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ISSN: 1441-7987 Issue 2, July 1999

Masters of the Climate

Jeff Hoffman from Lockhart, New South Wales,
who commenced serious climate analysis in
1986 and incorporated a combination of 112
years of rainfall records and thirty years of
farming experience to submit a winning entry.
Ian McEwan utilises international expertise
from the University of Maryland, US, and
satelite images from Japan to make land-
management decisions on his 1,050 hectare
property in Donald, Victoria.
Dick Shaw’s unique enterprise of passionfruit,
tamarillo and avocado growing in Devonport,
Tasmania, became a state winner for the
combined use of regional, Australian, New
Zealand, African and U.K. temperature data.
At the top of Lake Eyre, South Australia, Tony
Boyd uses the sea surface temperatures of the

national competition, Masters of the
Climate, recently investigated how Indian and Pacific Oceans to manage his
Australian landholders use climatic 650,000ha more effectively.
information to make better land management Western Australian winner, Erland Happ,
decisions. from Dunsborough has managed to
differentiate grape flavours on his 37 hectare
Leading rural affairs commentator and
property by incorporating a 'heat load'
Chairman of the Masters of the Climate
technique into land management decisions.
Steering Committee, Mr Neil Inall, said the
(continued on page 6)
competition was a great way of finding little
known or clever innovations being pioneered
by farmers or land managers to better manage In this issue . . . .
seasonal climate variability. Climate impacts within the agricultural
“Seasonal variability is an absolute given here value chain and other new project
in Australia, so it was impressive to see how reports p6-9
land managers are making the most of climate Climate tools now on CD p11
data to reduce the impact of adverse seasons,”
Mr Inall said. News and Reviews p13
Aussie GRASS - starting to grow p14
A steering committee consisting of seven
CVAP climate experts from across Australia selected Southern Aussie Rules p16
Climate Variability the winning entries from each state. The CVAP Contacts p16
Agriculture R&D Program
winners were:

The Climate Variability in Agriculture R&D Program is administered by LWRRDC and jointly supported by the following organisations

Sugar Research and

Development Corporation
Toowoomba meeting
The recent CVAP Committee
meeting in Toowoomba was an
important opportunity to hear
about the wide range of
research projects underway
(see photo right). CVAP is
funding several national
projects which build on the
pioneering role Toowoomba
researchers have in applications
of climate forecasting.
In addition to projects involving
CVAP Committee members George Wilson (Rural Industries
the Queensland Centre for R&D Corporation), Rob Troedson (Sugar R&D Corporation)
Climate Applications, there and Robert Douglas (National Farmers' Federation) at the
were also presentations from Toowoomba meeeting.
other researchers as featured
in this edition. CLIMAG Reader Feedback
Other outcomes of the meeting The first edition of Climag suggestions could be grouped
included plans for a meeting included a questionnaire to under some more general
later in the year in Western survey readers’ responses to themes, particularly:
Australia, as well as a mid- the newsletter. These survey  More case studies on what
term review of the current results have been analysed by farmers are doing now;
phase of CVAP. Capital Public Affairs
 Regular updates on current
Consultants (CPAC).
The meeting also marked the CVAP projects; and
end of Alan Wilson’s For the close to 300
 More regional information
involvement in CVAP through respondents who completed
including potential
WOOLMARK. The the questionnaire with their
application of forecasts.
Committee recognised the registration form, 80% of
responses to the five This issue picks up on these
contributions he has made to the
statements were positive. themes, for example the
program over many years.
Masters of the Climate cover
The statements included
story, reports on several of the
About CLIMAG relevance, layout, readibility,
level of technical detail, as well
new projects (pages 6-9) and
rules of thumb for southern
Climag, as the newsletter of the Climate Variability plans to follow-up on
Australia on the back page.
in Agriculture R&D Program (CVAP), has an information included in the
important role in promoting the overall goal of the newsletter. CVAP WebSite
program: The level of technical detail A comprehensive site for
“To work with the Australian agricultural was clearly one aspect where readers wanting to access
sector to develop and implement profitable it is difficult to get it right for more detail on projects,
and sustainable management strategies which everybody. reports, and general
prepare it to respond to the major This is primarily because the information on CVAP is now
opportunities and risks arising from climate audience for Climag is wide available. Have a look at
variability.” and varied — including climate <>.
CVAP is a national R&D program administered and agricultural researchers as CVAP Factsheets
and supported by the Land and Water Resources well as those interested in
applications across a range of A set of two-page factsheets
R&D Corporation (LWRRDC). The major
stakeholder in CVAP is Agriculture, Fisheries and industries. The best will soon be available on the
Forestry - Australia (AFFA). compromise is to provide further current and recent projects
contacts for readers wanting to funded by CVAP. These
Four other R&D Corporations (see page 1) follow up on more detail. factsheets will be available in
also currently support CVAP through funding
There was an encouraging, both printed form as well as
for generic projects and for partnership funding
even overwhelming response on the CVAP WebSite. For
of projects of value to their specific industry or
on interesting topics readers enquiries contact LWRRDC
would like covered. The 130 (see back page).

Climag 2 Issue 2, July 1999

Predicting wheat crops using climate
forecasts - what have we learnt?
average yield and vice-versa. Southern Oscillation Index
So what happened leading into
Guest Spot 1997 and 1998?
In May of 1997 and 1998,
1997 1998
By Graeme Hammer and after doing the simulation
Roger Stone * analyses for representative 10
locations in the wheat belt, we

he 1997 and 1998 issued media releases and
wheat seasons other advisories indicating that -10
contrasted beautifully chances of exceeding long
— emerging El Niño leading term median yield were -20
into 1997 and the breaking of reduced in 1997 (25 - 40% -30
the El Niño leading into 1998. depending on location) and




increased in 1998 (58 - 74%).


