long life----, ----- long + "live"
------ The capacity for longevity has not really increased.
28. Loquacious-----talkative---------- it is derived from the root
word 'loqua'... which refers to SPEECH or TALK
------- Her oratory is of the loquacious and fire-eating brand.
29. Lucid------clear---- , ------ lucid has root 'luc', means
'light' Under the light, we easily understand everything
----Lucid prose and vivid examples make the book admirably accessible
to non-specialists
30. Ludicrous--------ridiculous; silly------------ rearranging the
word you get ridiculous ... which is humorous... ie laughable; trifling
---------- Such comparisons are ludicrous, but unfortunately effective.
31. Lukewarm----1. unenthusiastic 2.neither hot nor cold----
------- Wash your feet every day with lukewarm water and mild soap.

32. Lummox-----clumsy person--- log(people in hindi) mocks at you...

because u r very stupid
------ It was a comfortable save, although you never know the way that
big lummox has played in this tournament.
33. Luscious-----juicy; moist; succulent-----, ------
rhymes with delicious. and it means delicous. (in fact it is derived from
-------- It will then be a beautifully formed mound of luscious dessert.
34. Lynch-------assassinate; kill; illegal hanging------
----- lynchcharacter in THE A-TEAM movie
------- Lynch was mostly successful in confining the violence to
northern Ireland.
35. Libertine---dissolute person; prodigal-------, -------
LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible
and immoral.
------- They belonged to a well-established libertine tradition.

36. List (v) -------1. To lean to one side; 2. to write in order------

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37. Lambaste------ attack verbally------ -----
lambaste sounds like namaste(in hindi), which is a respectful greeting.
Lambaste is precisely opposite of that
------ It's a judgment that some no doubt will lambaste as arbitrary,
even biased.
38. Lugubrious------ sad; gloomy------ , ---- He was very
mournful when he had to BURY his maimed LEG.
------- His lugubrious conduct was doubtless intended to soften the
heart of the court.
39. Labile-------changing rapidly; unstable------, ----
LABILE it as "liable" to change,i.e UNSTABLE
---Emotionally labile patients should avoid stimulants, as they
exacerbate mood shifting
40. Limerick------ short amusing poem------
41. Luminary----- eminent person------- , ------
Luminary sounds like luminous(under light).So,a celebrity who is in the
limelight inspiring others.
-------- Nobody ought to be called a luminary until they've been set on
42. Lassitude----lack of energy; weariness--------After a heavy
lunch, if you drink a glass of LASSI, you will go into a lassitude i.e.
weariness,lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.
----- Symptoms of the disease include paleness and lassitude.
43. Lacuna------- gap; missing part [plural = lacunae] ---------
lacuna... sounds like lack you ...meaning of word is somtehing which
you lack
------ Either way, it suggests a profound lacuna in biologists'
understanding of the world.
44. Lumber-----1. Walk in an ungainly way; 2. timber (wood)------
,------ Relate to the person who is "lamba" (lamba in Hindi
language means tall person in English ) moves heavily or clumsily
------ Lumber prices also have been supported by a decline in supply in
recent years
45. Levee-----1. Raised bank of a river; 2. morning reception held by
a monarch------ , ---- levee..(sounds like

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level..) we LEVEL the land ,with LEVEE so that there is no seep of
---- Coastal communities, many protected by small levee systems,
already feel the brunt.
46. Lien------ right to sell property held as a security; legal hold on
job etc----- ----- sounds like lion... a lion is the king of the
jungle and can thus legally claim any part of the jungle!!
--------- If she ever tries to buy a house, they will be able to put a lien on
47. Leaven------ to make light; modify; cause bread to rise using
yeast etc-----, ------ (its bit vague) Think of Balloon : LEAVE
aNd it will go up, therefore cause to rise or grow lighter
------ Which the writers are always sure to leaven with some cool ninja
48. Loll------ laze around; hang out (when used of the tongue)-----
----- loll = lol+l = LAUGHING OUT LOUD [its the sms we "lol" when we have no other work
------- Urchins loll around the stage, reacting to the dialogue and
moving scenery.
49. Lint-------fluff; soft material used to cover wounds-----

