Industrial Environmental Management (Industrial Pollution)

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Name: Salsabil Jannah ID: F34150107 Class: K3

Air polution

Air polution is high concentration of certain substance that exist in air for
long enough time to cause negative effect. For example: acid deposition, CO2,
CFC, organochlorine from pesticides, heavy metal, etc. C02, methane, and CFC is
the main component of greenhouse effect and global warming these cause
disminished ozone of our earth.
Air polution which influence human health, including solid particle and
liquid particle, SOx, CO, NO2, Pb. Those are exist in open air. SO2 causing hard
breathing in extreme situation. CO can cause headache, diziness, nausea even
death if the concentration is high enough. In biotic environment there are gas
pollution which influence human and plants including sulfur, nitrogen, flourine
H2S with Pb oxide.
There are 3 ways to reduce those gas emission, first is reduce or omit the
unnecessary production, for example in industry use more efficient system to
produce the products. Second is produce gas emission that eco-friendly. Third is
the unnecessary gas emission is transferred by absorption into water or solid

Solid Waste

There are two types of solid waste including municipal solid waste and non-
municipal solid waste. Municipal solid waste is non-hazardous waste of town or
city, vilage that require routine and periodic collection and transport to processing
or disposall site. Non-municipal waste is potentially hazardous waste come from
industrial waste, agricultural waste, sewage sludge, etc.
Municipal waste is classified into two, those are trash and refuge. Trash is
collected periodically while refuge is collected routinely. After collecting process
the waste enter process of waste processing, energy recovery and recycling which
lead to final disposal.
Solid waste collection transfer waste from individual collection into larger
collection vehicle and transport to ultimate disposal or waste processing. Solid
waste collection has two mechanical system and two basic operation modes.
Mechanical system including automatic and non automatic system. In automatic
system, an articulated arm mechanism on the vehicle enggages, lifts, empties and
replaces the container by itself or without manual assistance while semi automatic
need a person to place container in position to be automatically hoisted and
manually returned to its setout position. This is why waste collection is the most
expensive phase, largely because it need lot of effort or work from labors.
Collection operation modes consist of direct discharge and storage discharge. In a
direct discharge station, each refuse truck is emptied directly into larger transport
vehicles while in storage transfer station, the refuse first is emptied into the
storage pit or large platform.
Solid waste processing including incineration, shreeding pulverizing, baling
and composting. It reduces the total volume and weight of waste, change its form
and improve its handling characteristic and recover its natural resource and energy
for reuse and recycling.
Incineration is a thermal oxidation/combustion with the furnace tempearute
are about 815-1400oC, this result POC (product of complete combustion) and PIC(
product of incomplete combustion), this result composition is influenced by the
characteristic of waste. Incineration need excessive oxygen to minimize the PIC.
The process of combustion produce heat and steam. These can be used as energy
recorvery to generate electricity, can be used for industrial plants, in-house
demands, etc.
Pyrolysis is thermal decomposition process without oxygen, it involves the
simultaneus chage of chemical composition and physical phase and is irreversible.
The products are combustible gases and mixed liquid residue. The advantages of
this process are less flue gas because no need excess air, low operating
temperature and produce combustible gases. Gassification is incomplete
combustion in the pastial absence of oxygen, this enables destruction of hazardous
waste at lower temperatures than incineration.
Shreeding and pulverizing is process of size reduction of municipal solid
waste including cutting and tearing. Pulvirizing is refers to action of turn
something into powder or soft mass such as grinding and crushing. For example
of equipment used for this process is hammer mill which process MSW into
homogenous mass. Baling is process of compacting solid waste into the form of
rectangular blocks or bales.
Composting is decomposition of organic portion in MSW by
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi under controlled condition. This
process include control of moisture, temperature and aeration to maximize
reduction rew rganic material volume. The complete MSW composting operation
includes sorting and separatting shreeding and pulverizing, digestion product
upgrading and marketing.
Co-composting is integrated waste management by sewage sludge addition
Sludge adds nitrogen, phosporus and other elements that enrich the MSW and
help the composting process.
Rexycling is the re-use and remanufactured of waste material to prevent
pollutans reaching the waste stream and to recover useful maerials and save
resource. The benefits of recycling are more efficient resource use, lower energy
consumption and reduce pollution.

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