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Rules Greg Stolze Have you ever found yourself thinking, I could do
better than those fat cats in Washington? With this
game, you have the chance to prove it.
Crises D.Vincent Baker
Executive Decision is a game for three to six players. It
Dennis Detwiller has no dice, no board and no cards: Instead, the board is
Ron Edwards your imagination. Instead of relying on random chance,
youll have to achieve victory with your brains, your
Greg Stolze wits and most important your ability to convince.
Chad Underkofer Executive Decision is played in real time. Each game
lasts exactly one or two hours, depending on which
scenario youre playing. When your time is up, the
Layout Daniel Solis
President must decide how the U.S. is reacting to a
crisis a crisis that has only come to your attention
within 60 or 120 minutes.
Playtesters Jeff Mikoni
To make his decision, of course, the Chief Executive
Russell Bailey
needs input from his loyal staff (that is, the other players).
Ed Heil They, in turn, have goals of their own goals that place
Matt Snyder them in conict with each other.
Can you gure out how best to fulll your agenda? Can
you persuade the President to follow your advice? If so,
you can gain enough political clout to win the game.
How to Play
Each position brings with it certain associated agendas. All
Setup positions carry with them the opportunity to secretly align
Before the actual nitty-gritty debate begins, decide which with other agendas as well. Once you know your position,
player is the President. (One obvious way to do this is by write it down along with your agendas (public and secret).
election, with the person who bought the game casting Depending on the results of the executive decision (results
a tie-breaking vote if necessary.) The Presidents role is to neither the President nor the other players know ahead of
moderate the discussion, weigh the arguments presented by time), the advisors agendas get closer or farther from comple-
the other players, and ultimately decide what action to take. tion. Their nal score is based on how well their agenda (or
The Presidents nal score is determined by whether his agendas) got advanced. See Agendas for more information.
decision is seen to ultimately harm or benet the country.
The other players get appointed positions on the Cabinet
by the President. The available Cabinet positions, and their In addition to the agendas assigned by position, players can
default agendas, are as follows: pick up to three more agendas, which they may share openly
or keep secret. These must be written down in advance,
Secretary of Defense Pro Military, unsurprisingly.
however you cant add an agenda in the middle of a crisis.
Secretary of Commerce Development leads to happy Some groups may want to assign a few agendas randomly,
businessmen, which leads to political support. Thus the so that every agenda is given to one player or another. The
Commerce Secretary pursues economic development. players then have the opportunity to decide if theyre for or
Secretary of Agriculture This is the one post without a set against.This is not mandatory, though having more than one
agenda. Pick a couple and try to fake people out! agenda is a good idea.

Attorney General Law enforcement is everyones business, Balanced Budget Balanced Budget! Yeah! Theres an issue
so the Attorney General supports political centrism, or at to get the voters stoked. Even though theres no particular
least its appearance. mental image that springs to mind, unlike the dramatic visuals
of tanks and planes for the military, and acres of forest for
Secretary of the Interior Some noteworthy historical excep- conservation, and bravely optimistic bedridden children for
tions aside, the Secretary of the Interior can typically be healthcare. Still. Every thinking person realizes the benets
counted on to favor conservation. of a balanced budget, except for the thinking people who
Secretary of Labor Health coverage is a major issue in labor are busy thinking about all the great stuff they could buy on
relations, so the Secretary of Labor generally supports a credit.The Secretary of the Treasury always wants a balanced
federal agenda that encourages healthcare spending. budget.
Secretary of State International prestige is the Secretary of Conservation If you like the idea of unspoiled acres of virgin
States concern, almost by denition. Even maverick White timber stretching from sea to shining sea, like it enough to
Houses privately recognize that its easier to get things done do something about it, youre in favor of conservation. If you
if the neighbors like you. see Americas bounty as a resource to be exploited for gain
or nancial independence, you might take a stand against
Secretary of the Treasury Everyone wants a balanced budget,
conservation. The Secretary of the Interior is always pro
but they typically want it balanced by goring the other guys
cow. The Treasury Secretary is typically the one whos least
inclined to sacrice it to other priorities. Centrism In the past, there was a pretense that the business
of government was to nd the best solution to problems and
Vice President The VP has a lot to gain from tax revenue.
implement the will of the people. If you still believe that,
Usually gearing up to be a candidate, he knows the current
you are probably in favor of centrism. If you are a staunch
President will take the heat for the taxes, but the party reaps
partisan who realizes that no one who plays to the center has
the benets of spreading the wealth to supporters.
ever shifted anything to his side, you may be against centrism.
Chief of Staff As the most political advisor, the Chief of Since compromise breeds cooperation, the Attorney General
Staff is the most concerned with voter satisfaction. has an interest in supporting centrism.

Development The Secretary of Commerce is always in Play Begins
favor of economic development. In theory, everyone should
be. However, there are those who believe that some devel- Once the players have been assigned their positions and have
opment strategies are more harmful than helpful, and that chosen their private agendas, its time to start the clock. The
therefore these plans should be cautiously examined before President picks a scenario out of those presented in this book.
implementation. Given the huge pressure to develop at any (You should never play through a scenario more than once
cost, many who dont want development at any cost have because, after all, its no fun if you know in advance how its
a knee-jerk reaction against any proposed stimulus. going to end.)

Military Got enough guns, bombs and tanks? If you do, are The scenarios are printed backwards, so they can only be
they the right kind of bombs, guns and tanks? Can you get read in a mirror. The President looks in the mirror and reads
them where they need to go and keep them working once the Start section of the scenario aloud.This initial situation
they get there? If you like the idea of solving problems with brieng sets the stage and introduces the crisis. Once thats
military intervention, youre probably for defense spending. done, the advisors and the President discuss the issue. The
If all youre saying is Give peace a chance (or No blood debate is free, unstructured and in character that is, you
for oil!) then youre probably against defense spending.The dont speak as Martha the suburban professional, you speak
Secretary of Defense is always in favor of military funding. as Martha the Secretary of Defense.

International Prestige - If you care what the French, Chinese As part of the debate, advisors may make assertions
and Russians are saying about you behind your back in the basically, you bet your credibility on some element of the
UN, youre probably for building foreign esteem by looking issue. If your assertions play into the scenario, you gain
like a friendly, reasonable, Global Good Neighbor. If youre points. If the scenario later contradicts your assertions, you
an isolationist, or just dont care what the rest of the world lose points.
thinks, youre probably against (or just indifferent). The This conversation continues until its time for the next part
Secretary of State always wants higher international prestige. of the scenario to get read. (The President should be sure to
Voter Satisfaction - In the end, the central tenet of democ- note when the next development occurs. Setting a timer is a
racy is that your audience is also your boss. Keeping the good idea.) Some groups may run out of things to say before
voters satised is, arguably, the job of the politician. Or so the next development. If that happens and everyone agrees
say those who constantly check opinion polls. There are to skip ahead, you can read the next development early.
few who directly oppose voter satisfaction, but there are a The second part of the scenario presents more information,
few who believe the White House should lead and do the developing the scenario further. It may be the last dose of
right thing, no matter how unpopular that is. Regardless, the
data before the decision, or there may be more develop-
Chief of Staff is always in favor of high voter satisfaction.
ments, depending on how complex the situation is and how
Tax Revenue - The Vice President can always earn promises long the President has to consider.
of future support by earmarking some tax dollars. Anyone When the time runs out, the President considers the
can nd a way to spend money, so many people are in favor arguments and decides.
of a robust revenue stream. On the other hand, many politi-
cians gain wide support by promising to cut taxes, and some How to be Presidential
even think its the right thing to do. The rules of Executive Decision are very simple. There is
Health - The Secretary of Labor has an interest in health, no element of luck, the way there is when youre shooting
to support the workforce. In fact, everyone has an interest craps or playing poker. There isnt a concrete, hard-edged
in health and its very easy to say youre pro health. On strategy like chess. Its all based on verbal persuasion, cajoling,
the other hand, some question how useful it is to have the debating, and screaming.
federal government pursue health care reform for a vast and This means that the game stagnates if you all get along.
diverse country where the dollar buys you a lot more (or Disagreement is the lifeblood of Executive Decision.While
less) depending on your zip code. Those who are against weve tried to keep things lively, so that people incline towards
health are actually against blue sky federal spending that disagreement and discussion, there will be a few times when
will probably turn into a somebodys porkbarrel. things get quiet. Often the debate dies out just in time for