------- Cotton gins often add moisture to lint before it is baled.
50. Lope----run with long strides----- ----
lope:- slope ...move slowly
-----While not built for land travel, the otter does move along rapidly in
an awkward lope
51. Limpid---------transparently clear----- , ----
------- They are impressive precisely because they sound so natural, so
52. Liturgy ---------form of worship--------- lit+urgy . we lit ,
urge before god with a candle imply worship
------- Liturgy has penetrated the work of leading pop musicians.
53. Latent--------hidden; real but undeveloped----, ----- Latent
heat can be seen as heat which is "HIDDEN".
------- Talents and latent tendencies that have been nurtured are ready
to blossom.
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54. Machinations--------plots and plans----------- The robots have
a machination to kill all the humans and make a MACHIne NATION......
------- The extent of his machinations seemed more personal than
55. Maelstrom--------whirlpool; storm in the ocean-----
, ---- mal(= bad) strom (storm) bad storm like a whirpool
------- You were on top of the world and now you're at the center of this
56. Magnanimous-----generous; big-hearted-----, --
magnani+ous magnificent a person is called magnificent(outstanding,
superb) if he is kind, generous
------- You must be magnanimous and pardon me if I've bored you.
57. Magnate------powerful businessman------ ------ like a
magnet.. attracts people and hence influences
---After that he became a real-estate magnate , a media mogul, and
then prime minister
58. Maladroit---------clumsy; unskillful-----, -----
mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and
someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit
------ Most damaging of all were his maladroit dealings with the army.
59. Malady-------illness----------- mala D is a pill (contraceptive):
and you take pills when you become ill.
------- Talking about the symptoms of this malady will not help any of
60. Malediction--------a curse----------
MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is
'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE.
-------- They are defeated from the start by some nameless malediction
61. Malefactor-----a wrong-doer------- , ----- see it as
MAL-EFFECTOR who affects in wrong way
------ Other witnesses of the incident called the police, who arrested the

7 By Saifur Rahman
62. Malinger-----deliberately avoid work; shirk------
------- MAL(bad)+LINGER(stay in a place longer than
necessary)...when you linger on the ramp badly you malinger
------ His boss suspected him of malingering because of his frequent
absences from work
63. Malingerer---------person who deliberately tries to avoid
work----------- Malinga feigned illness to avoid bowling to
------- He was no longer accused of being noncompliant or a malingerer
64. Malleable----------flexible; can be shaped--------- relate with
meltable; so possible to reshape
------- Passengers are much more malleable when they understand
what's going on.
65. Mallet---------1. Wooden hammer; 2. stick used for polo-------

------ Where shell is thick, it must be broken with a mallet or hammer.

66. Manipulatable------influencable; controllable

67. Marred-------damaged; spoiled----- , ----- mar+red in hindi

maar = getting hurt .. bcoz of hurt it becomes red.hence damaged.
------- The game was marred by a lengthy protest in the first inning.
68. Marshal-------to gather together----- ------ marshal sounds
like "MARCH" = i.e walk in order. this is same as put in order.
------ Learn about the work first, and you can likely marshal the skills to
do it.
69. Marsupial--------pouched mammal (like a kangaroo)---
()------ MA ke PURSE mein SO rahe PILLEY....
----Unlike the pouch of a marsupial , this is a pouch only in a loose
manner of speaking.
70. Martinet----------person who believes in strict discipline------
----- martinet:(martin luther king) martin luther king was
such a strict person
--------- He was a veritable taskmaster and martinet
71. Masochist-----person who intentionally inflicts pain on
himself---------- mars+own+chest.... one who mars(beats or
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disfigures) his own chest is a masochist :)
------ People who agree to be roasted have a little bit of the masochist
in them
72. Matriarchy------society governed by women------ ---
Matri(matron of girls hostels) archy (govern) matron generally run or
govern the hostels.... Lead by women
-------- But she was right that the new matriarchy would not survive her.
73. Maverick-------a loner------ , ------ Maverick (tom
cruise's name) in top gun was maverick as he broke many codes of
------- He had always been a maverick and he had always paid for it.
74. Meager---------in short supply----- ----- meager = m + eager
concentrate on "eager". A person is eager only when he/she is in a
desperate need of something inadequate...or scanty in supply.
------- Both books have done alright, but my royalties are meager
75. Meander-----wander from side to side----- -----
Pronounce it like 'wander'; they are synonymous.
------ Local motorcycle riders meander through Mexico on journey
76. Mellow--------soft; melodious; ripe---- ,
------- sounds like pillow which is soft and smooth. and you relax
your head on that.
------- The brothers have mellow bass voices.
77. Menagerie-----collection of animals------ ----- to
MANAGE JERRY u keep then in zoo. Simple!
------ There is a small menagerie of animals on hand, too.
78. Mendacious-------given to lying----- , ------ A mendicant
(beggar) is usually a mendacious person. i.e. given to lying; habitually
------- It is mendacious to suggest such an examination was not
79. Mercenary-------concerned only with money------
, ------ merce - mercy + na - no; no mercy.He
can kill anybody for money or gain
------- His reasons were political, I believe, and not just mercenary .

