Audits Internal Control and Record Keeping

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Washington State


Audits: Internal Control

and Record Keeping
All organizations must report unclaimed property to the Department of Revenue
each year by November 1. Adequate internal controls and complete records
help safeguard potential unclaimed property. Written accounting procedures and
internal controls provide documentation in case of an audit.

Auditing Overview
Department auditors examine the Once an examination is assigned Opening Conference
records of businesses for compliance to an auditor, the following occurs: The auditor contacts the business
with the Uniform Unclaimed Property to arrange an opening conference
Act. Audits may cover the last six The business is notified by phone
with the companys authorized
reporting years. Audits are assigned for or letter that they have been
representative. The meeting is held
the following reasons: selected for examination.
at the companys place of business.
The auditor requests an opening The company is encouraged to invite
Not reporting expected
conference to review the law, all interested parties to this meeting.
property types
required records, typical property
Late reporting and improper aging types, and to agree on the audit plan. During the conference:
of reported accounts The auditor learns about the
The auditor begins the examination
Industry compliance verification on the date agreed upon at the organizational structure and the
emphasis opening conference. location of records.
Consumer complaints relating An audit plan and type of audit
Each audit consists of the following stages: are discussed.
to unclaimed property
Unverified account deductions Opening conference Participants may ask questions.
On-site work An agreement is reached on the
Large businesses can expect regular time and place of the examination.
unclaimed property audits. Smaller Exit conference
businesses can reduce their audit Closing conference A business liaison is appointed.
frequency by: A records request list is discussed
Reporting regularly and provided in writing to the
Reporting expected property types business.
On-site Work Estimations Appeal Procedures
The examination is conducted at the
Occasionally, the business and the When there is disagreement on the
business location. The on-site work
Department may agree to estimations audit findings or application of the law,
may last a few hours or several months
if developing actual account the auditor issues a draft report and
depending on:
information would be impossible or sends a formal demand letter for the
Size and type of organization impractical. By law, the Department property in question.
may estimate the amount required
Complexity of unclaimed property The business must send a letter
to be reported if the business:
reporting explaining any disagreements or
Failed to report unclaimed property. legal issues to the Department by
Availability of records
the due date in the demand letter.
Number of unclaimed property Did not keep records necessary
The letter may be reviewed by the
auditors assigned to audit to prepare a report.
Assistant Attorney General, and the
Based on the auditors initial review, Department will respond in writing.
audit work may be limited in scope If the letter and response do not
to selected property types
or reporting periods.
Charges, Interest, resolve the issues, a meeting is
arranged with the business, their legal
and Penalties counsel, and the Unclaimed Property
Audit Manager to clarify the issues and
Exit Conference Unreported property may be charged
seek a resolution.
After on-site work is completed, late payment interest from the date
the auditor presents the preliminary the property was due until paid. The If the disagreement cannot be resolved,
findings at an exit conference. interest rate is set by statute and the Department may ask the Attorney
fluctuates with the United States Generals Office to bring action
The organization will be allowed to: Treasury rate. in court to settle the dispute.
Research the findings The following charges may also be
considered if the Department have
Issue refunds
evidence that an organization is not
Develop adjustments to the acting in good faith: Common Errors
preliminary findings
After the exit conference, the auditor
A minimum fee of $140 per auditor Found in Audits
per day may be charged for each
may provide the business a draft Some common problems found in
day of on-site work.
examination report to fully explain audits include:
the findings. A civil penalty of $100 a day up to
$5,000 may be assessed for each Small credit balance write-offs were
day a report is willfully withheld not reported as required.
Closing Conference or if other duties are not performed. Property was not aged correctly
The auditor schedules a closing Also, the penalty amount may for abandonment.
conference to review any refunds and include 100 percent of the value
Some disbursement accounts were
proposed adjustments to the findings. of the property not reported.
not reviewed for unclaimed checks.
If there is agreement, the organization A person who intentionally refuses
sends a consolidated unclaimed a written demand to pay or deliver Inactivity fees were taken incorrectly
property report and remittance for property, or enters contracts to avoid and were disallowed.
the audit period. the duties of this chapter, is guilty of a Stock and dividends held at the
gross misdemeanor. If convicted, they transfer agent were not reported.
The auditor issues a final examination
may be subject to a maximum fine of
report after receiving the report Reportable property was not
$1,000 and one year in jail.
and remittance. The report lists any properly transferred during mergers
findings and indicates the organization or computer conversion.
is complying with the law. It may also
contain appropriate management
advisory comments for future assistance.