Despite disparities among
If there was no forecast skill
climate models early in the
this would be 50%. analogue years. There was
year (as discussed by Neville
Note that this was not a considerable reaction about
Nicholls in the last issue of
forecast of low yield in 1997 ‘getting it wrong’ that had
Climag), by the end of May
and high yield in 1998. It was been fuelled by the incorrect
the tried and true statistical
a forecast of a shift in likely implication that El Niño always
systems and many of the
yield distribution either down equals drought.
models were giving clear
(1997) or up (1998). The In 1998, the opposite occurred.
signals. Although more lead
medians of these distributions There was an extremely wet
time would have been useful,
were 25% below (1997) and cropping season to the extent
this was still enough to act on. 22% above (1998) long-term
So how do we get from that waterlogging and disease
climate forecast to wheat? became major constraints to
We had also worked closely cropping.
The statistical systems based with local farmers and
on the SOI give us historical These factors were not
advisors in analysing risks
analogue years that can be included in our pre-season
associated with various crop
used with our crop models. analysis because our ability to
management decision options
The analogues are just those estimate their effects is poor,
that might be appropriate in
years in the historical record they are highly variable, and
responding to this increased
that have SOI patterns up to often associated with specific
awareness of the season ahead.
May similar to the current local conditions.
So what eventuated in 1997
year. The seasonal weather and 1998? In 1997 there was The national outcome of about
projections from those years a lot of science and media- 4% above the long-term
are used to drive the wheat driven hype about the El Niño. median production was below
crop simulation. The implication was that this our forecast median (22%
would lead to a huge drought increase), but again well within
There may be 15-20 analogue
in Australia. We know that expectations when the
years, so we end up with a
this is not always the case. distribution is considered.
range of possibilities, not a
single forecast. The direction What eventuated (in general) Our approach in 1997 and
of shift in likely wheat yield was a below average rainfall 1998 was valued by those who
reflects the direction of shift in season, but with timely rain in looked closely and it helped us
likely rainfall, but that is about September giving a reasonable greatly in post-mortems to
the extent of the similarity. national wheat crop about 10% reinforce the inappropriateness
Yield is affected greatly by below the long-term median. of the ‘right and wrong’
timing of rainfall, soil language and mentality.
This was above our forecast
conditions at sowing, and The lessons from this are
median (the forecast median
many other factors. clear. We must communicate
was a 25% reduction) but well
We know that below average within the distribution of what we know, not what we
rain can sometimes give above outcomes associated with the (continued on page 4)

Issue 2, July 1999 3 Climag

Wine for Climag winners Predicting wheat
crops using

he first 100 readers to respond to the
Climag reader survey from Issue 1 went
climate forecasts
into a draw to win a dozen bottles of wine. (continued from page 3)
The two lucky winners were Carmel Staniland think people want to hear or
from Perth, Western Australia and Leanne what we think they can
Coleman from Lake Cargelligo in New South understand. If we find that the
Wales. message is not well understood
Carmel came across Climag through her research then we must find ways to
at the University of Western Australia in the communicate it more
effectively, not simplify the
Faculty of Agriculture. She is currently working
Carmel at home in with an inter-agency committee, examining off-site impacts of message to the point of making
her native garden. it misleading. We know there
rural draining in south-
are uncertainties in rainfall/
western Australia.
crop forecasts, but we can
“I welcome this new quantify (some of) the risks.
newsletter. Climag is There will sometimes be risks
timely, informative and that no-one foresaw.
engaging. I particularly
look forward to reading We have an obligation to
about landholders who use communicate the entire
climate information to better distribution of outcomes. In
manage their farms,” decision-making, the
Carmel said. information on risk is as
important as (sometimes more
On the other side of important than) the median
Australia, Leanne Coleman Leanne Coleman - finds Climag estimate.
from New South Wales also useful for her job as information
facilitator. This information must be used
finds Climag useful with her
work as Information in a risk management context.
Facilitator for the Rural Communities Program, which is funded It is not about getting it right or
through Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia. wrong — we know we cannot
forecast a specific outcome.
“This newsletter is a great resource for me, and to then pass on Our experience is that
to the rural community. It is becoming increasingly important to credibility is built by shooting
keep up-to-date with R&D in order to participate in opportunities
straight about what we do and
that will increase productivity. Newsletters such as Climag are
don’t know.
an essential source of information,” Leanne said.
The bottom line is that we
Although no questionnaire is included in this issue, comments
regarding Climag are still most welcome. Please contact the know each year is a sample of
editor for content matters, and for distribution enquiries please one but we can only forecast
contact Capital Public Affairs Consultants (see contacts box the distribution. We can
page 16). often forecast a distribution
shifted significantly from the
all years (no skill) case.
BC Revisted The task we are working at is
The BC cartoon in the last issue of Climag (page 3) featured making best use of this in a
a weather forcaster claiming 50% accuracy. The forecaster risk management context —
claimed this was not the same as guessing, stated to be at and we have done enough to
54%. The question posed for readers was ‘What can be said know that it adds value.
about the chance of the event occurring?’ * The authors are among
One answer is about one in three, which also happens to be the leading pioneers in
about a typical chance of a rain day nearer the coast. climate applications research
Over 100 days, a no-skill forecaster would get about 11 of and are in Toowoomba with
the 33 rain days right by chance and about 44 of the 67 researchers from the
no-rain days. Overall accuracy (no skill) is thus 55% for Queensland Centre for
this one in three event. Climate Applications and

Climag 4 Issue 2, July 1999

Revaluing seasonal forecasts in
southern Australia

ust what is the potential has been a major focus of the recent years, Holger’s
value of seasonal climate research of the APSRU comment was “If you are
forecasts for farmers in (CSIRO/Queensland looking to the next season,
southern Australia? Department of Primary then is it better to use the last
Industries/Queensland one hundred years as a guide
This was an important issue
Department of Natural rather than the last one or two?”
considered by the CVAP
Committee at their recent Resources) group in Toowoomba. “To conduct such analyses, it
meeting in Toowoomba. Holger Meinke from APSRU is essential to have well-
recently gave seminars at tested and reliable crop
Then then CVAP Chair, John
Horsham and Geelong on his simulation models because a
Taylor, said that results from
research program. In his view model can easily check both
recent research on grower
what is missing in southern the long and the short-term
attitudes to managing climate
Australia is better information consequences of rainfall
risk warranted a fresh
on the greater impact variability and management
approach to climate
predictors like SOI or ocean responses.”
applications research in
southern Australia. temperatures have on crop Horsham farmer and
yield rather than on seasonal consultant Max Hedt was at
Some of the possibilities rainfall. This is because crops the seminar. He said if
included better ways to get integrate not only the amount seasonal climate forecasts
across the shift in the odds but also the effectiveness of in- improve as much in the next
reflected in the climate season rainfall. For example, decade as in the last, they will
forecasts and more detailed his preliminary research using be more important to farmer’s
research on the value of a wheat crop model at income and decisions than
forecasts in changing decisions. Wentworth and other locations weather forecasts.
There was also scope to better in the Mallee shows that the
In Max’s view, crop models
apply the new seasonal SOI phase in April/May can
had great potential in crop
forecasts from the Bureau of substantially change the
management decisions if they
Meteorology based on Pacific chances of above or below
prove themselves in southern
and Indian Ocean temperature average crops.
Australia where the soil
data. These promise The change in median yields (continued on page 6)
improved skill, particularly can be up to 30% depending on
in southern Australia. SOI phase. (These are The amplified effect of SOI phase on crop
John Cameron (ICAN Pty Ltd) estimates of potential yields,
yield compared to growing season rainfall
has reported on grower assuming optimal crop
management.) These yield (Wentworth example)
responses to climate forecasts
as part of a national project led changes are substantially
by Peter Wylie (see page 9). higher than changes in median