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80. Mercurial-----volatile; changeable--------- mercury level
in the blood pressure testing device fickles a lot when measuring b.p
------ The violence here is mercurial and episodic.
81. Merge----------come together------
------ After several conversations, the two companies agreed to merge

82. Metaphorically--------symbolically; figuratively-----

----- It looked uncommonly small-not only physically but metaphorically
as well.
83. Meticulous-----very careful; painstaking------ , ----
Meticulous:Met(Meet)+ICU(hospitals intensive care unit),so whenever u
met any person in ICU u need to be very/extremely careful about his
-------- He's meticulous in every aspect of his life.
84. Mettle --------courage; bravery; valor------, -----
Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related
to a strong courageous person.
------- Let's give him a chance to show his mettle
85. Milieu-----environment------------ mile+Eu(Europe)
:miles(distance) surrounding the Europe;that illustrates surrounding
and environment
------- He knew that I knew the background and milieu that he came
out of.
86. Mire-----swamp; muddy ground----------- Muddy Tyre might
help us recall the meaning of Mire.
------- They slowly climbed out of the mire through a little sacrifice and
a lot of planning.
87. Misanthrope--------hater of the rest of mankind----------
"misien"in greek means " to hate" and "anthropos" means "mankind"
so misanthrope means one who hates mankind
------- It would turn anybody into a misanthrope
88. Misnomer--------wrong name----- , ---
mis+name= misnomer
-------- The name, however, is a bit of a misnomer

89. Misogynist----hater of women------mis=to hate, and

gyne=female as in gyneocologist

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-------- In our misogynist society we hear comments that reveal a sick
90. Misrepresentation----deliberately deceiving------
------ That's an intentional misrepresentation of the situation.
91. Mitigate-----lessen; make less severe------ , -----
think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or
try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth.
------- You can mitigate risk, but you can't eliminate it.
92. Modicum-----small amount----- ------
------- All you need is an open mind and a modicum of commonsense.
93. Momentous------very important-----, - ----
Momentous= Moment Remain on us; Moments that have great
importance and significance on us
------ My university graduation was a momentous day in my life.
94. Monotonous-----dull; unvarying---------- just consider
mono-tone...datz a single tonewhen a person got only a single tone
then that tone is REPEATED...
-------- If we all wrote about our childhood forever, books would be
rather monotonous
95. Moratorium-----temporary prohibition or halt to activity------
------ remember as 'Bring More Tar ' otherwise work
will get suspended
-------- The justices never officially imposed a moratorium
96. Moribund-------on the point of death------------ MORI(mine)
+BAND(end)....mori saanse band hone lagi hain....I an about to die !!!!!
------ Economies become moribund but a powerful, humane idea never
97. Morose-----gloomy; bad tempered----- , ----- morose
rhymes with REMORSE
------- He has become morose with your departure.
98. Mundane--------ordinary; worldly------, , ------
Mundane sounds like Monday. After an exciting weekend, Monday is
just another mundane day
------- What I fear is that my conclusions appear trivial and mundane

