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Ministry Of Housing & Construction Z | National Genter For Construction Labs And Res' = seal ; investigation ‘Report no. 3 / 1./24/ 2012 April/2012 i BABYLON ) CONTENTS _ “nical Properties. 5-3 Consolidation Properties Jimits-Test Resutis NDATIONS chle Bearing Capacity pe And Depth& Setilement. REPORT NO, 3/1/24/2012/HILLA NEW UW. FOR WATER TREATMENT IN AL- MUSSAYAB HEAT STATION: 1-INTROBUCTION 1-1 Authorization And Scope V the LR) Babylon Laboratory at the request of ” General Directorate of Eleciricity Vike their letter No 7359 dated at 27/6/2010 ~The soil investigation described in this-report consists of drilling the The soil investigations for this project National Center for Construction Laboratories and Research (NC Site Location And Description station” ——The site-is-located-in-side-the-existing " AL-Mussayab he: witchris ti ic site used for gravel and sand stocks, therefore. the site covered by a ed by compacted soil about 2.0m thick when the station built. thin layer of gravel and sand mixture, in additional to that , there are ToASretion residue. The site elevation about 0.5m lower than the adjacent road clevation. 2- FIELD EXPLORATION 2 2-1 Drilling And Sampling Drilling was done using flight augers, The diameter of drilled bore Holes was (15.0) cm. The distributed samples (D) were collected from the cutting of auger atany depth. The undistarbed samples marked (U) were optain using Shelpy tubes. Split spoon samples (S.S.) were obtained from standard split spoon used in Standard Penetration Test (S.P.T) which was performed for every test boring at different intervals depending on the stratification of the soil The actual depth for all samples and N-Values For S.P.1. are shown in the record of test results sheets of this report. 2-2 Number Of Bore holes And Their Depth Four bore holes were assigned for this site by the concerned authority-ythe bore holes were-drilled to a depth about (15.0)m. below Ground Surface(G:S:) Ihe location of the bore holes are marked on the site plan shown at Fig. 1 @ Sa Soil Tavestigation Report For New Unit For Water Tie neni In AE Mussayab Heat Station 2 Fire Services| < Loe Main Civil & | Workshog| Engine) | | —— — Paved Roa To The Workshop To Thee Admmiisicr J = | Hydrogen Unit See Concrete Storage Tanks ° Fence Fig. 1.: Site plan with borcholes location @ Soil Investigation Report For Mew Unit for Water Treatment In ALMussayab Heat Stati LABORATORY TESTING ch of the soil samples: received by the laboratories of the Directorate of Soil Investigation NCCLR / Babylon was given a leboratory number. ‘The samples of each the borchale were visually examined for initial classification before laboratory testing, The test program was decided by the soil engineer . The actual test proposed fora particular sample depend on the type of sample (S.S.U& D }and the nature of its material. A full list oTTeSIs CoRMUCTEY to this project are= ---Classification Tests, + Grain Size Analysis, * Specific Gravity z ~ Atterberg Lintits (E:L.& PL %). + _ Natural Moisture Content (MLC.%). * “Unit Weight (Natural And Dry). Ty - Strength Tests. 2 Direct ear Test. fa * . Uncontined Compression Test . C- Consolidation Test. D--Chemieal Tests. Sulphate Content ($03 %). © Gypsum Content (GYP. %) © Carbonate Content (CaCo3%), + Chloride Content (CL %). © Total Soluble Salts Content (1.8.8 %) a * Organic Material Content (ORG%) i ‘The result of these tests are shown in the record of test — result sheets appended Soil Investigation Report For New Unit For. Water Treatment Tn ACMussayab Meat Station -.SUBSOIL STRATIFICATION = Soil Pro: Le. According to the Unified Classification System, the subsoil pr be summarized as following : + —The-upper layer is fill compacted soil(river sand with subhase & gypsum) about (2.0)m thick. oFhe-nestlayer is —_____clay(CH-CL} with organic material and iron oxide down to 2 (10.5-11,.5) below G.S. +The next layer is brown medium clayey sandy silt and sandy clayey sift about (1.0)m thick +. The last layer is grey . yellow , brown medium to very dense __-Slayey silty sand