the next page to get revealed, but sometimes youre faced
with a long stretch with nothing to talk about.
At this point, its your presidential duty to make your cabinet
ght. If they all agree with you, change your mind suddenly.
Play devils advocate. Get contrary. Start fretting out loud
about all the terrible things that could go wrong with the
planned course of action. Do what it takes to get discussion
started again.
While Im encouraging you to pour gasoline on any
smoldering disagreements, I also urge you to never make a
courageous stand based on principle. Always listen to your
cabinet, and if they all agree that X is the best course of action,
you should probably pick X when the hour of decision is
at hand. Otherwise, your friends the players will be terribly
disappointed and always wonder what would have happened
if only that bonehead chief executive had listened. If they
dont all agree, you can pick and choose among their advice,
but you should always make a decision that at least one cabinet
member supports. If you have no other reason, do it because
it encourages them to play the game again.
Youre the president in the game, but youre also the host of
the game. That means its your responsibility to make sure
a good time is had by all. If this means playing along with
the one dissenter so she wont feel left out, do it. If it means
arguing against all of them so that theyll have something to
do, do it. For you, good sportsmanship is more important than
nding out what would have happened if youd picked the
outcome you wanted.
(Besides, you can always peek after they go home.)

The Winner
The winner is the person who gets the most points. You get
one point for accomplishing each of the following:
The outcome reads up for an agenda you favor.
The outcome reads down for an agenda you oppose.
One of your assertions of fact is supported by the printed
You lose one point every time one of the following things
The outcome reads down for an agenda you favor.
The outcome reads up for an agenda you oppose.
One of your assertions of fact is contradicted by the
printed outcome.

If theres a tie, the President decides. After all, he should get to

break ties because he cant win.
semoctuO sser gnoC ni staC taF esohT

rof uoy tcepser setaredom tnelis ehT :ecnecseiuqcA teiuQ )1 -tpecca na dessap esuoH ehT.ssergnoC morf evom esi rp rus a stI
gninefaed eht yb demlehwrevo eryeht tub ,esimorpmoc ruoy ekil duoy naht krop erom elttil a htiw ,llib subinmo htlaeh elba
deyarteb uoy leef ohw ,ycneutitsnoc nwo ruoy morf yrctuo seiti roi rp rof gnidnuf nael emos dna setats sytrap rehto eht ni
.thg a neve tuohtiw selpicni rp ruoy -evorpmi dedulcni tI .hguone doog saw ti tub ,rof depmuts uoy
eht nI .seussi ruoy fo eno saw hcihw ,steneb naretev ni stnem
pu :msi rtneC lin :noitavresnoC
ruoh htnevele na dehcatta sah eettimmoc eht ,revewoh ,etaneS
lin :tegduB decnalaB lin :tnempoleveD lartuen ytterp saw tog yeht llib eht erehW .nosiop sti dna ,redi r
lin :egitserP lanoitan retnI pu :yratiliM no sredivorp erac-htlaeh setaluger redi r siht ,noitroba tuoba
lin :euneveR xaT nwod :noitcafsitaS retoV ruoY .ecneicsnoc lanosrep fo srettam redisnoc uoy snoitisop
taht elbissop etiuq sti tub ,won ylsuorogiv gnitabed si ytrap
pu :htlaeH
ngis ot deen rehtie dna tcatni redi r eht htiw llib eht teg lluoy
.ti otev ro ti
ekil sretov ehT !tnediserP .rM ,lleh me eviG :hsubmA oteV )2

yb meht gnikat yb dna ,eye sedis rehto eht ni taps uoy taht ti
elohw eht erus edam dna evitaitini nips eht dezies uoy esi rp rus etipseD .nward gnitteg era senil eht tub ,gnilkcarc setaneS ehT
uoy tsurt reven llyeht won ,esruoc fO .yaw ruoy deyalp eussi ot kcab emoc dluoc taht sreffo emos dna gnitsiwt m ra yvaeh
snaretev derusninu eht taht si gniht tnatropmi eht tuB .niaga era snoitpo ehT .gnigdub tnera slavi r ruoy ,ytrap eht tnuah
.ytrap rehto eht gnimalb era .raelc ylgnisaercni gnimoceb
nwod :msi rtneC lin :noitavresnoC taht edis rehto eht htiw tcapmoc a ekaM :ecnecseiuqcA teiuQ )1
lin :tegduB decnalaB lin :tnempoleveD -secnoc rehto emos edivorp yeht fi ssuf a tuohtiw ti ngis uoy
a tub ,ssol a stI .sdrawretfa ti tuoba garb ot ton eer ga dna snois
lin :egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod :yratiliM
.erehwesle yroti r ret tsol niager tsael ta uoy dna ,eno teiuq
lin :euneveR xaT pu :noitcafsitaS retoV
,ecnelis dna snoissecnoc eht rof laed eht ekaM :hsubmA oteV )2
nwod :htlaeH
rof meht esitsahc dna erafnaf eguh htiw yawyna ti otev neht
a otni ti gnin rut yb snaci remA lla fo erac htlaeh eht gniyaled
,ylsuoi ruf gninnips sedis htob htiW :regnA lautuM htiW oteV )3 .eussi nasitrap
semalb uoy fo hcaE .enoyreve no pu sdniw dum fo laed taerg a ,knits gib a otni siht n rut meht teL :regnA lautuM htiW oteV )3
fo erac ekat ot gniliaf dna eussi eht gnizicitilop rof rehto eht emoc yeht taht erusne ot tiplup yllub ruoy esu dna ,llib eht otev
.htob uoy emalb sretov eht ,ylgnisi rp ruS .seibab htem esoht .od uoy naht esrow gniknits tuo
nwod :msi rtneC lin :noitavresnoC gnikam ,tsetorp rednu llib eht ngiS :tergeR elbisiV htiW ngiS )4
lin :tegduB decnalaB lin :tnempoleveD hcraeser recnac rof siht gniod eruoy swonk cilbup eht erus
lin :egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod :yratiliM staht gnidnuf seibab htem rof tnemtaert erom dnuf ot dna
ot redro ni deksi r ytrap rehto eht taht dna dedeen yltnegru
lin :euneveR xaT nwod :noitcafsitaS retoV
.esab rieht fo stnemele emertxe tsom eht ot retac
nwod :htlaeH

