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Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a standard designed by the Internet Engineering

Task Force (IETF) to serve VoIP services. It’s an application layer protocol that can
operate over UDP (User Datagram Protocol) or TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
SIP, currently at version 2, is defined in RFC 3261.

Simplicity and flexibility are the primary characteristics of SIP. However, despite its
structural simplicity it can be used to establish any kind of session between end-systems
(known as User Agents in SIP). SIP is responsible for session setup and tear down;
supported sessions include:

• Two party sessions

• Multiparty sessions
• Multicast sessions

Besides audio, sll supported sessions can contain video and data as well. SIP also
provides the means for User Agents to negotiate session capabilities and decide about
session behavior. Moreover, sophisticated services, such as UA portability and video
conferencing can be well served by SIP.

Why Choose SIP?

The new version of SIP has much to offer:

• Adaptable to network changes: Can easily adjust to different network

infrastructures and provide non-stop reliable service.
• Scalable: The magnitude of serving capability can be easily increased and also
designed in such a way as to provide full redundancy architecture.
• Text based, hence ease of programming: Due to its simple presentation, SIP
services can be programmed more easily. Since it’s similar to HTTP, SIP shares
many cause codes and message header syntax.
• Carries most of the intelligence at the end devices: Session control begins from
the end devices, hence, edge devices participate in the session establishment and
tear down setup.
• Can easily and quickly support the requirements of new services: Easier and
quicker adaptation to the session control requirements of new services. Via SDP,
SIP can transport almost any service requirements, even transport other protocol
• Can effectively support mobile and ported users and services: SIP’s
interaction with server farms supports mobile users by providing location-based
services, presence and follow-me services. The service is following the user
anywhere the user is located.

SIP Terminology … Get to Know the “SIP Language”

Before getting into more details about SIP, lets take a look at the most important SIP
• Transaction: A complete sequence of messages consisting of a request, several
possible provisional responses and one final response.
• User Agent: It’s a SIP end point. It can be either a client or server. User Agent
Client (UAC) is the originate side of the transaction that generates the request and
User Agent Server (UAS) is the terminating side that generates the responses.
• SIP URI: SIP addressing scheme can use an IP address or a Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) to refer to UAs. If the later is used, then DNS is needed
for translating Domain Name to real IP address.
• SIP Proxy: Network node that routes SIP transactions by using the information of
the SIP URI.
• Dialogue: A SIP dialogue consists of several transactions. Therefore a SIP
dialogue represents a long-term peer-to-peer session between UAs.

What SIP Messages Look Like

SIP messages are text-based messages similar to HTTP. They consist of a Request line,
various Header fields, and the body field (optional). The image below shows SIP’s
general format.

SIP: general format

Starting line: SIP’s first line is called Request-Line in requests and Status-Line in
responses. It consists of the method used along with the destination SIP URI. The
following is an example of a SIP starting line:

Request-Line: INVITE sip:+4412254701@;user=phone

Method: INVITE

Message Header fields: These fields contain useful information for efficiently routing
SIP messages. They also include information about UA’s supported capabilities and
sequencing of messages. A sample Header field block is provided below:
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK06224778770000019777.
From: sip:+44133546022@anonymous.invalid;user=phone>;tag=46dfdde0-a545-
To: <sip:+44122547012@anonymous.invalid:5060;user=phone>
Call-ID: 46DFDDE0-00004139@routera
Accept: application/sdp,application/isup,multipart/mixed,application/
Contact: <sip:>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Supported: timer
Supported: 100rel
Max-Forwards: 70
Session-Expires: 1800
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 360

Message Body: The body of the message may carry session descriptions (SDP). This part
of the SIP message is used by UAs during negotiation and settlement of media related
information like IP addresses, port numbers and codecs. A sample message body can be
seen below:

Session Description Protocol Version (v): 0

Connection information (c): IN IP4
Time Description, active time (t): 0 0
Media Description, name and address (m): audio 5588 RTP/AVP 8 18
Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:18 G729/8000
Media Attribute (a): sendrecv

Introducing Basic SIP Message Headers

Via: Consists of SIP version, transport protocol, SIP URI and branch code. Its purpose is
to indicate the address that responses to a request should be forwarded. The branch
parameter is used to identify the transaction. Example:

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK06224778770005001

From: Consists of the SIP URI of the originator of the request. It also contains a random
generated tag for identification purposes. Example:

From: <sip:+44133546022@anonymous.invalid;user=phone>;

To: Contains the destination’s SIP URI. Example:

To: <sip:+44122547012@anonymous.invalid:5060;user=phone>

Call-ID: Is a unique reference, identifying a complete dialogue between SIP peers.


Call-ID: 46DFDDE0-00004139@routera

CSeq: Contains an integer that counts the requests within a dialog and a method name.


Contact: Instructs SIP UAs where to send future requests. Example:

Contact: <sip:>

Supported:Optional header field used to specify SIP options that the sender supports.

Supported: 100rel

Allow: Another optional header field listing all methods supported by the SIP UA that
generated the message. Example:


Content-Type: Indicates the type of content within the body of the SIP message.

Content-Type: application/sdp

Introducing Basic SDP Fields

Version (v=): Defines the SDP’s version (currently only v=0 exists)

Connection information (c=): Specifies the IP address where media is expected to

arrive. Example:

Connection information (c): IN IP4

Media (m=): Indicates the type of media (e.g. audio, video), the RTP port for the media
packets, transport protocol for the media and a list of supported payload formats (e.g.
payload type number 8= G.711 a-law codec, number 18=G.729 codec). Example:

Media Description, name and address (m): audio 5588 RTP/AVP 8 18

Media attributes (a=): Can be either media (e.g. “rtpmap” is a media attribute
describing payload types) or session attributes (e.g. “sendrecv” is a session attribute
specifying media flow direction. Example:

Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:18 G729/8000
Media Attribute (a): sendrecv

Block Diagram of SIP Transactions

The image below presents a basic SIP Dialogue consisting of an INVITE and a BYE

Basic INVITE and BYE methods

The INVITE method is more like a 3-way handshake consisting of the INVITE request,
the final response to the INVITE which is a 200 OK message, and an ACK transaction
with no response. The BYE transaction consists of the BYE request and its response
coming as a 200 OK message.

Final Thoughts

Not convinced SIP is right for you? There are other options, however SIP is the preffered
choice for telecom companies for Broadband VoIP service session control, and its usage
is growing more and more each day. My prediction is that SIP will eventually dominate
call control protocols, so start benefiting from all that SIP has to offer.

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