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Appendix 1



Qazigund Banihal Tunnel Project
Submitted to
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology in
Civil Engineering

Submitted By Submitted To
Danish Bashir Er. Bhawna
Univ. Roll No. 1424596 H.O.D. Civil Deptt, Sviet

Under the guidance of

SR. ER Shree Ram Ganesh
Incharge Project, NavaYuga



This is to certify that the report on four months industial training is submitted in the partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the Bachelors of Technology Degree in the Department of civil Engineering.This work has

been doneby Danish Bashir Univ. Rollno 1424596 a bonafide student of the Swami Vivekanand
Instituteof Engineering& Technology. He has underdone his training in Nava Yuga Engineering company

PVT. LTD. In the project of Qazigund to Banihal Road Tunnel Project from January to May
2017.This work is fit for the consideration of the set degree to him.

Danish Bashir

Univ. Roll Nos.: 1424596

Branch: Civil

Semester: 8th


RamnagarBanur (Punjab)

Project Incharge


I hereby declare that the project entitled BANIHAL QAZIGUND TUNNEL PROJECTsubmitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree B.Tech is our original work and the project
has not formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other similar titles.It is
an authentic record of my own work carried out at Banihal Kashmir as requiremnents of four months project
semester for the award of Degree of B.tech Civil Engineering SvietBanur Punjab under the guidance of Shree
Ram Ganesh during January to Apil 2017.

Danish Bashir



Success is epitome of hard work, cogency for fulfilling the mission, indefatigable perseveranceand most of
all encouraging guidance and Steering

We hereby express our intense sense of gratitude to our respected and beloved Er. Bhawna
(H.O.D. B.Tech-CE) without whom we could not be able to present this project with such great confidence
and determination. He has always been a great force of inspiration for all the team.

We are also thankful to all our beloved teachers who guided us in completion of this project.

I would also thankful to the Navayuga Engineering Pvt. LTD for giving me this opportunity to work on

We also thank respected Sr. Er. Ram Prakashand all his associates who with such a
gratitude explained us about all the details of the plant.

I am sure that the knowledge I have gained during the project will definitely help me in having a bright





1.1. COMPANY PROFILE.......................7

1.2. INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT.....................8
1.3. SAILENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT......................................................................9

2.1. PROPOSED HIGHWAY ALIGNMENT........................................................................10
2.2. GEO-TECHNICAL FEATURES OF THE TUNNEL.....................................................11
2.3. TUNNEL DESIGN..........................................................................................................14
2.4. TUNNELING METHOD................................................................................................16
2.5. CONSTRUCTION PROCESS........................................................................................20
2.5.1. SURVEY PROFILE MARKING..........................................................................21
2.5.2. BLASTING...........................................................................................................21
2.5.3. EXCAVATION.....................................................................................................25
2.5.4. DEFUMING..........................................................................................................28
2.5.5. MUCKING............................................................................................................28
2.5.6. SURVEY CHECKING.........................................................................................29
2.5.7. BOTTOM CLEANING.........................................................................................29
2.5.8. FOREPOLING......................................................................................................30
2.5.9. PRE-SHOTCRETING..........................................................................................31
2.5.10. LATTICE GIRDER ERECTION.........................................................................31
2.5.11. WIRE MESH INSTALLATION..........................................................................32
2.5.12. SHOTCRETING..................................................................................................33
2.5.13. ROCK BOLTING................................................................................................35
2.5.14. SURVEY PROFILE CHECKING......................................................................39
2.5.15. GEO-TEXTILE & PVC MEMBRANE LINING................................................39
2.5.16. SECONDARY LINING CONCRETE.................................................................41
2.5.17. SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES................................................43
3. TESTS...............................................................................................................45

Page No i


The Project, Qazigund to Banihal Road Tunnel, under NHAI- National Highway Authority of India was
awarded to Navyuga Engineering Construction Limited in 2010 for four-laning of Qazigund to Banihal
section of NH-1A from 189.350 km to 204.7 km, including one tunnel (8.46 km) and a bridge, on BOT basis
in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. (Package No.: NHDP-Phase-II/BOT/II/J&K).

The Package was essentially proposed to run a parallel 2-lane alignment to the existing NH-1A between
Banihal Town and Qazigund Bypass having a length of about 15.35 km. as against 32.70 Km of existing
NH1A. The alignment runs parallel to the River Bichlari at most of the locations between km.190.000 to
km.195.000 and traverses through villages such as Karawa, Kaskoot, Farwagon, Zenhal, Asher and Church
Lamber, GundTethar and Nowgaon. The alignment crosses the main PirPanjal Mountain Range through an
8450 m. long tunnel.

The design for the tunnel was given by GC- GeoConsultants; they studied about the geo-technical features of
the PirPanjal range.

The 8450 m long is a twin tube tunnel which is constructed according to NATM- New Austrian Tunnelling
Method. The NATM is rather a concept or philosophy than a construction method. The NATM
constitutes a concept, where the surrounding soil- or rock mass of a tunnel is integrated into the
overall support structure, the rock is activated to a load bearing ring around the tunnel. First Tube is
8429 metre and the second one is 8444 metre, the two tubes are connected regularly with cross passageways
at 500 metres centre to centre. There have been provisions for niches at regular intervals to ensure efficient
safety. Fire-fighting niches, electrical control niches and jet fan niches for proper ventilation and lighting of
the tunnel are provided. The functional cross-section of the tunnel is 7m wide, with 3.5 m wide traffic lane
and 3 m wide emergency lane; 30 cm for the divider.

Blasting or excavation is mainly done on the face of the tunnel; this depends on the class of rock. For hard
rocks, generally blasting is done. Blasting involves loading of the explosives, charging of the explosive and
blasting. Excavation is mainly done with the help of an excavator or a Leibherr. RESS Required
Excavation support system is the vital part of NATM process. Fore-poling, lattice girder erection, wire mesh
installation and rock bolting are also vital in tunnelling.

The Project is scheduled to be completed in June 2018; currently 72% of the work is completed.