ehT .tuo dlos uoy leef elpoep ruoY :tergeR elbisiV htiW ngiS )4 skool 1# noitpo os ,NAPS-C morf ti thguac evah sreggolb ehT
torp lacitilop a n rut ot dei rt dna denihw uoy sleef edis rehto htiw kcits gib a gniws ot gniog si llib siht ylniatreC .reihcteks
decrof gnieb tuoba gninialpmoc yb ,gniht thgi r eht gniod ffo ti ssap uoy rehtehw ,seitrap htob ni sretov noitroba eussi-elgnis
eht ffo setov gniws yna gni rb tnow taht gniht thgi r eht od ot eht no tcapmi sti eziminim ot elbissop eb llits thgim tI .ti otev ro
dednuf-llew elpuoc a era sa ,yppah era snaretev eht tuB .ecnef .swen yti rbelec htiw kaerb ykcul a hctac uoy fi ,maertsniam
.stsigolocno hcraeser

nwod :msi rtneC lin :noitavresnoC emertxe tsom ehT .yaw sti no sllib eht dna deyats redi r ehT
lin :tegduB decnalaB lin :tnempoleveD ydaerla era segni rf efil-orp dna eciohc-orp eht htob no spuor g
lin :egitserP lanoitan retnI pu :yratiliM ,ci rotehr laci retsyh dna nwolbrevo fo lluf sliame gnidnes
sm ret ni dna htoob gnitov eht ta secneuqesnoc erid gnisimorp
lin :euneveR xaT nwod :noitcafsitaS retoV
ruoy stiawa dlrow ehT .ti ngis ton od ro od uoy fi gnidnuf fo
pu :htlaeH .noisiced laitnediserP

wen a serehT .yti ruceS dnalemoH sti dna ,sgni r enohp ehT ?tinudohW

.elkni rw
-ropmi na trapa deppi r sah kcatta tsi ror ret detanidrooc-llew A
.tnedicni eht rof tiderc nekat evah spuorg tnereffid yrev owT owt-eno dengised-llew a dereviled tI .ytic naci remA tnat
ytei rav a ot seit htiw puorg tsi ror ret tsimertxe na si meht fo enO .hcnup
evah yeht ,meht ot gnidrocca ;sei rtnuoc barA ni stnemn revog fo
srotaroballoc redisnoc yeht mohw snaci remA-barA ta kcurts eht ta trop ria llams a ni dedolpxe saw bmob laitini elgnis A
,spool tiurf nworg-emoh fo dnab a si rehto ehT .srotiart dna bmob ytrid a saw ti taht sromur etaidemmI .ytic eht fo egde
a otni gninnur-nug dna htem latsyrc morf detaudarg yltnecer slai retam lacigoloib dna noitaidar htob detarobor roc erew
eb ot mialc yeht ,enigami thgim uoy sA .ecrof eki rts nur-llew .desaeler erew
a gni robrah era ohw srengierof eht ta ylevitpme-erp gniki rts 21 tuoba( detserc noitam rofni siht ot noitcaer laitini eht sa tsuJ
.stsi ror ret fo nmuloc htf noitpursid detanidrooc a htiw pu dewollof saw tneve eht ,)sruoh
yehT .eussi eht elttes tonnac yletanutrofnu stroper ecnegilletnI -ylpmis htiw ylniam ,aera eht tuohguorht scinilc lacidem fo
,ytinutroppo ,.O.M fo sm ret ni mialc hcae etadilav yllautca nac .senohp llec yb ffo tes sbmob lanoitnevnoc ,detcurtsnoc
si puorg hcaE .noitavitom lacigolohcysp dna ,stcepsus nwonk .ti fo pot no teg ot trats uoy ,yadoT .yadretsey saw tahT
.mialc elbainednu na edam sah puorg rehtieN .elbisualp yllauqe
era dnuorg eht no elpoep eht tub ,gniogno era snoitagitsevnI ytrid a tahw dnatsrednu tsum uoy ,oi ranecs siht dnatsrednu oT
eht gnivreserp htiw naht lortnoc egamad htiw den recnoc erom -aidar eht ;laminim si egamad namuh lautca eht seod bmob
.liart ecnedive egassap eht retfa orez dnuorg ta neve elbigilgen era slevel noit
nwod kaerb dna esrepsid slacigoloib eht dna ,emit elttil y rev fo

eht smlehwrevo taht ai retsyh eht si srettam tahW .yldipar
tnemn revog eht taht etats ot :raelc era sgolb dna sllop ehT g nisu si hsar a revo tuo gnikaerf nosrep hcaE .erutcurtsarfni
ediced ot evah uoY .edicius lacitilop si ti did ohw llet tonnac o t gniog eb ot desoppus staht esitrepxe dna emit lacidem pu
rehtehw ediced ot evah uoY.ytilibisnopser htiw gat-rae ot ohw -ilicaf lacidem tsniaga semi rC .lli ylurt eht dna smitciv tnedicca
esiver ot rehtehw ro ,yllaitini esohc uoy seiti roi rp eht ot kcits ot .tekcoryks )cte ,sdnamed bom ,sni-kaerb( seit
.ycilop ruoy eht fo rebmun tnacingis a taht si elkni rw tlucfid ehT
uoy od mohw dna ,od uoy od tahW .tnemom laicurc eht stI -citrap ni scinilc detegrat ehT .yrtsecna barA fo era smitciv
?ot ti od ot ediced n retsae-elddim fo elpoep ynam fo sdoohrobhgien evres ralu
.sdnuor gkcab

?noitca ecilop dna yratilim tcerid ezisahpme uoy diD neve ,railimaf a edivorp stluser llop dna snoitcaer lanoitaN
nwod msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC tsum tnediserp sa uoY .etabed railimaf rof txetnoc elbatrofmoc
nwod tegduB decnalaB nwod tnempoleveD .swollof sa ,ffuts lausu eht etaitogen
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI pu yratiliM
nwod euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV :snoitpO
nwod htlaeH ytic eht ni wal lait ram esopmi )1
ffo-sdnah peek tub dia evissam edivorp )2
?yrevocer dna dia ezisahpme uoy diD senoz tegrat ralimis ni ytiruces pu pmar )3
pu msi rtneC pu noitavresnoC yrtnuoc detcepsus a tsniaga noitca yratilim saesrevo pu pmar )4
nwod tegduB decnalaB pu tnempoleveD pot no si tnemnrevog eht taht secnarussa elbaveileb edivorp )5
pu egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod yratiliM noitautis eht fo
nwod euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV .meht dn dna stirpluc eht yfitnedi )6
pu htlaeH
laicos si ycnegreme sihT .lla meht od tnac uoy ,si elbuort ehT
?tirpluc eht sa yfitnedi ot esoohc uoy did puorg hcihW fo tol a dna emit sekat ti htiw gnilaed dna ,lacisyhp sa llew sa
slanoitanretni tsiror ret barA ehT ,sey( meht eziti roi rp dna snoitpo elbitapmoc esoohC .yenom
nwod msi rtneC nwod noitavresnoC .gnitteg eruoy ecivda eht no desab )cte-3-2-1 ,redro ni ,yllaretil
nwod tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI pu yratiliM
pu euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
nwod htlaeH

