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Evaluate your groups thoughts on IVF funding in Australia. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Step 1: Determine the advantages and disadvantages of viewpoint

For. Advantages Pts Disadvantages Pts

Viewpoint # 1: IVF should not be fully funded
as it is using taxpayer money and does not
benefit all of society

Viewpoint # 2: IVF should be accessible for

all individuals wanting a child

Viewpoint # 3: IVF is unnatural and allow for

designer babies

Viewpoint # 4: The technology that IVF offers

can allow for selection against genetic

Total Total

Step 2: Each group member assigns each statement points ranging from 1-5 depending on your priorities (1- low priority, 5- high priority).

Step 3: Add up the total points for the advantage column and for the disadvantage group to make your decision on whether IVF should be funded

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