rainfall, however, there is





He said southern Australia



usually less difference in

growers, in particular, had seasonal rainfall totals. 25
mixed reactions to seasonal
Holger stated, “This
% change from average

forecasts, some accepting and

amplification (see diagram
some sceptical.
right) is probably the missing
Growers' responses to a link in southern Australia. 0
hypothetical forecast in May of Amplification arises because
an above average season the SOI changes not only the
ranged from ‘hit the ground amount of rainfall but also the
running on the first temporal distribution during -25
opportunity’ to ‘not change the cropping season, and crops
much at all except perhaps integrate these effects over the
manage for a longer season’. growing season.”
yield rainfall
The value of seasonal forecasts Commenting on the -50
in changing cropping decisions performance of forecasts over

Issue 2, July 1999 5 Climag

Climate impacts within the
agricultural value chain
and the initiation of at Peter emphasised the project’s
least six case studies. action research approach —
Project leader Peter APSRU researchers work
Carberry from CSIRO alongside agribusiness staff in
said that the order to test the feasibility of
development and an agribusiness firm, if it did
implementation of case have the in-house capability,
studies in collaboration
utilising climate forecasts and
with agribusiness is a
crop simulations in designing
key research strategy
of the CVAP project and implementing improved
‘Better management of marketing, finance and
Peter Carberry,

t a recent workshop climate variability within the insurance packages.
leader of the
CVAP agribusiness held in Toowoomba, agribusiness service sector’.
project, with A key agribusiness
Larissa Taylor and
Larissa Taylor and Climate variability significantly collaborator in this project is
Michael O’Keeffe Michael O’Keeffe from
impacts on the business IAMA Limited, who will
of Rabobank Rabobank Australia assisted
Australia. operations of the agricultural explore the use of APSRU
members of the Agricultural
service sector, affecting the tools within their business
Production Systems Research
operations and policies of operations.
Unit (APSRU) to explore
agribusiness suppliers, banking
potential applications for Other companies who have
and insurance companies.
climate forecasts and crop
already agreed to be involved
yield simulations at different Bank lending policy and
in designing and implementing
points across the agricultural agribusiness advice were
definitely affected by recent El case studies include Rabobank
value chain.
Niño events. and National Australia Bank
Outcomes of this meeting (NAB).
included both the development The question this CVAP
of a scoping document that project addresses is whether For further information contact
reviewed potential applications these business operations and Peter Carberry, APSRU, on
for climate forecasts and crop policies could benefit from phone (07) 4688 1377 or
yield simulations within the access to better processes for email <peter.carberry@
agribusiness service sector, dealing with climate variability.>.

Masters of the Climate discovered (continued from page 5) this time can be,” Bob said.
(continued from page 1) moisture story was inverted. He added that “Existing
Colin Lane of Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, He thought this was a factor in models can be adapted to be
uses indigenous information and local records to the slower acceptance of useful in this area. A three
improve tree planting dates. seasonal climate forecasts and year field program can't
crop models as you move south provide sufficient information
Mervyn Mayes from Wandoan, Queensland,
and winter rainfall dominates. on which to base decision
has managed to stabilise variables in income by
making at sowing time.”
analysing information provided by the Queensland Dr Bob Belford, Director of
Centre for Climate Applications, weather fax, and the Victorian Institute of For further information
the internet. Dryland Agriculture, said the contact Holger Meinke at
Each state winner received Australian RAINMAN review by Holger Meinke was a APSRU, Toowoomba, phone
climate forecasting software and a 12-month very effective demonstration (07) 4688 1378 or email
subscription to Austar, the home of Weather 21 of how crop modelling capability <>.
– Australia’s only 24-hour weather channel. could address what growers (Note: the amplification
see as important decisions. diagram on page 5 was
A result of the competition will be the publication
of a case study manual funded by CVAP. “There have been some erratic developed by the editor from
breaks to the season in the last data provided by Holger
For more information please contact Gavin
Atkins, Cox Inall Communications, on phone few years and local farmers are Meinke from a wheat crop
(02) 9956 7755. now very aware of how simulation at Wentworth from
important decisions around 1890 to 1998.)

Climag 6 Issue 2, July 1999

Sugar first with across
industry approach

trategies to use seasonal
forecasts in marketing,

Median rainfall (mm) for October-November

Median Rainfall at Macknade for Historical SOI Phases in April/May
transport, milling and
on-farm are being researched
as part of a new CVAP
project with the Sugar R&D 100

Corporation. 80

Project leader Dr Russell 60

Muchow (CSIRO) said the 40

aim is to increase industry
competitiveness by providing
improved risk management and
consistently consistently rapidly rapidly neutral
decision making capability. negative positive falling rising