naciremA eht gnimalb ,yrevocer dna dia ezisahpme uoy diD slacol naciremA ehT
?slacol pu msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
ngierof dna citsemod ynam tub ,edicius lacitilop lanosrep mH lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
etipseD .denehtgnerts si ytrap ruoy dna ,desaelp era stseretni pu egitserP lanoitan retnI pu y ratiliM
eht dna ,uoy ta dam yltcerid si rewop ni eno on ,seussi tegdub nwod euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
enoemos eb ot ,yawa raf era sexat desaerced yb desuac smelborp nwod htlaeH
,rehctac-god detcele eb ot elba eb tnow uoY .melborp sesle
ni stluser nwod a sulp pu nA .stluser fo stes owt eseht enibmoC
.niaga serP enola tel ,hguoht
.ylevitcepser ,lin a esaerced ro esaercni lliw nwod ro pu nA .lin a
pu-elbuod msi rtneC pu noitavresnoC .sesop rup stniop rof elbuod tnuoc snwod owt ro spu owT
nwod tegduB decnalaB pu tnempoleveD
pu-elbuod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM :ezirammus oT
nwod-elbuod euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV gnitegrat ,noitca ecilop dna yratilim tcerid ezisahpme uoy diD
lin htlaeH ?slanoitanretni tsiror ret barA eht
eht ylgu si tceffe m ret-gnol eht tub ,ti evol yllaitini sretov ehT
seitrap neewteb egdew lacitilop eht ,pu slarips tegdub y ratilim
eht leef stseretni laiceps citsemod lla dna ,seidilos dna swor g
-nigeb eht ni stluser llop hgih etipseD .raey txen eht revo hcnip
edisa tup stnenoppo ruoy dna ,ylrae ,ruos snalp noitcele eht ,gnin
.nalp noitisoppo rellik a tnuom ot secnereffid lan retni rieht
nwod msi rtneC nwod noitavresnoC
nwod-elbuod tegduB decnalaB nwod tnempoleveD
lin euneveR xaT pu-elbuod y ratiliM
nwod-elbuod egitserP lanoitan retnI
pu-elbuod noitcafsitaS retoV
nwod-elbuod htlaeH

gnitegrat noitca ecilop dna yratilim tcerid ezisahpme uoy diD

?slacol naciremA eht
eht nehw hguot teg ot stnaw eno oN .ylkciuq eusne smelborP
-ulcnocni semoceb etabed lacitiloP .rood txen yug eht si tegrat
tuo erug nac eno on ;sllop eht ta dna lliH eht no htob evis
dna pu era spuorg tsimertxe suoi raV.rof gnidnats eruoy tahw
dna uoy sezicartso ytrap ruoY.nwo rieht fo snoitca tuo y r rac
.noitcele txen eht rof esle enoemos smoor g
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
nwod tegduB decnalaB nwod tnempoleveD
lin egitserP lanoitan retnI pu-elbuod y ratiliM
nwod-elbuod euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV
nwod-elbuod htlaeH

-ror ret barA eht gnimalb ,yrevocer dna dia ezisahpme uoy diD
?slanoitanretni tsi
dna socitilop yllaicepse ,stnednopser tsom gnoma pu-ssot a stI
citsemoD .ti ekil ot mees sretov tub ,stseretni lanoitan retni
epoh dnoyeb si tegdub eht hguohtla ,gnorts smees y revocer
txen eht rof egats doog a tes evuoY.erac ot smees eno on ,llits
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
nwod-elbuod tegduB decnalaB pu tnempoleveD
lin egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH

-metni rof yn roht oot si noitautis ehT :tnemmoC ot esufeR )3 omeM hsidnevaC ehT
cilbup eht fo sei rc eht htiw pu gnittup htrow sti ;hceeps etarep
morf delevarnu eb nac melborp elohw eht litnu aidem eht dna ohw -- )eoD .sM( yraterces lanosrep rem rof ruoy ,tnediserP .rM
.ecnaraeppasid seoD .sM .deraeppasid sah -- ecnetepmocni ssorg rof keew tsal der uoy
saw rac reh ,AP ,hgrubsttiP ni tnua na yb gnissim detropeR
gnissim eht no noitnetta sucofeR :enihcaM nipS eht tratS )4 .DM ,gni rpS raelC raen ,07 etatsretnI no denodnaba dnuof
.)evitarepo lacitilop a sa reh tniap ot gniyrt ylbissop( eoD .sM hgrubsttiP ot kcab gnivom saw ehs ,droldnal seoD ot gnidroccA
,ecalp drah a dna kcor a neewteb thguac eruoY :ngiseR )5 eno oN .tnua denoitnemerofa eht htiw gniyats eb dluow dna
tey-sa ruoy dna -- omem eht fo ecnetsixe eht esuaceb .syad owt ni eoD morf drow a draeh ro nees sah
tseB .bmober citamolpid dna lacitilop a si -- ylper delaevernu erew seipoc lagelli taht stroper rotceriD TI esuoH etihW ehT
.nwod pets ot tsuj ,oga skeew owt sel ecnednopser roc lanosrep ruoy fo edam

sah rotceriD TI ehT .hctilg revres tnecer a ot eud decitonnu
-netop a sniatnoc ecnednopser roc deipoc fo tsil eht denim reted
gniyas tnemetats a deussi tsuj sah noitarop roC hsidnevaC ehT .omem evisolpxe yllait
,noitacinummoc etarop roc a ton saw rettel sOEC eht taht
.smuhc egelloc dlo neewteb noissucsid lanosrep a ylpmis tub morf rettel lanosrep dlo htnom xis a si omeM hsidnevaC ehT
.hsidnevaC morf dengiser sah OEC eht ,erom rehtruF ,OEC noitarop roC hsidnevaC eht ,dnei rf egelloc dlo ruoy
rof dexaler erew setutats latnemnorivne niatrec fi taht gnitseggus
ecnedive yhcteks emos sah IBF eht tub ,gnissim llits si eoD .sM .anatnoM ni yrotcaf wen a dliub dluoc yeht ,noitarop roc eht
dah ehs :stnenoppo lacitilop ruoy fo eno ot reh stcennoc taht
etal a gnivah ,ynapmoc sih ni )lassimsid reh retfa( nees neeb eht esuac ,sboj wen ni gni rb dluow yrotcaf hsidnevaC A
.nwotegroeG ni reppus dael dna ,yllacitamard esaercni ot seunever xat etats dna lacol
.noiger eht tuohguorht tnempoleved cimonoce decnahne ot
.55: rof ecnerefnoc sserp a deludehcs sah yraterceS sserP ruoY ot eud noitcafsitas rekrow hgih rof nwonk si hsidnevaC ,oslA

laitnediserP nwo ruoy gniwollof steneb htlaeh evisnetxe sti
.m roftalp noitcele ruoy ni knalp a -- snoitadnemmoceR
ot tnes uoy ylper evitisop yleugav eht fo seipoc ,tnediserP .rM
.aidem eht ot deussi neeb evah OEC hsidnevaC eht gniusrup ni tseretni evitatnet htiw dednopser uoy ,emit eht tA
.nalp sOEC eht tuoba sklat rehtruf

latnemnorivne eseht no ssap a hsidnevaC gnivig ,yletanutrofnU
.ecnerefnoC sserP ehT tnemnorivnE labolG wen eht etaloiv yltcerid dluow snoitci rtser
:uoy oD .olsO ni htnom tsal tsuj dengis uoy ytaerT
?omeM hsidnevaC eht troppuS )1 sllac htiw depmaws gnieb si knab enohp esuoH etihW ehT
ehT .sel gnissim eht dna yraterces ruoy tuoba sretov morf
?omeM hsidnevaC eht ekubeR )2 lliw tahW .tnemetats a gnidnamed si sp roC sserP esuoH etihW
?enihcaM nipS eht tratS )4 ?od uoy