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99. Munificent-----generous; charitable------, -----
money+sufficient-when a person has sufficient money he is generous
-------- The rewards were immediate and munificent
100. Mutinous--------very rebellious-----, ------ mutans of
xmen movie are rebellious
------- The mutinous soldiers responded with a withering hail of gunfire.
1. Myriad ------in large numbers------- ------- my May
be Raided if u have money in large numbers
------- There are a myriad of possibilities.
2. Meretricious------falsely attractive; tawdry------
------ like a merit (meret) certificate.. flashy and attractive in a way..
but of no REAL value.
------- This is a thoroughly meretricious analogy.
3. Moralistic-------concerned with morals [moralize (v)]-----
------ As a consequence, children's books tend to be highly moralistic

4. Mettlesome------spirited [mettle (n)]-----, ------ remember it

by breaking it as ... mettlesome - mettle + some or metal + some..
some one who(who's spirit) is as strong as metal and hence
---Except for a laggard quality in the ballet movements, it moves with a
mettlesome step
5. Minatory------threatening----------- Minatory sounds like
military--military people are very threatening most of the times.
--------- Minatory nature was all too apparent.
6. Millinery------hats and hat-making----- ------
Consider it as mill + nery (nari) i.e. a mill for nary or shop for women
(selling hats)
-------Thousands of terns were also harvested to provide feathers for the
growing millinery trade.
7. Maudlin---------sad; sentimental; inclined to weep-----, -----
when she received a call from the MODELLING company for her
appointment, she became EFFUSIVELY SENTIMENTAL and wept a
lot.Her dream had come true.
------ Put your maudlin preoccupations in a box and drop it in a landfill.

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8. Malapropism--------use of similar sounding but incorrect word----
----- mal (negative) + prop (proper usage)... improper usage of
----- Thankfully, the Times realizes that some people are malapropism
9. Mannered------- stylized; pretentious---- ----man in red is
"not natural"
-------He was extremely well- mannered, thorough, and efficient.
10. Minion------ underling; servant------, ,----- A mini
peon.. Who is servile to his boss.
------ Her minion said she wouldn't be hatching on the red carpet.
11. Modest------1. bashful; unpretentious; 2. not excessive-------
------ This book sets a modest goal and fulfills it grandly.
12. Misconstrue-------put a wrong interpretation on something------
----- Misconstrue = Mis + Cons + True. Someone is 'Missing'
the 'True' fact.
-------- But the talking point appears to misconstrue the facts.
13. Mince------1. chop into small pieces; 2. walk with tiny steps, 3.
speak in an affected manner----- ------- mince sounds like
mice which takes tiny steps to go anywhere and nce(nice)or speak
nicely or carefully to larger people
------- he recipe says that you should mince the onions.
14. Malevolent------- having evil intentions [malevolence (n)]
------------- opposite of benevolent
------- The mistreatment of him seems pointlessly malevolent
15. Monolithic----united in purpose; forming a single unit----,
----MONO (SINGLE) + LITHIC (related to ROCKS) --> like a
-------They often see the text as monolithic and impossible to penetrate.
16. Mitigation------ making less severe [mitigate (v)]------,
------ mitigate -> MIT + i + gate... when you reach the gates of
MIT.. your tensions about PG admissions will be appeased/mitigated!!
------ This will also include risk mitigation and contingency plans for all
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17. Muse-------1. Think; meditate (v); 2. a source of inspiration (n) [in
mythology, a goddess who gives inspiration]------ ,
----- MUSEum consist of historic things by seeing them, we think
-------- I could sell the house, she mused, but then where would I go?
18. Malign----- slander---, ----Ma(bad)
Lign(language) bad language
------- My point here is not to malign all graduate students.
19. Minutiae------ small details------ ,
------ Do your job, and do not get distracted by minutiae
20. Maculated------spotted----------- immaculate = perfect;
maculate = stained
------- Her reputation was maculated after the affair with a married man
21. Macerate-----chop into tiny pieces(to make food soft by leaving
it in a liquid)------ ----- (Macerate = Mess + rate)Mess
food is hard to eat, so mess owners are doing a tact. They are
providing the soft food by keeping it in liquid that results in increase of
mess rate.
------ For small amounts of fruit, a kitchen blender can be used to
macerate the fruit.
22. Milk--------to squeeze; obtain by application of pressure------

----- The use of milk, cream, or condensed milk also varies from recipe
to recipe.
23. Manipulative------- scheming------,
----- It also indicates that you will be manipulative once hired.