Page no ii


Figure 2.1.1 - Proposed Highway Alignment.....................................................................................10
Figure 2.1.2 - Project View...............................................................................................................10
Figure 2.2.1- Geological Profile of the Tunnel...................................................................................11
Figure 2.3.1- Tunnel Cross Section....................................................................................................15
Figure 2.3.2- Jet Fan Niche Design....................................................................................................16
Figure 2.4.1- Cross-Sectional Tunnel.................................................................................................18
Figure 2.4.2- Longitudinal Section of Tunnel....................................................................................19
Figure 2.5- Process of Tunneling........................................................................................................20
Figure Blasting Process.........................................................................................................21
Figure Atlas Copco- Drilling Machine.................................................................................22
Figure Pattern...........................................................................................................24
Figure Non Electric Detonator.....................................................................................25
Figure Excavation Scheme.........................................................................................25
Figure Excavation....................................................................................................26
Figure Excavation..................................................................................................26
Figure Excavation........................................................................................................27
Figure Excavator......................................................................................................27
Figure 2.5.5-Muck Loading................................................................................................................28
Figure Targets ........................................................................................................29
Figure Settlement Points..........................................................................................29
Figure 2.5.7-Bottom Cleaning...........................................................................................................30
Figure 2.5.8-Fore-Poling...................................................................................................................31
Figure Girder Erection..............................................................................................32
Figure 2.5.11-Wire Mesh Installation.................................................................................................33
Figure SIKA 500- Concrete Spraying Machine............................................................34
Figure Rock Bolting Pattern.................................................................................................36
Figure Self Drilled Anchors.....................................................................................37
Figure Self Nut Bolts..................................................................................................37
Figure Swellex.....................................................................................................................38
Figure Mapping............................................................................................................39
Figure Membrane.............................................................................................40
Figure PVC Membrane........................................................................................................40
Figure Tunnel Linings.........................................................................................................41
Figure Lining Gantry.............................................................................................43

Page No iii


Table 1.3- Main Features of Designed Tunnels.......................................................................9
Table 2.2.1 Rock Mass Rating................................................................................................13
Table 2.2.2 Guidelines for excavation of blasting according to rock Class................................14
Table 2.5.2- Round Length according to Class of rock...............................................................22
Table 2.5.12- Shotcreting Depth according to the Rock Class....................................................35
Table of Limits of Air...........................................................................................44

Navyuga Engineering Company Limited was incorporated in the year 1986. The company was primarily
focussing on Pile Foundations, Diaphragm wall and Marine structures like Berths, Wharves and Jetties.
NECL- Navyuga Engineering Company Limited is an entity under the Navyuga Group.

Over the years the company has grown multifold adding expertise and capabilities in the areas of special pile
foundation, marine structures, tunnelling, ground improvement techniques, industrial buildings, bridges and
roads etc. The company has taken projects on the basis of EPC and infrastructure projects on BOT basis
(Build Operate Transfer) and annuity process basis. Its portfolio encompasses ports & other marine works,
roads & bridges, power units, lift irrigation and modern mass transit systems.

The Management

Mr. C. VisweswaraRao Chairman

Mr. C. Sridhar Managing Director
Mr. C. Sasidhar Director
Col. S. B. Puri Executive Director
Mr.Sajjan Singh Director
Mr. K. JagadiswaraRao Director
Dr.Ir.P.V.Chandramohan President (Technical)
Mr. P. A. Venkateswaran Resident Director

The Company was awarded the Project in 13th day July 2010via Package No.: NHDP-Phase-II/BOT/II/J&K
on BOT basis. The company started work on June 2011 and till now has completed almost 50% of the project


NAME OF THE PROJECT - Qazigund to Banihal Road Tunnel Project

CLIENT NAME National Highway Authority of India

CONCESSIONIARE - M/S NavyugaQazigund Expressway Pvt. Ltd.

EPC Contractor M/S Navyuga Engineering Company Ltd.

CONCESSION PERIOD 20 Years (Including 5 Years Construction Period)

DATE OF SIGNING CA 13th day July 2011

APPOINTED DATE 5th June 2011


TOTAL PROJECT COST Rs.1987.00 Crores (Concession Agreement)

ANNUITY( HALF YEARLY)- Rs.245.00 Crores




Navyuga Engineering Construction was awarded the project by NHAI which involves 4-laning of
National Highway section from 189.350 km to 204.7 km on BOT basis in the state of Jammu and
Kashmir via Package No. NHDP-Phase-II/BOT/II/J&K. NECL has engaged NEC as EPC contracts for
the project.
According to the project, construction of a parallel two lane alignment to the existing NH1A between
Banihal Town and Qazigund having a length of 15.35 km as against 32.70 km of existing NHIA is
proposed and the construction is underway since 2011.

The alignment runs parallel to the River Bichlari at most of the locations between 190 km to 195
kilometres. Beyond Lamber Village, the alignment traverses through one of the ridges of the main
PirPanjal Mountain through a 500 m bridge, originally a short tunnel of 679 metre was proposed instead
of the bridge. The alignment crosses the main PirPanjal Mountain range through an 8450 m long tunnel.
PirPanjal range separates Jammu Province from Kashmir Valley. These ranges are the water divide
between Jhelum River on the Northern Side and Chenab river basin on the southern side.

The 8450 m long tunnel is a twin tube tunnel. The cross passage of the tunnel is constructed according to
the New Austrian Tunnelling Method- NATM.

Table 1.3:- Main Features of the Designated Tunnel


Length of the Tunnel Ist Tube - 8429 metres

2nd Tube 8444 metres
The tunnels are connected with cross passages at 500
metres centre to centre.
Functional Cross Section 7.0 metre single lane carriage way with an emergency
Driving Lane 3.5 metre, Emergency Lane 3
metre. Hard Clearance -25 cm and Divider 25 cm.
Vertical Clearance 5.50 metre.
Fire Fighting & scudder system
SCADA System
Fire Fighting System
Electrical Niches


Figure 2.1.1- Proposed Highway Alignment

Fig 2.1.2 Project View of the Tunnel

The mountainous stretch of NH-1A from km 189.350 to 220 km is geo-dynamically active which results in
frequent slope failure, rock falls and avalanche. On an average road remains closed for over 40 days in a year
with continuous maintenance. To make the road all weather, the tunnel have been proposed which will reduce
the distance between Banihal and Srinagar by about 16 kms thus giving a saving of about 27 crores per year
on vehicle operation cost for present day truck traffic only. Besides this travel time will also be reduced by
about 2 hours. Besides this the road on northern slopes after km 189.00 is having blind curves, steep gradient
and restriction of load of 8 tonne only. The new highway alignment has been designed with 2-lane tunnels to
avoid steep gradients, blind curves so as to remain operational throughout the year.