Types of Audits
Rather than a one size fits all approach, we
often tailor our audit work so we can determine
Internal Control
business compliance in the most effective, efficient Abandoned property presents Ask your accountant
manner. Below are types of examinations we use. a strong temptation for or internal auditor to help
embezzlement and fraud. Because design your internal control
Regular field audit for complete audit period the lost owner is unlikely to plan. Consider periodic
Auditor performs all records review and testing. monitor the funds, adequate internal control reviews.
internal controls are needed to These may include:
Penalty and interest assessed if property was
safeguard the unclaimed property
not reported. Verifying the amounts held
prior to reporting.
in your unclaimed property
Holder self-audits Businesses sometimes shortcut liability account back to the
Holder is given the opportunity to review their the needed internal controls source records.
records and report missed property. because:
Tracing other aged accounts
Penalty and interest is forgiven on self-audit The unclaimed property not associated with your
report. amounts are considered liability account forward from
Self-audit report and related work is subject immaterial. source records to disposition.
to auditor review. For example:
They believe their normal
Auditor may conduct additional audit internal controls are adequate. Was the account
procedures as necessary. When the owner is missing, refunded?
Auditors additional findings may be subject normal controls may not be Was it reported on your
to interest or penalties. enough to prevent embezzlement unclaimed property
and fraud. Some ways to avoid report?
Managed audits possible embezzlement or fraud: Each organization should assess
May be offered when there are numerous its own risk and resources, and
Move stale-dated checks and
records to be tested. plan accordingly. Companies
aged customer credits to
who suffer embezzlement often
Holder is given the opportunity to perform an unclaimed property
underestimated the risk, or
preliminary audit work. liability account.
shortcut adequate internal
Auditor may perform additional testing and Create procedures to provide controls, in the name
records review. management control over of efficiency.
transactions entering and
Penalty and interest may be forgiven for
exiting the unclaimed property
liability account(s). Need Help?
Limited scope audits Have a second person
On-site Assistance
Auditor reviews business records for selected independently reconcile the is Available
property types or reporting periods. account on a regular basis and For holders located in
test the validity of refunds from Washington, Unclaimed Property
Penalty and interest is assessed.
the account if necessary. representatives are available for
Vendor audits consultation visits:
Have two employees approve
Contracted agent for Department, often called refunds or other transactions Representatives answer your
a vendor, conducts audit of company located from unclaimed accounts. unclaimed property reporting
in another state. questions.
Separate the duties of tracking
Usually part of multiple state compliance and reporting unclaimed There is no charge for
review. property from issuing refunds. the visit.
Contracted agent subject to same training, It helps you avoid mistakes.
expertise and confidentiality standards as our
audit staff. It reduces your likelihood
of being selected for an audit.
Penalty and interest may be forgiven
for cooperation. 3
Record Retention
RCW 63.29 requires all organizations Local governments should follow the Permission is granted to other state
to keep copies of the unclaimed record retention guidance in the Local governments to use and modify this
property reports and supporting detail Government Reporting Guide. material to their particular needs
for six years after the filing date. and laws. This publication, or any part
Other than the above, follow your
thereof, may not be reproduced or
If you sell travelers checks, money normal record retention requirements.
transmitted in any form or by any
orders, or similar instruments, you
As an audit trail and internal means for a fee or for the purposes
must maintain a record of those items
control measure, consider keeping of profit-making activities.
for three years after you report. Your
records must show: documentation supporting any refund
or adjustment to your unclaimed
The state where the instrument property liability account for six years.
was issued.
Issue date.
Insurance companies should keep the
For tax assistance or to request
following information whenever there
is a change of beneficiary under life Unclaimed Property this document in an alternate format,
insurance, endowment policies, Contact Information visit or call
or annuity contract: 1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY)
Main Phone: (360) 705-6706
(Press 0" for assistance) users may use the Washington
Beneficiary name Relay Service by calling 711.
Toll Free: 1-800-435-2429
Address (Washington State only)
Relationship to the insured Fax: (360) 586-2163
Mail: State of Washington
Department of Revenue
Unclaimed Property Section
Prepared by the Taxpayer Services Division
PO Box 34053
Seattle, WA 98124-1053 Printed on recycled paper

UPGD0004 10/13

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