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Child Investment English Essay Child Labour Children Speech

Child labour is the act of employing and engaging children in the economic activities like in the
exploitative industry, illegal business, etc on part-time or full-time basis.


Child labour is a big social issue in our country as well as abroad which everyone must be
aware of. Let your kids and children know what is child labour, its causes and what prevention
measures are. These child labour essay are written in very simple words especially for the use
of children and students going to school. By using such essay on Child Labour, students can
easily win the essay writing competition because all are written in very easy English language.


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Child labour is the service paid by the
children in their childhood in any eld of
work. This is done by the child own due to
the lack of resources for the life survival,
irresponsibility of the parents or forcefully
by the owner for increasing their return on
investment at low investment. It does not
matter the cause of child labour as all the
causes force children to live their life
without childhood. Childhood is the great
and happiest period of the lives of everyone during which one learns about the basic strategy BROWSE ESSAY
of the life from parents, loved ones and nature. Child labour interferes with the proper growth
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Child labour is the full work taken by the children in any eld of work. It is a forceful act either
by the parents, bad events or owners. Childhood is the birth rights of everyone which he/she
must live under the love and care of their parents however this illegal act of child labour forces
a child to live life like elder. It causes lack of many important things in the life of child like
improper physical growth and development, inappropriate development of the mind, socially
and intellectually unhealthy. From The Sponsored Links

Child labour keeps a child away from all the benets of the childhood, a happiest and
memorable period of the life of everyone. It interferes with the ability of attending regular 1 Year Online Program in
school which makes them socially dangerous and harmful citizen of the country. This illegal Advertising & PR from
activity of the child labour is increasing day by day even after lots of the rules and regulations
against this by the government to completely prohibit the act of child labour.
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Child labour has become a biggest social issue in India which needs to be solved on regular
basis. It is not the responsibility of the government only, it should be solved and taken care by HP Core i3 6th Gen - 4 GB/1
all the parents, owners and other social organizations. It is the issue of everyone which should TB HDD/DOS
be solved personally as it can be happened with the child of any person. Rs28,490 -

In many developing countries child labour is very common because of the existence of high
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level of poverty and poor schooling opportunities for the children. The highest incidence rate of Eat Bananas on an Empty
the child labour is still more than 50 percent in which children of age group 5 to 14 are working
in the developing country. The rate of child labour is high in the agriculture eld which is mostly
found in the rural and informal urban economy where most of the children are predominantly
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employed into the agriculture work by their own parents instead of sending them to the school
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and free them to play with friends.

The issue of the child labour has now been an international concern as it highly involved in by Taboola
inhibiting the growth and development of the country. Healthy children are the bright future
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and power of any country thus child labour is damaging, spoiling and destroying the future of
the children and nally the country.
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Child labour is the crime to humanity which has become a curse to the society and big issue MICA
preventing the country growth and development. Childhood is the most memorable period of
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the life which everyone has right to live from birth. Children have full rights to play with friends,
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go to school, feel the love and care of parents and touch beauty of the nature. However, just
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because of the improper understandings of the people (parents, owners, etc), children are
forced to live life of the elder. They are forced to arrange all the resources for life survival in
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their childhood.
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Parents want to make them very responsible towards their family in the early childhood of their
kids. They do not understand that their kids need love and care, they need proper schooling
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and play with friends to grow properly. Such parents understand that their kids are the only
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property of them, they can use them as they want. But really, every parents need to understand
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that they have some responsibility towards their country too. They need to make their kids
healthy in every aspect to make the future of the country bright.
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Parents should take all the responsibility of the family by own and let their kids to live their
childhood with lots of love and care. The main causes of the child labour all over the world are
poverty, parents, society, low salary, joblessness, poor living standard and understanding, social
injustice, lack of schools, backwardness, ineective laws which are directly aecting the
development of the country.


Child labour involves the regular working of children in their childhood at very young age from
ve to fourteen years. Children in many developing countries are forced to work hard for full
day against their will at very low pay for their survival. They want to go school, play with their
friends and need love and care by their parent like other children living in rich houses. But
unfortunately, they are forced to do something against their will.

In developing countries, the rate of the child labour is high because of the poverty, low level
awareness for education and poor schooling opportunities. Most of the children of age group 5
to 14 are found to be involved in the agriculture by their parents in the rural areas. Poverty and
lack of schools are the primary reasons of child labour in any developing country all across the

Childhood is considered as the happiest and vital experience in the life of everyone as
childhood is the most important and friendly period of learning. Children have full rights to get
proper attention from their parents, love and care from their parents, proper schooling,
guidance, playing with friends and other happiful moments. Child labour is corrupting the lives
of many precious children every day. It is the high level of illegal act for which one should be
punished but because of the ineective rules and regulations it is going side by side.

Nothing eective is happening to prevent the child labour from society as quickly as possible.
Children are too young, cute and innocent to realize the things happening to them in the early
age. They are unable to recognise that what is wrong and illegal for them instead they become
happy getting small money for their work. Unknowingly they become interested in the getting

money on daily basis and ruining their whole life and future.

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Children are conserved as the most important asset of their country however improper
understanding of the parents and poverty making them the reason for the weakness of the
country instead of being the power of the country. Most of the children under poverty line are Ads by Google
forced to do the child labour daily even after the lots of awareness program run by the
Writing a Essay
government and future welfare of society towards the welfare of the child.
Children with Work
Children are the new ower with powerful fragrance of any nation however some people are
declining the power and destroying the future of the country just for earning small money by
illegally involving the growing kids. They are playing with the moral of the innocent people and
their kids. Protecting children from the child labour is the responsibility of each and every
citizen living in the country. Child labour is the socio-economic issue which is coming from long
ago and now need to be solved on ultimate basis.