which extends down to the ends of borings. digck brown jgrey-mediumr to- very “stit Details of soil stratification for each borehole are shown in the bore holes logs and soil profile Fig (2,3 ) 4-2 Underground water Level ‘The underground water level was encountered at a depth off 1.5 to 2.0)m below existing ground surface (G.S) during the time of boring at (mareh/2012) 5-EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 5-1 Strength Of Soil ‘he results of unconfined compression tes! and direct shea tests as well as the number of blows of standard penetration test results indicate that the relative density of the cohesive less soil layer is medium to very dense. and the consistency af cohesive soil is medium to very stiff, The results of unconfined compression test and direct shear test. are shown in Tablet a) Fill Soil Compacted Soil (River Sand_ + Subbase + Gypsum) Black Medium | |__To Very Stiff Silty CLAY E (CH-CL)+ Organic Material+ fron Oxide Brown Clayey Sandy SILT Black , Brown Medium To Very Dense Cleyey Siity SAND (River SAND) Ss Tecra TERRY, | Report YF Water Fill Compacted Soil | 7 ment Ta WU Mussayab Slat Station iver Sand LI ‘ganic Material) ron Oxide | | ee i\ Black , Brown M edium To Very Stiff Silty CLAY Grey, Yellow, Brown q Medium To Very Dense 4 Clayey Silty SAND(River SAND)+Pebbles 4 (CH-CL)+ j Iron Oxide Lut Liviil Fig 3. Soil Profile & N-Value Versus Depth tobe ee => SPT (N-Valua) ~BHZ MBH | | ~. ~ | ee EOR 010 20 30 40 50 80 70 Soil Investigation Report For Hew Unis For Water Treatment In AL Mussayab Heat Station ‘Table 1: Strength parameters with depth Uneonfined Direct Shear "Unit w BAL “ Depth (m. i No OEP len? Wet Dey 192 71.611 1.936 1.45 1.882 9.0-9.5 272 5-2 Chemical Properties _The result of the chemical tests for sail and w: the “Test Results She ‘These restilis if general indicate to high sulphate content For soil simples the sulphate content varies from (0.18 to 5.4) percent and the chloride content varies from (0.0177 1 0.041 1) percent_.The gypsum content varies from (0.38 to 1 shown in percent, The total soluble salts content varies ftom (0.98 to 16.01) percent The organic material content varies from (3.2 to 4.68)percent_ For weter samples, the sulphate content is (209.847 mlg/t.) 5-3 Consolidation Properties The variations of oyerburden_and pre consolidation pressure with slepth_which are shown in Table 2, indicate that the cohesive soil layers are over Consolidation a. = Soil Tavestigation Report For it For Water Tratment In AEMussayeb Heat Station rclen and pre consolidation pressures with depth, | Initial Swelling | Pe BH Depth Compression | 4 5 | : Void index_|_Kwim' “| KN/m’ | No (m) = Index(Ce) aes Ratio(ey) | (af EI t 0.207 oo | 47 180 | L 9s [0.028 | 80 80 | : $2 so 160 | = 0.265 0.049 | 75 | 140 = 0.29 0.037 5 | 160 0.25} 0.026 ce 160 9.0-9.5 | 0.93 0.275 0.08 11s 2200 5-4 Atterberg limits Test Results The values of liquid limit (L.L).plasticity index (P.[) and moisture content (MLC) at different depths are shown in the appended “Test Results sheets and borehole Logs” .The results generally indicated that the natural moisture content is closer te the plastic limit than to the liquid end suggest that the cohesive layer be over consolidation and limit this tniediuin to very stiff consistency. 6-DESIGN DATA “No design data are informed J-RECOMMENDATIONS 7-1 Allowable Bearing Capacity rhe allowable beering capacity at a different depths are listed below: Allowable beat ] | Depth(m) below N.G.S allowable besrine | Remarks a capacity Tm" | eee t The upper layer 2.0m | is fill material. | poe s re a TH Soil investigation Report For New Unit vor Water Treatment In ALMusse 7-2 Foundation Type And Depth = Foundation type and depth not recommended yet , sil cases , the applied pres data are informed. In wre must not exeeed the allowable bearing capacity 7-2 Type O£ Cement ~The maximum percentage of SO; in the soil is(3.4%)and (209.847) mig/lit for the-ground water , therefore , it is recommended to use ‘mum-cement-showld-be-(484-ke! i) te-resisting coment —The-mi “for maximum free water /cement ratio is (0.45) by weight (or hominal the ed to densi size of aggregate (20) mm . Vibrator should. be oncrele of foundation. 