Bar graph displaying how the median rainfall in October-

The first step has been to
November at Macknade varies with SOI phases in April/May.
develop partnerships with
various industry sectors to Macknade, near Ingham, had with sufficient time to change
identify key industry decisions almost 300mm of rain during harvesting decisions.
influenced by climate, examine October-November — more Dr Muchow said that as the
the feasibility of different than triple the median for this research continues,
mechanisms for delivery of period. improvements to existing
information stemming from the climate forecast schemes will
project, and most importantly Historical records show this
has happened about one year be investigated, as well as the
assess the benefits and costs development of new climate
of tactical decision-making in ten.
forecast models to assist in
based on climate forecasts. This demonstrates that whilst risk management issues for the
the rainfall event in 1998 was sugar industry.
A case study is underway with
unusual, it was not a rarity and This project ‘Seasonal Climate
marketers from the
the advantages associated with Forecasting to Improve Sugar
Queensland Sugar Corporation
being able to forecast the Industry Competitiveness’ is
(QSC), and another with
increased chance of such a four-year project to
growers and millers around
events may be extremely high. December 2002.
Ingham in North Queensland.
One existing seasonal climate The principal research scientist
It was not unusual to find that
forecast model is based on working on the project is Dr
some decisions across the value
phases of the Southern Yvette Mallet (CSIRO), under
chain relate to rainfall
Oscillation Index (SOI). the leadership of cropping
occurring in similar periods.
systems scientist, Dr Russell
The amount of rainfall which The figure displays how the Muchow (CSIRO) and
occurs at the beginning (June) median rainfall for October- climatologist Dr Roger Stone
and towards the end (October- November at Macknade (QDPI/APSRU/QCCA).
November) of the harvest changes depending on the SOI
For further information
season is vitally important to phase in April/May.
contact Russell Muchow on
the marketing of raw sugar, but The medians are higher for phone (07) 3214 2253 or
also for farm productivity and consistently positive and email <russell.muchow@tag.
mill planning and profitability. rapidly rising phases.>.
In 1998, cane was left In 1998, the SOI phase in
unharvested in the field and April/May was ‘rapidly rising’ "It's the season not
the sugar content dropped to — thereby giving some
the soil that yields."
low and often unprofitable indication of higher rainfall for Herodotus
levels due to excess rainfall. the October-November period,

Issue 2, July 1999 7 Climag

Does the SOI affect pasture and
animal production in SE Australia?
The GrassGro decision support If SOI is negative and soil
tool is being used to model moisture levels are low in
Spring pasture growth (DM kg/ha)


pasture and animal growth winter there is a strong
using long-term historical likelihood of poor spring
6000 Neutral
climatic data for key locations pasture growth.
in the region. One consequence of this
2000 would be the increased
Initial analysis for a Hamilton
demand for supplementary
2 15 27 39 51 64 76 88 100
simulation indicates that a feeding in the summer-autumn
Probability of exceedence (%) negative SOI in winter often period (Figure 3 - below left).
points to below average
Figure 1. Spring By Elizabeth Austen and Note that when soil moisture is
pasture growth
spring pasture growth (Figure
related to winter
Stephen Clark 1 - above left). high there are many years
SOI, Hamilton when supplementary feeding
Pastoral and Veterinary
1881-1998 The relationship is not strong, is not required at all
Institute, Hamilton, Victoria
however, but becomes useful compared to years when soil

he Southern Oscillation when combined with other moisture is low.
Index (SOI) is being predictors such as winter soil For further information
routinely published in moisture content (Figure 2 - contact Stephen Clark on
newspapers, and discussed on below). phone (03) 5573 0900.
radio and television.
We are used to thinking El
Spring pasture growth (DM kg/ha)


Niño - drought, La Niña - high 8000

Neg Low
rainfall. There is no doubt that
there is a strong relationship 6000 Neg Med

between SOI phase and our 4000 Neg High

climate. It is unclear, however,
just how strong the relationship 2000

is in south-eastern Australia. 0
2 15 27 39 51 64 76 88 100
A new CVAP project, based in Probability of exceedence (%)
Hamilton, south-western
Victoria, is examining the Figure 2. Spring pasture growth related to negative winter SOI
values and soil moisture classed as Low, Medium or High,
climatic variability of south- Hamilton 1881-1998.
eastern Australia and its
effects on pasture and animal LWRRDC’s R&D newsletters
LWRRDC publishes a number of newsletters which help land, water
50 and vegetation resource managers and researchers share R&D
Supplementary feed (kg/hd)

program specific information. These include:

• Intersect - LWRRDC general newsletter;
30 • FOCUS - Dryland salinity newsletter;
• RIPRAP - Riparian and river restoration and
management newsletter;
10 • WaterWheel - Irrigation newsletter; and
• Rivers for the Future newsletter.
0 20 40 60 80 100 Steamline is the natural resources database supported by
Probability of exceedence (%) LWRRDC. To subscribe to, or to receive a brochure about
Streamline, phone Pam Handyside on (02) 6236 6267 or email
Neg SOI, low soil moisture <>.
Neg SOI, high soil moisture
To be placed on the mailing list for any of these free newsletters,
Figure 3. Supplementary feed requirement when contact LWRRDC on phone (02) 6257 3379, fax (02) 6257 3420 or
winter SOI is strongly negative and soil moisture email <> for a Communications Request Form.
level is either low or high, Hamilton 1881-1998.

Climag 8 Issue 2, July 1999

Managing climate makes money
esearch on climate Niño years, winter rainfall at Too much water
risks is showing up the Roma is low, but summer In some parts of Australia,
importance of rainfall is less affected. August rainfall is more
managing climate risk for Spreading risk damaging than useful, because
making a profit and whether it will encourage waterlogging.
farmers remain in business. While farmers will mostly agree
that a spread of flowering time There are several strategies to
These are some of the issues manage this problem, including
emerging from a CVAP project is good for risk management,
they often will do the opposite. planting early and drying the
led by farm management profile out using short rotations
consultant, Peter Wylie. A spread of flowering to
manage frost and rain damage with lucerne.
This new CVAP project may require planting some early Rotations
‘Improved maturing wheat
management of Managing climate is
before late particularly important for crops
climate Water balance vs Bank
maturing varieties. such as chickpea which
variability on balance : rain is a
Australian grain credit, irrigation a debit. Harvest experience waterlogging and
farms’ has management disease. Lucerne could be
already begun to pull together used more in short-term
Farmers right across Australia
a wide range of strategies rotations, right around
should be considering
used by farmers to manage Australia, to help tackle land
strategies to manage the risk
climate-related risks. Highlights degradation and improve
of loss from harvest rain.
of the findings to date follow. climate risk management.
These include spreading
Peter said that in his maturity, starting harvest early For further information
experience, business failure and using aeration and or contact Peter Wylie, Horizon
often results from a succession drying, bringing in extra Rural Management, Dalby,
of poor crops, due to such headers and a sense of on phone (07) 4662 4899 or
problems as drought, urgency combined with good email <horizon@esprov.
waterlogging or frost. harvest management.>.
Farmers will mostly say there
is nothing they can do to Canberra - against the odds
manage these risks, but good

