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2D Computer Aided Drafting

Module 5: Fillets

and Object Properties


Curriculum development Unit

August 2015

Applied Technology High Schools, 2015

AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

Module Objectives

By the end of this module the student will be able to:

Describe tangency and fillet.

Apply the FILLET command.
Describe object properties, linetype,and linetype scale.
Select objects using pick, window, and crossing.
Use the PROPERTIES and LTSCALE commands to find and set object
properties and linetype scale.

Module Videos

5-1 Drawing Rectangles with Fillets

5-2 Using the Fillet Command with Fillet (Practice Exercise 5.1)
5-3 Understanding ByLayer and Object (Practice Exercise 5.2)
Property Concepts
5-4 Setting the Color ByLayer (Practice Exercise 5.2)
5-5 Controlling the Object Linetype (Practice Exercise 5.2)
5-6 Selecting Objects by Window and (Practice Exercise 5.3)
5-7 Selecting Objects by Window (Practice Exercise 5.3)
Polygon and Crossing Polygon
AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Additional Resources Videos

5-8 Setting the Linetype ByLayer (Practice Exercise 5.2)

5-9 Setting the Lineweight ByLayer (Practice Exercise 5.2)
5-10 Setting the Transparency ByLayer (Practice Exercise 5.4)
5-11 Controlling the Object Color (Practice Exercise 5.2)
5-12 Controlling the Object Lineweight (Practice Exercise 5.2)


A point of tangency is the theoretical point where a line joins an arc or

where two arcs join each other making a smooth transition. A line passing
a circle will hit one point on the circle. The point they touch is called the
point of tangency. A fillet is a tangent arc. On the right are some
examples of fillets. See Fig. 5-1.

Fig. 5-1

2 Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Using Linetypes Scale:

You can change the appearance of the linetypes by changing the linetype scale. You
can either change the scale globally for all linetypes in the drawing, existing or future,
or you can change the scale of each object individually. The command LTSCALE
changes the scale globally and the CELTSCALE change the linetype scale for
individual objects inserted at its present setting. Linetype scale uses a scale factor.
This means it multiples the scale factor times 1 get the proportion.

For example:
(Inserted a circle on the layer assigned with the hidden linetype. The
Default linetype scale (LTSCALE) is set to 1 and the individual linetype
Scale (CELTSCALE) is set to 1. It appears as shown to the right.)
Command: LTSCALE
Enter new linetype scale factor<1.0000>: 3
Regenerating model.
(With the LTSCALE set to 3, you can see that dashes are 3 times as
Command: LTSCALE
Enter new linetype scale factor<1.0000>: .5
Regenerating model.
(With the LTSCALE now set at 0.5, the dashes appear at the size of
The original. Remember the scale factor multiplies the number times 1.)
Setting the individual linetype scale is best done in the Properties
dialogue box. Always leave the CELTSCALE set to 1. The CELSCALE
multiplies the scale factor times the LTSCALE.
Enter new value for CELTSCALE<1.000>: .5
(This should always be set to one when working on the AutoCAD Modules.)
Command: LTSCALE
Enter new linetype scale factor<1.0000>: 2
Regenerating model.
(Set the LTSCALE to 2 and the individual linetype scale to 2. That will set the linetype
scale of that object to 2 times 2 equaling 4)


! !
The linetype scale of circle is set The linetype scale of circle is set
to 2X2=4 to 2X0.25=0.5

3 Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Practical Task 5-1 Time Allotted: 30 min.

Drawing Specifications
Name Template Units Text Style Font
AutoCAD 2D Task 05-1 Module Template A Inches N/A N/A
Note: Color, Linetype and Lineweight are all ByLayer unless otherwise instructed.

Layering Scheme

Objects on Layer Name Color Linetype Lineweight

Construction Objects Construction 253 N/A N/A

All Objects Object Red N/A N/A

1. Setup the layers using the
Layering Scheme above.
2. Draw the object shown below.
3. Check your drawing with the key.

4 Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Practical Task 5-2 Time Allotted: 30 min.

Drawing Specifications
Name Template Units Text Style Font
AutoCAD 2D Task 05-2 Module Template B Inches N/A N/A
Note: Color, Linetype and Lineweight are all ByLayer unless otherwise instructed.

Layering Scheme

Objects on Layer Name Color Linetype Lineweight

Construction Objects Construction 253 N/A N/A

All Objects Object Red N/A N/A

1. Setup the layers using the Layering Scheme above.
2. Draw the object shown below.
3. Check your drawing with the key.

5 Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

AEM 60 2D Computer Aided Drafting

Practical Task 5-3 Time Allotted: 30 min.

Drawing Specifications
Name Template Units Text Style Font
AutoCAD 2D Task 05-3 N/A Inches N/A N/A
Note: Color, Linetype and Lineweight are all ByLayer unless otherwise instructed.

Layering Scheme

Objects on Layer Name Color Linetype Lineweight

Construction Objects Construction 253 Continuous N/A

Outline of Object Outline Red Phantom 2 N/A

Full Circles Circle Green Border 2 N/A

The Slot Slot Blue Dashed 2 N/A

1. Using the SAVEAS command, save the drawing AutoCAD 2D Task 05-2
with the name AutoCAD 2D Task 05-3.
2. Change Layering Scheme to match the one above.
3. Using Properties dialogue box, change the layers of the
objects as indicated in the Layering Scheme.

6 Module 5: Fillets and Object Properties

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