?tnemmoC ot esufeR )3
?ngiseR )5 eht ot desaeler neeb sah omeM noitarop roC hsidnevaC ehT
si sp roC sserP esuoH etihW ehT .aidem ngierof dna citsemod
semoctuO era sgolb tenretni eht dna aidem ehT.tnemetats a rof gnimaercs
,cilbup ehT .ecnaraeppasid seoD .sM fo noissucsid htiw evila
fo steneb laitnatsbus ehT :omeM hsidnevaC eht troppuS )1
srewsna sdnamed ytinummoc lanoitan retni eht dna ,aidem eht
-yllacimonoce na ni yrotcaf noitarop roC hsidnevaC wen a
.tnediserP .rM ,uoy fo
eht fo gnieb-llew eht ot tnatropmi si aera depolevedrednu
-retni ,sregguh eert eht htiw lleh ot dnA( .ymonocE naci remA :snoitpo ruoy era ereH
).stsi roeht ycaripsnoc dna ,sciti rc lanoitan
evitatnet eht ot steneb ehT :omeM hsidnevaC eht t roppuS )1
nwod msi rtneC nwod noitavresnoC hsalkcab eht ecnalab ot hguone neve ,laitnatsbus era tnemeer ga
lin tegduB decnalaB pu tnempoleveD ,eno siht ni ytaerT tnemnorivnE labolG eht gnitaloiv morf
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM .esac detalosi
pu euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
nalp deniltuo eht ot gnieergA :omeM hsidnevaC eht ekubeR )2
pu htlaeH
ecaf fo ssol eht ;detanimessid ylediw neeb sti taht won nosiop si
.suodnemert eb dluow ytinummoc lanoitan retni eht ni

:drow ruoy yb dnats ot retteB :omeM hsidnevaC eht ekubeR )2
,yllabolg ecaf gniniater rof retteb ,tnemnorivne eht rof retteb
)!hguoht ,ssenisub rof esroW( .yllacitilop llarevo retteb
lin msi rtneC pu noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB nwod tnempoleveD
pu egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
nwod euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
nwod htlaeH
evah dluohs naht rettam etavi rp a si sihT :tnemmoC ot esufeR )3
.eussi cilbup a emoceb reven
nwod msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH
-tilop a tsuj ylsuoivbo si eoD .sM :enihcaM nipS eht t ratS )4
neeb syawla evah stnediserP .noitisoppo eht rof evitarepo laci
.srovaf laiceps rof secnatniauqca dna sdnei rf dlo yb dehcaorppa
fo tuo ylno derewsna saw hcihw elpmaxe elgnis siht wolb oT
-guper a ylurt si eussi lacitilop a otni pihsdnei rf dna ssendnik
.yreggudlluks lacitilop fo tnan
lin msi rtneC nwod noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH
taht tub ,egami nwo ruoy tsuj ton dehsin rat evuoY :ngiseR )5
eht fo tnediserP eht fo ecfo eht dna ytrap lacitilop ruoy fo
eht rof flesruoy eci rcas uoy ,nwod gnippets yB .setatS detinU
.eerht lla fo doog
pu msi rtneC pu noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
pu egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH
txen eht rof tnediserP eht won si tnediserP eciV ehT :OSLA
!sisi rC

sihT.truh teg annog senoemos neht dna snug gib eht tuo kaerb pooC eht nwolF

.ssenisub ruoy fo enon si
fo ytrap gnilur eht -- NNC revo lla dellips tsuj sah swen ehT

tnioJ 63-F naci remA na derutpac evah ot smialc natsakhazreK
evah snoitazinagro swen lanoitan retni dna SSAT .gnidaerps stI fo etilletas rem rof gnilbmurc a si natsakhazreK .rethgiF eki rtS
niats a gnikcart enoemos ekil yrots eht derettacs dna pu dekcip radar saci remA no pilb a gnieb desaec hcihw noinU teivoS eht
,seY :tpecxe ecroF riA eht morf drow on llitS .esuoh a dnuora ,oga sraey net tsomla daehraw tsal rieht deredner rus yeht nehw
63-F a sei eh sey dna .rJ skeeW mailliW tnanetueiL a evah ew fo erutcip yniarg a htiw senildaeh eht ni kcab eryeht won tub
ro won thgi r si eh erehw wonk tnod ew ,ris ,on tub ,yekruT ni .NNC no FSJ 63-F a eb dluoc tahw
.rof detnuocca si enalp sih fi nac eno on ,ecroF riA eht ot sllac enohp suoremun etipseD
namow eht sweivretni dna pu rehtom skeeW sekaw enoemoS eht oD :tcejbus eht no rewsna thgiarts a esuoH etihW eht evi g
llits sehs fi sa skool ehS .emit reh gnin rom eht ni 2 ta VT no ot kcab teg lleW :ylper ehT ?ton ro 63-F a evah sinatsakhazreK
a rof gniksa si yraterceS sserP esuoH etihW ehT .gnimaerd gnihcaer ydaerla si tneve-non elbissop siht revo roruf ehT .uoy
stahW .noitpo na ton si gnitiaw taht seilpmi eh dna ;tnemetats gnineppah yllautca sti fi swonk eno on hguoht neve ;raor llud a
?tcejbus ykrum eht no yas ot evah esuoH etihW eht eht sA .nwo rieht fo efil a no gnikat yldipar era stnevE .ton ro
ysatnaf llet ot tlucfid erom dna erom semoceb ti ,pu selip swen

.ytilaer morf

.rM rewsna ruoy stahW .enohp eht no kcab era snaissuR ehT
tolip naci remA na tuoba smug sih gnippa si reztilB floW woN
eht desuor evah syug tnemtraped etats ruoy ,emitnaem eht nI sih we eh taht si won yrots ehT.natsakhazreK ni dnuor g eht no
dna denethgi rf htob skool ohw rodassabma inatsakhazreK gnihsa eryehT .natsakhazreK ni ti dednal dna yekruT morf tej
eht ni neeb reve seh emit tsr eht stI .emit emas eht ta citatsce deman aksarbeN morf yobloohcs def-n roc emos fo serutcip
-autis ro ,tolip ,tej yna tuoba gnihton swonk eH .esuoH etihW saw ti ekil skool taht tohspans a -- .rJ skeeW mailliW tnanetueiL
emi rP inatsakhazreK eht teg tnac eh ,oN .yrtnuoc sih ni noit serehT .s0891 eht morf koobraey loohcS hgiH a fo tuo dellup
esuoh remmus sih ot yaw sih no seh ,enohpelet eht no retsiniM enohp-llec yniarg a tsuj ;taht ekil gnihtyna ro egatoof oediv on
.aragodaL ni dluoc hcihw( tej eht fo edis eht no detniap eman skeeW fo tohs
pu retsum uoy elihw moor eht fo tuo rodassabmA eht dnes uoY .)tol kcab emos no draobdrac fo tuo edam eb
?tnediserP .rM ekat uoy od ecnats tahW .nalp a gnitnuoc ysub eryeht -- dnammoc ecroF riA eht ta rewsna oN
?swen eht nees uoy evaH ?gniog ti swoh ,oS :etiloP ;etiloP .1 yeht nehw tuoba skniht eno on tahw stahT .senalp dna stolip
.emahs a hcus sti ,wonk I ,hO gnitnuoc eht lla :htraE no rewop yratilim tsetaer g eht tuoba klat
snaissuR ehT .sgni r enohp-der eht ,neht tsuj tuB .devlovni
;hcum os sknahT :!enalP ruO dnuoF uoY dnatsrednU eW .2 aci remA tahw ,os fi ,dna ;eurt si swen eht fi wonk ot tnaw
.won kcab taht ekat tsuj llew on evah aissuR dna natsakhazreK .ti tuoba od ot deraperp si
ew od uoy fi tuB :enalP ruO evaH uoY gniyaS toN ereW .3 tnera sinatsakhazreK eht yhw si hcihw( meht neewteb tsol evol
.kcab ti tnaw ni dnah-reppu eht dah gnol sah aissuR dna ,)eromyna naissuR
elbapac 3 hcaM a leef yehT .sehsim riks redrob suoremun rieht
lanoitan inatsakhazreK eht rO :toidI ,kcaB enalP yM eM teG .4
a eb dluoc snopaew edarg-hgih htiw dedaol rethg htlaets
.gnidleihs dael evlovni lliw sserd
.noiger eht ni ecrof evitpursid