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24. Noxious------harmful; poisonous; lethal------ , ----

------- The noxious gas was the result of the impact.
25. Nuance----something subtle(); a fine shade of meaning, a
slight difference that may be difficult to notice but is fairly important---
(N), --- nuance = new + ounce and ounce is a
very small unit for weighthence a very small difference

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-------------- A translator has to be alert to every nuance.
26. Nullify----to counter; make unimportant---- , ---
Null means 'zero' its easy!
---------The majority of these are passive and therefore nullify your
27. Nuzzle-----cuddle( ); snuggle--- ----
----The dog nuzzled my leg
28. Navigable--------suitable for sailing------,
----- Coming to you free online: a navigable genetic map of the human
29. Nebulous-----vague-----, ----- nebulous comes from
nibu(lemon). Nimbu water is hazy so can be correlate
------- Their definitions tend to also be nebulous
30. Nefarious-------wicked; immoral; disreputable-----, ,
---- Ne(ver) Fair(ious) - Always Bad
------ Some people, however, are using them for nefarious purposes.
31. Negate --------cancel; deny------ , ------ ne=no
+ gate=door, so there is no entrance through that door
------- Your one example does not negate the validity of what I'm saying.
32. Negligence------carelessness------ ,
------- We must take care of those that are affected by our negligence

33. Petrify---------1. terrify; 2. turn to stone ------- ,

----- sounds like PATHARify (hindi pathar-
stone)hence, the word.
-------- The thought of death does not petrify me
34. Neologism----------newly coined word------
----- 'neo' means 'new' and 'logos' means 'word'; so 'neologism'
means inventing new word.
------- The neologism was first used in the BBC political satire The Thick of It in
35. Nettle-----annoy---- ------ "net + tle, when internet is slow
like turtleannoyed!
------- Do not take hold of a nettle, but if you do, grasp it tight.

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36. Niggardly--------miserly; stingy----------nigg+HARDLY....he
Hardly spends money
------ He gave the waitress a niggardly tip of fifty cents.
37. Nomadic--------wandering from place to place---------- mad
people wander from one place to another
----- It's a lovely space, but we're completely nomadic: no offices, no
38. Nonchalance-------an appearance of indifference; calm and
composed------, ------ nonchalance rhymes like No +
Challenge , When there is no challenge, people tend not to care and
there will be a casual lack of concern.
---------What is even more astounding is the nonchalance of the clients.
39. Nondescript--------having no special features; dull and
ordinary------- ,---- read it as non+describe... an ordinary
object does not need to be described.
-------- Her voice was low and soft but otherwise nondescript
40. Nonentity--------a person of no importance; not famous-----
------ its very simple Non+Entity person with no entity is of no
------ This is invariably a response from citizens of nonentity countries.

41. Nostalgia---------longing for the past------ ,

----- nostalgia. sounds like no hostel gia.. so he feels home
sick..remembers home
------ If you move frequently enough, you'll lose the nostalgia soon
42. Notoriety--------infamy; known for wrong doing----- , -----
root word is notorious means mischievous. so "notor" in the word
specify defamity..illfame
---------It's a new technology, and the missteps have gained notoriety
in the press.
43. Novel----------new; unusual-----, ,
-------- It was quite the novel experience.
44. Novice---------a beginner; tyro---- ------- 'novice' can be
related as 'novoice' and a beginners never utter a word in group
discussion from their mouth