anberra forecasts of daily According to Ian, Canberra media and
managers are more diversified, rainfall on a probability basis the public generally now have a good
have more robust farming have been shown to have a high understanding of the probability basis,
systems and adjust their level of skill. According to Ian Mason, any confusion usually related to the
management according to the formerly Canberra Regional Director of definition of the event being forecast.
season, rather than doing the the Bureau of Meteorology, “The time (Around Australia, media handling of
same thing each year. may be ripe to consider extending the unfamiliar probability forecasts for
Although seasonal forecasts forecasts to other regions.” seasonal climate and El Niño forecasts
provide new ways to manage has been subject to much criticism,
Canberra is currently the only
climate risks, there are many although this might also reflect a reader
Australian region where daily rainfall is
things which can be done on bias for certainty).
routinely forecast and made available on
farms, without using forecasts, a probabilistic basis, although this is a “It is a valid comment that extending
to reduce crop loss from standard in many countries. A trial was daily rain forecasts to a probability
drought, wet seasons, frost and introduced in Canberra in 1986. A basis, Australia wide, should as a bonus
disease. paper on ‘Verification of some rainfall result in better communication of El
probabilities for Canberra’ was Niño-type climate forecasts,” Ian said.
presented by Ian at a recent conference However, he stressed that any extension
Good farm programs will of the Australian Meteorological and of probabilities for daily rain forecasts
usually involve compromise Oceanographic Society. The Canberra would need to be accompanied by an
and a good element of forecasts are of the % chance of rain, education campaign. This should be
diversification. For example, for example 30% chance of rain over a justified because a number of studies
growing more sorghum is one specific period, and validated at the have shown the increased commercial
of the best ways to manage Canberra airport gauge. As an example value of probabilistic forecasts.
climate risk in western wheat of skill at one extreme, 1,211 forecasts of For information contact Ian Mason on
areas of Queensland and zero probability of rain were 98% correct. <>.
northern NSW. During El

Issue 2, July 1999 9 Climag

Communicating probabilities with a
chocolate wheel
By Peter Hayman*
The Drought Policy Review
Good Poor
Task Force (1992) stated that season season
“management decisions 20% 19%

should take into account the Poor Good

law of probabilities…” This season season Average
Average 53% 52% season
is easier said than done. season
27% 29%
In their report to LWRRDC,
the agricultural consultants
Peter Wylie and Peter Ridge
said “Farmers have said they
April May SOI is negative April May SOI is rapidly rising
want to know whether it is
likely to be dry, wet or forecasting as a change to the probabilistic advice. As
average, not whether there is pattern on the wheel, not a Bertrand Russell observed,
a 60% chance of getting 40% prediction of which of the 100 what mankind wants is not
of the average rainfall.” nails the pointer will end up knowledge but certainty.
Their concerns are supported on. The example above Further information is
by many psychological studies compares the pattern on the available from Peter Hayman
showing humans to be poor chocolate wheel when the on phone (02) 6763 1256 or
intuitive statisticians. SOI phase for April/May is email <peter. hayman@
negative or rapidly rising.>.
In discussing seasonal
forecasts with farmers in In discussing probabilities with *Peter has been
northern NSW we found a growers (and agricultural appointed as Coordinator,
and Mr Paul Carberry as
chocolate wheel has been scientists) it has been
Advisory Officer, at the
effective in communicating interesting to observe that
newly established
probabilities. although we work in a risky Climatology Advisory
We presented growers with a business and are familiar with Unit at NSW Agriculture’s
odds, few farmers or advisers Tamworth Centre for Crop
pie chart (below) divided into
are comfortable with Improvement.
thirds based on the long-term
record. Growers are involved
in a discussion to reinforce the Is the south-west of Western
equal chance of what for Australia drying out ?
Tamworth is a poor (<220mm),

average (220 to 300 mm) or oncern that there may considered to be from May to
good (>300mm) season from be a declining trend in October (referred to as winter,
rainfall and potential below) during which much of
June to November.
water shortages in the south- the annual rainfall total falls.
The wheel is spun with the 100 west of Western Australia lead
Lynda Chambers of BMRC
nails to emphasise the notion to the formation of the Indian
has been researching how
that (a) there is an equal Ocean Climate Initiative (IOCI).
surprising the rainfall decrease
chance of As a collaborator in this has been and if the decline
landing in one of project, the Bureau of started in a particular year/
the three Meteorology has a particular decade.
Good Poor
season season seasons and (b) interest in understanding the
33% there is only one Using a modified version of
33% climate of this region with the
spin of the wheel time series modelling, she
aim of producing improved
per year. compared statistically
seasonal forecasts.
simulated and observed
Average We then
season The south-west of WA has a rainfall records. When enough
34% introduced the ‘Mediterranean’ climate, simulations are made it is
notion of dominated by winter rainfall. possible to obtain an
seasonal climate The wet season is generally (continued on page 11)

Climag 10 Issue 2, July 1999

Climate tools now on CD
Australian In other words, if the SOI is in Seasonal forecast skill at Wagga Wagga 1878-1998
negative phase, there is about Using SOI phases in 2 months before rainfall season
one chance in eight of rainfall 100

he Windows-based being above the long term SOI positive

% chance of exceeding median

Version 3 of Australian median of 150 mm. 75
RAINMAN is now
By definition, the all-seasons
available on CD.
median has been exceeded 50

The version includes up to four years in eight.

3,700 rainfall stations, For more information on 25
tutorials and a CD version of Australian RAINMAN SOI negative
the popular Internet site The contact the Queensland 0
Long Paddock. Centre for Climate
April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Rural Industries R&D Applications on phone (07) Starting month of 3 month rainfall seasons
Corporation and CVAP have 4688 1200 or email
Australian RAINMAN V3.2
provided funding towards the <>.
new version. Mark Stafford Smith at
The graph for Wagga Wagga CSIRO, Alice Springs was

(right) is an example of one comprehensive project leader.
new feature, Seasonal Forecast range of tools to help
The nine products include
Skill. graziers manage for
general purpose approaches to
climate variability has been
For three months seasons, the livestock management, as well
assembled in the DroughtPlan
SOI negative phase has as tools more applicable to
greatest impact on rainfall regions, primarily extensive
from July to September. DroughtPlan was a major grazing in northern Australia.
nation-wide project funded in
Thus if the SOI phase in May- The products are based on
an earlier CVAP program.
June is negative, there is only consultation with producers to
a 13% chance of exceeding Funding was also provided by help with a wide range of
the all-years median for July Meat and Livestock Australia decisions including stocking
to September. and Woolmark. rates and financial management.