meht stnaw eh dna ,srewsna stnaw retsiniM emi rP naissuR ehT
ot gniog ti stahW .ni kcab semoc rodassabma elttil roop ehT .setunim 03 ni kcab llac lliw snaissuR ehT .reztilB floW erofeb
.sruoy si noisiced ehT ?eb ?tnediserP .rM llac ruoy stahW
erew ,retsiniM emi rP retsiM ,ris seY :snaissuR eht kcaB .1
.noitautis eht fo desi rppa uoy peek lleW .uoy htiw ereht thgi r
.deen uoy gnihtynA
ew sa raf sa tub ,dab sdnuos ylniatrec taht ,lleW :ytilartueN .2
.yr roS .gnineppah ton tsuj sti ,won wonk
retfa tub ,tej eht tsol evah thgim eW :melborP saissuR stI .3
.retsub ,pu kcab os ,tluaf ruo tnia ti ,taht
ot evah lliw aci remA elcnu ro ,ti piZ :!kcitS giB eht evaW .4

natsakhazreK htiw seciohC semoctuO
etiloP ,etiloP )1 ecnats ruoy ,ereh snoisiced gnitcesretni owt yllaer erew erehT
sih ot kcab seog eh sa NNC yb thguac srodassabmA ehT hcaE .natsakhazreK sdrawot ecnats ruoy dna snaissuR eht htiw
taerg a tahw tuoba etib-dnuos doog a sevig eH .yssabme snoisiced esoht fo tluser denibmoc ehT .kcabwolb etarapes sah
naci remA melborp eht fo pot no woh dna ,era uoy tnediserP .tolip sti dna ...enalp eht fo etaf eht senim reted
.eb ot smees
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
snaissuR eht htiw seciohC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD snaissuR eht kcaB )1
pU egitserP lanoitan retnI pU yratiliM NNC no si esnefeD fo retsinim naissuR eht ruoh eht nihtiW
lin euneveR xaT pU noitcafsitaS retoV gnilaed ni aissuR ot gnikool si yratilim SU eht woh floW gnillet
lin htlaeH si dlrow eht ,yas ot sseldeeN .melborp natsakhazreK eht htiw
era SU eht fo elpoep eht ,tej a ecalpsim dluoc SU eht taht ysaenu
!enalP ruO dnuoF uoY dnatsrednU eW )2 seno on dna ,sgniht x ot aissuR ot gnikool erew desaelp ton
rodassabmA eht ,taht otni thgi r kool llew ,esruoc fo ,hO ?thgi r gnissim llits stej eht dnA .lla ta yratilim eht htiw yppah
rednammoc ecroF riA ruoy tahw taht tnsi tuB .seilper yletilop
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
?oga setunim ev-ytrof dias
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod y ratiliM
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD lin euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
pU egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod yratiliM lin htlaeH
lin euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH ytilartueN )2
dooG .tsol esac siht ni rO .deniag gnihton ,derutnev gnihtoN
enalP ruO evaH uoY gniyaS toN ereW )3 ?tej nmad eht tuoba tahw tuB .evom
fO .separcs dna swob rodassabmA ehT .eciN .m r tub etiloP
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
esruoc fo ;enohp eht no retsiniM emi rP eht teg lleh esruoc
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
yb desserpmi era elpoep naci remA ehT .enalp eht dn llyeht
lin egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
sserp eht ot dekael rodassabmA eht gniklat uoy fo egatoof eht
lin euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV
.rosivda sserp citsinutroppo-reve ruoy yb
lin htlaeH
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD melborP saissuR stI )3
lin egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM si cilbup ehT .trela no seog aci remA .trela no og snaissuR ehT
lin euneveR xaT pU noitcafsitaS retoV .dnuora loof tnseod aci remA delli rht
lin htlaeH
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
toidI ,kcaB enalP yM eM teG )4
pU egitserP lanoitan retnI pU y ratiliM
.setunim ytnewt rednu ni yrtnuoc ruoy esare dluoc ew ,haeY
lin euneveR xaT pU noitcafsitaS retoV
gninetaerht alli rog llub a ekil fo dnik stI .woN .tej ruo tnaw eW
lin htlaeH
ror roh a ni mitciv eht ekil see rodassabmA ehT .knumpihc a
.ytterp tnia tI .eivom
kcitS giB eht evaW )4
.aremac a otni detaeper era staerht saci remA setunim nihtiW yti ruces eht ot snialpmoc aissuR ?ti si ,yaw taht sti os ,hO
eno oN .raf oot enog sah tnediserP eht fi gniksa si reztilB floW sllac enohp gnidle eruoy setunim nihtiW.rucco skael ;licnuoc
.noisiced ruoy htiw yppah smees dna anihC ,ylatI ,yawroN ,niapS ,ecnarF ,muigleB ,NU eht morf
;stnap ruoy ni ti peek -- egassem gnimlehwrevo riehT .napaJ
lin msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
erofeb sruoh fo rettam a ylno stI .siht evlos tnow ecneloiv
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
dna esuoH etihW eht tnorf tuo gnitsetorp era stneduts egelloc
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI nwod yratiliM
.sserP eht teeM no detsabmal gnieb eruoy
lin euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH pu msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
lin tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
nwoD egitserP lanoitan retnI nwoD y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT nwoD noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH

enalP eht htiw stluseR
enohp eht no yllan si natsakhazreK fo retsiniM emi rP ehT
si rewsna siH . )era elpoep ecroF riA ruoy erehw swonk doG(
suoiverp owt eht ni ,derocs evuoy llew woh yb denim reted
ew ,enalp ruoy evah ew esruoc fO :egitserP lanoitan retnI 2+ *
htiw gnola -- uoy ot den ruter eb lliw ti dna ti dehcuot ton evah
.yletaidemmi -- nam etilop y rev a ;tolip sti
era dna enalp ruoy evah eW :egitserP lanoitan retnI 1+ *
emos ssucsid ot ekil dew ,esruoc fO .yltrohs ti n ruter ot gnilliw
.seitilibissop cimonoce
,revewoh -- enalp ruoy evah eW :egitserP lanoitan retnI 1- *
.sevitom tsilai repmi ruoy ot sa su denethgilne sah roivaheb ruoy
.tnediserP .rM enalp ruoy teg ton lliw uoY
?enalp a stahW ?enalP :egitserP lanoitan retnI 2- *