The alignment runs parallel to the River Bichlari at most of the locations between km.190.000 to km.195.000
and traverses through villages such as Karawa, Kaskoot, Farwagon, Zenhal, Asher and Church Lamber,
GundTethar and Nowgaon. Beyond Lamber Village, the alignment crosses the main PirPanjal Mountain
Range through an 8450m tunnel.


Fig 2.2.1 - Geological Profile of the Tunnel

1. Symbols

q- Silt gravel, Sand, Boulders. F- Fault Shear Zone

1- Quartzite with minor intercalations of shale
2- Limestone, intercalations of shale and quartzite
3- Limestone, Silicified &shaly slates
4- Sandy Slates, siliceous limestone, minor sandstone and Conglomerate
5- Andesitic/Basalt
6- Agglomerate slates with minor shale and quartzite.

The class of the rock in the PirPanjal Range was divided according to the Rock Mass Rating concept of
Beiniaskwi (1976). The following six parameters were used to classify the rock according to RMR

a. Unaxial Compressive Strength of the rock.

b. RQD- Rock Quality Designation
c. Spacing of discontinuities
d. Condition of discontinuities
e. Ground Water condition
f. Orientation of discontinuities

In applying this classification system, the rock mass is divided into a number of structural regions and each
region is classified separately. The boundaries of the structural regions usually coincide with the major

structural feature such as fault or with a change in rock type. In some cases significant changes in
discontinuity spacing or characteristics within the same rock type may neccisate the division of the rock mass
into a number of structural regions and domains.

Table 2.2.1 Rock Mass Rating System

Table 2.2.2 Guidelines for excavation and support according to the class of rock

Rock Mass Class Excavation Rock Bolts Shotcrete Steel Sets/Lattice


I Very Good Rock Full Face Generally no None
3m advance support required
RMR 81-100

II- Good Rock Full Face Locally, bolts in 50mm in crown None
RMR 61-80 1-1.5 m advance crown 3m long wherever required
spaced at 2.5 m.

III- Fair Rock Top heading and Systematic bolts 4m 50mm -10mm in None
RMR- 41-60 benching. 3m long at 1-1.5 crown and 30 mm
advance in top. spacing. on sides.
Support may be Wire mesh not
required after blast. required.
IV- Poor Rock 1-1.5m advance. Systematic bolts 4- 100 mm in crown Lattice Girders/Light
RMR 21-40 Concurrent support 5m long at 1-1.5 m and sides. to Medium Ribs at
required spacing. Wire mesh 1.5 m spacing or
required. Desired.
V& VI - Very Poor Multiple drifts. Systematic bolts 150mm in crown Lattice
RMR<20 0.5-1.0 m advance. 5-6m long at 1-1.5 and sides. Girder/Medium to
Support installation m spacing. Wire Heavy Ribs at
immediately. Mesh Required. desired spacing

The blasting and excavation of the mountain range was in accordance with this system of classification. The
support system lattice girders, wire mesh, fore-poling and rock-bolting are also dependent on the above

Ground water level of the mountain also affected the rock pattern, in winter seasons the seepage
predominates and extra efforts for drainage from the mountains is taken into consideration. In very loose
rocks Lattice Girders are erected at spacing of less than 1.5m.



a. 7m wide tunnel with one traffic lane and one emergency lane. As per existing guidelines, no lay bays
are required due to the presence of the emergency lane.

b. The tunnel is a twin tube system One tube of length 8429 metres and the other of 8444 metres.

c. The provided vertical clearance of the tunnel is 5.50 metre. Initially according to the designs the
vertical clearance was 5 metre but then a 5.50 metre vertical clearance was given on the site.

d. Geometry of carriageway:
25 cm hard clearance
350cm driving lane
25 cm for lane separation
300cm emergency lane

e. Emergency Stations with emergency call units and two fire extinguishers at each emergency lane side
after every 125 metre.

f. Fire hydrants are being provided at every 250 metre.

g. Maintenance niches- Maintenance substations are provided at every 65 metre along both sides of the

Widening for Jet Fans for ventilation is also provisioned. The Jet Fan niches are 20-25 metre long and
1.5 metre wide. Jet fans will be installed at these niches for proper and efficient ventilation system of
the long tunnel.

h. Cross passages for Vehicles and Pedestrians is provided at every 500 metre length centre to centre.
The twin tubes are connected together at these cross passage ways. Earlier according to the design the
pedestrian cross passageway was to be constructed at every 500 metre length and the vehicular cross
passage way was provisioned at every 1200 metre length. But the on-site engineers constructed the
cross-passageway for vehicles at every 500 metre length. The cross passageway was constructed so
that the construction vehicles could get easy and safe escape routes.

i. Defect vehicles can be removed from the driving lane to the emergency lane anywhere.

j. Maintenance personal can enter the tunnel with a vehicle carrying tolls, spares etc. without disturbing
the traffic.

Figure 2.3.1- Tunnel cross-section

Figure 2.3.2 - Jet Fan Niche Design


i. The choice of tunnelling method may be dictated by:

ii. Geological and hydrological conditions,

iii. Cross-section and length of continuous tunnel.

iv. Local experience and time/cost considerations.

v. Limits of surface disturbance and many others factors.

Tunnel construction methods:

a. Classical methods

b. Mechanical drilling/cutting

c. Cut-and-cover

d. Drill and blast

e. Shields and tunnel boring machines (TBMs)

f. New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM)

g. Immersed tunnels

h. Tunnel Jacking

We will be discussing NATM in this section as NATM has been adopted in this project.