7-bf Dewatering “During construction ef foundation , If it is below the ground water stherefore should be pumped out through side ditches and sum ps. Filters on the intake pipes should also be used to prevent pumping the particles out of soil. Protection of the neighbor existing foundation against collapse should be taken into consideration TDR SRE Soil Investigation Report For é New Unit Por Water Treatment In AF Mussayab Heat Station 7-§ Preceutions Due To High Gypsum Content. In Soil 8 |- Water should be prevented from reachin soil at the zone of foundations. 2-All concrete which is in contact with soil should be coated with three layers of asphaltic material —~ 3- Gardens and Septic tanks should be at least (5.0) m. far from the touniations All pipes and connections should be made visible in order to detect any-leakage of water. 5- Very efficient drainage and disposal of rein water away from Uke structure and foundations is needed. wo meters width side walks should be constructed around all steactures with mastic joints between side walks slabes & structures walls, eae — —Se Prepared by Head Of Department Mi rN ‘mci a " e = ‘or Testing Material (ASTM). - American Soci 2+ American Ass spoitation Oificials (AASHTO). Rritish Standards Code of Practice .CP 2001 , (1957), 4- British Standards . 1377 , (1967). Methods of Testing Soil for Civil Tawiieering Purposes 5. CP 2004-1972 Code of Pra Snstitution o- Craig. RP. (1974). Soil Mechanics Van Nostrand Reinholif Company ice for Foundation , British Standards g hanics , Foundations and Earth Structures. (1971). Navdocks DM-7 Dept of Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks. Washingtion 25 D.C. Se 8+ Lainbe,T.W. (1951). Soil Testing for Engineers John Wiley and Sons Inc. 9= Lambe , T.W.& Whitman , R.V (1969),Seil MechanicsJoha Wiley and Sons, Inc. 10 -Peck , RP Hanson , W.E. and Thombura .T.H. (1974) Foundation Engineering . John Wiley.and Sons Inc SNE. Menzies. BK. (1977)-A short Course in Fondation Engineering Newnes - Butterworths 12-Teng , W.C. 1974 , Fondation Design Prentice Hall , New Tersey. Tomlinson MJ. (1975) Foundation Design and Construction . 3rd Fdition Pitman 14- Tomlinson M.J. (1977) Pile Desi Practice Viewpoint. and Construction 15-BEM Terrameter Sas Sas System , Fram , August 1984 Undlistuchs eee Disturbed Samples From Standard Spilt Spoon Ne Value Standard Penetration Test Value, Water Table Moisture Content. Liquid Li PlastieL Plasticity Index. Linear Shrinkage Consistency Ladex. Specific Gravity. Unified Soil Classification System. Unit Weight. Unconfined Compression Test, Unconfined Compressive Strength. Triaxial Or Direct Shear Test. Cohesion In Kvn Angle Of Intemal Friction, _nitial Void Ratio, Compression Index (Normally Consolidation) Compression Index Pre-Consolidation) Coefficient Of Consolidation. Proconsolidation Pressure. jen Pressure Pressure. Collapse Potential, Coefficient Of Permeability Sulphate Content, ~Organic Material” Total Soluble Salts. Chloride Content. Acidity Or Alkalinity ample. Projet Abilusseyab) Borehole No’ ‘ompacted &% SAND + Subbase + Wi Brown, Black Medium To Stil Silly CLAY & Sandy CLAY(CH)Hron Oxide Brown Medium To Stiff Silty CLAY (CH) + Iron Oxide brown Sandy Clayey SILT Brown Very Dense Silty Clayey SANDIR ver SAND) eons So SE ET ECTORATE OF SO! GATION BOREHOLE LOG Soil description | Nove cen Fill Compacted S: (River SAND) Grown , Black Bebblo: Medium To Very | | | Stiff Silty xP 2 DR CONS S - ORATE OF SOILINVESTIGATION BOREHOLE LOG N- Value ba log, Fill Compacted Black , Brown Medium To Very Stiff Silty CLAY (CH-CL)tIron | : Oxide +Organic Material sf | I Brown Clayey Sandy SILT SFI Wr Joes | se | a7 151 leek Ver Dame nt} The! Water! Table Wi aunigred ALA depth about (1.5) m below eet i Dew Borehole No, 2 | Tests ert fe, | ass | da | as. | 13) in below Gs. Av2sa/2012 RECORD OF TESTS RESULTS Bl 3 Bye Bs Deser 8 | toe 2} ss | oan iver sand ypablee + olaHo | [235 Frown wan sn Pompycted S sis

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