dnuopmoc eht fo tuo sennahoJ gni rul sevlovni )erul( 1 nalP IBF ffodnatS tluC
hcaerp ot ytinutroppo na - erusopxe aidem fo esimorp eht htiw
a gnitcudnoc ,mih gnitser ra neht dna - noisivelet lanoitan no suoigiler dem ra neewteb ffodnats elyts-ocaW a fo 81 yad stI
.drawretfa dnuopmoc eht fo hcraes -ecrofne wal dna - tluc naitsi rhC citpylacopA na - scitanaf
dednuor rus evah ecilop lacol dna IBF eht ,FTA ehT .tnem
-ecrofne wal gniwardhtiw sevlovni )lawardhtiw( 2 nalP IBF a etaitogen ot gnikrow neeb evah dna dnuopmoc stsitluc eht
ot sennahoJ rof gnitiaw ,retemi rep dnuopmoc eht morf tnem sah ,sennahoJ nhoJ ,redael tluc ehT .ylsseltiurf tub ,dne lufecaep
srecreM si sihT .neht mih gnitser ra dna ,dnuopmoc eht evael ni nerdlihc dna nemow eht esaeler ot semit lareves desimorp
.nalp der referp hcae tub ,)nerdlihc dna seviw sih meht fo ynam( dnuopmoc eht
dna noitisop gniniatniam sevlovni )erusserp( 3 nalP IBF .reviled ot deliaf sah emit
rof gnitiaw ,ecnediser sdnuopmoc eht no erusserp gnisaercni .lanoitan ssiwS a si - seviw sennahoJ fo eno - stsitluc eht fo enO
.hcraes ot timbus dna flesmih redner rus ot sennahoJ
eht morf er rednu emac FTA eht fo stnega ,oga syad nevelE
otni diar yrtne cimanyd a si )yrtne emitthgin( 4 nalP IBF hcraes dna tser ra etucexe ot gnitpmetta nehw dnuopmoc
eht dna sag raet gnisu ,thgin fo revoc rednu ,dnuopmoc eht FTA eerhT .er den ruter yehT .sennahoJ tsniaga stnar raw
.selcihev derom ra na htiw gnola ,dednuow erew 81 dna dellik erew stnega
stsitluc ehT .dednuow dna dellik stsitluc fo rebmun nwonknu

enecs eht no srecfo dna stnega eht ta yllanoisacco der evah
gnikam ,dnuopmoc eht detixe evah nerdlihc neves fo puorg A den ruter on dna seitlausac on neeb evereht tub ,neht ecnis
,kcis yrev era nerdlihc ehT .retemi rep eht drawot yaw rieht derom ra ni stnega IBF ,yad dnoces eht fo gnin rom eht nO .er
.derevef dna gnitimov evyeht erehw ,retemi rep sdnuopmoc eht ot deyolped selcihev

laicfo na dna snoitcejbo gnorts sennahoJ etipsed ,deniamer
.noituloser detaitogen ,lufecaep a ot tnemtimmoc
,maet noitaitogen eht stcatnoc )ti ripS yloH sennahoJ( notlraC
dna doof hserf htiw deilppus eb dnuopmoc eht taht gnitsisni ,rednammoc etis-no eht si recreM nevetS tnegA laicepS IBF
era stsitluc eht fi doolb hcus ,doolb ni gninokcer a gninetaerht sIBF eht dna ,tnemecrofne wal lacol ,FTA eht gnieesrevo
.nerdlihc kcis erom ruof fo esaeler eht sreffo eH .devrats rehtruf a gniod neeb seH .maet noitaitogen dna maet eucser egatsoh
tuohtiw detca evah stnemele suoi rav eht :tuo sn rut ti ,boj roop
yehT .nerdlihc eht denimaxe evah etis-no lennosrep lacideM sah tnemele FTA ehT .noitacinummoc raelc ro noitanidrooc
sdlihc eno edisni dennip eton a saw erehT .msilutob tcepsus no erusserp eht esaercni ot gnitca ,evissergga ylralucitrap neeb
teg :namow tluda rehtona ro rehtom reh yb ylbamuserp ,tekcaj semitemos dna snoitcejbo eht revo semitemos ,dnuopmoc eht
.tuo su .maet noitaitogen eht fo egdelwonk eht tuohtiw
eht ni lanoitan ssiwS eht seitnedi etalusnoC ssiwS ehT sennahoJ htiw gnitacinummoc neeb sah maet noitaitogen ehT
eerht sennahoJ dei r ram ehS .lhubneharK atU sa dnuopmoc derflA - ti ripS yloH sih - nam dnah-thgi r sih htiw dna
dlo raey owt a evah yeht rehtegoT .dnalreztiwS ni ,oga sraey srotaitogen derussa yldetaeper evah sredael tluc htoB .notlraC
.dnuopmoc eht ni osla eb ot demuserp ,nos sennahoJ .edicius timmoc lliw dnuopmoc eht ni eno on taht
,srewollof sih dna flesmih rof ytinummi lagel edulcni sdnamed

,sm raer lagelli no noitucesorp morf ytinummi gnidulcni
eht fo rednammoc etis-no eht ,ogetnoM oguH tnegA laicepS
na fo tnemegnar ra eht dna ;segrahc esuba dlihc dna ,ymagib
ruof smaet eucser egatsoh eht fo den rael tsuj sah ,tnemele FTA
dna noisivelet lanoitan no egassem sih hcaerp ot ytinutroppo
a ,nalp noituloser a deraperp osla sah tnemele FTA ehT .snalp
.snoitalever sih hsilbup ot
sepoh eh ;yrtne emityad suoregnad erom dna evissergga erom
eht ot evitan retla na sa ,tnediserP .rM ,ti redisnoc lliw uoy taht gnitpecxe( dnuopmoc eht ot tuc neeb evah enohpelet dna rewoP
.snalp IBF taht detamitse stI .)maet noitaitogen eht ot enohpelet tcerid
,egies degnolorp a tsaltuo ot retaw hguone sah dnuopmoc eht
nalP IBF tsniaga ylgnorts sdnemmocer ogetnoM ,esac yna nI
neeb sah IBF ehT.doof no wol gninnur ydaerla eryeht taht tub
taht sdnuorg eht no ,)lawardhtiw( 2 nalP IBF dna )esur( 1
-daorb neeb sah dna sthgildoo rednu dnuopmoc eht gnipeek
fo hcraes eht si tluc eht trw evitcejbo tnemecrofne wal eht
lliw dnuopmoc eht fo tuo gnimoc enoyna taht segassem gnitsac
tsuj ton ,draoh snopaew sti fo eruzies eht dna dnuopmoc sti
.ylriaf detaert eb
.tser ra sennahoJ
.snalp noituloser ruof deraperp sah maet eucser egatsoh ehT
eht fo tsom taht syas desaeler nerdlihc kcis neves eht fo enO
.tnediserP .rM ,lavorppa ruoy gnitiawa eryehT
laer truh era emos dna ,kcis era dnuopmoc eht ni nerdlihc