As the name NATM implies, this method was developed by Austrian engineers and in its present
form is the result of a long, continuous development with its beginning dating back some 40+
years. At that time there was also existing a so-called "Austrian Tunnelling Method", so the newly
developed method was called "New Austrian Tunnelling Method" or NATM. Austria's mountains - as
well as their excellent miners - have led to the country's famous reputations for its achievements in

The NATM is rather a concept or philosophy than a construction method. The NATM constitutes a
concept, where the surrounding soil- or rock mass of a tunnel is integrated into the overall support
structure, the rock is activated to a load bearing ring around the tunnel. Old conventional tunnelling
methods considered the rock mass surrounding the tunnel only as a loading member.

In NATM the initial tunnel support consisting of shotcrete, reinforced by wire mesh or steel fibre,
possibly steel ribs and rock bolts, is installed in close contact with the rock surface and form a
composite structure. The composite system rock(soil)/supporting elements allows to control the
deformations to achieve stress release and stress redistribution around the tunnel. It also limits the
loss of natural rock/soil strength in order to maintain the carrying capacity of the rock arch around
the tunnel. During construction continuous geotechnical measurements and controls are carried out to
monitor the stress re-arrangement process, to control stability and to optimize the supporting system,
construction sequence and to verify the rock classification.

The NATM represents the stateof art in modern tunnelling. Its concept makes NATM more economical
than conventional means of tunnelling.

For the successful application of NATM certain principles have to be observed in the design and in
the construction. These are:

a. Consideration of rock mechanics

b. Selection of a proper profile
c. Design of flexible support and slender lining (in rock)
d. Careful excavation
e. Maintenance of rock strength, avoidance of loosening and over-breaks
f. Direct contact of rock/soil and support
g. Creating and conserving triaxial stress conditions
h. Installation of support without delay and in correct sequence
i. Adjustment of construction procedures to changing ground conditions, stand-up time and face
j. Ring closure time and distance
k. Continuous control by geotechnical measurements


i. Wire Mesh
ii. Steel Rib/Lattice Girder
iii. Shotcrete
iv. Rock Bolting
v. Fore-Poling

All the support elements are discussed later in construction process.

Figure 2.4.1- Cross Section of Tunnel

Figure 2.4.2 Longitudinal Section of the Tunnel (NATM Process)


Figure 2.5 Process of Tunnelling


The construction process starts with survey; the face of the tunnel is investigated and surveyed according to
the design procedures given by the GC-Geo-Consultants. Ground-settlement points are located and
accordingly the face is marked by the help of total station.
The desired circumference of the tube is marked and then according to the class of the rock either blasting
or excavation is carried.


Figure Blasting Process

Blasting is usually done in Class I, II & III rocks which are hard and have fewer joints between the rocks.
The discontinuity between the joints is less which makes it easier to blast the rocks. Blasting is critically
intriguing process in modern tunnelling process. Blasting is sub-divided into following processes: -

a. Drilling
b. Charging
c. Blasting
d. Loading
e. Scaling and Marking
a. Drilling: - Drilling is usually done with the help of a machine called Atlas Copco282 Boomer
Drilling Machine. The Boomer is a modern, hydraulic face drilling rig suitable for medium to large
sized drifts and tunnels with cross sections up to 112 m. The drilling is controlled by the
computerized, award-winning Rig Control System. It is equipped with two robust drill booms and one

bucket for carrying workers to work high above the ground. A dipter is connected to the two booms;
this penetrates and drills into the rock surface.

Figure Atlas Copco Boomer Drilling Machine

Drilling is usually done according to a systematic pattern. At the face, drilling is done to form a pattern of
five concentric circles. The round length or the penetration length of the drill depends on the class of the
rock and desired length.

Table 2.5.2 Round Length according to the class of rock.

Rock Type Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI

Round 3.0 m 1.5- 3.0 m 1.5- 2.5 m 1-2 m 0.5- 1.5 m 0.5- 1.0 m

a. Charging : -
After drilling is completed, the workers use a pipe to move out the muck of the hole and clean the
hole. Then NEDs are charged into each hole.

Figure Charging

Blasting Materials:-

NEDs- Non Electric Detonators are installed in each hole. Non electric detonators is a shock tube detonator
designed to initiate explosions, generally for the purpose of tunnelling and demolishing of buildings. Instead
of electric wires, a hollow plastic tube delivers the firing impulse to the detonator, making it immune to most
of the hazards associated with strayelectrical current. The speed of firing of NED is 2000m/s hence it is safer
than EDs.

The NEDs are numbered according to their timings. Generally, the number ranges from 0-15. The NED of
lower number fires first and then the higher numbered fires.

Explosives - Gelignite also known as blasting gelatin or simply jelly, is an explosive material consisting
of collodion-cotton (a type of nitrocellulose or gun cotton) dissolved in either nitro-
glycerine or nitroglycol and mixed with wood pulp and saltpetre. Generally the gelatin is packed in
cylindrical packs which are installed in the drilled holes. The number of gelatin packs installed in each hole
depends on the desired blasting depth. For larger depths 3-4 gelatin packs are installed into the hole. The
explosive stick is 300 mm in length and 38 mm diameter. The weight of each stick is approximately 380

LPD- Long Period Delay Detonator and Detonating Fuse/ Detonating cord is also used. This is further
connected to NEDs. They are fired first which in turn fire the NEDs and hence the blast.
Also there is a specific blasting pattern on the face of the tunnel. The pattern is shown in the figure below

Figure Blasting Pattern

As the figure shows, there are five concentric circles. For each number written on the figure it stands for a
drilled hole. The upper number/ numerator represent the NED number and the lower number/denominator
represents the number of gelatin packs used in the respective hole. At the centre of the face, the number 1
NED is installed which increases with each passing hole. The number of gelatin packs used at the centre of
the face is also greater than at the outer/upper portion of the face. This arrangement is provided for maximum
efficiency and to minimize the dangers of tunnelling. At the centre a V Cut is provided, this ensures that the
rock mass is displaced from the face with desired expected pull. When the NEDs are fired, blasting first
occurs at the centre and then reaches to the top; though the time lag is fractionally short and occurs in the
milli-seconds but yet it proves very effective.The blasting is first carried on the heading part of the tunnel
which is 7.0 metres, then after the heading is clear it is carried on the benching part which is 3.30 metre. At
last the invert part is cleared by blasting which is .91 metre vertical height.

