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3rd year English major

Spring semester 2017

American literature
R. Moldovan

Reading list

Vladimir Nabokov, Good readers and good writers

Herman Melville, Bartleby, the scrivener

F. S. Fitzgerald, Babylon revisited
Ernest Hemingway, The snows of Kilimanjaro
William Faulkner, The old people, The bear (in Go down, Moses)
Flannery OConnor, A temple of the Holy Ghost
Jack Kerouac, On the road (part I, chapters 1-9)
Allen Ginsberg, Howl
John Cheever, The enormous radio
Truman Capote, Master misery
Carson McCullers, A tree, a rock, a cloud
J. D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey
Sylvia Plath, The bell jar (chapters 1 and 9)
Joyce Carol Oates, Where are you going, where have you been?
John Barth, Chimera (part I, Dunyazadiad)
Raymond Carver, What we talk about when we talk about love
Toni Morrison, Beloved (chapters/sections 1-5)
Brett Easton Ellis, American Psycho (first four chapters, April Fools, Morning,
Harrys, Pastels)
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight club (chapters 1-7)
George Saunders, I can speak!TM, Jon (in In persuasion nation)
Ernest Cline, Ready player one (chapters 1-5)


C1. Course introduction

C2. The first American authentic: Emerson/Thoreau/Melville
C3. The anatomists of the past: Fitzgerald, Hemingway
C4. The old, the young and the timeless: Faulkner, OConnor
C5. The Beat(s): Kerouac, Ginsberg
C6. The young and the restless: Salinger, Plath
C7. The realists: Cheever, Carver, Oates
C8. The escapists: Capote, McCullers
C9. The flamboyant: Barth
C10. The ancestral: Morrison
C11. The transgressive: Easton Ellis, Palahniuk
C12. The futurists now: Saunders, Cline

Seminars (provisional)

S1. Melville
S2. Faulkner, OConnor
S3. Ginsberg
S4. Salinger/Plath
S5. Morrison
S6. Palahniuk

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