pu msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC -rof-doof eht gni redisnoc si etis-no maet noitaitogen ehT
nwod tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD yna dnah fo tuo detcejer sah notlraC .egnahcxe nerdlihc
lin egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM .ruof naht desaeler eb nerdlihc erom taht noitseggus
lin euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
nihtiw noitisop gnikat nem dem ra nees evah etis-no stnegA
lin htlaeH
pu-dedraob dna srood otni strop nug gniwas ,dnuopmoc eht
:)lawardhtiw( 2 nalP IBF
eruces ot egreme tnseod flesmih sennahoJ taht tuo sn rut tI

sei r rac recreM .doog ytterp staht dna ,seod notlraC tub ,doof
desaeler - ruof ton - dnuopmoc eht evael nerdlihc eerhT
-iveni sogetnoM yaled ot seganam osla dna tser ra snotlraC ffo
gnivah ,noitidnoc laciti rc ni si enO .doof fo egnahcxe on htiw
snotlraC tuohtiw ,neht yB .tsael ta syad wef a rof ,diar elbat
er fo egnahcxe laitini eht gni rud dnuow tohsnug a deviecer
dna eligarf stluc eht ,noitartsinimda dna ecneuni gnizilibats
.oga syad nevele
sllot htaed eht dne eht yB .flesti no den rut sti tub - elbarenluv
;yad lan evisolpxe sti ni tluc eht nihtiw dellik tsom ,04 raen gnidnamed ,egar a ni maet noitaitogen eht stcatnoc sennahoJ
-ecrofne wal oN .daed eht gnoma era dlihc reh dna lhubneharK seilppus doof etaidemmi esle ro ,nerdlihc net lla fo n ruter eht
.dednuow era wef a ,dellik era stnega tnem ,sdnamed sih ot noissecca etaidemmi sulp seilppus lacidem dna
.desufer seh fi dlrow elohw eht ot er tes ot gnisimorp dna
pu msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
pu tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD -elpmi eb nac nalp yrtne emityad sih taht sesivda ogetnoM

nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM .ruoh eht nihtiw detnem
lin euneveR xaT lin noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH
?evorppa uoy lliw nalp hcihw ,tnediserP .rM
:)erusserp( 3 nalP IBF
eht sennahoJ reffo ,seilppus doof edivorP :)esur( 1 nalP IBF
wef a rof sdeeccus dna ,ogetnoM kcab dloh ot sei rt recreM
stixe eh nehw mih tser ra ,egassem sih tsacdaorb ot ytinutroppo
ylroop sti dna ,diar FTA sih sdael ogetnoM ,ylbativeni tuB .syad
.dnuopmoc eht hcraes ot retal n ruter ,dnuopmoc eht
.yldab yrev ,yrev seog ti dna ,detroppus ylroop dna detanidrooc
,dednuow era 52 rehtona ,dellik era stnega tnemecrofne wal neT sdnuopmoc eht morf wardhtiW :)lawardhtiw( 2 nalP IBF
ylraen eht gnomA .tser ra ecaf ot evil stsitluc eht fo wef dna eno rehtie nehw notlraC ro/dna sennahoJ tser ra ,retemi rep
.dlihc reh dna lhubneharK era dellik nerdlihc dna nemow 05 .hcraes ot retal n ruter ,doof erucorp ot dnuopmoc eht stixe
ot thgiR nai ratrebiL eht ot thgiR naitsi rhC eht morf enoyrevE
,retemi rep sdnuopmoc eht niatniaM :)erusserp( 3 nalP IBF
-agitsevni ,doolb rof tuo si dnalreztiwS ,wonky ,ot ULCA eht
.stsitluc eht no erusserp esaercni ot tca ,seilppus doof esufer
.snoitangiser dna snoit
dna redner rus yeht nehw srehto dna notlraC ,sennahoJ tser rA
nwod msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC .hcraes ot timbus
nwod tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
,selcihev derom ra eht ,sag raet esU :)yrtne emitthgin( 4 nalP IBF
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI pu yratiliM
tser rA .dnuopmoc eht eruces dna retne ot ssenkrad fo revoc dna
lin euneveR xaT nwod noitcafsitaS retoV
.snopaew lagelli stluc eht ezies ,srehto dna notlraC ,sennahoJ
lin htlaeH
,selcihev derom ra eht ,sag raet esU :)yrtne etaidemmi( nalP FTA
:)yrtne emitthgin( 4 nalP IBF tser rA .dnuopmoc eht eruces dna retne ot scitcat evissergga dna
-siser doog pu tup dna diar eht rof deraperp era stsitluc ehT .snopaew lagelli stluc eht ezies ,srehto dna notlraC ,sennahoJ
lareves gnidulcni ,05 spot tnuoc htaed eht ,dne eht nI .ecnat
,nerdlihc dna nemow 02 tuoba dna stnega tnemecrofne wal semoctuO
,seitlausac eht etipseD .dlihc reh dna lhubneharK gnidulcni
drah a - noitarepo IBF lufsseccus a sa nees ylcilbup si siht :)esur( 1 nalP IBF
lan retni tneuqesbuS .noitautis elbi r ret a ot dne yrassecen tub hguohtla tub ,ffo seog sennahoJ gnitser ra dna ,skrow esur ehT
-ummoc dna ecnats evissergga sFTA eht no sucof snoitagitsevni ,egdelwonk sennahoJ tuohtiw nerdlihc eht desaeler dah notlraC
.dednami rper yllam rof si ogetnoM dna ,seruliaf noitacin eH .ecnesba sennahoJ ni elbapac dna tluc eht ot layol sniamer eh
.etaitogen ot ssengnilliw wen a htiw tub - ffodnats eht sgnolorp
pu msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC morf ogetnoM peek ot )ylerab semitemos( seganam recreM
nwod tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD syad thgie rehtona retfa dna ,diar suortsasid nwo sih gnihcnual
nwod egitserP lanoitan retnI lin yratiliM emarfemit dednetxe eht ,yletanutrofnU .sredner rus notlraC
lin euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV morf nem eerht dna ,namow eno ,nerdlihc eht fo lareves speek
lin htlaeH .sevil rieht evas ot emit ni dia lacidem gniviecer

:)yrtne etaidemmi( nalP FTA
ylroop dna snoitaraperp fo tsdim eht ni tluc eht sehctac diar ehT
eht revo thg ecre a ni notlraC dna sennahoJ htiw ,dezinagro
owt ylno ,diar eht ni dellik os ro 03 eht fO .nerdlihc desaeler
era 6 ylno dna ,nerdlihc era 3 ylno ,stnega tnemecrofne wal era
lhubneharK dna ,dellik notlraC ,detser ra si sennahoJ .nemow
-vei rg eht ,yletanutrofnU .dnalreztiwS ot n ruter dlihc reh dna
eht dna ,cilbup ni deria teg IBF eht dna FTA eht neewteb secna
.ngiser ot decrof si recreM .weiv cilbup ni yldab sreffus IBF
nwod msi rtneC lin noitavresnoC
pu tegduB decnalaB lin tnempoleveD
pu egitserP lanoitan retnI lin y ratiliM
lin euneveR xaT pu noitcafsitaS retoV
lin htlaeH


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