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Boyd, R.

The Origins and Evolution of Grading Student Writing

Evaluation of educational success, before the development of modern systematic

methods involving scrupulous nit picking of each assignment, was once
evaluated on what would seem, today, as an informal judging ones general
performance over a vast expanse of time. The system of collegiate assessment
carried unto the mid 18th century involved evaluation of oral recitation. The
inefficiency, and overall inconsistency of this method eventually led to a transition
of written assessment, after which a system of judging the success of a selection
was developed through ranking ones writing on scale of numeric ranking. Such
methods of writing assessment arose into generally effective use by leading
universities (e.g. Harvard and Yale.) Following the American Civil War, the
method of classical curriculum was rapidly displaced in exchange with constantly-
developing systems of standardized evaluation. The development of different
evaluation methods follows, correlatively, a history of social change, even though
aspects of stressed rhetorical importance remain, modern standardization of
assessment focuses in on revision of ones works. A study on the development of
assessment methods reflects the legacy of social change throughout the
development of modern education, and knowledge of this social history has a
positive impact on ones understanding of assessment theory.

Elbow, P. and Belanoff, P. Portfolios as a Substitute for Proficiency Examinations

The method of conventional proficiency examinationthat which involves a

writing prompt of unpredictable nature and topichas come into question in
regards to how efficiently it measures a students ability to communicate
effectively through writing. This one shot method of administering a timed
writing assignment is challenged by thisa selection of writings, through which a
student has time to discuss, construct, and revise a well thought out argument on
a topic is much more representationally effective than a single, spur-of-the-
moment writing prompt in current writing proficiency assignment. While matched
with a collaborative evaluation process, portfolio writing becomes an effective tool
for improving scores on proficiency exams. It improves consistency in
assessment methods of teachers, who are to no longer grade in isolation. In
general, portfolio assessment results in better writing, and more fair grading
MacGinitie, W. H. Some Limits of Assessment

As a crucial aspect of education, assessment is perhaps the most essential.

Unfortunately, it is the most challenging action, and that is merely due to the
human err to be inclined to particular biases or judgments on the individual
studentpredispositional opinions regarding individuals being assessed can be
conscious or unconscious, and are particularly characterized by a tendency to
assimilate knowledge with previous experience with the individual in question.
Negativity, social categorization, confirmation bias, and measurement of an
individuals work to their character or potential can lead one to erroneously
validate a bias that isnt necessarily correct. Assessment should therefore not be
perceived as a method of categorization, but rather, it should present
opportunities for constant improvement and development of the student.

Maylath, B. Do We Do What We Say?: Contradictions in Composition Teaching and


Collective research sources argue that instructors of composition, while

assessing writing of their students, do, in fact, contradict themselves as they tend
to not adhere in assessment to the principles of criticism which they so often
stress. In essence, instructors teach written processes but grade written
products, preach the authority of the author/student but honor the authority of the
reader/teacher, teach verbal style but reward nominal style, and preach the use of
Anglo-Saxon words but reward the use of Greco-Latinate words (p. 32).
Inconsistency in grading and assessment had found relative exposure through
formal research and reports. Research indicated that discrepancies in
contradictory grading has, in part, to do with differential biases of the variety of
those who assess writing assignmentsteaching assistants hold different biases
and grade differently that veteran professors, who hold their own biases.
Correction of contradictions in teaching/grading has not become formally
practiced on a large scale. The key to reducing grading discrepancies lies solely
with those who evaluatethey must reduce their biases through self-awareness
in the areas of matching what is orated unto students, as well as what is
practiced outside of the lecture hall.

Moss, P. A. Testing the Test of the Test: A Response to Multiple Inquiry in the Validation
of Writing Tests
Haswell suggests that the act of evaluation of a piece of writing carries social
implications as a social device. This not only applies to the individual whose work
is being appraised, but also to each participant involved in appraising and judging
the work. Participants, or stakeholders involved in the process are encouraged
to be of different backrounds, even biases, so as to provoke the full extent of
analysis. This approach of multiple inquiry is valid, but Haswells article does not
adequately achieve the full extent of his introductory presentation, as it does not
reflect the full capabilities of an ideally approached method of multiple inquiry.
Haswell could have approached his final cause with more additional research to
answer some of his questions which were left unanswered. These sources of
research, surprisingly enough, exist outside of the field of research on validity
theory in educational measurement, but in the social sciences. Outwardly, into
fields of research outside of validity theory, much more may be extrapolated that
further supports what Haswell has suggested, but left unsupported.

Veal, L. R. and Hudson, S. A. Direct and Indirect Measure for Lage-Scale Evaluation of

Varyingly diverse methods of evaluating a students competence in writing exist in

many facets of writing and reading comprehension, from writing ability in and of
itself, to selection of grammatical corrections. These practices characterize both
direct and indirect evaluation, resprectively. As these comparative methods of
evaluating are employed to coexistence, it becomes imperative to evaluate the
comparative efficiency of each method through research in varying combinations
of how each method of direct assessment is administered in comparison to
indirect assessment methods. Among these methods, holistic, analytic, primary
trait, and mechanics evaluation were included. A well-represented sample of test
groups from schools in the Georgia school system were selected to point to
which method proved to be the most representationally accurate. Out of these
different testing methods, the holistic method proved to be effective in the realm
of cost efficiency. Analytical methodology follows holisticism closely in
correlational effect, with an added nuance of additive evaluation that is more
detailed and meticulous. Analysis of research supports that holistic evaluation is
most correlative to indirect evaluation methods, but the analytical method is
effective in a different regard. Both applications are effective, if employed.
White, E. M. Holisticism

Holisticism, as a systematic method of viewing and scoring a piece of writing,

does not attempt a technique of analysis through breaking-apart all facets of a
work. Rather, it attempts to view the work as a whole and complete work. Use of
holisticism in scoring, as a newly defined method has increased in use at an
alarmingly rapid rate, without much notice of its arising. The rise of use of
holisticism can be traced to skepticism regarding measuring the writing ability of
students based on multiple-choice testing alone. Alongside this inefficiency,
multiple-choice is a greater economical expense than portions of essay
assessment. Essay scoring presented its own challenged, primarily involving bias
of the individuals randomly selected to score each essay. Paul Deiderich initiated
early experimentation of a method of general impression scoring, which would
later be modified into holisticism. Much criticism pointed towards holistic scoring
is generally more aligned with general impression scoring, than at what has been
since perfected. Not only has the method of holisticism proved to be accurate in
scoring works of writing, but it has also proved to reduce expenses efficiently for
standardized testing. Holisticism has been accept in general use through
standardized test scoring, and because of criticism regarding the reliability of
controlled essay writing, holisiticism has received much criticism in its limitations.
In comparison to alternative methods, it is supported as the most successful
procedure in scoring works of writing, diversely, and cheaply.


Perelman, L.

It has been suggested, among many causes, that the ever-rising costs of college
education can be pinned on the excessive demands of luxury from students in
attendance, while in reality, the steep rise in the price of education is simply due to
superfluous monetary compensation for teaching assistants. Luxurious
accommodations offered by universities may be expensive, but in the long run, it causes
beneficial revenue increase, and provides the benefit for students earning an education
in comfort. On the other hand, compensation offered to teaching assistants is excessive,
and unnecessarily so. Through unionization, influential connections, and general control
over the academic environs, it is only logical that teaching assistants can achieve
influence regarding their own salaries.

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