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School : SMA Negeri 6 Kota Cirebon

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : X/1
Skill : Reading
Topic : Recount
Time Allocation : 2 x 45

Expressing meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of
recount, narrative, and procedure in daily life context


Responding meaning the rhetorical structures accurately and appropriately in
the daily life context in the form of recount, narrative, and procedure and to
access knowledge.

1. Comprehending the meaning of recount text
2. Identifying the generic structures and language features of recount text
3. Reading the recount text aloud


At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. Comprehend the meaning of recount text
2. Identify the generic structures and language features of recount text
3. Answer the questions (exercises) of recount text
1. Definition of recount text
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the reader.
2. The Generic structures of recount ext
Orientation : Introducing participants, place, and time.
Events : Describing series of event that happened in the
Reorientation : Stating personal comment of the writer to the

An example of recount text.

Our Trip to the Blue Mountain

Orientation On Friday, we went to the Blue Mountains. We

stayed at David and Dellas house. It has a big
garden with lots of colourful flowers and tennis
Events On Saturday, we saw the three sisters and went
on the scientic railway. It was scary. Then,
mommy and I went shopping with Della. We
went to some antique shops and tried on some
olds hats.
On Sunday, we went on scenic skyway and it
rocked. We saw coockatoos having shower.

Reorientatio After we felt bored, in the afternoon we went

n home

3. The language features and preposition of recount text

a. The language features
Focusing on specific participants
Using action verb
e.g: go, walk, run
Using chronological connection: then, first, etc.
Using Simple Past Tense


Positive S + Verb 2 (Past Tense) The teacher came
I was a stamp
S + be (was/were)
Negative S + did + not + Verb 1 The teacher didnt
S + be (was/were) +
not I wasnt a stamp
Interrogativ Did + S + be Did the teacher
e (was/were) + S come?
Was I a stamp

b. Preposition of place
in Inside 1. I watch TV in the
living room.
2. I live in New York
3. Look at the picture
in the book

at Someones or 1. I met her at the

somethings entrance, at the bus
position or stop.
2. She sat at the table
particular place
on Used to show 1. Look at the picture
something is in on the wall.
2. Cambridge is on the
a position above
River Cam
3. A smile on his face
Next to, Not far away in The girl who is by/next
beside, near distance to/beside the house.
Between In or into the the town lies half away
space which between Rome and Florence
separates two
places, people,
or object

c. Preposition of time

On 1. Days 1. Many shops

2. weekend
dont open on
In 1. Months/season/year 1. I visited Italy in
2. Morning/evening/afternoon
3. Period of time
2. In the evening,
I like to relax.

At Show an exact or particular time Lets meet at 12

Since From particular time in the past until a later England have not won
time, or until now the World Cup football
since 1996.
for Used to show an amount of time Im just going to bed
for an hour or so.
ago Back in the past The dinosaurs died
out 65 million years


Bimata, Tim. 2015. Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Indonesia:

CV Willian.
The examples of recount texts
Retrieved from:


Three-phase technique
Group Discussion

Tatap Muka Terstruktur Mandiri

1. Bertanya jawab tentang 1. Dengan kelompok 1. Siswa melakukan
pertanyaan teks belajarnya, siswa diberi berbagai kegiatan terkait
monolog tugas untuk diskusi tentang dengan wacana berbentuk
sederhana berbentuk kesulitan yang dihadapi. recount di luar tugas tatap
2. Membahas unsur dan
recount. muka dan terstruktur yang
2. Membahas unsur dan langkah retorika dalam
diberikan guru.
langkah retorika dalam teks recount. 2. Siswa mengumpulkan
pertanyaan teks setiap hasil kerja dalam
monolog sederhana portofolio, dan
berbentuk recount. melaporkan hal-hal yang
3. Membahas kesulitan
sudah diperoleh serta
yang dihadapi siswa
kesulitan yang dihadapi
dalam melakukan
secara rutin kepada guru.
kegiatan terstruktur dan


1. Pre-activity (10)
Teacher greets the class
Teacher leads the students to sing Indonesia national anthem
Teacher checks the students attendance
Teacher tells the learning objective to the student
2. Main activity (70)
a. Exploration
T shows a video which is relating with the topic
T asks Ss opinion about the video
T divides Students into a group (1 group consist of 4 Students)
Teacher let the students to read the story of recount text on their
text book. Page: 9
Teacher explains about recount text (definition, social function,
Teacher gives the students the examples of recount texts
Students discuss together in pair about the language features in
the recount text and the exercises that given by the teacher
Teacher and Students discuss together the result of group
b. Elaboration
T facilitates Ss the tasks in their text book (LKS) to make them
more understand about the topic (material) individually.
c. Confirmation
T gives Ss feedback to get reinforcement orally.
T motivates Ss to encourage them to be active in the class.

3. Post Activity (10)

T asks the Ss difficulty in studying recount text
Ss are asked to review the lesson they have learnt
T informs Ss about the material next meeting


Bentuk Contoh
No. Pencapaian Teknik Penilaian
Instrumen Instrumen/Soal
1. Membaca nyaring Tes Tulis Grup Read the following
teks recount text and identify the
parts of the text .
2. Mengidentifikasi
makna teks Tes Tulis Tugas Individu Answer the following
berbentuk recount. question.

XI. Instrument

A Trip to Bogor Botanic Garden

On Thursday 24 April I and my friend went to the Botanic Gardens. We boarded
the bus. After we arrived at the gardens we walked down to the Education Centre.
First we went to the First Farm and Mrs. James read us some of the information.
Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in
the Botanic Gardens and had morning tea.
Next we did sketching and then we went to have lunch. A lady took us in to a
special room and introduced herself, and then she explained what we were going to
do. Next she took us in to a pyramid terrarium and another one. It was most
After we had finished we went back outside. Then we went to go home.

A. Choose the correct answer for the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform about the experience of trip to the Botanic garden
b. To describe about the Botanic garden
c. To explain how to trip to the Botanic garden
d. To persuade the reader to visit the Botanic garden
e. To present the beauty of the Botanical garden
2. On Thursday 24 April we went to This paragraph is called?
a. Event d. Conclusion
b. Orientation e. Argument
c. Reorientation
3. Which one the paragraph that you can find the events?
a. Paragraph 1, 2
b. Paragraph 2, 3
c. Paragraph 3, 4
d. Paragraph 1, 2, 3
e. Paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4
4. What sentence is the reorientation of the text?
a. On Thursday 24 April
b. After we arrived at the garden we walked
c. Next we did sketching and
d. A lady took us into a special
e. After we had finished we went back outside
5. After, First, then, Next are called?
a. Preposition
b. Imperatives
c. Time connectives/conjunction
d. Subjunctives
e. Pronoun

B. Decide whether the following statements true (T) or false (F)

1. ( T / F ) There are three classes (grades) joining a trip to the Botanical
2. (T/F) They went and returned to school together.
3. (T/F) They have lunch at the Education Centre
4. (T/F) All grades visited the same places in the garden.
5. (T/F) First Farm is the most interesting place.

XII. Pedoman Penilaian

No. Indikator Teknik Bentuk Instrumen/Soal
1. Memilih jawaban Tes Tertulis Multiple Choice Choose the correct
yang paling tepat. answer for the
following questions.
2. Memilih jawaban Tes Tertulis
apakah itu True True or False
Decide whether the
(benar) atau False following statements
(salah). true (T) or false (F).

No. ASPEK NILAI Skor = 10

1. Jawaban Benar 1
2. Jawaban Salah 0 Nilai akhir = Skor perolehan x 10

Cirebon, Agustus 2015


Guru Pamong Praktikan

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