Figure NED Non electric Detonator


Excavation is usually carried out in class IV, V, VI rocks where the rock stratum is loose and shaly.
Excavation is less hectic than blasting, but excavation is done under controlled circumstances. In excavation
extra care is taken because either the rock stratum is loose and susceptible to come down easily or also the
joints are large in number. Excavation occurs in three phases

a. Heading Part
b. Benching Part
c. Invert Part

Heading Part is the top most part of the tunnel cross section, excavation is carried out first in this part. It is
7.0 metres in height. The excavator or the Leibherr (Excavating Machines) first excavates the centre part of
the face so that the upper part or portion acts a support system. Fore-Poling is done in this part so that the
overburden rock mass above is well guarded to come down.

Benching Part is the middle part of the tunnel cross section. After the excavation is complete in the heading
part the excavator mucks out the benching part. It is 3.30 metre in height.

Invert Part is the lower most part of the tunnel cross-section. It is usually 0.91 metre in height and the
excavation is carried at last. This part is then concreted and drainage system is provided so that the water that
seeps in the tunnel is drained out causing no further damages.

Figure2.5.3.1- Tunnel Excavation Scheme

Figure Heading Excavation Figure Benching Excavation

Figure Invert Excavation

Excavator Machines

Leibherr944 c Excavator: -

It is mainly used in excavation of Class IV and V rocks. It is designed smartly providing outstanding
comfort, ease of operation and wide range of working area. It has two teeth at the hoe which rotate 360
degree. The teeth reach into the rock stratum, rotate and hence excavate the desired. It is hydraulically
operated machine with 190kW/258HP. The Grapple capacity of the Leibherr or the working area is 0.80-2.0


Generally, JCB was used as an excavator on the site. It is a powerful machine which digs out rocks and soils
from several depths. In loose soils JCB was used, JCB is also being used in various mobilising yard works
and sedimentation tank works.

Figure Leibherr- Excavating Machine


Defuming is a vital process in tunnelling. During blasting and excavation, poisonous gases are released in
the tunnel sub-structure. These poisonous gases are released through rocks and other minerals excavated. It
becomes very unhygienic and unsafe for the workers and other individuals to work under those
circumstances. These poisonous gases need to removed or evacuated from within the tunnel section. This
process of evacuating poisonous gases from the tunnel which is released from the rock strata when
blasted/excavated is called defuming.

Fans are installed at regular intervals (300 metres) which pump out the gases out of the tunnel. 160KV Fan
is installed at every 1000 metre and three fans of 135 KV are installed to boost this fan. A plastic duct of
large diameter forms the evacuating duct which opens at the start of the tunnel- at the false portal of the


Figure 2.5.5- Muck Loading

Mucking means removing the blasting material or the muck from the surface, it is usually done with the
help of loader and tipper. The muck gets disintegrated when blasted or excavated, it accumulates over the
tunnel section. Then loaders come into action, they load this muck onto the tippers which in turn transport it
to a mucking yard. Mucking yard is a place specially used to dump the muck of the tunnel. Large mucking

yards/ dumping yards nearby are prominent on the site. One of the dumping yards is about a kilometre from
the site. Large heaps of muck are dumped there.


3D Monitoring is usually done to check the tunnel cross-section which has been blasted/ excavated. The
designs of the tunnel are already coursed in the total station. Ground level settlement points are located and
survey is done. The purpose of this survey checking is to see any overcuts or undercuts. If there are any
undercuts remaining they are removed either by blasting (if the undercut is large and hard) or by Leibherr or
JCB Excavator.

The undulations of the tunnel are also checked. Then bi-reflex targets are fixed at certain places as targets and
their co-ordinates and orientation is recorded in the record books. After this every day the survey team
inspects the cross-section according to the set targets to see any change may have occurred in the tunnel
cross-section due to external and overburden pressure.

igure Bi-Reflex Targets. Figure - Ground-settlement points


Now when the overcuts and undercuts are taken care of, the bottom of the tunnel cross-section is cleaned.
Drainage is laid so that the water that seeps in to the cross-section is drained out of the cross-section.
Drainage is utmost important for the tunnel to remain safe, if the water is not drained out the loose strata most
likely breaks down.

Figure 2.5.7 Bottom Cleaning


Forpoling has been adopted in NATM method to stabilize the ground around the cutting face, and to control
the settlement of ground surface. This method involves the driving of pipes and the injecting of grouting
materials into the ground ahead of face prior to excavation. It is one of the support measures in modern day
tunnels. Fore poles or spiles are used to create an umbrella of reinforced rock ahead of advancing face. The
purpose of Forpoling is to maintain the correct profile and to create a bridge for unstable rock mass.
Normally, spilling/Forepoling is carried out as temporary support and supplemented later with permanent
support such as shotcrete and radial bolts Typical conditions are water bearing sand or silt, fragmented and
squeezing rock. Forepoling is also frequently used in sections of sufficient rock cover (for instance entrance
areas), where the jointed rock mass may lack the necessary horizontal stresses to keep rock blocks in place.

Forepoling is usually done in following steps: -

Step 1: - A series of holes are drilled in a semi-circular pattern in the direction of the tunnel. Rock bolts,
SDA- Self Drilled Anchors and SNA Self Nut Anchors are inserted into the holes. Once these bolts are in
place and grouted, it creates a strong arch that bridges the rock during the next blast. The fore-poles may or
may not be grouted. Usually, they were inserted without grouting.

Step 2:- The cutting face beneath the arch is excavated in incremental steps as discussed in the excavation
and the blasting part. The excavation proceeds deeper into the rock, a temporary construction lining is added.

Step 3: - The first step is then repeated. The new forepoles overlap the previous ones this forms a canopy
which holds the upper rock.

Figure 2.5.8 Forepoling installation.


Pre-shotcreting is immediate application of shotcrete to the tunnel surface to avoid surface fall off. It is a
pre-empted job implemented on Class IV, V & VI rock. When the cutting face is blasted or excavated the
concrete is sprayed over the sides.