After the independence of the country, various laws and regulations has been implemented
regarding the child labour however it did not found its end in the country. Child labour ruining
the innocence of the kids by directly destroying their health physically, mentally, socially and
intellectually. Children are the lovely creation of the nature but it is not fair that due to some
bad circumstances they are forced to do hard labour before their appropriate age.
Child labour is the global issue which is more common in the underdeveloped countries. Poor
parents or parents under poverty line are unable to aord the education expenses of their kids
and they own unable to earn enough money for the family survival. So, they better choose to
involve their kids in hard work to full their needs instead of sending them to school. They
understand that schooling is a waste of time and earning money in early age is good for their
family. It is the urgent need to aware the poor people as well as rich people (to not use asset of
country in wrong way) about the bad eects of the child labour. They must be availed with all
the resources which they lack. It should be done by the end of everyone. Rich people should
help the poor people so that their children too can get all the required things in childhood. It
needs some eective rules and regulations by the government to completely end its roots


What is Child Labour
Child labour is a type crime in which children are forced to work in their very early age and
perform the responsibilities just like adults by taking part in the economic activities. According
to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there is an age limit applied to the children that
children up to age fteen will not involve in any type of work forcefully. It is an employment of
the children in any type of work which makes children deprived of childhood, proper education,
physical, mental and social well being. It is completely forbidden in some countries however
has been an international concern in most of the countries as it is destroying the future of
children to a great extent.

It is a serious matter (a big social problem) in most of the developing countries. Small age
group children are being involved in the child labor hugely by the people of high status. They
are avoiding the fact that children are the big hope and future of the nation. Millions of children
have been deprived of the childhood and proper education in our country which is a
dangerous sign. Such children do not get the chance of living a healthy life as they are not
satised physically, mentally and socially from their childhood.

According to the Indian law, children below the age of 14 years cannot be employed to any type
of work forcefully whether by the parents or owner in a factories, oces or restaurants. It is a
common practice in India as well as other developing countries in a small scale industry,
domestic aid, restaurant service, stone breaking, shopkeepers assistant, every house-hold
industry, book binding, etc.

What are the Causes of Child Labour

There are various reasons of child labor in our country. Some of the causes of global child labor
are similar however dier country to country. Most common reasons are like poverty,
repression of child rights, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc.
Following are some important points regarding causes of child labour:

Poverty and high level of unemployment in the developing countries are the main reason of
child labor.

According to the U.N. statistics of 2005, more than 1/4th of people worldwide are living in
extreme poverty.

Lack of access to the regular education in many countries. It was found in 2006 that around
75 million children were away from the school life.

Violating laws regarding child labour give the way to increased child labor in any developing

Inadequate social control gives rise to the child labor in the agriculture or domestic work.

Limited child or workers rights which aect labor standards and living standards to a great
extent in order to eliminate child labor.

Small children get involved in the child labor in order to increase income of their family to
manage two times food.

They are hired by the industries to get more work at reduced labor cost.

What are the Solutions to Child Labour

In order to eliminate the social issue of child labor, there is need to follow some eective
solutions on urgent basis to save the future of any developing country. Following are some
solutions to prevent child labor:

Creating more unions may help in preventing the child labor as it will encourage more
people to help against child labor.
All the children should be given rst priority by their parents to take proper and regular
education from their early childhood. This step needs much cooperation by the parents as
well as schools to free children for education and take admission of children from all walks of
life respectively.

Child labour needs high level social awareness with the proper statistics of huge loss in the
future for any developing country.

Every family must earn their minimum income in order to survive and prevent child labour. It
will reduce the level of poverty and thus child labour.

Family control will also help in controlling the child labour by reducing the families burden of
child care and education.

There is need of more eective and strict government laws against child labour in order to
prevent children from working in their little age.

Child tracking should be completely abolished by the governments of all countries.

Child workers should be replaced by the adult workers as almost 800 million adults are
unemployed in this world. In this way adult will get job and children will be free from child

Employment opportunities should be increased for adults in order to overcome problem of

poverty and child labor.

Business owners of factories, industries, mines, etc should take the pledge of not involving
children in any type of labour.

Child Labour as a Crime

Child labour is still practiced in many countries even after being a big crime. Business owners
of the industries, mines, factories, etc are using child labour at great level in order to get more
work at low labour cost. Poor children are more prone to be involved in the child labour as they
are forced by parents to earn some money to give economic help to their family in the very
young age (too young to realize their responsibilities towards family) instead of getting proper
education and play with friends in childhood.

Child labour is a big social problem which needs to be solved on urgent basis by the support of
both, people (especially parents and teachers) and government. Children are very little however
they carry a prosperous future of any developing country. So, they are the big responsibility of
all the adult citizens and should not be used in negative ways. They should get proper chance
to develop and grow within the happy environment of family and school. They should not be
limited by the parents only to maintain the economical balance of the family and by the
businesses to get labour at low cost.


A range of students studying in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc classes can use any of the above
given essay on child labour. All are simply worded to let students understand without any
diculty. Apart from child labour essay, you can get other related essays and information such

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