(continued from page 10) to look for sudden changes in Workshop modules are
indication of how unusual a the mean (average) rainfall. included together with the full
particular observed rainfall An interesting result is the project report also published as
trend is. It turned out that a general decrease in rainfall in LWRRDC Occasional Paper
number of rainfall stations in the south-western corner, an CVO1/97 which sells for $20.00
the south-west of WA had increase in rainfall to the from the AFFA Shopfront on
higher numbers of below- north-east and no real change freecall 1-800-020 157.
average winter rainfall seasons in the region between.
For more information contact
than expected. There is considerable variation David Cobon on phone (07)
An example is Manjimup in the years in which large 4688 1151 or email
(Wilgarrup) which had below- changes in the mean winter <cobond@dpi.qld.
average winter rainfall from rainfall occurred. Work on>.
1974 to 1987. This length of detecting when the winter
consistently below (or even rainfall changed is continuing.
above) average rainfall is only For further information Three theories on why Australians
expected to happen about once contact Lynda Chambers, like to gamble a bit: (1) because
in every 3,500 years, making it Bureau of Meteorology they understand probabilities, (2)
an extremely ‘rare’ event. Research Centre, Melbourne because they don’t, or (3)
One method of looking for on phone (03) 9669 4784 or probably just the vestiges of an
particular years in which the email <L.Chambers@bom. old survival skill.
rainfall may have changed is>.

Issue 2, July 1999 11 Climag

Riding the new wave: the
Antarctic Circumpolar
average water to the south of Circumpolar) transports water,
‘El Antartico ?’ us with the current phase of taking eight or nine years for a
the ACW,” Neil commented complete, clockwise rotation
from Christchurch on the last of Antarctica.
Embedded in this current (and
Following on from the New carried along with it) are two
Zealand research, Warren large regions of relatively
White expanded it to include warm water — thousands of
Australian rainfall, finding it kilometres across — alternating
Antarctica influenced significantly by with two equally large regions
changing sea surface of relatively cold water.
temperature patterns in the
When a warm region is
Indian and Southern oceans.
present and when the southern
His summary follows: The Australian States experience
eastward propagation of winds off the Southern Ocean,
anomalies by the ACW in the the winds contain slightly more

The Antarctic eter Baines is one of a Southern Ocean south of moisture than usual.
Circumpolar Wave group of scientists at Australia allowed year-to-year
with alternating
CSIRO Atmospheric Preliminary CSIRO research
masses of
changes in precipitation over
Research eagerly examining suggests we are in the last
relatively warmer Australia to be predicted over
southern Australia’s rainfall stages of a cold region, and
and cooler water the 40 years from 1960 to 1999.
circling the records to determine how the may expect a warm region to
Antarctic. (Ed) This statistical climate arrive next year. Warm
recently discovered Antarctic
Circumpolar Wave (ACW) prediction system is based regions may increase the
affects our climate. upon the slow eastward chance of winters, for
propagation of the ACW, example, being warmer and
Recent research suggests that yielding significant skill for wetter than average.
predicting the ACW may be predicting interannual Three oceanic drivers -
more important for predicting precipitation anomalies over Variations in Australian
New Zealand rainfall and most of Australia at lead times climate stem from changes to
temperature than for predicting of six and 18 months, and the Pacific, Indian and
El Niño developments. explaining 50% of the total Southern Oceans. The effects
Neil Cherry from Lincoln interannual variance over of each of these wax and
University was co-author of Western Australia, Victoria wane, adding to and
the research with Warren and New South Wales for 40 subtracting from each other,
White from the Scripps years from 1958 to 1997. making each year different
Institution of Oceanography in This level of predictability from the last.
California. extended over most of Looking ahead - Peter
“My strong impression is that Australia south of 20°S — Baines and colleagues are
scientists appear to be totally north of there in the tropics currently using CSIRO’s
unaware of the importance of year-to-year changes in climate models to explore the
the ACW for New Zealand. I precipitation is presumably mechanisms of operation of
was the only one who influenced more by El Niño El Niño, the ACW and the
forecast a drier than average activity in the tropical ocean Indian Ocean, as well as their
summer and autumn, based north of Australia. interactions.
on La Niña and colder than For more information
Peter Baines agrees that it now
seems likely the ACW will be contact Peter Baines on
more important for rainfall in the phone (03) 9239 4651,
UNESCO's International Oceanographic email <peter.baines@dar.
southern states of Australia than
Commission (IOC) has begun operation of>, Neil Cherry on
El Niño. The ACW is a child of
a Perth Regional Programme Office. email <cherry@lincoln.
the Southern Ocean.
Contact email <brian.sadler@> and Warren B White>. Within this Ocean, a massive on email <wbwhite@ucsd.
current (the Antarctic edu>.