A 5cm shotcrete is applied on the rough newly excavated surface of the tunnel; this concrete is M30 in
strength. RFS may be used in some acute cases. RFS- Reinforced Fibre Steel is very light needle type
hooked fibres which are mixed in batching plant with the concrete. They have holding capability and hence
are very effective in surface applications.


Lattice Girders are supporting elements in tunnel; they are composed of steel bars welded together in
triangular pattern. Lattice Girder is a three cord lattice with an isosceles triangular section with a larger bar
diameter 16mm at the apex and two smaller diameters at the base corners.
Lattice Girders provide emergency temporary support/restraint for unstable ground. They also provide rigid
fixing and support for steel reinforcement to the intrados and extrados of the shotcrete lining shell.
Lattice Girder are extensively used nowadays because they are light weight, easy to install as compared to
steel ribs and provide good temporary support to the shotcrete as it is being applied and until it gains
sufficient strength to support itself. They also provide the prime reinforcement panel in the tunnel cross-
The Lattice Girders are the first structural members to be installed in the tunnel excavation either as soon as
the excavation or blasting is complete or a flash or pre-shotcreting layer is applied to avoid a potentially
unstable profile. The girder is installed using a laser set total station, which monitors the girder and its
orientation. According to the design, the girder is installed in parts and manoeuvred into place using special
attachment fixed to the excavator. Also then the parts are welded together to form a monolithic structure.
The number of Lattice Girders installed per length also depends on the class of rock and degree of instability.
For some lengths that is from 0-300 metres the spacing for lattice girders was 1 metre, however with the
quality of rock and stability increasing they used one lattice girder per three metres. However, in Class III, II
& I rock Lattice Girders are not required because the rock strata is hard and there are very meagre chances of
rock failure or breakdown.

Figure Lattice Girder Erection


Wire mesh installation is predominant in Class IV, V, VI rocks where the surface is loose and unstable. Wire
mesh is primarily very good in tensile strength and hence is used for stabilisation of the loose rock strata in
the heading part.

Steel bars of 6mm are welded together to form numerous squares of 100x100 mm.

Figure- 2.5.11 Wire Mesh Installation

Wire Mesh is installed with the help a mechanically operated hammer and a boomer. The boomer first drills
holes of 50mm in the desired region. A 200 mm long rod is bent into V shaped structure with an angle of 30-
45 degree. This rod is inserted into the hole with the help of mechanically operated hammer, the wire mesh is
held by the boomer and manoeuvred to the desired position. It is fixed between the hook (the V Shaped rod)
and then the rod is pushed further so that whole of the rod is inserted in. This process fixes the wire-mesh
onto the desired part which is then shotcreted.


Sprayed concrete or shotcrete is an excellent tool for stabilisation and support of the structures in a very short
time Shotcrete is a high-performance material which functions as a permanent supporting system for the
tunnel surface. Shotcreting is economically outstanding and almost perfect in technicalities.
Shotcreting is a general mix of sprayed cement, aggregates and admixtures accelerators or retarders, the
mix is prepared in a batching plant. The batching plant is computer operated and systemised. When a desired
mix of any strength is required, the desired strength is fed into the system and we get the desired concrete of
the desired quality and quantity. It has four equal parts, each part containing aggregates. 20mm aggregates are
placed in the first part, fine aggregates are placed in the second one, dust particles are placed in the third part-
this is a part of fine aggregates but the quality is not so good and hence named dust particles. In the fourth
part 10mm down aggregates are placed.

Sprayed concrete is the perfect material for excavation stabilisation. Its unique flexibility in
The choice of application thickness, material formulation (fibre), output capacity, very earlystrength
development (dry and/or wet) and the ability to re-spray at any time makes sprayed
Concrete the complete material for excavation stabilisation. Shotcrete holds the rock strata, reinforcement
and lattice girder together by its application. The water cement ratio for shotcrete is generally between 0.30
and 0.50.

Shotcreting is mainly applied with the help of concrete spraying machine called PMSIKA 500. This concrete
spraying system is the product of the advances made in sprayed concrete machinery and in metering
accuracy. It consists of a robust arm which allows the use of a peristaltic pump with a diameter of more than
80mm. This system is good in mobility, accuracy and absolute controllability. It is hydraulically operated,
and has three hose pipes. One pipe gets in the concrete from the TMT- Transit Mix Truck, the other brings in
the necessary water and the third gets in admixtures-accelerators or retarders whichever required. The nozzle
is at the end, its slightly tapering towards the open end with a diameter of 50mm. It is desired to maintain
aggregates of 10mm down in the machine to avoid blockage.

Figure PMSIKA 500 Concrete Spraying Machine

Shotcreting is applied so that we get a homogenous dense texture and an even surface of the tunnel. In Class
I, II & III rocks there may be undulations due to the absence of lattice girder and wire meshes but these
undulations are then covered by secondary concrete lining.

Shotcrete is mainly placed in layers of two or three to prevent concrete separation. The nozzle distance from
the point of application is kept between 0.5m to 2 metres and the angle of nozzle to the application point is
always kept close to 90 degree. Use of accelerators and retarders depend on the local conditions and type of
climate we are in. If conditions are unfavourable for a particular period of time, then a fair amount of
accelerator is used to speed up the process.

There may be times when the shotcrete may rebound and this rebounding is influenced by nozzle angle,
composition of mix, amount of water and rate of ejection. Adequate shotcreting speed is kept so that
minimum or no rebounding occurs. Thus proper care needs to be taken while shotcreting.

Table 2.5.12

Class Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class V

Shotcreting 50-100 mm 50-100mm 100-150mm 150-200mm 200-250mm 250-300mm

Figure Shotcreting


The tunnel is liable to failures, these failures range from rock failures at the upper portion of the tunnel and
wedge failures along the sides of the tunnel. There are vertical and horizontal joints of the rocks, these joints
form the discontinuity in the rocks which results in their failure. In-order to eliminate the possibilities of such
failures the rocks are stitched to one another with the help of anchoring rods. These anchoring rods which
hold the rocks together to avoid a possible fall out are called rock bolts. The process of anchoring the rocks
together is called ROCK BOLTING.