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------ However these things are not immediately available to a complete
45. Nugatory------ of minor significance; futile------ , -----
No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless
-------It was absurd, because they ought to have seen that their
conditions are entirely nugatory
46. Natty--------neat; dapper; smart------, ------ "naTi" in
Sanskrit means: actress. They are supposed to be dapper.
--------- And he keeps on being natty, naughty and nifty to the end.
47. Noisome-----disgusting------, ----- Try to extract out
two words from it... 1.NOSE 2.NOISE..Hence NOISOME is something
that makes NOISE in our NOSE
-------- He does not worry about a few thousand noisome people in the
48. Nonplussed--------confused-----, ----- non plus, is
it negative or positive? I am confused!
------- They seemed nonplussed by their temporary homelessness.
49. Nascent---------emerging; newly formed---- ,
----- "new soul sent" earth
-------- Some elements are already there; others are nascent
50. Neophyte------ new convert; tyro, novice------------
neo+phyte ~ new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to
fight to establish his own identity.
--------- It's the quickest way for a neophyte investor to get burned.
51. Nostrum---------remedy----- ------- put RUM in the cure cold....? - questionable medicine
---------- Politicians repeating all the usual nostrums about the economy
52. Nexus-------connection------, ---- there is connection in
between we and next to us.
-------- Some of his best insights lie at the nexus between these worlds.
53. Nadir----- lowest point------- , ---- na+dir-> null
directory lowest point of empty space.
----------- Their usage is as much as three times higher at its peak than
at its nadir

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17 By Saifur Rahman
54. Obdurate--stubborn, stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
anything which has durability...has the resisting power, and something
which can resist, is stubborn.
-------- The police were obdurate, however, and the fight did not take
55. Obfuscate------deliberately make something difficult to
understand---- , ---- b (ab---now)
FUSCATE = fuss + create to deliberately create a fuss about an issue to
make it hard to understand and hard to understand.
------- The purpose of speaking is to communicate, not to obfuscate.
56. Objective------unbiased; not subjective------,
------- The great objective of ending tyranny is the concentrated work of
57. Oblique--------indirect; slanting-----, ------ Oblique - split it
like OB(object) lique(sounds as LIKE). So OBject Like, referring
something indirectly.
------ The images he uses are complicated and sometimes oblique.
58. Obliterate-----destroy; demolish; eradicate------ ,
----- lets ' all-be-literate ' and destroy illiteracy completely
-------- However, it is impossible to obliterate public memory of good
59. Oblivious-----totally unaware-----, ------ It is
obvious to be oblivious when keeping too much info in mind.
------- When unanticipated events occur, the system is oblivious
60. Obscure------difficult to understand; partially hidden------,
------ OBSCURE= OBSession + CURE == Many psychiatrists believe
that Obsession's cure is still UNKNOWN
------- There may even be multiple collisions that obscure evidence of
one another.
61. Obscured--------hidden; covered; buried-------
62. Obsequious--------servile; submissive------ , ---- ob
+ SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the
other.. and servants follow what their masters say
------- The staff is charming and superb, being attentive without being

18 By Saifur Rahman
63. Obsession--------a dominating concern-----, ----- Ob-
session.. In session our mind is completely filled with thoughts and
doubts of one particular subject on which session is going on.
-------- His dark eyes and heavy brow now seem right for obsession
64. Obsolete---------no longer valid-------,---- OB+SO+LETE
= obviously so late... Something so late is outmoded
-------- Many of the other chemical agents currently used may also
become obsolete.
65. Obstreperous----------noisy and boisterous-----, -----
the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are
very noisy because of traffic.
--------- It took the trainmen about thirty minutes to put off the
obstreperous soldiers.
66. Obtuse ------mentally dull-------, ------- obtuse refers
to angles between two lines which is >90 degrees.....the line appears
like its leaning towards the wall which is inactive and stupid
-------- Their words were obtuse and the presentations circuitous.
67. Obviate-----------avoid; make unnecessary----- ,
----- obviate - viate sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from
studying(happen something)....
------- The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with
68. Odious ---------hateful------ , ----- hate people with bad
odour(odious) and high audio(odious)
------- In a free society, such monitoring is odious and unnecessary.
69. Officious-----domineering; intrusive; meddlesome----
, --- OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word
sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people
poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING
-----He did not respond to the officious stranger and the brief encounter
ended cordially.
70. Ogle---------stare at; observe in an obvious manner------ (
) ----- O+gle(girls) a man staring or eyeing young
-------- He sat at the bar, ogling several women.