Climag 12 Issue 2, July 1999

Seasonal Climate BHP to quickly grow their coal Conference. Melbourne, 7-9 Feb
Information stockpile at their Central 2000. Convenors: Ian Smith
(telephone (03) 9239 4539) and
In response to Climag reader Queensland Open Cut Mine and
Scott Power (telephone (03) 9239
requests for information on avoid wet weather delays. 4444). <
current seasonal climate As the Queensland Minister for amos2000>.
forecasts, details of some of the
Primary Industries, Henry Australia New Zealand Climate
most widely used services follow:
Palaszczuk stated ‘BHP benefited Forum. 10-12 April 2000. Theme is
Bureau of Meteorology 'Climate science: Farming land and
by millions of dollars, and it was
 Australian Seasonal Outlook quite clear that the sophisticated water'. Convenor: Stuart Godfrey
Summary. Telephone 1900 155 (telephone (03) 6232 5210).<www.
climate control package
348.> (and click ANZ
(RAINMAN) developed for Forum)
 Seasonal Climate Outlook primary producers now has a wide
subscriptions. Telephone Climate of Twentieth Century
range of potential applications
(03) 9669 4655. (CVAP funded). Probably
throughout Australia and around November 2000. Convenor: Scott
 The CVAP SILO project at
the world.’ (Queensland Power (telephone (03) 9239 4444).
Department of Primary Industries
Queensland Department Decision-making with climate
News Release 20/3/99). forecasts. Combined CVAP/
of Primary Industries/
Queensland Department ACIAR workshop hosted by
of Natural Resources Climate Conferences QCCA, Toowoomba. 17-19 April
Australian Meteorological and 2000. Enquiries to Rod Saal
 SOI message. Telephone (07) (telephone (07) 4688 1457).
Oceanographic Society — Annual
3896 9602.
 Index to Services. Fax 1902
935 300. Review — ‘How to Manage Climate Risk’
Holmes, Sackett and Associates
 Long Paddock at
< This publication is part of the AgInsights for many decision makers. Accordingly the
longpdk>. Series (No 14.0) and is aimed at improved publication would not be of value to anyone
decision-making in Australian regions with interested in exploring the potential of the
El Niño Specials ‘uniform to winter-dominant rainfall’. There SOI in decision making. (Ed)
are three main sections on tools such as the
El Niño : History and Authors response to the review above
Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), Crop
Crises (Ed. Richard H. Grove, Management (mainly on a water use There is more to managing climate risk than
Australian National University) efficiency basis) and livestock management. knowing the accuracy of the SOI in predicting
250pp. The White Horse Press. Only the SOI part is commented on below. spring rainfall. Regardless of the outcome of
This important new book brings
Following some simple correlation analyses analysis of historical rainfall and SOI
together the latest historical and
for four locations for January and July, it readings, it does not tell you what is going to
scientific studies of El Niño and
concludes that the SOI ‘should be of happen in the future. It will only provide you
its dramatic effects on past and
curiosity value only!’ with probabilities of what might happen. If
present civilisations.
The SOI valuation is based on a wrong you are really interested in minimising your
National Geographic
deduction — a correlation of 0.2 at Bendigo businesses exposure to climatic risk, then
(March 1999) — El Niño/La Niña
(accounting for 20% of the variation) was there are management strategies that can be
cover story, p72-95.
assumed to result in correct decisions only implemented to reduce this exposure. This is
The El Niño CD. A 20% of the time. (The implication is the the focus of this AgInsight.
comprehensive overview and contrary decision would be good value at
introduction suitable for The publication provides the reader with
80% correct!). Even a simple analysis with proven methods of reducing the exposure of
secondary students and others, Australian RAINMAN would have shown
despite a mainly USA a typical mixed farming business to climatic
an overall accuracy of about 70% in using
perspective on impacts. risk. The methods described will enable
winter SOI to predict spring rainfall at
Enquiries to New Horizons on readers to improve their understanding of
Bendigo. For example, for all years, about
telephone 1800 023 069. how climate will influence their farms level of
three years in 10 get less than 100 mm
production and profitability and begin to
spring rain. For those years when the SOI
have some control over something that is
La Niña Forecast in June-July is <-10, about eight years in 10
largely unpredictable.
Good for BHP get less than 100 mm. The difference the
SOI can make in midwinter in southern For enquiries about the publication contact the
Last year’s La Niña forecast of Australia could be beyond curiosity value publisher at Wagga Wagga on (02) 6931 7110.
above-average rain encouraged

Issue 2, July 1999 13 Climag

Aussie GRASS – starting
to grow…
he vastness of
Australian grazing lands
coupled with the
variability in pasture growth
are two factors posing major
problems for researching and
developing more sustainable
management systems.
Wayne Hall, Aussie GRASS
Coordinator, said the impetus
for the project arose from a
national recognition that
managers of grazing lands
require accurate near-real time
data. This is essential to make
timely management decisions
Left to right: Barry White (CVAP), Wayne Hall (Aussie GRASS
in the face of an extremely coordinator) and John Stewart putting the grazing industry
variable climate. Aussie perspective at the recent Steering Committee meeeting.
GRASS aims to provide the
necessary information on a Australia), NSW Agriculture, Kimberleys; High Rainfall
continental basis, and facilitate Department of Land and Temperate Zone; and
action before land degradation Water Conservation (New Extension.
events occur. South Wales) and the Northern
Each of the ‘regional’ sub-
Aussie GRASS is a CVAP Territory Department of
projects has a heavy emphasis
funded project that uses Primary Industries and
on ensuring the pasture model
simulation modelling and Fisheries.
is suitable for use within that
collaboration between State The Aussie GRASS simulation region, and that it is adequately
and Territory agencies to approach involves running a parameterised using all
address the problem of pasture growth model on a available field data — much of
quantitative assessment of the spatial basis (5 km grid) over which is being collected by the
condition of Australia’s the Australian continent. The collaborators.
grasslands and rangelands. model currently generates For example, in the High
Agencies involved are the prototype products on a Rainfall Temperate Zone sub-
Figure 1: Queensland Department of monthly basis for each
Simulated project, the GRASSGRO
Natural Resources, collaborating State and model developed by CSIRO
energy intake Queensland Department of Territory. The products — Plant Industry — and intended
(MEI) per DSE for Primary Industries, Agriculture which include maps of rainfall, for use in temperate southern
1998 relative to Western Australia, Primary pasture growth and total Australia — is being used to
the 15th and 85th Industries and Resources standing dry matter — are assess seasonal conditions in
South Australia, Department of automatically downloaded to the appropriate regions of
derived from long
term simulations Environment, Heritage and the Aussie GRASS web site. New South Wales.
at Bombala, NSW. Aboriginal Affairs (South The site is
Due to the language in which
GRASSGRO is written, it is
unable to be fully incorporated
protected. The
within the spatial modelling
Aussie GRASS
framework — instead it is
project includes
being run for selected points
a number of
representing divisions within
Rural Lands Protection Boards.
Pastures; The project team has elected
Northern to use the metabolisable
Territory and (continued on page 15)

Climag 14 Issue 2, July 1999

Climate change and variability in Climate Change vs Climate
Australia’s Rangelands Variability
Several readers suggested topics for Climag on