Boomer drills the holes, the length of the bolts vary for different class of rocks. It may vary from 3m in I& II
Class to 6m in V & VI Class rock. The staggered pattern for the bolts is applied.

Figure Rock Bolting Pattern

In one row nine rock bolts are installed while in the other eight rock bolts are installed. The rock bolts
increase the shear strength of the rocks and also avoid the possible fall from a broken rock. They also
minimize the displacements of the lining. The direction of rock bolting is perpendicular to the surface of the
tunnel cross-section also said to be radial.

Generally the rock bolts used are of three main types:-

a. SDA Self Drilling Anchors

b. SN Bolts Self Nut Bolts
c. Swellex

SDA Self Drilling Anchors: - This anchor rod features a hollow bore for flushing, or simultaneous drilling
and grouting, and has a left-hand thread for connection to standard drill tooling. This thread is connected to
the dipter of the Boomer with the help of a coupling. This is directly drilled into the surface and then grouting
is done.
The bearing plates are forged steel plates with a centre hole, allowing articulation of seven degrees in all
The length of SDA may vary according to the local ground conditions. The diameter of the SDA used is
24mm. The hole of the bearing plate may be 26-27mm in diameter.

Figure SDA Rock Bolts

SN- Self Nut Bolts: - They are normal bolts which are threaded. Holes are drilled in the rock stratum and SN
Bolts are inserted into the holes. Prior to the installation of the SN Bolts. The holes are cleaned and then
grouted along with the insertion of the SN Bolts. The plate of the bolts is connected after 8-10 hours of
installation of SN Bolts. This is done so that the bolts gets enough time to settle with the grout.

Figure SN Bolts

Swellex: - The Swellex is a rock bolt made of a welded tube folded on itself and sealed at one extremity. It is
expanded using a high pressure water flow provided by a special pump. The bolt is expanded inside a
borehole, and the installation processes easy and very similar to other rock bolts. This makes Swellex
accessible to all operators.
The Swellex rock bolt is sealed at one extremity; the other extremity is equipped with a special head bushing
used for inflation. The expansion of the bolt, inside the borehole, creates a friction and interlocking anchor,
which provides full column support and support on the whole length of the borehole.
Due to this anchorage mechanism, the Swellex bolt can adapt to a wide variety of rock conditions and
provides good to excellent anchorage capacity. The steel profile can adapt shear movements without failure.
The simplicity of the system can explain its performance. The operator simply drills a hole in the rock, inserts
the bolt and then inflates it to a pre-determined pressure using a specially designed inflation system. The
pump stops when reaching the recommended inflation pressure that guarantees the quality of the installation.
Swellex rock bolts can easily be pull tested at any time to control performance.
Figure Swellex


Figure Face Mapping


The use of synthetic geo-membranes as a waterproofing for tunnels is a sophisticated and safe technology
used to protect the construction against the destructive influences of water.
Depending on the appearance of water (humidity, temporary water pressure and permanent water pressure)
the lining system has to be adapted accordingly. This is expressed in the thickness of the geo-membrane and a
system of control and repair. Under the influence of permanent water pressure a minimum thickness of 2 mm
of the geo-membrane is required.

The quality of geo-textile membrane depends upon the type we desire for, the intensity of water tightness is
influential in deciding the geo-textile membrane. First the geo-textile membrane is installed and fixed on the
tunnel surface. It is usually installed with the help of boomer which lifts the labourers on the bucket, these
labourers fix the membrane with the help of roundels.
After fixing the geo-textile membrane a PVC membrane is fixed over the surface. The membrane provides
drainage and protects the membrane from substrate damage.
These membranes are fixed to the benching part of the tunnel; a hard screened PVC sewer is installed along
the invert of the tunnel. This is installed so that the water that drains out from the surface within the
membrane goes through this sewer.

Figure Geo Textile Membrane

Figure PVC Membrane


Secondary Lining Concrete is also called the finishing layer of the tunnel; it is usually robust and applied
over the PVC membrane pre-installed. Prior to the concreting of the tunnel, reinforcement is done.
Lattice Girders are erected mechanically by the labourers, these girders are erected in parts and welded
together. 8-10mm steel rods are meshed together adjacent to the lattice girders. This reinforcement is done to
impart strength to the finishing layer of the tunnel

Figure Tunnel Linings

The lining is broadly divided into two parts:-


KERB LINING Kerb laying part of the tunnel is carried over the benching part. A hydraulically operated
Kerb shutter is used. The gantry slides with the help of rails which are bolted to the existing ones. The kerb
gantry is aligned by fixing the points or the bi-reflex targets and accordingly aligning the gantry with the help
of total station. Bottom cleaning is being done by drilling and blasting, concreting of the pavement and
drainage is concreted too. The muck is removed by using excavator and tipper. At this juncture the kerb
gantry is bought in to the working site and is aligned by the total station. After the gantry is aligned, concrete
is poured over the shuttering. The concrete used in Kerbs is porous in nature- fine aggregates are not used.
This porous concrete allows the water to seep in from the PVC membrane to the screened screen down. The
quantity of concrete used for kerb of 6m is 50 metre cube.

Holes of 25mm diameter are provisioned at every 2.5ft, in these holes support systems are installed for the
Concrete Lining in overt side of the tunnel. When kerb concreting is done, the surface of old concrete shall be
covered by 25 mm thick layer of mortar ( of the same mix as the concrete, without coarse aggregate ) to get a
proper bond with the new concrete. During concreting by a pump or a placer behind form work for sides and
arch, if the placing is interrupted for a period of more than one hour, a batch ( sufficient to cover the area by a
15 mm layer) of mortar as above shall be pumped to cover the cold joints.

The step by step methodology used for the concrete lining is as under-
i. Shifting and pulling gantry shutter.
ii. Alignment of the Gantry
iii. Concrete Pouring

Prefabricated overt gantry or lining gantry is erected after the kerb is laid over the cross-section. Cleaning
and arrangements made for traveling the gantry shutter on rail by constructing kerb. The rails are fixed over
the kerbs. The weight of the lining gantry is 25MT for 6m length and generally the concrete lining is 13.5
metre long. The gantry is operated with the help of hydraulic jacks and turn buckles.
Alignment of gantry shutter by fixing in the desired position is done by using total station.
Concrete quantity involved per gantry is 50m3 approx. and the cycle time for concrete is fixed 12 hour, so
per hour concreting pouring rate was 8m3.
The concrete is transported in TMTs from the batching plant. The strength of the concrete mix is M30.

