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This document, set forth this ______ day of ______________, _____, is between
__________________________, hereinafter known as Producer and
__________________________, hereinafter known as Client, for the purposes
of creating __________________________.

Producer agrees to create __________________________ for Client, and further

agrees to the following provisions:

The Project will include


__________________________ will take ________________ to complete,

including any post-production. Any added requests from Client may result
in added time for project completion, which shall not be considered the
fault of Producer.

Production schedule will be as follows:


Client agrees to pay Producer for __________________________in the

following manner:

Producer agrees that Client owns all material created for

__________________________, including any copyrights, distribution
rights, etc. However, Client agrees that Producer may use the recorded
footage as evidence of his/her work for promotional and/or advertising

______________________________ ______________________________
Client Name Client Signature

______________________________ ______________________________
Producer Name Producer Signature

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