he importance of may compensate for the higher
looking at climate temperature and changes in climate change, rather than climate variability. As
change, as well as rainfall by increasing the Allan Wilson's review (left) shows there are
climate variability, in any growth rate of pastures. clearly some strong inter-connections between
analysis of the impact of climate climate change and climate variability. Many of
If climate change is occuring
on agriculture, is illustrated in
that quickly, it suggests that the researchers in CVAP are also at the forefront
two landmark papers by Greg
there should be more of climate change research and often use the
McKeon and Wayne Hall and
integration between the same tools to investigate impacts and responses to
their colleagues from the
climate variability and change climate change. For more on climate change see
Queensland Department of
research programs. Our
Natural Resources. the Climate Change Newsletter on <
present statistical approaches
McKeon’s paper on climate to the analysis of climate au.ccs/ccn/ccn.html> or write to Climate Change
change in Queensland variability based on historical Newsletter, Bureau of Rural Science, PO Box
demonstrates that climate data do not allow for trends in E11, Kingston ACT 2604.
change is upon us now. He the background climate.
convincingly shows that These papers may be found in water resources it generates,
minimum temperatures have the special issue of The have a bigger effect on
increased by up to 3°C in May Rangeland Journal on ‘Water agricultural and environmental
since 1957. But what is the in Rangelands' (Vol 20 No 2). outcomes than its variability.
impact? The accompanying Other papers in this issue In matters of water it seems
paper by Hall on the impact of cover a range of topics on that eveything is linked. A
climate change on animal surface runoff, stream
production from native holistic approach to climate
management and ground
pastures shows that the research and agriculture is
water supplies in Australia’s
associated rise in CO2 levels essential.
inland. These papers show
that what we do with the Allan Wilson, Deniliquin
(continued from page 14) rainfall we receive, and the (formerly CVAP Committee)
energy intake (MEI) from
pastures as the integrator of
resource and climatic
Odds and Sods
variability. Evidence-based Astrology? tempestuous seasons, they can
Sherlock Holmes and Dr only tell us when the storm is
For example, Figure 1 shows
Watson were camping. As long past, the ocean will be
how GRASSGRO simulated
they tucked in for the night, flat again”. J.M.Keynes.
1998 MEI ranks relative to the Holmes queried Watson,
15th and 85th percentile for Forecasting short-run
“Let’s look up at the stars.
Bombala, New South Wales. What do they tell you?” shareprices “I have never met
Watson deduced a rich chartist.” Rene
By May 1998, conditions were
“Meteorologically, I expect a Rivkin.
well below average for that
time of year (the May 1998 high probability of a fine day Arguing the toss (heads
intake is well below the 15th tomorrow, Sir. What do they you win, tails I lose) The
percentile, 15% of years have tell you?”, and Sherlock Laws of Cricket now require
intake less than this). replied, “My dear Watson, captains to call either heads or
some cad has stolen our tent.” tails. Match referees have
By October, the situation had
Gambling in the long run been supervising tosses since
improved to well above
“We try to keep problem a complaint by former New
average. It is also intended to
gamblers out — they are not Zealand captain, Ken
use the output from the
our long-term customers, Rutherford, that Pakistan’s
GRASSGRO runs to develop
after all.” (PR operative at Salim Malik mumbled Urdu
appropriate parameter sets for
Star City Casino, Saturday words at the toss then said
use in the spatial model.
Australian, 8-9/5/99). ‘good we’ll bat’ no matter
For further information contact how the coin landed. (Courier
Economics in the long run
Wayne Hall (National Mail 31/5/99).
“In the long run we are all
Technical Coordinator) on
dead. Economists set John Cleese’s other idea -
phone (07) 3896 9612, fax (07) themselves too easy, too “An idea is not responsible for
3896 9843 or email <wayne. useless a task if, in the people that hold it”.>.

Issue 2, July 1999 15 Climag

Southern Aussie
El Niño and Everything Rules

1. When there is an El Niño-

type situation in mid to late
winter, the odds of above-
Reproduced with permission from Gary Clarke, Swamp Productions
average spring rain change
from evens to about 3 to 1.

l Niño is becoming a scapegoat (scapegrace?) of
convenience for many weather woes around the world. 2. When there is an La Nina-
The ultimate addition to the ‘Blame it on the El Niño’ list type situation in mid to late
would have to be the more rapid emergence of civilisation some winter, the odds of below-
5,000 to 6,000 years ago. average spring rain change
from evens to about 3 to 1.
Recent articles in Science have begun to speculate on some
The above rules of thumb are a
emerging threads, particularly around the Pacific (Sandweiss et
simplified interpretation for
al, Science 1999 283:499-500). New Scientist (22 May 1999,
south-eastern Australia,
Born in a Storm) states “A climate upheaval some six thousand
condensing and averaging the
years ago may have forced people all over the world to adapt
fluctuating experience of the
simply to survive”.
last century. For more detailed
Some evidence from lake sediments and coral records suggest a information for a particular
much-diminished El Niño between 5,000 and 12,000 years ago. month and for your location,
More complex cultures and urbanised societies developed rapidly check Australian RAINMAN
from 3,000 BC, for example Egypt, the classic cradle of and see the Wagga Wagga
civilisation associated with the unification of the middle and lower example, (page 11).
catchments of the Nile.
These rules apply best in inland
So what would have been some of the responses if the current El south-eastern Australia. They
Niño patterns and increased are generally less applicable at
climate variability had been near-coastal locations, and at
CVAP Contacts emerging or re-emerging 5,000 times of the year other than
Editor — Barry White years ago? mid to late winter. The rules
CVAP Program Coordinator El Niño’s would have made it may under or over-estimate the
PO Box 916 change in the odds at some
Indooroopilly QLD 4068
easier to sail from Asia into the
Pacific to undertake the locations. They are presented
Phone: (07) 3371 5878
Email: <> relatively recent settlement of as a starting point for discussion,
much of the Pacific. In other and are a response to requests
Climag distribution — Fleur Charlton from Climag readers.
Capital Public Affairs Consultants regions more variable crop
GPO Box 2651 yields in a post-Eden climate Rules of thumb are best used
Canberra ACT 2601 would have stimulated trade. as a prompt for more serious
Phone: (02) 6248 9344 analysis for your situation using
Email: <> El Niño Southern Oscillation
more specific forecasts, based
(ENSO) correlations appear to
General natural resources R&D enquiries — on Sea Surface Temperatures
LWRRDC be such that in a time of famine
or SOI phases. Research has
GPO Box 2182 in one part of the Mediterranean,
shown that the impact of a
Canberra ACT 2601 there are increased chances of
forecast can be amplified, and
Phone: (02) 6257 3379 above average rain in some
Email: <>
its value clarified, when crop
other parts. yields, pasture growth or stream-
HomePage: <>
Increased variability would flow for example, are forecast
The information contained in this newsletter has have seriously undermined the rather than rainfall. (Ed.)
been published by LWRRDC to assist public predictions of the prophets of the
knowledge and discussion and to help improve the Melbourne Cup Odds
day — a case for new temples
sustainable management of land, water and What odds of rain at
vegetation. Where technical information has been and ‘new gods for new odds’.
Flemington over October-
prepared by or contributed by authors external to The good omen in all this November? If the SOI is
the Corporation, readers should contact the author(s), emerging speculation could be consistently positive in July/
and conduct their own enquiries, before making that the more rapid August (a La Niña indicator),
use of that information emergence of civilisation was,
Print Post Approved
the odds of below average
in some small way, a response October/November rain blow
to increased challenges. (Ed.) out from evens to 3 to 1.

Climag 16 Issue 2, July 1999

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