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Nama: Desi Lammarito sinaga

Kelas: XII IPS 3


When will I see you again?

You left with no goodbay, not a singel word was said,

No final kiss to seal any seams,

I had no idea of the state we ware in,

I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness,

And I wandering aye, and a heaviness in my head

Reff: But dont you remember?

Dont you remember?

The reason you loved me before,

Baby, please you remember me once more,

When was the last time you thoughtof me?

Or have you complately erased me from your memory?

I often think about where i went wrong,

The more I do, the less I know

But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness,

And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head

Reff: But dont you remember?

Dont you remember?

The reason you loved me before

Baby, please you remember me once more,

Gave you the space so you could breathe,

I kept my distance so you would be free,

And hope that you find the missing piece,

To bringyou back to me,

Reff: Whay dont you remember?

Dont you remember?

The reason you loved me before,

Baby, please remember me once more

When will I see you again?

This the song tells the story of a wowen who was brokenheart becouse abandoned by her
lover. Abandoned by her lover by without any news or clear certainty about the
relationship between them. Adele song pack is so neat that makes anyone who hears will
come to feel what she felt in the song.

In this song Adele said:

I knwo I have a fickle heart and bitterness, and a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my

With all the problems that create a chaotic relationship with his boyfriend , Adele felt
because attitude that caused it all to happen. She blames himself. All seemed
uncomfortable about him, what should she do? Why it all happened? Not remember her
lover? Not remember what she lover first reason he lover her?

Gave you the space so you could breathe, kept my distance so you would be free, and
hope that you find the missing piece, to bring you back to me.

In sadness she was feeling, Adele still expect halves back in the arms of she was willing
when to walk away, to escape. Adele believe and think that the lover just need some time
alone without the presence or Adele side. But after that, she hoped that when everything
had been normal, the lover will come back and love her as usual.

So essentially, if were in a relationship with a boyfriend on our own. Cerlainly so many

problems or conflicts that often arise right? Of conflick that we should learn to be a good

If there is a problem between you and your spouse, its ok! Do not be too taken dizzy. If
you want to problem quikly resolved and the relationship is lasting so do not be too proud
to admit each others mistakes, and do not hesitate to apologize first.

Thats the poin guys.

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