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VRF - Vacancy Request Form

Please complete and submit the VRF electronically, with the Advert and Candidate Brief as Word
documents attached. Ink signatures are not required. Send to the next authoriser as an e-mail
attachment, confirming your approval.

SECTION 1: Post Details Completed by the Recruiting Manager

Post Title:
Department: Section (if applicable):
If the appointment is jointly made with another Department, please state the other Department and Section
Department: Section (if applicable):
Recruiting Manager name: e-mail:
Line Manager name: e-mail:
No. of posts: Anticipated start date:
Post New Post Replacing leaver - no changes Replacing leaver - with changes
If a replacement post, who is it replacing?
If replacement with changes give details:
Will this post line manage staff? Yes No
Source of funding: Tick if ERDF/ESF funded: Cost code:
Grade for the Salary range:
Contract type: Open Fixed-term Term time only Fixed-term duration: Months
FTE or Weekly Hours: Term-time only weeks
For fixed term posts, select reason: Select post checks and conditions: No checks required
Specialist skills for limited term\limited Specific condition:
Internal\External Recruitment: Internal Recruitment External Recruitment
Advertising: Please indicate if you will require advertising in specialist journals and media:
Please provide the costcentre code to be used for advertising over standard costs:
Job share: Please specify any reasons why job share arrangements should not apply:

Timetable Guidance: See our Timings for Recruitment for normal processing timescales
Next step: Forward to the Departmental Management Accountant or Research Grants and Contracts.

SECTION 2: Completed by the

Financial Approval Management
Accountant or RGC
Medium Term Planning (MTP) reference (if
Finance (VFS) reference: VFS

Recruitment Approved to grade, salary range and
Authorisor (Name): Date:
Status (please tick): Management Accountant Research Office
For research grant funded posts indicate the latest employee start and end dates for the contract.
Latest start date: Latest end date:
Next step: If approved return the completed form to the Recruiting Manager.

SECTION 3: Advert and Candidate Brief Completed by the Recruiting Manager

Advert: Please attach your advert text to this form as a separate Word document (this will be
copied into the jobs board advert):
Advert text attached
Candidate brief:
Use a template Candidate Brief to develop the job detail and person specification for the post.
Academic appointments must use the correct ART Candidate Brief for the grade of the post
When the Candidate Brief is agreed and finalised attach it to the mail forwarding this form to HR
Candidate Brief attached:

Job-Specific Questions: See Job-Specific Questions guidance on whether and how to set questions.
Complete the sections below if you do want to set job-specific questions.
Question (max 250 characters) Type Selection list List Text response limit
(select) items (if relevant) item (characters)
Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

Free Text

SECTION 4: Departmental Authorisation To be completed by the Head of Department

I confirm that this post is required to be filled and is in line with the Departmental Plan
Name of Authorised Recruiter:
Email: Tel: Date:

Next steps:
1. E-mail this completed form to with a draft Candidate Brief and Advert
2. The Recruiting Manager will receive confirmation of recruitment start from HR Services together
with a Timetable and Panel form. This form should be completed and submitted as soon as
The Timetable and Panel form will contain a link to the Health Questionnaire for the post. You must
complete and submit the Health Questionnaire at that point using the e-Recruiter reference in the

Timetable and Panel form

SECTION 4: HR Services Check To be completed by HR Services

Current Post Holder end date (if applicable):

HERA Role ref: HERA Grade indicated:
The HERA role is that held by the previous postholder, or the role reference agreed with the Rewards Team for a new post. If the
HERA grade indicated is different from the recruitment grade in Section 1, query with the Recruiting Manager

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