This sequence of lining is applied according to IS: 5878(Part V) -1976, which is designed for horse-shoe
tunnels. This sequence has the advantage that all operations of concreting kerb, placing of shutters and forms
and lining of sides and arches can be done with minimum disturbance to the track lines on the floor and for
movement of other traffic. Then the track lines and other service lines are removed and invert concreting is
done last. By this method the bottom concrete surface does not get damaged. An additional advantage in this
is that it permits of concreting the sides and arch simultaneously with excavation with a suitable gap.

Figure Lining Concrete


The standard requires that employees be taught to recognize and avoid hazards associated with tunnel
construction. The instruction shall include the following topics, as appropriate for the jobsite:

a. Air monitoring

b. Ventilation and Illumination

c. Communications

d. Mechanical and personal protective equipment

e. Explosives; fire prevention and protection

f. Emergency procedures - evacuation plans and check-in and check-out procedures

a. Air Monitoring: - The atmosphere in all underground areas shall be tested quantitatively for carbon
monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and other toxic gases, dusts, vapours, mists, and
fumes as often as necessary to ensure that prescribed limits are met. Quantitative tests for methane

shall also be performed in order to determine whether an operation is gassy or potentially gassy and
in order to comply with other sections of the standard.
A record of all air quality tests (including location, date, time, substances, and amount monitored) is
to be kept aboveground at the worksite to ensure all safety measures are enacted.

Table Measurement Limits of Air

Name of the gas % age by volume in atmosphere

Oxygen Less than 19.5

Carbon dioxide More than 0.5

Carbon monoxide More than 0.005

Hydrogen sulphide More than 0.001

Nitrous oxide More than 0.002

b. Illumination and
Oxides of Hydrogen More than 0.002 Ventilation: - As
in all construction
operations, the
Methane More than 0.5 standard requires
that proper
illumination be
Flammable gases More than 1.5
provided during
Any other poisonous gas in harmful amounts. operations. When
explosives are
handled, only
acceptable portable lighting equipment shall be used within 50 feet of any underground heading.
Fans are installed at regular intervals (300 metres) which pump out the gases out of the tunnel.
160KV Fan is installed at every 1000 metre and three fans of 135 KV are installed to boost this fan.
A plastic duct of large diameter forms the evacuating duct which opens at the start of the tunnel- at
the false portal of the tunnel.
c. Communications: - Effective means of communication is necessary in the tunnel; generally
telephones are pre-installed at various sections. In tube 1, the Airtel service operator is functional
and hence workers and engineers face little problems in communications.

d. Emergencies and Fire Safety Measures: - Fire sub-stations are installed at every 250 metre and for
the permanent system, fire sub-stations and niches are installed.
The workers are made to work in teams of not more than 25 members. An entry register is kept at
the entry site of the tubes. The persons entering in the tunnels are ordered to write their details on
the register so that in case of an emergency everyone is secured safely.


a. Proper dumping of the muck is done in the dumping yards. These dumping yards are just near the
site with no local population nearby.
b. The water that is drained out from the site is collected in two sedimentation tanks so that the heavy
impurities settle down and then the water is drained down to a nearby tributary of river Jhelum.
c. The migrant workers are properly looked after, good healthy quarters are built for them and their
mobilisation is also taken care of.
d. Proper systematic outlook is maintained so that there is no spreading out of water borne diseases
among the local inhabitants.


Rock Bolt consist of two tests:
Pull out test for Rock Bolt rods.
Displacement Tests for Rock Bolts.
Compression test for Grouting cubes.

Pull Out Test:

In this test rock bolt are pulled out after 7 days by applying a pull with the help of bucket of boomer and
its displacement and breaking are noted down:

Pull applied or Breaking Load Rock Bol;t Type

230 KN SN

200KN Swellaex

230 KN SDA

Displacement Test:

Load applied Rock Bolt Type Average Displacement

18 KN SDA 8 mm

19 KN SDA 10mm

20 KN SDA 12mm

230KN SDA Breaking load or pulling out rock bolt

18 KN SN 7mm.

20 KN SN 9mm

200 KN SN Breaking load or pulling out rock bolt.

24 KN Swellaex. 5mm

230 KNSwellaexBreaking load or pulling out rock bolt.

Compression Test:

The grouting material which is used for rock bolting is taken and cubes are made from it of dimensions
15cm 15cm 15cm and their compressice strength are noted after 7 days and 28 days

After 7 days:

S. No Compression Value Average Value

1 35.35 KN/mtr.Sq

2 38.28KN/mtr.Sq36.17KN/mtr.Sq

3 36.50KN/mtr.Sq

After 28 days:

S. No Compression Value Average Value

1 48.60KN/mtr.Sq

2 50.12KN/mtr.Sq 49.43KN/mtr.Sq



1. NATM- New Austrian Tunneling Method 2011, Published by GC- GeoConsultants

2. Workshop Presentation by Navyuga Engineering Company, 2011.
3. Sprayed Concrete, 1999 Edition. Author, OsterrichischerBetonverien.
4. IS Code 5878 Part V -1976
5. The use of Lattice Girders in the construction of Tunnel by Komselis C, Blayney N, Hindle D.at
London Mining and Mineral Consultants Ltd (London UK).
6. Minovo Americas of Australia & Atlas Copco Exploration and Geo-Technical Engineering,
Sweden, SDA, SN and Swellex Bolt Formation, 2012.
7. IS Code 9078 1978
8. World Tunnel Congress 2008 - Underground Facilities for Better Environment and Safety India,
Author R K Khali, Gammon India Limited.
9. Hard Rock Tunnel Grouting Practice in Finland, Sweden, and Norway - Literature Study, 2013
10. Guide to Shotcrete, Reported by ACI Committee 506.
11. Support for Underground Excavation in Hard Rock, E Hoek, W.F.Bawden, Department of Mining
Engineering, Queens University, Canada


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