19 By Saifur Rahman
71. Olfactory----------concerned with the sense of smell----- -
------ ol (oil) people are concerned about the smell
that comes from the oil factory.
------ In particular, the role of perfume as an olfactory disguise is
72. Ominous------ threatening------, ----
ominous..oh+minus(-)..oh god everything negativesomething bad is
going to occur...its threatening
-------- Not only is the phrase a bit ominous, it's also a source of
73. Omnipotent------ all-powerful------------ OMNI (means all)
+ POTENT (powerful) = ALL POWERFUL
-------- Why can't God, with all his powers of omnipotence, protect the
74. Omniscient---------all-knowing------, ----- omniscient
sounds like omni + scientist so a scientist knows about all the things
---------- Your gun does not make you a superhero, a cop, or omniscient

75. Onerous---------burdensome; hard to undertake----- ,

----- it sounds like on+er+us...that is ONUS when something is
ON US we feel burdensome
------ The government imposed onerous taxes on imports.

76. Onus--------burden-----, ---ON-US you are ON US ie. you are

a BURDEN on me.
-------- Less-affluent clients bear the onus of making sure their own
homes are secure.
77. Opaque-----does not let light through------, ----
OP(opposite) and AQUE(aqua)-- opposite of water -- means not
-------- The president's chain of logic here is somewhat opaque
78. Opulent--------wealthy; rich; magnificent-----, , ------ lent
means lending. Generally rich people lend money. opulent means wealthy.
------ The dining room is opulent and the menu sophisticated.
79. Ordain---------1. Destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest------
, ----- ORD + A + IN = ORDer A person to come

20 By Saifur Rahman
-------- The process was ordained by law.
80. Ornate -------highly decorated------,
----- sounds like ORNAmenTe ...when many ornaments are used,
the thing is ornated.
------- It was an ornate space, with a decorated ceiling and red tiled
81. Orthodox---------conventional------ , ----- Orthodox
sounds like Orthodontist which helps makes your teeth straight or
right, which is commonly accepted to have straight teeth.
------ Here is an example of a problem with orthodox economic belief.
82. Ossify--------1. Turn to bone; 2. become fixed and rigid------
, ----- root word is os means "bone" and in
sanskrit it means "asthi".
--However, he fears that the language teaching business as a whole
has started to ossify
83. Ostentatious---------showy------ , ------ it as perform stunts to
attract attention, showy.
---------- The city lacks ostentatious palaces, temples, or monuments.
84. Oust----------push out of a position------- , ---
sounds like OUT
-------- The rebels ousted the dictator from power.
85. Overt---------obvious; not hidden------- , ------ we know
covert is hidden so overt is an exact opposite ie non-secretive.
------- In our new spirit, we make allowances for differences and avoid
overt blame
86. Overwrought----------worked up; in an emotional state------
---- sounds like OVER HOT
------The account itself is clearly emotionally overwrought and contains
wild speculation.

87. Ostracism-----shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)]----

, ---- oust+racism... in racism oust a caste
-------- If they voted yes, then ostracism would be held two months
21 By Saifur Rahman
88. Opprobrious------expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)]-----
, ---- opp-ROBRI-ous ROBRI = robbery,,, so if u were
caught in a robbery, u will b disgraceful and contemptuous
--------- Rarely will conduct rise to such an opprobrious level.
89. Ossified-----turned to bone; become rigid [ossification (n)]------
, ---- Ossi rhymes with AUSSIE.. the Australian
Cricket team has become old and they are now history, like fossils.
---------- Ossified societies guard positional goods more, not less,
90. Occluded---------obscured; blocked----- ,------ to conclude
means to stop :)
-------- Occluded by some other showing object.
91. Orate------ speak in a pompous manner------ ------ orate
talk -> over-rate talk-> pompous boastful talk
------- Daily, members of Congress orate on the need for American
schools to improve
92. Odometer-----------instrument to measure distance covered
---- Be sure the mileage indicated on your odometer is correct when
buying a used car.
93. Obligate----- compulsory-----,
---- The filing does not obligate them to actually make the sales.

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22 By Saifur Rahman

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